NationStates Jolt Archive

The Free Lamd of The Mormon church

The Mormon Church
05-04-2005, 14:40
I am now expanding my naval fleet because of some activitys going down in the world today i am adding 4 battleship groups and 2 more carrier groups here is what in the groups:

Carrier groups
2 distroyers
2 subs
2 frigets
2 crusers
1 air craft carrier

battle ship groups
the same as above except no aircraft carrier we have a battle ship instead

How our groups sail most of the time

Distroyer Cruser
Friget Carrier Friget
Cruser Distroyer
and the subs are under the water doing tracking and distroyin further ahead ships if order to do so.

I am Also Expanding my Marine Corps To 10 100 men Paltoons
1st-5th Paltoon is infatry
6th-8th Platoon is Rifle Men (mostly with the best aim in the Corps) :sniper:
9th Platoon is Other Jobs (Desk Jobs)
10th Platoon is Speacial Forces. :mp5:

Instead of having the airforce as part of the navy it will be to big to be under the navy as of 16 April 2005because of the aircraft coming to me so i have built 2 Air Strips in My country one on the North East Coast and one on the South West Coast. These are a NO FLY OVER ZONE IF YOU ATTEMPT TO DO SO YOU WILL BE SHOT DOWN EMEDITALY AFTER ONE I REPEAT ONE WARNING.

My Army is also getting new things. It is going from 1.5% of the population to 75% of the nations youth (18-22) in the reserves and 25% of the youth on active duty. and also we have 3% of the adult population In the army as well.

Also My country has put into effect sevral JROTC programs in high schools and military collages to the youth not on active duty will go to collage and the young people of my nation will get the JROTC program (if they opt to) but it is now Maditiory to serve in the military for 4 years right after high school now.

This is just to inform you of what is going on in my country a copy of this is going to everyone in my region.
-The Commander in Chief of the armed forces of The Mormon Church

P.S. Just for information on board a Air Craft Carriar for my nation is :
20 F/A F-14 Ultra Tomcats
2 Black Hawk helicopters
2 mini-ReFulers
6 B-22 Light Bombers
3 Commuication Planes

And that is the standard Carrier For This Nation as of 5/April/2005 i will keep you posted on new jets/planes on the arrival of the deck of the air craft