Tetchuan Opens It's Borders for Embassy's
03-04-2005, 21:49
Reported by TNN (Tetchuan News Network)
Earlier today Tetchuan government officials along with leader Kremlin Castro announced that it will be opening it's borders to new fellow members of the Crocodile Alliance members, other allies, and anyone who has donated to rebuidling Tetchuan's cost.
-2 sections of 3 Square mile open room(Easter Tetchuan) (0 Remain)
-4 sections of 2 square mile room (Northern Tetchuan) (3 Remain)
- 3 Sections of 2 square mile room in Southern Tetchuan
-1 Section of 4 square mile room in the capital (Central Tetchuan)(0 Remain)
Space is limited to 1 section per nation. Additional sections for a nation will cost $250 Million a year, per additional section.
03-04-2005, 22:04
03-04-2005, 22:28
03-04-2005, 22:32
From the office of the Secretary of State
We, the Constitutional Monarchy of Geisenfried, would like to establish diplomatic ties with the nation of Tetchuan, and so, we wish for an embassy.
If one were to be created, we request it be made in Eastern Tetchuan, and that we may have 40 armed guards and a helipad.
We await your reply.
Patrick Souyin
Secretary of State for the Constitutional Monarchy of Geisenfried
03-04-2005, 22:36
From the State Offices of Tetchuan
We formally agree to the request. However, you may have more than what you just requested for. It is a 3 square mile area, which can support much more than a single helipad and 40 armed guards.
Kremlin Castro
Tetchuan Leader/Head of State
Neo Earth
03-04-2005, 22:52
Since you are building an embassy in Coranno (our capital), we wish to build on in your nation. All we request is 50 armed guards, the staff, 3 armoured vehicles, and a helipad.
03-04-2005, 22:54
From the office of the Secretary of State
Very well... please recognize that in light of this, we have decided to create a small-scale military base in Tetchuan territories, if you permit so.
Proposed base armaments:
8x AH-64 Apaches
10x M1A2 Abrams
175 men
The military part of the area will be fenced off from Tetchuan civilians, and will only be deployed if the embassy and/or the area were to come under attack.
And of course, we'll still have an embassy within the area.
Patrick Souyin
Secretary of State for the Constitutional Monarchy of Geisenfried
03-04-2005, 22:55
Since you are building an embassy in Coranno (our capital), we wish to build on in your nation. All we request is 50 armed guards, the staff, 3 armoured vehicles, and a helipad.
You have been given the embassy in our capital, feel free to build as you please.
03-04-2005, 22:56
From the office of the Secretary of State
Very well... please recognize that in light of this, we have decided to create a small-scale military base in Tetchuan territories, if you permit so.
Proposed base armaments:
8x AH-64 Apaches
10x M1A2 Abrams
175 men
The military part of the area will be fenced off from Tetchuan civilians, and will only be deployed if the embassy and/or the area were to come under attack.
And of course, we'll still have an embassy within the area.
Patrick Souyin
Secretary of State for the Constitutional Monarchy of Geisenfried
"Proposal accepted. You may begin building whenever you are ready to do so. All that we ask is that Tetchuan officials and military officers will have access to the military base."
Ministry of Foreign Affairs Official Request:
We, the Kingdom of Malkyer, noting the presence of Tetchuan's embassy in our country, and wishing to further diplomatic relations with that state, hereby request an embassy in northern Tetchuan. Room for 50 armed guards and a helipad is requested humbly.
Davis Hanson
Foreign Minister
03-04-2005, 23:00
From the office of the Secretary of State
Completely understood. We will make sure that Tetchuan officials and military officers will be allowed on base.
Construction will begin as soon as possible.
Patrick Souyin
Secretary of State for the Constitutional Monarchy of Geisenfried
03-04-2005, 23:07
Ministry of Foreign Affairs Official Request:
We, the Kingdom of Malkyer, noting the presence of Tetchuan's embassy in our country, and wishing to further diplomatic relations with that state, hereby request an embassy in northern Tetchuan. Room for 50 armed guards and a helipad is requested humbly.
Davis Hanson
Foreign Minister
Message from Kremlin Castro
You have been given a section in Northern Tetchuan to build. Once again, Tetchuan officers must have access to the site.
Once again, Tetchuan officers must have access to the site.
Of course, this is no issue.
04-04-2005, 20:14
Bump...again, lol sorry. I just want to make sure that anyone who wants one can get one since this was on page 9 :eek:
The Empire of Xeraph would be honored to exchange embassies with you. Our ambassador, Admiral Lord Hastings, will arrive with a staff of 100, including security, in approx 2 days. A compound is awaiting you in our capitol of Xeraphia.
Vlad, Prince of the Empire, Regent of The Grey Phoenix, in the Name of the Emperor
The Chemical Lords of Jenrak would be honored as well to host and build an embassy within each of our capitals. However, you might want to supply your own air in order to breathe properly in Haasdra.
04-04-2005, 21:42
Message from Tetchuan National Embassy Regulation
Greetings Xeraph. We welcome you with open arms. You will be recieving the final spot in Eastern Tetchuan. It is a 3 square mile base and you are welcome to not only have an Embassy, but also have a military base with it. Full security will be provided, with Tetchuan forces having full access to the facility. All citizens will be restricted from the area. You are free to begin building when you please.
Message from Tetchuan National Embassy Regulation
Greetings Xeraph. We welcome you with open arms. You will be recieving the final spot in Eastern Tetchuan. It is a 3 square mile base and you are welcome to not only have an Embassy, but also have a military base with it. Full security will be provided, with Tetchuan forces having full access to the facility. All citizens will be restricted from the area. You are free to begin building when you please.
Thank You. Our Corps of Engineers will arrive shortly to beging construction of our compound.