Justinian pleas for end to embargo, Amends Constitution to Prevent Purges
In a move to appease the international community, Emperor Justinian’s constitutional amendments to prevent further massacres have passed referendum.
The amendments in summary are:
i) No two persons shall be executed at the same time and place
ii) No person shall be subject to cruel and unusual punishment, with the exception of long term detainment (OOC: Farminans consider long term imprisonment cruel. We tend to execute people, that way God decides)
iii) The government will only execute human beings by means of firing squad or hanging
iv) No judicial decision shall leave room for executive decision
v) No council shall be used for judicial rulings, with the exception of the Council of Law
vi) Capital punishment shall only be considered in cases of rape, murder and treason
Also the clause relating to the ban of flared jeans has also been removed from the constitution.
In light of his amendments being passed Emperor Justinian made this surprisingly emotional plea to the international community:
“I beg for the international community’s forgiveness for the actions that occurred on the Field of Blood and call for the lifting on international embargoes. Would you punish an entire country for the actions of a child king? My nation was in disarray and I panicked in looking for a way to unify it. It is now apparent that the show of force was ineffective. Please understand the importance of the ends. I feared a civil war where tens of millions would die. The ends, did not justify the means, I acted as frightened children do, I panicked. I continually speak that some people need to be protected from themselves. Now I have learnt that I am one of them. These constitutional amendments shall protect from such events in the future and shall protect me from myself. I beg your forgiveness, I beg God’s forgiveness, and I beg that you do not harm my innocent people through the trade embargoes.”
In other news, as Dumpsterdam locks down in Farmina, Dumpsterdaminan Imperial troops have been ordered to execute any dissidents who take to the street. Farminan authorities have no known right of appeal, and a Dumpsterdamian threat to execute the all elected councilors is believed to still stand.
To Emperor Justinian:
What a cruel mistress the Lady of Fate is. Not that trade between our two nations was anything to make a fuss about, pending the removal of hazards to such trade, Krioval will officially lift any trade restrictions. We suggest Krioval as a venue for further discussions on this issue, and perhaps as a place for heads of state to gather to find a solution to this diplomatic and military crisis. As Mr. Rickhart was summarily found not guilty of conspiracy in Krioval and released to ViZion, I would hope that there is sufficient trust that Krioval is not out for blood at this point, and would rather deal in manufactures other than arms.
So long as your amendments pass and are maintained, Krioval might even consider diplomatic relations with your nation, shocking as that would otherwise be. And I concede your earlier point. I am a politician, but I am also a soldier and a scientist, and in all three roles, I have kept foreign troops out of my land for all the time I have been able to lift a weapon. Think on my offer, and if you wish otherwise, I can certainly understand. We are not exactly the best of friends.
Lord Raijin Dekker Darklighter, the Light
Commander of Krioval
High Paladin of Solokaro
"Ooooh, opportunity."
"Indeed. Send a message to Farmina, offering to open regular trade. Particularly oil."
"Yes, sir."
The amendments have already been passed. Emperor Justinian and Chancellor Goth are already talking about new relations with Krioval. Mondoth submarines will be dealt with shortly.
Andre Cirtus
Chancellor for Trade
OOC: Hope to reopen relations Krioval, I enjoy your RPing despite your choice of tech level. Mondoth's submarines may be dealt with by ignore due to a claim he could fire 8000 missiles in a second.
Farmina looks for to trading with Vastiva. We hope they offer completely free trade, with no tariffs or protection. Our ally Dumpsterdam is currently selling us subsidised oil at $19US a barrel, although for most energy purposes we use Farminan natural gas.
Andre Cirtus
Chancellor for Trade
03-04-2005, 10:07
"The Government of the Durthangist Reich of Vermin asks all parties involved to accept Farmina's offer for peace."
OOC: Really, you're going to ignore Mondoth? It would end all my problems, dunno if i should say Yay or Hey!
OOC: I hope I can avoid ignoring him, but hoping isn't an entirety.
03-04-2005, 12:45
RavenStad Senate has declared all Statements made by the the presidant Jack Black to be null and void, along with this the Senate wish to offer a full apology. Along with this the Corporate syndicate wish to offer all trade at a 10% cut price for short term of 6 months, we hope this encourage a growth of trade between us.
Senator Evana Mila
03-04-2005, 14:24
We will continue to keep tabs on the country; and will observe very closely the implementation of the amendments as promiced. The embargo has been lifted about 10 days ago, mainly because everyone dodged it.
-Gustav Alrekson
Foreign minister of Alexonium
03-04-2005, 14:46
We had never signed any embargo as such moves would violate our Declaration of Neutrality; trade was not, and should not be affected.
This move on the part of the ruler of Farmina is most welcome, guarenteeing the citizens of that nation a measure of basic rights and, we believe, protecting against any repeat of the unpleasentness of the previous purge. We would prefer to see one additional clause added, guarenteeing citizens accused of any capital crime the right to a trial by jury before an impartial judge, but the current new measures are reasonably satisfactory.
However, time will show if these are nothing more than empty words. We hope that they are not, but are concerned that they may be so.
- Ministry of External Affairs
Random Kingdom
03-04-2005, 19:32
We will not lift our embargo or our state of war.
The Merchant Guilds
03-04-2005, 20:07
OOC: RK, you're giving me precious little room to play with IC. If you want a small scale war then feel free to TG me, and we can sort out things from there, but it's looking like I might have to move assets in your direction if this carries on.
We are disappointed that our ally, Farmina would backdown on this point. This will not affect our relations with that nation, however we accord Farmina and it's Emperor less respect than we have in the past over their actions in bowing to the pathetic coalition against them, when they had great and powerful allies coming to their aid.
As for Random Kingdom, we suggust you retract that statement and accept this more than generous offer by the Farminan Government otherwise we may have to run escalated military action against you in order to force your acceptance of this.
You have been warned,
-Random Guilder Bureaucrat
Message from Jamum command
The Empire of Jamum tired of restrictions on trade has decided to lift our Embargo
Dictator of Jamum (who will not be named)
03-04-2005, 20:57
We will stand by our point, the RK goverment will back down with these new developments or face total and complete destruction.
Erik Solar,
Imperial Council,
Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
OOC: I lost track of the thread where the war was at, so....
IC: We, the Grand Duchy of Pulskay, here by end hostilities with Farmina and lift the embargo on Farmina and it's allies. We also recommend to our allies that they to lift their embargos.
OOC: I'd also would like to just mention our price of 20 USDs for a 15 gallon drum of oil. 5 USDs dicount for Crocodile members.
Neo Earth
03-04-2005, 22:26
While we havn't placed an embargo yet, I'm not hesitating to place one now.
Upon further thought, the Republic has decided to see how Farmina acts now. We will not attack you, as long as you remain in your nation. If you attempt to fight any other nation, be they capitalist or the dogs of socialists, christians or the foolish athiests, we will be there to knock you back. Just watch what you do.
We thank all nations that have lifted the embargo on us.
To any nation that thinks this is a sign Justinian is ending his crusade against communism, they are upmostly mistaken.
Upon defeating Random Kingdom and Mondath, Justinian will launch a new battle against the threat, but this will be in the hearts and minds, not the law books and the battlefields.
We shall never accept communism as acceptable in any shape or form.
Thomas Goth
Chancellor for Foriegn Affairs
We thank all nations that have lifted the embargo on us.
To any nation that thinks this is a sign Justinian is ending his crusade against communism, they are upmostly mistaken.
Upon defeating Random Kingdom and Mondath, Justinian will launch a new battle against the threat, but this will be in the hearts and minds, not the law books and the battlefields.
We shall never accept communism as acceptable in any shape or form.
Thomas Goth
Chancellor for Foriegn Affairs
Message by the Empire of Jamum
Upon hearing of your plans we have decided to reactivate our trade embargo
Fascist Confederacy
04-04-2005, 19:19
How about this... Until you allow free elections - including Communist, Socialist, Democratic, and other left-wing parties - then the Freedom Coalition (The group of nations bombarding you) will continue to attack Farminia. And when the day comes that coalition troops sieze your capital and bring out Emperor Justinian, then the embargos will be lifted. Not to mention, then Emperor Justinian will be held on trial for: conspiring to committ crimes against humanity, aiding in crimes against humanity, abstructing justice, embedding terrorists, and allowing crimes against humanity to occur with previous knowledge of the fact. He will then be tried by a Worker Council/Court and will be charged and punished accordingly. Good luck in trying to stop the coalition and the spread of freedom and the revolution - it's impossible to do. For, you capitalists don't realise, that the proletariat is like a wild animal... It can only be chained for so long before breaking free to live as it should... - Robert Pacitania, General Secretary Of The Communist Party Of The Soviet Union And The Central Soviet
The Merchant Guilds
04-04-2005, 20:49
Message by the Empire of Jamum
Upon hearing of your plans we have decided to reactivate our trade embargo
We suggust you don't take this course of action, otherwise we may have to neutralise your military capabilities.
-Random Guilder Bureaucrat
We suggust you don't take this course of action, otherwise we may have to neutralise your military capabilities.
-Random Guilder Bureaucrat
Massage to world from Jamum command
upon hearing this message we have decided to keep the embargo permanent until The nation of Merchant Guilds retracts this statement
The Merchant Guilds
04-04-2005, 21:43
In that case, sir. You have 24 hours to retract your embargo, or the Imperial Guilder Military will retract it for you.
If you do not, we suggust you and your military convert or burn in the eternal fires of hell by the flaming righteous sword of the Emperor and God.
-Random Guilder Bureaucrat
OOC: I won't be posting again really til Thurs.
04-04-2005, 21:44
Official Imperial Response
Upon hearing these threats posed towards our Guilder allies from the insolent nation of Jamum, we have decided that we shall support the Guilds should they wish to squash them.
OOC: I won't be posting again really til Thurs.
ooc: that gives me a running start :D
The Merchant Guilds
04-04-2005, 22:00
ooc: that gives me a running start :D
OOC: Gives you time to put your affairs in order :)
But yeah, make sure you read the stickies, try not to Godmod etc..
OOC: Gives you time to put your affairs in order :)
But yeah, make sure you read the stickies, try not to Godmod etc..
ooc: don't worry I will most likely be already in the RK war and hopefully winning
04-04-2005, 22:07
Message from Kremlin Castro
"Upon hearing of this situation, even at the delicate situation my nation is currently at, I must ask if there is anything, anything at all I can do in assisting Jamum?"
Message from Kremlin Castro
"Upon hearing of this situation, even at the delicate situation my nation is currently at, I must ask if there is anything, anything at all I can do in assisting Jamum?"
Message from Jamum command
we currently require no assistance but your previous ally can earn his freedom by helping
Neo Earth
05-04-2005, 00:45
Jamum, we stadn beside you. We will not let these facist bastards disgrace Christ adn our Lord by thinking they are on a Holy Crusade. We will show them that facism is worse then communism, and that God loves all people, no matter your political affiliation. How many men should we send?
To: The Merchant's Guild
From: Neo Earth
If you lie even a finger on Jamum, we will insure that your facist goverment burns in our great liberation of your oppressed people.
05-04-2005, 00:48
Message from Kremlin Castro
We pledge our support to Neo Earth and Jamum. Regardless of previous differences, both are considered strong allies and regardless of our current military position, we will do whatever is necessary ot ensure our allies are safe.
To the Soviet Union and the Central Soviet
We do allow free and fair elections which all parties including socialists and communists are allowed to run in.
Thomas Goth
Chancellor for Foriegn Affairs
To Jamum
Your embargoing us for speaking our opinions, that must be a first.
Thomas Goth
Chancellor for Foriegn Affairs
05-04-2005, 09:23
Massage to world from Jamum command
upon hearing this message we have decided to keep the embargo permanent until The nation of Merchant Guilds retracts this statement
"Dear Jamum commanders, I would like to advise not to move against The Merchant Guilds, for your own safety. For if it should come to a war, we will be on the other side."
"It would be a shame to see such a young, ambitious nation dissapear off the map before it could impress the world with its talent. Consider this a friendly word of advice, try not to put it aside you"
<[Alexei Romanov]>
Prime Minister
Durthangist Reich of Vermin
"Dear Jamum commanders, I would like to advise not to move against The Merchant Guilds, for your own safety. For if it should come to a war, we will be on the other side."
"It would be a shame to see such a young, ambitious nation dissapear off the map before it could impress the world with its talent. Consider this a friendly word of advice, try not to put it aside you"
<[Alexei Romanov]>
Prime Minister
Durthangist Reich of Vermin
Message from Jamum command
We would offer peace but we cannot submit to threats as it goes against everything that has kept us alive also we would like to point out that we only re-instated the embargo due to the threat of Farmina to our allies in RK and thus any attack on us is unjustified
Official Imperial Response
Upon hearing these threats posed towards our Guilder allies from the insolent nation of Jamum, we have decided that we shall support the Guilds should they wish to squash them.
We would like to note that Iuthia never removed it's trade embargo against Farmina, The Merchant Guilds or even Dumpsterdam. This is our right as a soveriegn nation to choose whom we trade with according to the values the Iuthian government stands by, we have not forced our views on these nations nor have we conducted military action against any of the Nationstates. This embargo has been on these nations long before Hogsweat called for support, we personally refuse to trade with Hogsweat too, as is our way.
So imagine our alarm that these nations are threatening Jamum with military action for essentially choosing not to trade with you. They too have not conducted any military actions against these nations and yet they are being threatened for it... how is this different from Iuthia's stance? Or Neo Earth's stance? The fact that these nations bully Janum further justifies our nations embargo against you all, the fact that you can not accept their choice to trade only with nations which follow their moral standards.
Then agian, we should not be surprised. Hypocracy is common in this day and age.
Foriegn Minister Mick Lakely, Iuthian Diplomatic Corps
05-04-2005, 20:21
We would like to note that Iuthia never removed it's trade embargo against Farmina, The Merchant Guilds or even Dumpsterdam. This is our right as a soveriegn nation to choose whom we trade with according to the values the Iuthian government stands by, we have not forced our views on these nations nor have we conducted military action against any of the Nationstates. This embargo has been on these nations long before Hogsweat called for support, we personally refuse to trade with Hogsweat too, as is our way.
So imagine our alarm that these nations are threatening Jamum with military action for essentially choosing not to trade with you. They too have not conducted any military actions against these nations and yet they are being threatened for it... how is this different from Iuthia's stance? Or Neo Earth's stance? The fact that these nations bully Janum further justifies our nations embargo against you all, the fact that you can not accept their choice to trade only with nations which follow their moral standards.
Then agian, we should not be surprised. Hypocracy is common in this day and age.
Foriegn Minister Mick Lakely, Iuthian Diplomatic Corps
OoC: And I have been embargoed by you for...what exactly?
OOC: If I remember correctly, it was something to do with the whole RWC mess a while back, in anycase you're nations actions generally tend to put Iuthia off trading or dealing with you in most ways. Generally I tend to 'blacklist' people and then thats it, unless I've got some good reason to change it then they stay like that... Technically Iuthia has a very large blacklist.
Of course, you could react badly to it if you like, but when we concider what an embargo actually is: "A government order prohibiting the movement of merchant ships into or out of its ports." or " A prohibition by a government on certain or all trade with a foreign nation." it's just a matter of Iuthia saying it doesn't want to trade with nations like you. As you can see above, we are questioning your nations motives for supporting threats of military action. It was a IC comment and if you want to react to it, do it IC please.
05-04-2005, 20:56
OoC: Noting that I have defended my ally, as I do for any ally and have boycotted and condemmed Farmina's offensive actions because we do not need anymore instability in this conflict.
Realy, I thought that my way of goverment would appeal to you, but meh, surprises are part of life...
OoC: Noting that I have defended my ally, as I do for any ally and have boycotted and condemmed Farmina's offensive actions because we do not need anymore instability in this conflict.
OOC: Please, don't argue you're point OOCly... I've made my nations statement in a very IC manner and if you wish to question our judgement do it in character.
Again, I will explain exactly what we condemned:
Firstly, Jamum stated they were reinstating their embargo against you're allies. This is not an agressive action. Then your allies threatened Jamum in no uncertain terms that if they did not revoke their embargo there would be military action. Then your nation (in the quote we used for our IC post) supported this which you seem to be arguing in a OOC manners as "defending your ally" which to me is clearly not the case... you're backing their military threats against another nation. Threats my government has deemed unwarrented and as such we have called you and your allies up on it by pointing out we also have you're nations under 'embargo'.
Whether or not you supported Farmina's orginal actions aren't in question here, Iuthia doesn't give a damn about how many of their own people Farmina kills... we won't trade with them nor will we want to trade with the people who support them. Our complaint is that you are now supporting the threat of military action against a nation which has done nothing but condemn Farmina and place them under trade embargo... an action which many nations have done yet you're allies single them out, probably because they are week.
Now I'll tell you in this annoyingly OOC manner how to stop this from getting any more unstable, which seems to be an IC problem you are complaining to me about in OOC. A very simple answer to this potential problem would be to get your act in gear and tell you're allies that they don't need to make this any more complicated by threatening nations which haven't done anything.
I'm not complicating matters here, I'm just presenting a realistic IC responce to a very unstable action which we feel threatens world stability. I.E threatening nations which haven't made any aggressive moves towards you or threatened you directly. The reason you're "government" isn't appealing to me is because you are making things harder for yourselves by supporting actions which are quite frankly dumb, a smarter nation would allow the nation to hang itself instead of threatening it over nothing.
Note I'll delete my OOC posts if you'll delete yours after this, I don't want a OOC bitchfest here, but if you keep replying OOC when all I want is for you to deal with it properly then I will have no choice other then to continue correcting things OOC. It's a IC matter so keep it that way.
Neo Earth
06-04-2005, 00:40
The Neonic goverment is pleased to see that the intelligent people of Iuthia has taken the right stance against these fascists.
We would, however, like to know if we are still on your "blacklist" for our actions decades ago.
((OOC: I can't even remember what I did...something to do with ICBMs, I believe))
I don't suppose the people of Neo Earth understand the Iuthian people very well, which is why I feel I must inform you that we have been described as a 'facist' nation by certain corrupt democracies within the United Nations in the past.
While we don't concider ourselves to be a facist government we feel that the political systems of other nations are of little consequence to the Iuthian people. We ourselves concider Iuthia to be a benevolent dictatorship where civil rights are supported and a system of respect is more to our styling. However, it doesn't change the fact that there is no democracy here and that a Dictator rules the nation.
It is partly because of this that we do not see foreign governmental systems to be our concern, though their actions in the international environment are. In this case we concider these threats against Jamum to be a poor choice because of the number of nations, such as Iuthia and yourselves, are also choosing to ban trade from these nations without being harried by such threats... perhaps it's out of imperialistic desire they wish to do this or simply out of a need to show their phallic might.
In your case specifically we placed you on the 'blacklist' as a responce to a highly unstable kneejerk reaction which ulimately resulted in Neo Earth having no less then five hundred nuclear weapons drop down from the sky at a very high cost to innocent lives... all because of the use of non-nuclear ICBMs.
Never the less, it was a long time ago and we imagine you have learnt from this experience. I imagine we dropped the black listing a little while back though we are still cautious with our trade pending further reviews of your nations stability.
We're glad, however, that you have stood up for Jamum... in the past we may have done the same in a more militant manner, however things have changed. Goodluck, we support you diplomatically in the least.
Foriegn Minister Mick Lakely, Iuthian Diplomatic Corps
The Deltan Empire
06-04-2005, 02:43
The Deltan Empire would like to see peace between Farmina and RK. To support this, we are withdrawing the naval force that we sent to support RK in a war with Farmina.
(ooc: i suggest that anyone whose posted here about a 'holy' war should start a new thread.)
And stop fighting on my thread.
The Merchant Guilds
06-04-2005, 14:16
OOC: Typical Iuthia... :) Btw, I am assuming your population isn't holistically Catholic if religious at all... so sorry if thats a mistake.
Effectively I am bullying Jamum because I can (with IC reasoning)... rather like what RL nations do.
We care not for Iuthian actions, you are a nation of heretics and unbelievers, we suggust you convert yourself and your population with all speed.
As for your trade embargo, we care not for it... there are thousands of nations, whom trade with us... we could not careless about your ideals or your nation.
Jamum and their allies must be purged for their actions, we politely suggust you do not get in our or our allies way.
For God and Saint Peter,
-Random slightly peeved Guild Bureaucrat
The Merchant Guilds
06-04-2005, 14:31
To: The Merchant's Guild
From: Neo Earth
If you lie even a finger on Jamum, we will insure that your facist goverment burns in our great liberation of your oppressed people.
First of all, we suggust you learn to spell... we have sent an Imperial Approved and Improved English Dictionary to help you with hard words such as a Fascist and lay.
Our people are free within God's Church to do what they will, your impotent nation are not capable of stopping us let alone invading our vast Holy Empire.
We remind you that siding with Jamum will mean you will become a province of the Empire or part of the Empire's of our great allies, Imported_Vermin or Doomingsland.
We do not take kindly to nations of any size, whom get in our way.
For God and Saint Peter,
-Random even more peeved Guild Bureaucrat
Basque Spain
06-04-2005, 14:33
Jamum and their allies must be purged for their actions, we politely suggust you do not get in our or our allies way.
-Random slightly peeved Guild Bureaucrat
The fact that you care for Jamum's trade embargo and not the Benevolent Dictatorship of Iuthia's trade embargo further proves you are a nation of cowards. We're surprised that the Union of World Powers continues to support you're nation as their reputation is tarnished by your membership.
In anycase, regardless of you're nations lack concern regarding Iuthia's actions, it doesn't change our view. For a nation which supposedly wishes to rid the world of such heretics and unbelievers it is clear to us that these are just excuses for imperialism against weaker nations... we shall remember the Government of The Merchant Guilds as the pathetic bullies that they are from this day forth.
Foriegn Minister Mick Lakely, Iuthian Diplomatic Corps
OOC: I'm not saying that real life nations don't bully others, though they know how to do it in more subtle and interesting ways. Eitherway, I'm just RPing my nation as they would react.
The Merchant Guilds
06-04-2005, 15:02
OOC: I wouldn't mind doing it subtler but thats not really in the nations diplomatic character (unless it meets something it can't really handle) and most NS players don't really like those ideas in plots.
To be honest it's an IC excuse to expand the Empire... but oh well :p (much as many nations in the past have done)
You will burn in hell, Heretics and Heathens of Iuthia.
-Random Guilder ArchBishop
OOC: I wouldn't mind doing it subtler but thats not really in the nations diplomatic character (unless it meets something it can't really handle) and most NS players don't really like those ideas in plots.
To be honest it's an IC excuse to expand the Empire... but oh well :p (much as many nations in the past have done)
You will burn in hell, Heretics and Heathens of Iuthia.
-Random Guilder ArchBishop
Message from Jamum command
you will find giving us warning then waiting years to attack will be your greatest error
Neo Earth
06-04-2005, 23:52
First of all, we suggust you learn to spell... we have sent an Imperial Approved and Improved English Dictionary to help you with hard words such as a Fascist and lay.
Our people are free within God's Church to do what they will, your impotent nation are not capable of stopping us let alone invading our vast Holy Empire.
We remind you that siding with Jamum will mean you will become a province of the Empire or part of the Empire's of our great allies, Imported_Vermin or Doomingsland.
We do not take kindly to nations of any size, whom get in our way.
For God and Saint Peter,
-Random even more peeved Guild Bureaucrat
OOC: thats what I get for typing something at 1:00 in the morning. I misspell 2 words, and an ass pops out to be, well, an ass.
IC: We dare you to even launch a missile at us. You would be a simple opponent, requiring only the most basic resources to defeat. We are over twice your size, and we have more then enough people to wipe you and your heretics off the face of the earth. We have been the soldiers of God since before you were founded, and we are prepared to launch another crusade.
Do not anger us, young one. You are only seen the tip of the iceberg, and you are plowing straight into it.
07-04-2005, 07:05
Message from Jamum command
you will find giving us warning then waiting years to attack will be your greatest error
OoC: Fluid time, this isn't going year by year, but rather as day by day or maybe even week by week.
OoC: Fluid time, this isn't going year by year, but rather as day by day or maybe even week by week.
ooc: damm fluid time got me again!
Message from Jamum command
We will smash anything you can throw at us Merchant Guilds don't make us give you a demonstration
08-04-2005, 18:05
ooc: damm fluid time got me again!
Message from Jamum command
We will smash anything you can throw at us Merchant Guilds don't make us give you a demonstration
Official Imperial Response
We would like to see your demonstration so we can put it on "Doomingsland's Funniest Home Videos," as your pathetic attempts at survival would prove to have a high entertainment value.
ooc: The Merchant Guilds has decided to run?
Neo Earth
09-04-2005, 16:15
OOC: He might just be gone. Give him some time. Some people have lives outside of this game.
The Merchant Guilds
09-04-2005, 16:38
OOC: Sorry, like Doom said we'll do something soon (I have a rather full RL as well as NS so bear with me) and Jamum remember you don't really stand a chance against me and Doomy (I know you were banned for 7 days) and it doesn't matter if you kill Cutter, you'll just suffer more under his vengeful family and Empire).
On having looked at your RPing do you mind brushing it up a lot, especially with the detail, I don't like having the other side just post a few lines each post tis rather pointless for me and others like me to put the effort in then.
Oh btw Neo Earth, twas only IC and nothing personal about the spelling.
Thanks, TMG.
Neo Earth
09-04-2005, 16:53
Oh btw Neo Earth, twas only IC and nothing personal about the spelling.
Thanks, TMG.
OOC: Ok then, its just that since I've returned, I've had people jump on me the stupidest stuff. Just a slight misunderstanding.
09-04-2005, 17:04
While remaining neutral for quite some time, Tetchuan has sided with Jamum and her allies after the reconstruction has been completed in the nation.