NationStates Jolt Archive

Hypotheticalia factbook

02-04-2005, 20:08
Due to recent revelations Hypotheticalia has decided to enter the universal stage we wish to grow public knowledge of our peoples with this fact sheet we ask that you distribute the information among your populace.


The first straw

Though there is not much that we know of our past we do know the nation of Hypotheticalia once existed in a tiny solar system. Are peoples were prosperous merchants with connections across the universe though we could not travel ourselves we were content with our achievements and were said to be the next superpower of the universe then disaster struck our sun went into supernova destroying our system.

the end of the Gods
Luckily a few survived on the distant planet of Freezon struggling to survive on a wondering planet with no sun and a planet slowly breaking up we eventually developed the technology to leave are new planet and begin mining the many derbies left from our supernova slowly we began to recover but yet again disaster stuck a plague spread though our world killing millions the dieses was spread from the green zip our national animal which is sacred but after so much we had lost faith in our old gods and killed all of the green zip’s with no second thought (though there have been green zip sighting by the public over the last few years)


It was about this time that our scientists began there “crusade to end the suffering of our peoples" they created an army of servants born to fight there was a reason for this sudden interest in arms was that they planned to plunge the world into civil war trying to create a technocracy in which there would be the the elite as master's of the planet and everyone else slaves but there mistake was to put there lives in machine hands.

Mankind dies

The war raged for years everyday the technocrats gained more power until the machines decided they didn't need the humans as they were "inefficiant pieces of matter" the last remains of humanity in the cold machine government were massacred and there began the enslavement of our peoples for years we were mindless zombies who were brutally worked to death as they put it "killing in usefulness".

The Gods return

but then a miracle happened an enormous EM blast fried our masters leaving us mindless brutes with no recollection of our past to roam the city's eventually becoming advanced enough to read our library's and learn of there past once again we have rebuilt but now our world is ending its dark life is finishing its slow break up will soon finish

ooc: stay tuned for more
02-04-2005, 20:09
OOC: Some grammar errors, but overall very nice!
02-04-2005, 20:20
The government

The government of Hypotheticalia is still very much automated but it is kept on constant watch.

The leader at the moment is A.A.ADAMS of the New Party

that is pretty much the government at the moment though the leader is democratically elected the machines control domestic issues due to there superior abilities to the human race
02-04-2005, 20:54

The land of travellers

though years of development our race has mastered dimensional travel but under strict rules never go anywhere but an uninhabited empty universe where the laws of physics have changed in this universe speed is unlimited there is no such thing as resistance and time isn't altered by speed but the main thing that makes this universe unique is it is lined up with ours if you are standing on the Earth and you travel to this dimension then move and travel back you would of moved (this can be very dangerous without any land marks so we have began setting up stations to indicate your position should you be lost)

Super Miners

these giant ships resemble octopus with massive tentacles they grapple moons and small planets processing the minerals and sending complete resources in transports back to factories

The Black void (untested)!.jpg

a last resort weapon capable of opening a hole to a universe where (as much as we know) there is nothing this can only be used for short periods though as the hole will grow eventually becoming unseal able sucking all of our universe into it.

The universe communication

using The land of travellers we can send messages trillions of miles per hour

The perfect soldier

these beings were created by the original scientists and have recently been recreated by us they are quite possibly the perfect soldier they combine many animal characteristics such as the loyalty of an ant to its colony (as a result one soldier cannot stand being alone), a set of gills capable of breathing underwater, the ability to grow back limbs and to heal from wounds that would kill any normal man.

Cancer gene

being lost in space means we are exposed to enormous doses of radiation which killed millions before are scientists used shark DNA to find the gene that causes a cancer killing chemical to be produced

Ooc: pictures added later
02-04-2005, 21:21
useful facts

language: 100% Hypotheticalia

food: in pill form, small amount of vegetables and fungus, People

allies: none

land marks: remains of the great computer, planetary canyons leading to core

Daylight hours: 00:00

government priority's: Education, Social Welfare, and Defence

population: 902 million registered citizens

currency: the Pot

national animal: green zip

civil rights: Superb

economy: All-Consuming

political freedoms: Below Average

UN Category: Left-Leaning College State

national motto: "if you can read this your drunk"
02-04-2005, 21:33
ooc; any advice
02-04-2005, 21:34
I can't see the civil rights and economy
02-04-2005, 21:40
ooc: anything need adding
03-04-2005, 02:23
ooc: anything need adding

OOC: Oh, okay. Then perhaps a section on your RPing characters so that people that RP with you will know? I'm about to do that with my Factbook.