02-04-2005, 19:02
RCSA:Remote Controlled Surveillance Aircraft
Uses:gathering of intellegence on enemy ground positions, high precision air-to-ground attack
Features: Two 30 inch, four blade propelers, an alluminum body, 1.2 meters in legth, radar-signature reducing features, redar-signature reducing paint, twin 1200 horse power engines, a radar, a video camera, a long range antena for signal transmission and reciving, an optional 6 barrel Dragunov machine gun, weighing 3 killograms, shooting pistol bullets
Powerhouse: Pushkan Manufactured, Hybrid SHD
Fuel: Diesel
Maximum speed: 210 killometers an hour
Maximum flight height: 81 meters
Weight: 279 killograms
Manufacturer: Aircraft Manufacturing Factory of Antonov (owned by gov't of Pushka)
cost:27000 USD without the Pushkan manufactured surveillance equipment
34000 USD with Pushkan Manufactured surveillance equipment
34500 USD with Pushkan Manufactured surveillance equipment and with
a 6-barrel Dragunov Machine gun
Notes: Can be remotely controlled inside a range of 7000 meters,
Uses:gathering of intellegence on enemy ground positions, high precision air-to-ground attack
Features: Two 30 inch, four blade propelers, an alluminum body, 1.2 meters in legth, radar-signature reducing features, redar-signature reducing paint, twin 1200 horse power engines, a radar, a video camera, a long range antena for signal transmission and reciving, an optional 6 barrel Dragunov machine gun, weighing 3 killograms, shooting pistol bullets
Powerhouse: Pushkan Manufactured, Hybrid SHD
Fuel: Diesel
Maximum speed: 210 killometers an hour
Maximum flight height: 81 meters
Weight: 279 killograms
Manufacturer: Aircraft Manufacturing Factory of Antonov (owned by gov't of Pushka)
cost:27000 USD without the Pushkan manufactured surveillance equipment
34000 USD with Pushkan Manufactured surveillance equipment
34500 USD with Pushkan Manufactured surveillance equipment and with
a 6-barrel Dragunov Machine gun
Notes: Can be remotely controlled inside a range of 7000 meters,