NationStates Jolt Archive

Cool Air declares a state of war with Aust

Cool Air
31-03-2005, 18:31
After much deliberation, Prime Minister for life, Jane Tompson has decide to declare war upon the Honourable people of Aust for there openly aggressive monovers and there support of not only the RWC but also of Dumpsterdam.

It has come to our atttention that an attack upon a inncoent nation, possably Austomagfreek or Chellis is impending, and thus we feel bound to portect them by launching a pre-emptive strike upon Aust.

Though we have conscolences for the recent death of there Emporer we feel we have no other choice. Goodbye.

Prime Minister Jane Tompson.
The first of Cool Airs infantry corps began to move out towards Aust, protected by the entire navy 5 million Cool Air troops filed onto ships and set sail.

At bomber command 1000 Bombers and an equal ammount of fighters took of to bomb the Bambinio Strip, also every missile Cool Air has has been fired at Aust City and Austian targets in Dumpsterdam.

OOC:So thats 5 million men, 76,000 missiles and 1000 bombers and 1000 fighters.
The Merchant Guilds
31-03-2005, 18:45
OOC: Hehe Haha Hehe...

Oh and tag...

Oh and are you nuts, Aust isn't even RWC... :P
31-03-2005, 18:50
Tiny Prussia
31-03-2005, 21:09
taggin this
31-03-2005, 21:13

Prime Minister Jane Tompson.

Goodbye is right. lol.

Hey Aust - if you can't handle this, let me know - I've got two hunters in a 14 foot fiberglass boat that are free to defend against this aggression.
31-03-2005, 21:22
After much deliberation, Prime Minister for life, Jane Tompson has decide to declare war upon the Honourable people of Aust for there openly aggressive monovers and there support of not only the RWC but also of Dumpsterdam.

It has come to our atttention that an attack upon a inncoent nation, possably Austomagfreek or Chellis is impending, and thus we feel bound to portect them by launching a pre-emptive strike upon Aust.

Though we have conscolences for the recent death of there Emporer we feel we have no other choice. Goodbye.

Prime Minister Jane Tompson.
The first of Cool Airs infantry corps began to move out towards Aust, protected by the entire navy 5 million Cool Air troops filed onto ships and set sail.

At bomber command 1000 Bombers and an equal ammount of fighters took of to bomb the Bambinio Strip, also every missile Cool Air has has been fired at Aust City and Austian targets in Dumpsterdam.

OOC:So thats 5 million men, 76,000 missiles and 1000 bombers and 1000 fighters.

OoC: Go puppet-wank somewhere else please and at this point attacking me will escalate this entire situation so I suggest you go home.
31-03-2005, 21:28
ooc dream on ccol air even i ant take aust
Roman Republic
31-03-2005, 21:31
If you want an illegal War. I can provide you with it.
01-04-2005, 18:12
OOC: Anyone who wants to join can, but I can deal with this threat. Besides, I know who owns this nation. :)

IC: William recived news on his mobile, not only had he just been told his brother was dead, now his nation was at war as well.

He went to the contol room and logged into the U2 satallite photos, perfect, the enermy was going to try a landing and there was only one place in Aust where they could land-the Bambinio strip a 10 mile wide strip of land that was the second most heavly defended place in Aust.

He knew what his plan would be, ordering the Austian token navy to withdraw he would let the enermy land in the port and to be cut down there, but first he had to deal with the enermy air threat.

He had thousands of AA guns in the strip and unless the enermy wanted to violate international airspeace then they would have to come through there. He didn't have no mention that his own huge airforces would be waiting for the enermy as well.

Aust City
The Austian people slowly evacuated into the custom built shelters that had long riddled the ground below Aust, since the war with Elvindom Aust had had hundreds of shelter built and they where still in use.

The missile defence grid was operative as well, shooting down an estimated 25% of the enermy missiles, though this figure changed depending on who you asked.

OOC:I'll leave dump to answer the attacks on his soil.
07-04-2005, 03:12
OOC: I quit II, so there is no possible attack on me. Just so you know.
07-04-2005, 16:27
OOC: I quit II, so there is no possible attack on me. Just so you know.
OOC:Where did this come from.
07-04-2005, 17:45

It has come to our atttention that an attack upon a inncoent nation, possably Austomagfreek or Chellis
07-04-2005, 18:18