NationStates Jolt Archive

Declaration of War (revised)

30-03-2005, 22:18
The Democratic Republic of Dougnolia have decreed that The Constitutional Monarchy of Chelsea FC - Raikkonen are acting unacceptably on the following grounds:

Ground 1: Excessive right-wing political stance

Ground 2: Unacceptable Nazi-sympathy

These are both displayed in a support of Chelsea FC

We, the Democratic Republic of Dougnolia have decreed that if the Constitutional Monarchy of Chelsea FC - Raikkonen do not cease and desist the activities covered under the stated grounds of war, that the Democratic Republic of Dougnolia shall be in a state of war with the Constitutional Monarchy of Chelsea FC - Raikkonen and all of their allied nations.
31-03-2005, 18:04
***Official Imperial Message***

To The leader of The Democratic Republic of Dougnolia,

The Holy Empire of Shazbotdom hereby condemns the actions taken by The Democratic Republic of Dougnolia. There is no proof of any of the claims made by The Democratic Republic of Dougnolia against The Constitutional Monarchy of Chelsea FC - Raikkonen. We hereby declare the following:

1. The Holy Empire shall suspend all airtravel to The Democratic Republic of Dougnolia.

2. Any open attack upon The Constitutional Monarchy of Chelsea FC - Raikkonen by Democratic Republic of Dougnolia will result in Dougnolian Military Positions bombarded by Cruise Missiles.

Heed our warnings. Your declaration of war for those 2 reasons that you stated are cause for more of the international community to see you as a war-mongering nation. Your actions within the next 48 hours will either reflect correctly upon what the international community will think, or prove that you are not a war-mongering nation.

I hope you know the road that you are heading down.

Singed on this Holy Day,
Mr. Shaz Bot, Emporer
The Holy Empire of Shazbotdom
Thursday, March 31, 2005
Patriotic Finland
31-03-2005, 18:25
Patriotic Finland expresses official protests over Dougnolia's unjustified declaration of war against Chelsea FC - Raikkonen. Our political experts have reviewed the information available about the abovementioned country, and reached the conclusion that Dougnolia's claims are false and untruthful. Therefore we demand:

1) Dougnolia to withdraw it's declaration war

2) and to officially apologise Chelsea FC- Raikkonen it's actions.

We have also decided to take the following actions in reaction the situation:

1) A trade embargo, effective immediately, is declared against Dougnolia.

2) Alertstate of the Armed Forces has been raised from "Green" to "Blue".

Any open attack against Chelsea FC - Raikkonen will be met with excessive force.

Have a nice day.

Antero Kosola,
President of the Federated States of Patriotic Finland.
31-03-2005, 18:47
Official Statement Issued from the Credonian State Department

"Credonia, a staunch ally of all small nations who come under attack for unjust reasons condemns the declaration of war upon Chelsea FC - Raikkonen by Dougnolia. Your nation has no right to demand such things from a nation that is sovereign. Furthermore, Chelsea FC - Raikkonen presents no threat to your nation and by delcaring war upon them, you are, in essence whether you realize it or not, declaring war upon ALL nations that are similar in characteristics as Chelsea FC - Raikkonen. Because of this unprovoked delcaration of war on Chelsea FC - Raikkonen, any military actions taken against Chelsea FC - Raikkonen will be met by unilateral military action being taken on the part of Credonia upon Dougnolia.

Credonia frowns upon the actions taken by Dougnolia and will defend Chelsea FC - Raikkonen until the threat is neutralized or eliminated in whole.

I have been instructed by the President of the United States of Credonia, President Kaimoni A. Sutton to announce that upon his orders, Credonian military forces are upgrading to DEFCON 2 and military forces are being mobilized. We suggest you rescend your declaration of war or you will find Credonian military forces knocking on your doorstep."


Lauren R. Smith
Secretary of State
Department of State
United States of Credonia

OOC: Mobilizing Credonian Forces

21st Marine Infantry Division
30,000 Marines
5,000 Special Forces
100 M1A1 Abrams Battle Tanks
45 KS1 SAM's
40 M103 Heavy Tanks
35 M113 APC's
35 M-270 MLRS Rocket Artilliary
40 M1A2 Abrams Tanks
30 G6 155MM Self Propelled Howitzer's
35 M2 Bradley APC's
65 M-15 Light Tanks
35 Patriot Missile System
65 T-95UM Heavy Tanks
65 M-26 Main Battle Tank
65 PzH 2000 (Panzerhaubitze 2000) 155mm Howitzers

22nd Marine Infantry Division
25,000 Marines
2,000 Special Forces
100 M1A1 Abrams Battle Tanks
45 KS1 SAM's
40 M103 Heavy Tanks
35 M113 APC's
35 M-270 MLRS Rocket Artilliary
40 M1A2 Abrams Tanks
30 G6 155MM Self Propelled Howitzer's
35 M2 Bradley APC's
65 M-15 Light Tanks
35 Patriot Missile System
65 T-95UM Heavy Tanks
65 M-26 Main Battle Tank
65 PzH 2000 (Panzerhaubitze 2000) 155mm Howitzers

26th Strategic Wing
-227th Stealth Fighter Squadron
30 F-117A Nighthawk Stealth Fighters

-228th Stealth Bomber Squadron
60 B-2 Spirit Stealth Bombers

-229th Strategic Bomber Squadron
20 B-1B Lancer Bombers
20 EA-220A Joint Tactical Bombers
20 B-52 Stratofortress Bombers

45th Tactical Wing
-10th Fighter Squadron
100 F-14 Ultra Tomcats

-15th Fighter Squadron
50 Alpha Fighters

-17th Fighter Squadron
25 Alpha Fighter

30th Carrier Division
2 Wasp Class Amphibeous Assult Carrier
2 Rommel Class Battleships
2 Manstein Class Destroyers
5 Oliver Hazard Perry Class Frigates
3 Seydlitz Class Cruiser

80th Carrier Division
5 Oliver Hazard Perry Class Frigates
2 SSN Los Angeles Class Submarines
1 Freedom Class Aircraft Carrier
1 Nimitz Class Assault Carrier
5 Manstein Class Destroyer
5 Rommel Class Battleship
5 Seydlitz Class Cruiser
Patriotic Finland
31-03-2005, 19:03
OOC:Hey Credonia...

1) He isn' DoWing me, but that Chelsea FC - Raikkonen dude.

2) PF isn't exactly small. It has over 1.3 billion citizens. Reason no one has seen me over here before is just that i used to RP on one regional off-site forum that is dead now.
31-03-2005, 19:32
OOC: whoops....wrong nation lol..sorry
The True Way of Alan
31-03-2005, 19:42
Random True Way of Alan government offical
"This is pure idiocy

The True Way of Alan warns that any and all attacks against Chelsea FC - Raikkonen will result in the military might of The True Way of Alan being unleashed on Dougnolia. YOu cannot attack a nation because you don't like their form of government and who they support. (Well you can, but you won't win).

Lord Priest N'ala R'hab
Leader of The True Way of Alan

OOC: My nation is FT, but i have a modern tech army for things like this. It's small and elite, and i won't hesitate to use it against you.
31-03-2005, 19:49
The Dominion of Drakor_alive is considering giving military aid to The Democratic Republic of Dougnolia in the event that War does break out between The Constitutional Monarchy of Chelsea FC - Raikkonen and The Democratic Republic of Dougnolia
Patriotic Finland
31-03-2005, 19:54
The Dominion of Drakor_alive offers a non-aggression treaty with The Democratic Republic of Dougnolia and is also considering giving military aid in the case that War does break out against Constitutional Monarchy of Chelsea FC - Raikkonen

We ask Drakor_alive to consider their policies and the strategical situation in this crisis before taking any action. A large amount of military power is currently targeted against Dougnolia, and if your nation would intervene in the side of Dougnolia, it would have severe effects against your nation.

And as said, all open aggressions against Chelsea FC - Raikkonen will be met with excessive force.

Have a nice day.

Antero Kosola,
President of the Federated States of Patriotic Finland
31-03-2005, 19:55
***Official Government Message***

To: The Nation of Drakor_alive
From: Emporer Shaz Bot

If you get involved in this armed conflict, you will prove, just like Dougnolia is going to, that you are a warmongering nation. Any attack upon the national soverignty of The Constitutional Monarchy of Chelsea FC - Raikkonen will result in an invasion of your nation. My forces will be swift in knocking our your military if you wish a battle.
31-03-2005, 20:00
The Goverment of Drakor_alive realsed a statement stating that the aid would be supplied to defend The Democratic Republic of Dougnolia as they have been good friends and allies for many years.
31-03-2005, 20:18
Official Statement Released from the Credonian Presidential Palace

"Credonia stands firm in its policy towards Dougonia and will defend the innocent nation of Chelsea FC - Raikkonen to the best of our ability. Credonia can allocate MORE than 4 million armed troops and soldiers, 700 naval vessels, and countless thousands of fighter and bomber aircraft in defense of Chelsea FC - Raikkonen. We urge all nations to refrain from assisting Dougonia or a war will soon find its way to the doorstep of all those who aid and support this warmongering nation. This is my word, Credonia will not back down from any threats nor will we be deterred by any nation."

Kaimoni A. Sutton
United States of Credonia
31-03-2005, 20:30
***Official Letter***
To: Glorious Lead of Credonia
From: Emporer Shaz Bot

The Holy Empire of Shazbotdom can supply roughly 3 Million Armed troops to assist the defence of Chelsea FC - Raikkonen. I am sure that together we can throw back the assault from the nations of Drakor_alive and Dougonia.
31-03-2005, 20:31
From the Emperor of Thechya:

I, Emperor Ahman, express my sympathy for all nations involved in this conflict. I pray that you will come to a peaceful conclusion. However, I feel the need to express our opinion on this matter.

Though our Holy Empire will not become involved in any armed conflict, unless first attacked upon, we do not support the actions of Dougnolia. If Dougnolia does begin open war, all trade from our Holy Empire will end.

However, if a war breaks out, when it is ended, both nations may come to Thechya if they so desire for help in rebuilding, and they will be given any needs that we have avaliable (food, water, etc.).

-The Holy Empire of Thechya
Region: The Theocrastic Alliance
Lupus Lair
31-03-2005, 20:40
I, Lupus Lair, would like to ask why you people take this stuff so seriously. Really, if you win, what does the loser have to do? Fork over his/her password? Pretend to be controlled by the victorious? What proof do you have that your armies, airplanes, and whatever else you have is not only funded, but in existence? Who's to say that you didn't pull those figures out of your ass? But hey, it's really none of my business, you might have drawn up a contract of construction of such technology with one of your neighbors.
31-03-2005, 20:44
OOC: Dude, it's called "roleplaying".
31-03-2005, 20:44
I, Lupus Lair, would like to ask why you people take this stuff so seriously. Really, if you win, what does the loser have to do? Fork over his/her password? Pretend to be controlled by the victorious? What proof do you have that your armies, airplanes, and whatever else you have is not only funded, but in existence? Who's to say that you didn't pull those figures out of your ass? But hey, it's really none of my business, you might have drawn up a contract of construction of such technology with one of your neighbors.

Proof of Credonian Military Forces

Air Force, Army


Any other questions?
31-03-2005, 20:53
I, Lupus Lair, would like to ask why you people take this stuff so seriously. Really, if you win, what does the loser have to do? Fork over his/her password? Pretend to be controlled by the victorious? What proof do you have that your armies, airplanes, and whatever else you have is not only funded, but in existence? Who's to say that you didn't pull those figures out of your ass? But hey, it's really none of my business, you might have drawn up a contract of construction of such technology with one of your neighbors.

I bought all my shit legally though 2 different Storefronts. Also, my population is 1.043 BILLION. Generally you use a 2% to 5% rule for your armed forces. My military is well below that rule. I could go to that rule and have a lot more troops than i do have, if you would like. 5% of 1.043 Billion is 52,150,000 troops. Currently i have 42,687,100 troops.

Don't piss me off mang.
31-03-2005, 20:54
***Official Letter***
To: Glorious Lead of Credonia
From: Emporer Shaz Bot

The Holy Empire of Shazbotdom can supply roughly 3 Million Armed troops to assist the defence of Chelsea FC - Raikkonen. I am sure that together we can throw back the assault from the nations of Drakor_alive and Dougonia..

From: President Kaimoni A. Sutton, United States of Credonia
To: Emporer Shaz Bot, Shazbotdom
Subject: Pending War With Dougonia

"The nations that have stated their support for Dougonia are small. Im sure less than two million men combined would be enough to destroy both of their nations. In the event that war does break out, it is the intention of Credonia to attack all nations in support of Dougonia and demand that they pay reparations to Chelsea FC - Raikkonen. If they refuse, it is the intention of the United States to occupy them and FORCE them to pay reparations. Credonia plans on replacing the current government of Dougonia with a democratic, pro-pacifist government to ensure that this does not happen again. Would you be willing to assist us in this?"


Kaimoni A. Sutton
United States of Credonia
31-03-2005, 22:44
Official Government Message
We, the Democratic Republic (not the Psychotic Dictatorship - stupid UN category) stand by our decision to declare war on Chelsae FC-Raikonnen.
Their extreme right-wing political stance and Nazi-sympathising (as displayed by their support of Chelsea FC) is totally unacceptable.
We wish to thank Drakor Alive for their support during this difficult time. They are the only nation who understands the true of Chelsea FC. To all those who oppose us we say "Bring it on punk!" You may have all the military support in the world, but we moral moral righteousness on our side.

31-03-2005, 22:49
From: President Kaimoni A. Sutton, United States of Credonia
To: Emporer Shaz Bot, Shazbotdom
Subject: Pending War With Dougonia

"The nations that have stated their support for Dougonia are small. Im sure less than two million men combined would be enough to destroy both of their nations. In the event that war does break out, it is the intention of Credonia to attack all nations in support of Dougonia and demand that they pay reparations to Chelsea FC - Raikkonen. If they refuse, it is the intention of the United States to occupy them and FORCE them to pay reparations. Credonia plans on replacing the current government of Dougonia with a democratic, pro-pacifist government to ensure that this does not happen again. Would you be willing to assist us in this?"


Kaimoni A. Sutton
United States of Credonia

To: President Kaimoni A. Sutton
From: Emporer Shaz Bot
Subject: Re: Pending War With Dougonia
Encription Class: Typhon

The Holy Empire of Shazbotdom would gladley help institute a new government in the place of the warmongering government in Dougonia. Both our nations could institute a temporary governing body comprised of people from both our great nations.
31-03-2005, 23:05
Official Government Message
We, the Democratic Republic (not the Psychotic Dictatorship - stupid UN category) stand by our decision to declare war on Chelsae FC-Raikonnen.
Their extreme right-wing political stance and Nazi-sympathising (as displayed by their support of Chelsea FC) is totally unacceptable.
We wish to thank Drakor Alive for their support during this difficult time. They are the only nation who understands the true of Chelsea FC. To all those who oppose us we say "Bring it on punk!" You may have all the military support in the world, but we moral moral righteousness on our side.


***Official Message***

To: The Democratic Republic of Dougnolia
From: Emporer Shaz Bot
CC: The Cooalition
Subject: The Impending Doom

We, The Holy Empire of Shazbotdom, demand the following from the Democratic Republic of Dougnolia:

1. Evidence of the things you are saying against The Nation of Chelsae FC-Raikonnen.

2. Said evidence shall not be fabricated, it must be actual events that have happened in their nation.

Also, may i remind you that you have to follow a multitude of rules for declaring and maintaining a war.

1. Just because they are NAZI Sympethizers doesn't give probably cause to attack a nation.

2. As a fellow sovrign member of the United Nations. I remind you that you have to follow NS UN Resolutions. Read up on all of them for what to do in war.

I Hope you know what your getting into.

Post your military specs so we know what were going against. My specs are on my web site at the following web address:
31-03-2005, 23:28
After having a council with his Master of Defence, Master of Diplomacy, and others, the great Emperor Ahman has changed Thechya's position in this war.

The Holy Empire of Thechya will support those nations opposing Dougnolia's threats.

(OOC: Our Military stats are here: )

-The Holy Empire of Thechya
Region: The Theocratic Alliance
01-04-2005, 00:28
Official Government Message
We, the Democratic Republic (not the Psychotic Dictatorship - stupid UN category) stand by our decision to declare war on Chelsae FC-Raikonnen.
Their extreme right-wing political stance and Nazi-sympathising (as displayed by their support of Chelsea FC) is totally unacceptable.
We wish to thank Drakor Alive for their support during this difficult time. They are the only nation who understands the true of Chelsea FC. To all those who oppose us we say "Bring it on punk!" You may have all the military support in the world, but we moral moral righteousness on our side.


Official Statement from the Credonian State Department

"Your nation's "moral righteousness", or a lack there of, will not protect or save you from the military might of Credonia and it's allies in this conflict. Thus far, you have failed to provide ample evidence justifying your declaration of war. You have 24 (NS) hours to produce evidence justifying your nation's declaration of war or Credonia will act via the justifications set forth by international law. You tell Credonia and its allies to "Bring it on" but all we can say in response is "It's Already Been Brung!""

Lauren R. Smith
Secretary of State
Department of State
United States of Credonia
01-04-2005, 02:52
*Off the coast of Chelsae FC-Raikonnen*
The 3rd fleet is assembled and ready to defend the area. On board the USS Freedom III, La Salle Class Command Ship, Vice Admiral Shlone watches the active radar and sonar for any incomming ships. He paces back and forth waiting for anything to happen. Word is that the Credonian armed forces are on their way, but the Holy Empire does not know how they are comming. If it is by Sea or Air. All of the fleets Destroyers and Cruisers have taken up a defensive stance while the Carriers and the Command Ship are in the middle of it.

The submarines are scouting the ocean approximatly 3 miles out and are banging their active sonar trying to search for anything that moves, be it ship, submarine, or fish. The USS Gallery was the farthest out from the rest of the fleet.

Vice Admiral Shlone walked over to the window's of the multi-million dollar vessel and gazed out over the oceans thinking to himself, 'Were going to stay here for as long as it takes. We must drive back these warmongering SOB's. If i had a say in this, i would take this goddamn fight to their doorstep and annex them, but it's not up to me, it's up to Fleet Command back home.'
Patriotic Finland
01-04-2005, 05:29
OOC:I'll post my military specs later tonight to the thread linked to in my sig.

Patriotic Finland shall stand on the side of the nations opposing Dougnolia and it's unjustified war. Dougnolia has no justification whatsoever for their actions, and it is obvious that their so-called evidence is fabricated to justify an invasion against Chelsea FC - Raikkonen. It is also obvious that these claims have not convinced anyone, but have only brought the attention and military capability of the international community against Dougnolia.

Our government cannot stand aside and watch Dougnolia's imperialistic and unjustified actions. We support Credonia in this matter, and announce that if Dougnolia will not provide the evidence justifying the war within the time limit set by the Credonian government, we consider ourselves to be in a state of war against you.

We threatened excessive force, you said bring it on. Trust us, we will.

Antero Kosola,
President of the Federated Republics of Patriotic Finland.

P.S:Air Defense emergency has been declared nation-wide. Air defense is on high alert and regular army is also on high alert.
Evil kanevil
01-04-2005, 09:06
The Armed Republic of Evil kanevil has announced that it will fully support Dougnolia in its acts against Chelsae FC - Raikonnen, we completely agree that their extreme right-wing political stance and Nazi-sympathising is totally unacceptable and we will do everything within our power to obliterate Chelsae FC - Raikonnen.
01-04-2005, 09:11
The Armed Republic of Evil kanevil has announced that it will fully support Dougnolia in its acts against Chelsae FC - Raikonnen, we completely agree that their extreme right-wing political stance and Nazi-sympathising is totally unacceptable and we will do everything within our power to obliterate Chelsae FC - Raikonnen.

OOC: Can you post your military stats
01-04-2005, 18:17
Official Government Message

We, the Democratic Republic of Dougnolia, continue to stand by our decision and would again like to thank Drakor Alive and now Evil Knaevil for their support during this time.

I can justify my reason for the declaration of war on ChelseaFC-Raikonnen. As I have said before the extreme right wing political stance and Nazi sympathising are shown in the support of ChelseaFC. The support of ChelseaFC is shown in the name of the country. However, what its allies have failed to realise is that this extreme right wing political stance and Nazi sympathising is encouraged subliminally. Those of you who have taken the side of theses Nazis have already been brainwashed. We have no alternative but to destroy you.

To ChelseaFC-Raikonnen and its allies, I've said it before and I'll say it again: Bring it on!

The black and white you'll never pass,
so stick your blue flag up your a*se.
01-04-2005, 18:25
The Holy Empire of Thechya, after carefully considering this matter and having a council with his Spiritual Advisor, has ordered for a small division of the Thechyan navy to international waters surrounding Dougnolia. If any attack is made by Dougnolia, on Thechya or any of its allies in this war, a seige will begin and aircraft will be brought in.
01-04-2005, 19:54
Dougnolia is a land-locked country
01-04-2005, 20:43
Dougnolia is a land-locked country

OOC: Can you give us a map and your nation's military stats. This RP wont go very far without them
Patriotic Finland
01-04-2005, 22:13
OOC: Can you give us a map and your nation's military stats. This RP wont go very far without them

OOC:I'm working on my stats right now. As it seems navy is not needed on this RP, i'll cut that part and do that later, and instead add some kind of division and aircraft numbers.
02-04-2005, 01:04
OOC: Credonia can mount missile bombardments from naval forces hundreds of miles away, so Credonia will continue to deploy its naval forces. But im not continuing with the RP until Dougnolia produces a map for everyone to RP with so we know what the hec were dealing with, otherwise, as i said, the RP cant really progress.
02-04-2005, 01:18
The Dominion of Drakor_alive is considering giving military aid to The Democratic Republic of Dougnolia in the event that War does break out between The Constitutional Monarchy of Chelsea FC - Raikkonen and The Democratic Republic of Dougnolia

Then both Drakor AND Dougnolia will be destroyed. No further warnings.

Alaric, Emperor of Xeraph
02-04-2005, 01:20
If you would like I could deploy my elite special ops teams to asasinate the military leaders of the nazie harbering scum. :sniper:
02-04-2005, 04:40
This is ooc so your nation should not have this information ICly. I am currently deploying roughly 3 Million troops to the area. They will be marines armed with our newly developed weaponry. It's gunpowder makes the bullets go more than 2x the speed of regular bullets which make them deadlier against body armour.
04-04-2005, 20:18
Then both Drakor AND Dougnolia will be destroyed. No further warnings.

Alaric, Emperor of Xeraph
What right do you have to play God with my nation if you truly knew the nation in question you would understand your folly

OCC: stats i dnt know about you but i know the person in real life and i am already at war with her
04-04-2005, 20:19
Currently, 4 individuals known to me are involved in this war business. Given that Chelsea FC - Raikonnen has not had the opportunity to defend itself, nor even read this thread (limited internet access) I would like to thank those nations opposing Dougnolia (& allies) in this matter.
04-04-2005, 21:14
OOC: I find it amusing that every time a newbie wants to RP war (even for admittedly poor reasons) everyone jumps on him. Oh well...

IC: While we have no sympathy for Nazis of any kind, as a right wing nation we must decry the actions of Dougnolia, and threaten the government and citizens of Dougnolia with serious boo-boos if they attempt to carry through on their idle threats. Bombs exploding in major cities are such lovely, yet powerful statements...

Saul Hudson, Emperor of Freudotopia
05-04-2005, 15:56
Why don't you produce a map?
05-04-2005, 18:20
OOC: Its your nation. You make one. I cant make one of someone elses nation that i know nothing about ;-) Also you need to give us some basic stats on your nations military so we know what were up against for the sake of a good RP.
Lee Brown Simpson
06-04-2005, 09:49
The Rogue Nation of Lee Brown Simpson would like this to be ended with pease, not war. But if push comes to shove we will give our support to Dougnolia's cause. My reasons for this our my own, but if knew the leader of The Constitutional Monarchy of Chelsea FC - Raikkonen, you would not hesitate to join our quest.

'Bring it on'
The Rogue Nation of Lee Brown Simpson
06-04-2005, 10:37
OOC: Anyone notice how Chelsea FC - Raikkonen hasn't replied once? Dougnolia, do you know if he even RPs? Maybe a TG might help? You can't RP a war if the defender has no knowlege of it...

The wisdom of this is currently standing at: 'Beating a Hornet's nest with a stick from below'.
06-04-2005, 14:42
What is an RP or a TG?
Anyone who patronises me when answering this question will be destroyed.
Oh, and how do you post a map thing then?
06-04-2005, 15:05
What is an RP or a TG?
Anyone who patronises me when answering this question will be destroyed.
Oh, and how do you post a map thing then?

OOC: Dude, that was an OOC comment so u cant possibly RP off of that...and OBVIOUSLY RP means Role Play and TG means telegram.
06-04-2005, 21:38
What is an RP or a TG?
Anyone who patronises me when answering this question will be destroyed.
Oh, and how do you post a map thing then?
A small dictionary of terms for your use.

OOC: Out Of Character
IC: In Character (Variants can include Secret IC and Global IC)
RP: Roll-Playing
TG: Telegram (Can be found by clicking on a nation. The boxes near the bottom of their nation page)

If anyone wants to add to the list...go ahead.
07-04-2005, 12:12
OOC: Thanks
07-04-2005, 12:17
And still the leader of the Constitutional Monarchy of ChlseaFC-Rainkonnen remains silent. How intriguing. She's probably too busy with her Nazi sympathsing duties to know they're being attacked.
08-04-2005, 06:45
They don't even have a forum account set up so they don't even knowyou are attacking them.
09-04-2005, 14:37
OOC: As a friend of Chelsea FC - Raikonnen, I know that she doesn't go online very often, and that is why she hasn't replied to this once.
09-04-2005, 15:33
Dougnolia. Not to be mean or anything but if you declare war, please make sure it's with someone who comes online often. Cause if a nation does not have a forum account, they won't know about any of this and your invasion would be concidered 'Null and Void' to the rest of the NS world. Declare war on someone who's on a lot.
09-04-2005, 17:17
Official Statement from the Credonian State Department

"Credonia is demobilizing its military forces and is pulling from this conflict. That is all."

Lauren R. Smith
Secretary of State
Department of State
United States of Credonia
09-04-2005, 19:42
Dougnolia does not randomly declare war on other nations. Dougnolia does not go looking for war. Dougnolia stays out of war other than in extreme circumstances. This is an extreme circumstance.
10-04-2005, 06:04
Dougnolia. You have provided no proof of your claims and you failed to realize that they have no forum account. Did you take into account when you declared war that they do not have a forum account, or did not activate theirs? I'm guessing not.
10-04-2005, 14:26
OOC: Just let it go dude, its not worth the time or effort...just find some better RP's
Chelsea FC - Raikkonen
11-04-2005, 19:01
Thank you to everyone who has supported me. Firstly I haven't replied to any of this because i didn't know how to use these forum things. Secondly, yes i am female, i know its amazing, a female football fan but hey, the world's crazy like that.

Patriotic Finland i thank you greatly because i love Finnish people, as you are probably aware Kimi Raikkonen is Finnish and he is just brilliant really.

Doug from Douglina or whatever you have called youself:

1) We are NOT a right wing party, we are actually an Inoffensive Centrist Democracy with a 'good' economy but generally wishes to harm no one.
2) We condemn all Nazi policies and hence are not, as you so call us, 'Nazi sympathisers.'
3)You merely dislike us because we are better than you, more intelligent than you, and better paid than you.... a bit like if you compare Chelsea with Fulham!
4) Finally, if you do not cease you decalaration of war we shall have to resort to drastic measures....yes!...we will set Kezjman on you!

We are a peaceful country but we will get quite aggitated if provoked. Thank you.

Chelsea Fc - Raikkonen xxx
Chelsea FC - Raikkonen
11-04-2005, 19:07
I have now actually read all of these posts now.

I'm sorry but i don't come on the internet much and so i wont be able to participate in your role play game.

I also don't understand the rules of codes or anything so it would be useless even if i tried!

I'm sorry, but you can always declare war on each other!

Chelsea fc - Raikkonen xxx :)
12-04-2005, 17:35
OOC: We've withdrew all troops and fired an IGNORE cannon onto Dougnolia
14-04-2005, 16:37
Looks like I win then.
14-04-2005, 16:46
Thank you to everyone who has supported me. Firstly I haven't replied to any of this because i didn't know how to use these forum things. Secondly, yes i am female, i know its amazing, a female football fan but hey, the world's crazy like that.

Patriotic Finland i thank you greatly because i love Finnish people, as you are probably aware Kimi Raikkonen is Finnish and he is just brilliant really.

Doug from Douglina or whatever you have called youself:

1) We are NOT a right wing party, we are actually an Inoffensive Centrist Democracy with a 'good' economy but generally wishes to harm no one.
2) We condemn all Nazi policies and hence are not, as you so call us, 'Nazi sympathisers.'
3)You merely dislike us because we are better than you, more intelligent than you, and better paid than you.... a bit like if you compare Chelsea with Fulham!
4) Finally, if you do not cease you decalaration of war we shall have to resort to drastic measures....yes!...we will set Kezjman on you!

We are a peaceful country but we will get quite aggitated if provoked. Thank you.

Chelsea Fc - Raikkonen xxx

1) You are SO a right-wing party.
2) You are SO Nazi sympathisers.
3) You are not better than us, take a look at the regional rankings, and just because Chelsea players are paid more than Fulham players simply means they are over-paid.
4) Whatever, dear .
Verdant Justice
14-04-2005, 17:09

I would just like to mention two things.

First: Wow, way to take something real life and make it into an RP telenovela. Next time you have a real life problem with someone, talk to them, dont declare war on their Nationstate...thats just foolish (not to mention lame).

Secondly: How come, the minute Dougnolia declared war, a million countries stood ready to defend Chelsea...honestly, its none of your business...Chelsea never requested aid, are your nations so arrogant as to think you can police the world?

IC: *Praetor of Defense Enoch Lael looks over the world reports brought in from surveillance and sattelite imagery. He grunts approvingly as he reads the report* "Gah, glad to see thats over" *He places the report in the incineration container and moves on to more pressing matters*