NationStates Jolt Archive

Farmina calls for WORLD WIDE embargo against Hogsweat [Attention World]

30-03-2005, 08:45
Leaders of the modern world,

The government of Hogsweat continuely violates all its peoples most basic rights; as by the very nature of a communist society. This government is evil in its most humanistic form, and Farmina shall not stand for it.

We a free and independent nation, hereby declare the Government of Hogsweat to be a rogue agency and hence should be terminated. Its absurd behaviour and inability to clarify facts before it takes very dangerous action is unacceptable in this day and age.

We hereby ask all nations to embargo that nation of Hogsweat, and if possible to go one step further in continuing efforts to stamp out the largest known source of human rights violation, by declaring war on this evil state.

Justinian the Just
Emperor of Farmina

Merchant Guilds
The Parthians
Resi Corporation
Random Kingdom
30-03-2005, 20:19
We will never sign this embargo, and we are pretty sure most nations will follow suit and sign Hogsweat's embargo instead.

If you haven't noticed already, we have declared war against you.
30-03-2005, 20:24
The Republic is at this moment in the middle of a crucial election based upon the blockade of your country by Hogsweat. We shall let it be known now that we will never blockade Hogsweat because that country is one of our closest allies. Though we will take no military action, we strongly advise that you drop this blockade.
30-03-2005, 20:28
Muktar would like the people of the world to know this: Farminia and Hogsweat have called for embargos against one another. Hogsweat is the only one with proof behind its reasoning. We suggest you think carefully before you make the mistake of joining this embargo.
30-03-2005, 20:30
Official Statement of the Imperial Government of Praetonia

"His Imperial Majesty's Government scorns this pathetic and weak act carried out by a nation condemned by her allies and scrambling for a way out. The Democratic Imperium will most certainly not sign this repulsive document, but will instead promise a counter-embargo against any nation which does. We deeply implore Farmina to simply admit that her recent actions were badly calculated, tactless acts which are regretted by all involved. Feebly attempting a diplomatic strike-back against a nation widely supported around the world by every nation which has commented on it aside from Farmina's own allies will merely exhasabate the situation."
30-03-2005, 20:31
As a close friend and staunch ally of Farmina, I fully support this embargo.

-Generalissimo J.L.
The Merchant Guilds
30-03-2005, 20:32
We will of course sign this embargo against the evil and heretical nation of Hogsweat.

We would also remind Random Kingdom that they should be careful whom they annoy with their pathetic attention seeking ways.

We cannot at this current time force hostilities and regieme change on Hogsweat due to other more pressing commitments in other parts of the World.

You have our support,

-Random Guilder Bureaucrat
30-03-2005, 20:42
The true crime is that Farmina exists. The utter dog crap spewing out of that malodorous, oppressive, jackal-like, poor excuse of an Emperor is laughable. Justinian the Just needs to get his "just" desserts, and quickly, before he becomes too much more of an embarrassment to the international community. What a disgusting hack.

Vasiliou Bandanaris
Agustinate of International Relations
30-03-2005, 20:45
The true crime is that Farmina exists. The utter dog crap spewing out of that malodorous, oppressive, jackal-like, poor excuse of an Emperor is laughable. Justinian the Just needs to get his "just" desserts, and quickly, before he becomes too much more of an embarrassment to the international community. What a disgusting hack.

Vasiliou Bandanaris
Agustinate of International Relations

I strongly recommend you recant those statements. Justinian happens to be a dear friend of mine.

-Generalissimo J.L.
The Inner Sect
30-03-2005, 20:45
Various fringe mercenary groups are offering to assassinate Justinian. Oddly enough, many of these killers are asking for payment in intelligence information and technology data.
30-03-2005, 20:50
Anyone who even fantasizes contemplating the notion of laying so much as a single finger on Emperor Justinian will face a full-fledged, no-holds-barred, all-out military retaliation by the Pest Control Company of Roach-Busters.

-Generalissimo J.L.
The Inner Sect
30-03-2005, 20:55
OOC: The Inner Sect has it's bases spread through thousands of nations and organizations. Your best bet would be to give him extra guards and cross your fingers.
30-03-2005, 20:56
OOC: The Inner Sect has it's bases spread through thousands of nations and organizations. Your best bet would be to give him extra guards and cross your fingers.

My friend, that is a blatant godmode. It is simply not possible.
The Inner Sect
30-03-2005, 21:08
OOC: Poor words choice. By bases, I do not mean military facilities. I mean hideouts, nerve centers, storehouses, etc. I'm not saying we are heavily armed and spread abound. Just spread abound.
30-03-2005, 21:10
OOC: Poor words choice. By bases, I do not mean military facilities. I mean hideouts, nerve centers, storehouses, etc. I'm not saying we are heavily armed and spread abound. Just spread abound.

(OOC: Okay, my misunderstanding. But throughout thousands of nations? That is a godmod.)
Red Tide2
30-03-2005, 21:17
OOC:Not really, some of the more oppressive countries(like mine) he would not be able to get into, but in the more 'pacifist' nations... he has a pretty good chance to get in.
The Parthians
30-03-2005, 21:18
The evil nation of Hogsweat in their blatant left wing imperialism have decided to put a blockade on the holy nation of Farmina. I have no choice but to fully support this embargo and close the strait of Hormuz to all Hogswetian shipping. The products of Parthia: rugs, oil, computers, and many other things are now no longer to be traded to any nation of Hogsweat nor will Parthia purchase Hogsweatian products.

-Shah Khosru III
The Inner Sect
30-03-2005, 21:20
OOC:Not really, some of the more oppressive countries(like mine) he would not be able to get into, but in the more 'pacifist' nations... he has a pretty good chance to get in.OOC:Not to mention those willing to accept us.
30-03-2005, 21:20
[OOC: Where are the pacifist nations, Redtide2? Anyway, it doesnt matter if it's likely, if he wants a base in someone's nation he ahs to ask them and then RP it.]
30-03-2005, 21:34
We will nether condemn nor praise this act this embargo. It is true we have very strained relations with Farmina, but we see no reason to declare a state a of war with her and her allies. If war breaks out, we will send peacekeepers, how ever.

General Willhelm.
Coreys Land
30-03-2005, 21:41
Coreys Land also does not support this embargo , the Furhers fleets are currently travling these water ways. If this embargo turns violent Coreys Land will give little support to Farmina.

Furher Corey
30-03-2005, 21:47
Official Message from the United Republics of Tiburon

Both the nations of Hogsweat and Farmina have continued to show their brazen, blatant disregard for the international community through their actions. We shall not sign either embargo, and condemn both acts.
30-03-2005, 21:59
Official Imperial Response

We support this most righteous embargo against our favorite punching bag.
30-03-2005, 22:07
I strongly recommend you recant those statements. Justinian happens to be a dear friend of mine.

-Generalissimo J.L.

I strongly recommend you keep your mouth shut. Hearing your blatant and horrifying abuse of the English language is enough to make anyone puke their guts out.

Vasiliou Bandanaris
31-03-2005, 03:15
We thank all those who have shown their support. For nations requiring more evidence, I shall refer you to the death of the Farmina's third great ruler. Hogsweat's reaction was to threaten a declaration of war.
Furthermore by simply being a Communist nation they have failed to provide for the right to private property. People have a right to economic freedom more than any other and Hogsweat has taken this away.

Need I say more?

Emperor Justinian
31-03-2005, 03:35
Official Response
Didn't do it for them, ain't gonna do it for you either.
And it's a bit rich to hear you talking about human rights (not to say that Hogsweat is a nation of angels).

- Ministry of External Affairs
31-03-2005, 03:37
Official Response
Didn't do it for them, ain't gonna do it for you either.
And it's a bit rich to hear you talking about human rights (not to say that Hogsweat is a nation of angels).

- Ministry of External Affairs

We feel that our crimes, allowing for unusual punishment are far less than theirs.

Emperor Justinian
31-03-2005, 03:41
We feel that our crimes, allowing for unusual punishment are far less than theirs.

Emperor Justinian

We'll just have to disagree on this one.

- MinExAff.
31-03-2005, 03:49
Official, short-on-time Response

31-03-2005, 03:52
OOC: Not really, some of the more oppressive countries (like mine) he would not be able to get into, but in the more 'pacifist' nations... he has a pretty good chance to get in.

OOC: Actually, while this is kind of true in some respects, the fact of the matter is that roleplaying etiquette requires terrorist nations, spies and other infiltrators to get OOC permission to be allowed into other players nations, or failing that, they need to RP it fully.

I seriously doubt he has actually got proof that thousands of players have basically given him the all clear to have made it into their nation and set up base. Without some way of back-tracking and actual proof of nations they are in they can just GODMOD their terrorist organisations continued existance by always saying they exist in another nation and automatically get back into their target nation after whatever purge the target nation tried...

Ultimately, playing a proper terrorist nation is actually fairly hard as it requires good RP to get into nations which aren't sympathetic, or to operate from their own nation only to risk that nation being bombed the hell out of because it's a "Terrorist Nation".
Scandavian States
31-03-2005, 04:19
We hereby warn Farmina that as per the The Maritime Treaty of Gërburg, negotiated and ratified by the First Haven Congress, that any foreign warships intent on attacking the nation of Hogsweat shall face the possibility of coming under arms by any and all Haven nations. Failure to heed this warning will result in the destruction of any Farminan military assets on the Haven Strait and a potential joint declaration of war.
31-03-2005, 04:37
3. No foreign ships shall be allowed to enter regional waters without the permission of at least one nation lying on the Haven Straits. No foreign warships shall maintain a presence inside Haven waters and shall be restricted to basing in territorial waters only. Foreign warships that use the Haven Straits for navigational purposes shall be required to inform all Haven governments of their route and maintain a strait course.

Just to clear up what our Scandavian guy here was refering to, Hogsweat is a nation which is part of the Haven region... no so much allied to the nations of Haven but more or less part of Haven and Haven's laws.

Generally Haven has enough aggression to go between one another and tend to look on outside aggression as a threat to the myth of Regional Stability, never the less I can back Scandavian States's statement up that it's a delicate situation.
New Shiron
31-03-2005, 05:04
Diplomatic note
(sent to Iuthia, Scandanavian States)

The Ministry of State, Kingdom of New Shiron, Federated Klatchian Coast

Her Majesty's government wishes to know if the restrictions on foreign warships extends to armed merchantmen which have weapons to protect themselves against Pirates. As we all know, piracy has been a growing problem world wide, and naturally some of the merchant ships based out of New Shiron are so well armed as to be indistinguishable from warships.

(ooc, how big is this strait anyway)

Secondly, Her majesty's government hopes that your two nations will use your good offices to mediate an end to the embargoes, as they are bad for the world economy.


Sir Rolf Fitzwater, Minister of State
31-03-2005, 05:08
Diplomatic note
(sent to Iuthia, Scandanavian States)

The Ministry of State, Kingdom of New Shiron, Federated Klatchian Coast

Her Majesty's government wishes to know if the restrictions on foreign warships extends to armed merchantmen which have weapons to protect themselves against Pirates. As we all know, piracy has been a growing problem world wide, and naturally some of the merchant ships based out of New Shiron are so well armed as to be indistinguishable from warships.

(ooc, how big is this strait anyway)

Secondly, Her majesty's government hopes that your two nations will use your good offices to mediate an end to the embargoes, as they are bad for the world economy.


Sir Rolf Fitzwater, Minister of State

OOC: The last bit of the message seems directed at me, so I will respond.
We have tried to speak with the nation of Hogsweat, but the Communists refuse to even consider allowing the continuation of Farmina's Constitutional Monarchy.

Emperor Justinian
31-03-2005, 05:14
Though the Omzian nation has kept its neutrality in regards to regional-wide affairs in the past and has not participated in the Maritime Treaty of Gërburg, the Omzian Navy looks at such series of incidents between a signatory of such treaty and a foreign nation with extreme concern. Though we will not show our endorsement to any side directly, we indeed show our concern about a possible clash between a region member and a non-member. Thus, the initation of hostile acts against the home soil of a regional member, which includes Hogsweat, by a non-member such as Farmina within Haven regional waters, may guarentee the involvement of the whole of the Omzian Forces against such forces.

Omzian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Omzian Ministry of National Defence
Omzian Defence Forces,
Omzian Democratic Republic
31-03-2005, 05:15
Though the Omzian nation has kept its neutrality in regards to regional-wide affairs in the past and has not participated in the Maritime Treaty of Gërburg, the Omzian Navy looks at such series of incidents between a signatory of such treaty and a foreign nation with extreme concern. Though we will not show our endorsement to any side directly, we indeed show our concern about a possible clash between a region member and a non-member. Thus, the initation of hostile acts against the home soil of a regional member, which includes Hogsweat, by a non-member such as Farmina within Haven regional waters, may guarentee the involvement of the whole of the Omzian Forces against such forces.

Omzian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Omzian Ministry of National Defence
Omzian Defence Forces,
Omzian Democratic Republic

Hogsweat declared war on Farmina, not vis-versa.
Scandavian States
31-03-2005, 07:18
[Map can be four here (]

Normally the Imperial government would consult both the governments of Hogsweat and Farmina to determine the facts of the situation, however as a signatory of the Maritime Treaty we are bound to uphold its statutes. Furthermore, as no foreign vessel can enter the Straits without a) violating the territorial waters of the Imperium, Edolia, or the NHSR or b) being granted permission to pass through the aforementioned nation's waters. Given the geopolitical dynamics involved Option B won't even be on the table and committing Option A will result in a declaration of war against Farmina, or any transgressors, by all three "gatekeeper nations" through establishe MDTs and two regional alliances that account for roughly half the nations in Haven.

We shall also transmit to any interested parties the entirety of the Maritime Treaty. It is as follows:

The Maritime Treaty of Gërburg

1. All nations within Haven shall be required to set definite limits for their territorial waters, which shall be respected and recognized by all other nations in the region. No nation shall set maritime boundaries extending more than two hundred kilometers the coast of any landmass, and no islands smaller than five hundred square kilometers shall extend maritime boundaries by more than fifty kilometers. Atolls and islands smaller than ten square kilometers shall not extend territoriality to their surrounding ocean area.

2. All waters within the Haven Straits not considered territorial shall be considered regional waters and subject to the laws and treaties of the region of Haven.

3. No foreign ships shall be allowed to enter regional waters without the permission of at least one nation lying on the Haven Straits. No foreign warships shall maintain a presence inside Haven waters and shall be restricted to basing in territorial waters only. Foreign warships that use the Haven Straits for navigational purposes shall be required to inform all Haven governments of their route and maintain a strait course.

4. Any foreign non-military ship that carries guns with ranges above twenty kilometers shall be considered warships and subject to rules and regulations accordingly.

5. Privateers will be required to fly their nation's flag at all times, as well as stop for inspection when requested by any military vessel that their letter of marque does not permit them to engage. Issuing a letter of marque against a foreign nation shall be considered an act of war. If such inspections lead to seizure of the ship, the seizing military vessel must inform the government of the nation in which the privateer ship is registered for negotiations. No privateer shall be held without trial. The issuing of a letter of marque against a foreign nation shall be considered an act of war
31-03-2005, 08:58
Hogsweat declared war on Farmina, not vis-versa.
[OOC: Someone declared war? WHere? I thought this was just embargo-ations (yes I know that's probably not a word) and the like.]
31-03-2005, 09:03
[OOC: Someone declared war? WHere? I thought this was just embargo-ations (yes I know that's probably not a word) and the like.]

Hogsweat, first post on his thread. Random Kingdom, another thread. And a bunch of godmodders thinking the will become great empires, all over the place.
31-03-2005, 09:49
The Armed Republic Of Mationland will never join the embargo on Hogsweat because we find no reason in doing so , but will instead ruin ties with Hogsweat and many other nations . We will instead join the embargo on Famina and will even send forces to protect Hogsweat in case Famina attacks and will even send armies to conquer Famina if the world feels a need for it .

Mationland Spokesman ,
R.J Peter ,
On Behalf Of His Majesty ,
Dictator Of Mationland
31-03-2005, 10:40
"All nations participating in the embargo against Hogsweat and co-operating with the terrorist state of Farmina are from this moment onwards included in the economic embargo directed against Farmina. Political, economic and cultural Relations between these states and the Hrstrovokian Federal Socialist Republic are now severed indefinetly and these powers are now considered hostile entities, whose existence is detrimental to the peace in the Multi-verse."

Prime Minister Alexander Miroslav,
Federal Socialist Republic of Hrstrovokia
31-03-2005, 11:32
Republican Department of Defense Communique

Major General Harding, as head of the Republican Military in the Republic of Skinny87 and Western Hitlerreich has made the following statement to the International Press:

"Although the Republic of Skinny87 is at this moment experiencing 'Political Difficulties', the Republican Military has been authorised by President Martin, as the militarily recognised authority over the Republic, to become a seperate entity to the elected government of the Republic.

As such, the Republic now officially supports the embargo and blockade of the nationstate of Farmina, and its government and constitutional monarchy is no longer recognised by the Republican State Department as the government of Farmina. This blockade will be enforced by the Republican Military, and as of 12:00 hours today no Farminan vessels, vehicles or aircraft will be allowed within Republican airspace or territories, including Western Hitlerreich. All Farminan citizens will be asked to leave the territory of the Republic within 96 hours of this announcement, and will be deported.

At this time, the Republican Military will go to Condition 2 and will come to battle-readiness, with Radpid-Reaction Forces coming to stand-by mode. However, and this should be made extremely clear, The Republic of Skinny87 is not declaring war upon the nationstate of Farmina or any of its allies, but is merely conducting an embargo in support of our allies the USSHR. However, any attack upon the USSHR or any countries allied with the Republic or the USSHR will be seen as an attack upon the Republic and responded to as such."
31-03-2005, 13:46
Hogsweat, first post on his thread. Random Kingdom, another thread. Bunch of godmodders thinking the will become great empires, all over the place.
[OOC: Ah yes so he did. Still, I didn't know that declaring war on someone was godmodding :rolleyes: ]
31-03-2005, 13:51
[OOC: Ah yes so he did. Still, I didn't know that declaring war on someone was godmodding :rolleyes: ]

That should be and godmodders. I wasn't referring to Hogsweat and RK, but Mondoth, Alexonium and the like.
The Island States
31-03-2005, 19:37
New Haven wishes to notify those who wish to blockade Hogsweat that we will NOT allow any vessel participating in the blockade against Hogsweat through New Haven territorial waters. Vessels that attempt to break through will be warned on all radio frequencies, and if they do not withdraw, will be fired upon.

Also, any merchant vessels carrying armaments comparable to warships above frigate-class, other than those owned by our allies (fellow Haven nations, USR nations, Concordat members), will be turned away from entering our waters. If they attempt to break through our territorial waters, they will be warned. If they fail to withdraw, they will boarded and/or fired upon.

President James Newman
New Haven Socialist Republic
State in the Union of Socialist Republics (USR)
Member of the Concordat
31-03-2005, 19:42
The Excessively Armed Empire will not sign such a document. End of story.
Minister Hartman
-AMF Department of Foreign Affairs-
31-03-2005, 19:53
New Haven wishes to notify those who wish to blockade Hogsweat that we will NOT allow any vessel participating in the blockade against Hogsweat through New Haven territorial waters. Vessels that attempt to break through will be warned on all radio frequencies, and if they do not withdraw, will be fired upon.

Also, any merchant vessels carrying armaments comparable to warships above frigate-class, other than those owned by our allies (fellow Haven nations, USR nations, Concordat members), will be turned away from entering our waters. If they attempt to break through our territorial waters, they will be warned. If they fail to withdraw, they will boarded and/or fired upon.

President James Newman
New Haven Socialist Republic
State in the Union of Socialist Republics (USR)
Member of the Concordat

To be clear, this is an embargo, not a blockade. Those opposing Farmina have launched a blockade and declared war against Farmina and a number of that nations allies.

Wolfish would request that the collective regional government of Haven review its international water's policy in regard to this matter. It is Wolfish's opinion that Hogsweatian actions should be condemned by Haven for needlessly generating potential strife within that region. Further - Hogsweatian actions run contrary to the high-standard of international law which Haven has typically stood for.

31-03-2005, 20:05
[OOC: There isn't a regional government of Haven. The Treaty, however, is more than clear.]
31-03-2005, 20:34
[OOC: There isn't a regional government of Haven. The Treaty, however, is more than clear.]

Treaties can be amended, ignored or simply un-enforced if those who ratified it so choose.
Scandavian States
31-03-2005, 20:43
If this were a mere embargo then the Maritime Treaty would not be an issue. However, since it apparently is, we will remind the government of Wolfish that the Maritime Treat is international law, such as any treaty can be called law, and that every nation on the Strait is a signatory. No foreign warships will be allowed into the Straits without a prior Statement of Intentions that shows good intentions.

That is fhe first, last, and only word where the Imperium is concerned.
31-03-2005, 20:55
If this were a mere embargo then the Maritime Treaty would not be an issue. However, since it apparently is, we will remind the government of Wolfish that the Maritime Treat is international law, such as any treaty can be called law, and that every nation on the Strait is a signatory. No foreign warships will be allowed into the Straits without a prior Statement of Intentions that shows good intentions.

That is fhe first, last, and only word where the Imperium is concerned.

Wolfish is, for now, simply engaging in a peaceful embargo of the nation of Hogsweat - in retailiation for a blockade and declaration of war against Farmina.

Should this prove ineffective, and a further escalation warrented, Wolfish will provide Haven with notification of our intent to violate Havan's regional law.

At that point, should it become necessary, you can decide the worth you place on your relationship with Hogsweat, and your willingness to support that nation through force of arms.
31-03-2005, 20:57
Clarkestan is a trade-based nation and will not participate in an embargo.
31-03-2005, 21:19
Despite the former actions between the nations of Hogsweat and Tiburon that resulted in the Hogsweatian-Tiburonese War, we shall abide by the Maritime Treaty of Gerburg and the Peacekeeping Treaty of Askagalia City. Any nation that turns this embargo into a blockade shall find themselves face-to-face with Tiburonese naval and space battleships should they choose to enter Former Alliance State and Shen-Zhou territorial waters.

Should Wolfish actually go ahead and violate international law in a region of world powers, we highly believe that Wolfish shall find its forces in the unfortunate position of staring down missile systems from over 40 separate nations.

[OOC: Someone declared war? Where? I thought this was just embargo-ations (yes I know that's probably not a word) and the like.]

It was not an official declaration of war, however, the embassies of Guffingford, Farmina, and The Merchant Guild in Hogsweat have been stormed.

(Edit: Same thing as NHSR)
The Island States
01-04-2005, 01:44
We stand by Tiburon.

Those who sign the agreement for embargo will NOT be allowed through my territorial waters, regardless, for any reason short of an invitation by an authorized nation, and ONLY THEN under escort.

A few words of caution: If you have any plans to turn your embargo into a full-fledged blockade within Haven Regional Waters, signatories of the Gerburg treaty will show you the door in a manner of our choosing. If I were you, I wouldn't show my face around these parts if you join the embargo.


Oh, and by the way, if you tell us you're going to violate our law, we'll only be ready to repel you when you do arrive. You may actually live longer than two seconds if you show up uninvited.
01-04-2005, 02:24
Wolfish is, for now, simply engaging in a peaceful embargo of the nation of Hogsweat - in retailiation for a blockade and declaration of war against Farmina.

Should this prove ineffective, and a further escalation warrented, Wolfish will provide Haven with notification of our intent to violate Havan's regional law.

At that point, should it become necessary, you can decide the worth you place on your relationship with Hogsweat, and your willingness to support that nation through force of arms.

We thank Wolfish for its stand against the aggressive and repressive nation of Hogsweat.

Emperor Justinian
01-04-2005, 07:38
Should Wolfish actually go ahead and violate international law in a region of world powers, we highly believe that Wolfish shall find its forces in the unfortunate position of staring down missile systems from over 40 separate nations.

That would be an interesting development, though I suspect participation by 40 nations is a bit optimistic.
01-04-2005, 10:10
Farmina demands its thread be BUMPed
01-04-2005, 10:18
We would get involved, but that would screw up our bets in Resi Corp's lottery thing, so in a rather odd broadcast, we send this to both sides:

Milk and Cereal
Milk and Cereal
Milk and Cereal
Cereal and Milk

Milk and Cereal
Cereal, Cereal
Milk and Cereal
Cereal and Milk (x13)

I don’t want my Wheaties
Give ‘em to the needy
Feeelin’ kinda greedy
I keep them for myself (x8)

No Grapenuts
For Grandma (Grandma eats a bran muffin)
Mom like Special K
You can’t pinch an itch (x6)
They’re magically delicious
Keep your hands off my Lucky Charms (pink hearts, yellow moons, blue diamonds (x2), green clovers)

A is for Apple
J is for Jack
You step on a crack
You’ll break your Mama’s back
Rice Krispies
Blueberries (oooh, boo berries)

Milk and Cereal
Milk and Cereal
Milk and Cereal
Cereal and Milk

Milk and Cereal
Milk and Cereal
Milk and Cereal
Cereal and Milk

Milk and Cereal
Milk and Cereal
Milk and Cereal
Cereal and Milk

Milk and Cereal
Milk and Cereal
Milk and Cereal
Cereal and Milk

Milk and Cereal
Cereal, Cereal
Milk and Cereal
Cereal and Milk (x5)


In the morning
At the table
Milk and Cereal (x2)
Snap, crackle, pop (x7) (Pop……….)

Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs (x8)
Trix are for kids (x11)

In the morning
At the table
Milk and Cereal (x3)

In the morning
At the table
Milk and Cereal (x3)

No Grapenuts
For Grandma (Grandma eats a bran muffin)
01-04-2005, 10:26
Any attack on Wolfish assets will be seen as an attack on the Empire and will be retaliated to in kind.

The Empire reserves the right to fuck with Wolfish population's heads, general wellbeing and blowing their navy to hell as we see fit. Therefor the Empire will not tollerate anyone else picking on Wolfish and we suggest they find someone else to bully.

The Ministry of Wolfish affairs, yeah we said Wolfish
The Island States
01-04-2005, 19:06
New Haven wishes to remind Dumpsterdam that their authority does not mean anything in New Haven territorial waters. If Wolfish violates our territorial waters, New Haven will not care in the slightest if Dumpsterdam disapproves, we will still defend ourselves.
01-04-2005, 20:00
If Wolfish violates our territorial waters... we will still defend ourselves.

Technically you'd only be defending Hogsweat. Wolfish is no threat to the region of Haven. In fact, many of our nation's oldest friends reside there.

Wolfish has no imperialistic desires in this matter. We have no interest in antagonizing Haven. Our goal is merely to defend (through offensive action if necessary) a nation from the overtly aggressive actions of Hogsweat and its allies.
01-04-2005, 20:19
You have to understand, this isn't a matter of defending Hogsweat, nations such as Scandavian States have been in conflict with this nation in the past over their own issues. The nations of Haven have no interest in defending Hogsweat.

However, given the aggressive nature of the nations threatening Hogsweat and the fact that their ships would have to enter Haven Regional Waters to reach Hogsweat, the nations of Haven simply don't trust Farmina and others to send their military ships into these waters without distrupting trade.

As such the nations of Haven have stated in no-uncertain terms that breaking the laws of their waters will result in military conflict. After all, they have to enforce their laws for them to be taken seriously, given your nations failure in convincing them not to enforce these laws thus far I would suggest you come up with an alturnative; engage Hogsweat assets away from Haven regional waters and show the nations of the Haven region respect for their laws instead of going on about how you are going to break them.

In anycase, I would suggest taking our advise as Intentionally breaking these laws on poor terms will start a completely different incident then that which you are current in with Hogsweat and others...


Foriegn Minister Mick Lakely, Iuthian Diplomatic Corps
Scandavian States
01-04-2005, 20:42
Indeed, the Imperium has no love for Hogsweat. Were it simply Wolfish that seeks to force Hogsweat to capitulate, we would consider granting them permission to enter Haven's waters to do so. However, these other nations that seek the same, we do not trust them nor their motives and thus the Imperium will be giving no such permission.

Furthermore, it is simply impossible to enter the Strait without going through the territorial waters of the New Haven Socialist Republic, Edolia, and/or the Imperium. Given that the Imperium will not grant leave for any force allied to Famina to enter its waters at this time and that the Imperium has Mutual Defense Agreements with both Edolia and the NHSR, the Imperium would have no choice but to retaliate militarily.
01-04-2005, 20:51
ooc: SS - check TGs.
01-04-2005, 22:58
That would be an interesting development, though I suspect participation by 40 nations is a bit optimistic.

We're a nation of optimists.

Technically you'd only be defending Hogsweat. Wolfish is no threat to the region of Haven. In fact, many of our nation's oldest friends reside there.

Wolfish has no imperialistic desires in this matter. We have no interest in antagonizing Haven. Our goal is merely to defend (through offensive action if necessary) a nation from the overtly aggressive actions of Hogsweat and its allies.

The United Republics has no support whatsoever for the nation of Hogsweat. We can attest to the overtly aggressive actions, which, with no provocation whatsoever from Tiburon, resulted in the Hogsweatian-Tiburonese War. Neither do we believe that the nation of Wolfish has imperialism in their minds. The simple question is one of maintaining a treaty that has the word "Tiburon" on the signatories list.

Wolfish has declared that it may violate the international Maritime Treaty. We simply wish to inform you, as have our Scandavian and New Havenic allies, that the nations that have signed the treaty will uphold the treaty. Your goal may be to defend Farmina. Our goal is to defend Haven. For your sake, I strongly hope these goals do not conflict.
02-04-2005, 01:35
Lets here some enemies of Hogsweat
Bryn Shander
03-04-2005, 04:44
The Kingdom of Bryn Shander can hardly call it's self an ally of Hogsweat, but we will not stand idly by as a band of hoodlums attempts to do harm to one of our neighbors, be it economic or otherwise. Likewise, we have also signed the Maritime Treaty of Gerburg, and will be forced to abide by it's laws and aid in the defense of the regional waters of Haven.

--Cassius Xiloscient, Ambassador to Haven
03-04-2005, 04:53
OOC; I posted this in that other thread, but that one guy said to post here.

The Grand Duchy Of Polskay extends the economic embargo to the suggested nations. Also, the carrier task force AVALANCHE is now ready to make war on Farmina and it's shipping.

OOC: The following list is to IC information to those opposing Farmina. It's OOC info to Farmina and it's allies, unless they inquire with spy planes/ subs.



1 Nimitz class aircraft carrier
-48 F/A-18 Hornets
-four E-2C AEW
-four E-A6B SEAD/EW
-eight S-3B
-two Es-3A
-six H-60
2 Ticonderoga class guided missile cruisers
1 Arleigh Burke class guided missile destroyer
3 Oliver Hazard Perry class frigates
2 Los Angeles class attack submarines
1 Supply class fast combat support ship

They have departed from their home base on the island of Sol Spreck and will arive in Farminan waters in 3 days
03-04-2005, 06:29
OOC; I posted this in that other thread, but that one guy said to post here.

The Grand Duchy Of Polskay extends the economic embargo to the suggested nations. Also, the carrier task force AVALANCHE is now ready to make war on Farmina and it's shipping.

OOC: The following list is to IC information to those opposing Farmina. It's OOC info to Farmina and it's allies, unless they inquire with spy planes/ subs.



1 Nimitz class aircraft carrier
-48 F/A-18 Hornets
-four E-2C AEW
-four E-A6B SEAD/EW
-eight S-3B
-two Es-3A
-six H-60
2 Ticonderoga class guided missile cruisers
1 Arleigh Burke class guided missile destroyer
3 Oliver Hazard Perry class frigates
2 Los Angeles class attack submarines
1 Supply class fast combat support ship

They have departed from their home base on the island of Sol Spreck and will arive in Farminan waters in 3 days
That fleet is way too big.
Bryn Shander
03-04-2005, 06:40
That fleet is way too big.

Are you retarded? That's 10 ships.
03-04-2005, 06:45
Take the US, 100 times his/her size, have ~200 ships, which by most nations standards is large per capita. That means this nation has five times as many ships per capita than the US, and that doesn't count those else where.
The Resi Corporation
03-04-2005, 06:52
Official Communique from the Resi Corporation:

After much deliberation that all ended in a consensus, we will sign this embargo wholeheartedly. For too long has the nation of Hogsweat attempted to force its beliefs on others.

It ends now.

[signed (both the post and the treaty)]
C.E.O. Johnathan A. Tetragammaton
The Resi Corporation
Scandavian States
03-04-2005, 06:57
Take the US, 100 times his/her size, have ~200 ships, which by most nations standards is large per capita. That means this nation has five times as many ships per capita than the US, and that doesn't count those else where.

[The USN has 199 warships and 499 ships total. Furthermore, the US would only have a Powerhouse economy, so a smaller nation with a larger economy could probably afford more ships per capita than the US.]
03-04-2005, 08:15
OOC: Scandavian States, your arguements work more in my favour than against.

Polskay only has a "reasonable economy", which is less than a power house. Also Polskay implies, this isn't all its ships.

Polskay, delete your posts. I don't want to obliterate you on your first day. And I seriously hope your not a puppet of Mondath.

Bryn Shadner, I would like an apology.
Scandavian States
03-04-2005, 08:19
[*shrugs* I didn't bother to look at his nation. I only said something because I've run into several people who have used the USN as some sort of paragon of naval perfection. In all reality it's far smaller than it could, or should IMHO, be. But that's a matter of opinion and not relevant to this situation.]
03-04-2005, 08:24
[*shrugs* I didn't bother to look at his nation. I only said something because I've run into several people who have used the USN as some sort of paragon of naval perfection. In all reality it's far smaller than it could, or should IMHO, be. But that's a matter of opinion and not relevant to this situation.]
But this at least 5 times larger. Plus navies are massively expensive.
Bryn Shander
03-04-2005, 08:25
You can want an apology all you want, but that doesn't mean you'll get one.
03-04-2005, 08:28
Your comment was an called for, and is the type of thing mods deat people for.
03-04-2005, 08:34
OOC: I agree that a "Reasonable" economy in a nation of 5 million is likely insufficient to finance that size of an expeditionary force, plus keep ships at home, plus maintain a working military outside of the navy. And that's ignoring for the moment other aspects of government, like police or commerce.

OOC2: It's unnecessary to comment on another poster's mental capacity when making a point, in my prideful opinion.


"Ten 'modern' vessels? There's no way. Check the settings on that satellite. I swear the programming was buggy when we put it up there three years ago. If necessary, replace it." The Science Director was bemused at the idea of a large-scale fleet from such a tiny nation; he wasn't even a military man and he knew the logistics were impossible.

"At once, Lord Varik."
03-04-2005, 09:11
OOC; I posted this in that other thread, but that one guy said to post here.

The Grand Duchy Of Polskay extends the economic embargo to the suggested nations. Also, the carrier task force AVALANCHE is now ready to make war on Farmina and it's shipping.

OOC: The following list is to IC information to those opposing Farmina. It's OOC info to Farmina and it's allies, unless they inquire with spy planes/ subs.



1 Nimitz class aircraft carrier
-48 F/A-18 Hornets
-four E-2C AEW
-four E-A6B SEAD/EW
-eight S-3B
-two Es-3A
-six H-60
2 Ticonderoga class guided missile cruisers
1 Arleigh Burke class guided missile destroyer
3 Oliver Hazard Perry class frigates
2 Los Angeles class attack submarines
1 Supply class fast combat support ship

They have departed from their home base on the island of Sol Spreck and will arive in Farminan waters in 3 days

OOC: Polskay, that may seem small to you, but for a nation your size, that's considered blatant GODMODING.

Defence: $980,100,275.65
Based on your economic setup, you can't afford even a single Nimitz class aircraft carrier, whicy typically costs well over 10 billion dollars to manufacture. Best you can have is a home-grown armed militia with perhaps a small elite infantry, and some transports.

Best develop for a month before you engage in any kind of military action, and get your economy above "Thriving" while you pander to defense interests. Until then, as I said, you're in no shape to RP anything like that. Even I'm not at the capacity quite yet.
03-04-2005, 09:21
The Emperor Maximus IV has been informed of the conflict and the call from both Hogsweat and Farmina to boycott each other. On behalf of Maximus IV and the Holy Empire of Sidestreamer, I announce that we will participate in neither boycott, for we simply do not find reason to engage in this petty bickering between you. We decry this conflict and condemn both of you for letting such meager affairs create such a public outcry, and urge you to settle this yourselves without this infantile whining that you call a "WORLD WIDE embargo."

Archbishop Ambicus, Foreign Minister, Holy Empire of Sidestreamer
03-04-2005, 09:48
His Isselmerian and Nielander Majesty's Government hereby provides the Nation of Hogsweat ten King Robert VI-class battleships, fully armed, gratis in its struggle against inanity.
03-04-2005, 10:11
OOC: Full listing of ships available on request. /OOC

TBN News: Omzian Navy Announces Formation of Patrol Force Near Hogsweat

Naval Headquarters, Port Hagras (TBN) - In response to the recent conflicts between the nations of Hogsweat and Farmina, and due to concerns in regards to the possibility of violation of regional waters by potential advesary warships, the Omzian Navy has announced that a patrol task force, known as "Task Force 18", will be formed to guard the northern regional waters in the vicinity of Edolia, Scandavian States, and Hogsweat. The task force, composed of three battlegroups from the Omzian Navy, will at the current moment, consist of the lead assault aircraft carrier ONCS Consolidation, the aircraft carrier ONCS Conciliation, and the battleships ONCS Treasury and ONCS Presidio.

Though the force is over 110-ship strong in combat vessels, the Omzian Navy has defended their current position, as stated by Southern Fleet Spokesman Lieutenant Commander J. Borvansen, that "the task force will be utilized to secure the current security of the northern Haven regional waters from potential advesary naval forces". Both the Naval Headquarters and the Omzian Ministry of National Defence also confirmed this, issuing a joint statement that states that "the formation of this task force is a step towards maintaining the security of the region from unwanted conflict."

As well, though the Omzian nation is not a signatory of the Maritime Treaty of Gërburg, both the Ministries of National Defence and Foreign Affairs has stated that both the individual task force and the rest of the Omzian Forces will obey to the terms set in the treaty. In additional, the Ministries also stated that the task force will also join security operations conducted by other allied nations within the region if needed, to maintain the security of regional waters near Hogsweat.

Additionally, this act has been largely approved by the People's Parliament and the public; however, both political opposition leaders and civilians has disapproved the deployment of forces, with some radical groups stating that "this deployment is largely the reactivation of militarism". In the meanwhile, other moderate opposition groups has disagreed with the statement, though also expressing that "the deployment is largely unneeded, given the relative peace of the waters of northern Haven, and the proportion of the Naval Operations budget needed for this particular security operation taken by task force eighteen."

TBN News
03-04-2005, 10:35
Official message from the Kingdom of Simulak:

The all powerful monarch Dwinwin has consulted with his advisors and has come to the conclusion that The Kingdom of Simulak supports The Resi Corporation (hey John!) and therefore supports Farmina’s embargo and will cease any future trade with Hogsweat.

We are sorry to communicate that we cannot offer any material or military support at the present time because we are a small nation and we are still in mourning over the tragic incident with the carnivorous ladybugs found in our new territory.

We are pleased to report that seven out of thirty-eight morfed ( milk induced psychics have predicted a favorable outcome for Farmina. The remaining thirty-one were receiving unrelated visions.

Bagworm M. Spectrometer
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
The Kingdom of Simulak
03-04-2005, 10:57 GBA - Guffingford Broadcasting Agency

Today the Führer of Social Nationalist Guffingford has declared all trade from and to Hogsweat will be stopped starting now. The RWC council has also urged all RWC nations and the BLT-Pact nations to cease their trade as well with Hogsweat and associated lackeys. All Hogsweatian interests in The German Reich itself and colonies will be confiscated and foreigners expelled without an immigration pass. The Hogsweatian embassy staff must leave the nation withint twenty four hours or else we will do it for them. We have heard about the illegal Hogsweatian attack on The Merchant Guilds' embassy but we, the civilized people of Guffingford will not resort to the customary violence of communist weakness but we will guide them to the airport and even pay their tickets. The Hogsweatian embassy will be closed and sealed until this situation has been resolved.

By order of the Führer Cobragt Rundevelt, Act #021.
03-04-2005, 22:39
That would be an interesting development, though I suspect participation by 40 nations is a bit optimistic.

Should Wolfish attempt to enter haven water uninvited, then Pauldustllah qill be one of the 40 nations participating in expelling you from our homeland. While we do not have any relations with hogsweat that we are proud of. haven is our home and we will not stand for any foreign nation to blatently dissregard the regional rules and regulations. with that said Pauldustllah will be mobolising it's land and naval forces stationed in it's outpost in the haven strait. should any nation with in the region require help in partoling the strait they have but to aks and we will help.

Ministry of foreign affiars
Scandavian States
04-04-2005, 01:51
[Um, the Nimitz costs around 5 billion per ship.]

Once again the Imperium urges moderation and caution from those supporting Farmina. While the Imperium cares not a whit about Hogsweat, the Imperium will not hesitate to vigorously defend its waters and those of its allies. Given the fact that it is not possible for any ship to attack Hogsweat with warship without doing such, we warn that any attempt will only provoke the wrath of the Imperium.

Furthermore, should the waters of the Imperium be violated by those who support Farmina, the Imperium will consider this an act of war and ask our allies in the Organization of Maritime Powers, New Alliance Treaty Organization, and the Osaka Security Treaty to respond in kind. Once again the Imperium reitterates that we will not hesitate to defend ourselves and/or crush those who trespass against us.
04-04-2005, 02:09
As the situation continues to develop in regards to the possibility of violation of Haven waters by potential advesary nations, the Omzian Task Force 18 is proceeding to the patrol region for a eight-month assignment through the Haven Straits, thus we are notifying Haven nation in the area of our intention.

Once the ships reach the destination, which is between the territories of Edolia and Scandavian States, it is believed that the battlegroup will conduct a series of exercises, including a series of simulated fire exercises, and one to two sessions of live fire exercises against targets based on destroyer and cruiser-sized warship hulls and carrier-sized commercial ship hulls (which are all retired, and are provided by the Omzian Navy). Once the ships reach the area and are ready for the live fire portions of the exercise, both notifications and warnings will be issued to nearby Haven nations, in addition to commercial traffic there.
04-04-2005, 03:04
Map of Hogsweats Waters... (

"There is never a dull day in the Haven Region" men would say after serving time at The Kraken, Iuthia's sole military base on the tip of the Edolian motherland. Many soldiers would come home talking of constant raises in state of alert, numberous drills and overall a lot of tension in the region. It was a regular hotbed of activity, and not the kind Iuthia was always happy about. Between Ilek Vaad, Hogsweat, Scandavian States and all the other crazy sons of bitches there was enough trouble to go around without foriegn nations getting involved.

But here they were again, sitting potientially in the middle of another war as Hogsweat continued to piss off various nations around the world. Though to be fair to the guys over there, it wasn't like the other guys were trying very hard to be friendly either. The way Hank understood it was that he and his friends were being prepared for another possible shit-storm as the men upstairs figured that it would be best if Iuthia showed it's support for it's allies treaties and got mobilised in order to help cover Northern Haven's waters...

Not like Iuthia really needed to get involved in all this, between the other nations in the region there was more then enough firepower to ensure that Haven could enforce it's laws within it's waters. Hell, the fact that it's all so close to home for many of these guys made it all the more easier for them to do their jobs. Supplies would come alot quicker, rienforcements would always be on hand and they knew the waters better then any Johny Foriegn could.

Never the less, it was time again to batten down the hatches and get ready for another crazy period in Haven...

[Iuthian Diplomatic Corps Press Release Statement]

After concidering the latest threats being made in the direction of Hogsweat and other nations simply associated with Hogsweat on this matter, we feel it is more important now then ever to remind nations that the Maritime Treaty of Gërburg will be enforced in Haven waters and that aggressive statements directed towards nations whom have signed this treaty will only further damage hopes of resolving the issues at hand.

As a signatory of this treaty, Iuthia has a large interest in keeping the regional waters secure from foriegn aggression which may be specifically aimed at disrupting order and harming local trade between nations within the region. Seeing as we, like many others do not trust various foriegn nations to properly respect Haven's waters we feel that it is our duty to assist in the protection of our allies waters and as such we are raising the alert level of our forces within the waters of The Socialist Empire of Edolia.

Like our friends in Haven, we do not wish that this come to conflict, however like our friends we feel that it is important to show that we are serious about enforcing the the Maritime Treaty of Gërburg.


Foriegn Minister Mick Lakely, Iuthian Diplomatic Corps
Zepplin Manufacturers
04-04-2005, 03:33
Tag Pending Concordat Action

Deep within the Ziggurat the planning process was well under way, decisions had been made and assets selected for use. Battle Fleet was already in the process of being mobilised, SSN wolf packs already on their way to the area of intrest. ZMAF bomber strike command was in the process of setting up its base of tactical operations in Fort Jameson in Outzone city. The wings under its aegis were beginning the trickle across the globe, a trickle that would open to an airborne flood to Baltic Island.