Civil war in Acrimoni
29-03-2005, 04:11
Civil war in Acrimoni
By Patrick Gean
Associated Press Writer
Tygle-Feii, Arimoni (AP) --
Rebel troops led by Silvio Mysa fired on the former Acrimoni Embassy in the region formerly the nation of Padastron. Mysa is a direct decendant of Richard Mysa, the first sultan of Mysantium (Later known as Acrimoni with the loss of several territories) , and a distant cousin to former king of Padastron Justin Reilly. Following the 1890 civil war Greater Acrimoni split into Padastron, Tabali, and Lesser Acrimoni. After the recent war of unification in wich the Sultan of Acrimoni, half-brother to the king of Padastron, conquered Padastron, Thaltros, Tabali, Ensland, Yourovia, and various city states in order to unite all of Mysantium, Mysa began to encourage rebellion against the illigitamate sultan.
Sultan Reilly denounced Mysa as a rebel and traitor. "He has no real cause. He is simply a terrorist who wishes to undermine my regime." the sultan said in a statement earlier today. Setting up his headquarters in the Embassy, Silvio Mysa drafted a formal declaration of war from the United States of Mysantium. The Acirmoni government refuses to recognize the document. The Sultan has designated Padastron a Province in Rebelion and has instituted martial law in the region. There are unconfirmed reports that Mysa is trying to aquire armor from nearby nations. Most of the region of Padastron is now loosley held by seperatist troops, not all of whom pledge allegiance to Mysa. The first day of hostilities is confirmed to have claimed the lives of 107 Soldiers, including one high ranking General, 57 civilians, 82 rebels, and 3 foreign visitors vacationing in Padastrons famous mountain ranges.
29-03-2005, 04:12
Official government statement.
The Sultan of Acrimoni is calling upon allied nations to come to our aid. Also, any nation found selling arms to the rebels will be branded an enemy of the state.
As the Sultan of Acrimoni I am a relation of Richard Mysa and am entitled to the throne. The only other legitimate claim to the throne was my brother Justin Reilly, who has abdicated his throne in favor of exile in the Maldives. Silvio Mysa has never held a throne nor has anyone in his family line since Sultan Richard. He is not a local of Padastron and so cannot be claiming a true war of independence. His home region of Thaltros is still securely within Acrimonian control and firmly loyal to the throne. The Duke of Tabali, a third cousin to Mysa, has denounced his rebellion as treasonous.
Appeal to reason from the Acrimoni Civil Justice Association.
To the rebellious Silvio Mysa,
Your rebellion is a waste our friend. You will cast away hundreds of lives before being defeated by the sultan. The government, once severly oppressive, has recently been allowing elections for lower ranking officials. It was hoped that after the passing of the present sultan, Acrimoni may finally become democratic. Your rebellion has destroyed that. Sultan Reilly is a gentler soul in his old age than when you last knew him. Unfortunately, your treason has awakened his old warrior spirit. Already he is talking about making Padastron into a Duchy after the rebellion to have more direct control. The Sultan is a good leader. He has improved our Education system, banned nuclear weapons, enriched our economy, and slowly led us to democratic reform. You claim to be coming to the aid of your contry, but you are undermining all this. Please listen to our appeal dear friend, stop the rebellion before it is too late.
Statement from Silvio Mysa
I call on the international community to come to my aid. I wish that Padastron, Tabali, Ensland, and Yourovia may form the United States of Mysantium. The regime of Sultan Reilly is oppressive and he has no true claim to the throne. I will make Mysantium a better place and this will better all the world. Please come to my aid before Reilly's emperial lust drives him to once again conquer Padastron. We have no ready money, but all armor sales will be repaid in full after our independence is won.
29-03-2005, 05:32
The Sultan of Acrimoni sits in his chambers. No word has been received from any nation. He sighs "Have I no true allies?"
Securia is sending one man
OOC: I'm assuming you're controlling both good guys and bad guys?
The president of Securia is on the phone: "Yes Mr. Sultan, we will send our man into an area of high importance to your campaign. We will need to know of an objective you wish to accomplish as well as the location of this target."
OOC: For example if the rebels have a nuclear weapon, or threaten that they do our misssion could be to stop them or to find out if they actually have it or not.
29-03-2005, 06:01
OOC: Actually, my brother created another nation to represent the rebellion, that way I cant just say "Ok, now its over." BTW, there are no nukes anywhere in Acrimoni.
IC: I regret that one man can do very little. The only thing that may help is if he were to carry out an assasination, but he will never get to Mysa. Seeing as how Padstron is our Major seaport, we have many isolated navy vessels pinned in but still under our control. If we can break the blockade the Rebels have set up then we may be able to win the province back easier than expected.
President: "Well we cannot send in a strike force as Securia's only interest in this conflict is to stop the spread of Nuclear Arms into hands of terrorists. A small nation that is newly formed would be hasty to use their nukes and that is why we offered help. On the other hand we only have alliations as to whether or not the Government of Acrimoni is in actuality abusing its citizens. The most we can do is send in an investigatory force to gather information on this situation, or a peacekeeping force."
The Phoenix Milita
30-03-2005, 22:30
Padastron, Acrimoni
5pm local time
The Militain agent was late, so he jogged across the plaza, looking for his contact. They shook hands as he handed off the note and jogged away.
The note which was in code, confirmed that The Phoenix Milita government had agreed to supply surplus tanks and apcs to the rebel cause, and the first delivery would be made under cover of darkness in only a few hours.
Somewhere on a dark road, near the Phoenix Milita-Acrimoni border
3 am local time, that same day.
Fifty two M-72 HETS tank transports - big, ugly, multi axled tractor-trailers - rumbled down the road at a brisk 50mph. Half of them were carrying T-1B Scorpion tanks the other half a mix of A-1 PacMule vehicles, in APC, ADA and tank-destroyer configuration. Behind the 72's were 4 heavy expanded tactical trucks stocked with ammuniton as well as 6 fuel tankers. In front of the convoy, a pair of J-JEEPS scanned the road with thier driving lights, watching for obstructions, potholes, that sort of thing, the rest of the convoy was blacked out. The rebels would be just over the next hill, and the transport team was eager to offload their cargo so they could race back over the border at 70mph.......
30-03-2005, 23:04
OOC: Wow. Thats kinda harsh from someone in my own region. Well, thats the way life goes..
IC: The Sultan of Acrimoni was an old and tired man. He would almost consider allowing Mysa to take control of padastron if the right terms could be put in the ceasfire. He knew Mysa was a good boy and would make a decent leader. However, he could not let himself appear weak or other rebellions would ensue. And what was Mysa's plan about the rebels who didn't pledge to his cause? Could he handle them? Even more disturbing was the rumor that someone, somewhere was supplying the Rebels with armor. All aircraft in the region were monitored and there was no way that ships got through the blockade. It was sure that no ships got in or out of the region since the rebellion began. There were only ten other nations in his region and not all of them had direct borders with Padastron. If it was not a border state, then there would be at least two nations supporting the rebels.
"Sir," a messanger interupts his pondering, "News from the front sir. Silvio Mysa is confirmed dead."
"WHAT?" outbursts the sultan in what bordered on a screach, "Then who is in charge over there?"
"We aren't really sure sir, but we do know that his army has already split into three factions."
The sultan turns away and the messenger, taking his que, leaves. "This will make them weaker as a whole, but harder to defeat once and for all. I fear we have killed the Python, only to awaken the Cobra.
Jenrak will be able to spare a decent number of 850,000 troops.
Johnified America
03-04-2005, 08:02
[Secure International Telegram] Government Permit #2410-88
For the eyes of Sultan of Acrimoni only
In order to keep this conflict from expanding, I have authorized the military of Johnified America to intervene. As I am writing this, JSA Forces are preparing military advisors and usefull equipment and will insert a 950 man security and counter-terrorism task-force into the capital to protect the Sultan and loyal citizens, Full air and vehicle-borne support will be provided.
Depending on how the battlefield matures, we may offer air support full-time
If this is acceptable we can deploy in 72 hours. We will expect compenstation at hostilites end.
Yours Truly,
End Telegram
The Johnified States of Johnified America