NationStates Jolt Archive

Ottoman Alliance Recruiting Thread v.3

29-03-2005, 04:11
Dear Nations of the civilized world,
Many months ago, the Ottoman Alliance was founded. This alliance came into existence for the purpose of offering military and economic aid and assistance to smaller nations in need. Since that time, the OA has grown and has become a collective defense alliance, in which all members, both large and small, come together in defense of each other. As the alliance continues to grow, it is beginning to take on yet another identity, one in which the alliance defends human and civil liberties and rights, freedoms, and the basic god given rights that each and every human being on the face of the earth has been endowed with since the beginning of man.

The OA is once again opening its doors, in search for nations who would like to join this alliance, to help shape the world, and help nations in need, both large and small. Please, join the OA alliance today and together, we can make a difference!

Kaimoni A. Sutton
United States of Credonia
Congressional Speaker
Ottoman Alliance

Url to the Ottoman Alliance (OA) Forums:

Below is the OA Constitution, signed by all members of the alliance:

Official Constitution of the Ottoman Alliance

Article I – Providing for the Common Good

The Ottoman alliance is an institution of unified nations, diverse in many ways, that have come together with common interests and beliefs. This institution protects these interests and beliefs as well as the nations that hold them.

The Ottoman alliance provides collective security to its members by protecting their rights and sovereignty from foreign and domestic threats. The alliance also serves as a source of financial and military support for members in need.

This multipartite consortium of nations shall act as a unitary body and the institution itself will make unilateral actions as agreed upon by the members of the alliance via democratic processes that are fair, just, and represent the opinions, ideals, and wishes of the majority of the members part of this unified genus of nations.

Article II – Governing Body

A. The alliance shall be run and managed by a governing council, which is composed of an executive branch consisting of the President of the alliance and his selected cabinet, and a legislative branch composed of a unicameral congress composed of a Congressional Speaker and the members of this alliance. The Congressional Speaker will represent the members of the consortium.

B. The President of the alliance and the Congressional Speaker shall serve a term not exceeding one month in length. Elections to select a new President shall take place on the first Tuesday of every month. Elections to select a new Congressional Speaker shall take place on the second Tuesday of every month.

C. In the event of a vacancy in the office of President, the Congressional Speaker shall serve as Interim President until the next election to select a new President begins.

D. In the event of a vacancy in the office of Congressional Speaker, a special emergency election will be held to fill the vacancy. The person elected from this emergency election will serve out the remainder of the present term.

Article III. – Duties of Elected Officials

A. Executive powers which shall be granted to the President, are as follows:

- The Command of the Quick Reaction Force
- The Authority to Conduct / Coordinate Intelligence
- The Authority to co-ordinate Congress in its operations
- The Authority to deny legislation from being passed.
- The Authority to sign documents on behalf of the alliance
- The Authority to act as a spokesperson on behalf of the alliance
- The authority to select a cabinet to help him effectively run the alliance

B. The President reserves the right to be able to delegate such powers into separate institutions. Such institutions may also be abolished by the President as he see fit.

C. The President shall be prone to scrutiny from Congress, and is also prone to impeachment.

D. The Congressional Speaker shall have the following legislative power:

- The Authority to move a measure from debate into vote.
- The Authority to set the rules of legislative voting.
- The Authority to Preside over Impeachment hearings.
- The Authority to organize a Committee of Nations when applicable.

E. During official Impeachment proceedings, the Congressional Speaker shall act as Acting President until such a time as the Impeachment proceedings have completed.

F. Congress may at any time hold a "Vote of Confidence" in the Congressional Speaker. If 60% or more of the votes are cast as: "No Confidence", the Congressional Speaker shall immediately be removed from office. If the Confidence vote fails, an election will automatically be held within 24 hours to fill the position of Speaker for the rest of the term.

Article IV. – Passing Laws

A. To be able to pass a piece of legislature, a vote majority of 51% must be attained, unless it is an amendment of the constitution, whereupon a majority of 2/3 must be attained. Legislature, to become law, must have the sign of approval from the President. Should the President refuse to sign, Congress reserves the right to re-submit to a committee of nations, which shall be established at the time of need. Should the committee choose to sign the document, it shall be passed as if it were signed by the President. Should the committee deny it, the legislature should not be re-submitted.

Article V – Obligations of the Allies

A. Nations of this alliance hereby pledge to help other nations that ratify this document in their time of need. Nations are obligated to provide financial and/or military assistance to nations that sign and ratify this document.

B. Military assistance can come in the form of giving the nation in need military units, sending troops for offensive or defensive reasons, or engaging in a full nuclear retaliatory attack (as a last resort only).

C. Under this section, it shall be enacted only when a member state is not the aggressor in the situation. If it is said that the member state is in actual fact the aggressor, nations are free to choose a course of action as they wish, however the member state will not come under the protection of the alliance itself.

D. If a member state in this alliance is deemed to be at a state of war with a non-member state ally, it shall be recommended that a nation must remain neutral in the situation, not lending aid to either side of the conflict in question.

Article VI – Establishment of a Quick Reaction Force

A. Under this act, there shall be the establishment of a Quick Reaction Force. The Quick Reaction Force shall be comprised, and established by the voluntary contribution from member-states of this alliance.

B. Command of this force, shall be placed under the President. The President shall have full power to: Command the Quick Reaction Force, Evaluate a situation and command the QRF likewise.

C. If it is deemed by Congress that these powers have been used under the following categories: The QRF used in aggression, The QRF used to suit the President’s own wants; Congress has full power to exercise the withdrawal of such forces, and if necessary, impeach the President.

D. All donations to the QRF are to be considered voluntary. All money donations are to be placed under the command of Congress, unless such command is delegated. All military / item donations are to be placed under the command of the President.

All donations are to be used for the betterment of the QRF only.

Article VII – Stance on Terror

A. The official stance of the alliance is that it does not condone terrorism in any form, unless it to be considered especially different by Congress, and the President.

B. Member states are free to actively fight global or domestic terrorism, and also have the free right to advertise their campaign to alliance members. However, such a campaign is not to be done under the banner of this alliance, and the campaign must not come in breach of the constitution.

C. Evidence must be presented to the NS world and the General Assembly, or be available before actively pursuing a target.

D. All nations are prohibited from supporting terrorism both domestic, and global, and breach of this rule is to be considered by a case-by-case basis. Support may come in the form of: Financial Support, Military Support, Knowingly housing terrorists, hiding information about terrorists etc.

E. Any terrorist attack on an allied member state must be considered to be an attack by a legitimate government, and shall be treated as such.

Article VII – Amendments to this Constitution

A. Under this constitution, it shall require the full vote of a 2/3 majority from Congress to amend, add, or remove any article of this constitution.


Cabinet of the President
(This is not part of the constitution)

Minster of Defense:
Commander of the Quick Reaction Force; Coordinator of forces in war

This person will be in command of the Quick Reaction Force and will answer directly to the President of the alliance. His duties include coordination of QRF forces, directing wars in which the QRF is deployed, and coordinating attacks by allied forces when the alliance is at war and the QRF is not in use.

Minster of Intelligence:
The Authority to Conduct / Coordinate Intelligence

This minister will collect in character intelligence through means which are expectable to the alliance. Atrocities cannot be committed in order to get the information, and spies should be used with extreme care. All covert operations must be OK'ed by the President.

The Minister of Intelligence is a powerful role, one that can be easily abused and as such the minister will answer and report to both the President and the Congressional Speaker, who is involved to represent the alliance in tricky situations. Should the President or Congressional Speaker be implicated by intelligence the other can be spoken to. The Minister of Intelligence will release all intelligence when it is no longer deemed sensitive and classified.

Minister of Treasury:
Handles alliance finances

This minister will be in charge of handling all alliance funds such as the economic relief fund, and defense fund (theres a basic form of one started by ottoman i believe but i'll establish an official one soon). The Treasury Minister will allocate money from each fund with the approval from the President and Congressional Speaker.

Minister of Membership
Admits members into the alliance based on merit

This minister is responsible for admitting and declining applications from nations to join the alliance. The minister will use a fair and just system to determine what nation may join the alliance. He will collaborate with the Minister of Intelligence to gain information on the nation in question so as not to allow a spy into the institution. (legislation will be passed on a just system for admitting nations into the alliance soon).

OA Members
Independent Hitmen
Ottoman Khaif
Ottoman Sultan
Soviet Bloc
The Macabees*
Yafor 2*

*New member
29-03-2005, 06:14
29-03-2005, 06:29
You forgot me. I'm a member too.
Independent Hitmen
29-03-2005, 14:23
OOC: Tis true Cred.

29-03-2005, 14:37
The commonwealth of De Vlaamse Leeuw is interested in joining. Though we are very small atm, we are growing fast...
29-03-2005, 16:52
DeVlaamseLeeuw- The Ottoman Alliance welcomes all nations regardless of size, government, and religion. Please sign up to the alliance forums and your account will be activated. Welcome to the Ottoman Alliance.

Malkyer- Sorry I left you out. Im about to do a purge of all of the members on the OA forums that are inactive and I left your name off since you havent been inactive on the forums...might wanna change that....but i'll put your name up there. Sorry.
29-03-2005, 16:59
i am a member, now what? :-D
30-03-2005, 05:26
register to the forums please. Once your account is approved, you'll figure out what to do. Just ask questions if you have any on the OA forums. The present members will be more than willing to assist you
Independent Hitmen
30-03-2005, 14:10
30-03-2005, 14:18
Momangusie will gladly join this alliance.
30-03-2005, 15:56
The Dictatorship of Kerlapa would gladly like to join this alliance and assist
30-03-2005, 17:28
The OA will gladly admit Momanguise and Kerlapa into its membership. Welcome to the Ottoman Alliance. Please register to the forums. Thank you.
31-03-2005, 21:10
01-04-2005, 19:58
Independent Hitmen
01-04-2005, 22:52
01-04-2005, 23:33
Having reviewed the circumstances, Emperor Matthew VI of Falastur has decided that he wishes it to be known that Falastur is interested in joining thie, the Ottoman Alliance.
02-04-2005, 01:08
Your forum validation is pending at this time, but i can tell you, Welcome to the Ottoman Alliance.

OOC: I'll validate it when i come back online, i need to get some sleep
02-04-2005, 01:14
The Reich would like to join.
Independent Hitmen
02-04-2005, 13:13
02-04-2005, 16:34
Yafor 2
02-04-2005, 17:00
The Grand Democratic Duchy of Yafor 2 would be interested in joining.

Guillermo Vicente
Chief Minister of Yafor 2.
02-04-2005, 17:13
The Commonwealth of Pheanix is interested in joining this alliance.

John Gant, Minister of Foreign Affairs
02-04-2005, 22:35
Yafor 2 and Pheanix- Thank you for selecting to join the Ottoman Alliance. Your request to join has been approved. If you have not already done so, please register to the OA forums. Welcome to the Ottoman Alliance.
02-04-2005, 23:27
Why havent we been accepted?
03-04-2005, 01:08
Why havent we been accepted?

Sorry, missed your post.

Your application has been accepted. Please register at the OA forums if you havent already done so. Welcome the the alliance.
The Macabees
03-04-2005, 01:09
I guess it wouldn't be bad to enter another alliance with Credonia, if its only to strengthen our relations with Credonia. So, we humbly apply for membership in the Ottoman Alliance.
06-04-2005, 00:39
I guess it wouldn't be bad to enter another alliance with Credonia, if its only to strengthen our relations with Credonia. So, we humbly apply for membership in the Ottoman Alliance.

The Macabees-As one of Credonia's closest allies, if not the closest, we welcome any and all chances to expand relations with you and your people. It is my honor to welcome you to the Ottoman Alliance. We look forward to "serving" with your nation in what now promises to be a most grand era for not only the Ottoman Alliance, but the world. (you'll find out what's in store when you read the OA forums..its gonna be fun, trust me)

OOC: Please register to the forums and your account will be promptly validated
Independent Hitmen
06-04-2005, 15:20
Presidential BUMP
Ottoman Khaif
07-04-2005, 00:20
07-04-2005, 00:39
***Official Proclimation***

The Holy Empire of Shazbotdom, after a long debate in the Parliment and in the Emporer's Personal Chambers, has decided that we will be happy to apply for this alliance. This will stregnthen relations between the Holy Empire and the rest of the free world. Below if the following information that we think is needed.

Government Category: Inoffensive Centrist Democracy
Elected Leader: Mr. Shaz Bot, Emporer
Government Priority: Law & Order
Economic Rating: Thriving
Civil Rights Rating: Good
Political Freedoms: Some
National Currency: Shazbot
Total Population: 1,082,000,000

Defence Budget: $1,704,323,195,996.80
Total number of troops: 42,687,100
Total number of Tanks: 29,144
Total number of Medical Vehicles: 700
Total number of Naval Vessels: 192
Total number of Aircraft: 2,697

Exchange Rate: 1.0866 Shazbots = $1
Gross Domestic Product: $18,511,630,117,391.21
GDP Per Captia: $17,108.72
Unemployment Rate: 5.14%
Government Budget: $19,542,050,527,700.00
Government Expenditures: $18,369,527,496,038.00
Government Waste: $1,172,523,031,662.00
Exports: $2,371,414,210,678.21
Imports: $2,229,311,589,325.00
Trade Surplus: $142,102,621,353.21
07-04-2005, 00:50
The Imperial Republic of Hataria would like to join the Ottoman Alliance.
07-04-2005, 01:40
After running a few "checks", Credonia sees no reason why Shazbotdom and Hataria should not be a part of this alliance. As Congressional Speaker of the OA, I would like to welcome you both to the Ottman Alliance!

OOC: If you have not already done so, please register to the forums so your account may be validated.
07-04-2005, 20:22
OOC: I have a problem with Hataria joining the Alliance, see 'New Members' thread for my explanation.
Independent Hitmen
07-04-2005, 20:38
OOC: Noted and replied to, you got MSN hirg?
23-04-2005, 15:50
23-04-2005, 15:56

I'm preparing a new thread for recruiting new members, but I don't see any reason why this thread shouldn't be used for recruiting until the constitution is ammended or membership criteria is established.

~ GMB.
23-04-2005, 15:58
OOC: ok, thats fine. I need to get with IH on that stuff anyway so we can write out some legislation. I gotta go to work in 45 mins but i'll take care of that when i get back tonite (round 5)
Independent Hitmen
23-04-2005, 22:08
OOC: We do indeed Cred, we need to find a place/time to do that in the near future.

In the meantime a BUMP for this thread!!!
29-04-2005, 14:49
Moronyicka wishes to join this alliance.
29-04-2005, 15:15
TO: The esteemed leaders of Moronyicka.
FR: The Infernal Dominion of Greenmanbry, Minister of Membership, on behalf of the Ottoman Alliance.

Your application has been noted. Information about the alliance has been forwarded to your nation via telegram. Please check this telegram and do not hesitate to ask us any questions about all aspects of the Ottoman Alliance.

As mentioned in the telegram, we will get back to you very soon with a decision.
Independent Hitmen
04-05-2005, 18:05
04-05-2005, 19:48

IH, check your telegrams, please.
Independent Hitmen
05-05-2005, 20:46
IH, check your telegrams, please.

OOC: Done and returned.
10-05-2005, 10:35
Independent Hitmen
12-05-2005, 21:19
The tokera
12-05-2005, 21:32
we would like to join the ottoman alliance if possible
The tokera
13-05-2005, 17:16
Independent Hitmen
13-05-2005, 17:48
Your request is being processed, please bear with us.

The United States of Independent Hitmen
Current President of the Ottoman Alliance
13-05-2005, 18:05
ooc: Independent Hitmen is correct. Your application is being reviewed by the Ottoman Alliance.


TO: The esteemed leaders of The tokera.
FR: The Infernal Dominion of Greenmanbry, Minister of Membership, on behalf of the Ottoman Alliance.

Your application has been noted. Information about the alliance has been forwarded to your nation via telegram. Please check this telegram and do not hesitate to ask us any questions about all aspects of the Ottoman Alliance.

As mentioned in the telegram, we will get back to you very soon with a decision.

The tokera
13-05-2005, 23:49
thank you in advance for your consideration
The tokera
15-05-2005, 17:44
have you made a decision yet
17-05-2005, 07:43
ooc: Check your telegrams. I offer my most sincere apologies for the lengthy wait.
Independent Hitmen
22-05-2005, 21:25
Space Union
22-05-2005, 21:30
Space Union would be interested in joining this alliance for more of the purpose to help smaller nations than to protect us. Thank You.

President Harsimran Mann
Technocratic Republic of Space Union
Independent Hitmen
22-05-2005, 21:32
Your application is being processed, please bear with us and we will be back to you as soon as possible.

Just a reminder to all members to sign up at the address posted at the start of the thread (the offsite forums).
22-05-2005, 21:34

TO: The esteemed leaders of Space Union.
FR: The Infernal Dominion of Greenmanbry, Minister of Membership, on behalf of the Ottoman Alliance.

Your application has been noted. Information about the alliance has been forwarded to your nation via telegram. Please check this telegram and do not hesitate to ask us any questions about all aspects of the Ottoman Alliance.

As mentioned in the telegram, we will get back to you very soon with a decision.

The Olmec Civilization
22-05-2005, 21:45
TO: The Leaders of the Ottoman Alliance
FROM: Chief Hautapotle
The Olmec Civilization wishes to join your Alliances. Our nation will be a valued member of The Ottoman Alliance