NationStates Jolt Archive

Time for Unity: The Annexation of Nellisland (Open but please Ask First)

The Massive Ethiopians
29-03-2005, 02:01
President Arterski stood behind the curtain in his press room. Thousands of reporters were awaiting his address to the nation. Sweat was rolling done his face. Yet he was calm, cool, collected. He knew that this was the biggest speech of his career:

"My people, it is about time that we begin our great plan. The unification of Aliados has been my dream since I was a kid. I used to hear stories about the paradise that it was. Way before its time. No one cared about race, poverty was low, and there was no crime. A utopian paradise if you will. But I also heard the stories of how my Grand-father was the one responsible for its destruction. The notion of separating show a great nation is beyond reason. But now, I will make up for his mistakes."

President Arterski paused to flip his pages.

"I have gone in front of the newly appointed Congress. I have also gone by each of the three House of Delegates. I asked them to declare an annexation of Nellisland and a declaration of war. I did not want it to come to this, but it sadly has. But nothing will stop in our goal of unification. They passed with almost no opposition, and I now have full control over our military. I have spent weeks making sure that our military is ready and I think it is time for us to see if it is. They are ready to fight...and Win!"

Flipping his page.

"I have also secured the help of several nations. Our troops will be doing the bulk of the fighting, but we will receive help from them. Now is the time for us all to come together, and unify. To create that paradise that existed almost one hundred years ago. Thank you, and good night!

The following have been deployed:

Omega Army (Third Jerusalem)

First Army
1st Corps=1st and 2nd Divisions
2nd Corps=3rd and 4th Divisions
3rd Corps=5th and 6th Divisions

Second Army
4th Corps=7th and 8th Divisions
5th Corps=9th and 10th Divisions
6th Corps=11th and 12th Divisions

Third Army
7th Corps=13th and 14th Divisions
8th Corps=15th and 16th Divisions
9th Corps=17th and 18th Divisions

Fourth Army
10th Corps=19th and 20th Divisions
11th Corps=21st and 22nd Divisions
12th Corps=23rd and 24th Divisions

Fifth Army
13th Corps=25th and 26th Divisions
14th Corps=27th and 28th Divisions
15th Corps=29th and 30th Divisions

Sixth Army
16th Corps=31st and 32nd Divisions
17th Corps=33rd and 34th Divisions
18th Corps=35th and 36th Divisions

Seventh Army
19th Corps=37th and 38th Divisions
20th Corps=39th and 40th Divisions
21st Corps=41st and 42nd Divisions

Eighth Army
22nd Corps=43rd and 44th Divisions
23rd Corps=45th and 46th Divisions
24th Corps=47th and 48th Divisions

Ninth Army
25th Corps=49th and 50th Divisions
26th Corps=51st and 52nd Divisions
27th Corps=53rd and 54th Divisions

Tenth Army
28th Corps=55th and 56th Divisions
29th Corps=57th and 58th Divisions
30th Corps=59th and 60th Divisions

Thirty-Seventh Army
109th Corps=217th and 218th Divisions
110th Corps=219th and 220th Divisions
111th Corps=221st and 222nd Divisions

Thirty-Eighth Army
112th Corps=223rd and 224th Divisions
113rd Corps=225th and 226th Divisions
114th Corps=227th and 228th Divisions

Thirty-Ninth Army
115th Corps=229th and 230th Divisions
116th Corps=231st and 232nd Divisions
117th Corps=233rd and 234th Divisions

Fortieth Army
118th Corps=235th and 236th Divisions
119th Corps=237th and 238th Divisions
120th Corps=239th and 240th Divisions

Forty-First Army
121st Corps=241st and 242 Divisions
122nd Corps=243rd and 244th Divisions
123rd Corps=245th and 246th Divisions

Forty-Second Army
124th Corps=247th and 248th Divisions
125th Corps=249th and 250th Divisions
126th Corps=251st and 252nd Divisions

Forty-Third Army
127th Corps=253rd and 254th Divisions
128th Corps=255th and 256th Divisions
129th Corps=257th and 258th Divisions

Forty-Fourth Army
130th Corps=259th and 260th Divisions
131st Corps=261st and 262nd Divisions
132nd Corps=263rd and 264th Divisions

Forty-Fifth Army
133rd Corps=265th and 266th Divisions
134th Corps=267th and 268th Divisions
135th Corps=269th and 270th Divisions

Forty-Sixth Army
136th Corps=271st and 272nd Divisions
137th Corps=273rd and 274th Divisions
138th Corps=275th and 276th Divisions

Forty-Seventh Army
139th Corps=277th and 278th Divisions
140th Corps=279th and 280th Divisions
141st Corps=281st and 282nd Divisions

Alpha Army (The Massive Ethiopians)

Sixth Army
16th Corps=31st and 32nd Divisions
17th Corps=33rd and 34th Divisions
18th Corps=35th and 36th Divisions

Seventh Army
19th Corps=37th and 38th Divisions
20th Corps=39th and 40th Divisions
21st Corps=41st and 42nd Divisions

Eighth Army
22nd Corps=43rd and 44th Divisions
23rd Corps=45th and 46th Divisions
24th Corps=47th and 48th Divisions

Ninth Army
25th Corps=49th and 50th Divisions
26th Corps=51st and 52nd Divisions
27th Corps=53rd and 54th Divisions

Tenth Army
28th Corps=55th and 56th Divisions
29th Corps=57th and 58th Divisions
30th Corps=59th and 60th Divisions

Eleventh Army
31st Corps=61st and 62nd Divisions
32nd Corps=63rd and 64th Divisions
33rd Corps=65th and 66th Divisions

Twelvth Army
34th Corps=67th and 68th Divisions
35th Corps=69th and 70th Divisions
36th Corps=71st and 72nd Divisions

Thirteenth Army
37th Corps=73rd and 74th Divisions
38th Corps=75th and 76th Divisions
39th Corps=77th and 78th Divisions

Fourteenth Army
40th Corps=79th and 80th Divisions
41st Corps=81st and 82nd Divisions
42nd Corps=83rd and 84th Divisions

Fifteenth Army
43rd Corps=85th and 86th Divisions
44th Corps=87th and 88th Divisions
45th Corps=89th and 90th Divisions

Sixteenth Army
46th Corps=91st and 92nd Divisions
47th Corps=93rd and 94th Divisions
48th Corps=95th and 96th Divisions

Seventeenth Army
49th Corps=97th and 98th Divisions
50th Corps=99th and 100th Divisions
51st Corps=101st and 102nd Divisions

Thirty-First Army
91nd Corps=181st and 182nd Divisions
92nd Corps=183rd and 184th Divisions
93rd Corps=185th and 186th Divisions

Thirty-Second Army
94th Corps=187th and 188th Divisions
95th Corps=189th and 190th Divisions
96th Corps=191st and 192nd Divisions

Thirty-Third Army
97th Corps=193rd and 194th Divisions
98th Corps=195th and 196th Divisions
99th Corps=197th and 198th Divisions

Thirty-Fourth Army
100th Corps=199th and 200th Divisions
101st Corps=201st and 202nd Divisions
102nd Corps=203rd and 204th Divisions

Thirty-Fifth Army
103rd Corps=205th and 206th Divisions
104th Corps=207th and 208th Divisions
105th Corps=209th and 210th Divisions

Thirty-Sixth Army
106th Corps=211th and 212th Divisions
107th Corps=213th and 214th Divisions
108th Corps=215th and 216th Divisions

Thirty-Seventh Army
109th Corps=217th and 218th Divisions
110th Corps=219th and 220th Divisions
111th Corps=221st and 222nd Divisions

Thirty-Eighth Army
112th Corps=223rd and 224th Divisions
113rd Corps=225th and 226th Divisions
114th Corps=227th and 228th Divisions

Thirty-Ninth Army
115th Corps=229th and 230th Divisions
116th Corps=231st and 232nd Divisions
117th Corps=233rd and 234th Divisions

Fortieth Army
118th Corps=235th and 236th Divisions
119th Corps=237th and 238th Divisions
120th Corps=239th and 240th Divisions

Forty-First Army
121st Corps=241st and 242 Divisions
122nd Corps=243rd and 244th Divisions
123rd Corps=245th and 246th Divisions

Air Force

11th Air Armada
101st Wing=Squadrons 1001-1010
102nd Wing=Squadrons 1011-1020
103rd Wing=Squadrons 1021-1030
104th Wing=Squadrons 1031-1040
105th Wing=Squadrons 1041-1050
106th Wing=Squadrons 1051-1060
107th Wing=Squadrons 1061-1070
108th Wing=Squadrons 1071-1080
109th Wing=Squadrons 1081-1090
110th Wing=Squadrons 1091-1100

12th Air Armada
111th Wing=Squadrons 1101-1110
112th Wing=Squadrons 1111-1120
113th Wing=Squadrons 1121-1130
114th Wing=Squadrons 1131-1140
115h Wing=Squadrons 1141-1150
116th Wing=Squadrons 1151-1160
117th Wing=Squadrons 1161-1170
118th Wing=Squadrons 1171-1180
119th Wing=Squadrons 1181-1190
120th Wing=Squadrons 1191-1200

13th Air Armada
121st Wing=Squadrons 1201-1210
122nd Wing=Squadrons 1211-1220
123rd Wing=Squadrons 1221-1230
124th Wing=Squadrons 1231-1240
125th Wing=Squadrons 1241-1250
126th Wing=Squadrons 1251-1260
127th Wing=Squadrons 1261-1270
128th Wing=Squadrons 1271-1280
129th Wing=Squadrons 1281-1290
130th Wing=Squadrons 1291-1300

14th Air Armada
131st Wing=Squadrons 1301-1310
132nd Wing=Squadrons 1311-1320
133rd Wing=Squadrons 1321-1330
134th Wing=Squadrons 1331-1340
135th Wing=Squadrons 1341-1350
136th Wing=Squadrons 1351-1360
137th Wing=Squadrons 1361-1370
138th Wing=Squadrons 1371-1380
139th Wing=Squadrons 1381-1390
140th Wing=Squadrons 1391-1400


Second Contingency
4th Corps=7th and 8th Divisions
5th Corps=9th and 10th Divisions
6th Corps=11th and 12th Divisions

Third Contingency
7th Corps=13th and 14th Divisions
8th Corps=15th and 16th Divisions
9th Corps=17th and 18th Divisions

Fourth Contingency
10th Corps=19th and 20th Divisions
11th Corps=21st and 22nd Divisions
12th Corps=23rd and 24th Divisions
29-03-2005, 03:02
We will provide aerial and naval support, possibly including a blockade, to ensure the success of your operation.

-Generalissimo J.L.
The Massive Ethiopians
29-03-2005, 03:16
To: Generalissimo J.L. of Roach-Busters
From: President Arterski of The United States of Aliados

We thank you for your support. The naval blockade will be especially helpful. Thank you.
29-03-2005, 06:45
OOC: Can I join on the other side, I may be smaller than other nations involved but you can't say 'no casualties' to a fleet of arsenal ships
29-03-2005, 22:43
President Nellis sat in his office alone. Watching the tape of Aterski's speech.

He yelled for his most trusted aide, Francis Rich.

"Sir you called? What's the matter."

"Arterski declared war and annexation of Nellisland. His military is already on the way."

"Yes. We have already have taken defensive measures but we are outnumbered sir, and I don't think quite think out military is behind us."

"Francis...I know that but I think this time is different. I have done everything for them. Besided, Coppenwrath assures me that are behind us. In fact get me Coppenwrath right now."

"Thats a problem sir. He is missing."

"Missing! What! I talked to him just yesterday. He said he had a meeting. Is that the last time anyone has seen him?"

"Yes. No one knows where he is."

"Find him now! And make sure our military is ready for battle. We need all the help we can get."

"Yes sir!" Francis left the room to go find Ager Coppenwrath, the head of Nellisland's army. But what neither he or Nellis knew, was that Coppenwrath was sitting in Arterski's office. Drinking coffee and laughing. Soon, President Nellis will have realized that he is gone for good, and his military isn't behind him.
The Massive Ethiopians
30-03-2005, 04:01
OOC: I don't know why, but I decided to add some humor to this one!

Arterski and Coppenwrath sat comfortably in Arterski's office. The maid had brought the both of them coffee, and cookies. Because Arterski believed in treating his guests right. Especially those that were helping him take out an entire government:

"Ha...Do you think Nellis has any idea what he have planned for him." said Arterski has he stuffed a cookie into his mouth.

"No...They probably just realized that I was...oh my lord...this coffee is great...who made it?" Exclaimed Coppenwrath.

"My maid...Lafonda...she is great. I am glad Kim Togo gave her to me."

"Yeah...anyway like as I was saying. They probably just realized that I am gone, and I bet they have no idea that most of the military is over here. About sixty percent or so."

"Sixty..." he paused to whip of the crumbs on his mouth. "That is much more than even you thought you could get."

"It is all about loyalties. They all have left Nellisland, and are in different places throughout Aliados. Just hiding and awaiting orders. Speaking of loyalties."

"Yes...what I promised you...hang on. Lafonda! Can we get some more of this coffee? It is great."

"Oh...and some more cookies too? Thanks! She is great."

"I know. Okay...I will allow you to be the leader of both the Omega and Alpha cores of the army. But only after we win. Then I will create Beta army with the troops from Nellisland. You will be in control of them too. Sound good."

"Sound great...just like this coffee. Ha."

"Yeah. So let’s just sit back and relax."

Bring. Bring. Bring. Went Coppenwrath's cell phone. It was a call from Nellis himself. Coppenwrath looked at Arterski and laughed:

Coppenwrath: "Hello...Coppenwrath speaking."

Nellis: "Ager! Where the hell are you?"

Coppenwrath: "Oh. First off I quit. I have found a job that I am more suited for. Pays better too."

Nellis: "What...where!?"

Coppenwrath: "Oh...Leader of the entire Aliados army! Ha...Bet you didn't see that coming."

Nellis: "You bastard...I trusted you!"

Coppenwrath: "Yeah...well that the way the cookie crumbles"

Both Coppenwrath and Arterski began to laugh!

Nellis: "Who is with you?"

Arterski grabbed the phone.

Arterski: "This President Arterski of Aliados. How may I take your call?"

Nellis: "You are going down Arterski. We will not lose. I promise you that."

Arterski: "It is too bad you aren't here, or I would offer you a cookie. My maid makes the best. I have to go. Bye now!

Nellis: "You little...

Arterski hung up the phone. Coppenwrath and him began eating more cookies and talking about the last episode of Kim Possible.
30-03-2005, 15:32
OOC: Warning bad language: cause you know nation leaders curse!

"That Bastard! How dare he talk to me like that!" Screamed Nellis as he chucked his cell phone into the wall. The noise that it made caused Francis back into the room.

"Are you okay sir? What happened?"

"I found Ager."


"He is with Arterski...he defected. He runs their armies now."

"What...we...we trusted him. He just turned his back on us like that. Oh if I could get my hands on him..."

"Francis stop...heres nothing we can do. If Ager has defected then most of the military probably has too. This is bad...real bad."

"What can we do...a Draft! We can start up a draft and..."

" draft. No one will come. We would get 500,000. It is not worth it. Those that are behind are afraid we will lose, and those who are against won't come anyway so what is the point. We just to fight as hard as we can."

"Sir. We need to get you out of the country right away."

"No. I stay or I die. Got it."

"Sir. You can not be captured. I won't allow it."

"Quiet! I am staying. Now go find out how many men are actually in their defensive positions. Then call me cabinet to my chambers. We have work to do."

"Yes sir."

Francis left the room to discover the shocking truth about the armies numbers. Less than 2 million troops remained. Compared to the 4 million troops that Aliados. Not adding their air force, navy, or marines.

Nellis sat back in his chair and composed his thoughts. He knew, deep down, that was no chance of his victory. Without help...
30-03-2005, 16:18
Counciler Akan waited patiently as his secretary wired him to Nellisland. The council had finally come to a decision on the war of if they should fight to defend their ally or let inevitability sink in. It was at that point Gux, the infamously militaristic counciler from Chetok, dropped the trump card. Politics. The people has expected a war with Sovietany and their allies, but were robbed by their potential foe's cowardice. The only way for the councilers to maintain their position was to appease the call for blood.
"Why we couldn't have a more peaceful reason, I will never know..."
A tone sounded, and Akan pressed a button on his phone. "Yes?"
"I've gotten a line in to Nellisland, direct to Nellis's office."
"Excellent. Tell Gux that Razit, Chezit, Zuzit, Muktok, Chetok, and Thutok are all to mobilize 15 Carrier Strikes. Also..." A thin grin pulled itself across Akan's face. "See if those drop bombers are ready."
With a few buttons, he hung up on the secretary and waited for Nellis to pick up, or at least his secretary.
30-03-2005, 17:00
This the Muktar and Nellisland Talks:
30-03-2005, 18:15
Akan hung up the phone and checked in on his secretary. "Has anyone called?"
"No, not- wait, Gux is just calling now."
"Forward him to my phone." He quickly switched to the line Gux was on. "Gux? Did you get my suggestion?"
"Sounds like a good idea. Gives us a good defensive position while giving Nellisland enough to get by. The council has already approved of the numbers."
"The drop bombers?"
"All set for their test run. The drop teams are Berserks of a higher order, dual AKs."
"Excellent. Get most inside Nellisland's borders to defend, but have a third go on the offensive, along with the drop bombers. Nicholai won't be expecting the need to defend himself from a substantial fighting force."
"Won't that render Nellisland vulnerable?"
"Perhaps, but throwing them off balance will give us the edge we need."
"Understood. I'll address the council with my support."
Akan nodded. "Let's hope this works." The councilers then hung up.
The Massive Ethiopians
30-03-2005, 20:58
After the meeting with Coppenwrath, President Arterski was called to his debriefing room:

Arterski: "Whats the situation guys?"

Arterski's newly appointed Secretary of Defense Misha Naomhán stood up answer the question. She was a tall, slim, woman, with a beauty that no man could resist. Not even Arterski, or so the rumors say...

Misha: "It appears as though the pigs from Muktar have decided to help Nellisland instead of us. I don't think that they are that much of a threat, but we should just in case, alert the rest of the military for battle. We might even call the Nellisland troops to fight as well. We have enough resources."

Arterski: "Smart and beautiful. A deadly combination. Yes, feel free to do all of that. I can not believe that Muktar took their side, but we don't them anyway. They are not that strong of a nation anyway. We have Roach-Busters on our side. The tide of this war is still in our favor."

Misha: "Yes it is my powerful that a new suit."

Arterski: "Why yes it it. Thank your for noticing. I love how you put your hair down."

The Secretary of Homeland Security, Alwilda Donaldina, spoke up because this conversation was heading no where:

Donaldian: "If you two would stop this now. We do have work to do. I believe that you are under estimating Muktar. Our intel suggests that they have some new type of weapon, and I am a tad bit worried."

Arterski: "I am sure it is nothing. Besides if it is a WMD then the whole world will get pissed. So do not worry. Now I have to go."

And with that...the meeting ended.
30-03-2005, 20:59
The first and second fleets are on their way.

-Generalissimo J.L.
The Massive Ethiopians
30-03-2005, 21:04
To: Generalissimo J.L.
From: President Arterski

Thank for sending your troops to our aid. Secretary of Defense, Misha Naomhán, would like to "personally" meet with you. She would like to fly to your nation. Only if you permit.
The Hildish Alliance
30-03-2005, 21:04
which one of you is more left leaning?
The Massive Ethiopians
30-03-2005, 21:08
OOC: Probably Aliados...I guess. I would never consider Nellisland...liberal.
30-03-2005, 21:10
OOC: Nellisland, do you want help? Or has the outcome been pre-determined?
The Hildish Alliance
30-03-2005, 21:12
bah i want a communist or at least socialist comrade to join and fight along side with.
30-03-2005, 21:16
OOC: How about a Half-Orc Communist Confederacy?

Also, the outcome has been predetermined. Think Grenada Motives.
The Hildish Alliance
30-03-2005, 21:18
ok nevermind im leaving.. goodbye comrades.... have err fun... o yeah and HAIL CHE GUEVARA
The Massive Ethiopians
30-03-2005, 21:29
OOC: Nellisland, do you want help? Or has the outcome been pre-determined?

OOC: Yeah...the outcome has been predetermined so...However you can still be involved in hiding nellisland's leader because the nation that we were going to have hold him might now do it so...just a thought! And from now on any (OOC) question can be tged to either me or nellisland. Thank you.
The Inner Sect
30-03-2005, 21:44
Misha knocked quietly on Arterski's door. He smiled and beckoned for her to enter, and she came in with a note.
"Message for you sir."
Raising an eyebrow, Arterski took the envelope and opened it. Inside, he found a simple message:
"Dial clarity? What does that mean?"
Misha shrugged and strolled out, looking over her shoulder as she stepped out the door. Suddenly, Arterski realized it. All the letters in 'clarity' were on the button for the phone.
The Massive Ethiopians
30-03-2005, 22:35
After the odd conversation that President Arterski had with the 'unknown' organization he called Misha into his office to fill her in:

Arterski: "Misha, here is the deal. This group offered to assassinate Nellisland leaders in exchange for information about Roach-Busters and Muktar. This makes your [i[mission[/i] every the more important."

Misha: "Who do you intend to assassinate. Nellis...?"

Arterski: "No. I don't want him dead yet. But I am taking out the next best thing. His sister."

Misha: "Joanne. HIs vice-president! Brilliant. What a moral blow that will cause."

Arterski: "You don't worry about that. You worry about getting some info out of J.L. okay?"

Misha: "Yes sir! By the way you look great..."

Arterski: "Is that door locked?"

Misha: "Why yes it..."

Arterski: "Well then..."

Rest of this thread will not be written to due to sexual content.

OOC: I did this not for the fun of it. I am trying to show her style of getting info.
The Massive Ethiopians
31-03-2005, 02:42
President Arterski had just finished his 'meeting' with Misha when he got the tragic new about Joanne Nellis. One of his aides had gone to brief him.

"Wow. That is very sad news indeed. Too bad...I hear she was a great person...Hahahahaha! Anything else I should know."

"Well its Roach-Busters sir...they fallen to a coup. J.L. is out of power."

"What! Unbelievable! Well I guess this means that we wont have as many troops as I would had hoped. Is there any chance that we can help them?"

"It doesn't appear so sir. Our troops would be streched too thin. I don't think we would be able to hold off Muktar and Nellisland in this conflict then."

"Okay. Where is J.L. now?"

"We do not know sir. We need focus on our own matters."

"You are right. Have Misha do the final check on our military and send them in. I want to cream Nellisland A.S.A.P. so we can help Roach...wait...The Nellisland troops! That is brillant. Get me Coppenwrath now!"

And the aide ran off to find Ager Coppenwrath.
31-03-2005, 02:51
TAG. (Hey, two members of the same alliance as me? damn right I'm paying attention!)
The Massive Ethiopians
31-03-2005, 03:11
OOC: This whole has been planned out but if you want to get involved than you can back Arterski is you want to.
31-03-2005, 04:49
We'll observe, but only as interested members of the DAFP. With two major members at one another's throats, the Alliance itself must be attended to until the other three "Founding Seats" can come to a decision on the stance of the Alliance towards this conflct. Having fewer people than some of your largest cities means we have to really think about entering into a war between nations with whom we have, if not deep ties of friendship, at least decent relations. i.e. the Mouse does not interfere in the arguments of Oliphaunts without a Great Cave Bear for backing.
31-03-2005, 04:56
We'll observe, but only as interested members of the DAFP. With two major members at one another's throats, the Alliance itself must be attended to until the other three "Founding Seats" can come to a decision on the stance of the Alliance towards this conflct. Having fewer people than some of your largest cities means we have to really think about entering into a war between nations with whom we have, if not deep ties of friendship, at least decent relations. i.e. the Mouse does not interfere in the arguments of Oliphaunts without a Great Cave Bear for backing.

Malkyer has adopted a stance of neutrality in this affair, mainly due to the fact that we have just entered into a war with two very powerful nations. If you want to follow suit, feel free, or take your own course of action.
31-03-2005, 06:06
Cadillac-Gage will have to remain a Neutral party. Should your war go ill, please feel free to utilize the Detroytja conference centre for any peace or cease-fire negotiations between you.[ooc: Yeah, I know...predetermined outcome and all, but the in-character wouldn't know that ahead of time, would he?]
The Massive Ethiopians
01-04-2005, 23:11
President Arterski had been summoned to the debriefing room for updates:

Arterski: "Yawn! Whats going on. Updates?"

Misha: "We have been in close combat for about two days sir and we are winning. There is no sign of Muktarian troops or their weapon. We have the upper hand. Intel suggest that we have only lost about two hundred and fifty troop while Nellisland is taking damage of up to three or four thousand. We have several platoons that are close to the capital city. Nellis will probably flee soon, but we are close to victory."

Arterski: "And there is no sign of Muktar...hmm...I guess we didn't need those Roach Buster troops anyway. This is good news. And I want Nellis captured. Anything else."

Mishi: "Not at the moment sir but I will keep you posted."

Arterski: "Thank you Misha."

OOC: I would have RPed actual combat but I really do not know how to approach it, but I am trying to learn so please bare with me.
01-04-2005, 23:37
[ooc: Neutrals, aye-but Nellisland's one of the few nations we've got an embassy in. with fighting right out the door, it's kind of impossible to ignore it...]

Cadillac-Gage Embassy, Nellisland...

The Embassy for Cadillac-Gage is a small building, with an equally small staff. Most other nations would call it an "Annex" building, given that it only has three floors, and actually occupies almost a "Storefront"-rents being what they are, neither the budget, nor the ego, would demand larger.

"You know, about now, I wish we had a big-ass wall or something." Corporal David Schneider, one of the "Embassy Guard" (a single, 44 man infantry platoon) commented. Outside the rather flimsy wrought-iron fence, was a population at war. Inside, was a virtual tent-city of refugees seeking the safety of Neutral Territory and demanding asylum.
So far, the infantrymen had managed to keep the Helipad cleared of squatters without resorting to brute force.

"Could be worse. imagine how we'd fare against that many regulars in this broiling heat?" Sargeant Niles Crouder replied, adding, "You know, we got five hunnerd people squatting on half an acre out there-ain' no way we're moving that much out if'n the ME's decide they don't wanna rec'nize our Neutrality...hell and damn, we can' even pr'tec' those folks if someone decides to open fire from the street..."
02-04-2005, 21:44
OOC: I am assuming that I am going to Cad-Gage's okay.

"Sir we need to get you out of here, Now!" said Nellis's trusted aide as he began to pack some of his clothes.

"No! I am staying that is a order. Put my clothes back!" yelled Nellis.

"Sir they are only miles away from the city and we can not afford to lose you. If we do then there will be no chance of winning. We need to cut our loses and get you out!"








"Yes! Stop acting like a child!"

"I am acting like a leader! Besided where will I go?"

"We have arranged for you to go to Cadillac-Gage. No one will expect you there. You leave on a private helicopter in thirty minutes!"

"I am staying. That is an order. I won't budge!"

"Sir...please...Our troops have lost. The body count is almost at half a million...and several more are wounded. A lot of our troops have surrender as well. If you don't leave now than there is no hope of fighting them later. Now you are going...your wife and mother are already there. Now go!"

" asshole...why do you have to right all the time. Fine I will go, but I won't like it...we need to get this bastard Arterski."

"In due time due get the fudge out of here!"

"Okay. Bye!"


The flight will leave later today or whenever Cad-Gage replies!
04-04-2005, 23:45
The motorcade bearing President Nellis arrived at the International Airport without further incident (See: "The Great Escape" RP for details...) the motorcade itself was "Escorted" (unofficially) by CGDF and CGDFAF helos that had been ferrying refugees from the Embassy to the airport-to board a wide and varied variety of transports out of the country.
Nellis was met by armed CGDF troops from the JRTC staff, "Sir, in the interest of security, we've arranged for you to be taken out by military transport, if you'll follow me?" the Ensign (effective rank of 2nd Leftenant in most western militaries) said.

[ooc: the distance to Cadillac-Gage is quite too far to go by helicopter, heavy-lift transports are necessary to make the journey, figure four to eight hours in the air, with refueling at least once for escort fighters... it's a LONG flight. Most of the helos being used were originally slotted to fill OPFOR needs at JRTC Charlie and Delta sites per the DAFP JRTC agreement, as official 'non-combatants' in the Nellisland/Alaidos War, they were pressed into ferrying services, and the Infantry that belong to the two units assigned to the JRTC base were pressed into airport-security roles to handle crowd control and refugee processing-kind of unofficially acting as Peacekeepers, and acting to facilitate the traffic of other Embassies in the embattled country.]

The ride-out turned out to be a 737-900 Business-Jet with Embassy markings. "You'll be safer on a Consular bird belonging to a confirmed Neutral than you would be on a plane with Nellislander markings and crew. You'll be met in the air by the 2nd Squadron CGAF, as soon as you've cleared Nellisland sovereign airspace, they'll accompany your flight to Detrojtja airport in Cadillac-Gage with one mid-air refuel over the arctic ocean, in international airspace." the Ensign said, leading the presidential party up the ramp and into the comfortable diplomatic bird.

Once the men were seated, the Ensign went around, and collected the names and addresses of those whose families weren't yet out of the country. "We'll make sure they're safe, and help any of them get out that are willing to go." he promised, then left the plane.
The stewards fastened the door, and the bird rolled out.

[OOC: The "Freedom birds" are travelling in groups to make defense easier-kind of like using convoys on the sea. Cadillac Gage spent a lot of money and leverage to get as many flights in and out as they could, once it became apparent that Nellisland was, indeed, going to fall. The refueling stop is necessary for the shorter-ranged aircraft, as well as the escort squadrons, while the large grouping of aircraft makes the odds of picking the right one out by an attacker much, much, smaller, and allows fighter-escorts to keep track of their charges more effectively.]