NationStates Jolt Archive

Omzian Navy (Reference Thread)

28-03-2005, 21:57
Introduction: The Omzian Navy, or less better known as the Omzian People's National Maritime Defence Forces, is the premier and one of the oldest services in the Omzian Forces. A byproduct of the merging of several individual gunboat fleets during the Omzian Civil War, it was founded in the midst of the conflict near its climax. Having experienced a dynamic history and having received the most combat experience out of any three major branches of the Omzian Forces, it compromises of a mix of surface fleets, submerged combat systems, ship- and air-based aircraft, naval infantry forces, and a large auxiliary and support arm. Its personnel composition is in the range of around 17 million, which makes it the third largest branch of the regular components of the Omzian forces. Do not be fooled by such figure however, as the Omzian Navy at the same time is also the one that receive the most funding.

In terms of its basic organization, the Omzian Navy is geared as a combined blue- and brown-water navy that is capable of defending its own interests and its allies both domestic and abroad, though throughout the years the former has enjoyed substantial growth while the latter is experiencing a drastic reduction due to the shift of focus towards a true blue-water navy. Its missions includes protecting Omzian economic, military, and other interests abroad; serving as a deterrence against direct threats against Omzian sovereignty; enforcing Omzian foreign policy in a swift and effectual manner; and engaging in operations alongside with Omzian allies. As a result, one can effectively state that the Omzian Navy is a blue-water navy with certain brown- and green-water components, in that it is largely geared with expeditionary actions abroad, while at the same time being adequate to protect the dreadful possibility of an invasion of the Omzian homeland. This is further strengthened and highlighted by the failure of the Omzian Navy to halt an amphibious invasion of the southern Omzian city of Hongazgrad in the Homeland Defence War, which fully explains why the navy has grew from the smallest and least-funded service of the Omzian Forces, into the largest branch of the Omzian Forces not in its personnel number, but the broadness of its organization, the richness of its combat capabilities, and the availability of much financial funds for the enjoyment of the Navy.

Due to the doctrines of the Omzian Navy, unlike many other navies it is dominated by individual battle groups that are designed to operate autonomously, while at the same time are able to operate as part of a massive fleet. This is unlike the massive battle fleet organization of many nations, where the lack of flexibility would have many profound impacts on their ability to conduct operations of varying degrees of scale and size, in addition to their ability to conduct operations coherently and with various types of air and sea support. This is also unlike other navies, where vessels are organized in extremely light and small combat groups, which is avoided out of the fear that it will degrade the war-fighting capabilities of the navy in large-scale engagements. As a result, the combat vessels of the navy are organized in a large number of multirole medium-sized battle groups that are flexible yet powerful in their knockout punches, that makes the navy a true blue water navy, despite the roots of the organization in the navy's original defensive role.

In terms of its vessels, the Omzian Navy is indeed a diverse one, though efforts has been undertaken to reduce its negative effects and impacts on the Omzian Navy's ability to wage war. On the other hand, the Omzian Navy's combat arm is aided by a huge auxiliary arm, while the different vessels themselves shares varying degrees of commonality in their weaponry and gun calibers, thus making supply less of a monumental feat or a headache. As one can see, "superdreadnaughts" or heavy command battleships (as the Omzian Navy often calls it due to doctrine and political reasons) has found much dominance among the Omzian Navy, although the dominance is not particularly enormous in its significance in that these battleships are only used in command roles during combat (out of a need to provide an effective command platform that can accommodate a full command staff while being able to defend itself), and rarely in other roles at all. On the other hand, the other parts of the Omzian Navy are divided among an equal presence of both battleships and carriers, each enjoying substantial backup from a huge escort fleet of vessels. Notable among the others are the lack of battlecruisers and specifically designed commerce-raiding vessels, due to doctrine reasons and the Omzian Navy's roots in defensive warfare. Most of the navy is powered by nuclear power, though there are smaller conventionally powered vessels operating in smaller battle groups that would find dominance among the roles of convoy escort and littoral warfare. The silent service is also somewhat equally divided among nuclear and conventionally powered submarines, with a large contingent of capable attack and guided missile submarines, and a faction of submarines designed for special operations as well. Its amphibious forces, though not overly huge, is modestly sized to support small-to-medium scale Omzian amphibious operations, though it is likely that the Omzian Navy's amphibious capabilities would mean that the Omzian Navy would not spearhead such operation. On the other hand, it also has a large faction of littoral fast attack craft, most dominated by supersonic missiles as their primary weaponry.

The Omzian Navy is divided upon three fleets (four in wartime since Coast Guard is included): the Southern fleet, the Northern Fleet, and the Guard Fleet. The former two are active-service fleets that conducts regular cruises, frequent combat exercises, and are the most capable with sizeable rapid-reaction battle groups and large command fleets. On the other hand, the Guard Fleet is a semi-reserve fleet, which means that while it cannot be counted as a separate "naval reserve" and while it is still technically an active service component of the Omzian Navy, it conducts fewer cruises and peacetime operations outside of Omzian and regional waters, and its personnel are granted leaves more often than the other better-prepared two. Outside of combat vessels however, all three fleets has a large naval aviation arm, which are either part of the Navy Carrier Aviation or the Long Range Aviation Corps - the latter of which consisting of observation aircraft and airships, anti-submarine aircraft and airships, and long range maritime bombers. Naval infantry is also present with a mix of mechanized and light forces, and the Navy's special forces - the Navy Commandoes, are also present for the purpose of special operations both domestic and abroad.

Southern Fleet SOUTHFLT (Headquarters: Port Hagras and Hogan Point)
Commander in Chief: FirstAdm Moran
Flagship of the Navy: ONCS Republic (Europa BBCN-1)
Flagship: ONCS Socialist Revolution (Europa BBCN-5)
12x Mobile Offshore Base Groups
2x Command Groups
12x General Combat Battle Groups
2x Heavy Fire Support Groups
4x Fire Support Groups
12x Assault Carrier Battle Groups
6x Fast Action Carrier Battle Groups
6x Carrier Battle Groups
3x Light Carrier Battle Groups
4x Amphibious Operations Groups

Northern Fleet NORTHFLT (Headquarters: Northern Insen Island)
Commander in Chief: FirstAdm Hagras
Fleet Flagship: ONCS Isselmere (Europa BBCN-2)
Flagship: ONCS Great Leader (Europa BBCN-6)
12x Mobile Offshore Base Groups
2x Command Group
8x General Combat Battle Groups
2x Heavy Fire Support Groups
2x Fire Support Groups
8x Assault Carrier Battle Groups
2x Fast Action Carrier Battle Groups
6x Carrier Battle Groups
3x Light Carrier Battle Groups
4x Amphibious Operations Groups

Guard Fleet (Headquarters: Hogan Point)
Commander in Chief: FirstAdm (Guard) Morano
Fleet Flagship: ONCS Resolute (Europa BBCN-3)
1x Command Group
2x Heavy Fire Support Group (Flight ID)
12x Carrier Battle Groups
2x Light Carrier Battle Groups

Omzian Coast Guard Fleet


5x Command Fleets
1x Jimnam BBAN
1x Europa BBCN
2x Rangarok BBAGN
4x Leviathan BBAN
4x King Henry V BBGN
3x Cetus BBGN (Flight IC)
3x Toryu BBGN
3x Tsunami Arsenal Ships
2x Kanae Morion CVAN
6x Ocean CVAN
6x George Washington CVNL
2x Vincent Jackson CVMN
8x Firestorm V Arsenal Ships
8x Polestar CAN
12x Ankara CGN
18x Berlin CAN
15x Sarasvati CGN
26x Arayashiki DDGN
18x Mindbreaker FFGN
24x Ardent FFG
18x Sowerby SSN
6x Setsuna T-AKEN
5x Strana Mechty AOEN
10x Clan Grant AOR
5x Goro T-AON

20x General Combat Battle Groups
1x King Henry V BBGN
2x Coronation BBGN
2x Shinryu BBGN
2x Union CVBN
3x Firestorm V Arsenal Ship
6x Polestar CAN
10x Sarasvati CGN
12x Arayashiki DDGN
20x Mindbreaker FFGN
6x Sowerby SSN
3x Mesoplodon SSGN (Flight IIF)
5x Setsuna T-AKEN
3x Strana Mechty AOEN
2x Goro T-AON

6x Heavy Fire Support Groups
1x Ragnarok BBAGN
3x Treaty BBGN
2x Cetus BBGN (2x Flight ID and 4x Flight IC)
3x Python BBGN
3x Ankara CGN
6x Berlin CGN
5x Polestar CAN
5x Firestorm V Arsenal Ship
5x Centaur-X DDGN
4x Setsuna T-AKEN
5x Strana Mechty AOEN
8x Clan Grant AOR
4x Goro T-AON

6x Fire Support Groups
1x King Robert VI BBGN
3x Coronation BBGN
2x Toryu BBGN
3x Python BBGN
3x Ankara CGN
5x Berlin CAN
5x Polestar CAN
5x Firestorm IV Arsenal Ship
4x Centaur-X DDGN
4x Setsuna T-AKEN
5x Strana Mechty AOEN
8x Clan Grant AOR
4x Goro T-AON

8x Fast Action Carrier Battle Groups
1x Union CVBN
1x Wilson Shire CVAN
2x Vincent Jackson CVMN
1x King Henry BBGN
5x Ankara CGN
3x Sarasvati CGN
3x Centaur-X DDGN
6x Arayashiki DDGN
5x Revenge DD
4x Ardent FFG
5x Sowerby SSN
8x Mindbreaker FFGN
3x Clan Grant AOR
8x Strana Mechty AOEN
4x Setsuna T-AKEN
2x Goro T-AON

20x Assault Carrier Battle Groups
1x Union CVBN
1x Wilson Shire CVAN
3x Ankara CGN
5x Centaur-X DDGN
6x Arayashiki DDGN
3x Revenge DD
8x Mindbreaker FFGN
4x Sowerby SSN
5x Setsuna T-AKEN
4x Strana Mechty AOEN
6x Clan Grant AOR
3x Goro T-AON

24x Carrier Battle Groups
1x Seina Niyobuchi CVN
3x Locke CGN
6x Albatross DDGN
6x Ballistae DDN
5x Timberwolf FFG
4x Cougar FF
3x Sowerby SSN
2x Setsuna T-AKEN
2x Strana Mechty AOEN
2x Goro T-AON

8x Light Carrier Battle Groups
3x Antoine Pardier (Enlarged) CVL
6x Benzaiten CG
10x Wizdom DDG
12x Darklore FFG
3x Sowerby SSN
2x Setsuna T-AKEN
4x Goro T-AON

8x Destroyer Groups
6x Sabre DDG
12x Archer DD

8x Amphibious Operations Groups
20x Jericho LHDN
6x Darksteel LHAN
1x George Washington CVNL
2x Antoine Pardier CVL
6x Viper LSD
8x Anaconda LPD
10x Ryoken LST
24x Scylla LST


Total Numbers of Ships

5x Europa BBCN
5x Jimnam BBAN
20x Leviathan BBAGN
16x Ragnarok BBAGN (Flight IIC)
48x King Henry V BBGN
6x King Robert VI BBGN
18x Treaty BBGN
58x Coronation BBGN
36x Python BBGN (Flight IA)
27x Cetus BBGN (23x Flight IC, 4x Flight ID)
40x Shinryu BBGN (Flight IB)
27x Toryu BBGN (Flight IIB)
68x Union CVBN
10x Kanae Morino CVAN
28x Wilson Shire CVAN
30x Ocean CVAN
24x Seina Niyobuchi CVN
26x Vincent Jackson CVMN
38x George Washington CVLN
16x Antoine Pardier CVL
24x Antoine Pardier (Enlarged) CVL
Total: 570 Capital Ships (306 Battleships, 264 Carriers)

15x Tsunami Arsenal Ships
30x Firestorm IV Arsenal Ships
130x Firestorm V Arsenal Ships
156x Berlin CAN
220x Polestar CAN
196x Ankara CGN
299x Sarasvati CGN
72x Locke CGN
48x Benzaiten CG
144x Anarchy II class DDG
538x Arayashiki DDGN
80x Wizdom DDG
48x Sabre DDG
96x Archer DD
144x Ballistae DDN
144x Albatross DDGN
178x Centaur-X DDGN
100x Revenge DD
714x Mindbreaker FFGN
96x Darklore FFG
152x Ardent FFG
120x Timberwolf FFG
96x Cougar FF
Total Escort Vessels: 3816 (1166 Cruisers, 1472 Destroyers, 1178 Frigates)

498x Sowerby II SSN
384x Tucuxi II SSN
136x Tucuxi SSN
96x Mamba SSN
132x Cassowary II SSN
252x Flounder SSN
24x Skipper Special Operations SSN
36x Loggerhead SSDN
12x Narwhal SSCVN
12x Pachyderm Transport SSN
12x Bison Replenishment SSN
196x Orca SSGN (16x RF-7, 108x Flight IIB, 48x IIIA, 24x IIIB)
120x Tyrant SSN (48x SSASN / 72x SSGN)
36x Chamberlain SSASN (RF-15 ASAT)
480x Mespolodon SSGN (120x Flight IID, 120x IIE, 180x IIF, 60x IIIA)
288x Hirata SSG (84x Flight IID, 84x IIE, 84x IIF, 36x IIIA)
216x Interceptor SSG (108x Flight IA, 108x Flight IB)
280x Anemone SSK
108x Angler SSK
Total: 3318 (1498 Nuclear Attack Submarines, 96 Special Operations Submarines, 832 Nuclear Guided Missile Submarines, 892 Conventional Submarines)

432x Tarantula LCS
216x Taipan II Corvette
216x Seeschlange Corvette
144x Unicorn Escort Corvette
96x Narwhal Ice Patrol Corvette
288x Leuchkafer II Hovercraft
Total Small Surface Craft: 1392

160x Jericho LHDN
48x Darksteel LHAN
48x Viper LSD
64x Anaconda LPD
80x Ryoken LST
192x Scylla LST
Total Major Amphibious Vessels: 592

60x Zebra MCS
24x Inchon MCS
208x Trifler MHC
108x Osprey MHC
150x Ziggurat Mine Wafare HSV
90x Blue Knight LCS (D Mine Warfare Variant)
Total Minesweepers and Mine Warfare Ships: 640

337x Strana Mechty AOEN
48x Smith AOE
414x Setsuna T-AKEN
298x Clan Grant AOR
82x Genkimushi AS
277x Goro T-AON
72x Trident LFRO
48x Aylesburgh AS
Total Combat Replenishment Ships: 1576

192x Quartermass MC Prepositioning Ships
84x Hapsburg MC Prepositioning Ships
492x Kyubi Kitsune Fast Vehicle/Cargo Ships
488x Heracles Prepositioning Ships
176x Peregrine Fast Cargo Ships
344x Serenade Troopships
200x Huitzilopochtil Transport Tankers
96x Delphi Regional Tankers
72x Freewind ALS
36x Carpenter Flo/Flo Deckships
36x Scrapper Lo/Lo Deckships
48x Jefferson Barge Carriers
160x Zebra Crane Ships
172x Kamigawa Container Ships
132x Oberon Container Ships
Total Cargo Ships: 2768

216x Tempest PC
216x Mk.22 SOC
12x Blue Cruiser
ASDV Minisubs (Exact Number Classified)
Total Surface Special Operation Vessels: 544

24x Talos MOB Sets
Total Offshore Naval Base Modules: 144

1000+ Special Command, Research, Salvage, and Intelligence Ships
Various landing craft
Various river and RHIBs
Various small harbour vessels

TOTAL MAIN COMBAT SHIPS (Major Surface Ships and Nuclear Submarines): 6812 (75% of Combat Vessels)
TOTAL MINOR COMBAT SHIPS (Small Surface Craft, Conventional Submarines): 2284 (25% of Combat Vessels)


Heavily Armed Coast Guard Cutters and Submarines within Omzian Coast Guard, commanded by Omzian National Security Ministry
336x Halverson Cutters
192x Ronin Corvettes
144x Hydra Missile Boats
172x Blue Knight LCS-A
96x Blue Knight LCS-B
96x Blue Knight LCS-C
136x Blue Knight LCS-E
96x Conqueror II SSK
Scandavian States
28-03-2005, 22:04
Jesus, I still can't get over how many ships you have. Although I have no doubt at all that my navy outweighs yours, it's still mind boggeling.
28-03-2005, 22:08
Jesus, I still can't get over how many ships you have. Although I have no doubt at all that my navy outweighs yours, it's still mind boggeling.
OOC: It's the main combat force only, though I chose to havfe a little bit more flexibility and modularity with smaller battlegroups, thus the Command Group (or Command Fleet) is one of the biggest single-command formations in the Omzian Navy. Since the mission is still defensive, a large amount of missile boats dominates not only the active (North/South Fleets) and reserve (Guard Fleet) forces, but also the Naval Militia where there are another few hundreds of small missile boats and conventional submarines (and the Coast Guard if you want to count that in).
Scandavian States
28-03-2005, 22:13
Oh, I understand your force is defensively dedicated, just like mine is configured to pound the living hell out of something before it pounds the hell out of me, but that doesn't change the fact that you have a lot ships. Mind you, I know full well it isn't infeasible within the bounds of NS (unlike certain people), it's just something that's a tad difficult to wrap my head around.
13-05-2005, 04:22
OOC: Some updates to reflect recent changes, if anyone's interested.
16-05-2005, 05:35
Omzian Naval Infantry Corps
Omzian Navy

The Naval Infantry Corps of the Omzian Navy is an elite unit of a series of mechanized and light infantry forces, serving as the main amphibious assault arm of the Omzian Navy, and working with the Army in both amphibious and non-amphibious operations. Its role since has changed from a defensive, regional-based posture to a new offensive-oriented role, intending to strike enemy territory via the sea. Like the Army, it is also centered around the use of mechanized forces from the Mechanized Divisions, though when compared to Army organization, the Naval Infantry Corps is still infantry-centered in comparison.

Omzian Naval Infantry Corps

Omzian Naval Infantry Command - Southern Fleet
Commander: Vice Admiral Joranoez, OFN
Headquarters: OFNB Hogan Port, Hoganporte Province
101st Naval Assault Force
-->I Corps
1st Armoured Regiment
10th Mechanized Division
11th Mechanized Division
50th Naval Infantry Division
51st Naval Infantry Division
-->II Corps
2nd Armoured Regiment
12th Mechanized Division
15th Mechanized Division
52nd Naval Infantry Division
53rd Naval Infantry Division

102nd Naval Assault Force
-->III Corps
3rd Armoured Regiment
16th Mechanized Division
17th Mechanized Division
55th Naval Infantry Division
56th Naval Infantry Division
-->V Corps
5th Armoured Regiment
18th Mechanized Division
19th Mechanized Division
57th Naval Infantry Division
58th Naval Infantry Division
-->VI Corps
6th Armoured Regiment
20th Mechanized Division
21st Mechanized Division
59th Naval Infantry Division
60th Naval Infantry Division

106th Naval Assault Force
-->XI Corps
11th Armoured Regiment
31st Mechanized Division
70th Naval Infantry Division
71st Naval Infantry Division
72nd Naval Infantry Division
-->XII Corps
12th Armoured Regiment
32nd Mechanized Division
73rd Naval Infantry Division
75th Naval Infantry Division
76th Naval Infantry Division

201st Naval Security Force (12 regiments)
202nd Naval Security Force
203rd Naval Security Force

Omzian Naval Infantry Command - Northern Fleet
Commander: Vcie Admiral Ford, OFN
Headquarters: OFNB Port Sonara, Hongazkie Province
103rd Naval Assault Force
-->VII Corps
7th Armoured Regiment
22nd Mechanized Division
23rd Mechanized Division
61st Naval Infantry Division
62nd Naval Infantry Division
-->VIII Corps
8th Armoured Regiment
25th Mechanized Division
26th Mechanized Division
63rd Naval Infantry Division
65th Naval Infantry Division
-->IX Corps
9th Armoured Regiment
27th Mechanized Division
28th Mechanized Division
66th Naval Infantry Division
67th Naval Infantry Division

Capital Security Force
205th Naval Security Force
206th Naval Security Force

Omzian Naval Infantry Command - Guard Fleet
Commander: Vice Admiral Donkarez, OFN
Headquarters: OFNB Donkarezskie Garrison, Hoganporte Province
105th Naval Assault Force
-->X Corps
10th Armoured Regiment
29th Mechanized Division
30th Mechanized Division
68th Naval Infantry Division
69th Naval Infantry Division

207th Naval Security Force
208th Naval Security Force
30-05-2005, 06:24
Omzian Long-Range Naval Aviation Corps

Introduction: The strategic aerial arm of the Omzian Navy, the Omzian Long-Range Naval Aviation Corps is a large force of strategic aircraft that is only rivaled by the Air Force's Strategic Air Command, with a bomber force that has a size that is approximately 1/4 of the Strategic Air Command, and a very large maritime patrol force compromised of a large group of naval patrol aircraft. In wartime, its mission is to stage a massive aerial campaign against enemy merchant shipping, while assisting naval and Air Force forces in strikes against enemy naval fleets and coastal cities near their homeland. It is also responsible for the defence of the homeland, as its patrol aircraft can watch out for a diverse range of undersea threats, while its bombers are capable of conducting sea surveillance missions to guard against enemy fleets.

24x Medium Maritime Patrol Groups
36x Long Range Maritime Patrol Groups
4x Heavy Waterborne Bomber Groups
6x Waterborne Bomber Groups
9x Fast Maritime Bomber Groups
18x Heavy Maritime Bomber Groups
18x Strike Maritime Bomber Groups
28x Regional Maritime Bomber Groups

1288x P-12A MMMA
1728x P-787 Seahunter
216x WG-148 Serpahim
288x WG-115 Dragonfly
432x B-6A Armbrust
864x B-108 Thunderhawk
864x B-110 Archstream
1344x B-106 Warcrow
18-06-2005, 20:08
OOC: Some major changes, including the creation of eight Fast Action Carrier Battle Groups, which blends mobility with the availability of extra air capabilities and extended shore bombardment capabilities with the single King Henry V battleship assigned to each group.
25-08-2005, 20:15
A MAJOR revision of the Omzian Navy, including a reduction in the number of combat vessels by 1700. This is done to get the Omzian Navy ready for a transformation into a true blue-water navy in the future, despire the IC controversy. One noticable change however, is that there's (slightly) more commonality among vessels, and it's no longer that mind-boggling or cluttered.
01-09-2005, 01:52
Updated. This is the revision, which includes the complete dismantlement of several types of battlegroups, and the inclusion of the new General Combat Battle Group. Vessel numbers has been restored to the pre-reorganziation level, but one might notice that the green and brown water components of the navy is now only 35% (as opposed to near 50%) of the total number of combat ships.

Since this a major revision, a new introduction segment is coming.
01-09-2005, 03:11
Omzian Navy Battle Group Designations and Names
Note: Under the new series of reorganization, the Omzian Navy has abolished the older style of number-only designation for battlegroups, and instead opted for a more stylish name designation for battlegroups. Normally the names are the names of the leading capital ship in the battlegroup.

Command Fleets: Republic, Isselmere, Resolute, Socialist Revolution, Great Leader
General Combat Battle Groups: Smoke Jaguar, Free Republic, Freethinker, Admiral Ukan, Vansare, Wilson Shire, Hongaz Omazee, Federation, Praetorian Guard, Admiral Johnson, Commodore Logan, Founder, Redstorm, Galaxy, Vanguard, Nebulae, Triumphant, Splendid, Battle of Hongazgrad, Hagras Victory
Heavy Fire Support Groups: Thunderbird, Fireshark, Cougar, Stormfox, Panther, Tigershark
Fire Support Groups: Hurricane, Rainstorm, Fastwind, Rainbow, Firehawk, Ions
Fast Action Carrier Battle Groups: Starburst, Diamondback, Goldleaf, Chevron, Goldback, Sentinel, Fireagle, Oakleaf
Assault Carrier Battle Groups: Consolidation, Reconciliation, Unity, Pacification, Everlast, Resolution, Enterprise, Red Guard, Integration, Stormhawk, Valiance, Valor, Gallantry, Chivalry, Ardent, Titan, Seahawk, Jonathan Moran, Stalwart, Stormshadow
Carrier Battle Group: Phoenix, Pegasus, Poseidon, Medusa, Hercules, Orion, Apollo, Mercury, Elements, Minotaur, Theseus, Summerdream, Silverleaf, Supernovae, Starfox, Garden, Falcon, Shadowknife, Crimson Star, Absolute, Swiftfox, Navarre, Warlord, Chieftain
Light Carrier Battle Groups: Seashadow, Rainstorm, Ambush, Artistic, Splinter, Watchguard, Observatory, Discreet
Amphibious Operations Groups: Sealfox, Dolphin, Crocodile, Whaleshark, Tetrapod, Sidewinder, Seahorse, Quicksand
23-09-2005, 02:26
Updated Naval Aviation figures.
01-10-2005, 17:59
OOC: A huge update for you all to see - including a short introduction. Several new types of vessels are added, making the navy once again a bit more inclined towards battleships rather than naval aviation. I should also mention this:

Happy 1 RL year birthday to the Omzian Navy!

That's right - one year ago I've finally decided to do some organization for my navy beyond the number of vessels listing in a word document, and it is just a bit more than 11 months ago that I finally decided to do some of my serious organization (though at first I have to credit CSJ for the basic format of my navy, but now I've shifted from that). Unknown to me at that time, the same organization would also apply to the Army (January 05 I think) and the Air Force (only recently).
02-10-2005, 00:45
Major Ship-Based Aviation Formations

5x Command Vessel Integrated Air Groups
24x F-109E Skyfury (STOVL Fighter-Bomber)
12x E-35Z (STOVL Mini-AWACS)
28x MH-102 ASW
8x MH-102 SAR

10x Command Carrier Air Groups
48x F-36C Kunai (Heavy Fighter)
96x F-109D Seafury (Multirole Fighter)
36x B-36C Kunai (Heavy Attacl)
24x EB-36C Kunai (Electronic Warfare)
24x KB-36C Kunai (Refueler)
24x S-67A Kingfisher (ASW)
8x ES-67 Humpback (ELINT)
16x E-68 Eagle Eye (AWACS)
24x MH-102 ASW
8x MH-102 SAR

68x Battle Carrier Air Groups
36x F-36C Kunai
60x F-109D Seafury
36x B-36C Kunai
24x EB-36C Kunai
12x KB-36C Kunai
16x S-67A Kingfisher
4x ES-67 Humpback
12x E-68 Eagle Eye
12x MH-102 ASW
4x MH-102 SAR

58x Assault Carrier Air Groups
36x F-36C Kunai
48x F-109D Seafury
12x B-36C Kunai
12x EB-36C Kunai
8x KB-36C Kunai
12x S-67A Kingfisher
4x ES-67 Humpback
12x E-68 Eagle Eye
8x MH-102 ASW
4x MH-102 SAR

24x Carrier Air Groups
84x F-109D Seafury
6x S-67A Kingfisher
2x ES-67A Humpback
4x E-68A Eagle Eye
8x MH-102 ASW
4x MH-102 SAR

38x Intermediate Carrier Air Groups
48x F-109D Seafury
6x S-67A Kingfisher
6x E-68 Eagle Eye
8x MH-102 ASW
4x MH-102 SAR

26x Medium Carrier Air Groups
36x F-109D Seafury
6x S-67A Kingfisher
4x E-68 Eagle Eye
4x MH-102 ASW
2x MH-102 SAR

24x Light Carrier Air Groups
24x F-109E Skyfury
6x E-35Z
4x MH-102 ASW
2x MH-102 SAR

18x Amphibious Carrier Air Groups
18x F-109E Skyfury
6x E-35Z
6x MH-102 ASW
05-10-2005, 01:16
New Commander For the Southern Fleet
Omzian Navy Red Flag Daily, Dakarie Year 98

PORT HAGRAS (RFD) - Today, in a special ceremony in the meeting hall of the Omzian Southern Fleet Headquarters, First Admiral Logan, the now-retiring CINC of the Omzian Southern Fleet, and Field Marshal Hogan, the Supreme Director of the Omzian High Command, has sworn in a new commander as the Commander in Chief of the Omzian Southern Fleet, along with his entire staff, including the SOUTHFLT Chief of Operations, Chief of Aerial Operations, Chief of Ground Operations, and Chief of Submarine Forces. First Admiral Moran, just promoted to his rank a few months ago, will be officially taking office in the place of the now-retiring First Admiral Logan, replacing one of the longest-serving Commander in Chief of the Omzian Navy's history. This is not only limited to First Admiral Moran himself, and will include First Admiral Jonares, Fleet Admiral Boran, Fleet Admiral (Marine) Yokans, and Fleet Admiral Jonkares, acting as the respective chiefs of operations, who will take office the same day.

Not much is known about the 58-year-old First Admiral outside of the Navy, but he is believed to be one of the last generations of officers to have served in the Omzian Homeland Defence War more than thirty years ago, and at the same time representing a step ahead of the older generation consisting of the 83-year-old First Admiral Logan. He is often described as a "flexible but strict" character with an "optimistic attitude", and has participated in the Yasmarea Campaign as one of the senior members of the planning staff, which is suspected of being one of the primary reasons for his promotion given the campaign's astonishing success. A "cruiser admiral", he served as a weapons officer on the doomed ONCS Alarm sank in the Battle of Hagras Bay, which further strengthened his credentials needed for promotion.

"This is certainly a challenging but welcoming opportunity indeed," First Admiral Moran said, after the official handover of the "Commander's Baton" by the now-retiring First Admiral Logan. "I expect that as time progresses, I will exert as much of my energy as possible and dedicate as much effort as neeed to strengthen the Omzian Navy as the premier branch of the Omzian Forces, and to secure its position in the world."

He is set to administratively take the Commander in Chief seat next week.
06-10-2005, 21:22
OOC: Naval Infantry OOB updated, added Naval Security Forces as a new part of the roster.
08-10-2005, 22:42
For those interested in the deeper aspects of the Omzian military in terms of leadership and doctrines, here is the Omzian Navy Command Structure (
09-10-2005, 03:28
Omzian Naval Weapons and Ordnance

Main Gun Calibres - Battleships
760mm (30in) ETC gun (Europa BBCN)
635mm (25in) ETC gun (Jimnam BBAN)
610mm (24in) ETC gun (King Henry V and King Robert VI BBGN)
560mm (22in) ETC gun (Treaty, Coronation BBGN)
550mm (21.65in) ETC gun (Leviathan BBAGN)
508mm (20in) ETC gun (Ragnarok BBAGN)
457mm (18in) ETC gun (Python and Cetus-ID BBGN)
406mm (16in) ETC gun (Cetus-IC, Shinryu and Toryu BBGN)

Main Gun Calibres - Escorts
255mm (10in) ETC gun (Berlin CAN)
203mm (8in) ETC and LP guns (Polestar CAN, Sarasvati CGN, Benzaiten CG, Arayashiki DDGN, Wizdom DDG, Ballistae DDN, Archer DD)
155mm (6.1in) ETC and LP guns (Ankara CGN, Locke CGN, Centaur-X DDGN, Mindbreaker FFGN, Darklore FFG)
152mm (6in) ETC gun (Revenge DD, Sabre DDG, Ardent FFG)
127mm (5in) ETC gun (Albatross DDGN, Anarchy II DDG, Timberwolf FFG, Cougar FF, Tarantula LCS, Leuchkäfer II hovercraft)

Surface-to-Air Missiles
RIM-506G Flamearrow II ULRSAM
RIM-506H Firearrow II LRSAM
RIM-506I Foxarrow II IRSAM
BIM-516 Starlight MRSAM
UIM-355A Starshooter Sub-Launch SAM
RIM-517B Sea Nebula ABM/Anti-Satellite Missile

Ship-Launched Anti-Ship Missiles
RGM-355H Meteor-H Ultraheavy ASM
RGM-356C Hailstorm-C Hypersonic Attack Missile
BGM-324H Tigersword-H Heavy Attack Cruise Missile
BGM-321G Meteor-G Heavy Long Range ASM
BGM-324E/G Tigersword-E/G Long Range Cruise Missile
BGM-502A Longaxe Long Range ASM
BGM-501A Roundel Supersonic Medium Range ASM
BGM-271J/K Shinma Medium ASM

Ship-Launched Dedicated Land Attack Missiles
Red Flag-7BN MRBM
MGM-239 Long Archer SRBM
BGM-503A Arquebus Long-Range Supersonic Attack Missile
BGM-324F Tigersword-F Medium Cruise Missile
BGM-457 Leopard Cruise Missile

Torpedoes/Anti-Submarine Missiles
RUM-354A Starfish ASROC (28" torpedo)
RUM-352A/B/C Lionfish ASROC (21" torpedo)
RGM-347 SLAW (21" torpedo)
RGM/UGM-287 Aslan
Broadsword 1000mm Torpedo
Mk.250 38" Supercavitating Torpedo
Mk.251 38" Torpedo
Mk.159 28" Supercavitating Torpedo
Mk.158 28” Torpedo
Mk.140 28" Airdrop Torpedo
Mk.70 25.6” Torpedo
Mk.88 21" Supercavitating Torpedo
Mk.155 21" Torpedo (Mod 1 submarine, Mod 2 surface, Mod 3 airdrop)
Mk.132 Mod 3 21" Airdrop Torpedo
Mk.142 12.75" Torpedo

Underwater Warfare
50mm UW-SC Railguns
37mm RAMICS Mine-Clearing System (Firing Supercavitating Shells)
27mm Deck-Mounted Gun (Supercavitating Underwater Shells)
6.25" Anti-Torpedo Torpedoes
Mk.144 HCAPTOR 28" Mine (21" torpedo)
14-10-2005, 07:23
Omzian Forces Navy News
New Navy Commando Regiment Commissioned

PORT HAGRAS (OFNN) -- During a closed ceremony Thursday, the Omzian Navy's Southern Fleet has finally and formally commissioned a new Navy Commando regiment, incorporating it as a valuable addition to the Omzian military's special operations forces and the Omzian Navy's "special strike" capabilities. The newly-formed 166th Navy Commando Regiment will be the 15th navy commando regiment in the Omzian Navy, and the 9th such unit in the Southern Fleet, and it is expected that the unit will be brought to full readiness "soon".

The Regiment's commander, Senior Captain (Marines) J. Kolans, officially accepted the Declaration of the regiment's formation from the commander-in-chief of the Southern Fleet, First Admiral Moran, during the ceremony at its beginning stages in a cheerful mood. A former commander of another Navy Commando regiment, it is believed that Kolans has "many years of experience" in the Navy Commando service and its training and operations, though exact details are very hard to come by to the cloud of secrecy surrounding Omzian special forces units. An unnamed executive officer was also on the scene, though as with all other special forces units, a Political Advisory Officer is omitted.

The regiment's creation is believed to be a result of the downsizing of previous Navy Commando regiments from three battalions to two "fast strike" battalions, in additions to further changes that tied certain units almost completely to special operations submarine units. Having brought down the size of the regiments to around 1000 men each, it is believed that around half of the regiment will be compromised of men transferred from other existing units.

Though the new commanding officer refused to divulge on the details, he commented that he is "abundant in optimism and enthusiasm", and will "happily take on the daunting but honourable task of commanding a Navy Commando regiment".
Scandavian States
14-10-2005, 07:37
[Might I ask why you're making this so public? My Aerospace Force and Navy have commando units, but I don't go announcing them. Seems odd you'd show your hand like this.]
14-10-2005, 07:43
[Might I ask why you're making this so public? My Aerospace Force and Navy have commando units, but I don't go announcing them. Seems odd you'd show your hand like this.]
OOC: We announce things which we feel would not compromise our special forces' operation (so that the world would get to know them better :p), and nothing more - note the ambiguity and complete lack of information on everything except the fact that they are formed in 1000-men regiments of two battalions, there are 15 regiments, and that there are only a CO and XO. Now, I did not say anything about its actual operations, tactics, base location, and organization on the platoon, company, and battalion levels, did I?

Or to put it simply, just that we are informing the world that we do have special forces units, but whether they think that they will actually get vital information about it or not is up to their own interpretation.
Scandavian States
14-10-2005, 14:43
[I see your point. Still, I'm uber-paranoid about my SF units, especially those in the Aerospace Force and Navy.]
19-10-2005, 16:47
OOC: Figures updated. Navy now sits at 9000 combat vessels, with drastic reductions in the coastal department.
11-11-2005, 21:35
OOC: Naval weapons listing updated.
30-11-2005, 02:41
Seeing the war will not occur as expected, the upcoming naval expansion will not be nearly as large as previously intended, though the submarine fleet as well as the naval aviation arm are nevertheless expanded for the time being.
21-03-2006, 13:53
OOC: Omz, how did you get names for your Capital Flagships?
21-03-2006, 16:06
OOC: Omz, how did you get names for your Capital Flagships?
OOC: I just create them, like other people who do the same...
21-03-2006, 16:10
OOC: No, I mean what inspiration.
21-03-2006, 16:18
OOC: No, I mean what inspiration.
OOC: Wo0rds out of the dictionary and my nation's past history.
Scandavian States
21-03-2006, 20:17
Omz, those Freethinkers escort ships you have down as using 6" guns are really 6.1" main guns. I'm fairly shocked at how large your logistics tail is.
21-03-2006, 21:09
OOC: I can't seem to find enough logistics to back up this enourmous fleet.
22-03-2006, 01:57
Omz, those Freethinkers escort ships you have down as using 6" guns are really 6.1" main guns. I'm fairly shocked at how large your logistics tail is.
OOC: I admit that the varied ship types, etc. are a bit too much, and I wouldn't hesitate to revamp my entire navy if I have the time to - and though I did decrease ship types somewhat, I haven't bothered to put up the new listings yet. On the other hand, the commonality among weapons are much better than before (you might say ASW weapons is another matter, but ASW weapons are fairly specialized anyways), and I only buy ships from three manufacturers (FDI, CSJMI, RSIN), so the differences between different onboard systems wouldn't be that detrimental - plus, I do add my own electronics onto purchased ships to increase commonality and communication capabilities.

Still, despite the decades of transition to a more blue-water oriented force, the defensive nature of the fleet is still clear - I only have ten 1 million ton plus SDs, for example. With that, it would also take more time to mobilize my own fleet for large overseas operation than, say, your fleet, for similar reasons.

OOC: I can't seem to find enough logistics to back up this enourmous fleet.
OOC: All the non-combat support vessels, including the replenishment and amphibious vessels (the latter are not necessary combat vessels), are listed below the numbers for the combat vessels. With an initial glance the numbers might seem small, but considering the distributions of the vessels (ex. 18 replenishment vessels for an assault CVBG), the actual logistical support is more than enough. Along with that, my entire navy's combat arm is not only blue-water battle groups and nuclear submarines, so I don't need that much support overall.
22-03-2006, 16:06
OOC: All the non-combat support vessels, including the replenishment and amphibious vessels (the latter are not necessary combat vessels), are listed below the numbers for the combat vessels. With an initial glance the numbers might seem small, but considering the distributions of the vessels (ex. 18 replenishment vessels for an assault CVBG), the actual logistical support is more than enough. Along with that, my entire navy's combat arm is not only blue-water battle groups and nuclear submarines, so I don't need that much support overall.
Still, having less supply ships than combat ones is nowhere near enough. Combat ships should only comprise roughly a quarter of the entire Navy, and this doesn't seem to be the case. You probably need even more logistics than normal, since I notice you have several super-dreadnoughts, big logistical nightmares (you might need more than four supply ships to fully support each one of them).
22-03-2006, 16:15
Still, having less supply ships than combat ones is nowhere near enough. Combat ships should only comprise roughly a quarter of the entire Navy, and this doesn't seem to be the case. You probably need even more logistics than normal, since I notice you have several super-dreadnoughts, big logistical nightmares (you might need more than four supply ships to fully support each one of them).
I don't really need that many non-combat vessels including replenishment vessels, which means that they are enough - I don't recall a rule saying that combat vessels should only be 1/4 of the numerical strength, because that's an awfully small number, and I don't need half of my battle groups to be comprised of oilers (let alone 3/4) especially when many of my ships are already nuclear-powered. As for the SDs, I have 26 supply vessels per battlegroup of 2 SDs & escorts and most of my blue-water battle groups are comprised of nuclear-powered vessels. Even if the 1/4 figure is true, keep in mind that replenishment vessels only account for a very small porportion of a proper navy's support force - you're forgetting the amphibious vessels, minesweepers, Ro-Ros, and vessels serving in similar functions.

You'd have to examine the distribution of replenishment units in individual types of blue-water battle groups and understand the roles of my navy to understand why the number of replenishment vessels I have overall is not as much as a true blue-water navy of similar size that is comprised almost entirely of blue-water nuclear-powered ships and submarines in terms of its combat strength.
22-03-2006, 17:26
I don't really need that many non-combat vessels including replenishment vessels, which means that they are enough - I don't recall a rule saying that combat vessels should only be 1/4 of the numerical strength, because that's an awfully small number, and I don't need half of my battle groups to be comprised of oilers (let alone 3/4) especially when many of my ships are already nuclear-powered. As for the SDs, I have 26 supply vessels per battlegroup of 2 SDs & escorts and most of my blue-water battle groups are comprised of nuclear-powered vessels. Even if the 1/4 figure is true, keep in mind that replenishment vessels only account for a very small porportion of a proper navy's support force - you're forgetting the amphibious vessels, minesweepers, Ro-Ros, and vessels serving in similar functions.

You'd have to examine the distribution of replenishment units in individual types of blue-water battle groups and understand the roles of my navy to understand why the number of replenishment vessels I have overall is not as much as a true blue-water navy of similar size that is comprised almost entirely of blue-water nuclear-powered ships and submarines in terms of its combat strength.
I said combat vessels comprise 25% of the Navy, but I never said logistical ships comprised 75% of it. In fact, half of the ships will be transports and fleet replenishment ships, and the remaining quarter will be landing ships and assault ships.

Try reading the logistics tutorials (especially What Logistics is, which deals specifically with Navy organization).

Logistics: War and Peace (
What Logistics is (

PS: Logistics isn't just fuel, but food, ammo and spare parts too. Having nuclear-powered ships just solves a small part of the problem.
23-03-2006, 01:01
I said combat vessels comprise 25% of the Navy, but I never said logistical ships comprised 75% of it. In fact, half of the ships will be transports and fleet replenishment ships, and the remaining quarter will be landing ships and assault ships.
You talked about "logistical" and "supply" ships throughout your posts, so I assumed that you were indeed implying so. But then again - you are making your assumptions on broad generalizations, because my navy is not a 100% blue water navy, and because it seems that you haven't closely examined how I organize my navy's auxiliary branch. If you look at the blue-water portion of fleet though, you will see a substantial number of replenishment vessels.

Try reading the logistics tutorials (especially What Logistics is, which deals specifically with Navy organization).

Logistics: War and Peace (
What Logistics is (
I have read both threads. Despite the reliability of TEO's thread overall, some figures, especially those about the US Navy's "600-ship fleet", are still incorrect, so the 75% figure is not an accurate one (since he did base the 75% figure on the assumption that the US Navy only had 30 submarines and few surface escorts, because the USN has 71 subs right now and a total of around 180 combat ships). If I recall correctly the USN only has 30 (1/6th, slightly less than mine ratio IIRC) or so combat replenishment vessels, and the entire Military Sealift Command, basically the USN's auxiliary force, operate just more than 110 ships.

PS: Logistics isn't just fuel, but food, ammo and spare parts too. Having nuclear-powered ships just solves a small part of the problem.
The part about the spare parts occurs largely on land, not at sea, and I do realize that ammunition (even though missiles are very hard to reload at sea due to various reasons), etc. are vital supplies for any fleet. However, having nuclear-powered ships do change the equation substantially, because fuel plays a huge part of sea-based logistics, and by having a predominantly nuclear blue-water fleet, you have eliminated much of the problem. Which means that you don't really need so much logistical support, even though you do still need them.
23-03-2006, 01:22
Just to back Omz up here, think about the United state's Aircraft Carriers, specifically the
Nimitz Class of Aircraft carriers.
Forrestal Class of Aircraft Carriers.
The Most notable Difference here is the difference between powerplants. The Nimitz Class uses Nuclear Power and the Forrestal Class uses boilers. Now, the Forrestal Series of carriers needs massive amounts of space for just the fuel needed to power it's engines. The Nimitz, however, does not. This space left over is used to house more JP-5 Jet fuel and weapons for the aircraft it carries, and food too. Now, by having this extra fuel, weapons and food, it eliminates the need for more Fleet supply ships to supply the nimitz for it's fuel, and reduces the need for constant replenishment of jet fuel and arms. The Forrestal class however needs more of these supply ships due to it's need of fuel.

As Omz said, most of his blue water navy is Nuclear powered, meaning that most of his ships require less replenishment meaning less supply ships. This doesn't mean however that he has none. Having Bought many times From RSIN myself, the replishment ships Isselmere supplies in his packages are more than enough for the ships. The other stores, not having relied as heavily upon them, I don't know them well enough to pass a judgement, but I'd guess they're all very realistic for Omz to buy from them.
23-03-2006, 01:28
Well, I do use my own organization (actually, I originally borrowed CSJ's, but further developed it into what's now my own), and despite the huge demand of other forms of supplies such as crew supplies (i.e. food, etc.), ammunition for the guns, and jet fuel & munitions for carriers, I don't really need that many supply vessels - partly for the reason that Illior had pointed out. Further, the replenishment vessels that I have are also larger than their IRL counterparts, and are nuclear-powered themselves.

However, my navy still does require more time (as said before) to mobilize as other major blue-water navies in NS due to the logistics problem I mentioned in the reply to SS's post, and the fact that I'd still need a bit more supply vessels for some of my larger battle groups. That said, once again, only a portion of my navy is designed for overseas ops - the others are either for regional operations or littorial operations in my own waters.

I know that the logistic thread by TEO is a very informative and reliable source, but one way or another the Navy section is simply inaccurate. I might have to tell TEO about that.
23-03-2006, 01:37
If your Navy really is that special, I wouldn't know the best supply/transport/combat proportions for it. A way to find out is to do some research on the amount of supplies each class of ship needs and then how much of that can each supply ship carry and use to resupply others. But that's too much work. :p
23-03-2006, 01:38
If your Navy really is that special, I wouldn't know the best supply/transport/combat proportions for it. A way to find out is to do some research on the amount of supplies each class of ship needs and then how much of that can each supply ship carry and use to resupply others. But that's too much work. :p
Finally! you see it his way:cool:
23-03-2006, 01:40
If your Navy really is that special, I wouldn't know the best supply/transport/combat proportions for it. A way to find out is to do some research on the amount of supplies each class of ship needs and then how much of that can each supply ship carry and use to resupply others. But that's too much work. :p
Well, it is not that "special", and the navy does have its own deficiencies, which complicates the logistical situation somewhat. As for the type of research you mentioned, that is too much work and is not really necessary (considering the degree of organization I already have), so for the porportion of the navy's support forces I chose one that is just below 50%. This is basically the porportion for the US Navy's own non-combat vessels, including amphibious vessels and mine warfare vessels (both of which I forgot to mention in the previous post).
23-03-2006, 01:58
Well, it is not that "special", and the navy does have its own deficiencies, which complicates the logistical situation somewhat. As for the type of research you mentioned, that is too much work and is not really necessary (considering the degree of organization I already have), so for the porportion of the navy's support forces I chose one that is just below 50%. This is basically the porportion for the US Navy's own non-combat vessels, including amphibious vessels and mine warfare vessels (both of which I forgot to mention in the previous post).
You've to consider that 600-ship figure, 25% combat vessels. It was in the 1980's, the Cold War. The US could potentially face a roughly equal opponent, and it had to do it in the most efficient way possible.

Now the organization is quite different because the potential enemies are quite different. The Navy probably needs less logistics because it won't need to mobilize much in the foreseeable future, given the fact the US is dealing with underdeveloped Third World nations as opposed to one big superpower.

The NS world is much more like the RL's Cold War, and even more dangerous. There isn't one potential enemy superpower but many of them, so you need to keep your forces at peak efficiency whenever it's possible, because you never know who'll come charging at you.
23-03-2006, 02:07
You've to consider that 600-ship figure, 25% combat vessels. It was in the 1980's, the Cold War. The US could potentially face a roughly equal opponent, and it had to do it in the most efficient way possible.
I already said that the figure was inaccurate, because 1) the 600-ship figure was not reached and b) the USN had more than just 150 combat ships and even now it still has more. The 25% combat vessel figure is not only a very vague generalization, but is also an inaccurate generalization, because you don't need 75% of your navy to be support ships.

Now the organization is quite different because the potential enemies are quite different. The Navy probably needs less logistics because it won't need to mobilize much in the foreseeable future, given the fact the US is dealing with underdeveloped Third World nations as opposed to one big superpower.

The NS world is much more like the RL's Cold War, and even more dangerous. There isn't one potential enemy superpower but many of them, so you need to keep your forces at peak efficiency whenever it's possible, because you never know who'll come charging at you.
This is not awfully relevant, since porportionally the USN still maintains similar ratios of support vessels. I find the notion that the USN is far less ready for mobilization after the Cold War interesting, because the USN much or less is still very ready, especially with China next door in the Pacific. The USN was quick to respond to Afghanistan following 9/11, and the USN was quick to respond to the Taiwan Straits Crisis in 95-96 (IIRC), so I find the notion that the USN has far less support vessels porportionally to be flawed.

As for my own navy, I already said that it is not as ready for mobilization as other major blue-water navies (such as Scandavian State's), but that's due more to logistical complications not related to how many supply vessels I have. Nevertheless, it is still very ready, and the current level of supply vessels I have is more than sufficient.
23-03-2006, 02:17
I didn't mean they are less capable of standard mobilization. I meant large-scale mobilization, deploying more than a couple of task forces abroad. Anyway, that's all I've to say for the moment.

Good luck. :)
Scandavian States
23-03-2006, 02:25
Indeed. My navy, for example, is entirely nuclear-powered, so it has no refuelers. Keep in mind that there are certain type of ships the USN has that most NS navies don't. Intelligence collection ships, oceanography ships, etc. Also, keep in mind that many ships of the line are designed to be able to replenish ships in their groups/fleets and that in BB/DN/SD-heavy fleets there is less need for replenishment ships. Finally, many ships carry the majority of the supplies they will need for the length of their deployment.

Now, my navy is kind of strange in that it tends to be very streamlined and has a short logistical tail. That cuts down on overall costs and allows for very quick mass deployments. As Omz has said, his navy isn't really like that, but generally the portion that isn't nuclear-powered is patrol oriented and uses ports for its support functions.
Clan Smoke Jaguar
23-03-2006, 07:51
Current US Navy

12 Assorted Carriers
22 Ticonderoga Cruisers
50 Arleigh Burke Destroyers
30 Oliver Hazard Perry Frigates
3 Seawolf Submarines
1 Virginia Submarine
49 Los Angeles Submarines
15 Ohio Submarines

7 Wasp LHD
5 Tarawa LHA
1 San Antonio LPD
10 Austin LPD
8 Whidbey Island LSD
4 Harper's Ferry LSD
14 Avenger MCM
12 Osprey MHC

4 Joint Command Ships
8 Kilauea Replenishment Ships
2 Lewis & Clark Replenishment Ships
6(?) Mars & Sirius Replenishment Ships
3 Sacremento Replenishment Ships
4 Supply Replenishment Ships
13 Henry J. Kaiser Fleet Oilers
2 Emory S. Land Sub Tenders
6 Support Submarines/Submersibles

4 Safeguard Salvage Tugs
5 Powhatan Fleet Tugs
9 Assorted Ocean Surveillance Ships
3 Missile Tracking Ships
1 Zeus Cable Ship
3 Weapons Trials Ships (modified destroyers)
1 Acoustics Trials Ship
2 Air Surveillance Patrol Ships
4 Submersible Support Ships
1 Experimental High-Speed Transport
13 Assorted Research/Survey Vessels
12 Assorted Trials Ships
4 Museum Vessels

8 Watson Vehicle Cargo Ships
7 Bob Hope Vehicle Cargo Ships
2 Gordon Vehicle Cargo Ships
3 Shughart Vehicle Cargo Ships
8 Algol Vehicle Cargo Ships
31 Assorted Other Vehicle Cargo Ships
3 Kocak Prepositioning Ships
1 Martin Prepositioning Ship
1 Wheat Prepositioning Ship
5 Bobo Prepositioning Ships
5 Hauge Prepositioning Ships
22 General Cargo Ships
10 Assorted Crane Ships
2 Wright Aviation Logistics Ships
5 Barge Carriers
2 Deckships
10 Assorted Transport Tankers

Total Vessels: 478
Total Combatants: 182
% Combatants: 38%
% Actually Supporting Naval Operations & Other Ships: 23%
% Dedicated Mostly to Ground Forces: 39%

The US could actually shave off 1/3 of its fleet if it decided to eliminate most overseas deployments. As you can also see, even right now, with downsizing of combat forces, the US has nearly 2/5 of its major vessels contained in that category. Now, you could add the literally hundreds of landing ships, patrol vessels, and drydock shelters that are in service, but I'd be extremely surprised to see any of those really listed in a major NS navy. So, it boils down to this: You can have a major blue water navy while retaining half of all major vessels as combatants, just so long as major ground (and air) forces deployments aren't prepared for.

And for the record, carrier battlegroups tend to have only 1-3 support vessels attached. One will be a large multiproduct replenishment ship, there may be a fleet oiler (while the carrier isn't a gas guzzler, the planes are), and, though unlikely, there might be also a more specialized dry cargo vessel (munitions and food). That will support the carrier, its aircraft, and all its escorts. If you look, you'll actually notice that there are only about 40 escorts for 180 ships, or one for every 4.5 combatants. And that's with a large carrier fleet, which is where most of that is needed.
23-03-2006, 16:28
CSJ, I do recall that some of the vessels that you've listed are already decommissioned (the Sacramento), and like SS said most navies probably won't include all the surveillance, survey, and salvage vessels, and will probably rely on civilian contractors & organizations for missions that are not too sensitive. You're correct that my auxiliary force is not designed to support a huge amphibious invasion or an extraordinarily huge movement of ground forces. That said though, I could enlist the help of civilian vessels (many of the cargo vessels operated by the Sealift Command are semi-civilian anyways) if things get desperate.
Epsilon Halo
04-03-2008, 02:15
OOC: Sweet Jesus! It takes a lot to get that out of me. I'm an atheist.

My navy only has 1700 ships, and a hell of a lot less capitals. And it's more like blue-and-brown, multirole ships. I hope the sea isn't too crowded.