28-03-2005, 21:57
Introduction: The Omzian Navy, or less better known as the Omzian People's National Maritime Defence Forces, is the premier and one of the oldest services in the Omzian Forces. A byproduct of the merging of several individual gunboat fleets during the Omzian Civil War, it was founded in the midst of the conflict near its climax. Having experienced a dynamic history and having received the most combat experience out of any three major branches of the Omzian Forces, it compromises of a mix of surface fleets, submerged combat systems, ship- and air-based aircraft, naval infantry forces, and a large auxiliary and support arm. Its personnel composition is in the range of around 17 million, which makes it the third largest branch of the regular components of the Omzian forces. Do not be fooled by such figure however, as the Omzian Navy at the same time is also the one that receive the most funding.
In terms of its basic organization, the Omzian Navy is geared as a combined blue- and brown-water navy that is capable of defending its own interests and its allies both domestic and abroad, though throughout the years the former has enjoyed substantial growth while the latter is experiencing a drastic reduction due to the shift of focus towards a true blue-water navy. Its missions includes protecting Omzian economic, military, and other interests abroad; serving as a deterrence against direct threats against Omzian sovereignty; enforcing Omzian foreign policy in a swift and effectual manner; and engaging in operations alongside with Omzian allies. As a result, one can effectively state that the Omzian Navy is a blue-water navy with certain brown- and green-water components, in that it is largely geared with expeditionary actions abroad, while at the same time being adequate to protect the dreadful possibility of an invasion of the Omzian homeland. This is further strengthened and highlighted by the failure of the Omzian Navy to halt an amphibious invasion of the southern Omzian city of Hongazgrad in the Homeland Defence War, which fully explains why the navy has grew from the smallest and least-funded service of the Omzian Forces, into the largest branch of the Omzian Forces not in its personnel number, but the broadness of its organization, the richness of its combat capabilities, and the availability of much financial funds for the enjoyment of the Navy.
Due to the doctrines of the Omzian Navy, unlike many other navies it is dominated by individual battle groups that are designed to operate autonomously, while at the same time are able to operate as part of a massive fleet. This is unlike the massive battle fleet organization of many nations, where the lack of flexibility would have many profound impacts on their ability to conduct operations of varying degrees of scale and size, in addition to their ability to conduct operations coherently and with various types of air and sea support. This is also unlike other navies, where vessels are organized in extremely light and small combat groups, which is avoided out of the fear that it will degrade the war-fighting capabilities of the navy in large-scale engagements. As a result, the combat vessels of the navy are organized in a large number of multirole medium-sized battle groups that are flexible yet powerful in their knockout punches, that makes the navy a true blue water navy, despite the roots of the organization in the navy's original defensive role.
In terms of its vessels, the Omzian Navy is indeed a diverse one, though efforts has been undertaken to reduce its negative effects and impacts on the Omzian Navy's ability to wage war. On the other hand, the Omzian Navy's combat arm is aided by a huge auxiliary arm, while the different vessels themselves shares varying degrees of commonality in their weaponry and gun calibers, thus making supply less of a monumental feat or a headache. As one can see, "superdreadnaughts" or heavy command battleships (as the Omzian Navy often calls it due to doctrine and political reasons) has found much dominance among the Omzian Navy, although the dominance is not particularly enormous in its significance in that these battleships are only used in command roles during combat (out of a need to provide an effective command platform that can accommodate a full command staff while being able to defend itself), and rarely in other roles at all. On the other hand, the other parts of the Omzian Navy are divided among an equal presence of both battleships and carriers, each enjoying substantial backup from a huge escort fleet of vessels. Notable among the others are the lack of battlecruisers and specifically designed commerce-raiding vessels, due to doctrine reasons and the Omzian Navy's roots in defensive warfare. Most of the navy is powered by nuclear power, though there are smaller conventionally powered vessels operating in smaller battle groups that would find dominance among the roles of convoy escort and littoral warfare. The silent service is also somewhat equally divided among nuclear and conventionally powered submarines, with a large contingent of capable attack and guided missile submarines, and a faction of submarines designed for special operations as well. Its amphibious forces, though not overly huge, is modestly sized to support small-to-medium scale Omzian amphibious operations, though it is likely that the Omzian Navy's amphibious capabilities would mean that the Omzian Navy would not spearhead such operation. On the other hand, it also has a large faction of littoral fast attack craft, most dominated by supersonic missiles as their primary weaponry.
The Omzian Navy is divided upon three fleets (four in wartime since Coast Guard is included): the Southern fleet, the Northern Fleet, and the Guard Fleet. The former two are active-service fleets that conducts regular cruises, frequent combat exercises, and are the most capable with sizeable rapid-reaction battle groups and large command fleets. On the other hand, the Guard Fleet is a semi-reserve fleet, which means that while it cannot be counted as a separate "naval reserve" and while it is still technically an active service component of the Omzian Navy, it conducts fewer cruises and peacetime operations outside of Omzian and regional waters, and its personnel are granted leaves more often than the other better-prepared two. Outside of combat vessels however, all three fleets has a large naval aviation arm, which are either part of the Navy Carrier Aviation or the Long Range Aviation Corps - the latter of which consisting of observation aircraft and airships, anti-submarine aircraft and airships, and long range maritime bombers. Naval infantry is also present with a mix of mechanized and light forces, and the Navy's special forces - the Navy Commandoes, are also present for the purpose of special operations both domestic and abroad.
Southern Fleet SOUTHFLT (Headquarters: Port Hagras and Hogan Point)
Commander in Chief: FirstAdm Moran
Flagship of the Navy: ONCS Republic (Europa BBCN-1)
Flagship: ONCS Socialist Revolution (Europa BBCN-5)
12x Mobile Offshore Base Groups
2x Command Groups
12x General Combat Battle Groups
2x Heavy Fire Support Groups
4x Fire Support Groups
12x Assault Carrier Battle Groups
6x Fast Action Carrier Battle Groups
6x Carrier Battle Groups
3x Light Carrier Battle Groups
4x Amphibious Operations Groups
Northern Fleet NORTHFLT (Headquarters: Northern Insen Island)
Commander in Chief: FirstAdm Hagras
Fleet Flagship: ONCS Isselmere (Europa BBCN-2)
Flagship: ONCS Great Leader (Europa BBCN-6)
12x Mobile Offshore Base Groups
2x Command Group
8x General Combat Battle Groups
2x Heavy Fire Support Groups
2x Fire Support Groups
8x Assault Carrier Battle Groups
2x Fast Action Carrier Battle Groups
6x Carrier Battle Groups
3x Light Carrier Battle Groups
4x Amphibious Operations Groups
Guard Fleet (Headquarters: Hogan Point)
Commander in Chief: FirstAdm (Guard) Morano
Fleet Flagship: ONCS Resolute (Europa BBCN-3)
1x Command Group
2x Heavy Fire Support Group (Flight ID)
12x Carrier Battle Groups
2x Light Carrier Battle Groups
Omzian Coast Guard Fleet
5x Command Fleets
1x Jimnam BBAN
1x Europa BBCN
2x Rangarok BBAGN
4x Leviathan BBAN
4x King Henry V BBGN
3x Cetus BBGN (Flight IC)
3x Toryu BBGN
3x Tsunami Arsenal Ships
2x Kanae Morion CVAN
6x Ocean CVAN
6x George Washington CVNL
2x Vincent Jackson CVMN
8x Firestorm V Arsenal Ships
8x Polestar CAN
12x Ankara CGN
18x Berlin CAN
15x Sarasvati CGN
26x Arayashiki DDGN
18x Mindbreaker FFGN
24x Ardent FFG
18x Sowerby SSN
6x Setsuna T-AKEN
5x Strana Mechty AOEN
10x Clan Grant AOR
5x Goro T-AON
20x General Combat Battle Groups
1x King Henry V BBGN
2x Coronation BBGN
2x Shinryu BBGN
2x Union CVBN
3x Firestorm V Arsenal Ship
6x Polestar CAN
10x Sarasvati CGN
12x Arayashiki DDGN
20x Mindbreaker FFGN
6x Sowerby SSN
3x Mesoplodon SSGN (Flight IIF)
5x Setsuna T-AKEN
3x Strana Mechty AOEN
2x Goro T-AON
6x Heavy Fire Support Groups
1x Ragnarok BBAGN
3x Treaty BBGN
2x Cetus BBGN (2x Flight ID and 4x Flight IC)
3x Python BBGN
3x Ankara CGN
6x Berlin CGN
5x Polestar CAN
5x Firestorm V Arsenal Ship
5x Centaur-X DDGN
4x Setsuna T-AKEN
5x Strana Mechty AOEN
8x Clan Grant AOR
4x Goro T-AON
6x Fire Support Groups
1x King Robert VI BBGN
3x Coronation BBGN
2x Toryu BBGN
3x Python BBGN
3x Ankara CGN
5x Berlin CAN
5x Polestar CAN
5x Firestorm IV Arsenal Ship
4x Centaur-X DDGN
4x Setsuna T-AKEN
5x Strana Mechty AOEN
8x Clan Grant AOR
4x Goro T-AON
8x Fast Action Carrier Battle Groups
1x Union CVBN
1x Wilson Shire CVAN
2x Vincent Jackson CVMN
1x King Henry BBGN
5x Ankara CGN
3x Sarasvati CGN
3x Centaur-X DDGN
6x Arayashiki DDGN
5x Revenge DD
4x Ardent FFG
5x Sowerby SSN
8x Mindbreaker FFGN
3x Clan Grant AOR
8x Strana Mechty AOEN
4x Setsuna T-AKEN
2x Goro T-AON
20x Assault Carrier Battle Groups
1x Union CVBN
1x Wilson Shire CVAN
3x Ankara CGN
5x Centaur-X DDGN
6x Arayashiki DDGN
3x Revenge DD
8x Mindbreaker FFGN
4x Sowerby SSN
5x Setsuna T-AKEN
4x Strana Mechty AOEN
6x Clan Grant AOR
3x Goro T-AON
24x Carrier Battle Groups
1x Seina Niyobuchi CVN
3x Locke CGN
6x Albatross DDGN
6x Ballistae DDN
5x Timberwolf FFG
4x Cougar FF
3x Sowerby SSN
2x Setsuna T-AKEN
2x Strana Mechty AOEN
2x Goro T-AON
8x Light Carrier Battle Groups
3x Antoine Pardier (Enlarged) CVL
6x Benzaiten CG
10x Wizdom DDG
12x Darklore FFG
3x Sowerby SSN
2x Setsuna T-AKEN
4x Goro T-AON
8x Destroyer Groups
6x Sabre DDG
12x Archer DD
8x Amphibious Operations Groups
20x Jericho LHDN
6x Darksteel LHAN
1x George Washington CVNL
2x Antoine Pardier CVL
6x Viper LSD
8x Anaconda LPD
10x Ryoken LST
24x Scylla LST
Total Numbers of Ships
5x Europa BBCN
5x Jimnam BBAN
20x Leviathan BBAGN
16x Ragnarok BBAGN (Flight IIC)
48x King Henry V BBGN
6x King Robert VI BBGN
18x Treaty BBGN
58x Coronation BBGN
36x Python BBGN (Flight IA)
27x Cetus BBGN (23x Flight IC, 4x Flight ID)
40x Shinryu BBGN (Flight IB)
27x Toryu BBGN (Flight IIB)
68x Union CVBN
10x Kanae Morino CVAN
28x Wilson Shire CVAN
30x Ocean CVAN
24x Seina Niyobuchi CVN
26x Vincent Jackson CVMN
38x George Washington CVLN
16x Antoine Pardier CVL
24x Antoine Pardier (Enlarged) CVL
Total: 570 Capital Ships (306 Battleships, 264 Carriers)
15x Tsunami Arsenal Ships
30x Firestorm IV Arsenal Ships
130x Firestorm V Arsenal Ships
156x Berlin CAN
220x Polestar CAN
196x Ankara CGN
299x Sarasvati CGN
72x Locke CGN
48x Benzaiten CG
144x Anarchy II class DDG
538x Arayashiki DDGN
80x Wizdom DDG
48x Sabre DDG
96x Archer DD
144x Ballistae DDN
144x Albatross DDGN
178x Centaur-X DDGN
100x Revenge DD
714x Mindbreaker FFGN
96x Darklore FFG
152x Ardent FFG
120x Timberwolf FFG
96x Cougar FF
Total Escort Vessels: 3816 (1166 Cruisers, 1472 Destroyers, 1178 Frigates)
498x Sowerby II SSN
384x Tucuxi II SSN
136x Tucuxi SSN
96x Mamba SSN
132x Cassowary II SSN
252x Flounder SSN
24x Skipper Special Operations SSN
36x Loggerhead SSDN
12x Narwhal SSCVN
12x Pachyderm Transport SSN
12x Bison Replenishment SSN
196x Orca SSGN (16x RF-7, 108x Flight IIB, 48x IIIA, 24x IIIB)
120x Tyrant SSN (48x SSASN / 72x SSGN)
36x Chamberlain SSASN (RF-15 ASAT)
480x Mespolodon SSGN (120x Flight IID, 120x IIE, 180x IIF, 60x IIIA)
288x Hirata SSG (84x Flight IID, 84x IIE, 84x IIF, 36x IIIA)
216x Interceptor SSG (108x Flight IA, 108x Flight IB)
280x Anemone SSK
108x Angler SSK
Total: 3318 (1498 Nuclear Attack Submarines, 96 Special Operations Submarines, 832 Nuclear Guided Missile Submarines, 892 Conventional Submarines)
432x Tarantula LCS
216x Taipan II Corvette
216x Seeschlange Corvette
144x Unicorn Escort Corvette
96x Narwhal Ice Patrol Corvette
288x Leuchkafer II Hovercraft
Total Small Surface Craft: 1392
160x Jericho LHDN
48x Darksteel LHAN
48x Viper LSD
64x Anaconda LPD
80x Ryoken LST
192x Scylla LST
Total Major Amphibious Vessels: 592
60x Zebra MCS
24x Inchon MCS
208x Trifler MHC
108x Osprey MHC
150x Ziggurat Mine Wafare HSV
90x Blue Knight LCS (D Mine Warfare Variant)
Total Minesweepers and Mine Warfare Ships: 640
337x Strana Mechty AOEN
48x Smith AOE
414x Setsuna T-AKEN
298x Clan Grant AOR
82x Genkimushi AS
277x Goro T-AON
72x Trident LFRO
48x Aylesburgh AS
Total Combat Replenishment Ships: 1576
192x Quartermass MC Prepositioning Ships
84x Hapsburg MC Prepositioning Ships
492x Kyubi Kitsune Fast Vehicle/Cargo Ships
488x Heracles Prepositioning Ships
176x Peregrine Fast Cargo Ships
344x Serenade Troopships
200x Huitzilopochtil Transport Tankers
96x Delphi Regional Tankers
72x Freewind ALS
36x Carpenter Flo/Flo Deckships
36x Scrapper Lo/Lo Deckships
48x Jefferson Barge Carriers
160x Zebra Crane Ships
172x Kamigawa Container Ships
132x Oberon Container Ships
Total Cargo Ships: 2768
216x Tempest PC
216x Mk.22 SOC
12x Blue Cruiser
ASDV Minisubs (Exact Number Classified)
Total Surface Special Operation Vessels: 544
24x Talos MOB Sets
Total Offshore Naval Base Modules: 144
1000+ Special Command, Research, Salvage, and Intelligence Ships
Various landing craft
Various river and RHIBs
Various small harbour vessels
TOTAL MAIN COMBAT SHIPS (Major Surface Ships and Nuclear Submarines): 6812 (75% of Combat Vessels)
TOTAL MINOR COMBAT SHIPS (Small Surface Craft, Conventional Submarines): 2284 (25% of Combat Vessels)
Heavily Armed Coast Guard Cutters and Submarines within Omzian Coast Guard, commanded by Omzian National Security Ministry
336x Halverson Cutters
192x Ronin Corvettes
144x Hydra Missile Boats
172x Blue Knight LCS-A
96x Blue Knight LCS-B
96x Blue Knight LCS-C
136x Blue Knight LCS-E
96x Conqueror II SSK
Introduction: The Omzian Navy, or less better known as the Omzian People's National Maritime Defence Forces, is the premier and one of the oldest services in the Omzian Forces. A byproduct of the merging of several individual gunboat fleets during the Omzian Civil War, it was founded in the midst of the conflict near its climax. Having experienced a dynamic history and having received the most combat experience out of any three major branches of the Omzian Forces, it compromises of a mix of surface fleets, submerged combat systems, ship- and air-based aircraft, naval infantry forces, and a large auxiliary and support arm. Its personnel composition is in the range of around 17 million, which makes it the third largest branch of the regular components of the Omzian forces. Do not be fooled by such figure however, as the Omzian Navy at the same time is also the one that receive the most funding.
In terms of its basic organization, the Omzian Navy is geared as a combined blue- and brown-water navy that is capable of defending its own interests and its allies both domestic and abroad, though throughout the years the former has enjoyed substantial growth while the latter is experiencing a drastic reduction due to the shift of focus towards a true blue-water navy. Its missions includes protecting Omzian economic, military, and other interests abroad; serving as a deterrence against direct threats against Omzian sovereignty; enforcing Omzian foreign policy in a swift and effectual manner; and engaging in operations alongside with Omzian allies. As a result, one can effectively state that the Omzian Navy is a blue-water navy with certain brown- and green-water components, in that it is largely geared with expeditionary actions abroad, while at the same time being adequate to protect the dreadful possibility of an invasion of the Omzian homeland. This is further strengthened and highlighted by the failure of the Omzian Navy to halt an amphibious invasion of the southern Omzian city of Hongazgrad in the Homeland Defence War, which fully explains why the navy has grew from the smallest and least-funded service of the Omzian Forces, into the largest branch of the Omzian Forces not in its personnel number, but the broadness of its organization, the richness of its combat capabilities, and the availability of much financial funds for the enjoyment of the Navy.
Due to the doctrines of the Omzian Navy, unlike many other navies it is dominated by individual battle groups that are designed to operate autonomously, while at the same time are able to operate as part of a massive fleet. This is unlike the massive battle fleet organization of many nations, where the lack of flexibility would have many profound impacts on their ability to conduct operations of varying degrees of scale and size, in addition to their ability to conduct operations coherently and with various types of air and sea support. This is also unlike other navies, where vessels are organized in extremely light and small combat groups, which is avoided out of the fear that it will degrade the war-fighting capabilities of the navy in large-scale engagements. As a result, the combat vessels of the navy are organized in a large number of multirole medium-sized battle groups that are flexible yet powerful in their knockout punches, that makes the navy a true blue water navy, despite the roots of the organization in the navy's original defensive role.
In terms of its vessels, the Omzian Navy is indeed a diverse one, though efforts has been undertaken to reduce its negative effects and impacts on the Omzian Navy's ability to wage war. On the other hand, the Omzian Navy's combat arm is aided by a huge auxiliary arm, while the different vessels themselves shares varying degrees of commonality in their weaponry and gun calibers, thus making supply less of a monumental feat or a headache. As one can see, "superdreadnaughts" or heavy command battleships (as the Omzian Navy often calls it due to doctrine and political reasons) has found much dominance among the Omzian Navy, although the dominance is not particularly enormous in its significance in that these battleships are only used in command roles during combat (out of a need to provide an effective command platform that can accommodate a full command staff while being able to defend itself), and rarely in other roles at all. On the other hand, the other parts of the Omzian Navy are divided among an equal presence of both battleships and carriers, each enjoying substantial backup from a huge escort fleet of vessels. Notable among the others are the lack of battlecruisers and specifically designed commerce-raiding vessels, due to doctrine reasons and the Omzian Navy's roots in defensive warfare. Most of the navy is powered by nuclear power, though there are smaller conventionally powered vessels operating in smaller battle groups that would find dominance among the roles of convoy escort and littoral warfare. The silent service is also somewhat equally divided among nuclear and conventionally powered submarines, with a large contingent of capable attack and guided missile submarines, and a faction of submarines designed for special operations as well. Its amphibious forces, though not overly huge, is modestly sized to support small-to-medium scale Omzian amphibious operations, though it is likely that the Omzian Navy's amphibious capabilities would mean that the Omzian Navy would not spearhead such operation. On the other hand, it also has a large faction of littoral fast attack craft, most dominated by supersonic missiles as their primary weaponry.
The Omzian Navy is divided upon three fleets (four in wartime since Coast Guard is included): the Southern fleet, the Northern Fleet, and the Guard Fleet. The former two are active-service fleets that conducts regular cruises, frequent combat exercises, and are the most capable with sizeable rapid-reaction battle groups and large command fleets. On the other hand, the Guard Fleet is a semi-reserve fleet, which means that while it cannot be counted as a separate "naval reserve" and while it is still technically an active service component of the Omzian Navy, it conducts fewer cruises and peacetime operations outside of Omzian and regional waters, and its personnel are granted leaves more often than the other better-prepared two. Outside of combat vessels however, all three fleets has a large naval aviation arm, which are either part of the Navy Carrier Aviation or the Long Range Aviation Corps - the latter of which consisting of observation aircraft and airships, anti-submarine aircraft and airships, and long range maritime bombers. Naval infantry is also present with a mix of mechanized and light forces, and the Navy's special forces - the Navy Commandoes, are also present for the purpose of special operations both domestic and abroad.
Southern Fleet SOUTHFLT (Headquarters: Port Hagras and Hogan Point)
Commander in Chief: FirstAdm Moran
Flagship of the Navy: ONCS Republic (Europa BBCN-1)
Flagship: ONCS Socialist Revolution (Europa BBCN-5)
12x Mobile Offshore Base Groups
2x Command Groups
12x General Combat Battle Groups
2x Heavy Fire Support Groups
4x Fire Support Groups
12x Assault Carrier Battle Groups
6x Fast Action Carrier Battle Groups
6x Carrier Battle Groups
3x Light Carrier Battle Groups
4x Amphibious Operations Groups
Northern Fleet NORTHFLT (Headquarters: Northern Insen Island)
Commander in Chief: FirstAdm Hagras
Fleet Flagship: ONCS Isselmere (Europa BBCN-2)
Flagship: ONCS Great Leader (Europa BBCN-6)
12x Mobile Offshore Base Groups
2x Command Group
8x General Combat Battle Groups
2x Heavy Fire Support Groups
2x Fire Support Groups
8x Assault Carrier Battle Groups
2x Fast Action Carrier Battle Groups
6x Carrier Battle Groups
3x Light Carrier Battle Groups
4x Amphibious Operations Groups
Guard Fleet (Headquarters: Hogan Point)
Commander in Chief: FirstAdm (Guard) Morano
Fleet Flagship: ONCS Resolute (Europa BBCN-3)
1x Command Group
2x Heavy Fire Support Group (Flight ID)
12x Carrier Battle Groups
2x Light Carrier Battle Groups
Omzian Coast Guard Fleet
5x Command Fleets
1x Jimnam BBAN
1x Europa BBCN
2x Rangarok BBAGN
4x Leviathan BBAN
4x King Henry V BBGN
3x Cetus BBGN (Flight IC)
3x Toryu BBGN
3x Tsunami Arsenal Ships
2x Kanae Morion CVAN
6x Ocean CVAN
6x George Washington CVNL
2x Vincent Jackson CVMN
8x Firestorm V Arsenal Ships
8x Polestar CAN
12x Ankara CGN
18x Berlin CAN
15x Sarasvati CGN
26x Arayashiki DDGN
18x Mindbreaker FFGN
24x Ardent FFG
18x Sowerby SSN
6x Setsuna T-AKEN
5x Strana Mechty AOEN
10x Clan Grant AOR
5x Goro T-AON
20x General Combat Battle Groups
1x King Henry V BBGN
2x Coronation BBGN
2x Shinryu BBGN
2x Union CVBN
3x Firestorm V Arsenal Ship
6x Polestar CAN
10x Sarasvati CGN
12x Arayashiki DDGN
20x Mindbreaker FFGN
6x Sowerby SSN
3x Mesoplodon SSGN (Flight IIF)
5x Setsuna T-AKEN
3x Strana Mechty AOEN
2x Goro T-AON
6x Heavy Fire Support Groups
1x Ragnarok BBAGN
3x Treaty BBGN
2x Cetus BBGN (2x Flight ID and 4x Flight IC)
3x Python BBGN
3x Ankara CGN
6x Berlin CGN
5x Polestar CAN
5x Firestorm V Arsenal Ship
5x Centaur-X DDGN
4x Setsuna T-AKEN
5x Strana Mechty AOEN
8x Clan Grant AOR
4x Goro T-AON
6x Fire Support Groups
1x King Robert VI BBGN
3x Coronation BBGN
2x Toryu BBGN
3x Python BBGN
3x Ankara CGN
5x Berlin CAN
5x Polestar CAN
5x Firestorm IV Arsenal Ship
4x Centaur-X DDGN
4x Setsuna T-AKEN
5x Strana Mechty AOEN
8x Clan Grant AOR
4x Goro T-AON
8x Fast Action Carrier Battle Groups
1x Union CVBN
1x Wilson Shire CVAN
2x Vincent Jackson CVMN
1x King Henry BBGN
5x Ankara CGN
3x Sarasvati CGN
3x Centaur-X DDGN
6x Arayashiki DDGN
5x Revenge DD
4x Ardent FFG
5x Sowerby SSN
8x Mindbreaker FFGN
3x Clan Grant AOR
8x Strana Mechty AOEN
4x Setsuna T-AKEN
2x Goro T-AON
20x Assault Carrier Battle Groups
1x Union CVBN
1x Wilson Shire CVAN
3x Ankara CGN
5x Centaur-X DDGN
6x Arayashiki DDGN
3x Revenge DD
8x Mindbreaker FFGN
4x Sowerby SSN
5x Setsuna T-AKEN
4x Strana Mechty AOEN
6x Clan Grant AOR
3x Goro T-AON
24x Carrier Battle Groups
1x Seina Niyobuchi CVN
3x Locke CGN
6x Albatross DDGN
6x Ballistae DDN
5x Timberwolf FFG
4x Cougar FF
3x Sowerby SSN
2x Setsuna T-AKEN
2x Strana Mechty AOEN
2x Goro T-AON
8x Light Carrier Battle Groups
3x Antoine Pardier (Enlarged) CVL
6x Benzaiten CG
10x Wizdom DDG
12x Darklore FFG
3x Sowerby SSN
2x Setsuna T-AKEN
4x Goro T-AON
8x Destroyer Groups
6x Sabre DDG
12x Archer DD
8x Amphibious Operations Groups
20x Jericho LHDN
6x Darksteel LHAN
1x George Washington CVNL
2x Antoine Pardier CVL
6x Viper LSD
8x Anaconda LPD
10x Ryoken LST
24x Scylla LST
Total Numbers of Ships
5x Europa BBCN
5x Jimnam BBAN
20x Leviathan BBAGN
16x Ragnarok BBAGN (Flight IIC)
48x King Henry V BBGN
6x King Robert VI BBGN
18x Treaty BBGN
58x Coronation BBGN
36x Python BBGN (Flight IA)
27x Cetus BBGN (23x Flight IC, 4x Flight ID)
40x Shinryu BBGN (Flight IB)
27x Toryu BBGN (Flight IIB)
68x Union CVBN
10x Kanae Morino CVAN
28x Wilson Shire CVAN
30x Ocean CVAN
24x Seina Niyobuchi CVN
26x Vincent Jackson CVMN
38x George Washington CVLN
16x Antoine Pardier CVL
24x Antoine Pardier (Enlarged) CVL
Total: 570 Capital Ships (306 Battleships, 264 Carriers)
15x Tsunami Arsenal Ships
30x Firestorm IV Arsenal Ships
130x Firestorm V Arsenal Ships
156x Berlin CAN
220x Polestar CAN
196x Ankara CGN
299x Sarasvati CGN
72x Locke CGN
48x Benzaiten CG
144x Anarchy II class DDG
538x Arayashiki DDGN
80x Wizdom DDG
48x Sabre DDG
96x Archer DD
144x Ballistae DDN
144x Albatross DDGN
178x Centaur-X DDGN
100x Revenge DD
714x Mindbreaker FFGN
96x Darklore FFG
152x Ardent FFG
120x Timberwolf FFG
96x Cougar FF
Total Escort Vessels: 3816 (1166 Cruisers, 1472 Destroyers, 1178 Frigates)
498x Sowerby II SSN
384x Tucuxi II SSN
136x Tucuxi SSN
96x Mamba SSN
132x Cassowary II SSN
252x Flounder SSN
24x Skipper Special Operations SSN
36x Loggerhead SSDN
12x Narwhal SSCVN
12x Pachyderm Transport SSN
12x Bison Replenishment SSN
196x Orca SSGN (16x RF-7, 108x Flight IIB, 48x IIIA, 24x IIIB)
120x Tyrant SSN (48x SSASN / 72x SSGN)
36x Chamberlain SSASN (RF-15 ASAT)
480x Mespolodon SSGN (120x Flight IID, 120x IIE, 180x IIF, 60x IIIA)
288x Hirata SSG (84x Flight IID, 84x IIE, 84x IIF, 36x IIIA)
216x Interceptor SSG (108x Flight IA, 108x Flight IB)
280x Anemone SSK
108x Angler SSK
Total: 3318 (1498 Nuclear Attack Submarines, 96 Special Operations Submarines, 832 Nuclear Guided Missile Submarines, 892 Conventional Submarines)
432x Tarantula LCS
216x Taipan II Corvette
216x Seeschlange Corvette
144x Unicorn Escort Corvette
96x Narwhal Ice Patrol Corvette
288x Leuchkafer II Hovercraft
Total Small Surface Craft: 1392
160x Jericho LHDN
48x Darksteel LHAN
48x Viper LSD
64x Anaconda LPD
80x Ryoken LST
192x Scylla LST
Total Major Amphibious Vessels: 592
60x Zebra MCS
24x Inchon MCS
208x Trifler MHC
108x Osprey MHC
150x Ziggurat Mine Wafare HSV
90x Blue Knight LCS (D Mine Warfare Variant)
Total Minesweepers and Mine Warfare Ships: 640
337x Strana Mechty AOEN
48x Smith AOE
414x Setsuna T-AKEN
298x Clan Grant AOR
82x Genkimushi AS
277x Goro T-AON
72x Trident LFRO
48x Aylesburgh AS
Total Combat Replenishment Ships: 1576
192x Quartermass MC Prepositioning Ships
84x Hapsburg MC Prepositioning Ships
492x Kyubi Kitsune Fast Vehicle/Cargo Ships
488x Heracles Prepositioning Ships
176x Peregrine Fast Cargo Ships
344x Serenade Troopships
200x Huitzilopochtil Transport Tankers
96x Delphi Regional Tankers
72x Freewind ALS
36x Carpenter Flo/Flo Deckships
36x Scrapper Lo/Lo Deckships
48x Jefferson Barge Carriers
160x Zebra Crane Ships
172x Kamigawa Container Ships
132x Oberon Container Ships
Total Cargo Ships: 2768
216x Tempest PC
216x Mk.22 SOC
12x Blue Cruiser
ASDV Minisubs (Exact Number Classified)
Total Surface Special Operation Vessels: 544
24x Talos MOB Sets
Total Offshore Naval Base Modules: 144
1000+ Special Command, Research, Salvage, and Intelligence Ships
Various landing craft
Various river and RHIBs
Various small harbour vessels
TOTAL MAIN COMBAT SHIPS (Major Surface Ships and Nuclear Submarines): 6812 (75% of Combat Vessels)
TOTAL MINOR COMBAT SHIPS (Small Surface Craft, Conventional Submarines): 2284 (25% of Combat Vessels)
Heavily Armed Coast Guard Cutters and Submarines within Omzian Coast Guard, commanded by Omzian National Security Ministry
336x Halverson Cutters
192x Ronin Corvettes
144x Hydra Missile Boats
172x Blue Knight LCS-A
96x Blue Knight LCS-B
96x Blue Knight LCS-C
136x Blue Knight LCS-E
96x Conqueror II SSK