28-03-2005, 11:46
OOC: First, a special thanks to Tree Hugging Lesbians for involuntarily lending me her template :)
~General Information~
National Name: The Empire of Sidestreamer
Short Name: Sidestreamer
National Map: (OOC: I can't draw so I'm borrowing this map from the Elder Scrolls)
State Religon: Sidestream Catholicism (42%) Other(Orthodox Christans 23%, Southern Baptists 9% Methodists 2%, other Protestant faiths 7%, Jewish 15% (almost all of which are concentrated in the Isle of Jenova, which on the map provided is "Vvardenfell Island"), Bhuddism 1%)
Goverment Type: Catholic Empire, with Emperor ruling through an all-Catholic administration consisting of advisers and regents persiding over 9 political states and a mayor overseeing individual cities, except in the Isle of Jenova where no city is recognized.
Govermental Divisions:
Ministry of the Spirit (social order, moral law, and liason for all Catholic churches and ministries. The Catholic churches in turn operate the public school systems and 9 of the 10 public universities) --Secretary of the Ministry, Archbishop Watts
Ministry of the Body (Interior resources, environmental affairs... considered corrupted by business interests and rendered powerless) --Secretary of the Ministry, Jason Bridge
Ministry of the Law (police forces, jails, and civil and criminal judiciary) --Secretary of the Ministry, Major Phillipaster
Ministry of the Wage (Commercial regulations... considered by outsiders to be virtually powerless and choked in corruption) --Secretary of the Ministry, Jacoby Mires
Ministry of the Shield and Sword, or MOSAS (Defense department, responsible for all armed forces, national guard, national security and overseer of all intelligence operations. With Ministry of the Law, coordinates Federal Police Unit, or the FPU) --Secretary of the Ministry, Admiral Pernicus
The Enviroment: Sidestreamer's forrests have been deteriorating since the corporate juncta bought out Maximus's support and began uranium operations. A volcano lies in the center of the Isle of Jenova, while much of the rest of the country is grassland and hills. A major river runs from the South bay to the Altogether, the capital of Sidestreamer.
Hazards: Floods, tornadoes, volcanic eruptions, blizzards, earthquakes.
National Biography The empire of Sidestreamer was formerly a democracy until the bloody crusade to overthrow the secular corporate government, lead by Maximus I, succeeded. Then-president Michael Frankfurt, a libertarian-leaning tycoon, was murdered in the Executive Office of Sidestreamer, which was burned down in the Catholic Crusade. Under Maximus I's orders, a mega-Church, which was known as the Temple of the Altogether, named from Maximus I's concept of taking "all parts and all teachings of the Christ under one house."
The Empire has digressed into a dctatiorship until Maximus IV took control. However, even today there is a tyrannical apporach taken against the Jews of the Isle of Jenova, who for years have attempted a separatist movement.
~National Holidays~
~Diplomatic Information~
Founder and Chairman of the Moral Alliance
UN Delegate and Minister of Foreign Affairs for the Militaristic Legions and Plans
All members of the Militaristic Legions and Plans
All members of the Moral Alliance
The Kingdom of Newkraine
Un-Friendlies (we are at war with those nations in italics)
The Shadow Realm of Phalanix
The A O E Field Marshal of Coreys Land
All nations of the Secular Nations Union (at time of publishing, hostilities have been suspended and we are allied with the SNU to battle Coreys Land)
The Incorporated States of Sarzonia
The Divine Reich of Tocrowkia
~Economic Information~
National Currency: The Metal Jacket
Government Priority: Catholic Indoctorination
Income Tax Rate: 16%
Major Industries: Information Technologies, Uranium Mining, Trout Farming, Automobile Manufacturing, Arms Manufacturing
~Goverment Budget Details~
~Economic Projects~
Project 1: Upgrade the transportation system. Begin tunnel-digging for a national subway line. Improve superhighway infrastructure.
Project 2: Expand the Air Force (top priority). Also expand carrier fleet and begin training paratroopers.
~General Information~
National Name: The Empire of Sidestreamer
Short Name: Sidestreamer
National Map: (OOC: I can't draw so I'm borrowing this map from the Elder Scrolls)
State Religon: Sidestream Catholicism (42%) Other(Orthodox Christans 23%, Southern Baptists 9% Methodists 2%, other Protestant faiths 7%, Jewish 15% (almost all of which are concentrated in the Isle of Jenova, which on the map provided is "Vvardenfell Island"), Bhuddism 1%)
Goverment Type: Catholic Empire, with Emperor ruling through an all-Catholic administration consisting of advisers and regents persiding over 9 political states and a mayor overseeing individual cities, except in the Isle of Jenova where no city is recognized.
Govermental Divisions:
Ministry of the Spirit (social order, moral law, and liason for all Catholic churches and ministries. The Catholic churches in turn operate the public school systems and 9 of the 10 public universities) --Secretary of the Ministry, Archbishop Watts
Ministry of the Body (Interior resources, environmental affairs... considered corrupted by business interests and rendered powerless) --Secretary of the Ministry, Jason Bridge
Ministry of the Law (police forces, jails, and civil and criminal judiciary) --Secretary of the Ministry, Major Phillipaster
Ministry of the Wage (Commercial regulations... considered by outsiders to be virtually powerless and choked in corruption) --Secretary of the Ministry, Jacoby Mires
Ministry of the Shield and Sword, or MOSAS (Defense department, responsible for all armed forces, national guard, national security and overseer of all intelligence operations. With Ministry of the Law, coordinates Federal Police Unit, or the FPU) --Secretary of the Ministry, Admiral Pernicus
The Enviroment: Sidestreamer's forrests have been deteriorating since the corporate juncta bought out Maximus's support and began uranium operations. A volcano lies in the center of the Isle of Jenova, while much of the rest of the country is grassland and hills. A major river runs from the South bay to the Altogether, the capital of Sidestreamer.
Hazards: Floods, tornadoes, volcanic eruptions, blizzards, earthquakes.
National Biography The empire of Sidestreamer was formerly a democracy until the bloody crusade to overthrow the secular corporate government, lead by Maximus I, succeeded. Then-president Michael Frankfurt, a libertarian-leaning tycoon, was murdered in the Executive Office of Sidestreamer, which was burned down in the Catholic Crusade. Under Maximus I's orders, a mega-Church, which was known as the Temple of the Altogether, named from Maximus I's concept of taking "all parts and all teachings of the Christ under one house."
The Empire has digressed into a dctatiorship until Maximus IV took control. However, even today there is a tyrannical apporach taken against the Jews of the Isle of Jenova, who for years have attempted a separatist movement.
~National Holidays~
~Diplomatic Information~
Founder and Chairman of the Moral Alliance
UN Delegate and Minister of Foreign Affairs for the Militaristic Legions and Plans
All members of the Militaristic Legions and Plans
All members of the Moral Alliance
The Kingdom of Newkraine
Un-Friendlies (we are at war with those nations in italics)
The Shadow Realm of Phalanix
The A O E Field Marshal of Coreys Land
All nations of the Secular Nations Union (at time of publishing, hostilities have been suspended and we are allied with the SNU to battle Coreys Land)
The Incorporated States of Sarzonia
The Divine Reich of Tocrowkia
~Economic Information~
National Currency: The Metal Jacket
Government Priority: Catholic Indoctorination
Income Tax Rate: 16%
Major Industries: Information Technologies, Uranium Mining, Trout Farming, Automobile Manufacturing, Arms Manufacturing
~Goverment Budget Details~
~Economic Projects~
Project 1: Upgrade the transportation system. Begin tunnel-digging for a national subway line. Improve superhighway infrastructure.
Project 2: Expand the Air Force (top priority). Also expand carrier fleet and begin training paratroopers.