NationStates Jolt Archive

The Zelsan Military

28-03-2005, 08:09
The Zelsan Military
A Comprehensive Look at the Military of the Holy Republic of Zelsa, Her Equipment, and Her Valiant Soldiers who Defend the Great Y.


The Zelsan Armed Forces has been in-active, for the most part, aside from its integral role at repelling a Casbahnian attack across the large lake which forms her western border. Since then, the forces have fallen in disrepair, except her infantry, who still wear traditional dress (and receive a majority of funding), which has proven effective and comfortable in the widely varying climates notable across Zelsa (Desert in the far, far north. Plains in the midsection. Rugged, mountainous terrain in the south. Coastal regions full of vegetation. Swampy marshlands near the lake.)

The regular forces, although small, pack a notable punch, particularly due to their near-insane devotion to the Great Y and the people of Zelsa. The bulk of the armed forces, however, is composed of militia, who are still better outfitted for combat than the Reserves, which have very little in the way of funding, equipment, and personnel.

This series of documents provide an insight into the Zelsan Military and its intense devotion to defending the Great Y and His followers, the collective Holy Republic of Zelsa.

Its the "Y" in the sky.

The Soldier of the Holy Republic of Zelsa, Defender of the Great Y

Since Zelsa is sandwiched between the ocean and a series of mountain ranges, and with the jet streams flowing west to east, Zelsa as a whole is mostly sunny, year around since the mountains tend to block storms and adverse weather. Due to this, the Zelsan soldier is outfitted for this type of warfare where weather rarely plays a role in deciding a battle.

The basic Zelsan soldier has two undergarments, a drab color (often dark green, brown, or tan) undershirt and drab color undershorts (except mountain rangers, who wear long underwear). The primary combat uniform is of synthetic material, cotton, linen, or any other available material and is usually of a drab or camoflauged pattern. This combat uniform is composed of an upper and lower portion, the upper portion is a long sleeved, button shirt with eight total pockets [two on the chest, two on the abdomen, two on the sides, and two on the upper arms]. Small button clasps allow for the arms to be rolled up and fastened. The lower portion is a pair of long pants with a belt support system and twelve pockets [two on upper hips, two on lower hips, two on hip sides, two on buttocks, two down each leg side]. The next addition is a belt, a leather belt with a non-reflective clasp, added to this is the Left Side Storage System (LSSS) which is a series of belt-mounted 'pockets' and pouches.

The pants, which are sized one size larger than the soldier, are met at the bottom of each leg by leggings which keep mud and what not from entering into the pants or the boot. The boots are composed of leather with a steel toe. Most are insulated, however mountain soldiers receive more insulation. All soldiers are issued with heavy duty socks which have more fabric in the toes, on the bottom of the foot, the heel, and the ankle to prevent wear and provide more comfort and warmth.

Those are the basic necessities of the Zelsan soldier.

Over the basic Zelsan uniform is the 'Gharvha' which is a garment unique to the Zelsan military. This garment is a piece of hard material (previously wood or metal but now being replaced with plastic) which covers the upper chest and shoulders of the soldier [it is fitted over the head]. Attached to this, and protecting the wearer's neck is ruffed fabric, which keeps the soldier's neck and face warm while protecting it from the sun. Also attached are two fabric arm coverings which cover the upper arm. On the upper shoulder portion are usually rank or status bars. Attached to the underside of the solid base material is a piece of fabric which covers the chest and is tied around the waist with a band with an attaching leather strap which links the right hand side to the left shoulder, crossing over the chest.

Then, over this, to provide for lost storage area is an additional storage sack [composed of leather] which rests on the right side with the strap crossing to the left shoulder. A fastener on the back of the sack allows it to be attached to the uniform to prevent it from falling off in combat.

Head gear varies with most of the Zelsan military adopting the M80 helmet which is a steel helmet with an internal kevlar and comfort area which provides padding for the soldier's head. Helmet coverings are available to add to the soldier's camoflauge abilities, although a band is provided for plants or vegetation to be used. The M80 helmet features steel sides which drop down to the ears, providing enhanced protection. Small clasps allow for dust goggles, visors, or glasses to be directly fitted to the helmet while additional clasps on the ear guards allow for a fabric dust mask/face covering to be fitted.

Finally, combat gear.

On the Gharvha, clasps allow the addition of a combat 'vest' to hold ammunition, grenades, etc. This affixes to areas underneath the Gharvha and have a belt attachment system to attach it to the belt of the soldier.

Next, the knife. All Zelsan military personnel, logistical, civilian, and combat alike, all have a knife. Usually, these knives are treasured relics, handed down from generation to generation of Zelsans. Most of these knives range from six to ten inches, although some resemble machetes and some are more like throwing knives. However, due to regulations, the Zelsan soldier most place the knife in one of three places: In a belt sheath, in a hip sheath, or in the cross-body sheath. Most soldiers have adopted the sheath which crosses over the abdomen and presents the knife handle to the right hand at all times [some have it oriented to the left]. This provides ready access to the knife while aiding in defense (as the hard sheath and knife can prevent damage from shrapnel, bullets, blunt, or knife attacks).

Next is the pistol, only officers and the 'Gherinvah Cavalry' carry a pistol. Most are fitted to hip or belt holsters.

Finally, the primary armament. The main armament for most of the Zelsan military is the cherished Kalashnikov assault rifle, most of them being the AKM. The AKM of the Zelsan military is kept in pristine shape, their wood stocks and forward grips polished to perfection and the metal being blued. The Zelsan AKM is normally fitted with a thirty round magazine and a leather sling. However, some units are outfitted with the aging M-91/30 or SKS rifles, nonetheless, they are kept in as pristine condition as their AKM counterparts.

Additional equipment include attachable shin guards, knee cap guards, elbow guards, arm guards, face guards, and fittable bulletproof vests, which are far and few between.

However, the above garments are only seen in the active duty military, which has roughly 15,000 active combat infantrymen (not including logistics). Most of the armed forces are composed of militia, who often lack most of the clothing of the regular army. Most militia members are outfitted with family rifles, home-made boots, home-made pants, military-issue jackets and shirts, and a military-issue helmet, usually a stamped one-size piece of metal without chin straps (although holes are present for the militiaman to make his own). Reserves, surprisingly, lack even more, mainly due to their low numbers (2500 members of the Reserve Army, total personnel including logistics and combat, roughly 450 actual infantrymen, the rest are logistical and crews of vehicles). They are often given M-91/30 rifles, wool caps, a single over-garment (often a wool shirt), and a single pair of pants. They must scavenge the rest. (

OOC- Comments welcome. Will be updating to include equipment, Navy, Air Force, etc.
28-03-2005, 08:25
In the interests of national security, this information has been copied and has been sent to the Armed Forces High Command for future study.

Grawyn Military Official.

OOC: I'm tagging this becuase it looks neat.

~ Grawyn.
28-03-2005, 09:25

-Added a picture of the soldier, however, my scanner isn't working so I took a picture of it, I'll get a scanned version on here soon... Meh, whatever works.-
29-03-2005, 05:38
30-03-2005, 06:20