NationStates Jolt Archive

Samtonia's Big Book 'O Facts

27-03-2005, 21:29
Right. Hopefully a bit of a log for my stuff. And then the usual OOC disclaimer. Enjoy the ride!

Naval Forces
Ships of the Line
4 Doujin Mk.II Refit Superdreadnoughts
8 Calypso-class Dreadnaughts
16 Freedom-Class Trimaran Pocket Super-Dreadnaught
16 Constellation-class dreadnaught
12 Vanguard-class heavy strike ship
16 Capital-class Trimaran nuclear powered guided missile battleship (BBGN)
50 Resolute-class nuclear powered battleships (BBGN)
50 Sea-class guided missile battlecruisers (BC)
5 Casterbridge-class Trimaran supercruiser (CBN)

4 Greenmanbry-class Trimaran battle carrier
4 Valiant-class Trimaran super carrier
16 Nanticoke-class heavy carrier (CVAN)
32 Forrest-class fleet carriers (CVN)
20 McVie-class light carriers (CVL)
15 Nelson-class light carrier (CVL)
12 Swiftsure-class Trimaran light carrier

Small Ships of the Line
100 Praeton-class heavy missile cruisers (CAGN)
150 Shield Bearer-class missile cruisers (CG)
100 Randolph-class heavy cruiser (CA)
50 Truxtun-class battlecruiser (BC)
50 Alliance-class super cruiser (CB)

Escort Ships
200 Wixted-class frigates (FF)
200 Hastings-class strike frigate
200 Ithaca-class light cruiser (CL)
300 Seminole-class corvettes (FL)
250 Evermore-class destroyers (DDN)
250 Johnston-class AA destroyer
200 McDonough-class ASW frigate

250 Skipjack-class nuclear powered attack submarines (SSN)
80 Stalwart-class nuclear powered ballistic missile submarines (SSBN)
160 Insurgent-class special operations submarines
50 Julianus-class SSGN
200 Bolash-class SSK
150 Navarre-class SSN

Misc. Vessels
400 Piranha-class fast missile boats
200 Ossipee-class special operations boats (50 RIBs/50 CRRCs included)
80 Lake-class mine clearance vessels
50 Pasteur-class hospital ship
200 Curie-class light medical vessel
300 Ryzner-class heavy transport hovercraft
300 Normandy-class heavy combat transport ship
27-03-2005, 21:30
Air Force forces
SZ-1 'Vulture' Strike Aircraft(Carrier-based): 3480
SZ-2 'Albatross' air-to-air combat fighter
Land-based: 3400
Carrier-based: 3465
The SZ-3 'Skyshark' Fighter-Bomber
Land-based: 2500
Carrier-based: 560
SZ-4 'Warbird' Long-Range Strategic Bomber: 600
SZ-5 'Snarl' Electronics Warfare Aircraft(Carrier-based): 90
SZ-7 'Air Scout' Maritime Reconnaissance Craft: 465
SZ-12 'Skysnake' Fighter-Bomber: 1500
SZ-14 'Scorpion' multi-role attack helicopter: 12,000

C-71 'Progeny' strategic airlifter: 500
XC-240 Cargo lifter: 650
TC-240 In-air refueler: 500
SC-240 Cruise Missile Delivery system: 250
EC-240 EWACS: 300
SIC-240 Air Insertion Unit: 50

ST-1 Transport Helicopter: 8,000
27-03-2005, 21:31
Ground Forces
Reserved for their info.
27-03-2005, 21:31
Samtonia: The People, the Pursuits, the Lifestyles
Factbook to come.
27-03-2005, 21:32
(One last one)
A look at Samtonia- geographically
Soon to be made.
27-03-2005, 21:41
[OOC: Quite a nice navy you have there.]
28-03-2005, 02:50
[OOC- One does try. But now the hard part- how exactly I divide that morass up into manageable fleets. Suggestions from anyone?]
28-03-2005, 03:12
[OOC: I'd suggest thinking about what you want your navy as a whole and the various fleets in particular to accomplish. If you want your navy to project power, you'll do things differently from the way you'd do things if you want a mainly defencive navy.

I'd also use one or two SDs, two or three fleet/super carriers, five-10 cruisers (including heavy cruisers), AA destroyers and perhaps general purpose destroyers, ASW frigates, attack submarines, etc. I can tell you the reasons behind specific ships being in a fleet if you'd like.]
28-03-2005, 03:14
OOC: Nicely done so far.
28-03-2005, 03:26
[OOC- Sarzonia, I would love you forever if you would.

EDIT- Oh, anyone care to guess how many might be on board those ships? Crew-wise? Rough numbers. I was thinking maybe 3 million? Tops?]
28-03-2005, 03:53
Well, the SDs or the Constellation-class dreadnaughts are intended as power projection ships. Essentially, that means they're there as tangible shows of force/intimidation ships that can also serve two functions. One, they can be used against other dreadnaughts and superdreads. Two, they can be used as survivable coastal bombardment platforms. If you want a ship to be a nasty opponent, this is your ship.

The aircraft carrier is arguably the most obvious ship design, in that it's there to project aerial power in a given area. You would launch sorties, escort your fleets (which is one intent for my aircraft squadrons), and do all the things you would want an aerial squadron for.

Cruisers are used as escorts for the heavy battleships; they sometimes serve a fleet command role in RL navies, so they help form a net to defend the huge battleships and the rest of the fleet against submarine attacks. Gun cruisers can also support a coastal bombardment and/or engage other ships in ASuW (anti-surface ship) warfare.

A destroyer is often built to serve either a general purpose role (which would mean it would have to be versed in anti-aircraft, anti-submarine, anti-surface and escort roles), but increasingly, destroyers are specialists in anti-aircraft roles. I personally use specialised ships instead of multi-role vessels because I want my ships to be proficient at their particular role instead of decent at more than one.

A frigate is often designed for ASW (anti-submarine warfare), and as such, should be carrying the towed sensor arrays, the best active and passive sonars, etc. They are essential for their role of going against possible submerged threats.

Submarines are intended for different roles: A SSBN is a nuclear powered, ballistic missile launching submarine which is used to launch long-range or shorter range missiles, mostly against land assets. It is extremely useful for strategic deterrence and that is its only purpose IRL. It is meant to be big and bulky so that it can carry its large missiles and, as a result, often needs attack submarines for escorts. A SSN is a nuclear powered attack submarine, often used against surface ship targets or other submarines. A SSK is a patrol submarine that itself is also used against enemy submerged and surface threats. It has limited range since it is conventionally powered, so it is often used for coastal defence. A SSGN uses guided missiles for tactical weapons purposes. They can also carry special operations forces.

If there's anything else you need help with, let me know and I'll give you more info.