27-03-2005, 11:54
[OOC: Well, what with everyone posting their militaries, I thought it might as well be appropriate to do mine. What's below is the fruit of two weeks of off and on work and isn't anywhere close to finish; the thread will start as just the stats for the Army, then branching out to the Air Force, and by the time I need to do the Navy/Marine Corps I should have received enough from RSIN to actually have something worthy of posting. If weapons systems names don't look familiar, they shouldn't; almost all Juumanistran armaments are domestically created, which can be quite the pain in the you-know-where when it comes to doing all those "unfun" but vital things like AVLBs, breaching vehicles, 3C stuff, etc. Whilst this is an OOC post, 95% of what's in here can be treated as IC as far as intelligence gathering goes. About the only thing that's classified IC to hell and back is FOX.]
7 Main Armor Divisions - 179,788 men
1st Barrel Division, 44th Barrel Division, 82nd Wellington Armor Division, 83rd Wellington Armor Guard,12th Sanumi Army, 441st Assault Division, 99th Tradelands Guard
9 Mechanized Armor Divisions - 197,748 men
2nd Infantry Division, 3rd Davenport Dragoons, 6th Sanumi Guard, 141st Juumus Knights, 88th Rolling Infantry, 89th Rolling Infantry, 17th Starlight Sentinels, 74th Grenadiers, 75th Grenadiers
4 Mobile Armor Divisions - 75,780 men
32nd Expeditionary Division, 33rd Expeditionary Division, 782nd Jacques’s Raiders, 14th Gate Guardians
9 Mechanized Infantry Divisions - 169,776 men
147th Barrel Infantry, 148th Barrel Infantry, 149th Barrel Infantry, 4th Sharansk Cossacks, 5th Nakamori Barkrunners, 7th Tracked Division, 91st Hafford Haberdashers, 21st Armored Infantry Division, 22nd Armored Infantry Division
5 Mobile Infantry Divisions - 88,710 men
9th Blitzers, 321st Roadrunners, 128th Light Infantry Division, 31st Keg Division, 32nd Keg Division
Active Duty Division Force: 711,802
Additional Active Duty Support Personnel: 785,226
Army Reserve Forces: 1,683,940
Total Active Duty Army Personnel: 1,497,028
Combined Active Duty and Reserve Army Personnel: 3,180,968
Demeanor & Ethos
Arguably the most important part of the modern army is not found its weapons or tactics but in the force’s demeanor. Juumanistra has taken to heart the importance of intangibles like that to heart. The Juumanistran military has long prided itself as one of the nation’s great egalitarian institutions; this has been achieved largely through universal basic training and the lack of any “elite” units within the Army. This egalitarian spirit has led to a highly decentralized chain of command that encourages those who are fighting to take the initiative. This decentralization of authority has also spurred the drives for self-sufficiency and satisfactory levels of redundancy among units, leading to extensive amounts of cross-training by individual soldiers; case-in-point, the average tanker could, if required, perform the job of any other member of the tank crew, as well as do a fair amount of maintenance on the vehicle as a whole.
The threshold to become a Juumanistran grunt is incredibly high. The boot camp washout rate stands at roughly 65%, attributed mainly to overly rigorous physical and mental demands, as well as a high standard for marksmanship, with most of the blame falling on the marksmanship requirements. In order to pass Juumanistran boot camp, grunts-in-training must attain a 36 of 40 score on their marksmanship exam, with getting above a 34 or 35 worthy of a retest.
Marksmanship is a major part of the boot camp experience. Juumanistran infantrymen are trained to be first and foremost riflemen. In a similar vein, the concept of the information battlefield is stressed highly. From Day 3 in boot camp, grunts begin training with the battlefield command elements of the Aegis MCS and during their twelve weeks in boot camp are indoctrinated into the ways of battlefield domination, as Juumanistra’s war planners call it.
Force Readiness
The Juumanistran Army is a relatively small force, but it is arguably one of the best geared for war in the world. Whilst the official number remains classified, somewhere in the ballpark of a third of the Army’s budget is spent on force preparedness and training. The average Juumanistran infantryman, for instance, will fire between three and four thousand live rounds a month as well as toss a dozen or more grenades; this, in addition, to many thousands more of blanks in MILES engagements. Tank crews fire a hundred fifty live rounds a month and Centaur gun crews have been known to cruise through a thousand rounds of live ammo within just a few weeks of intensive training. What all this live fire training, in addition to many, many more hours of non-live fire and classroom training, translates into is a force that seamlessly performs in war what it does in peacetime and is capable of functioning immaculately under conditions that would cause greener, less well-trained forces to buckle.
Capabilities & Doctrine
The Juumanistran Army’s operational doctrine has evolved over many decades and at a cost of many billion inguts. Juumanistra possesses a highly mobile, highly flexible force that is capable of performing any and all functions that are demanded of it; the force has evolved to be capable of small unit infiltration missions and multi-corps offensive across a broad front equally well. This strategic and tactical mobility has come at the price of some firepower; Juumanistra has no tank that is capable of rivaling the heavy MBTs in the 80 ton or more weight class and even the heaviest vehicle in the force, the 74 ton JBT-35 Minotaur, numbers the least whilst the 59 ton JBT-14A4 Sentinel is the force’s backbone tank. Similarly, Juumanistran forces tend to emphasize AFVs and are light on tanks even in the heavy armor formations. To this end, Juumanistra has pursued efforts to maximize the usefulness of its strategic mobility on the modern battlefield through asymmetric warfare, with the FOX architecture opening up new worlds of electronic warfare, and jointness through the dissemination of information to units in the field in real-time via the Aegis MCS.
Juumanistra employs five major forms of divisional organization, as are detailed below. They tend to stress flexibility and utilitarianism within the bounds that they can; mobile infantry forces cannot be expected to stand up an armored division, for instance. Arguably the most striking feature of this organizational scheme is the lack of any dedicated airborne forces. This is the result of Juumanistra’s decentralization of command, which has resulted in the battalion becoming the basic unit of combat; therefore, airborne operations tend to be assembled on an ad hoc oragnizational basis of available air mobile battalions. This is not to say that it is organized ad hoc; it is just that there are no standing airborne forces given that their specialization tends to run counter to Juumanistran macro trends towards standardization and utilitarianism.
Main Armor Division: A formidable armored formation designed to fulfill Juumanistra’s offensive and other armored needs.
-Three Combat Brigades(6 Main Armor Bn, 3 Mechanized Infantry Bn)
-One Bombardment Brigade(3 Artillery Bn)
-One Engineer Brigade(3 Engineering Bn)
-One Aviation Brigade(3 Air Assault Bn, 1 Air Mobility Bn, 1 Air Recon Bn)
-One Anti-Air Brigade(3 Anti-Air Bn)
-One 3C Ops and Warfare Brigade(3 3C Ops & Warfare Bn)
-One Support Brigade(2 Main Support Bn, 3 Forward Support Bn, 2 Medivac Bn)
162 JBT-24M2 Orion MBT
162 JBT-35 Minotaur MBT
108 JCV-3 Centaur CFV
180 JCV-3 Centaur IFV
252 JATT-8A6 Cougar APC
81 JMA-155 Sparticus SPG
27 JMA-270 Steamboy MLRS
81 JMM-122 Puma SPM
108 CFV-3E Centaur AFV-E
54 CE-4 Forder AVLB
108 CE-5 Breacher Combat Engineering Vehicle/Obstacle Clearer
81 CE-6 Atlas Armored Vehicle Recovered Unit
54 CE-7 Volcano Mine Dispenser
27 CE-8 Pioneer NBCRS
81 CE-9 Strongarm Armored Bulldozer
108 Si-56 Warhawk HGS
60 Se-18 Marathon HTM
48 So-24 Keensight HAR
162 R1044 Avenger FSAAD
108 JMWWS-AA Capricorn FAAD
81 CFV-3AA Mad Max FAAD
12 JBT-14BCV Guardian
108 JCV-3 Centaur FISTV
24 JCV-3BCV Centaur
36 BDCT-8 Black Panther
12 SoEW-24 Deepstrike
2400 Various HMMWWV
3200 Various Trucks
3,600 Infantrymen
Total Men: 25,684
Mechanized Armor Division: A less logistics intensive, more responsive, and more flexible means of personnel organization that provides better deployment capability and maneuverability than the main armor division, though it suffers a blow to its overall firepower due to the loss of the Minotaur and fewer tanks in general.
-Three Combat Brigades(5 Mechanized Armor Bn, 4 Mechanized Infantry Bn)
-One Bombardment Brigade(3 Artillery Bn)
-Engineering Brigade(3 Engineering Bn)
-One Aviation Brigade(2 Air Assault Bn, 1 Air Mobility Bn, 1 Air Recon Bn)
-One Anti-Air Brigade(3 Anti-Air Bn)
-One 3C Ops and Warfare Brigade(3 3C Ops & Warfare Bn)
-One Support Brigade(1 Main Support Bn, 3 Forward Support Bn, 1 Medivac Bn)
120 JBT-14A4 Sentinel ABT
150 JBT-24M2 Orion MBT
90 JCV-3 Centaur CFV
336 JATT-8A6 Cougar APC
240 JCV-3 Centaur IFV
81 JMA-155 Sparticus SPG
27 JMA-270 Steamboy MLRS
81 JMM-122 Puma SPM
108 CFV-3E Centaur AFV-E
54 CE-4 Forder AVLB
108 CE-5 Breacher Combat Engineering Vehicle/Obstacle Clearer
81 CE-6 Atlas Armored Vehicle Recovered Unit
54 CE-7 Volcano Mine Dispenser
27 CE-8 Pioneer NBCRS
81 CE-9 Strongarm Armored Bulldozer
72 Si-56 Warhawk HGS
60 Se-18 Marathon HTM
48 So-24 Keensight HAR
162 R992 Avenger FSAAD
108 JMWWS-AA Capricorn FAAD
72 CFV-3AA Mad Max FAAD
12 JBT-14BCV Guardian
108 JCV-3 Centaur FISTV
24 JCV-3BCV Centaur
36 BDCT-8 Black Panther
12 SoEW-24 Deepstrike
1700 Various HMMWWV
2200 Various Trucks
4,800 Infantrymen
Total Men: 21,972
Mobile Armor Division: A lightweight force designed for rapid reaction. The mobile armor divisions are amphibious assault capable and are, for the most part, airborne capable.
-Three Combat Brigades(5 Light Armor Bn, 4 Mobile Infantry Bn)
-Two Light Artillery Bn
-Two Mobile Engineering Bn
-One Mobile Aviation Brigade(2 Air Assault Bn, 2 Air Mobility Bn, 1 Air Recon Bn)
-Two Anti-Air Bn
-2 3C Ops & Warfare Bn
-One Mobile Support Brigade(3 Forward Support Bn, 1 Medivac Bn)
90 J2000 Pericles LGT
135 R-1 Aries MGS
105 JCV-3 Centaur CFV
288 J117 Gemini APC
432 J117 Gemini IFV
54 JTA-105 Towed Artillery Piece
18 JMA-105 Libra SPG
54 JMM-122 Puma SPM
108 CFV-3E Centaur AFV-E
36 CE-10 Kwai AVLB
72 CE-11 Matey Combat Breaching Vehicle
18 CE-12 Tarsus AVRS
18 CE-9 Strongarm Combat Earthmover
72 Si-56 Warhawk HGS
120 Se-18 Marathon HTM
48 So-24 Keensight HAR
108 R992 Avenger FSAAD
72 JMWWS-AA Capricorn FAAD
54 CFV-3AA Mad Max FAAD
8 JMA-155BCV Watchdog
72 JCV-3 Centaur FISTV
16 JCV-3BCV Centaur
24 BDCT-8 Black Panther
8 SoEW-24 Deepstrike
4,800 Infantrymen
1300 Various HMMWWV
1600 Various Trucks
Total Men: 18,945
Mechanized Infantry Division: A more infantry-heavy mechanized force designed for utilitarianism and the ability to perform multiple roles.
-Three Combat Brigades(5 Mechanized Infantry Bn, 4 Mechanized Armor Bn)
-Two Artillery Bn
-Two Engineering Bn
-One Aviation Brigade(2 Air Assault Bn, 1 Air Mobility Bn, 1 Air Recon Bn)
-Two Anti-Air Bn
-One 3C Ops and Warfare Brigade(3 3C Ops & Warfare Bn)
-One Support Brigade(1 Main Support Bn, 3 Forward Support Bn, 1 Medivac Bn)
96 JBT-14A4 Sentinel ABT
108 JBT-24M2 Orion MBT
72 JCV-3 Centaur CFV
420 JATT-8A6 Cougar APC
300 JCV-3 Centaur IFV
54 JMA-155 Sparticus SPG
18 JMA-270 Steamboy MLRS
54 JMM-122 Puma SPM
72 CFV-3E Centaur AFV-E
36 CE-4 Forder AVLB
72 CE-5 Breacher Combat Engineering Vehicle/Obstacle Clearer
54 CE-6 Atlas Armored Vehicle Recovered Unit
36 CE-7 Volcano Mine Dispenser
18 CE-8 Pioneer NBCRS
54 CE-9 Strongarm Armored Bulldozer
72 Si-56 Warhawk HGS
60 Se-18 Marathon HTM
48 So-24 Keensight HAR
108 R992 Avenger FSAAD
72 JMWWS-AA Capricorn FAAD
48 CFV-3AA Mad Max FAAD
12 JBT-14BCV Guardian
108 JCV-3 Centaur FISTV
24 JCV-3BCV Centaur
36 BDCT-8 Black Panther
12 SoEW-24 Deepstrike
1700 Various HMMWWV
2200 Various Trucks
6,000 Infantrymen
Total Men: 18,864
Mobile Infantry Division: An infantry-oriented rapid reaction force, designed to be used in conjunction with mobile armor forces.
-Three Combat Brigades(5 Mobile Infantry Bn, 4 Light Armor Bn)
-Two Light Artillery Bn
-Two Mobile Engineering Bn
-One Mobile Aviation Brigade(2 Air Assault Bn, 2 Air Mobility Bn, 1 Air Recon Bn)
-Two Anti-Air Bn
-2 3C Ops & Warfare Bn
-One Mobile Support Brigade(3 Forward Support Bn, 1 Medivac Bn)
72 J2000 Pericles LGT
108 R-1 Aries MGS
84 JCV-3 Centaur CFV
360 J117 Gemini APC
540 J117 Gemini IFV
54 JTA-105 Towed Artillery Piece
18 JMA-105 Libra SPG
54 JMM-122 Puma SPM
108 CFV-3E Centaur AFV-E
36 CE-10 Kwai AVLB
72 CE-11 Matey Combat Breaching Vehicle
18 CE-12 Tarsus AVRS
18 CE-9 Strongarm Combat Earthmover
72 Si-56 Warhawk HGS
120 Se-18 Marathon HTM
48 So-24 Keensight HAR
108 R992 Avenger FSAAD
72 JMWWS-AA Capricorn FAAD
54 CFV-3AA Mad Max FAAD
8 JMA-155BCV Watchdog
72 JCV-3 Centaur FISTV
16 JCV-3BCV Centaur
24 BDCT-8 Black Panther
8 SoEW-24 Deepstrike
6,000 Infantrymen
1300 Various HMMWWV
1600 Various Trucks
Total Men: 17,742
Juumanistran Vehicles -- Somewhat incomplete, subject to updates. If you're up for a challenge(or just some good ol' clean fun), identify the trend in the names of the firms that constitute Juumanistra's defense contractors; big rewards to anyone who can figure it out.
Aegis MCS -- the Juumanistran analog to Objective Force Warrior
Things to Come
-Flesh out more details on all listed subfields, with the possibility of adding more.
-Add rotary aircraft dumps to vehicles page.
-Add seperate weapons systems section to flesh out the named weapons systems.
-Finish and post compilation of infantry equippings beyond Aegis MCS and weapons loadouts and stats.
['Tis just a start and a 'lil haphazard, I think, but things'll get smoothed out as I progress. Any and all feedback is appreciated, though if it pertains to the vehicles, I kindly ask that gentleness be used, for I am no materials science/ballistics/physics-in-general geek. None of them, I think, fall into the realm of godmoddery. However, if there are any truly blatent things that I missed(or typo'd!), kindly let me know.]
7 Main Armor Divisions - 179,788 men
1st Barrel Division, 44th Barrel Division, 82nd Wellington Armor Division, 83rd Wellington Armor Guard,12th Sanumi Army, 441st Assault Division, 99th Tradelands Guard
9 Mechanized Armor Divisions - 197,748 men
2nd Infantry Division, 3rd Davenport Dragoons, 6th Sanumi Guard, 141st Juumus Knights, 88th Rolling Infantry, 89th Rolling Infantry, 17th Starlight Sentinels, 74th Grenadiers, 75th Grenadiers
4 Mobile Armor Divisions - 75,780 men
32nd Expeditionary Division, 33rd Expeditionary Division, 782nd Jacques’s Raiders, 14th Gate Guardians
9 Mechanized Infantry Divisions - 169,776 men
147th Barrel Infantry, 148th Barrel Infantry, 149th Barrel Infantry, 4th Sharansk Cossacks, 5th Nakamori Barkrunners, 7th Tracked Division, 91st Hafford Haberdashers, 21st Armored Infantry Division, 22nd Armored Infantry Division
5 Mobile Infantry Divisions - 88,710 men
9th Blitzers, 321st Roadrunners, 128th Light Infantry Division, 31st Keg Division, 32nd Keg Division
Active Duty Division Force: 711,802
Additional Active Duty Support Personnel: 785,226
Army Reserve Forces: 1,683,940
Total Active Duty Army Personnel: 1,497,028
Combined Active Duty and Reserve Army Personnel: 3,180,968
Demeanor & Ethos
Arguably the most important part of the modern army is not found its weapons or tactics but in the force’s demeanor. Juumanistra has taken to heart the importance of intangibles like that to heart. The Juumanistran military has long prided itself as one of the nation’s great egalitarian institutions; this has been achieved largely through universal basic training and the lack of any “elite” units within the Army. This egalitarian spirit has led to a highly decentralized chain of command that encourages those who are fighting to take the initiative. This decentralization of authority has also spurred the drives for self-sufficiency and satisfactory levels of redundancy among units, leading to extensive amounts of cross-training by individual soldiers; case-in-point, the average tanker could, if required, perform the job of any other member of the tank crew, as well as do a fair amount of maintenance on the vehicle as a whole.
The threshold to become a Juumanistran grunt is incredibly high. The boot camp washout rate stands at roughly 65%, attributed mainly to overly rigorous physical and mental demands, as well as a high standard for marksmanship, with most of the blame falling on the marksmanship requirements. In order to pass Juumanistran boot camp, grunts-in-training must attain a 36 of 40 score on their marksmanship exam, with getting above a 34 or 35 worthy of a retest.
Marksmanship is a major part of the boot camp experience. Juumanistran infantrymen are trained to be first and foremost riflemen. In a similar vein, the concept of the information battlefield is stressed highly. From Day 3 in boot camp, grunts begin training with the battlefield command elements of the Aegis MCS and during their twelve weeks in boot camp are indoctrinated into the ways of battlefield domination, as Juumanistra’s war planners call it.
Force Readiness
The Juumanistran Army is a relatively small force, but it is arguably one of the best geared for war in the world. Whilst the official number remains classified, somewhere in the ballpark of a third of the Army’s budget is spent on force preparedness and training. The average Juumanistran infantryman, for instance, will fire between three and four thousand live rounds a month as well as toss a dozen or more grenades; this, in addition, to many thousands more of blanks in MILES engagements. Tank crews fire a hundred fifty live rounds a month and Centaur gun crews have been known to cruise through a thousand rounds of live ammo within just a few weeks of intensive training. What all this live fire training, in addition to many, many more hours of non-live fire and classroom training, translates into is a force that seamlessly performs in war what it does in peacetime and is capable of functioning immaculately under conditions that would cause greener, less well-trained forces to buckle.
Capabilities & Doctrine
The Juumanistran Army’s operational doctrine has evolved over many decades and at a cost of many billion inguts. Juumanistra possesses a highly mobile, highly flexible force that is capable of performing any and all functions that are demanded of it; the force has evolved to be capable of small unit infiltration missions and multi-corps offensive across a broad front equally well. This strategic and tactical mobility has come at the price of some firepower; Juumanistra has no tank that is capable of rivaling the heavy MBTs in the 80 ton or more weight class and even the heaviest vehicle in the force, the 74 ton JBT-35 Minotaur, numbers the least whilst the 59 ton JBT-14A4 Sentinel is the force’s backbone tank. Similarly, Juumanistran forces tend to emphasize AFVs and are light on tanks even in the heavy armor formations. To this end, Juumanistra has pursued efforts to maximize the usefulness of its strategic mobility on the modern battlefield through asymmetric warfare, with the FOX architecture opening up new worlds of electronic warfare, and jointness through the dissemination of information to units in the field in real-time via the Aegis MCS.
Juumanistra employs five major forms of divisional organization, as are detailed below. They tend to stress flexibility and utilitarianism within the bounds that they can; mobile infantry forces cannot be expected to stand up an armored division, for instance. Arguably the most striking feature of this organizational scheme is the lack of any dedicated airborne forces. This is the result of Juumanistra’s decentralization of command, which has resulted in the battalion becoming the basic unit of combat; therefore, airborne operations tend to be assembled on an ad hoc oragnizational basis of available air mobile battalions. This is not to say that it is organized ad hoc; it is just that there are no standing airborne forces given that their specialization tends to run counter to Juumanistran macro trends towards standardization and utilitarianism.
Main Armor Division: A formidable armored formation designed to fulfill Juumanistra’s offensive and other armored needs.
-Three Combat Brigades(6 Main Armor Bn, 3 Mechanized Infantry Bn)
-One Bombardment Brigade(3 Artillery Bn)
-One Engineer Brigade(3 Engineering Bn)
-One Aviation Brigade(3 Air Assault Bn, 1 Air Mobility Bn, 1 Air Recon Bn)
-One Anti-Air Brigade(3 Anti-Air Bn)
-One 3C Ops and Warfare Brigade(3 3C Ops & Warfare Bn)
-One Support Brigade(2 Main Support Bn, 3 Forward Support Bn, 2 Medivac Bn)
162 JBT-24M2 Orion MBT
162 JBT-35 Minotaur MBT
108 JCV-3 Centaur CFV
180 JCV-3 Centaur IFV
252 JATT-8A6 Cougar APC
81 JMA-155 Sparticus SPG
27 JMA-270 Steamboy MLRS
81 JMM-122 Puma SPM
108 CFV-3E Centaur AFV-E
54 CE-4 Forder AVLB
108 CE-5 Breacher Combat Engineering Vehicle/Obstacle Clearer
81 CE-6 Atlas Armored Vehicle Recovered Unit
54 CE-7 Volcano Mine Dispenser
27 CE-8 Pioneer NBCRS
81 CE-9 Strongarm Armored Bulldozer
108 Si-56 Warhawk HGS
60 Se-18 Marathon HTM
48 So-24 Keensight HAR
162 R1044 Avenger FSAAD
108 JMWWS-AA Capricorn FAAD
81 CFV-3AA Mad Max FAAD
12 JBT-14BCV Guardian
108 JCV-3 Centaur FISTV
24 JCV-3BCV Centaur
36 BDCT-8 Black Panther
12 SoEW-24 Deepstrike
2400 Various HMMWWV
3200 Various Trucks
3,600 Infantrymen
Total Men: 25,684
Mechanized Armor Division: A less logistics intensive, more responsive, and more flexible means of personnel organization that provides better deployment capability and maneuverability than the main armor division, though it suffers a blow to its overall firepower due to the loss of the Minotaur and fewer tanks in general.
-Three Combat Brigades(5 Mechanized Armor Bn, 4 Mechanized Infantry Bn)
-One Bombardment Brigade(3 Artillery Bn)
-Engineering Brigade(3 Engineering Bn)
-One Aviation Brigade(2 Air Assault Bn, 1 Air Mobility Bn, 1 Air Recon Bn)
-One Anti-Air Brigade(3 Anti-Air Bn)
-One 3C Ops and Warfare Brigade(3 3C Ops & Warfare Bn)
-One Support Brigade(1 Main Support Bn, 3 Forward Support Bn, 1 Medivac Bn)
120 JBT-14A4 Sentinel ABT
150 JBT-24M2 Orion MBT
90 JCV-3 Centaur CFV
336 JATT-8A6 Cougar APC
240 JCV-3 Centaur IFV
81 JMA-155 Sparticus SPG
27 JMA-270 Steamboy MLRS
81 JMM-122 Puma SPM
108 CFV-3E Centaur AFV-E
54 CE-4 Forder AVLB
108 CE-5 Breacher Combat Engineering Vehicle/Obstacle Clearer
81 CE-6 Atlas Armored Vehicle Recovered Unit
54 CE-7 Volcano Mine Dispenser
27 CE-8 Pioneer NBCRS
81 CE-9 Strongarm Armored Bulldozer
72 Si-56 Warhawk HGS
60 Se-18 Marathon HTM
48 So-24 Keensight HAR
162 R992 Avenger FSAAD
108 JMWWS-AA Capricorn FAAD
72 CFV-3AA Mad Max FAAD
12 JBT-14BCV Guardian
108 JCV-3 Centaur FISTV
24 JCV-3BCV Centaur
36 BDCT-8 Black Panther
12 SoEW-24 Deepstrike
1700 Various HMMWWV
2200 Various Trucks
4,800 Infantrymen
Total Men: 21,972
Mobile Armor Division: A lightweight force designed for rapid reaction. The mobile armor divisions are amphibious assault capable and are, for the most part, airborne capable.
-Three Combat Brigades(5 Light Armor Bn, 4 Mobile Infantry Bn)
-Two Light Artillery Bn
-Two Mobile Engineering Bn
-One Mobile Aviation Brigade(2 Air Assault Bn, 2 Air Mobility Bn, 1 Air Recon Bn)
-Two Anti-Air Bn
-2 3C Ops & Warfare Bn
-One Mobile Support Brigade(3 Forward Support Bn, 1 Medivac Bn)
90 J2000 Pericles LGT
135 R-1 Aries MGS
105 JCV-3 Centaur CFV
288 J117 Gemini APC
432 J117 Gemini IFV
54 JTA-105 Towed Artillery Piece
18 JMA-105 Libra SPG
54 JMM-122 Puma SPM
108 CFV-3E Centaur AFV-E
36 CE-10 Kwai AVLB
72 CE-11 Matey Combat Breaching Vehicle
18 CE-12 Tarsus AVRS
18 CE-9 Strongarm Combat Earthmover
72 Si-56 Warhawk HGS
120 Se-18 Marathon HTM
48 So-24 Keensight HAR
108 R992 Avenger FSAAD
72 JMWWS-AA Capricorn FAAD
54 CFV-3AA Mad Max FAAD
8 JMA-155BCV Watchdog
72 JCV-3 Centaur FISTV
16 JCV-3BCV Centaur
24 BDCT-8 Black Panther
8 SoEW-24 Deepstrike
4,800 Infantrymen
1300 Various HMMWWV
1600 Various Trucks
Total Men: 18,945
Mechanized Infantry Division: A more infantry-heavy mechanized force designed for utilitarianism and the ability to perform multiple roles.
-Three Combat Brigades(5 Mechanized Infantry Bn, 4 Mechanized Armor Bn)
-Two Artillery Bn
-Two Engineering Bn
-One Aviation Brigade(2 Air Assault Bn, 1 Air Mobility Bn, 1 Air Recon Bn)
-Two Anti-Air Bn
-One 3C Ops and Warfare Brigade(3 3C Ops & Warfare Bn)
-One Support Brigade(1 Main Support Bn, 3 Forward Support Bn, 1 Medivac Bn)
96 JBT-14A4 Sentinel ABT
108 JBT-24M2 Orion MBT
72 JCV-3 Centaur CFV
420 JATT-8A6 Cougar APC
300 JCV-3 Centaur IFV
54 JMA-155 Sparticus SPG
18 JMA-270 Steamboy MLRS
54 JMM-122 Puma SPM
72 CFV-3E Centaur AFV-E
36 CE-4 Forder AVLB
72 CE-5 Breacher Combat Engineering Vehicle/Obstacle Clearer
54 CE-6 Atlas Armored Vehicle Recovered Unit
36 CE-7 Volcano Mine Dispenser
18 CE-8 Pioneer NBCRS
54 CE-9 Strongarm Armored Bulldozer
72 Si-56 Warhawk HGS
60 Se-18 Marathon HTM
48 So-24 Keensight HAR
108 R992 Avenger FSAAD
72 JMWWS-AA Capricorn FAAD
48 CFV-3AA Mad Max FAAD
12 JBT-14BCV Guardian
108 JCV-3 Centaur FISTV
24 JCV-3BCV Centaur
36 BDCT-8 Black Panther
12 SoEW-24 Deepstrike
1700 Various HMMWWV
2200 Various Trucks
6,000 Infantrymen
Total Men: 18,864
Mobile Infantry Division: An infantry-oriented rapid reaction force, designed to be used in conjunction with mobile armor forces.
-Three Combat Brigades(5 Mobile Infantry Bn, 4 Light Armor Bn)
-Two Light Artillery Bn
-Two Mobile Engineering Bn
-One Mobile Aviation Brigade(2 Air Assault Bn, 2 Air Mobility Bn, 1 Air Recon Bn)
-Two Anti-Air Bn
-2 3C Ops & Warfare Bn
-One Mobile Support Brigade(3 Forward Support Bn, 1 Medivac Bn)
72 J2000 Pericles LGT
108 R-1 Aries MGS
84 JCV-3 Centaur CFV
360 J117 Gemini APC
540 J117 Gemini IFV
54 JTA-105 Towed Artillery Piece
18 JMA-105 Libra SPG
54 JMM-122 Puma SPM
108 CFV-3E Centaur AFV-E
36 CE-10 Kwai AVLB
72 CE-11 Matey Combat Breaching Vehicle
18 CE-12 Tarsus AVRS
18 CE-9 Strongarm Combat Earthmover
72 Si-56 Warhawk HGS
120 Se-18 Marathon HTM
48 So-24 Keensight HAR
108 R992 Avenger FSAAD
72 JMWWS-AA Capricorn FAAD
54 CFV-3AA Mad Max FAAD
8 JMA-155BCV Watchdog
72 JCV-3 Centaur FISTV
16 JCV-3BCV Centaur
24 BDCT-8 Black Panther
8 SoEW-24 Deepstrike
6,000 Infantrymen
1300 Various HMMWWV
1600 Various Trucks
Total Men: 17,742
Juumanistran Vehicles -- Somewhat incomplete, subject to updates. If you're up for a challenge(or just some good ol' clean fun), identify the trend in the names of the firms that constitute Juumanistra's defense contractors; big rewards to anyone who can figure it out.
Aegis MCS -- the Juumanistran analog to Objective Force Warrior
Things to Come
-Flesh out more details on all listed subfields, with the possibility of adding more.
-Add rotary aircraft dumps to vehicles page.
-Add seperate weapons systems section to flesh out the named weapons systems.
-Finish and post compilation of infantry equippings beyond Aegis MCS and weapons loadouts and stats.
['Tis just a start and a 'lil haphazard, I think, but things'll get smoothed out as I progress. Any and all feedback is appreciated, though if it pertains to the vehicles, I kindly ask that gentleness be used, for I am no materials science/ballistics/physics-in-general geek. None of them, I think, fall into the realm of godmoddery. However, if there are any truly blatent things that I missed(or typo'd!), kindly let me know.]