We want terrorist and guerrilla allies
SF Terrorists
26-03-2005, 16:07
SF Terrorist, is a new terrorist nation in Suur-Finlantia.
SFT however is not going to help SF or Sweden People any way in their war.
We would be delighted to negotiate with other terrorist and guerrilla nations as soon as possible.
Terrorist Boss Imijäinen
26-03-2005, 22:47
The People's Republic would be more than happy to deliver several hundred tons of high explosive to key economic, political and military targets within your nation.
SF Terrorists
26-03-2005, 22:53
Why do you threat me.If you bomb us you will bomb Suur-Finlantia and that means war....and it would mean we would help them.
26-03-2005, 22:57
Why do you threat me.If you bomb us you will bomb Suur-Finlantia and that means war....and it would mean we would help them
i can see how you came up with that but im not shour thats what he ment
26-03-2005, 22:58
You claim to be a sovereign nation, as such an act of war against your nation would be an act of war against your nation only. Doubtless neighbouring nations would be rather pleased that the terrorist threat on their doorstep has been neutralised with no risk to themselves.
SF Terrorists
26-03-2005, 23:04
Let me remind that the nation where our Head Base is, are under big attack, like you said neighbouring nations would be pleased.
But we SFT dont support Suur-Finlantia and they dont support us either, but an attack against both of us from same country or group would lead to an Alliance between SF and SFT.
Also we arent so threatning arent we?
26-03-2005, 23:19
So let me get this straight.
SFT is a terrorist group (despite the fact you originally claimed to be a sovereign nation), which is based in Suur-Finlantia.
SFT is opposed to Suur-Finlantia.
However, Suur-Finlantia would regard an attack against SFT (its enemy), as being an attack against itself. This strikes me as being somewhat ridiculous.