NationStates Jolt Archive

Origins of the Hierarchy

22-03-2005, 02:02
Since the founding of Azurbajan, the people were divided by religion and politics. The Religious group was called the Hierarchy and had been separated from the Empire by conquest. That was about to change, as the Religious men and women of the Empire were staging an armed movement to take the old government down. From this point on, the people would not be separated.

There were squabbles, skirmishes, even small wars between the two. The Empire was a beautiful place. It consisted of 9 planets, a destroyed galaxy, and many space cities. A space city was equal to a planet or moon in size. It could hold many people. On these cities, was where the Religious aspects of the Empire called home. They would live inside the station while the surface was loaded with weapons systems. The Empire was truly beautiful. The planets Yavin and Endor were covered with dense, green forests, while Kashyyk and Naboo were island paradises. The Capitol planet of Rhen var was an ice world, and much like the planet Hoth, was located completely out of the picture. It sat farther off the outer rim than Tatooine or even Kamino. It had been home to the Senate for quite some time, as it was the first planet ever settled by any Azurbajanian. The first of them lived on the Space cities.

The people of the Hierarchy lived happily on these artificial planets. They were able to create atmospheres and land on the interior, so it was as if a planet had been surrounded by a massive, seven mile thick plate of Armor, that was protected by a shield of its own and the most advanced in weapons technology. The Hierarchy chose to remain separate from the Empire for many reasons. One of these reasons is that they disliked the idea of settling a planet. They thought that space cities were safer. In fact, they had been proven right on many accounts. Planets can be invaded and destroyed by nature. Space cities could control the weather and could not be invaded. Many people swelled the ranks of the Hierarchy for untold years. They were willing to fight for them and make them the dominant. The same men and women, however, soon re-joined the Imperial armies. This, as a result, caused more atheists to come about and the Hierarchy’s navy had dulled in size.

The leader of the Empire, Prince Xizor, was a young and resourceful man. Before the Hierarchy even became an Indepandent part of the Empire, they were only a small Covenant full of religious supporters who knew how to fight. Xizor was one of them. He captained a ship and was such a good strategist, he could take on five Imperial ships using just his own and win. He had done so on many occasions. He was gifted with a beam sword and seemed to have a natural talent for accuracy. Soon, Xizor’s rank had grown and he became an Admiral. During the battle for Independence, he led a fleet against impossible odds and won many battles for the Covenant. After they had won their independence from the Empire, and became known as the Hierarchy of Azurbajan, Xizor discovered that there were plans to take full control of the Empire. Xizor did not like the idea, so he took these words to the Senate. They did not listen no matter how much he tried to force it through them. Some did believe it, but did not want to hear it. Others just thought that trusting the enemy was a bad choice. Those who did believe him however, liked the fact Xizor did not want to see the Empire fall. Soon, Xizor gained enough support to start a political opposition party. Swearing to protect the Empire and abolish Bureaucracy, he won by ninety-three percent of the popular votes. Once he had won the crown, throne, ring, and scepter of the Empire, he did exactly what he promised. He gave the Regional governors direct control of their planets, but kept them on a tight leash. He also boosted arms production and research. The Empire soon became fully fortified. They were ready for anything. Eventually, their economy had become the strongest in the known Universe. They had an excellent system of trade and their currency was worth the most in the Universe. Education, health, and welfare were also strong. The Health system had been funded a massive amount of money. They had found cures for many diseases and even eliminated AIDS, smallpox, the common cold, the Flu, and Pneumonia throughout the Universe.

The leaders of the Hierarchy were the three prophets of Truth, Honor, and Regret. They were the creators of the Covenant. The three were a union of friendship and trust that seemed to others like an unstoppable force. The origins of the Covenant were a strong and Influential cult called the Ramitep. These men and women eventually fought and conquered a space city of their own. Eventually, they had built others and during the great colonization of the Galaxy, they stayed aboard space cities and spread to the abandoned ones. There, they lived and grew for centuries. Soon afterward, their numbers boomed. They went from a small five million to over a billion supporters in a little over two years. Alarmed, the Empire struck the Covenant. They attempted to exterminate them, but failed. Soon enough, the Covenant declared their independence and fought a large war. This war was better known as a massacre. The Covenant was winning and the Empire knew they would have no marines or naval force if they stayed in the war, so they surrendered. The three Hierarchs were the key targets of many spies and assassins hired by the Empire. The Hierarchy had a decent economy, which was mostly focused on arms production and sales. They were in need of weapons only for the holy war about to unfold. Their system of trade had even rivaled the Empire’s. Their currency was as valuable as the average currency rates of the old Republic.

Onboard the holy space city, a massive gathering was taking place. Men and women from all parts of the empire were showing up. The three hierarchs were making a speech that would change the face of the Azurbajanian Empire forever. People in the city had been told of a need for a new government to step in; one that would be trustable. Politics would be controlled by the religious parts of the Empire. The three hierarchs stepped foreword on their podiums and were ready to deliver their speech. The crowd was in an uproar. They were chanting and screaming.

"Silence please. Silence!" the prophet of Honor said. The prophet of Truth went on "My people! For too long have our needs been shadowed by politics! We have to tell them when to stop! My fellow people, we all know what we are after: Religious revolution! Religion has always had the most influence on your choices. You all have chosen that we are right in our cause. Therefore, we will force the old, corrupt, government out, and replace them with none other than the Hierarchs! We will go to arms and force them out! Our Hierarchy will become completely religion oriented" Then the prophet of Regret came foreword and said: "my prophets are right, but not right enough! We must capture the political leaders and execute them in the most savage of manners! We will punish every Heretic in their world." The crowd cheered and roared. The Holy armed forces were preparing for battle.

Meanwhile, on the surface of the planet Rhen Var, the political parties were plotting their next move. Xizor wasn't about to let some priests push him around. He had decided to fight the traitors. He mobilized the navy and the Spartan Marines on the ground were ready and armed to the teeth. They were ready for anything. Xizor put out a call to arms to anyone able to help.

The Holy fleet of the Hierarchy appeared out of slip space near the planet of Rhen Var. There were five defense platforms in the way, but all could be dealt with by the immense fleet. The stations threw up an alarm. They started to scramble men to fighters and those who were left, prepared to defend the stations. The holy ships came closer to the stations, but were out of their range. They began launching boarders and soon, they hit their intended targets. The Spartan Marines fought each other. Holy soldiers dressed in purple while the regular army dressed in black. Naval officers engaged each other with blaster pistols, knives, and fists. A desperate battle was raging on, and the atmosphere above the planet was loaded with explosions. Meanwhile, landers headed toward the planet. The stations, one by one, were conquered and taken off line. The religious soldiers had an advantage. They fought for a cause, while their enemy fought because they were told to.

The cities on the ice world of Rhen Var were burning. Landers came and went carrying soldiers and supplies. Destroyers were also sent to the planet. They hit several key cities, but most were massed at the capitol. The men there were not the tired troops that the Hierarchs faced on the Space stations. These men were elite soldiers. They guarded the city with their lives, and gladly threw themselves at the Hierarchs' army. The battle raged there for three days. The Hierarchy was forced to fall back. All covenant forces massed into one enormous army and began to attack smaller cities gaining supporters and influence as they went along. They then focused on the capitol.

Meanwhile above the capitol city of Rhen Var, the navy was still fighting. The Hierarchy was gaining on the planet and was winning the battle with ease. They had been fighting off ships for hours and were still in the lead. Soon, Ion cannons began firing and the Hierarchs' ships' shields were taken down. Xizorian boarders were sent to them. More men seemed to be dying on the boarding ships, then in the ships themselves. The Xizorian elite guard forces were massing aboard ships and fighters. They took several Hierarchy ships offline. Finally, the massive Ormi, the pride and joy of the entire Xizorian Empire, was fighting. It fought for the Hierarchy, rather then the Empire. Soon enough, the Xizorian ships retreated to the surface of Rhen Var. The Hierarchs' fleet was in full charge. They would be entering the planet and firing on cities of interest, including the capitol. They also wanted to re-supply the armies there with more men, weapons, and food.

Soon, Xizor put out a plea for aid. He was asking for anyone to fight against the religious forces invading.

Among those to answer his call were the GTVA (Galactic Terran-Vasudan alliance). They were forwarding their ships to the planet and attacked the Hierarchy. They were there solely for delivering ground forces. They were brutally defeated and had to retreat. The GTVA did, however, contribute some three hundred thousand ground soldiers. They also gave the Empire plenty of support vehicles and weaponry. They had done all they could in the space battle and lost miserably. Soon enough, they fled back to Earth.

The Hierarchy landed the mother load on the surface, at last. There were a total of ten million soldiers, seventy-thousand support vehicles, tanks, and artillery cannons, and over five hundred thousand tons of food and supplies. The soldiers began their march toward the capitol.

Meanwhile, a blockade was formed around the planet. The Hierarchy was ready to starve the enemy out or, even to death. Despite many pleas from civilians, they remained in place. The army had confiscated all food supplies. This move was not intended by the Hierarchs, however. The military seemed to have a radical approach to the war. They wanted blood.

The forces massed at the capitol and fired on it. Ships above fired pods to the ground, containing more Spartans. The battle raged again. Imperial troops raced around in speeders and fired burning balls on rope into the lines of Hierarchy soldiers, incinerating them instantly. The Hierarchy answered back with orbital strikes and fighter raids. For a week, the fighting did not end. Both sides were exhausted. Out of food, and out of ammunition, the Empire gave in. The Revolution had faced a major victory. However, as soon as the primary Imperial naval force showed up, there would be another large battle.

In the temporary time of peace, the Hierarchy’s force had to grow in order to ensure the victory. This meant that more transports needed to be dropped. As this happened, the Generals of each Hierarchs army greeted the soldiers. A total of 30 million soldiers were dropped. They were put in many places in order to hold the planet. At dawn on the fifth day of peace, slip space ruptures were detected.

The Imperial navy came out of slip space near the rear of the planet. They were ready for combat. They had come out with enough forces to make their last stand. Boarding ships and fighters were flying in every direction. The space battle erupted, while the covenant forces on the ground fired upward at the Imperial Navy. Several Landers made their way down. They were carrying the most massive landing force ever seen to make the last stand and re-capture the capitol.

On the planet, the hierarchy was fortifying the capitol with artillery, mines, spikes, and turrets to make the battle a success. The one citadel at the back of the city was where the Hierarchs themselves were kept. This area was the most protected. The Imperial Landers made their way down to the surface and dropped a total of thirty million soldiers, nearly triple what the Hierarchy was prepared to deal with. All the Imperial soldiers massed and formed lines to charge toward the city. They were ready to do battle with the
Hierarchy and remained loyal to their leader.

The Hierarchs had prepared to deliver a speech. The prophet of Honor stepped foreword. He started: "My friends, we have come far and fought many battles. We have fought well! We must repeal this force. These men are all brought here to fight for an Emperor they probably have never met. All of them are fighting for one man's greed. We were suffering under his rule. He is too power hungry to listen to his people. Now, he will sacrifice all those who are loyal to him just to remain in power. If we are to take life, we must let them understand we are merciful and, that we would not harm them if their leader had allowed peace. Xizor knows he is power hungry. He also knows that he has a lot of power. If you have faith, we can win! We shall prevail! Now, to war! Fight! Fight for freedom and glory! Fight for one united Empire! No more separation! No more discrimination! All equality! We can make it happen with a victory! Now, go foreword and bring forth a new age free of tyranny and oppression!"

The crowd was cheering like crazy. The whole planet shook when they celebrated. Soldiers went foreword and manned turrets. They braced the gates and stood on the walls with Beam and Blaster rifles. They were ready to fight the Imperial armies.

As many Imperial soldiers marched toward the capitol, a few hundred fighters swooped down on them. The Hierarchy soldiers could only look as the Empire got stronger with every step. Snipers were inside holes in the ground and the ice in front of the city was plugged with explosives. The Hierarchs planned to wait for the bulk of the enemy forces to stand over the trap. They held until the first 70 lines of men were on it. The land under them was suddenly covered in a mass fireball and then gave way to a hidden ravine carved and trapped underground for untold centuries. The Imperial army suddenly went into panic. They had lost a way into the city. However, the fighters with them flew ahead while the men calmed and planned a bridge. Fighters fired on the men and battered buildings with their loads. There were flames and explosions both in the sky and on the ground. Debris flew everywhere along with soldiers. There was utter chaos both in the skies and on the land. One squad was inside a building. Their commander said one final line before the building erupted in flames. “Death from above, chaos below. When will it truly end? What time do we live in, full of war and savage like behavior. We have fought well and hard for our cause and they fight and die for theirs. It is a vicious thing, this war.” Just as he finished, a fighter fired a torpedo at the building, instantly collapsing it.

Men who listened to this broadcast from both armies were touched. Soon enough, the fighting roared up and finally cooled down. The reason for the cease fire was not the message, but that a figure, that some men made out as Xizor rode on a ton-ton into the midst of the battle. He was met by the Prophet of Truth. Both armies stopped fighting. They formed a circle around the two. Screaming and cheering, they taunted their enemies. Finally, the prophet of Truth signaled for silence. The Prophet put down the hood on his cloak and drew a Beam sword. Xizor matched his move. Their weapons were activated and a duel raged. Xizor swung at Truth, almost clipping his leg. Truth lunged at Xizor, who then spun out of the way and attempted to strike his back. In an instant, this move was blocked and the fight went on. The heat of the swords could be felt by the both of them. An Imperial guardsman threw an energy shield to Xizor. Xizor threw it aside.
His men were stunned, as were the Hierarchy’s soldiers. The Prophet again lunged at Xizor, but quickly drew back. Xizor had taken the bait and left his neck open. Truth swung high. It did the trick and Xizor’s neck was slashed. He fell to the ground, struggling to breathe.

Truth removed Xizor’s helmet, but to everyone’s surprise, under the helmet was Xizor’s cousin. He was a young man, much too young to have to die. Truth bent down and had the saddest look on his face. The circle of soldiers closed in on them. They all wanted to see what it was that had happened. Truth held the dying boy’s hand. He said a silent prayer. Finally, he buried his sword into the chest of the boy, giving him the respect of a hero. Truth approached the general of the Imperial army. “Enough for one day” said Truth. The general nodded and then replied, “That was Xizor’s cousin. I do admire what you did. You are truly a worthy leader.” In the background, the Hierarchy’s commanders shouted commands to the men to return to the city. Imperial soldiers were told to go back to the ships. Enough blood had been spilled for one day.

As the Imperial soldiers made their way back, the General went to the command center, where Xizor stood. He approached him and tapped his shoulder. Xizor turned around and asked why the men had retreated. The general replied, “Sir, I have some terrible news for you. Your cousin went into battle. He looked just like you. He wore your armor, used your sword, and rode your Ton-Ton.” Xizor looked discomforted. “What are you saying?” he said. Marver replied, “Your cousin is dead, Truth cut his throat.” Xizor looked incredibly angry. He began to call him, however, no one came. Xizor hit the General and he fell to the ground. Then, he put his boot to the General’s throat and finally realized what he was doing. He and the General had been best friends for a long time. He removed his foot from General Marver’s neck and deeply saddened, left the center.

The Prophet of Truth returned to the others in the safety of the palace. He talked with them for a bit. “I killed a boy today. He was too young, much too young. He had his whole life ahead of him. This war took him. I think we should pull out.” The Prophet of Honor stepped forward. He began: “We cannot pull out. If we do, they will retaliate. We came here to earn independence. I think we should stay.” Regret said “Enough! We must stay! I do not want to do nothing while the people of this Empire are abused by the corrupt government. Xizor has made the Empire into a monarchy.” Truth looked at the others. “Have you gone insane? You two are war crazy! I am ordering the Hierarchy’s armies and navy to retreat. This is the last of it.” Regret went around to the door and bolted it. Honor pulled a blaster pistol from his holster. He said “You pull them back and you shall be sent to the Front lines!” Truth looked into his friends savage eyes. “If you wish to kill me, kill me. That is the only way I will keep my armies here. You can leave your supporters. I am pulling out.” Honor placed his finger on the trigger. He hesitated. Suddenly, a scout knocked at the door. Honor holstered the weapon and answered it. The scout said that Xizor himself had come to the gates demanding to challenge Truth.

Truth got ready. He was given an energy shield and his armor. His beamsword was made especially for his combat style and crafted with precision engineering. Xizor was shouting Truth’s name at the main gate. Truth rode out to him. He got off his Ton-Ton and walked toward Xizor. Xizor held his electropole. He was ready to fight. Truth was holding his electropole as well. Xizor went to stab Truth, but the blow was blocked. Truth went at him with the back end of the pole. He had drawn back and flipped the pole so that the tip faced Xizor. Xizor then began a series of attacks that were blocked and dodged. Truth went to attack, but Xizor split his electropole in two. Truth threw the weapon down and went on to dodge attacks. Finally, Xizor aimed low. Too low. Truth broke his pole. Almost the instant his pole was broken, Xizor drew his sword. Truth matched his move. They went on dueling. Xizor aimed high and missed. He quickly reversed and whacked Truth with the handle of his sword. His helmet was knocked off. Xizor removed his and taunted Truth by saying “now you can see who you are fighting, you fool! You are the man who thought he killed Xizor.” Truth replied “When I killed your cousin, I gave him his honor!” Xizor replied “You gave him the honor of your sword!” Truth looked at him with a glare. “When I killed your cousin, I regretted that. I wished that no one had died. I wished this war never happened. Now I wish that it was you I killed that day!” The fight continued. Xizor swung high, but the move was blocked. Truth swung low, but he hit Xizor’s armor. Finally, Xizor sliced at the air and hit Truth in the midsection. He quickly recovered from the slight wound. Soon, The Emperor picked up his broken electropole and began his two-weapon assault. Truth had been trying his best to block the attacks. Soon, Truth lost his shield to an attack and was relying on his sword. Finally, he remembered the poisoned dagger he kept with him. He drew it, and slashed repeatedly at the air in front of him, slicing the Emperor's armor at times. Finally, Xizor had been hit. the Beamsword broke through his armor and delivered a seering kiss to the flesh. Although the wound was slight, it was an intolerable burning pain coupled with the smel of burnt flesh.

The entire crowd cheered. The Emperor, with his wound, retreted across the small margin to his Ton-Ton. He knew he had been beaten...for now...Soon, the Hierarchs planned their offensive. They wanted to take the crumbling Impirial Armada down...

Both sides marched across the icy plains toward each other. Finally, the armies met. The Generals stepped forward to meet each other. The battle was about to occur. Sure enough, it did. The Imperial soldiers charged toward the Hierarchy’s armies. The Hierarchy had braced their lines with energy shields and electropoles to impale the oncoming soldiers. The first 4 lines of men were equipped for melee combat. The rest held rifles. The Imperial soldiers charged at them and when they reached, they smashed and hurtled over the Hierarchy’s lines. The men with guns fired on all who advanced. The great Imperial army had fought hard. The prophets stood in a tower that overlooked the battle. Truth was a warrior. The other two were cowards. Xizor was a warrior. He fought for the Empire in every battle. He was patriotic and honorable.

The Armies fought long and hard for hours. Hours turned to days, days to weeks. Finally, the fighting had reached a major turning point. An Imperial ship had appeared in the space near the planet, then behind it, a Starfleet. They challenged the blockades of the Hierarchy and were doing well. They had gone forward and threw themselves at other ships. Finally, a destroyer entered the skies above the battlefield. Then, it fired on the Hierarchy’s army. Soon, the Hierarchy moved a ship into place to counter it, and it won. The Imperial ship slammed to the surface of the planet. The tremor it caused knocked both armies off their feet. After they rose, the fighting continued. There were flames burning from the destroyer on the horizon. The entire night sky was lit up. The battle went on. Many lives were taken and many vehicles destroyed. Finally, the Hierarchy had fired on the Empire’s key commanders. That threw the soldiers into frenzy. They attacked furiously and killed many men. Soon, on the horizon, the tribe of Ton-Ton warriors appeared. They were the natives of Rhen var and hated the Empire for stealing their land, forcing them underground. Their horns were blowing and spears and rifles were at the ready, they charged at the Empire. They trampled them, stabbed them, and shot them. Finally, The Empire was forced to pull out. Truth confronted their leader and thanked them wholefully. They then swore their loyalty to the Hierarchs and binded together.

At the Citadel, the Hierarchs were plotting their next move. They decided on an offensive toward the enemy ships forcing them to go back. The plan was given to the general. He mobilized the forces and they mobilized toward the Enemy landing Zone. They were prepared for battle. As they approached, snow fell and they marched through it. At last, they had reached the Landing Zone. There, the Empire seemed to be preparing to leave. The Hierarchs wanted to make sure they stayed away. The men walked into place and drew swords and rifles. When they moved, the ground shook. The Hierarchy’s army had charged at the Imperial soldiers. They had the ease of charging downhill while the Empire charged slowly uphill. They came into contact and completely trampled their enemy beneath their feet.

Waves and waves of Hierarchy soldiers advanced and Imperial lines fell. They tried to hold their ground, however, it was futile. At last, the Hierarchy’s armies stopped charging and fought up close. Xizor finally emerged from a ship and had his Beamsword drawn. He sprinted at the Hierarchy’s armies and took six lives in not even a second. He continued his killing spree, slice after slice. Soon, truth stepped forward. He drew his Beamsword and went on to challenge Xizor. He fought with swiftness and speed. At last, he struck the Emperor’s arm. Instantly, the arm and the blade were on the ground. The heat of the weapon also closed the wound and gave a searing kiss to the emperor’s stump of an arm. Xizor fell to the ground, knowing he was defeated. Truth, while smiling, struck Xizor right at the neck. Xizor was finally dead, and the Hierarchy’s armada cheered. They were chanting, “Victory, Victory!” They had finally killed the Emperor. At last, General Marver came forward. He saw his life long friend lying on the ground dead. Enraged, he gave the order to keep fighting. The Empire was getting beaten and badly.

A skilled assassin hid on a cliff nearby. By the cover of a snow bank, she targeted Marver. As she was about to fire her energy weapon. Under her breath she said, “You and Xizor shall soon be united in the underworld!” After she said this, she fired. Marver was lying on the ground, dead. After this, the Empire retreated and boarded their ships. The Hierarchs decided to let them go. They passed the blockade and headed for the hidden world of Black Sun.

After three weeks, the Hierarchs had arranged for a meeting between a representative of the Empire and themselves. They were to discuss the terms of Surrender for the Empire. After that meeting, the Hierarchs controlled all the territory of the Empire. After three years, they finally decided to use the Skyhook to destroy Rhen Var. They fulfilled their promise and created a stable Empire free of segregation. They were pro-choice and rights. However, there were no political freedoms. The Universe seemed to accept these people, and others lived around them.
22-03-2005, 02:29
so? How did I do?
East Coast Federation
22-03-2005, 03:13
Well done.
22-03-2005, 03:22
:cool: Wow thats good
22-03-2005, 21:19
Thanks, guys! I am happy you have read
23-03-2005, 00:25
23-03-2005, 03:16

What that fine fellow said
23-03-2005, 21:26
if you read, please post a response
24-03-2005, 19:09
25-03-2005, 20:15
The True Way of Alan
20-04-2005, 14:50
Not bad...
20-04-2005, 14:53
Impressive very Impressive......