Expelled Republican Senators Unite (Closed RP; Invite-through-topic)
After Congress' passing of Bill 33, which gives rights and the right of civil unions of the gay population of Canadians. Four Republican Senators were expelled by the Republican President for sending threatening message to a Congresswoman who is quite open about her practice of homosexuality. The four Republicans came together after their expell from the Senate and join forces to speak to the Leader of the Republican Party of Canada to remove the Republican nomination from the current President, Anthony Raymond Wittrock.
A week after the passing of the bill and the President's Support there has been quite a large pile of hate mail from the four Senators and their aides on this issue.
The Players
President Anthony R. Wittrock (R) - Played by; Canad a
Vice President John H. Bieker (R) - Played by; Canad a
Congresswoman (D) Lyn Watson
Frmr-Senator (R) Kenneth Hepburn; Played by ViZion
Frmr-Senator (R) Gordon Bennett
Frmr-Senator (R) James Taylor
Frmr-Senator (R) Corey Blackwater; Played by Pracus
OOC: This is a character roleplaying game with the character's I have established. If any of you are interested in joining this RP, please request to in the thread.
21-03-2005, 07:17
OOC: Since I was cleared by Can over AIM... I'm gonna be Kenneth Hepburn...
An email was sent out to Gordon Bennett, James Taylor, and Corey Blackwater.
Gordon, James, and Corey;
Good day. Well, not so good of a day. Damn that woman, Lyn Watson! Damn Anthony, too! And the rest of the Congress who voted for this bill! We need to unite those who are fully against such a sin. We must unite those know who what is right and what it wrong! Let us rally for support from within Congress, the people, and, most importantly, the military!
We will stop this from happening. How dare we be kicked out of the Senate for making it damned clear that this sin should not be allowed! We will fix this crooked society. We must unite the people, the power brokers, and the armed forces under our rightious banner!
He awaits the responses he gets from his fellow right-wingers.
Email Response from Corey Blackwater to Kenneth Hepburn, CC'ed to James Taylor and Gordon Bennett
While I understand your anger at the mockery our President and Congress have made of morality and that this scourge is allowed to continue to infect our nation, I believe that we should take the time to consider our course of action. We must not risk creating a living-martyr of that abomination Lyn Watson or of Anthony. Instead we must move slowly and deliberately in our effort to preserve the morality of Canad a.
OOC: Please do the proper spelling for Canada. Thank you. :)
23-03-2005, 00:16
Kenneth sent a reply back to Corey, with a carbon copy to the other two Senaters.
We must act fast. Are we going to allow these sinners of our government to allow such a major sin to go on in our country? Why don't they allow murder to happen while they're at it? Yes, we must stay calm, though. But, we need to find a way to change these laws. We cannot allow these sins to be committed!
Response to Kenneth from Corey
Agreed, but if we don't do this just right, it will backlash on us. Parliament is already in favor of these abhominations. I think our first step should be an apology to Senator Watson. We don't have to mean it--because we should haven't to mean it--but if we play it just right, we can convince the people that they should sympathize with us, as they should because we have right and the might of the Lord on our side.
23-03-2005, 01:24
Again, Kenneth's reply goes to all three fellow ex-senaters.
Yes, that would be good. But, if they still do not support us, then what must we do? We still should quietly get the backing of the military. We cannot allow this to continue. If we cannot do it with respect, then we must do something.
Are you proposing a coup Kenneth? Are we all really prepared for the repurcussions of that? And what of our neighbors to the South, would they allow this?
23-03-2005, 02:05
A coup? No... I hate that word. More like... military pursuation.(sp?) I mean, we must keep our people from sinning, however possible. If our current government is going to allow our people to commit sins, then they, too, are committing sins. We must stop the sin. However, let us do it peacefully and respectfully if at all possible.
OOC: Canada, I know you told me no coup, so the end result wont be a coup, k? Just figured this'll make it interesting...
I think that peacefully and respectfully is a must. I will not sign onto a coup, above all things Jesus taught us that people must be given freedom to live their lives. Our government should not celebrate sin, but part of free will sometimes means that evil will happen, even on a grand scale.
OOC: Okay is it me or do I suck at this? I feel like I'm turning this into a philsophical debate for a side with which I do not agree. Oi.
23-03-2005, 02:13
Well, then we will not have a coup. But we must do something to keep these sins from being allowed to happen.
OOC: hehehe, I don't agree w/ this side either, but figured Canada needed someone to RP these people, and figured it'd be fun to RP a more (R) side for once...
OOC: Just thought I'd give you all some insight on the military suppport of the President, there is about ninety-one percent of the military supporting President Wittrock, eight percent is unsure and two percent hate him....
23-03-2005, 04:22
OOC: Just thought I'd give you all some insight on the military suppport of the President, there is about ninety-one percent of the military supporting President Wittrock, eight percent is unsure and two percent hate him....
OOC: Do you mean 90%, or 7%, or 1%? Because 91+2+8=101 lol :p just thought I'd verify...
28-03-2005, 02:19
one percent...
OOC: k... and bump!