Sanduras Needs Allies.
19-03-2005, 23:22
Greetings, fellow nations. I am the nation of Sanduras, and I am here to extend out alliances with anybody who wish to ally with me, since my peaceful, passive nation is not very prepared to compete against my powerful adversary, Jenrak. We are both from the same empire, yet he tends to cling onto the past, while I must bring my people into the future. Anybody who would wish to ally with me please tell me, I shall be most grateful.
OOC:Hey, Sand, how's it going? Welcome to II :rolleyes:
20-03-2005, 15:54
The Arch Wobbly
20-03-2005, 16:11
Should you not look within your own region for allies against this 'threat'?
-His Imperial Holiness, The Arch Wobbly
20-03-2005, 16:13
No one would join me. :(
I don't know why.
20-03-2005, 16:15
I can be your allie.You could help me in war immeaditly!
20-03-2005, 16:21
Um...Alright. But I'm a peace loving nation, so don't think I'll have a good army.
The Arch Wobbly
20-03-2005, 16:23
If the Imperium were to side with you - what could you bring us?
- His Imperial Holiness, The Arch Wobbly
20-03-2005, 16:25
Our sector is led by Automobile Manufacturing, Information Technology, and Arms Manufacturing. Our economy is not great, but it is resonable, and if you need it, we can spare some if you want.
The Arch Wobbly
20-03-2005, 16:29
Perhaps, instead of an alliance, we could initiate a trade. We do have a fine selection of excess weaponary of all types - are you interested?
- His Imperial Holiness, The Arch Wobbly
20-03-2005, 16:41
Sanduras, you could be my supplier.
Please accept and work with me.
You could also take some of my people to your nation, they would be safe there.
I need ammunition and weapons.
20-03-2005, 16:48
Perhaps, instead of an alliance, we could initiate a trade. We do have a fine selection of excess weaponary of all types - are you interested?
I am very interrested in buying weapons. Very well.
Sanduras, you could be my supplier.
Please accept and work with me.
You could also take some of my people to your nation, they would be safe there.
I need ammunition and weapons.
I will supply as many spare weaponry as I can, and your people are welcome to visit here as a safe haven, however, despite recent times things may be a little unstable, ever since three provinces fell. But our capital is a safe and beautiful place. You musn't worry.
OOC:It's you're first posts and you're getting allies?
His Royal Highness, Emporer Palpatine the 4th of Aust, offers his assistance to your nation in an allince. We also request trading rights and an Embassy inside your nation.
Emporer Palpatine the 4th
20-03-2005, 16:55
Accepted. We are gracious for your alliance. A lot in our capital is open for your embassy.
The Arch Wobbly
20-03-2005, 17:00
I am very interrested in buying weapons. Very well.
Then you must tell us what kind of weapons you are interested in buying and in what quantities.
- His Imperial Holiness, The Arch Wobbly.
Greetings, fellow nations. I am the nation of Sanduras, and I am here to extend out alliances with anybody who wish to ally with me, since my peaceful, passive nation is not very prepared to compete against my powerful adversary, Jenrak. We are both from the same empire, yet he tends to cling onto the past, while I must bring my people into the future. Anybody who would wish to ally with me please tell me, I shall be most grateful.
The Nation of Ahernia offers its full support in your efforts to outwit your rival Jenrak.
But as is our Official Policy we must remain neutral, in a military sense.
You will, however, extend to your noble nation the right to use out Airspace for Fly over missions, even permitting landing and refuelling at our airports.
All we ask in return (for surely such relationships must be equitable) is that you sign up to our Extradition Treaty, send representatives to our upcoming ‘Locate Your Business In Ahernia’ power breakfast and meet with our Minister For Foreign Investment for a quick face-to-face (or failing this Paypal is an option).
Second Assistant Undersecretary
OOC:It's you're first posts and you're getting allies?
The Nation of Ahernia notes your on-going diplomatic difficulties with Sanduras and would like to offer our assistance in negotiating a peaceful end to this conflict.
In return, all we ask (for surely such relationships must be equitable) is that you sign up to our Extradition Treaty, send representatives to our upcoming ‘Locate Your Business In Ahernia’ power breakfast and meet with our Minister For Foreign Investment for a quick face-to-face (or failing this Paypal is an option).
Assuring you of our active concern,
Second Assistant Undersecretary
Beaten souls
20-03-2005, 17:06
The Nation of Beaten Souls is Happy to lend Militaristic Assistance to a fellow Dictatorship that seems to have many philisophical simularities to ours, except for you civil rights, but small diferences can be overlooked.
If you agree then I ask that we station a small task force of 5,000 troops in your capital and that we open an embassy in your capital
Snake Eaters
20-03-2005, 17:08
I, Lord Barbarossa, of Snake Eaters, wish to extend our welcome to Sanduras. However, due to the fact that we are a intergalactic nation and therefore have techonological advances far beyond your own, we are unsure of what you can offer us in return for our friendship
20-03-2005, 17:13
Sanduras, I hope you could do something about Sweden People, and im offering you great deal....
Im just about to invade Östersund, its a small town near a lake in Sweden.
I hope you could send some troops there now.
It will be easy job.
This would ensure our partnership.
Warta Endor
20-03-2005, 17:17
We would like to propose an embassy exchange and if possible a trade treaty. We do not ask you to join in any conflict, but we would welcome your diplomatical support in a conflict. If you are threatened, Warta Endor will provide safety and be a good ally. We await your reply.
Field Marshall Lao
Sangheili Outcasts
20-03-2005, 17:40
We would ally with you, but we surpass you in technolagy(sp?).
What could you offer in return?
~Randu T'chakodee
Diplomatic Officer.
20-03-2005, 19:40
We are sorry for taking too long to reply, as we are currently trying to regain our stolen province of Suriga without bloodshed. So far it has been in vain. :(
To Ahernia:
Your assistance and alliance is greatly appreciated, and your treaty will be signed by our leader very soon. We are very loyal to our allies, and therefore will agree by your terms. Local airspace is abundant for you to build upon.
To Beaten Souls:
Security is very much needed in these troubled times, and we have now have opened a lot for you to construct your embassy upon.
To Snake Eaters:
We are sorry if there is nothing we can offer you that might be important. The only thing left we can offer is a safe haven on the island of Ferk, but such things are null in times of trouble.
I will send aid over as soon as possible.
That is very nice. We are very good peace-keepers, and our country is very safe, usually, so we will open an embassy lot within our capital to suit your needs.
Sangheili Outcasts:
I am sorry, if our country is lacking many things. We are not perfect, but if you need something we have, we could offer it to you, depending on what it is.
Snake Eaters
20-03-2005, 19:44
That is a great shame. We will monitor the situation, and wish to be informed should our assistance required. A company of Colonial Marines is on stand-by
Many Thanks
Lord Barbarossa
The Nation of Ahernia notes your on-going diplomatic difficulties with Sanduras and would like to offer our assistance in negotiating a peaceful end to this conflict.
In return, all we ask (for surely such relationships must be equitable) is that you sign up to our Extradition Treaty, send representatives to our upcoming ‘Locate Your Business In Ahernia’ power breakfast and meet with our Minister For Foreign Investment for a quick face-to-face (or failing this Paypal is an option).
Assuring you of our active concern,
Second Assistant Undersecretary
OOC: What's the Extradition Treaty say?
Greetings from Xeraph!
The Emperor is sympathetic towards your plight, and would be honored to become your ally. We have an embassy for you in the capitol of Xeraphia.
In addition, we have a good deal of surplus military equipment, which you may have at no cost to you, no strings attached.
If you like, we can deliver whatever you choose within 2 NS days.
We have Carriers, battleships, destroyers, missile ships, submarines, tanks, howitzers, helicopter gunships, etc. Just let us know what you'd like, and it's yours.
Vlad, Prince of the Empire, Regent of the Grey Phoenix, in the Name of the Emperor
OOC: What's the Extradition Treaty say?
The Extradition Treaty is there to ensure that any criminals fleeing the jurisdiction of Ahernia can not find refuge in your fine country. You may be unaware that Ahernia is currently in pursuit of a traitor who up until recent held the very post I now occupy. The previous incumbent, Harold (damn his eyes) is currently on the run. Should he surface in your Nation we would expect you to repatriate him immediately. Failure to do so would be a declaration of Pushing and Shoving. (Which under international convention is only two steps away from War).
We, of course, would reciprocate.
Second Assistant Undersecretary
That is interesting. My people themselves have never ever even seen crime, let alone handle it, due to my oppressive skills. (OOC: Get the pun?) Very well, I shall sign your treaty, though I doubt a criminal would find any refuge within a nation that forces their own into heavy slave labour.
Sangheili Outcasts
20-03-2005, 20:28
We are sorry for taking too long to reply, as we are currently trying to regain our stolen province of Suriga without bloodshed. So far it has been in vain. :(
Sangheili Outcasts:
I am sorry, if our country is lacking many things. We are not perfect, but if you need something we have, we could offer it to you, depending on what it is.
Never mind rewarding us, we had no idea the stiuation was so dire.
The Sangheili Outcasts will send to the field of battle:
10 Phantoms (Troop Transports)
100 Ghosts (Light Hovercraft)
50 Specters (Medium Hovercraft)
30 Wraiths (Heavy Hovercraft)
15 Banshees (Aircraft)
That is about all we can spare. I only wish we could help more.
~G'otit Informee
Minister of War
P.S. All Vehecals(sp?) are fully manned.
We are sorry for taking too long to reply, as we are currently trying to regain our stolen province of Suriga without bloodshed. So far it has been in vain. :(
Suriga is a fringe-world that begun to rot under your watch, Sanduras. Jenrak is strengthening it by relieving you of your lack of care for it. Besides, no one has died in Suriga. Why should you complain?
Suriga is a fringe-world that begun to rot under your watch, Sanduras. Jenrak is strengthening it by relieving you of your lack of care for it. Besides, no one has died in Suriga. Why should you complain?
His Imerpial Highness, Emporer Palpatine would be very please if you would relese this provence back to it's lawful owners, we warn you that if diplomatic efforts fail, force may be an option and the Emporer dose not like having to commit troops. He may become angry and if the does so then I would be very sorry to be in your shoes.
What you have done is unlawful, it is not only beyond the bounds of International relationships, but beyond befife. If you do not return this provence within 24 hours, of the message (RL) the I assue you that, with the blessing of our ally, Imperial might will fall upon you, and I'm sure your nation would make a loverly coloney,
Prince William, Lord High commander of Austian Forces.
His Imerpial Highness, Emporer Palpatine would be very please if you would relese this provence back to it's lawful owners, we warn you that if diplomatic efforts fail, force may be an option and the Emporer dose not like having to commit troops. He may become angry and if the does so then I would be very sorry to be in your shoes.
What you have done is unlawful, it is not only beyond the bounds of International relationships, but beyond befife. If you do not return this provence within 24 hours, of the message (RL) the I assue you that, with the blessing of our ally, Imperial might will fall upon you, and I'm sure your nation would make a loverly coloney,
Prince William, Lord High commander of Austian Forces.
You do not understand our heritage, do you Prince William? Since our birth, and even before that, we are colonies. We are merely pawns of a greater influence. You may not know it, but ask Sanduras. Even the province of Sesslloth would agree that this is simply another repeat of history. Our great empire is dead, but it left its heir.
You do not understand how our history went, and therefore, if you did, Aust, you would know that despite all actions, if you attempt to invade us, you will only be breaking and undoing your alliance. Ask the Kings of the Warlords. Ask Sanduras. I think there is more to it than what meets the eye.
Basque Spain
20-03-2005, 21:50
First basque Spain would need to establish good relations with you would you allow an ebassy to be biult by us in your nations capital
20-03-2005, 22:25
I can afford to send twenty thousand troops to either side of this conflict, but what's in it for the Empire of Slayrule?
I can afford to send twenty thousand troops to either side of this conflict, but what's in it for the Empire of Slayrule?
Economic Stability.
Delta Aerospace Corp
20-03-2005, 22:38
Delta Aerospace Corp has the perfect aircraft for new nations. Our
prices are lower then almost all other storefronts. So stop by today,
and we'll see how we can defend your skies. First-time buyers get a 25% discount.
Bob Johnson
CEO, Deltan Aerospace Corp
20-03-2005, 23:13
I see, but what if Jenrak loses the war? The Emperor will only send troops if he is assured he isn't sending twenty thousand men to a pointless death.
You do not understand our heritage, do you Prince William? Since our birth, and even before that, we are colonies. We are merely pawns of a greater influence. You may not know it, but ask Sanduras. Even the province of Sesslloth would agree that this is simply another repeat of history. Our great empire is dead, but it left its heir.
You do not understand how our history went, and therefore, if you did, Aust, you would know that despite all actions, if you attempt to invade us, you will only be breaking and undoing your alliance. Ask the Kings of the Warlords. Ask Sanduras. I think there is more to it than what meets the eye.
If this is so, then why don't you give me more of an explanation for your words, why don't YOU tell me yyour reasoning?
Prince Willia, Lord High Commander of the Austian Forces.
24-03-2005, 04:03
Although our people are ashamed of it, it is true. To invade Jenrak would be to erase all knowledge of our gruelling past. That is why we are attempting a peaceful approach at this, and that is why Jenrak, despite his invasion of Suriga, did not kill a single being. It is...difficult to explain our traditions.
24-03-2005, 05:40
Nebarri prime would like to inform Sanduras that Suur-Finlantia has used sarin gas on his enamys and that it would be unwise to aid him any longer
The Nation of Mondoth is willing to open trade negotiations with the Nation of Sanduras and to supply training officers for and equipment to your military.
military equipment can be found at my strefront (link is in my sig) and for other trading we export;
-Crude and Processed oil
& Computers
other Nations in Mondoths Region have formed a trade alliance and offer the following products
-specialty lights and optics
-civilian aircraft and ships
& advanced structural composites for building