Gaian Fold Drive Tests (Secret IC - FT Semi-Open)
Gaian Ascendancy
19-03-2005, 07:38
((OC- Mainly I am just pushing forward the Fold Jump Drive that my Fleet will soon openly deploy...
..the catch is the 'type' of jump..
..also this sets up a semi-internal conflict that sets up what the Ascendancy will become. =^^= ))
Document: Gaian Science Advisory Level X Report
Classification: Blue-Coded/14.D Council Eyes First, Open on Further discussion.
Subject: Fold Drive Tests to NGC-6732.12
Text: By Professor Washu, Advisor of the Gaian Science Advisory, N.A.I.S.
The report is as follows, concerning the success of the Fold Jump to the galaxy designated NGC-6732.12, or the hence named Sapphire Galaxy. This was an Ascendant chosen target area, based on their advice taken by the Council.
The Sapphire Galaxy is located in Galactic Cluster NGC/C-233.56 About 72 Billion Light Years Distant. The size of the galaxy is only about three-quarters the approximate size of the Milky Way Galaxy, or NGC-0001.00 by Ascendant reference charts. About seventy-two percent of the stars in this Galaxy are young type stars, though this may have been a time delineation discrepancy from what we discovered later. Blue shift and all...
The High-Mobile vessels Nanaru and Subasa were tasked with this inital test Fold, and were sent out at 0343 Local Stystem Time. Their Fold took place just inside the orbit of Emerald, where three Science Advisory tasked JumpShips monitored the Fold, as did facilities throughout the System.
The fact was kept hushed up, thanks in part to the diplomatic ventures with Krioval, Neo Zeta, Xioninia, among others to mention. With eyes kept there, the Fold Drive test yeilded an unexpected result.
About four days later, the Subasa arrived back in System, ' ~ exactly ~ ' where it jumped from. Not even a micron off. What happened to the Nanaru is where the greatest suprise came, and apparently 'why' the Ascendants chose this Galaxy for their advice for us to use.
Apparently, the locator coordinates the Fold computers were given, placed the two vessels, in a Nebulae Cluster zone, one where we came across seven seperate civilizations, on seven seperate worlds within the Cluster. Our arrival there apparently was in the midst of a war of some kind, against an enemy that, so to speak, evil as they come. They apparently were labeled the 'dark enemy' for lack of a better term, due both to our incapability of getting a response from them, as well as their material 'make-up' of their vessels.
The two vessels in only four days, managed to reveal that the six races, a group of energy/humanoid-like based beings ill suited to warfare on our level, apparently 'barbaric' to their mindset, but incapable of combating it, were also a group of races that the Ascendants once had lasting treaties with, some many Ages ago. Their enemy used technologies we could apparnetly combat effectively enough, and the two vessels, like in some old earth Sci-Fi program, drove off a large dark enemy fleet, with assistance from the local races, that had some left over Ascendant technolgy stuck in a few of their.. another lack of a better word.. temples.
The races collectively now call themselves the Energon, based mainly because we 'thought' of them as such. I recommend grilling the Ascendants more about these.. um.. people, to better interact with them better. Their capabilities seem to derive from a mystical element the Angelics would be better accustomed to in dealings, and I recommend based on the Subasa's commading officer's detailed debriefings, that another vessel with at least an Ascendant 'and' Angelic be sent to establish new ties. Apparently they have much we may be able to learn, and them from us.
As for the 'dark enemy', they were only driven off, but I think they know of our existence now. I recommend an eye be kept on them, and several listening post stations be deployed with any permanet post station here.
Aye.. permanent. There seems to a wealth of systems in the area, and it seems from word-'mind' of mouth from the Energon Clans, that there are far more many Systems with the heel under the dark enemy foot that we can eventually help liberate. I however do not press anything at this time, but we seem to have a 'real' oppritunity here to advance Gaian Core Interests.
His 'Majesty' would know what I speak of.
As for the Fold itself, it's an unqualified success, one that I believe will lead to new Exploration of galaxies, and net us new worlds and more. Again I say with reservation, that we keep things 'level' when assigning new exploration missions. We barely have 43.6 percent of the Milky Way explored as it is, even with the Ascendant Charts helping us.
I however recommend a new and complete Fleet wide Refit, as well as placing the Drive in a hybrid/concert mode with the current Boson Jump Drive. The Drives can draw from the same Power source, and give us multiple jump options. The two Drives are 'not' incompatible, or cause dangerous malfunctions between the Drives, or with any other Systems. Obviously the main problem is if the Fold Drive malfunctions, and leaves a vessel with a Boson Drive if in another galaxy. All crews should be trained and drilled in the practice of such eventualities that 'will' inevitably occur.
Finally, I again applaud the Ascendant's, and their 'incredibly' impeccable assistance. If not for them, we would 'not' have gotten to this point in such a short time frame.
That new day that Lord Aleaic has impressed upon many times I believe is closing upon us fast. If he wants that 'Guardian Knight' mentality for our civilization, I recommned the Sapphire Galaxy as the place to start it for 'real'..
..course I still think he's full of beans, but his wives know that far better than I. ^_^
With that, I end this report, and will begin the next Test Phase.
Lady Washu Makabi
Gaian Science Community Advisor Representative
Gaian Ascendancy
19-03-2005, 09:06
Despite the sudden tensions on the Gaian/Zetan border, the Ascendancy queitly over the next two months, put together a six Warship flotilla, surrounded upon three Potemkin Troop Cruisers and three Monolith Class JumpShips.
Two High-Mobile Destroyers and a High-Mobile SDF were also assigned, along with 10,000 souls combined from crew, colonists, warriors and technicans. A Cluster of troops, vehicles and Mechs would also go with them. They also would establish the first Gaian StarGate outside the Milky Way Galaxy. (Yeah yeah, big whoop...)
With them also went a prefab orbital Starbase, a small dock, and three observation posts.
They would leave nonetheless in the wake of events, in another month. There the Nanaru awaited them in the so called 'Energon Cluster Nebulae'.
The location of this conglomeration was kept a decent secret. The first extra-galactic colony was at stake and the Gaians were NOT going to mess this up.
Soviet Germussia
19-03-2005, 16:43
OOC: Two things. One, where are these people based from in the milkyway, and two, will you let a relative newb such as myself join?
19-03-2005, 17:01
OOC: Two things. One, where are these people based from in the milkyway, and two, will you let a relative newb such as myself join?
OOC: Just so you know, The Gaian Ascendancy and Neo Zeta are on the edge of warfare. My nation and Krioval are ready to attack either side if they step a foot over the line, and everyone is at each others throats as a dangerous criminal who would love to set us against each other is on the lose.
Not saying joining is a bad idea, just warning you that this could quite quickly get linked to a conflict that seems to be slowly building up.
Oh and Tag.
Gaian Ascendancy
20-03-2005, 01:09
1) Based well up along the Persius Arm some 20,000 Light-years away from Sol. I actually made a basic map with the Ascendancy and Neo Zeta on a projection map of the Milky Way to give reference, but my freewebs site only allows 50 images, and still haven't gotten around to buying the full version just yet.
2) Aye the war bit seems happening, though the warnings are against the renegades and not the goverment in power. Hiei 'did' try to attack us orginally no thanks to apparent Sephiroth interference. Maybe the other nations should keep 'them' in mind as well.
2a) It won't be the Ascendancy that starts a war, but we 'can' finish one.
2b) If you wana join, keep thus in mind.
2c) Is it me, or has the Ascendancy drawn around it an interesting assortment of space nations? =^^=
And I'll add more later tonight...))
OOC: Yup, I'd be the "Krioval" in question. With regards to Sephrioth's intervention, I've read a few of that nation's RPs, and I've placed them on semi-ignore, mainly for RPing other people's forces. I guess I'll see what everybody else does first though.
OOC2: Eh, borders are borders. I mean, so many people claim similar (if not identical) landmasses on Earth (or territories in space), so I just phrase things however I think will best tell the story.
OOC3: This is also an elaborate tag masquerading as important information.
Gaian Ascendancy
26-03-2005, 08:40
When the report came across his eyes, the title was a eye catcher.
What was in it, drew no less ire and glee, fear and shock, as had the Snow Raven's arrival had.
Aleaic blinks and looked at Washu and Yurika about six more times each before looking at the report in more detail. Aleaic expected more results from the new 'war' of liberation still going on in the Sapphire Galaxy, which by all accounts was going 'very' well. A sphere of 37 Light-Years diameter established as the Gaian's new outpost in the new galaxy, and three more 'colonies' established in the New, Reshin and Undar Galaxies, a spread of an average of six light-years each.
..not came this shocking tidbit from the Talos Galaxy.
Document: Gaian Science Advisory Level II Report
Classification: Green-Coded/03.B, Council Eyes Only.
Subject: Discovery of the Inner Sphere, by established data accounts.
Text: By Professor Washu, Advisor of the Gaian Science Advisory, N.A.I.S. and Lady Yurika of the Republic StarFleet Command In Chief Advisory.
We will not kid you on this one, and we suspect the data coordinates of the Ascendants given, has also given us 'where' the former Snow Ravens came from.
The 707th Exploration Group, six JumpShips and three WarShips, led by the Texas BattleShip Electrum Coyote, came across, no kidding here, a ComStar Exploration vessel, an aged Magellan Class named Papa's Boat. We should note at this point, that the ComStar personnel acted exactly as we learned from the Archives, jittered by the sight of a foreign navy such as our, looking 'exactly' like their own.
To say we looked like Clan vessels was an understatement to them, once diplomatic channels were established. It is a certainty, that we have found the Snow Raven origins, as well as one motherload of a Pandora's Box.
It took some time, some wrangling, as well as maps exchanged to establish where and when we were, if we had to go by the Archive's own Timeline. The closest mapset and timeline meld we could come by, was the year set 3070. And if things are as dire as they say things be, we may have an oppritunity of our own. Depending on Council reactions...
They are all here. Draconis Combine, Lyran Alliance, Federated Commonwealth, Free Worlds League, Capellan Confederation, The Clans, even down to Periphery States, mercenary factions, and other major factions. They also all seem to be here at a time of disarray.
Word of Blake forces are engaged in a sort of 'Jihad' against the Inner Sphere, and the apparent so named Blakists are at the moment winning. The various capitals of the Inner Sphere states are under siege, and worse the nations themselves are having desperate trouble fighting back. However the Clans seem less a target than the major Inner Sphere powers themselves.
The ComStar personel we spoke to, asked that if we had any capability of assisting their forces, as even ComStar seems on the edge of a knife.
If I may make the offhand suggestion, that we should send a small taskforce comprised of at least one Cluster from CAG, CSE and CWT Tourmans each to lend assistance, as well as a base to operate assistance off of. Even more, they already have, despite no prior agreement with their goverment, have given us an area of space with several planets of apparently SLDF origin, to begin such operations from.
However, I do warn of the following. If your highness thought the Snow Raven arrival was stark unto reality, this stuff is legends smacked up side the head. Expect the welt to bleed if we undertake this option, one we are by ALL means allowed to see as voluntary.
But if we do assist, and then gain the possible access to these nations, as well as thousands of worlds, then the endeavor may be far more worth it than anyone could dream of. Again, a supposed game could bring us a 'real' ally in several of these massive nations.
But then, we deneg to mention the political and cultural chasims to dfeal with, but military assistance tends to turn hearts readily.
At the moment, the 707th has taken up residence upon a System being called ComStar-I, named after their meeting with our new hosts. I must say this for the information the Ascendants suggested to us..
...somebody tell those bird brains to stop sprining suprises on us like THIS!
In any case, Talos Galaxy is a treasure trove.
I'd take the risk, but that's me.
Lady Yurika Tenkawa
Gaian Tactical Advisor / Republic StarFleet CIC
Aleiac read the report in palces twice more, and then looked at the two ladies with.. know my birthday is WAY off. What are you two ON anyway!??"
Washu just takes a lightpen and KLONCKS it off Al's melon. "Trust me king-boy. Even my warped imagination could even come up with THIS stuff."
Yurika adds.. "I have to agree. And I don't play games." ..nevermind the 'cough' that comes from Akito nearby, Aleaic looks at the two still, trying HARD to disbelive this with.. "..but you two MUST be joking..."
In HARSH chrous the two reply in feminine tone. "We're NOT joking Al!!" ..which about fluster's Aleaic's hair all over his face. He wipes folicals away to say next... "Okay okay... don't need genetic ear replacement here ya know..."
Aleaic sighs, and looks down at the report, representing a humanoid civilization billions of light-years away in another galaxy.
...a great part of him felt like his mouth was watering.
But the rest of him warned of caution, well warranted. He put down the report, and then simply asked. "Is it even possible to lend assistance?
..what can we actually 'do' with this?"
The discussion that resulted, would shatter grand armies, and move whole worlds both to asunder and flame, and to titanic glory.
((OC- As you can see, I'm going to drag in more of the Battletech universe kicking and screaming.
..and this version will break off entirely from the 'Word of Blake Jihad' portion where Devilin Stone is the lone hero here.
This will also allow me to buid up an entirely new local SLDF army to draw upon down the road.
Better get used to this term: Federated Alliance Commonwealth Armed Forces. =^^= ))
Gaian Ascendancy
30-03-2005, 06:42
GANN News Desk: ~ It was revealed today, that ten JumpShips and three WarShips were sent with at least two undisclosed Clusters, to the recently unveild Talos Galaxy to assist the new Command Sector there.
While the exact details are still Republic Command Secret, it's known that it revolves around the arrival of the Snow Eagles. Rumor from sources near the inner circle, suspects at a major civilization area has been uncovered, and that the new expedition has been sent to establish diplomatic ties with them.
All we can be certain of at this moment and time, is that the recent troubles with Neo Zeta have driven the Ascendancy to find new allies, and this 'may' be a sign of just that.
Meanwhile, word has come from Sapphire Galaxy Command, that another enemy fleet has been driven off from at least three native systems by the 3rd and 7th Republic Droid Fleets. Word is another species is about to be liberated as a result. At this time of uncertainty, this word is good news for a still shaken nation.
Gaian Ascendancy
01-04-2005, 00:33
Document: Gaian Diplomatic Advisory Level I Report
Classification: Green-Coded/01.B, Council Eyes Only.
Subject: Diplomatic venture results, inital report
Text: By Fleet Admiral Rana McKenna, 707th-A Task Force, Gaian StarFleet
Addendumed by Professor Washu, Advisor of the Gaian Science Advisory, N.A.I.S. and Lady Yurika of the Republic StarFleet Command In Chief Advisory.
We are now known to 'all' the Inner Sphere powers, Clan and Successor alike. The results have been mixed.
The diplomatic assembly that accompanied the Gaian Fleet, resulted in contacts first with the main leaders of the ComStar Free Forces, as we have designated them, also in result with the existence of the Word of Blake Splinter forces.
Lady Mori, the First Primus of that Order, met with our representatives on, of all places, Terra itself, their version of it. There we discovered that the leaders of the Federated Suns, ComStar's own leaders, Draconis Combine, and even the SaKhan of Clan Ghost Bear as 'their' representative, acting also for the Free Rasalhauge Republic, who were in the process at this time, with melding the remains of that Republic with the Ghost Bear Dominion. Also present were leaders of the Mercenary Powers of Wolf's Dragoons and The Kell Hounds, acting as the voice of several other Mercenary groups that also learned of our arrival.
However several others were not present at the time we arrived, and the ones present attempted to focus our attention on them alone. Your highness's Archives were too accurate in this regard concerning these types, even in the middle of the apparent Jihad striking them all.
However we also discovered one other new power in their midst, as a Lord Stone, the leader of a reprisal uprising of combined native forces flocking to this person's banner against the Jihad. This person we found out immediately, had the mindset all but similar to your lordship. He also was dismayed at the attempts the other leaders made to 'persuade' us in their own veins.
It should be noted that this Stone had already led the liberation of Terra from Blakist forces prior to our arrival. I imparted our impressed manner to him as a result, and that act made this Stone in the light of the other leaders, most impressionable, mainly due to their respective populations flooding to Stone's banner.
Needless to say, your instructions were made hard and clear, as we abided by the Gaian honor code, and waited for the other leaders to arrive, so that we would deliver what we offered at the same time.
Needless to say, even after they arrived, the political games continued without break, though we managed to endure. But once we delivered our truth's, as well as 'where' we came from, along with undeniable proof of our technologies, and cartography..
..and the presence of later, an Angel God, and one each of the Three other Races, that the leaders political games suddenly were made mute before our power. A line of greed and a line of outright envy was drawn as a result, and we tempered that with the honor code, one that the Bears found 'very' refereshing from a non-Clan.
Then we told them about the Absorption of Clan Snow Raven, and presented several Snow 'Eagle' warriors for their inspection. That along with data of the dissapearance of that Clan from the Inner Sphere, shocked the combined leaders very hard.
Of the Clan leaders present, the expected Crusader minded ones, especially as expected, Clan Jade Falcon, was vehement against our words, and demanded a Trial of Refusal and a Greviance on the spot, which played 'perfectly' into our hands.
Shortly after, in the eyes of all present upon a designated area near the Hilton Head meeting area (the Terran motherworld name for their capital..) the demonstration was stark and devestating, as Khan Pryde herself led a Star against one of our own..
..and was resoundingly trounced by our FAR superior weapons and tactics, even more than the Clans themselves expected to exist. Our Mechs and Mobile Suits with Angel God Infantry decimated their forces in the two successive Trials with barely a scratech mettled to us.
The Clan question ended for the moment, but the Successor one remained. That ws addressed more when Stone imparted his ideals for the ressurection of the best ideals that the defunct Star League rested on. His words stirred us to reply in kind, of what we had by example. We also imparted elements of our culture that drew skepticism from some, and impressed desires from others... the time words ended, a breadth of understanding had been assesed by all sides, but also that we did not finish without imparting one last admonishment in one course, as wished by your words milord.
We repeated the following for you as such to their ears:
"I find before my eyes, the lands seen only in books, and now within reach to shake hands with.
I also find I can relay my one terrible anger to you all as a result, for not one, but two mistakes caused by your respective, and 'combined' greed for the impossible. This Jihad you suffered, is part of the greater puzzle of suffering cased by thiese acts I speak of..
..the downfall of two Star Leagues by the minds of impossible selfishness, as led to a imputent result that 'no' nation, force, or mind has benn able to overcome. The small breaks in the dark clouds do not make up for the shadows constantly cast ince the death of the Cameron Bloodline, and their dreams as a result.
We do not stand as judges over history, but as a bystander with a voice to sow remorse.
We therefore stand as a key to unlock the following traits, lost to the minds of greed and outright carnage of stupidity.
Honor.. Family... Strength... Justice... Trust...
If not for hundreds of years of warfare without a real result, who knows what the form of the Star League would have been, if the leaders of then had stood together, rather than divided themselves apart.
We, the Gaian, stand as the future the Star League SHOULD be. Not for envy, but as a simple model.
We stand ready to offer our resources and knowledge, in trade for allinaces we can also stand in regard. In order to ensure you all understand this, we offer your leaders the chance to see 'our' worlds in person, and to meet myself in person as well.
Take a simple step forward with me, and we 'all' will florish in the greater expansion of the light throughout the cosmos.
Work will be needed, and the above traits, to make this all work, but know that if you take the step with me, the end road will be so far brighter than any of you realize.
Or remain in your past of failed wars and broken dreams of conquest.
The Ascendancy waits with the extended hand of honor, will you all take it?"
In the following days, the Jihad was broken back even further, and even Gaian forces saw action on the world of Tukayyid, that fabled world of the Great Battle, as a Jihad force was drawn into a trap, and our forces assisted the Bears and ComStar forces in breaking their back there.
More, the result coupled with successive defeats to the Blakist across the Inner Sphere, drew the banner of Stone to call for him to establish a soveringty to build upon. But that was held off until the official defeat of the Blakists.
Meanwhile, we learned a few weeks later of the following, as well as reports of our Spinward operations expansions in the Talos Galaxy.
The followng forces agreed to enter nascent talks with us for establishing a coalition for mutual defense, based on the trust engendered over the past few years of the Jihad. In this rare atmosphere of pride, Stone led the following nations to endorse these nascent talks: Draconis Combine, Federated Suns, Rasalhauge Dominion, Wolf-Clan In Exile, Clan Nova Cat, Outworlds Alliance (based on the Raven Absorption and prior agreements..,) Tortuga Dominions, ComStar, the Mercenary Alliance being formed by Wolfs Dragoons, and Kell Hounds, targets of the Jihad as well. And most importantly, the forces led by Devilin Stone. Word was, a sphere would be established soon, to incude a span of territory over a 100 light-years in diameter around Sol-Terra.
Most the other Clans, Lyran Alliance, Free Worlds, Confederation, and the bordering Periphery realms, denegined from these talks. The Lyrans were more such due to the recent FedCom civil war with the FedSuns, and wary of another alliance. The others were more harsh in response.
The Free Worlds were too fractured, the Confederation far too greedy. The Periphery realms were simply neutral, mainly from trying to not become swallowed by the rush of emotions of the moment, and such was understood, knowing the history of the ancient Reunification Wars in this light.
However the Clans were another matter. Of them, the Coyote and Ghost Bears were the most receptive to the idea, but the Coyote remained wary of Abjuration in their own realm, but they remain the most receptive.
The other Clans are all about outright vehement against this idea, and have declared, led by the humiliated Jade Falcon Khan Pryde, to destroy this entire endeavor, dismissing even the benefits offered. They seem too blind to our very presence, with a rage that can only be worn down with time and example. So be it, with the Bears, Nova Cats, Wolf In-Exile (apparently calling themselves now, the Steel Wolves) our own Eagles, Tigers, and Angels, the Clan compliment is more than a match to this aggression that will eventually come.
Talks are slated to begin well by the time you recieve this report, and the outlook of an alliance is rather high as a result. The problems will be trust, as well as ensuring we intend to maintain national soverignty, though we intend to offer a measure to help 'all' our nations in security, as well as expand our own ability to expand into yet more Galaxies.
I also have offered your final proposal of the Allied Army Concept, where a seperate standing army will be created from allied members that wish to participate. It will also draw heavily from our cloning capabilities, as well as the anticipated allied Clan's own same. To accomplish this will indeed make us share our technologies with the potential allies, though I suspect this is a well regarded offer.
I will send a new report as soon as we have completed the inital talks. Until then, it is all still only words without formal agreement.
But don't be suprised milord if you get to meet the names you only read of in your Archives, in person very soon.
Fleet Admiral Rana McKenna
707th-A Task Force, Gaian StarFleet
Gaian Ascendancy
02-04-2005, 03:56
GANN News Desk: (Breaking News)
Our news center has just learned that two major territorial agreements have been reached, one long expected by analysts, and a second from out of nowhere.
First, news is that the activities from the Talos Galaxy that the already amitted information about a major diplomatic development has now been confirmed. Today our time, it was confirmed by the Foreign Advisory that a major alliance has been reached with several of the known Inner Sphere powers there.
In a document being tentatively called the Federated Alliance Commonwealth Treaty, the following nations have agreed to enter a long term alliance, both for military and for economic benefit. It is known that the respective nations that have entered the treaty will retain individual soverignty, but will agree to rotate forces both into the Ascendancy Core Worlds, and into other Galactic Sector Colonies. In return, the Ascendancy will build with the help of ComStar and the newly formed Republic of the Sphere, a new armed forces arm to be called the Federated Alliance Commonwealth Armed Forces (FACAF) This treaty also promises to have Gaian technology integrated into the various nations, within ten years.
The following nations have agreed to the treaty, including several Clans:
The Federated Suns
The Draconis Combine
The Republic of the Sphere
The Rasalhauge Dominion
The Outworlds Alliance
The Nova Cats
The Steel Wolves
The Diamond Sharks (..or Sea Foxes as rumor indicates)
The Mercenary Alliance (Wolf's Dragoons and Kell Hounds notably)
The Gaian Ascendancy
Our forces now occupy a large 100 light-year section of space, being assisted by volunteers from the surrounding regions, including many from the Periphery, and nations that did not agree to the Treaty.
Of note, the Lyran Alliance, while not agreeing to the treaty, prefering independance, did agree to be a major trading partner with the FAC nations, with the Gaians, ComStar and Republic Sphere nations to establish a seperate treaty to include the Lyrans into the mix seperately.
As for the other nations, reaction is mixed, from neutrality from the Free Worlds nation states, to outright hostility from the Crusader Clans, notable as expected Clan Jade Falcon, declaring the treaty an affront to all Clan doctrine, promissing to tear it down. Their neighbors the Wolves were no less harsh, but not as emotion driven, seein the treaty as another challenge to defeat.
Meanwhile the angry sentiments from Clan Homeworld Space is unknown exactly, and will have to be watched.
All this however is only part of the story tonight, as word reaches us of the diplomatic agreement between the Ascendancy, and three new previously unknown civilizations, all apparently another revealing from the Ascendants, as Lady Peorth returned from the Gaian Colony Zone in the Huntaerian Galaxy, Andromeda Galaxy by other accounts.
A yet another treaty, the Shield Compact, brings into the fold:
The Fungesian Star Empire
The Alcorian Republic
The Kartasian Empire
Apparnetly, the races there knew the Ascendants very well, due to several ancient wars eons ago, and these are no less ancient in age. As a result, their cooperation was even more unexpectedly easy to attain in trust, the talks taking place on the new Unity Class A-SSD Infinite Odyessy. With the known expansion of several other powers into the Galaxy, the Gaians moved into this prolific region and we gain yet more allies.
As a result, the Ascendancy has gained access to over two-thousand five-hundred Star Systems, and our reach now extends to numerous races. Add to all this the recent news that yet another victory in the liberation effort in the Sapphire Galaxy, makes this a very bright day in Republic Annals.
Reaction throughout the Republic is agreeable, if mixed, as no one here is fooled by the results as nothing less than making the Ascendancy a major power among the stars.
Word also is noted that the Power of Hikari will be extended to these new realms as well, protecting them all under our protective umbrella, guided by His Excellency's mindset.
Our future indeed looks very bright... for more news about................
Gaian Ascendancy
02-04-2005, 08:14
The story repeats all day for public dessimination.
..or a terrible *bump*, your choice. =^^=
Gaian Ascendancy
02-04-2005, 08:50
GANN News Desk: ~ In response to the Startica Celebrations upcoming, the Council unveild the new name of the Ascendancy, naming it from 'The Holy Republic of Gaian Ascendancy', to:
The Dimensional Grand Republic of Gaian Ascendancy
With the recent expansions of the Republic, the Council leaders felt a new name was in order.
Another show of the strides the Ascendancy has made in it's growing history.
Gaian Ascendancy
04-04-2005, 06:48
Rp bump, will post something new later. =^^=
Gaian Ascendancy
08-04-2005, 06:57
Strategic Operations Update: Sapphire Galaxy Combat Zone.
To: Council High Command, Code Green-III, open to dissemination upon eyes noted.
Report: ~ The battle has taken a unexpected, and glorious turn. An entire pasec Sector has risen in arms against the dark enslavers, whom we have been steadily pushing back every since our arrival. The ones leading the purising are interesting in their own regard...
...they are like those mythical creatures of Terran legend. Centaurs and the like. Apparently an entire civilization of these beings have been enslaved under this darkness for a long time, and our arrival had given them great hope.
The Grecians we'll call them for now, for their similarity to such mythological lines, have risen up all at once over this entire Parsec Sector, having been under this enslavement due to a long in place agreement to keep the race alive, after losing a war long ago. Our pressing victories of the dark enemy, we now have decided to call the Hades Confront, have drawn attention from all around the liberated zones of the Energon.
Meanwhile the Sapphire High Command reports that the 3rd and 7th Republic Fleets, now added with the 8th, have broken the back of the Nadir-Rim sector at 0236.4457 Sector, and driven the Hades out completely from yet naother Parsec Sector. Our forces continue to liberate with near abandon, and the Hades seem incapable of adapting to us as a result. If this continues, the Hades Confront seems doomed before we even see a quarter of the Sapphire Galaxy liberated, and 'that' is still many years away. We really have only begun, and victory seems assured.
We also report that the Core Secotr of the 707th arrival node is fully independant of Home Republic requirements. We anticipate adding our own fleets within the next few years, allowing Republic StarFleet Command to keep resources at home.
At least one area is a victory within grasp. Not to mention a ton of greatful races to interract with.
It's a good day to be a Gaian here.