Same-Sex Marriage Block Bill Denied
19-03-2005, 06:41
Ok, new people here! Please take note, this is a role play! IC (meaning In Character), not OOC (meaning Out Of Character). What that means is that this is all a role play, a game. This is not serious, it is not rea life! Please, this is a role play, a game. If you want to put your personal views in here, fine. Make an OOC notation (like I'm doing for this little rant), but only if you're also role playing too!. If you're not role playing in here, then go to General (, where it's all real-life talk! Thank you!
IC: (MEANING ROLE PLAY!!!! Sheesh, you new people need to learn this is a game in here!)
ViZion, who has always allowed same-sex marriage, has blocked a bill trying to ban same-sex marriage. This comes after a group called EASSM (or Extremists Against Sam-Sex Marriage) tried to, once again, stop same-sex marriages.
In a poll after the bill was blocked, 74% of ViZionarians (+/- 3% error) supported the block, even if they personally do not agree with the gay lifestyle. Said one 17 year old, "I hate gays, but the government shouldn't get involved. If they did this, what's to stop them from allowing my to marry some hot-ass chick?"
President Maybury has stated multiple times that the government feels it has no right to intervene in peoples marriages. "I would hate it if I were a citizen of this great country, and all of a sudden, the government decides I can't marry who I want to. We aren't going to intervene in our peoples lives. We just aren't."
The government is expecting some back-lash from the international community, but also hopes most governments will see where we are coming from.
19-03-2005, 06:44
"Euroslavia sends its strong approval to its ally ViZion, in blocking such a restricting bill. Our nation believes that the government has no right to tell its own citizens who they can and cannot love, therefore, we have legalized same-sex marriages, as well as given them the same benefits as heterosexual partners. We hope that other nations as well as their citizens take this action in ViZion to heart, and follow suit."
19-03-2005, 06:46
The Empire of Clarkestan approves of this stance and applauds the blocking of a bill meant to limit citizens in whom they can or cannot marry.
While the Commonwealth is highly against gay marriages, we feel it is not our right to impose our will upon your people. If they believe gay marriage is correct, then that is their choice, regardless of how wrong it may be. Though Jagada will hold up its ban on gay marriages.
Krioval strongly supports the resistance of the government ViZion to extremist groups like EASSM. Congratulations on a job well done.
Director Koro Vartek
Diplomacy and Trade
4 words, WHO GIVES A CRAP. If people wanna have gay marriges, let them, it's like saying you can't marry another strait person. It's what they belive in so once again WHO GIVES A CRAP.
Message from Davin Prax I, Emperor of Pracus, Lord of the Waterfall Palace, Duke of the Western March, Knight of the Most Noble Order of the Phoenix and from the people of The United Empire of Pracus to President Maybury and the people of ViZion
Our dear colleagues, Greetings:
It is with great joy that the Royal Family and people of Pracus received the news that ViZion continues to fight the good battle for freedom and equality for all. We offer you our heartfelt congratulations on your government's decision and wish to offer you our support in any way possible. You should be commended.
Yours in friendship,
Signed by David Prax I, Emperor of Pracus, et. al.
As attested before Spring Prax, Crown Princess of Pracus, Duchess of Elbas, Dame of the Noble Order of the Ladies of Levana.
As attested before Britan Prax, Prince of Pracus, Duke of the Eastern March,
Lord of the Empire of Pracus, Knight of the Order of the Light.
19-03-2005, 07:00
ViZion, who has always allowed same-sex marriage, has blocked a bill trying to ban same-sex marriage. This comes after a group called EASSM (or Extremists Against Sam-Sex Marriage) tried to, once again, stop same-sex marriages.
In a poll after the bill was blocked, 74% of ViZionarians (+/- 3% error) supported the block, even if they personally do not agree with the gay lifestyle. Said one 17 year old, "I hate gays, but the government shouldn't get involved. If they did this, what's to stop them from allowing my to marry some hot-ass chick?"
President Maybury has stated multiple times that the government feels it has no right to intervene in peoples marriages. "I would hate it if I were a citizen of this great country, and all of a sudden, the government decides I can't marry who I want to. We aren't going to intervene in our peoples lives. We just aren't."
The government is expecting some back-lash from the international community, but also hopes most governments will see where we are coming from.
Your efforts in support of global sodomy and pedophilia is considered an affront against the Holy Empire of Sidestreamer. For your efforts, we brand you an enemy and shall officially enact a boycott against you.
You are hereby notified that no citizen of ViZion shall be allowed entry into the Empire for any reason, and all ViZion nationals residing in Sidestreamer shall have 30 days to leave our Empire or face arrest and imprisonment.
All products sourcing from ViZion shall be denied. No Sidestreamer exports are to be sold in ViZion.
This boycott will end when you, either through executive action or through democratic process, restore traditional marriage and end this corrupt, evil plague known as same-sex marriage in your borders.
The Empire of Sidestreamer is dedicated to fighting this evil, which is the single biggest source of moral corruption in this world.
This decree comes from the Empire of Sidestreamer and does not reflect the collective opinion of the Militaristic Legions and Plans.
--Archbishop Ambicus, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Empire of Sidestreamer
We congradulate the ViZion government and people for making the choice not to set their society back a step by supporting the same-sex marriage bill. By blocking this bill the fact that it's down to the choice of the individual on whom they marry as well as protecting their rights to freedom of choice without a nanny state governing their daily lives.
Foriegn Minister Mick Lakely, Iuthian Diplomatic Corps
To the ViZion's Leader
The Dominion of Priman has aired many television shows about the excesses of other countries such as these, including it's approval of same-sex marriage. The crashing down of society from this union of two males or two females is frowned upon, and missionaries have been sent from the top churches and temples to convert the ViZionians. Should there be many of the Dominion's pulpits in ViZion, there would be a public out cry from them. Please understand that while I share your views of non-interferrence from the Dominion's Council toward other nations, I cannot control several of our lower but popular officials.
The Holy Speaker, Makius Keffran
Your efforts in support of global sodomy and pedophilia is considered an affront against the Holy Empire of Sidestreamer. For your efforts, we brand you an enemy and shall officially enact a boycott against you.
--Archbishop Ambicus, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Empire of Sidestreamer
Please include Iuthia in your nations silly little boycott against ViZion as we have no interest in allowing trade from your immoral nation to enter Iuthian lands, for perposes of trade and travel, we are Black Listing the Empire of Sidestreamer.
While this will not really affect either of our economies (given lack of previous contact) we feel it is important to show our disaproval in this manner.
Foriegn Minister Mick Lakely, Iuthian Diplomatic Corps
>>Adding "Sidestreamer" to black list......
>>Data Transfer complete.
>>Ceasing all trade with "Sidestreamer".......
>>Estimated losses in Iuthian revenue: $00.00 (USD)
>>Electronic Transfers blocked, mailmerge sent to Iuthian business owners...
In response to the actions of Sidestreamer, The United Empire of Pracus has ancted a unilateral boycott of all things manufactured in Sidestreamer, recalls any and all products of Pracan manufacture bound for Sidestreamer, requests the return of its nationals, will no longer grant Visas to Sidestreamer nationals, and in the coming days will be asking all citzens of Sidestreamer to leave her borders.
This announcement was made before the Pracan Parliament by Galen Seriat, Minister of State of the United Empire of Pracus, Lord of Renell, Knight of the Most Noble Order of the Phoenix and was approved by Davin Prax I, Emperor of Pracus, et. al.
The Resi Corporation
19-03-2005, 07:09
We see no real reason to ban same-sex marriage. It makes the people happy, it costs us no money, and with it in effect we have a decrease of pregnancy leave. Production rates stay the same, and we honestly can't say why other corporate nations wouldn't allow it. It seems like common sense.
19-03-2005, 07:09
4 words, WHO GIVES A CRAP. If people wanna have gay marriges, let them, it's like saying you can't marry another strait person. It's what they belive in so once again WHO GIVES A CRAP.
Four words for you: It's a role play!
19-03-2005, 07:12
Your efforts in support of global sodomy and pedophilia is considered an affront against the Holy Empire of Sidestreamer. For your efforts, we brand you an enemy and shall officially enact a boycott against you.
You are hereby notified that no citizen of ViZion shall be allowed entry into the Empire for any reason, and all ViZion nationals residing in Sidestreamer shall have 30 days to leave our Empire or face arrest and imprisonment.
All products sourcing from ViZion shall be denied. No Sidestreamer exports are to be sold in ViZion.
This boycott will end when you, either through executive action or through democratic process, restore traditional marriage and end this corrupt, evil plague known as same-sex marriage in your borders.
The Empire of Sidestreamer is dedicated to fighting this evil, which is the single biggest source of moral corruption in this world.
This decree comes from the Empire of Sidestreamer and does not reflect the collective opinion of the Militaristic Legions and Plans.
--Archbishop Ambicus, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Empire of Sidestreamer
We laugh at your pity threats. However, if by chance there are any of our citizens in your country, which we are checking on, and they are even harmed, trust me, our only products that will be in your country will be guns, bullets, and bombs, not to mention a nice visit from our military. Thank you.
President Maybury
Caecus Deus
19-03-2005, 07:14
ViZion, you are a good leader, by deciding that you have no right to try and control who can marry who. For this, I applaud you.
To those who oppose what this leader has decided for his own country, shame on you all.
I too have decided to boycot the immoral nation of Sidestreamer. If any citizens of your nation are in mine, they shall be escorted out of my lands, violently if neccesary. In one week, any citizen of Sidestreamer found trespassing in my nation shall be imprisoned.
All are equal before almighty God. You will all realize this sooner or later.
"God is blind. Before him, all are equal."
-King Leon I
19-03-2005, 07:16
We thank those nations and government who support, or otherwise do not have a problem, with our denial of this bill. For those of you who we do not have ties with, we would like to offer a peace treaty and open trade routes. In the future, we look forward to the creation of a strong alliance with you.
Thank you!
President Maybury
19-03-2005, 07:18
Here is my view on Gay Marriage:
It's a completely personal choice. Something tells me that most of these Anti-Gays are religious, and are trying to bring church into state. Are Gays hurting anybody by marrying? NO. All they want are the same rights as a married couple.
When someone in a Gay Couple dies, his/her partner doesn't get his/her belongings (If he/she didn't have a will). Instead, they go to his/her closest relatives, usually parents who hated their child for being Gay anyway.
In Hospitals, a partner can't see his/her partner because he/she is not a direct relative.
This country is supposed to have liberty and justice for all, right?
I swear, this exact issue happened 150 years ago with slavery.
The Commonwealth of Jagada encourages the Holy Empire of Sidestreamer to back down on such harsh threats towards the people of ViZion. Your policy towards them hurts neither you nor them, and serves no other purpose but to increase their people's sinful nature.
I ask that you take a more peaceful policy in this.
Here is my view on Gay Marriage:
It's a completely personal choice. Something tells me that most of these Anti-Gays are religious, and are trying to bring church into state. Are Gays hurting anybody by marrying? NO. All they want are the same rights as a married couple.
When someone in a Gay Couple dies, his/her partner doesn't get his/her belongings (If he/she didn't have a will). Instead, they go to his/her closest relatives, usually parents who hated their child for being Gay anyway.
In Hospitals, a partner can't see his/her partner because he/she is not a direct relative.
This country is supposed to have liberty and justice for all, right?
I swear, this exact issue happened 150 years ago with slavery.
OoC: That's great and all, but is this you IC statement? If not, then please take that to the OoC Boards. Thanks.
19-03-2005, 07:25
OOC: Ok, new people here! Please take note, this is a role play! IC (meaning In Character), not OOC (meaning Out Of Character). What that means is that this is all a role play, a game. This is not serious, it is not rea life! Please, this is a role play, a game. If you want to put your personal views in here, fine. Make an OOC notation (like I'm doing for this little rant), but only if you're also role playing too!. If you're not role playing in here, then go to General (, where it's all real-life talk! Thank you!
ViZion is glad to see there is much support for our latest boot of a bill trying to block same-sex marriage. We look forward to improving relations with all of your nations!
19-03-2005, 07:38
We of Kryozerkia are pleased with the advancement of human rights in ViZion and applaud them for their current progression. We support any and all movements that give people democratic freedoms.
We would also like to publically comden Sidestreamer for being so blatantly moronic. You really think that such sanctions will work? You're a puny nation. They will hurt you, not a much larger and by far more significant nation.
19-03-2005, 07:55
The Commonwealth of Jagada encourages the Holy Empire of Sidestreamer to back down on such harsh threats towards the people of ViZion. Your policy towards them hurts neither you nor them, and serves no other purpose but to increase their people's sinful nature.
I ask that you take a more peaceful policy in this.
While the empire appreciates the moral clarity of the Commonwealth of Jagada, we concede that, as evident in the UN resolutions, a stance that is less than strong and resolute will do little to stem the tide of sodomy, pedophilia, baby killing, feminism, Islam, and the international assault against Christianity.
We thank you for your understanding.
--Archbishop Ambicus, Minister of Foreign Affairs for the Empire of Sidestreamer
19-03-2005, 07:57
We of Kryozerkia are pleased with the advancement of human rights in ViZion and applaud them for their current progression. We support any and all movements that give people democratic freedoms.
We would also like to publically comden Sidestreamer for being so blatantly moronic. You really think that such sanctions will work? You're a puny nation. They will hurt you, not a much larger and by far more significant nation.
Our holy empire would rather suffer economically than support a culture of sin that stands in defiance of our Father, and we will take the necessary stand.
19-03-2005, 08:00
Here is my view on Gay Marriage:
It's a completely personal choice. Something tells me that most of these Anti-Gays are religious, and are trying to bring church into state. Are Gays hurting anybody by marrying? NO. All they want are the same rights as a married couple.
When someone in a Gay Couple dies, his/her partner doesn't get his/her belongings (If he/she didn't have a will). Instead, they go to his/her closest relatives, usually parents who hated their child for being Gay anyway.
In Hospitals, a partner can't see his/her partner because he/she is not a direct relative.
This country is supposed to have liberty and justice for all, right?
I swear, this exact issue happened 150 years ago with slavery.
OOC: wrong forum, but fyi I even agree. I enjoy playing a devious fundy for my nation however, though I'm not even religious...
Our holy empire would rather suffer economically than support a culture of sin that stands in defiance of our Father, and we will take the necessary stand.
To the government of Sidestreamer:
Krioval has just finished the assimilation of one former Christian theocracy into its borders. Are you asking to be the next? Your legacy, as has been so many before you, is to show how fossilized ancient moral systems have become. As the codes are ancient history, so to will be your "holy empire" if you refuse to stand down. And if not at the hands of Krioval, at the hands of another.
Director Koro Vartek
Diplomacy and Trade
Typical democrats, always meekly giving in to Satan.
Emperor Justinian
Unofficial Comments
19-03-2005, 08:06
The government of Latouria fully supports you in your efforts to fight for the civil rights of your citizens. Your attempts to block this bill are nothing less than a valiant stand for equal rights for everyone.
19-03-2005, 08:06
To the government of Sidestreamer:
Krioval has just finished the assimilation of one former Christian theocracy into its borders. Are you asking to be the next? Your legacy, as has been so many before you, is to show how fossilized ancient moral systems have become. As the codes are ancient history, so to will be your "holy empire" if you refuse to stand down. And if not at the hands of Krioval, at the hands of another.
Director Koro Vartek
Diplomacy and Trade
Your threats of war are out of place. The Empire of Sidestreamer has made no threats of action other than the refusal to deal economically with ViZion. They can continue to impose their unChristian will upon themselves; we simply won't support them, or you.
19-03-2005, 08:06
Typical democrats, always meekly giving in to Satan.
Emperor Justinian
Unofficial Comments
OOC: Yawn....
The Republic of Ximia is saddened by the needless expansion of bureaucratic powers and oversight into the union of gay and lesbian couples by ViZion. Marriage has traditionally been seen as a religious ceremony and sacrament, thus Ximia sees no place for state-recognition of marriage in a secular state. Also, couples have a right to privacy in the bedroom; state marriage infringes on this right by granting the state knowledge of a couples intimacy.
The Republic of Ximia respectively requests that nations with a strong commitment to state-church separation along with sexual privacy strongly consider privatizing marriage. Marriage is best left to private religious institutions and other private organizations.
19-03-2005, 08:10
While the empire appreciates the moral clarity of the Commonwealth of Jagada, we concede that, as evident in the UN resolutions, a stance that is less than strong and resolute will do little to stem the tide of sodomy, pedophilia, baby killing, feminism, Islam, and the international assault against Christianity.
We thank you for your understanding.
--Archbishop Ambicus, Minister of Foreign Affairs for the Empire of Sidestreamer
After intercepting this unclosed communication, President Maybury read it, and as he finished reading, began cracking up. "What the hell is this guy on, anyway? Ahahahahaha! Assault against Christianity? Baby killing? Sodomy and pedophilia? My word, what he has to learn! I want to sent a message to him."
Shortly thereafter, communications were opened.
Archbishop Ambicus, I understand you wish to fight an 'Assault against Christianity', baby killing, and pedophilia. So, tell me, how does any of that have to do with our stance of allowing same-sex marriage? There are more Christians in ViZion than any other religion. We do not tolerate the killing of babies, or pedophilia, NONE of which relate to same-sex marriage. Just about the only place we differ out of your little list is Islam, as we allow all religions, including Islam.
We urge you to take a look at your nations interests before opening your mouth, as well as learning more about the nations you throw useless threats at. We are far more tolerant than many other nations. You are quite lucky that you have not made your little speechs to let tolerant nations, or your nation would lay in ruins right now. We do not see you as a threat to our people, nor is your so-called 'threat' much of a threat at all.
However, we have found that there are two families, one of four, ages 41, 42, 19, and 18, being the mother, father, son, and second son, respectively. The other family is a family of three, ages 39, 39, and 15, mother, father, son, respectively. They also have two family friends with them, ages 15 and 16, a boy and a girl, respectively. If any one of them are touched, harmed, or killed by your nation, we WILL be forced to act upon you, and that will include not mercy, except upon your civilian population, and your militia that surrenders.
We do sincerely hope you re-evaluate the current circumstances, and your own national interests, before acting, or speaking, again.
Thank you,
President Maybury
Caecus Deus
19-03-2005, 08:18
Oh "great" and "holy" archbishop, do tell us all how allowing two people, who love each other but are the same gender,to get married is an assualt against Christianity, when my nation, which is full of devout Christians, actually encourages homosexuals to be married to their life-partner. God loves us all. God doesn't care if you are gay or not.
"God is blind. Before him, all are equal."
-King Leon I
OOC: Vizion, sodomy is very related to gay marriage...its...what gays do...
19-03-2005, 08:21
OOC: Vizion, sodomy is very related to gay marriage...its...what gays do...
OOC: err, sorry, my bad, I was thinking of something else...
19-03-2005, 08:23
After intercepting this unclosed communication, President Maybury read it, and as he finished reading, began cracking up. "What the hell is this guy on, anyway? Ahahahahaha! Assault against Christianity? Baby killing? Sodomy and pedophilia? My word, what he has to learn! I want to sent a message to him."
Shortly thereafter, communications were opened.
Archbishop Ambicus, I understand you wish to fight an 'Assault against Christianity', baby killing, sodomy and pedophilia. So, tell me, how does any of that have to do with our stance of allowing same-sex marriage? There are more Christians in ViZion than any other religion. We do not tolerate the killing of babies, sodomy, or pedophilia, NONE of which relate to same-sex marriage. The only place we differ out of your little list is Islam, as we allow all religions, including Islam.
We urge you to take a look at your nations interests before opening your mouth, as well as learning more about the nations you throw useless threats at. We are far more tolerant than many other nations. You are quite lucky that you have not made your little speechs to let tolerant nations, or your nation would lay in ruins right now. We do not see you as a threat to our people, nor is your so-called 'threat' much of a threat at all.
However, we have found that there are two families, one of four, ages 41, 42, 19, and 18, being the mother, father, son, and second son, respectively. The other family is a family of three, ages 39, 39, and 15, mother, father, son, respectively. They also have two family friends with them, ages 15 and 16, a boy and a girl, respectively. If any one of them are touched, harmed, or killed by your nation, we WILL be forced to act upon you, and that will include not mercy, except upon your civilian population, and your militia that surrenders.
We do sincerely hope you re-evaluate the current circumstances, and your own national interests, before acting, or speaking, again.
Thank you,
President Maybury
President Maybury, you say you do not support pedophilia or sodomy, but if you allow gays to marry, you are in fact supporting that, and you're allowing a precedent that implies your support for beastiality as well. It opposes the natural order of God, it allows the state to define a Christian institution, and destroys the sanctity of marriage.
As for the families, we have sent them notices that they are to vacate. Two of the families own real estate in our land and will be compensated at the appraised value of their lands if they wish to sell it to us, although they are encouraged to place it in the open market. Regardless of that decision, however, they cannot live here anymore, for fear that they may be agents of sodomy and anti-Christianity.
With God as our protector, we hold firm to our decision and refuse to allow Satan into our sanctuary.
---Archbishop Ambicus, Minister of Foreign Affairs for the Empire of Sidestreamer
Typical democrats, always meekly giving in to Satan.
Emperor Justinian
Unofficial Comments
How ironic it is that such a comment is said on the eve of a Farminan election. Save me a seat and try to keep the air conditioning in good order, ya know?
~ Raijin Dekker
19-03-2005, 08:29
OOC: sorry about the sodomy part, I realized I was thinking of something else...
I'm sorry, but you seem to be mixed up. Pedophilia means to go after children. That does not mean going after people of the same sex. Would someone going after a 90 year old be a pedophile? No, a 90 year old is not a child.
As for it being a sin, keep in mind, not everyone is a believer of Christ, or of any religion at all. They have different world-views that you do. That does not make them evil, or children of Satin.
How ironic it is that such a comment is said on the eve of a Farminan election. Save me a seat and try to keep the air conditioning in good order, ya know?
~ Raijin Dekker
We may allow elections, but we are by no means democrats. You should be well aware of this Raijin, we have always been strong when it comes to matters of morality.
And no seat at any hall shall be reserved for the likes of your Catholic hating kind.
Thomas Goth
Chancellor for Foriegn Affairs
The Commonwealth begs to differ with the nation of Caecus Deus on the statement you made regarding that God does not care if you are gay or not. While we agree he loves you weather you are gay or not. I fully guarentee you he does care if you are gay or not. The Bible, at least the one that is in Jagada, clearly states in black and white God's dissaproval of homosexual relations.
As for Sidestreamer deporting of homosexuals from their lands, we encourage you to let them stay. In fact, Jagada has held a policy to ensure the radical ideals of homosexual marriages it kept well under control, this policy has worked for centuries. Homosexuals are permitted to live together, and do what they please in their own housing. They are permitted to adopt children since, for obvious reasons, they cannot have one amoungst themselves, however they cannot force their beliefs upon the child and must inform the child of the alternative (being straight in short). For centuries homosexuals have risen little protest in our lands over such laws.
We, again would like to state, we are not imposing our views on Sidestreamer, but we would like to offer suggestions and alternatives to your Holy Empire.
Central East America
19-03-2005, 08:51
President Samantha Quinn of The Allied Nations of Central East America has taken into consideration the subject of same sex marriage. Samantha has recently stated in an interview with the Associated Press:
"This isn't a matter of religion, nor is it a matter of morals. It's a matter of freedom, and as a country that promotes liberties and freedoms as our forefathers promoted, a same-sex marriage ban would constitute as a contradiction to the Allied States Bill of Rights. Therefore, I am introducing a new law to go into effect that would neutralize any and all bans on same sex marriage within our states."
The article continues to say how President Samantha Quinn promotes equal rights, and therefore, the nation is starting to wake up to this fact, and in all probability will pass the Congress and go into effect.
Caecus Deus
19-03-2005, 09:01
Honorable leader of the Commonwealth, my point was that our lord loves us all no matter what, whether you're gay or not.
I must agree with you that it does say that homosexuality is a sin, but things change over time, and it has been over two-thousand years since the first books of the Bible were written. As another nation said (of course I am unable to write what they said word for word), it was once a sin to eat pork, women were to be isolated during their period, women who had been raped were stoned for not screaming for help loud enough, etc. Times change, and so do the laws of God.
"God is blind. Before him, all are equal."
-King Leon I
(ooc: I read this but I sadly am unable to remember who wrote it. I don't wish to take credit for them. if/when I do find out who wrote these, I will give them the credit they deserve.)
19-03-2005, 22:34
The Macabees
19-03-2005, 22:37
The Macabee Empire applauds such libetarian policies taken by the government of ViZion. Indeed, some issues should just be left to the people and this is what the government of ViZion has done. Although the Emperor is strictly anti-gay he wishes to personally congratulate you on your ability to reserve some sovereignty to the people, like a true democratic state.
20-03-2005, 04:51
Macabees, thank you.
We're glad to see there's much support for our action of keeping things free in this great country.
Tree Hugging Lesbians
20-03-2005, 06:08
We, of course, commend this decision!
The Mafiasos
20-03-2005, 06:14
We disagree and assisnate all government officials who support it.
:eek: :sniper:
20-03-2005, 22:06
ViZion, for your information the Empire of Sidestreamer is assembling a Moral Alliance to stem the encroachment of the Homosexual, Pedophile, and Sodomite agenda upon this planet.
Message from Davin Prax I, Emperor of Pracus, et. al. to the people of the land of ViZion
Friends and Comrades in Freedom,
It is with great pride that I express my support for your government's recent decision. Pracus, though ruled by a Monarchy, is a free land where people worship, live and love as they wish, and we stand beside the right of other lands to do so. Though we have a policy of not interferring in the internal affairs of other nations, we have dedicated ourselves to protecting freedom and compassion throughout the world.
Let it be known that if the land of ViZion continues on its present course and faces the ire of those who would impose their will on the people of your nation, then Pracus will stand ready beside ViZion to do what is necessary to protect her from the ravages of hatred and violence.
Signed by Davin Prax I, Emperor of Pracus, et. al.
As attested by Jadic Palf, High Chancellor of the Empire, Lord of the Realm of Pracus, Duke of the Northern Quarter, and Knight of the Most Noble Order of the Phoenix.
20-03-2005, 22:39
Sarzonia applauds the decision by ViZion not to pass that highly restrictive legislation that would have banned gay marriage. We also condemn the government of Sidesteamer for enacting a boycott, which is merely symbolic in nature since they do not currently have trade with ViZion that we are aware of.
We would like to announce that, in keeping with the symbolic nature of such a boycott, the Incorporated States of Sarzonia will extend its own boycott to Sidesteamer. In addition, we are closing the door to future diplomatic relations with Sidesteamer in light of their hostile actions toward homosexuals.
Mike Sarzo
Incorporated States of Sarzonia
The People of Akkid wish to extend the hand of friendship unto ViZion as a fellow nation that is all in favor of loving the cock. God, do we love the cock.
21-03-2005, 02:59
We disagree and assisnate all government officials who support it.
:eek: :sniper:
OOC: If you're serious, that is ignored.
21-03-2005, 03:01
ViZion, for your information the Empire of Sidestreamer is assembling a Moral Alliance to stem the encroachment of the Homosexual, Pedophile, and Sodomite agenda upon this planet.
We have no problem with your nation or your 'alliance', that is your nations stances, and though we may disagree with it, we see no problem with doing that.
However, let it be known that we will not take lightly to any threats made towards us, or our allies, if your nation or alliance decides it wants to be aggressive on the issue.
Thank you,
President Maybury
21-03-2005, 03:05
Again, we thank those of you who support our decision, or are not over-reacting even if your government disagrees with this.
We look forward to improving ties with all of your nations in the near and far future.
We, of course, commend this decision!
You know that commend means you don't support it. :confused:
21-03-2005, 03:54
You know that commend means you don't support it. :confused:OOC: No, condemn means you don't support it. Commend means you support it.
The United Nations of Maraque and it's Territories applauds ViZions block of such a discriminatory bill, and to help the advancement of civil rights and freedom in your nation. You're now considered our full-ally and will remain so
President Stephen Richards, UNM (United Nations of Maraque)
21-03-2005, 07:04
The United Nations of Maraque and it's Territories applauds ViZions block of such a discriminatory bill, and to help the advancement of civil rights and freedom in your nation. You're now considered our full-ally and will remain so
President Stephen Richards, UNM (United Nations of Maraque)
Thank you President Sephen Richards!
22-03-2005, 00:08
22-03-2005, 00:34
ViZion's move in upholding the allowance of same-sex marriages is applauded by the Empire. We find this move to be a typical sign of the respect that the ViZioner government shows for its citizens and their rights and freedoms.
Our official position on the stance of Sidestreamer is that the nation of Sidestreamer may, in the words of His Majesty the King-Emperor, sod off. And that goes for Jagada as well.
- Ministry of External Affairs
22-03-2005, 01:14
We are glad to see Macisikan stands with us in this decision. We look forward to continuing our improving relations between our two great nations.
Thank you,
President Maybury
The federation of Miehm derides the foolishness of permitting homosexual marraige and furthermore states that it is an affront to the lord comparable with incest.
22-03-2005, 02:01
The federation of Miehm derides the foolishness of permitting homosexual marraige and furthermore states that it is an affront to the lord comparable with incest.
Hey, get this, our grand prince married his sister!
Then he has sinned before our lord and I shall pray for his soul.
22-03-2005, 02:28
We greatly applaud this decision. Not everyone beleives in Christianity, and this decision shows that ViZion is not biased or in favor of any religions. Again, we commend your decision, and hope other nations will follow your example.
President Cheeser12
23-03-2005, 00:10
Cheeser, thank you for your support!
28-03-2005, 02:03