Farminan Elections: Democracy at its most hollow
FBC News: Election Watch
“With only one week to go the Council elections, the campaigns are really heating us.”
“That’s right, Susan. How do you think its going to go?”
“I’d say the Conservative Block parties are going to retain a large majority in all the councils; about 60% on average. What do you say George?”
“I don’t know Susan, the Fascist Block has been campaigning very strongly on religious issues. The new comer to the Fascist Block, the Nationalist Party could do the Conservatives some damage. The Nationalist Party is actually a break off of one of the Socialist Block parties and is campaigning heavily on protection for the poor.”
“What about the Military Block parties?”
“They seem to have performed poorly in recent elections and I’d say they’d do so again. Both the Conservative and Fascist Block parties are promising to spend big on the military, so I really don’t see why people would vote for a military dictatorship.”
“I’d have to agree with you George. I once said…”
“I’m just receiving word that Emperor Justinian, the Light of Heaven, has officially endorsed Grand Chancellor Peter Vernis’s Catholic Conservative Party.”
“That’s no surprise George, but it does bode well for Peter Vernis, who currently controls twenty percent of total seats in the councils, making the Catholic Conservatives a massive one third of the Conservative Block and also the largest party in the councils.”
“All that could change Susan, with his holiness, Pope Thomas James supporting the Grey Catholic Party, which is the second largest party in the Conservative Block.”
“I doubt that will have a large effect, as Justinian has always said that his preference votes go to the Grey Catholic Party after the Catholic Conservatives.”
“Perhaps your right Susan. Do you see any role for the Socialist Block, Labour Block and Liberal Block parties?”
“I think that we may see some gain in the socialist vote, after the abolition of the Minimum Conditions of Employment Act and the so called “unfair” alcohol laws.”
“I’d have to agree Susan. To all foreign watchers: in preparation for the coming election, FBC will be answering questions from all foreign governments and media relating to parties, politics and policy. And from us, goodnight.
Brief overview of blocks:
Conservative: Strong capitalist and religion based politics.
Military: Strong military spending and greater concentration of political power in the military. Otherwise conservative by Farminan standards.
Liberal: Strong capitalist based politics, but wants to see separation of church and state. Wants relegalisation of all banned alcohols and other 'archaic' laws removed.
Labour: Ranges from Conservative to Socialist parties. Campaigns largely on reinstatement of the minimum wage and the creation of a welfare state. Wants relegalisation of beer.
Fascist: Strong religious based politics and stronger national purity. Varying economic policies.
Socialist: Actual parties policies have been changed by law. Campaigns on huge increase in regulation and creation of large welfare state. Wants progressive taxation and abolition of ‘archaic laws’, e.g. same alcohol laws for lower and upper class. Also wants seperation of church and state.
Nationalist party, the newest party in the Fascist Block, was lead by Fredrick Johnson, who stood before the microphone at Verica Conference Centre
“My fellow Farminans, the conservatives have betrayed you,” he began.
“Next week, we shall break their monopoly on power, in the name of the average Farminan.”
“The conservatives rule for the rich, the elite, but the Fascist block hears you. The Nationalist Party hears you. We promise to restore your minimum wage. We promise to restore your access to alcohol, unlike the conservatives, who hoard the alcohol for their own class.”
“The conservatives are so strict with their religion based law, but yet they give foreigners exemptions. How is that fair to the average Farminan? If a Farminan commits sodomy with a foreigner on Farminan soil, the Farminan will be punished but the foreigner shall walk free. I say let the law be equal to all.”
That drew a great round of applause.
“Tell the conservatives that you aren’t pleased next Saturday. Show them that you want a party that remembers its own people over foreign dignitaries. Show that you want a party that will keep Farmina pure and its lower classes safe.”
“Equality for Farminans.”
That was the National Party slogan, ironic thing considering it was a Fascist block.
19-03-2005, 01:55
(OOC: Which party is the current leader from? That's who RB will endorse.)
(OOC: Which party is the current leader from? That's who RB will endorse.)
OOC: Peter Vernis is a conservatives, and holds 60% of the seats on average.
Justinian isn't actually elected, but he votes conservative too.
19-03-2005, 02:08
OOC: Peter Vernis is a conservatives, and holds 60% of the seats on average.
Justinian isn't actually elected, but he votes conservative too.
(OOC: Who would you like me to vote for?)
OOC: I really don't mind Conservative preferably, but I have already decided the result, although I will distribute the remaining seats according to the above vote.
Problem with the above vote is 30% have voted Socialist, Farminans hate Socialists, thats why Justinian past a law to change their policies and banned the most extreme Socialist parties.
Peter Vernis stood before his audience, addressing the conservative world.
“Conservatives have brought you both peace and victory. We have brought economic prosperity and a place in heaven.”
“Would you risk the Liberals and Socialists, who threaten to separate our great country from God?”
“Voting for these radicals will bring down God’s fury and doom you to hell.”
“It is true that the rich have benefited under Farminan rule, but they are not alone. Benefits of the expanded rich are trickling down to every class in society. Unemployment and inflation are at an all time lows.”
“Anything but conservative economics will ruin this country.”
“The Fascist block seems intent on sending Farmina back into a state of perpetual war. They will push foreign dignitaries further and further, until they can be pushed no more.”
“The Labour has the same risky economic policies as the Socialists. We just can’t risk them.”
“Vote Conservative. Don’t risk prosperity and peace.”
OOC: Most blocks have their own Green party: Conservative Greens, Green Socialist Party, Liberal Greens etc.
Green Socialist Party Headquarters
Samson Reday:
"Farminans, we forget the poor and the enviroment so often. The Green Socialist Party remembers them though."
"Farmina's greed destroys the poor and the enviroment, but we shall protect them."
"Not even the Moderate Socialists seem to care about the enviroment, but we do."
"Can we afford the Conservatives continued persecution of nature for another term?"
"NO," responded the crowd.
"Can we allow the Conservatives, and their big business backers to continue to exploit the Farminan people?"
"NO," responded the crowd.
"The conservatives claim the lowest unemployment in a generation, I ask at what cost, and what of those still unemployed."
"We Green Socialists promise jobs for all, and good jobs too. Massive government works programs will wipe out unemployment and thus we can restore the minimum wage, improving conditions for Farminan workers."
"Conservatives promise low inflation, we promise no inflation."
"The Conservatives say things are good, we say things can be better."
"Vote Green Socialist on polling day."
With that an applause went up.
This is an anti-socialist bump.
Federalist Labour Party:
"My fellow Farminans, the Labour block, and especially the Federalist Labour Party are the true parties of the working man."
"The Socialists claim to support the working man, but that is a lie. The Socialists want to de-regulate the Church, but more than that, they want to ban our great religion. The Socialists want to kill God."
"God is not a tool to exploit the workers, God is the protector of the workers. Don't allow the Socialist scum to tell you otherwise."
"Even the Conservatives have more respect for the working man than the Socialists, who spit in our faces and in insult our intelligence."
"Federalist Labour will reinstate the minimum wage, we shall reopen the pubs and we shall introduce means tested social security."
"But this is by no means Socialist. They wish to abolish everything our country stands for, we say no."
"Even the Nationalist Party claims to represent the workers. But the Fascists hate the poor, they long have. They would see you dragged from you house at night."
"Its clear that on Saturday you have one choice, vote Federalist Labour as 1 on your ballot paper, for the working man, not for the athesists."
Official Military Party Campaign Launch:
General Aricar stood up to the podium and began, “Soldiers, generals and sailors. Farmina relies on the military more than all other things. If the Farmina depends so greatly on the military, isn’t it fair that we who lay down our lives in the name of God and Country get something in return.”
“All the military wants is more of the political power it fights so hard to defend. Surely political power is better in the hands of the Farminan military than some radical foreign dictator. This is what the Military party stands for, a strong military protecting Farmina, and in return getting a share of the power it fights for.”
“Farmina is prosperous, under the current Conservative regime. But that doesn’t help us if the murderous likes of ViZion try to invade us and implement their evil atheist ways. Nor does it give any say to the thousands who lie dead in Sinear. Farmina must recognize the role and importance of the military, and we shall make them see.”
Of the three men in the audience, two clapped and the third booed. No doubt the Military Party vote would go down again.