Nebarri prime looking for allys
19-03-2005, 00:58
Emperor Keller to the nations of the world
Nebarri prime would like to open diplomatic comunicashon with others as well as trade and millitary alliences
The Half-Orc Communist Confederacy of Muktar is willing to offer an embassy exchange to the government of Nebarri Prime.
The Deltan Empire
19-03-2005, 01:09
This is Emperor Roman of the Deltan Empire. I would like to say that Emperor Keller of Nebarri prime is an honorable ally. He came to my aid in the Deltan War, and has gone to the aid of others. Keller is a man of his word, and I am honored to be his ally.
Emperor Roman
The Deltan Empire
19-03-2005, 02:10
The Kingdom of Auralinia would like to become allied with Nebarri Prime. We can provide you with an embassy in the capitol of Austin.
King Ricala of Auralinia
19-03-2005, 02:16
Nebarri prime acsepts Auralinia and Muktars offers for embassys in both nations
OCC:i would like to say that i cant spell very well and that im not very good at makeing an impresive speach on the forums
The Fedral Union
19-03-2005, 02:40
we'll ally with ya if your ft :P
19-03-2005, 02:41
OCC: sorry Nebarri prime is MT
19-03-2005, 04:02
19-03-2005, 04:52
Jenrak would like to ally with you.
Basque Spain
19-03-2005, 05:05
basque spain would lke to establish an embassy in you nation
The Honorable Dominion of Priman will gladly ally with you.
Noitan Teppup
19-03-2005, 06:22
Given more information, Noitan Teppup may concider the possibilities of offering your nation Protectorate status, however for the time being we know very little about Nebarri Prime and it's culture, regime and technology.
Such information would greatly assist our understanding in making such a decision.
Bob Jules, President of Noitan Teppup
From the office of Bob Jules.
19-03-2005, 08:20
Given more information, Noitan Teppup may concider the possibilities of offering your nation Protectorate status, however for the time being we know very little about Nebarri Prime and it's culture, regime and technology.
Such information would greatly assist our understanding in making such a decision.
Bob Jules, President of Noitan Teppup
From the office of Bob Jules.
as are ally Emperor Roman of the Deltan Empire says we are an honorable ally
the government though the UN lists it diffrent is a benevilent dictatership and has very loyal populashon and we are an Empire
are tech is avridge exsept in millitary we are sate of the art
culture well i know many different forms of what people want to know when thay ask for culture so you will have to specify
OCC:yet agen i say sorry for the missspelt words if any
19-03-2005, 10:42
Join the region "The New Roman Empire". It is a Democratic Empire with a strtong military and active members.
19-03-2005, 10:52
Ofcourse i will..i will be your allie...
19-03-2005, 22:26
Basque Spain
26-03-2005, 03:31