Announcement of Foundation
OOC: Hello folks! Newbie at your service. *Bows* I thought I might introduce myself in a more creative manner than just throwing out a thread saying "hi". Sit tight and try not to fall asleep while reading the opening statements of the Protectorate of Bangpae.
A tall man in a buisness suit stands up before the large delegation. Some of the audience murmer to each other, while others await the opening statements.
The speaker reads from a sheet of white paper:
"Peoples of the world,
We are the the Protectorate of Bangpae, the aegis for citizens interested in the pursuit of bliss, balance and harmony. Though our budding nation is tiny in size, we are highly technologically advanced due to the large number of scientists living in our community.
Though we have a sufficiently powerful military to ward off minor attacks, the Protectorate Mind, the ruling government, requests military alliances and mutual protection treaties to protect the lives and the intrests of our citizens.
Though we are currently allied with the Freedom Fighters, we are constantly searching for other allies and protectors.
That is all. Thank you."
The man give a slight bow and heads back to his seat.
18-03-2005, 14:59
OOC: are you leftist or rightist?
if you're a leftie, i'll have an alliance with you, but i need to know what tech level you play in before i can help. :)
If you're a right-wing fool my government doesnt like you, so i cant.
Uh...shouldn't this be in the NS forum... :confused:
Right-wingers rule!!!
Left(weak)-wingers are. . . . SKAM!!!!
Uh...shouldn't this be in the NS forum... :confused:
OOC: Well, the International Incidents description does include diplomatic incidents...and I classify this as such.
Also OOC: I'm not much into current politics- what's the big difference between left and right wingers?
Official statement from the Fhtagn Foreign Relations ministry:
Fhtagn would be happy to open diplomatic relations with the Protectorate of BangPae. If you will allow us to construct an embassy in BangPe we will allow you to build one here.
21-03-2005, 13:06
OOC: left wingers are more communist (real communism, not marksism) while right wingers are more totalitarian, i.e. america at the moment, iraq as it used to be, E.T.C.
Communist Brazil
21-03-2005, 20:35
(real communism, not marksism)
[OOC: Real communism? Your feeling rather arrogant, aren't you? Marxism was one of the first theories to tie revolutionary socialist ideals into something complete. You are mistaking it for Leninism perhaps, which was authoritarian/totalitarian. Marxism is only an economic theory, not political, though politics and economics are entertwined, Marx does not specifiy what a Communist government precisely is. There was little need. Other theories filled in the political aspect, such as Leninism, or council communism, anarcho-syndicalism, ect. ect.]
The Merchant Guilds
21-03-2005, 21:29
I'll determine my response when you determine your Political/Economic/Social/Religious stance :)
Since others have failed to explain basic politics I will (remember you can go anywhere in between):
(For others remember this is very simplified and generalised)
Economically you have Two Poles and a Centre:
Left Wing (at extreme Communist Economics): Central Planning usually Keynesian or Neo-Keynesian theory, basically the state owns the firms and tells them what to do. Gives lots of power to the workers etc, can use 'Democratic Committee's' to control firm's decision making etc (just don't RP this as efficent or even holistically effective please, because it is not). This produces a lot of equality but often lacks motivation factors and is often associated with lower Economic power especially in terms of quality.
Centre: A combination of varying degrees (depending on which side leaning) of Capitalist and Socialist Economic theory, basically some regulation and control placed on firms but they are allowed to operate freely within the 'rules' set by the Government (Supply Side and Monetaristic Economics are usually associated with this).
Right Wing (at extreme Pure Free Market Economics (Laissez Faire): Allows your firms to operate on a free reign, they can do what they like pretty much and damned be the consumer and worker. This usually produces great inequality but quite a lot of national wealth.
On the Social Side we can say that:
(Again you can go anywhere in between)
Liberal = Free society, often leads of Political Correctness however. More open, less xenophobic, often is non-Religious... tends to honour the Arts more than the Acumen subjects. Police not very powerful, but not so many rules to enforce.
Authoritarian = Closed society, often leads to heavy oppressive elements and leads more often than not to an Elite ruling the 'lower' rungs of the ladder. Tends to be Xenophobic and more often than not more militaristic and Religious. Police very powerful, often tend to be more brutal, associated often with Dictatorships.
Politically you have three basic choices:
Dictatorship: One man or a small elite rules.
Elite Democracy: Only certain sects of society can vote for the leader.
Democracy: All citizens have right to vote on leader.
Sorry, I rushed it a little at the end but thats the absolute basics of it.
22-03-2005, 10:12
[OOC: Real communism? Your feeling rather arrogant, aren't you? Marxism was one of the first theories to tie revolutionary socialist ideals into something complete. You are mistaking it for Leninism perhaps, which was authoritarian/totalitarian. Marxism is only an economic theory, not political, though politics and economics are entertwined, Marx does not specifiy what a Communist government precisely is. There was little need. Other theories filled in the political aspect, such as Leninism, or council communism, anarcho-syndicalism, ect. ect.]
Crap, sorry, i meant lenin, just wrote the wrong name...
*feels a fool*
BTW, TMG, i'm a liberal nation (note political freedoms) and i have an "All pervasive" police force. also a near-0 crime rate as a result. explain that.
Tree Hugging Lesbians
22-03-2005, 10:33
Oh thats good. Want to exchange embassies?
22-03-2005, 10:35
OOC: THL, who do you want to exchange with?
if its me, no problem, go right ahead.
Tree Hugging Lesbians
22-03-2005, 10:38
OOC: The new guy.
22-03-2005, 10:41
Oh. okay.
can i exchange embassies too?
with THL that is, i still dont know which way the nOOb goes, politically...
Tree Hugging Lesbians
22-03-2005, 10:42
22-03-2005, 10:43
*establishes embassy, exchanges emissaries*