NationStates Jolt Archive


17-03-2005, 11:55
This is pretty much and intra-regional affair, just trying to coax people away from the regional BBS.

Robinthia and Bumeristan have a history of... difficulties. Today, differences of opinion in the high echelons of Kalon society are spiralling into a major confrontation, all that is needed is a spark to ignite renewed conflict.
The Empire of Bumeristan is gaining support in the Regional Government, a raft of new nations pledge their support to the emperor's cause, rivalling the established leadership. Set against them are Robinthia and Wiggledom, backing a controversial bill to remove three of these minority “second states” from the region.

Well? What do the Justicars report, Mikiniki?" Rob barked, pausing from pacing the length of his opulent address chamber to regard the congregation of elders and staff before him.

A short, red faced elder, hands fidgeting in the pockets of his blue robes stepped forward, The patriarch's cold eyes boring into him.

"The Inquisition, my lord, is more used to the, er, rather more discrete, er, 'clear cut' you might say, laws of the Church. The process is difficult when several parties are involved and-"

"Yes?" Rob interrupted sharply, "Is it by vote, or not?"

"N-not as such, my lord, the constitution is quite vague and the situation is delicate. I urge you to consider you options – the minority states fiercely oppose any move, and they're not alone." he pleaded, eyes downcast.

Rob walked again to the window, turning to regard Robinth, the Holy City, through the evening drizzle. Its tall spires and magnificent domes shone red in the dying light of the setting sun. Looking down upon to the empty cobbled streets, he regarded the odd citizen scurrying home, the smell of fear almost tangible in the salty air.

The Patriarch brought his attention back to the room. The Grand Inquisitor was delivering an emphatic speech, his chin wobbling almost as much as arms; “-brought us to the brink of nuclear war. This is no time for a round of silly buggers!”

“Quiet Mikiniki,” A tall woman clad in grey urban fatigues slipped into the room, her voice full of contempt “we've been here before – the Templars will be ready to counter any threat. Our people are strong.”

“I've no doubt, Alexi” Rob replied, recalling the unvoiced fear on the streets. “Let us pray it does not come to that. I have some calls to make, please continue.”
He nodded to the Templar Archbishop, the corners of her mouth twitching into a slight sneer.

As he turned to leave, a junior cleric from Trade and Economics piped, “I seems that another trainload of uranium has disappeared, I have requested a full enquiry, my lords, but was told to report here.”

The Archbishop of Science and Technology cleared his throat loudly, “Well, speak to me after council.” A knowing look glanced between several elders; “I'll look into it personally.”

To the Honourable Lord Wiggle,

Our spies report that the twin states of Archiria and Haussauria have joined forces with Bumeristan in an unholy union. It is paramount that we ally to protect our peaceful way of life.

We must move quickly if we are to stop the crazed Emperor from usurping control over the whole region. Already this dark alliance outnumbers us in the Council of State; if we can remove the 'second states', we can restore the balance of power and prevent catastrophe.

If it comes to a Parliamentary vote, we shall succeed easily – but the President, our Machiavellian Emperor, is demanding a majority in the Council. Second the motion, and pledge support in any struggle, even at the expense of the regional Alliance.

Yours in hope and haste,
His Holiness Rob, Patriarch of the Church of Kalon.
17-03-2005, 11:58
This is arbitrary and dictatorial. Only we are allowed to be so in Kalon. Expel 2nd states but be ready for war if you do!
I quite agree ,what have you to gain from such a provoking decision except war. Iheartily agree with Bumeristan. The second states as you put it, have just as much right to be there as everyone else. They do us no harm and i cannot see why you propose to remove them, but to gain a further hold on the control that has clearly gone to your head.
30-03-2005, 12:08
In a gilded gallery within the Imperial Palace the Emperor stormed backwards and forwards followed by a train of worried advisors. "So he thinks he can block me on the amendment does he and expel second states to boot, well he's got another thought coming" shouted the Emperor. "Imperial Majesty we have continued your project of bribing members of the Chamber of Deputies and it looks like we will win the vote when everyone is present after all" said the Regional Advisor, a man named Cobnut. "And if they don't Imperial Majesty the Orbital Weapons platforms and special forces are ready as per your instructions" said Marshal Dadeen the Chief of the General Staff. The Emperor smiled to himself as he waved to dismiss them and strode off towards his study, soon his plans would reach fruition and with the BIA and Propaganda Agency spreading fear and defeatism in Robinthia and Wiggledom soon their Government's would cave in to him and his allies demands would be met. The 2nd states would remain and the Patriarch would be defeated. He laughed as he walked down the Crimson Drawing room and the bowing guards quivered in fear as he passed.
15-04-2005, 09:51

Praise the cabbage!
15-04-2005, 13:31
The Fundamental Laws and Theory of the Government of Bumeristan

1) The Emperor is Supreme, all members of the Bureaucracy report directly or indirectly to him.
2) The Emperor shall have Advisors to Advise him and they shall have the power to access files and right report for HIM's benefit, but they may not take any role in actual decision making, nor should their words be taken as an order.
3) All Government Agencies are under scrutiny by the Imperial Security Bureau (ISB) who's job is to watch over public officials to stop infiltration and prevenmt them from becoming corrupt. To take action they must present a report to the Emperor who will do as he sees fit.
4) To establish a Law the Emperor may simply Issue a Decree.
5) The Emperor has absolute political, social and economic powers over Bumeristan this Article may not be Amended.
6) All newspapers, TV & Radio stations are state owned and a Parliament is prohibited.
7) All Government posts are appointed by H.I.M.
8) Psychological training on Young recruits ensures absolute obediance to any order given by the Emperor.
9) The People of Bumeristan are free to pursue economic interests provided within Imperial Law.
10) The Dependent Territory of Tarnost is given full Independence save in matters of Defence and Foreign Policy.
11) Citizens of Bumeristan have no rights, Privelages or exemptions of any kind.
12) Members of the Imperial Family shall have the privelage of Tax Cuts and must ask the Emperor for permission to marry, divorce or leave the Country.
13) Bumeris are forbidden from travelling abroad.

These Articles may be Amended by Decree at any time.
30-04-2005, 17:53
1st Amendment to the Fundamental Laws

1) These Laws do not limit the power of the Emperor in any respect, but merely deal with procedure.

2) It is hereby forbidden to take part in Politics in Bumeristan.

3) The Bumeri people are to regard their lives as being in the Emperors hands and must obey him by all means possible.
05-05-2005, 13:05
International Genetic Technologies Ltd of Autocria, Bumeristan was founded in 1980 by John Hammond and Norman Atherton. At first InGen concentrated its efforts on cloning extinct animals like the Dodo. All its research and work was done in secret and as a result few Bumeris knew what was going on. It has recently become clear however that the dinosaur has been recreated using cloning techniques and ha been sold to the Governments of Tarnost and Bumeristan as National Animals. A couple of islands off the coast of Tarnost remain completely sealed off. At present InGen is working with the Imperial Government on the Clonetrooper project, which will create highly alert and trained super soldiers in vast numbers, incapable of disobeying an order from the Emperor or carrying it out to the best of their ability. InGen stands to make Billions of Golden Crowns from this project.
15-05-2005, 11:50
"A Dark room in the Imperial Palace"

What forces do we have available for an immediate invasion of Archiria asked the Emperor of the Generals crowded around the table. "Well your Majesty, we have the 2 million men of Army Groups C and D, but we will have to keep the Army Groups A and B to guard the Robinthian frontier. But within a week we can have 9 Army Groups of a million men each prepared to back up the preliminary intervention force." said Marshal Alexandrov the CIGS.

The Foreign Affairs Advisor spoke up next reminding the Emperor of the promise of 14,000 Tarnostite Troops for the operation. The Generals all shivered as von Schwarz the Head of the BIA spoke up, "We have many Agents in place in Archiria sir, as we were able to place them under the Regional Administration period. We should be able to subvert many Archirians and Robinthians with a fair bit of ease."

The Emperor smiled and addressed the table "Gentlemen if the Patriarch does not pull out of Archiria we will put our plans into action. Until we have a response from the Patriarch we will remain on Red Alert." He turned and swiftly strode off, confident of victory and the superiority of Bumeris to the pathetic Churchmen of Robinthia and Archiria.
15-05-2005, 13:57
The Patriarch sat, deep in the vaults of the Basilica - the War Room, watching news coverage from Archiria. Unnoticed around him, aids scurried about, analysing maps, troop positions and diplomatic channels. Behind him stood Alexi, overseeing the whole thing, and obviously ill at ease.

It had been relatively easy to capture the Royal Palaces in Archiria; with the King missing the whole country threatened to explode into violence, taking the rest of the region with it. Robinthia duly sent 90,000 men as part of the peace-keeper contingent, authorised by the President himself.
Tasked with maintaining stability in the western provinces, they travelled instead to the capital, aiding the Archirian arm of the Church to overthrow the weak, democratic government.
Not a single shot was fired as the Templar 1st Armour Division rolled in, the streets were deserted. Cpt. Mycea, head of operations in Archiria, formally took the surrender of the Prime Minister on the steps of the Palace.
All too easy.

But this was only the beginning. In the capital the populous may not have cared much for their King, having lived so close to the mad-man, but outside the city Church support dwindled, patriotism grew, and the Bumeri contingent roamed. There was no reason for those yokels to join the Emperor either, but the lure of gold and an assault rifle to the neck made for keen recruits.

Bumeristan would respond – of course – but there was time yet, the Emperor was busy flexing his muscles in front of the regional government: article this, statute that... Who was he to give ultimatums?
Yes, time enough to prepare and to act.

Still watching the screen, the Patriarch called, “Archbishop; proceed to the second stage.”
Alexi signalled to an aid, the nervous young man slid into a seat in front of the console and began typing a message.
Turning to the aid Rob continued, “Contact the Bumeri Ambassador, it is time they got their ultimatum.”

Time to act.
15-05-2005, 23:10
Robinthian Address to the Upper Chamber

Robinthia hereby withdraws from the regional government, with immediate effect. It is rotten to the core, spreading its corruption throughout the region.
Too long have the righteous suffered under our impetuous President, and would-be Overlord! It is HE who betrays the covenants made in the constitution.

The ‘Regional’ occupation of Haussauria and Archiria is nothing more than a sham, a Bumeri plot. We have liberated Archiria, to protect the faithful from the evils and corruption of the Emperor.

Any aggression against the Church, or those states under its protection - namely Robinthia, Archiria and Al-Capone - is an Act of War and shall be met with deadly force.

Furthermore we demand the immediate withdrawal of Bumeri forces from the sovereign state of Haussauria. If this is not done by 12:00 BST, 16 May 2005 the Church will be left with no choice but to intervene, and declare war on Bumeristan, and the despotic Emperor.

Patriarch Rob VIII, on behalf of the Church of Kalon
16-05-2005, 09:03
In response to the illegal acts of the Patriarch of the Church the Regional President has decided that Robinthia must be humbled and brought back to the Constitution which it has so degraded. The President therefore declares it legal for any power to rid Archiria of Robinthian troops. The President furthermore declares Patriarch Rob VIII an outlaw and a criminal. In order to stop the fighting from spreading to Kalon City the Kalon Guard will take up position around the Capital Territory and close the borders to all but refugees.

The Kalon Telegraph


Explosions were heard in the Archirian Capital as troops loyal to the old monarchy attempted to seize control of the Southern heights. A bombardment has been initiated of the city centre in order to clear the Robinthians from the streets. An Archirian spokesman said: "They'll certainly be a lot more holy after our bullets are through with them." "We will reclaim Archiria for Archirians and that means recapturing our capital from these terrible foreigners". Archirian Loyalists are reputedly in control of most of the countryside and if they are to regain control they must recapture the Capital which is a Rebel island in a sea of Loyalists. As yet no Bumeri troops have entered Archria, save the Administration detachment which are it is believed passing equipment to Loyalist troops. As yet no Bumeri intervention has occured, although huge troop movements have been reported on the Bumeri side of the border.

In other news both Tarnost and Haussauria are calling up reserves and mobilising reinforcements.

The Kalon Telegraph War Correspondant
16-05-2005, 12:57
(Because I can't post as Haussauria I have to post as Bumeristan instead.)

The people of Haussauria have requested the Regional Administrators to pursue annexation with Bumeristan. The referendum has returned a result of 100%of the 99.8% turnout in favour of annexation. Bumeri troops are here at Hassaurian request and it is up to us to decide when the Bumeris leave, not the Patriarch. We call on all Archirians and Robinthian Communists to rise up against corrupt and despotic regime of the Patriarch. Patriots of Archiria unite against the foreign aggressor! Our exiled King has promised his support and all Loyalists will be looked upon well by our glorious Regional President. Fight the oppressor and fight those Superstitious Robinthians in their ridiculous cassocks!

The Haussauria Standard
16-05-2005, 13:03
How are you gentlemen? We, The good people of the Church of Kalon, are forced to defend ourselves. We declare war on Bumeristan, to rid it of the evil Emperor, who for too long has held sway over this region. A warning to any who might be seduced by him, you are on the way to destruction!! Mighty are the blades of the righteous; God will be with us in Victory, you have no chance to survive, make your time!!

Surrounded by Templar paladins, the Free Press correspondant in Archiria stands at the central plaza of the Capital, half enveloped in smoke from the burning Palace. Behind her, the magnificent building is rent open, gutted by torrents of flame that dwarf the spindle-like towers, before they too collapse into the fire.

Shouting into the mic she reported; "Earlier today, terrorist insurgents launched a brutal attack on Archirian cities across the Southern Reaches. The Templar have been preparing for this backlash since their arrival.
"Initial reports indicate that they are holding, and casualties are low - fewer than 800, but it remains to be seen whether they can maintain control in the face of such a determined and relentless attack."

shhoow...Boom! Boom! Boom!

The air filled with broken glass as mortar rounds fall around them. The troops rush for positions, immediately returning fire, orange tracer streaming out, picking targets with rifle grenades to follow.

"Get indside!"

The cameraman is bundled into a cellar, the last footage is a young private, flopped against the wall like a discarded doll, blood pouring from his head.
16-05-2005, 13:23
On the Southern heights of the capital city Loyalist artillery and missiles continue to pound the Robinthian positions. We have barely been able to see Loyalist troops of the Archirian Army attacking Robinthian installations in the city throughout today. Although the Robinthians have put up a fierce fight it appears as if they have little in the way of heavy weaponry. This afternoon the airport was seized from the Templar Knights after Robinthian Tanks were drawn out under the artillery of Loyalist troops. Despite the Robinthians being pinned down and surrounded, there appears to be little chance of the Loyalists taking the city until they are reinforced from the countryside and their bases in the mountains.
16-05-2005, 14:03
As requested, details of the Church's Armed Forces.
As it is painfully obvious that we are vastly outnumbered, I'll go first. A few million more Bumeris won't make any difference: they have little or know training or equipment (I dare you to deny it!). Robinthian forces, on the other hand, are highly trained, have the best equipment and are well motovated.

Total manpower: 755,000 Pesonnel.

Military Units
Each Order of the Templar is a self contained unit, but each has a specialisation for the modern battlefield. trucks, land rovers etc. are not counted on this list
High Order Personal body guards to the Patriarch and his family, protecters of all Church property, keepers of sacred relics.
Troops: 10,000
Horses: 8,000

Archangels Air force.
Pesonnel: 41,000
Aircraft: 1900

Brotherhood of the wolf Elite special forces, covert ops.
Troops: 15,000
Aircraft: 20

St Gidea's Infantry and Armour
Troops: 110,000
Tanks: 2000
Artillary: 900

St Rob's Infantry and Armour
Troops: 104,000
Tanks: 2000
Artillary: 800

Tabernacle Infantry, includes paras
Troops: 122,000
Aircraft 100

Black hand Infantry; the twelth unit, slightly heretical by all accounts.
Troops: 88,000
Tanks: 100
Artillary: 1200

Military Support Units
St Iona's Naval fleet; Robinthia has no standing navy, but maintains a small merchant fleet during wartime.
Personnel: 4000
Vessels: 9 (container ships and fuel tankers)

White Rose Supply and Logistics; each Order has its own Logistics core, but these work with the Roses.
Personnel: 190,000

Star of Corianti Signals and comunications, reconnacance.
Personnel: 71,000

Civilian units, also considered Templar Orders
Inquizition Robinthian (secret) police force.
Officers: 1.2 Million, most part-time informants

St Mayre's Public health service, doctors, nurses etc.
Personnel: 250,000

These are not counted in the above total.
17-05-2005, 13:29
Imperial Army

Home Command Grand Marshal Stevens
Army Groups A,B,C,D,E
5 Million men (Including support staff=Inc)

Border Command Grand Marshal Nakimov
Army Groups F and G
2 Million men (Inc)

Earmarked for possible Foreign Operations
Army Groups H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R,S,T
13 million men (Inc)

Each Army Group consists of 9 Armies of 100,000 each. Usually comprising:
2 Tank Armies
1 Artillery Army
6 Infantry Armies

Imperial Air Force
Personnel: 800,000

Army/Fighter Support Command
3500 Fighter/Bomber Jets
800 Helicopter Gunships

Heavy Bomber Command
1000 Heavy Bombers

Anti Raider Command
1000 Jet Fighters
2000 AA missile batteries (Some not in operation)
5 High power radar stations. (Some in Tarnost)

Space Command

Assorted Spy Satellites
20 Heavy duty missile satellites.

Archirian Loyalists
36,000 Regular Troops
80,000 Guerillas
15 Helicopter Gunships
60 Fighter Jets
5 Gunboats.

Tarnost Defence Force
41,000 elite troops
25 Helicopter Gunships
8 Small Patrol Boats

Haussaurian Armed Forces [B]
10 million Front line Troops (Army Groups U,V,W,X,Y,Z,Lambda,Sigma,Omicron, Delta)
50 Fighter/Bomber Jets
6 Aircraft carriers
2 Heavy Cruisers
9 Destroyers
12 Frigates
28 assorted support ships.

Brut Contingent
Army Group Alpha (1 million men)
2 Light Carriers
6 Frigates
1500 IAF Jets

[B]Bumeri Forces in Archiria
XX, IV Corps: 48,000 Troops
6 Helicopters
8 AA batteries (2 per base)

Resistance is Futile!
17-05-2005, 18:46
The Emperor today appeared on the Kalite media to praise the continuing efforts of the Archirian Loyalists. "Soon their beloved country will be liberated by the force of their own arms against the puritannical Church forces" stated the Emperor. "A new day will come for Archiria and when it comes it will shine out the brighter and clearer in the shape of new peace and prosperity for Archirians. Hail Archirian Loyalists and their Valiant efforts" The Emperor then left the podium but returned several times to accept the adulation of the adoring Bumeri crowds.

The Imperial Trumpeter.
29-06-2005, 21:28
It was noted today by your Autocria Correspondant that Units of the elite Imperial Guard Corps have been sighted leaving the Capital under cover of darkness. The Imperial General Staff has been unavailable for comment. In a Kalon Telegraph exclusive we can also report that troops of the elite 56th Commando Regiment stationed near the Robinthian Frontier have been absent from thier base for some time. Your reporter can only guess where these troops have gone. Information has become increasingly hard to come by in recent months within Bumeristan and in two days Imperial Decree No 123,899 will come into effect. This bans all Foreign journalists from travelling outside of the capital and forbids them from talking to Bumeri Citizens who do not have a Media License from the IPA.

William Blantyre
Bumeristan Correspondant of the Kalon Telegraph.
03-07-2005, 11:49
Under growing pressure from certain Regional powers the Loyalists of Archiria have banded together to form the Alliance to Restore the Monarchy (ARM). This organisation will coordinate efforts at expelling Robinthian forces from our beloved homeland.
A Central Committee will govern the organisation and each Warlord will be represented. The Chairman will be Gilbert Babumo, a respected politician and the Vice Chairman will be W.H Drew, Bumeri Special Envoy. A Supreme Commander will coordinate Warlord offensives and the Central Committee will unite the Loyalists politically. The Emperor of Bumeristan has already recognised ARM as the rightful Government of Archiria and he hopes other powers will do the same. Mr Babumo today said "We hope that ARM's Foundation will be the first step on the path to freedom from those tyrannical, pillaging and greedy Churchmen. Our motto 'Freedom and Justice' is aimed at inspiring the average Archirian to Unite aginst the Foreign oppressor".
We conclude this announcement by singing the old Archirian National Anthem:

Archirians Unite!
Praise Our King's Might!
Victory His Right!
Driving away Plight!
Bringing New Light!

The Kalon Telegraph, Quoting an Official Announcement by the New ARM organisation.
20-07-2005, 01:47
St Gidea's Order are moving to their new base in Archira, to support troops from St Rob's already quelling the insurrection. The remaining strength of St Rob's not commited to operations in Archiria will move in to guard the western areas of the country, whilst St Gidea's will begin clearing the mountains of rebels.
Total Church presence in occupied Archiria: 294,000, including support units.
20-07-2005, 02:07
The first super-soldiers will soon be ready for combat, but our facilities have limited capacity. It will be years before we have a plentiful supply of mature clones.

Meanwhile there is a new recruitment drive in the Patriarchal States. Four new Templar Orders have been instigated for the cause. They are Telari; from Old Robinthia, Celest; from Southern Robinthia and Al-Capone, Samsonite; super-soldiers from Al-Capone and Mordicai; from Archiria.

Each Order aims to support 100,000 troops - current recruitment levels are promising:
Telari - 36,000; Mobile/rapid reaction force.
Celest - 70,000; Heavy armour.
Samsonite - 500; Elite++
Mordicai - no figure yet available; some recruits have been drafted to replenish other Orders; multirole.

It will be some time before these units are available due to the vast amount of training and dedication required by the Templar.

He's Back, minus the clichéd, melodramatic roleplay :^)
20-07-2005, 19:39
It was announced today by the Imperial General Staff that the Haussaurian contribution to the Imperial Army will be expanded to 5 million front line troops. Most of these will be supplied by InGen who have just concluded a contract with the Emperor. Front Line Capacity of the Brut Contingents will also we raised to just under 600,000 troops. It is also reported by sources in Autocria that Imperial Military Advisors are being moved across the border to assist in the defence of Loyalist bases and the 48,000 man Army Corps occupying the far East of the country is digging in. The arrival of the majority of the Imperial Navy in the Ports of Brut also seems to imply a major confrontation will soon take place.

It only remains for Kalites to see whether either the Patriarch or the Emperor are prepared to see sense and settle this conflict through negotiation.
Andrew Barr Military Correspondant of KBC.
20-07-2005, 23:51
CSM - "What have you got to say about rumours of industrial espionage?"

HF - "On behalf of all of the team I would like to unilaterally rebuke these outlandish claims. We will not tolerate such unsupported blasphamy!
"Just because our works were previously unpublished does not mean we are not capable. Clinical trials have already passed peer review (within the church, of course) and I must say we are most impressed with the work of our associates in Al-Capone."

CSM - "Can you give us any details on these 'super-soldiers'?"

HF - "The product of years of research, these new clones are vastly superior to the unclean Tarnost rabble in their cognative and logic skills, which gives them a clear advantage on the battlefield."

CSM - "What are your future plans?"

HF - "At the moment we aim to have 200,000 troops within 15 years. Also, we are exploring the possibilities of hormone therapy to improve growth rates."

CSM - "You haven't said anything on civilian applications..."

HF - "Without going into details, the process is rather expensive, about 20 million indulgences per batch of 1000 troops. This compares to 100 thousand indulgences allocated to train the same number of Templar. Cloned miners and factory workers are some way off yet, but we remain convinced that this is a sound investment."

CSM - "One last thing - are there any other projects on the horizon?"

HF - "We are at a turning point in our understanding of medical science. There are many wonderous things being revealed by the grace of God but I'm afraid I can't say anything more."

So sue me! You won't find anything... incriminating.
22-07-2005, 01:05
Ecthelion International Airport, Kalon City.

6:15 am
The port is nearly deserted but in a couple of hours it will be bustling - the morning rush hour in the only neutral ground; planes into and out of the Empire, Provinces, Patriarchal States and Wiggledom.
A decidedly average looking man looks around the waiting lounge of terminal three. Eyeing a prime spot, he seats himself under the air conditioner, opens his briefcase and removes a packet of sandwiches and a newspaper.
With practised ease he tears open the packet and places it on the vacant seat next to him.
He pauses for a moment to contemplate the vaguely melodious generic metro-pop wafting from unseen speakers before unfolding his paper.

“Cancelled?” he had asked.
“I'm afraid so, sir. Their Air Traffic Control system crashed” The cheery clerk replied. Too cheery, given the hour. She had had a pretty face, he recalled – not that it would matter now.
“What about AQ International; I could catch a train back.” A show, he knew, but you have to play the part.
“Also cancelled – it's the same all over: no flights into or out of the Patriarchal States. I'm afraid you'll have to wait.”

People start to arrive; slowly at first, like the drizzle before a heavy shower. Commuters, businessmen, holiday makers – this place is a hub for comings and goings – nothing stays and nothing changes. A brief farewell, a cherished greeting and then they're off.
Our man checks his watch. Seven o'clock.
“Twenty across: 'Gather round and be abundant, 4'” He murmurs.
T-E-E-M. The finished crossword is discarded, complete and now useless – how ironic, given his present situation. He puts the paper down on the seat, next to the long forgotten sandwiches and stands, picking up his briefcase.
“Right.” he says out loud, as if to resolve himself, and walks out of the terminal.

He goes to the carpark,
goes to his car,
lets himself in,
opens the glovebox,
pulls out a handgun,
puts it to his head...

His last thought is “Better this way...”
22-07-2005, 09:21
In a swift and decisive attack Elite Imperial Navy Marines have occupied Muhammed Island off the Coast of Kalon. An IGS spokesman said "We are claiming this island on behalf of the Regional Government, although for the time it will remain under Military Administration". Unconfirmed reports state that a small convoy of cargo ships with sealed holds has arrived at the island.

The Kalon Telegraph
22-07-2005, 17:15
The scene is repeated in a hundred locations throughout your cities. Unwittingly the people disperse this curse to the four corners of the Empire.

Deserts cannot halt the disease when it is aready rife in the cities, like wildfire it will clense the earth.

After a week they will fall ill, but in the meantime they have been continuing with their normal lives - how many people do you meet in a week?

In three weeks 75% of those infected will die.

The plague will soon reach pandemic proportions through the offices, stations, restuarants, cinemas and homes.

There is no cure. There is no vaccine.


Dispite best efforts to prevent the spread of the virus (no, not 'bird flu' but an engineered influenza strain) to Church lands, it was impossible to seal off borders before the first cases were identified in Bumeristan without raising suspicions.

Current death toll:
Robinthia: 2.450 million
Al-Capone: 97 thousand
Archiria: approx. 6 million, exact figures unavailable.
22-07-2005, 19:03

In a "swift and decisive" response Templar Archangels from the small airbase on Tiger Island bomb the uninhabited 20 acre lump of rock. I would also like to point out that this was the site of the original (failed) Robinthian atom bomb tests and has been out-of-bounds for the last 30 years*.

* 3 months ago real time
22-07-2005, 19:35
Internal IGS Memo

The Facilities on the Island have been damaged and construction of missile silos has been delayed. Casualties were minimal as bunkers had already been completed. Construction work will resume within the next few hours. Additional AA Missiles will soon be deployed by the occupying force.
22-07-2005, 23:33
Muhammed Island:
Archangels are redirected to attack and sink as many Imperial ships as possible as they shuffle around the reefs and shoals. 2000 Wolves in full ArtTac gear paradrop onto the island to direct guided missiles from Tiger base into hastily bodged Bumeri scrapes, with nerve gas and machine gun fire to clean up those who stumble out of these hovels.

In any case, anyone on the isle for more than a couple of hours is fried - radiation poisoning is not a pretty way to die.

Tarnost: (yes, thats right)
In a surprise attack, Templar Black Hands roll through southern Tarnost in a three pronged attack - east, south and west - backed up by air bombardment. The objective is simple: raze everything.

Robinthia: entering a state of Total War.

Robinthia has the largest economy in the region, with highly automated manufacturing industies and producing more than enough food (which will no longer be exported to the barren deserts of central Bumeristan).

120 Auxilary cores, with less rigorous training than the Templar, are formed.
Not employed since the collapse of the People's Republic, these units each consist of 100,000 volunteer men and women from anywhere within the Patriarch's domain. I wish to emphasize that they are not cannon fodder, their faith and dedication sets them apart from their lowly Imperial counterparts as a superior force.

St Rob's continues to be recalled to the west of the country, whilst St Gidea's assume their duties in the troubled east; continuing to pound the rebels.
23-07-2005, 19:13
7 Imperial Army Groups totalling 7 million men have crossed into Tarnost to defend the Province from attack. They will join the TDF who are retreating from the Robinthian attack. Air strikes have already commenced on leading Robinthian Columns. It is reported that the Robinthian Templars will not have had the time to advance far beyond the Heavily Fortified Military Frontier Zone.

Imperial Troops have also been withdrawn from Mu island after suffering heavy losses of men and equipment. An offensive has already begun in Eastern Archiria driving the Troops of St Gidea's from the Eastern Provinces aided by Army Group W from Haussauria. Artillery Fire has been exchanged by Bumeri and Robinthian Border posts and it is reported that Imperial Warplanes have begun to carpet bomb Al-Capone.

Imperial Intelligence Agency Report for the Emperor.
23-07-2005, 19:23
It is noted with some sceptacism by the IPA that Robinthia is the biggest economy in the Region as it is noticeable that Robinthia always comes 2nd place to Bumeristan in the Economic Regional Rating. The truth is clear: The Empire has the strongest economy in all Kalon as will become clear by our ability to wage total war.

The IPA will also confirm that throughout the Entire Empire figures of deaths for the pandemic have not risen above 20 million. Most deaths come from the poor and have not affected the Imperial Economy in a serious way.

Imperial Troops as we have stated before are trained from the age of 4 for the Military and are more than a match for any unfit Robinthian conscript. Imperial Military Strength is soon to be augmented by the raising of the First Brut Army Group of 1 million men and the expansion by another five Army Groups of the Haussaurian contingent.

We warn all Robinthian citizens: Overthrow your Patriarch or soon you will feel the wrath of the Emperor.
04-08-2005, 12:09
An Imperial Blockade has been instituted to cut off Robinthian Forces from their homecountry. The Imperial Navy has taken position off the Robinthian Coast and has already captured two Robinthian supply ships. The Imperial Air Force has also moved into action with the shooting down of several Hercules Supply Aircraft over Tarnost. With the recapture of Southern Tarnost imminent Robinthian troops will soon be entirely cut off in a hostile country with a Bumeri invasion already underway to support the ARM.

The Kalon Telegraph.
15-08-2005, 18:35
The beginnings of the Bumeri people are shrouded in obscurity, but it is known that they were a Nomadic people of the Great Northern Desert and were governed by their own Chieftains. They were fiercely independent, loyal and excellent warriors and were therefore able to preserve their traditions and self-rule.

This changed with the arrival of the First High King of Kalon, Antarius the Great. His conquest of Kalon was complete save for the fierce people of the desert. Antarius was well aware that although he had vast armies at his disposal he would never be able to pin down the agile and cunning Bumeris. Antarius therefore challenged the Chieftain of the Bumeris, Gurzab to a duel which would determine the future of the Bumeri people. If Antarius won the Bumeris would become his subjects, if Gurzab won the High King would depart with his armies and leave the Bumeris in peace. The fight which followed was long and fierce and was finally ended by the High King throwing a boulder which broke Gurzab’s neck. Antarius was scarred but the victor and the Bumeris swore allegiance to him and the High Kingdom.

Throughout the High Kingdom Bumeris served as elite members of the High Guard and of the Army and were often chosen for their ruthlessness and loyalty to the High King. With the collapse of the High Kingdom and the death of High King Tarcilius owing to the machinations of Rob the Bad, Margrave of Inthia, the Bumeris offered their allegiance to Blathek, only surviving member of the High King’s family after the Massacre of The Filian Fields. Blathek was a ruthless man and quickly saw the opportunity provided by ruling the nomads. Blathek assumed sovereignty over the Bumeris and proclaimed himself their First Emperor. Blathek was able to use the military skill of the Bumeris to obtain the submission of the Feudal Lords who ruled the fertile north coast, which was where he built his capital. In old age Blathek and his son Raas I attempted to destroy the fledgling state of Robinthia, but they were repelled by the armies of Rob (II) the Truculent.

The Emperor’s continued to modernise Bumeristan and strengthen their power until the process of industrialisation and modernisation came to a head 1300 years after the death of Blathek. The Emperor Henry was the only child of the Emperor Francis II, when he ascended the throne he was met by open rebellion on the part of the Bumeri nomads. The Imperial Army was unable to suppress these risings in the desert and Henry was forced to grant the Edict of Alcazaba which granted self government to the tribesmen.
Emperor Ecthelion XIII was determined to destroy the tribesmen’s resistance and was able to take steps towards destroying the nomadic way of life. It was Emperor Ecthelion XIV (The Victorious) who was finally able to revoke the Edict and force the tribesmen to adopt a settled and modern way of life. The Imperial Police and military used harsh methods to impose control but loyalty to the Emperor was always strong amoung the desert peoples and they put up less resistance after a tribal meeting conferred divine status on the Emperor’s person. Ecthelion XIV begun to centralise all power in Bumeristan into the Imperial Court and it was he who begun to lay the foundations of the totalitarian state.

Under the present Emperor Bumeristan has grown into a mighty Empire with foreign provinces and all power resting in H.I.M.’s hands. Bumeris revere the monarchy as they have always done and all Imperial Citizens look forward to celebrating 1000 years of the Imperial Dynasty and will eagerly follow any course the Emperor sets.

All Hail The Empire and its Sovereign!
02-11-2005, 16:49
The Archirian Capital is once again being torn apart by war. With few buildings left standing in the once glorious city after the Church-Empire war the few remaining structures are once again under fire from besieging Imperial Artillery. The country is once again being torn apart by ARM and its Imperial backer and the new Communist Rebels.

A Square in Archiria's 2nd City near the coast. A rally is being held at which the General Secretary and Politburo of the Archirian People's Party (APP) who form the Government are attending in order to stir up support for the cause of their revolution. The crowd are cheering the GS when suddenly a whooshing noise is heard, moments later the entire podium is blown to smithareens, when the smoke clears, the Archirian Politburo is no more than a mass of groaning bodies.
02-11-2005, 21:24
The Prince Regent has been recognised but the Regional Government still requires an open agreement to the Constitution in order to rejoin the Regional Parliament.

In other news historians have discovered that the Emperor of Bumeristan does in fact have the lawful right to rule his country and people. A document has been found buried in the Imperial Archives which granted the Emperor Blathek the title of Sebastocrator (Governor) of Bumeristan by the Last Kalite High King. This means that H.I.M is the only lawful monarch within Kalon, deriving his authority direct from the ancient and august High Kingdom itself.

The Kalon Telegraph.

As you should be aware, Robinthia was a group of independant nations BEFORE the founding of the High Kingdom. The Line Of The Princes comes from the earliest clan chiefs.

Furthermore, The Prince Regent, Rob X, is decended from the High Royal Family.
Records state:
... whilst Robinthia was founded by a distant cousin [of the High King]."

His lineage have ruled Robinthia for a millenia since (it's even named after his ancestor Rob I), as Prince, King or Patriarch in an unbroken line.

Be careful with your history.

Wiggledom is listed as a "break-away state" in the same document, indicating Wiggle self rule.

Be it noted that His Holiness the Patriarch has been rendered without a state by recent uprisings in Robinthia. Owing to outrages heaped on His August Majesty the Emperor in the past, The Regional President hereby issues Executive order No12 requiring the immediate removal of the said Patriarch from the Patriarchal Palace in the KCT. Instructions have been issued to the Commissioners Administering the Territory to deny, electricity and running water to the Palace until the Patriarch has left the Territory.

The President hopes that this shows to the Communist bloc his friendship towards them by removing their former oppressor from Regional Territory.

The Patriarch has already abdicated, is currently in hiding, and - subject to their approval - is also currently seeking political asylum in Wiggledom.

If you read the constitution, the position of Patriarch is bestowed upon the State elected, not an individual from that state.

Therefore The Prince Regent claims the position as head-of-state of Robinthia.

2 b ii) The Regional Government has authority over the governance of the region [Kalon Capital Territory] and the guard.

The president has no authority to deny ammenities to any persons in the KCT. This is unlawful and a bit silly.

The Archirian Capital is once again being torn apart by war. With few buildings left standing in the once glorious city after the Church-Empire war the few remaining structures are once again under fire from besieging Imperial Artillery. The country is once again being torn apart by ARM and its Imperial backer and the new Communist Rebels.

A Square in Archiria's 2nd City near the coast. A rally is being held at which the General Secretary and Politburo of the Archirian People's Party (APP) who form the Government are attending in order to stir up support for the cause of their revolution. The crowd are cheering the GS when suddenly a whooshing noise is heard, moments later the entire podium is blown to smithareens, when the smoke clears, the Archirian Politburo is no more than a mass of groaning bodies.

Err... what?

You've just extended your friendship to them on the regional board, now I read that a couple an hour later you magically blew them all up! What meeting? What Party? WTF

The real issue is that you can't just attack other states in the region without mandate from the regional government and you can't issue "exectutive orders" without vote in the regional government.

What the hell are you doing?!

I call an emergency motion to impeach The President immediately!
03-11-2005, 00:15
This attack on Archiria is not illegal as I am attacking the leadership of the country and not the state itself. Legal authorisation is not required. In addition Imperial troops have been present in Archiria since the demise of King Christopher who bequeathed all his domains to the Emperor. Imperial operations in Archiria are considered legitimate by International and Regional Law and we will not be held answerable. As for this twist in Imperial policy, we like to keep our options open.
03-11-2005, 00:19
In accordance with the Constitution:
The Regional Government has authority over the governance of the region [Kalon Capital Territory] and the guard.

As Executive Head of the Regional Government the President has perfect right to issue Executive Orders for its governance, as its governance is an executive day to day matter rather than a legislative issue. The denial of electricity and water to the former Patriarch is within his authority owing to the vagueness of the constitution, but may be overturned by a vote in Parliament. With the new Federal Constitution which the President is promulgating this mess will be entirely avoided by putting limits on everyone's power.

The President of Kalon.
03-11-2005, 11:23
i will post for archiria as the motherland and because they cannot post (maybe someone blew them all up!!).

as the chief judge i say we should get rid of bumeristan as president lets vote!

i vote YES and archiria vote YES to.
03-11-2005, 12:03
The motion has been proposed and seconded. Normally a ballot would follow - under the direction of the President - but I guess that is out of the window.

Robinthia votes YES also.

Using the established PR system, the seats are allocated as follows:

Robinthia: 169
Bumeristan: 165
Wiggledom: 157
Tarnost: 142
Archiria: 140
Al-Capone: 136
Brut: 112

Current vote totals: (updated 1315 3/11/2005)

YES: 445
Robinthia, Archiria, Al-Capone

NO: 419
Bumeristan, Tarnost, Brut

Not Voted:

Voting ends 1100 5/11/2005 (48 hours)
03-11-2005, 13:37
My victory is already assured:

vi) These positions are separately elected by first; a 3/4 majority vote in favour of changing the commissioner then second; a majority vote for the new commissioner from the Outer Circle. Candidates must be seconded by another state's representative or existing commisioner.

Paragraph v refers to the Regional President so therefore it needs a 3/4 majority vote to change him. A 3/4 Majority vote means 825 votes for and even with Wiggledom voting with you, you will only reach 602 votes.

The Empire hereby casts its 419 votes against this motion to remove the President and consigns it to the dustbin of Kalite History.
03-11-2005, 14:21
The articles you cite refer to the normal election process. This is not the case; you are being impeached for grave misconduct and abuse of power.
I argue that there is no precendent for this event outlined in the constitution and simple majority is the only fair decider.

Lets take this to the courts - would the Chief Justice please give a ruling?
03-11-2005, 15:08
There is no such thing as impeachment as the Constitution does not mention it at all. The ONLY way to change the Regional President is to vote to change him with a 3/4 majority. The constitution is at least clear if nowehere else on this point.
03-11-2005, 15:15
I deny all the charges that the Robinthians are making. The President has always acted within the limits set by the Constitution and he also points out that his having to freqently interpret the document through the Regional Department of Constitutional Affairs is the fault of the vaguenness of the constitution. The document itself does not forbid the President from acting with self interest nor does any subsequent law. The President is therefore guilty only of moral rather than legal wrongdoing and this is not a good enough case for his removal. The President again reiterates the fact that there is no such thing as an impeachment process and he may only be removed by a 3/4 Majority vote. The constitution also states that the Justices including the Chief Justice are appointed by the President and confirmed by the Parliament. I have appointed no Justices as yet, weightier matters being on my mind and therefore the Supreme Court and its Chief Justice do not yet exist.
03-11-2005, 15:18
the Chief JUstice rules with robinthia.

what happen if President goes crazy and attack everyone?! :eek: we must be able to get rid of him.

you can vote if you agree with me or not but we still have more votes than you.:p
03-11-2005, 15:46
"No legal wrongdoing"? You launched a military attack on Archiria! Constitutional vagueness aside; that is clearly dissallowed.
You had no mandate from the council, nor have the regional government ever voted to give you 'emergency powers'.
Do not lecture us on morals when you are in danger of facing a tribunal!

Vote II
Same procedure as above.
Current vote totals: (updated 2130 3/11/2005)

For "Simple Majority For Impeachment" ruling: 445
Commissioner is impeached if they obtain less than half of votes cast.
Robinthia, Archiria, Al-Capone

Against "Simple Majority For Impeachment" ruling: 419
Commissioner is impeached if they obtain less than one quarter of votes cast.
Bumeristan, Tarnost, Brut

Not Voted:

Voting ends 1445 5/11/2005 (48 hours)
This will run alongside the existing vote; the former will not be decided until voting closes on this motion.
03-11-2005, 15:56
Archiria was elected as Chief Justice in May 2005, and has remained in that position ever since. During the period of joint administration, the duties of Chief Justice were suspended, but no motion was passed to remove Archiria from office.
As for not appointing anyone (i.e. the 9 judges); well the Chief Justice must preside alone then.
03-11-2005, 17:38
The Emperor hereby casts all the votes of his states aginst this motion.

The President would also like to point out that he has a full Constitutional right to attack Archiria. The Regional Joint Administration was overthrown and the President therefore had an automatic mandate, as a member state violated the Regional Government's authority and his role is to protect the Regional Government's interests. Furthermore the Regional Government has never recognised any Archirian Government since the usurpation of its authority, the Emperor has therefore been acting in the interests of the Regional Government. The Regional Government does not recognise the current legality of the Archirian state and so therefore the Emperor's action cannot be seen as illegal in Regional law.
03-11-2005, 22:40
The Emperor hereby casts all the votes of his states aginst this motion.

The President would also like to point out that he has a full Constitutional right to attack Archiria. The Regional Joint Administration was overthrown and the President therefore had an automatic mandate, as a member state violated the Regional Government's authority and his role is to protect the Regional Government's interests.
Whilst the actions of our previous regime are not in dispute, there is no such thing as "an automatic mandate".

Furthermore the Regional Government has never recognised any Archirian Government since the usurpation of its authority, the Emperor has therefore been acting in the interests of the Regional Government. The Regional Government does not recognise the current legality of the Archirian state and so therefore the Emperor's action cannot be seen as illegal in Regional law.
Al-Capone recognises it, as do I. You have given recognition to Post-Patriarchal Robinthia, so then Archiria is given de facto recognition.
Tellingly, in previous posts, you state you acted soley in your own interest - now you reverse that.
04-11-2005, 14:58
Its a very hard job trying to constantly differentiate Imperial and Regional interests. They're very hard to keep apart. The Regional Government recognises the Governments of all nations in Kalon EXCEPT Archiria, as the Regional Government claims that it has given no mandate to end the Regional Administration which should be in force in said State. The Regional Government will therefore have nothing to do with Archiria until its authority is restored. Furthermore the Regional President will bring to the vote a measure to remove Archirian Delegates from the Parliament to be restored when Regional Administration is also restored.
05-11-2005, 13:53
Voting on "Impeach the President" has ended.
Yes: 445
No: 419

Interpretation of results rests on the second motion.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Remember, remember the fifth of November
The gunpowder treason and plot.
I see no reason why gunpowder treason
Should ever be forgot.

Guy Fawkes, twas his intent
To blow up king and parliament.
Three score barrels were laid below
To prove old England's overthrow.

By God's mercy he was catched
With a dark lantern and lighted match.
Holler boys, holler boys, let the bells ring
Holler boys, holler boys, God save the King.
Not all terrorists are Muslum.
05-11-2005, 19:19
"Simple Majority For Impeachment" passes 445 to 419, becoming law.
"Impeach the President" therefore also passes 445 to 419.

The Emperor is ordered to remove himself and all his staff from the Presidential Palace immediately. The Founder (moi) will lead the interim government until candidates can be selected for presidential election.

Be warned: I will be consulting my allies as to what further action should be taken against the Emperor.
05-11-2005, 20:03
The Regional President would like to point out that the motion calling for the abil;ity to impeach the President by a simple majority was not passed as it required a 3/4 majority to enable it to pass. With the abstention of Wiggledom and the vote being 445 to 419 this vote has Not repeat not reached the majority required.
The Regional President therefore will not leave the Presidential Palace and the Kalon Guard have taken up position to guard the Palace against those who attempt to remove him. The Regional Parliament is hereby ordered to dissolve pending elections and the Kalon Capital Territory's borders with Robinthia are to be immediately sealed by Police to prevent illegal applications of force.

60 Battalions of Imperial Infantry (60,000 men) supported by the IAF are preparing to cross the Imperial border into Archiria and preparations are being made to support this with a further deployment of 15 Army Groups (15 million men). The Force is with us
All Hail the Emperor!
06-11-2005, 02:25
You've been impeached - you have no control over the Kalon Guard, it is a multinational peace keeping force. I don't see the Robinthian, Wiggle or native contingents having any particular affinity to you after the Bumeri airforce carpet bombed most of the city last time around.
They have taken up positions around the palace to storm it and place you in custody.

Remove your forces from Archiria immediately or they're going in.

Please remember that KC is neutral territory and any attempt to enter the city will be met with deadly force.
The police have sealed off all the borders to prevent infiltration.

I've taken the liberty of mobilising 1000 battalions to the KC border in case Bumeri forces should attempt to cross the border, and Robinthian artillary and AA is easily in range.
06-11-2005, 12:38
OOC The above post has been modified as it is Godmodding. 'Falls down on the ground and tears his robes into sackcloth in repentance.'

The Regional President after all due consideration of the Constitution would like to point out that the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court may not make a ruling which is contrary to what the constitution says, this is Illegal. In addition the Chief Justice was never elected as the Constitution says that there shall be 9 Justices in the SC including the Chief Justice. As all Justices are therefore appointed by the President and he has appointed none. The Head of the Archirian state cannot claim to be Chief Justice of Kalon because the President has never appointed him as such. The Prince Regent states he was elected, constitutionally this is impossible and therefore all rulings by this so called Chief Justice are null and void.

The Regional President by the powers Constitutionally vested in him hereby appoints the Lord High Wiggle as Chief Justice of Kalon, in the interest of Unbiased judgements and to compensate him for the loss of the UN Delegateship. This appointment will be submitted for ratification to the Parliament once it is recalled following elections.
06-11-2005, 12:45
The Emperor would like to point out that he has never carpet bombed Kalon City, if you look on the forums it was Al-Capone that H.I.M. was bombing. The Emperor has always and will always respect the Territorial inviobility of Kalon City. The Emperor would also like to indicate to the Prince Regent of Robinthia that the multinational element of the Kalon Guard has been toned down and has been replaced mainly by Imperial soldiers drafted into the Guard and native inhabitants who back their President. The President is not foolish enough to permit his enemies to comprise part of the only military force allowed in Kalon City. As for the Capital Territory Police some remain loyal, the remainder, well their betrayal will be dealt with.
06-11-2005, 14:23
The Emperor would like to point out that he has never carpet bombed Kalon City, if you look on the forums it was Al-Capone that H.I.M. was bombing.
This is why I have always advocated the use of the forum over the regional board.
If you recall correctly, you will remember the capital territory was briefly a separate entity under "Joint Administration" until you changed the password, leaving it to die. Your explanation on the regional message board was something to the effect of "bombing it off the map".

The Emperor has always and will always respect the Territorial inviobility of Kalon City.
See above.

The Emperor would also like to indicate to the Prince Regent of Robinthia that the multinational element of the Kalon Guard has been toned down and has been replaced mainly by Imperial soldiers drafted into the Guard and native inhabitants who back their President. The President is not foolish enough to permit his enemies to comprise part of the only military force allowed in Kalon City. As for the Capital Territory Police some remain loyal, the remainder, well their betrayal will be dealt with.
Impossible. Imperial troops can comprise no more than 1/3 of the Guard, with Wiggles and Robinthians making up the other 2/3.
Do not forget that the KG were also tasked with protecting the Basilica, Patriarchal Palace and other regional buildings - it is unthinkable that Bumeris should guard sacred ground. The Robinthian contingent are High Order Templar, effectively the only Templar unit still active.
06-11-2005, 14:40
The air is filled with the sound of sporadic gunfire and blearing sirens. The police have orders to round up any rebels. In the midst, the Palace is eerily calm.

A megaphone whines; "We have you surrounded, lay down your weapons and come out with your hands up."

The tall windows of the Presidential Palace are dark and unbroken, the occasional glint betraying rebel troops hiding within.

Marksmen line the windows of nearby buildings, a line of APCs span the square. Helecopters circle the grand building. All are waiting.

"There is no escape, surrender your arms and come out."
06-11-2005, 15:37
The Chief Justice may not simply overrule which ever parts of the Constitution which do not please him, he must make unbiased decisions based on legal fact. The Acting Chief Justice's decision cannot have any legal force as it goes against the Constitution and he was never legally appointed..

Inside the Palace
The atmosphere is sombre inside the Palace with the President walking up and down inside the large underground bunker beneath the Palace. 'Your Imperial Majesty it would be best if you were to leave for Autocria under cover of darkness there you would be able to rally support...'. 'No', cut off the President, 'I will not leave this Palace we have enough food and provisions to withstand a siege and our troops are well entrenched in the Palace, this bunker should be impregnable to all forms of attack. I will remain and follow the example of Mr Arafat, they do not dare demolish the building and soon public opinion will spread my way'. 'Mr President the Wiggles in the Kalon Guard remain loyal to you and we are currently holding the Parliament and Department of Internal Affairs buildings, we should be able to reassert control over the City fairly soon', grunted General O'Connor GOC Kalon Guard.

'Several streets away'
Civilians are gathering on the streets angrily muttering, on their shoulders are hoisted portraits of the President and banners reading down with traitors are raised. The Crowds begin to make their way towards the Government District.

OOC: The Destruction of Kalon City by the Death Star was a joke as you remarked on at the time.
06-11-2005, 15:41
The Commissioners for the Administration of the Kalon Capital Territory deplore the current break down of Law and order which has occured in the Territory which they are entrusted by the Regional Government to administer. All Capital Territory Police are to return to their stations by the end of the day and are to cease to play any active role in the Governmental Dispute. Failure of the Police force to comply will lead to us to appeal to Wiggledom as the Guarantor of the Capital Territory to apply martial law to the City and its environs.

Jointly issued by the Prince Ecthelion and Count Caractacus von Wiggle.
07-11-2005, 12:54
Grr. Why do the wiggles support you? Where is the Lord High Wiggle? Why so you always assume the support of anyone not around to contradict you?

LHW himself has disowned 'Count Caractacus von Wiggle' as a figment of your immagination. Don't speak for other people!

Outside the palace
The commander ducks as a stone flies over his head.

"Sergeant, Get these people out of here!"

The sergeant climbs on to the APC and addresses the crowd. The Riot Act echos over the megaphone. The APC's watercannon is still trained on the crowd.

It is clear now that there are two distinct groups.
A double line of police stand between the troops and the crowds, a riot could break out any minute.
In one group, some are carying flags and pictures of the President. Many of these have been set on fire. The banners read "Get lost!".
In the other, "Down with traitors!". They're already throwing stones at the police and the first group.

The sergeant jumps down and glances to the Palace.

"I don't think they're coming out, sir."

"I don't want a massacre, There are too many witnesses. We'll have to flush them out."

The commander considers for a moment, "Gas 'em. They'll come out - just don't fire until they do; we're not taking the rap for this.

The sergeant flicks on his radio and begins relaying the order to the sections.


A line of tear gas canisters pierce the top floor windows from all sides. The glass is still falling as the next volley smash through on the next floor, and so on, cascading to the ground floor.
07-11-2005, 16:32
A harassed looking aid runs through the massive 40 metre thick blast doors at the entrance to the underground bunker. "General they're firing gas into the stae rooms and offices, our soldiers should be alright as we have gas masks, but visibility has become a problem and several of the Raphaels in the Regional art collection have been damaged by soot". General O'Connor smiled grimly "In which case fire the flare guns into the square and aim specifically for the points from which the tear gas in being fired". So saying he pressed a red button next to him immediately the huge doors of the bunker began to close in order to isolate the President and his staff from the tear gas above, in addition thick steel security shutters slid into place covering all the ground floor openings of the Palace.
07-11-2005, 22:33
40 metre thick door? You do know that castle walls are only about 5 metres thick, often much less.

What's it made of - reinforced concrete?

Concrete weighs 2300 kg/m3
A regular-sized door of the stuff would weigh 132 thousand tonnes - not including reinforcement (steel is 7850 kg/m3, much heavier).

Is it horizontal? It would be 12 storeys high!

That is the funniest thing I've heard today.
07-11-2005, 23:10
Red flares stream out across the square. Through the smoke it is impossible to see where they came - or where they are headed.
Several strike the crowd and they are sent panicing, screaming and tumbling over each other. The liquid sea of bodies overflows the police cordon and colides with the other group.


The noise is deafening. Troops on the ground open fire with machine guns and rockets from all sides whilst the helecopters unleash a rain of missiles and cannon fire on the upper stories.

The roof of the west wing is torn apart with a great rush of flame as the building is consumed.
Now ther watercannon are turned toward the Palace, below a pillar of black smoke and white steam.

"Go, go, go!"

An APC smashes straight through the doors, bringing down much of the fascia and columns.

Inside, visibility is zero. The clearance teams stumble over wreckage and bodies through the smoke.

The harsh bang of a grenade in the next room.

"Room clear! Exits front, right!"

"Wallis, Harper - go right."

Bang! Then a slew of fire across the room.

Harper calls back; "Room clear, two dead, window front! Shi-"

Another spat of fire. "Three dead!"
08-11-2005, 20:38
'Pie in face you're posting on the wrong forum.' The door does not open vertically, it opens from the side and is made of steel with an asbestos core.

As the smoke clears in the Presidential Palace the staterooms are in ruins, but the building is tough and shows no signs of collapse. Kalon Guard soldiers smile to themselves as their enemies celebrate below. The commander smiles as he pulls out a red button and presses the switch. A huge exposion rocks the lower floors, "Come on boys, lets give them hell" Troops from the top floors pore down the staircases and troops from the basement advance upstairs, trapping the dazed rebels in between them.
08-11-2005, 22:20
'Pie in face you're posting on the wrong forum.' The door does not open vertically, it opens from the side and is made of steel with an asbestos core.
Where else am I going to post this but in the forum? It's not an announcement. It's not spam. If I TG'd you I'd get no reasoned response.

Questions about the bunker
How big are the walls? - 40m at least to be effective.
How big is it inside? - enough for the President, general staff, thousands of troops and their supplies if as you make out.
Could you give me some details of the 'steel and asbestos' construction. It might be useful for my course. :rolleyes:

I'm guessing you didn't really think it through, and I love picking you up on these, but I'm just going to glaze over the whole "secret bunker bigger than the building" thing. You exaggerate to such extremes. Two pies in your face.

I'll use this to give myself a little leeway. ARTAC units advance! Fire the ion cannons! :D
10-11-2005, 19:48
Originally developed for the Templar, the ARTAC unit is an armoured articulated suit, some 2m tall and fully encasing the occupant in bulky composite plating. Under this, a steel exoskeleton supports the suit and equipment and augments movement using hydraulics. The system is powered by a petrol engine (1 hour use), but fuel cells are in development. Complex on-board systems react to the wearers movements to articulate the suit, with pre-emptive optimizations for common tasks such as walking and running, as well as assisting with targeting. The arms are reasonable dexterous enabling natural use, but without tactile feedback fine manipulation is difficult. Troopers normally carry a modified, chain fed GPMG, but the suit is extremely versatile, manoeuvrable and durable. Only Templar units have the extensive training required to operate ARTAC suits.

They have never before been deployed, due to prohibitive cost – but capturing The President is a worthy cause, don't you think?
10-11-2005, 20:09
Bumeri guardsmen crawl up through the wreckage like insects.


The clearance teams form an ordered retreat from the building, clearing the way for the heavies.
Outside the ARTAC teams are unloaded and suited up. 500 in all.

With short clipped commands they turn and advance on the building in pairs, not breaking step as they crash through the ground floor windows.

Inside once again, Alex - or 'TA-01' - switches her augmented vision to thermal and pinpoints a rebel. Legs automatically braced she fires off a dozen rounds through his chest with deadly accuracy.

The 'conventional' troops follow up behind with fuel, ammunition and welding equipment.
11-11-2005, 17:17
Kalon Guard troops smile to themselves as they see the huge lumbering Artacs advancing into the building. Allowing the Artacs to pass through the first line unmolested they are met by troops bearing heavy water cannons, the powerful jets of water blow over the troops leaving them helpless in their bulky armour on the ground, where soldiers push spiked grenades into their armour plating and run for cover. The First line soldiers meanwhile swamp the following soldiers with machine gun fire, forcing them to withdraw from their tanks.

OOC: 'I love picking you up on these points', These exoskelatons would be massively heavy hence the simple method of blowing them over would leave them completely helpless on their backs. Plus I would like to know how you got them into the neutral Kalon City.
12-11-2005, 00:16
OOC: They're actually lightweight and relatively fast, with a steel frame and flexible composite armour. I hope the links I sent you emphasize the RL practicality of such systems, given that this is an 'extrapolation'.
How did they get there? They were cunningly disguised as parts of a futuristic new organ for the Basilica, imported by air freight and assembled in the basement.

Tanks and watercannons magically aparate inside a civilian building (no questions asked). Only in the halls can the rebels bring these to bear, toppling many ARTACs.
They struggle to rise on the loose rubble and the rebels use this to their advantage, planting improvised explosives on the suits. The grenades can hardly find perchase, but the explosions destroy or incapacitate about 100 ARTACs.

The remainder continue their advance. Desperately, the rebels turn on the watercannons again, but only a trickle is forthcoming - no water!

OOC: We (outside the building) control the municipal water supply, any storage tanks in the building will be either destroyed or empty and there's no way you can convince me (amongst the thousands of troops, President, staff, supplies, watercannons and who-knows-what-else in the bunker) that you have several large capacity tanks and high power pumps down there.

Outside, a civilian Geotechnics team has located the perimeter of the bunker, and diggers have excavated the paving and soil ready for an oil drill to be driven through the steel.
As the drill rhythmically strikes the rusted steel, a resonant bang reverberates through it. The asbestos is instantly shattered; God have mercy on those inside.
The thread bites into the broken steel, sending a horrific screech down through the bunker. In the enclosed space, it must be a hundred times louder.
Millimetre by millimetre it claws and melts its way down.

The Kalon Guard are heartened by the full support of Wiggledom. Unless I am overuled, their contingent will begin sweeping the rest of the city, rooting out the rebels wherever they hide.
14-11-2005, 02:50
From a non-forum-going Kalite nation:
Hello. Yes, its me. Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you. The reason for my long abscence is partly due to the worrying state of health in Wiggledom government. Last week, our President came down with a disease usually only associated with elderly male aye-ayes. We had to suspend President's Question Time as well as other important Parliamentary debates. Of course, Vice-President Borok was in charge, (but as he is so stupid, we had to literally run the government ourselves). Anyway, you'll be glad to hear that we found a cure for the President's illness: simply take an elderly male aye-aye and instruct it to suck some blood from the infected area! That way, although one male aye-aye dies, at least our President is now alive and well.
Regarding the impeachment of the Emperor. If he has really withdrawn his support for me, then I shall not hesitate in denouncing him as a backstabbing, immoral and nasty piece of work. I also give my full-hearted endorsement to the Patriarch of Robinthia. From now on, until the Emperor cleans up his act, I will be siding with the Patriarch in all matters.

On behalf of the people of Robinthia I offer my humble gratitude and wish the Wiggle President a most expedient recovery.

I regret to inform his wiggleness that The Patriarch has been deposed, the young Prince Regent now speaks for the Principalities. While it is true that (originally) Church bureaucracy still manages state affairs, it's inconceivable that the Patriarch should retain authority from the wings... isn't it?
14-11-2005, 17:16
His Imperial Majesty, by the Grace of God Emperor of Bumeristan, King of Haussauria, Grand Duke of Tarnost, Prince of Brut, and by the will of the people President of Kalon, hereby proclaims that owing to the repeated breaches of the constitution by the Robinthian Rebels he is forced to act outside the law as this is no longer being respected by the opposite side. The Empire henceforth announces its intention to invade the state of Robinthia if the President is not immediately restored to his rightful position. We have 30 Army Groups of a miilion men each poised on the Imperial frontier, we implore the irresponsible Prince Regent to withdraw his subjects from Kalon city or it is he who will have engulfed the entire Region in a war which will destroy everything in which we believe in.
14-11-2005, 17:37
The Emperor of Bumeristan has discovered in the Imperial Archives a document dating from the High Kingdom. The High Kings claimed to be God's Vice-gerent on earth and therefore to be the Supreme Spiritual Authority in Kalon. A document has been discovered from the time of the last High King which grants to his cousin Blathek and his descendants the position of God's Vice-gerent on earth, in the evnt of the main line becoming extinct. Henceforth the Emperor as God's Vice-gerent declares the Patriarch to be a heretic and infidel of the worst order and declares him deposed from the Patriarchate and further declares that office abolished as the Emperor will from now forwards be asuming all the spiritual duties which are his right. The basileus proclaims:

Rob senato gratia Patriarchus sum, et heretico e anathema in ecclesia Kalonium!


The Emperor also today issues a new amendment to the Fundamental Laws of the Empire today:

III) The Emperor is bound by no laws of the land, save the Fundamental Laws of the Empire.

The Imperial Trumpeter, quoted in the Kalon Telegraph.
14-11-2005, 18:43
The actions of The Emperor are catagorically Unlawful. He has defied the will of the Council and now threatens them with war.

The motion gives the interim President, Robinthia (The Prince Regent), full emergency powers to bypass the Council, making important decisions without delay, until such time as the situation can be brought to heel.
Furthermore, I propose that the Wiggle Convention be suspended for this duration.
The issue of emergency powers will be reviewed in 7 days time, with another vote to continue the President's executive authority in this time of crisis. The review cannot be postponed or prevented by the President.

On such an urgent measure I can only set asside 24 hours for the vote, to be concluded early should the outcome be forgone.

As The Emperor has abandoned the Constitution, he is disqualified from voting. (interesting role reversal here!)
Hence Bumeristan, Tarnost and Brut are disqualified. The precident for this measure is set by the famous Patriarchal exclusion.

Robinthia votes in favour of Emergency Powers (YES).
14-11-2005, 19:23
YES from al-capone and archiria but you have to vote for me to be the next president (in week). that is enough votes.

what time are you on msn rob?
14-11-2005, 20:19
Motion carried; Remaining votes (Wiggledom) cannot affect result. Furthermore Wiggledom implicitly supports any measure presented by Robinthia.

Emergency Decree #1: Sanctions against the Empire

All borders with the Empire are to be sealed. This includes sea and air routes. Any resistance is to be met with deadly force.

All trade with the Empire is to be ceased all Imperial vehicles, ships and aircraft are to be comandeered by the Kalon Alliance, their personel arrested and deported. Any resistance is to be met with deadly force.

Imperial nations are disqualified from all regional politics, their delegates placed under arrest and deported. Any resistance is to be met with deadly force.

Imperial citizens and ex-pats in Kalon Alliance lands, including the Capital Territory, are to be placed under arrest and deported. Any resistance is to be met with deadly force.

Kalon Alliance members have full mandate to pre-emptively attack Imperial holdings, free from the constraints of the Wiggle Convention, as the Emperor has rejected these rules.

Effective Immediately.
15-11-2005, 17:50
Supreme Power is the Emperor's as Kalon now Rests in Peace. The disintegration of the Region is proof that Kalon cannot exist without H.I.M. Therefore we hereby proclaim the Sovereign of Bumeristan as Emperor of Kalon for life and all Regional institutions are to be subjected to him. An extra 20 Army Groups are being called up from Haussauria, we would like to see you try to invade the Empire, our mighty forces are too strong for your puny military. We are in any case now beyond your reach safely ensonced in the Region of Antarius.