NationStates Jolt Archive

[Earth II] SABOT

17-03-2005, 03:18
This meeting is secret IC.

The meeting was one of six that they had had thus far. However, this was to be the final one, the most important of all the ones they had previously had. The seventh meeting, on the seventh day, at the seventh hour. Whoever said seven was a lucky number was definitely wrong. Seven had been a number closely associated with the Doctrine of Superiority, which, to say the least, did not go over too well with the entire world. However, this meeting was vastly different.

The meeting consisted of the Joint Chiefs, the Emperor, and the Cabinet. The whole meeting revolved around one of the most costly and lengthy processes the Layartebian Empire had faced and that was a complete overhaul of the military. It was determined that, given the amount of conflicts that had arisen, the military needed a significantly more adaptive role.

"Alright men, we've got almost everything finished with this." The Emperor said. "What is the last order of business?"

"Sir, it's about the split of Special Forces to Black Forces." The General of the Special Forces said. "Sir, it's almost finalized we just need to surmise what we're going to do about the ammunition dump."

"Roger that. General?" The Emperor asked.

The General of the Black Forces was a twenty-four year veteran of black operations. He had been in forty-eight different countries and part of nearly six hundred operations. "Yes. The ammunition dump. The proposed construction of the site is for inside Hunter Mountain. We have the plans ready."

"Alright. What will this place hold?"

"We're looking at about enough supplies for ninety days of constant fighting."

"Sounds good to me." The Emperor cleared his throat. "What's next?"

"How are we going to deal with the Panama Canal?" The General of the Army asked.

"Simple. We're going to allow commercial shipping only at a tariff." The Emperor smirked.

"What would we charge sir?" The Minister of Commerce interjected.

"That's your department." The Emperor smiled. "Based on tonnage correct?"

"Plan 4892 sir." The Minister said as he pulled out the proposed plan. "It's all here sir." The Emperor took the plan and smirked. "1% flat-rate per long ton, correct?"

"Yes. Will that be sufficient?"

"It's what we've come to highly recommend. That means one cent on the dollar per long ton. The weigh blocks will be featured outside on either end with fare recipient before the ship passes. Military vessels will be restricted."

"What is the proposal for security?"

"Sir," the Admiral of the Coast Guard pushed a piece of paper across the desk, "the proposal features four Mark 202 guns per side with patrol of a submarine, Shield Class. We're also going to have a flight of F/A-18C Hornets ready as well as F-31B Tornado GAVs, all armed with anti-ship missiles and guided bombs. We can scramble fighters and bombers when military ships come near the twenty-four nautical mile exclusion zone. We could sink them before they even got to twelve miles sir."

"That's what I like to hear. What would be the B-6 response time?"

"To twenty-four nautical miles, a total of sixteen minutes."

"Where are they flying from?"

"Hangar parking sir."

"What would it be if they were sitting on the runway?"

"Eight and a half sir."

"Alright. Enemy warship at forty-eight miles, put her on the tarmac. At twenty-eight miles, launch her. Will that be sufficent on-station time?"

"Yes sir. They can maintain on station until the ship enters sixteen nautical miles."

"Alright. That's good." The Emperor jotted down a few lines. "Is there anything more?"

"Yes sir. One more thing."

"Canal security sir."

"Yes. I'm glad you raised that. I want a black operations team on it."

"Which group sir?"

"I was thinking a dedicated team from Force Spectre. That's eight men. But perhaps that won't be enough. Would four be sufficient and doable?"

"Yes sir I think it would be most important. The Canal is long so we can have other, general, border defense forces throughout the Canal."

"What more is there?"

"Nothing sir. Shall we put the announcement in tomorrow?"

"Precisely. Use plan 4729 and make it on the LNN."

"Yes sir." The meeting was concluded and the fate of the Empire changed forever.
The Lightning Star
17-03-2005, 03:23
OOC: Do ye want information on the Canal?

I mean, detailed information? Because if so, I am your man. I live 2 friggen feet away from it, and they drum information on it into our heads every day, so I'm more than qualified.

Of course, if you don't want any information, I guess I can take my services elsewhere....
17-03-2005, 03:23
Oh no please whatever you can offer I'll gladly accept it.
Five Civilized Nations
17-03-2005, 03:28
(OOC: Uh, Layarteb, your counting is a little off…)
17-03-2005, 03:32
(OOC: Uh, Layarteb, your counting is a little off…)

The Lightning Star
17-03-2005, 03:50

TLS's basic guide to the Panama Canal

Chapter One
First off, let's begin with the history lesson, shall we?

The first canal was started in 1880 by the French, who thought that it would be as easy as the Suez. HA, HA, und HA! Panama is a very mountanious(sp?) country(there are mountains outside my window), and to build a sea-level canal(as the French planned) would have cost many more times than it would to build a lock canal(not to mention, the French would have to blow up alot of mountains. The Canal project actually made France bankrupt for a few years. The ENTIRE country). After the French were driven away by malaria and huge costs, there were 10 or so years where there was just a big, long hole going partially through Panama. When America said "We want's to continue the Canal!" the Colombians said(basically), "Go f*ck yourselves. We don't want your steeenkin canal."

The leaders in Washington needed a plan. But what could they do? 'Tis simple! Support Panamanian independence from Colombia. Now, Panama had been devastated in the late 1890's during the Colombian civil-war(which mostly took place in Panama, which is like if the American civil war had been fought in the U.S. Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico), and nationalistic Panamanians wanted to be free. But every time they tried, the Colombians hanged a few people and that was that. However, when they declared independence on November 3rd, 1903, the U.S. Navy halted the Colombians from sending troops to crack-down. Within a few hours, the United States became the first person to recognize Panamanian independence.

To keep the Americans happy, the Panamanians leased the Panama Canal Zone(a ten-mile wide strip of land in the middle of the country) to the U.S. for 999 years. Alot of Panamanians were displeased, but hey, at least those damned Colombians were gone. Right away, the American engineers got working.

First on the list was what kind of Canal to build. It was obvious sea-level wouldn't work, so they had to think of something new. In the end, the engineers decided to use the new technique of a "lock-canal". Baisically, a Canal where the water is raised when your ship enters a lock so that you can go higher. It was, in the case of Panama, cheaper and better than a sea-level Idea.

Second on the list was how to get rid of Malaria. The French, in all their genius, thought that ants carried Malaria. So, to stop the ants, they put water buckets on the legs of the beds. No more ants, but unfortunatly, those were the perfect breeding ground for mosquitos, who do carry Malaria. The Americans, when they realised this, decided "Hey, let's put pesticides in the lakes and kill off all the larvae!". It worked, and even to this day the Mosquito population is surprisingly low for Panama, and Malaria is (this is going to be a shock) really really uncommon in the country.

Third on the list came the actual construction. The early stages began as early as 1904, and the Canal itslef was finished in 1913(although it wasn't opened until 1914). It remained under U.S. Control until December 31st, 1999, when it was handed over to Panama.
17-03-2005, 03:59
Yes history of the canal I know. Prime US policy, let's just start a revolution and get Panama to be independent so that we can get the canal. I love Teddy Roosevelt for that one!
Five Civilized Nations
17-03-2005, 04:00
The meeting was one of six that they had had thus far. However, this was to be the final one, the most important of all the ones they had previously had. The seventh meeting, on the seventh day, at the seventh hour. Uh... Isn't it six meetings not seven or the other way around?
17-03-2005, 04:01
Ah that...yeah vague isn't it...
The Lightning Star
17-03-2005, 04:10
Yes history of the canal I know. Prime US policy, let's just start a revolution and get Panama to be independent so that we can get the canal. I love Teddy Roosevelt for that one!

OOC: Okie day. I'll go more in-depth tommorrow.
17-03-2005, 04:21
OOC: Okie day. I'll go more in-depth tommorrow.

Basically what I would need to know is how the canal works and what they charge. 1% per ton seems too little TBH but it also seems too high.
The Lightning Star
17-03-2005, 04:26
Basically what I would need to know is how the canal works and what they charge. 1% per ton seems too little TBH but it also seems too high.

OOC: Here's a crash course.

There are three locks: The Miraflores and the Pedro Miguel on the Pacific Side, and the Gatun on the Atlantic side. Whenever a ship enters a lock, the water is either lowered or raised depending on which way you are going. When it had been fully filled or un-filled, these little train things will tow your ship until you reach the end of the lock(then you go free).

Here's info on the Tolls(taken from the Panamacanal website)

"In October 2002, Panama adopted a new Canal tolls structure. The structure in force until then, which dated back to 1912, was based on a flat rate for all ships. The new change is based on ship size and type and has separate locomotive usage rates. This more equitable system that is now is applied according to the transit needs of each ship, allows each vessel to be charged for the specific services it uses.

The adopted system follows the precept of article 309 of the Constitution to the effect that the Panama Canal "shall remain open to the peaceful and uninterrupted transit of vessels of all nations," is consistent with the principles of International Law, and ensures equal treatment for all users of the waterway.

The new system enhances the possibility for the Panama Canal Authority to offer new products to the various market segments, and places it in a position to competitively improve its services to users. Likewise, it will allow the Canal to continue its modernization program in order to remain as a route of the first order for world trade, and a strategic resource for the socioeconomic development of Panama.

After the ample and open consultations held during the period which allowed a discussion of the new rate structure, the Panama Canal Authority heard the arguments presented by waterway users at a public hearing on July 19, 2002, and scheduled its application in two stages, the first on October 1, 2002, and the second on July 1, 2003, with 8% and 4.5% increases, respectively.

Tolls are the fees paid by ships to use the Canal. These tolls are determined by the cargo volume and ship measurements, following the rules of the 1969 International Convention on Tonnage Measurement of Ships.

The Panama Canal Authority has issued the required regulations to implement the new measurement and toll procedures and the setting of tolls, rates, and fees for the transit of vessels through the Canal.

The tonnage measurement system in use in the Canal is known as Panama Canal Universal Measurement System (PCUMS).

To determine net Canal tonnage, this system applies a mathematical formula for the measurement of total ship volume. A net Panama Canal ton is equivalent to 100 cubic feet of volumetric capacity. The appropriate rate is applied depending on whether the ship is laden or in ballast (empty). The "laden" rate is applied to ships carrying cargo or passengers, and the "ballast" rate is applied to ships that are not carrying passengers or cargo. For a ship to be applied the "ballast" (empty) rate, it may not carry fuel for its own consumption beyond the volume of the certified tanks with the official mark for liquid fuel. Other floating craft, including warships with the exception of military and naval transports; colliers; supply vessels; and hospital ships are charged on the basis of their actual displacement tonnage. One displacement ton is equivalent to one long ton or 35 cubic feet of salt water."
17-03-2005, 04:33
Hmm would it be out of line within NS to just say that I am using that system and tolls are automatic? Rather than having to go through the nitty, gritty details?
Five Civilized Nations
17-03-2005, 04:33
(OOC: I doubt anyone aside from TLS would complain... :p )
17-03-2005, 04:34
(OOC: I doubt anyone aside from TLS would complain... :p )

The Lightning Star
17-03-2005, 04:41
(OOC: I doubt anyone aside from TLS would complain... :p )

OOC: Me, complain? Why never! In fact, I NEVER complain! Oh sure, you have a funny name, the water in the bathroom looks funny, I ran out of Raisin Bran, my CD player broke, my friends have all turned socialist, your ugly and your mother dresses you funny,

[Complains about everything].

And now you can see that I never complain!

Oh, and back to seriousness, that seems like a plan Layarteb. You could add "if you don't pay we take your goods and shoot your crew", but that's your decision.
17-03-2005, 04:42
OOC: Me, complain? Why never! In fact, I NEVER complain! Oh sure, you have a funny name, the water in the bathroom looks funny, I ran out of Raisin Bran, my CD player broke, my friends have all turned socialist, your ugly and your mother dresses you funny,

[Complains about everything].

And now you can see that I never complain!

Oh, and back to seriousness, that seems like a plan Layarteb. You could add "if you don't pay we take your goods and shoot your crew", but that's your decision.

Nah I just wouldn't let the ship in the waters..
17-03-2005, 04:52
OOC: If he did that to one of my ships, I would turn ALL of Panama to a Canal.
17-03-2005, 04:54
OOC: I guess no one saw the humour of the post -_-
17-03-2005, 04:56
OOC: I guess no one saw the humour of the post -_-

You've got to allow for more than 2 minutes of response time.
Five Civilized Nations
17-03-2005, 04:57
Uh... You would be nuked first...
17-03-2005, 04:58
OOC: I know, but I had nothing else to do Lay.

Yea, I probably would be nuked first if Lay REALLY wanted the whole Earth nuking him back. But the problem is, Lay wouldn't nuke me because there would be no reason for him to try to kill my crew because we are allied and I have no plans to use the Canal anyways..... :)
17-03-2005, 10:58
Nice. I assume that Cottish ships are allowed thru..

Anyways, TAG
17-03-2005, 18:12
Layartebian News Network

"This is a special announcement from the Emperor to the entirity of the Empire of Layarteb. We bring you live to his office immediately.

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen of the Empire." It was just after 1800, a dull night coming over the land. "This evening, after months and weeks of strong deliberation, the Empire of Layarteb will be making drastic changes to our military. First and foremost, we will be reorganizing the structure of the military and maintaining the two year conscription requirement. We will be organizing all branches with a new speed and ability to deploy faster and attack with more force.

"In addition, we are making significant changes to our force structure in regards to our newly acquired lands. Ireland, Colombia, Maryland, Virginia, Kentucky, Hondorous, and Panama are all part of the Empire. Forces will be organized and deployed accordingly to each of those areas as we expand Layarteb, Ynoga, and South Eastern Virginia. In additionally, Ireland will be granted the status of autonomous republic. However, it will not go the way of Kaliningrad.

"In terms of the Panama Canal. We shall open it for passage to all countries except belligerants and enemies of the Empire. However, only commerical shipping will be allowed to pass and with a tariff at that, based on tonnage, cargo, and type of the vessel. Military ships will not, at this present time, be allowed to pass throughout without special approval and a special tariff.

"In addition, we will be repealing the Doctrine of Superiority in favor of maintaining our twenty-four nautical mile waters, no more, no less. All previous zones, yellow, red, et cetera, save this one, will be repealed. As we further our move out of complete and total isolation, we shall be allowing for more diplomatic exchanges. Thank you and have a good night."

The Emperor switched off and it went back to the studio. "Well there you have it. What a loaded announcement at that. We'll bring you more as this develops."

Special Announcement to Earth II Nations

The Empire of Layarteb currently has only: Baltic Karelia, Callisdrun, Celtayoshi, Cotland, North Germania, Psychotika, Soviet Bloc, the Torian Domain in its embassy exchange. We have extended our hand to Gintonpar and Rome but at this moment in time we are in the process of finalizing everything. We hereby announce that we will be opening up the exchange program and taking applications from nations interested.

Thank You
The Empire of Layarteb
The Lightning Star
17-03-2005, 19:09
We would be very interested in strengthening ties with Layarteb, which is a major superpower and possible ally to our people.
17-03-2005, 20:26
The Empire of Layarteb, given the shroud of mystery as to the government of your land, would like to know what kind of political & governmental system you employ?
The Lightning Star
17-03-2005, 23:57
The Empire of Layarteb, given the shroud of mystery as to the government of your land, would like to know what kind of political & governmental system you employ?

Ah, yes, the Carthaginian is still, in some senses, a mystery to us as well!

Well, here's what we are sure about. We are a a degree. Prime Minister Steve Hargin was elected, but since the country was un-stable he decided to keep control of the government. We do still retain most of our democratic institutions, however.

At the bottom is the House of Citizens. This is made up of 400 seats, with 279 belonging to the Carthaginian Imperial Party(the governments party AND the Majority party), 101 belong to the Republic Islamic Party(the largest minority party), and the remaining 20 belong to the Carthaginian Democratic Party. For minor bills(taxes, etc), this is as far as they will reach. However, if a more important bill(education, labor, etc) comes along, it doesn't end it's journey here. If it is ratified here, it goes upwards to the:

Board of Parliamentarians. This is made up of 100 seats, with 72 belonging to the C.I.P, 18 to the R.I.P, and 10 to the C.D.P. This is where moderatly important bills end their trek. However, for the BIG bills, they have one more place to go.

The Sacred Council. This has ten seats, but unlike the other houses, these men do not belong to a political party. A Councilman serves for 40 years, between the ages of twenty and sixty. Every 40 years, ten young boys exactly 1 week old will be selected by the council members. Each one will be given a boy by the Prime Minister(they get no say in who they get), and that will be their aprentance(sp?). He will study until the age of 20, when his master is 60 and thus retires. The council is headed by the Prime Minister himself, although if the Council votes against something the Prime Minister agrees with(I.E. a declaration of war), the bill will be stopped in it's tracks.

That is baisically our government. In a nutshell.
18-03-2005, 00:46
After careful review, the Empire of Layarteb has agreed to open embassy exchange with Carthage.
Duke Barol
18-03-2005, 01:07
ooc: oic

IC: We are almost a "1984" state, but not quite as strict, our military is currently only covert, although, we are purchasing a large ground/air/naval pakage from money we got from "gifts", taxes, and donations.

The president is CEO of the nation. he can be over turned on his decisions by only 5 people, the EXCOMM (ooc:Think JFK). All of his staff have been trained in Counter Intell. The armed forces number aproximately 80000.

OoC: for more info, let me know what you need
18-03-2005, 01:09
ooc: oic

IC: We are almost a "1984" state, but not quite as strict, our military is currently only covert, although, we are purchasing a large ground/air/naval pakage from money we got from "gifts", taxes, and donations.

The president is CEO of the nation. he can be over turned on his decisions by only 5 people, the EXCOMM (ooc:Think JFK). All of his staff have been trained in Counter Intell. The armed forces number aproximately 80000.

OoC: for more info, let me know what you need

What abour practices, laws, etc.
Duke Barol
18-03-2005, 02:06
What abour practices, laws, etc.

IC:Each man and woman has to serve 2 years in the military, this ensures a plenty of men and women to do the bidding of the government. Laws are very strict, they fall into 4 catagories, treason, minor felonies, contemplations, and what is now called "Waisting Space". Treason is obvious, any actions against the government, will be delt with by a re-education camp, and then an execution(ooc:think 1984, just better). Minor felonies are like petty theft, they will be dealt punnishments from, slap on wrist-with barbed wire, to execution(in extreme cases). Contemplations are when someone makes preperations to go against the government, this will be treated as treason. Last but not least is Waisting Space. If you are unemployed or are not working up to your even semifull potential, you will be "released"(ooc:the giver).

We currently do not possess any WMD's, however, we are working on a project which we expect to bring fear into the hearts of our enemys, it is code named: Project Eskimo.

We Currently import all of our vehiciles, being that project Eskimo takes up all of our available scientists and engineeres.
18-03-2005, 03:10
Alright the EOL is satisfied and would agree to an embassy exchange with Duke Barol.
Duke Barol
18-03-2005, 16:49
I look foward to recieving your embassador. We will set aside 3 acres of land for your embassy.
18-03-2005, 17:05
From: Foreign Ministry of NeoSuun Zhonghua
To: Foreign Ministry of Layarteb

"We have for some time observed your nation as one of our world's superpowers; our two peoples would undoubtedly wish for there to be cordial relations between our governments. To this end, we extend our hand in friendship to the Empire of Layarteb; we hope that the establishment of embassies between us is possible, as it would establish a peaceful precedent in our foreign relations."
18-03-2005, 17:52
From: Foreign Ministry of NeoSuun Zhonghua
To: Foreign Ministry of Layarteb

"We have for some time observed your nation as one of our world's superpowers; our two peoples would undoubtedly wish for there to be cordial relations between our governments. To this end, we extend our hand in friendship to the Empire of Layarteb; we hope that the establishment of embassies between us is possible, as it would establish a peaceful precedent in our foreign relations."

This too has been our point of view and we wish to open diplomatic relations with your country as well!
19-03-2005, 22:33
This too has been our point of view and we wish to open diplomatic relations with your country as well!

Excellent. We would welcome one of your embassies in Beijing. Rest assured that our embassy in your prosperous nation would be unobtrusive and will not detract attention from the fine architecture your magnificent empire boasts. We hope that this the first step towards cooperation between our peoples.
20-03-2005, 03:44
The Empire of Layarteb thanks you for your cooperation and your adherence to our standards. May our relations prosper for some time now!
26-03-2005, 00:28
Updated List:

The EOL has embassies in the following countries & vice versa.

Duke Barol
North Germania
Soviet Bloc
The Lightning Star
The Order of Reptiles