A Possible Departure (OOC)
Generic empire
16-03-2005, 21:12
With the recent collapse of the "Most Frigid Cold War" RP, I have to say my feelings towards NS, to which I have dedicated so many joyful hours, have taken a downward turn. It seems as if the majority of threads these days simply degenerate into OOC bickering, and it has been long since I felt the thrill of the IC conflict that I experienced so freely in the earlier days of my NS experience.
Now, lacking a proper enemy and the possibility to expand on anything worthwhile through meaningful IC interaction, I believe I may be departing NS soon. I cite this thread as a simple announcement of my possible departure for anyone who wanted to RP with me and those who I am involved with in RPs at the moment, and it is in no way a critique or complaint. I will most likely finish up whatever RPs I am involved in at the moment before and if I decide to make good on my decision to leave. Still, I will take the time to thank those who did make NS a genuinely enjoyable time for me, and wish the best of luck to those who remain and those who follow.
Franz Sudenland
16-03-2005, 21:27
16-03-2005, 21:29
OOC: :( I know how you feel mate. I still cant quite believe I wasted 3 months of my NS life on a promising RP that looked set to become a long and on-going story only to get it all ignored because of the stupid bickering and general obnoxiousness of Roach-Busters. If you leave, he's ignored for life.
Anyway, do what you have to do, but I'll miss you if you leave. Again, :(
The Island of Rose
16-03-2005, 21:31
Aw man! I love your stuff! I had my best RPs with you! :(
16-03-2005, 21:32
We didn't agree often in IC, but I still respect the hell out of you and I swear it'll be a damn shame to see someone as talented as you leaving. :(
16-03-2005, 21:34
I am so sorry the war thread ended the way it did. :( I wish you the very best in the years ahead and hope to hear of great success from you. You have a world of talent and you're one hell of a great guy.
Borman Empire
16-03-2005, 22:25
:( Dont. Ill talk on IM. :(
The Zoogie People
16-03-2005, 22:34
GE, don't leave. Stay dormant if you wish, but keep your government and nation. Drop in every once in a while, as you seem to love NS...tensions come with everything, but they all pass in time.
By God, you are not leaving without another Uberstock.
If you are going to leave, though, you're going to have to give me your email and AIM, if you've got one. Antonius is too fr34kin awesome to fall out of contact with the master of the zoogies.
16-03-2005, 22:40
Seriously, man, your one of my best IC allies and I'd really hate for you to go. Besides, what about all of our diabolical schemes we've been planning for the past month?
God, please don't go. You were basically my first ally, NS is no fun without you. Please stay :( . If you do decide to go, then at least stay on AIM :)
16-03-2005, 23:15
If you go Generic I'll have to seriously consider leaving myself, I mean out of out original group of nations its only you, me, Doom, RB and Borman left. With Doom and Borman posting less than they used to its getting a little lonely in here... :(
Borman Empire
16-03-2005, 23:47
If you go Generic I'll have to seriously consider leaving myself, I mean out of out original group of nations its only you, me, Doom, RB and Borman left. With Doom and Borman posting less than they used to its getting a little lonely in here... :(
Im not posting less, I'm in the middle of a civil war.
The Merchant Guilds
16-03-2005, 23:57
Bah you shouldn't go... esp. not after one bad RP hell i've had some huge disappointments in my time here... hasn't stopped me...
As for RPing... I have been thinking about creating a good RPer's club for II almost, which is basically a mark of a high standard RPer, who can actually RP without getting into OOC fights and doesn't have to be told OOC things all the time.
But in short don't go...
Borman Empire
17-03-2005, 00:02
Bah you shouldn't go... esp. not after one bad RP hell i've had some huge disappointments in my time here... hasn't stopped me...
As for RPing... I have been thinking about creating a good RPer's club for II almost, which is basically a mark of a high standard RPer, who can actually RP without getting into OOC fights and doesn't have to be told OOC things all the time.
But in short don't go...
That's a really good idea. It would be like a badge fo honor, to be a member.
17-03-2005, 00:05
If you leave, chances are I probably will, too.
17-03-2005, 00:08
... because of the stupid bickering and general obnoxiousness of Roach-Busters. If you leave, he's ignored for life.
Praetonia, you looking for a warning? Knock off the personal insults.
~ Frisbeeteria ~
NationStates Moderator Team
17-03-2005, 00:17
GE, check TGs, please.
Nikolaos The Great
17-03-2005, 00:39
Don't leave. You are one of the best RPers I know and all of your RPs are really good. And you are one of my closest and first true IC ally. You shouldn't leave because of one RP gone bad. But if you do leave then best of luck in life.
17-03-2005, 00:39
I think everyone involved in the war should get on AIM and have a big discussion to sort out the issues. This is bugging me to see everyone so mad, and I definitely don't want to see someone as smart as Praetonia continue on until he gets a warning. Let's work this out, and maybe we can end everything nicely, and GE will stay. NS will be half of what it is without even one of the nations involved in the Second War of the Roach.
17-03-2005, 00:40
If my departure will help mend things between everyone, I'll gladly leave. Just say the word, and I'm gone.
17-03-2005, 00:46
If my departure will help mend things between everyone, I'll gladly leave. Just say the word, and I'm gone.
Nobody said that, Josh. :( Please don't say that.
17-03-2005, 00:47
Nobody said that, Josh. :( Please don't say that.
If that's what it takes to resolve this, reach a compromise, make everyone happy, and keep GE here, I'll do it. Of course, I'll keep my nation, and pop by from time to time, but not to RP.
The Fedral Union
17-03-2005, 00:48
Your going to let these people win? Come on! Fight. Try to rp.. I think every one should try we cant let flame fest win we have to do our best to rp we should ignore them, besides I don’t think you should leave
GE, don't leave. Stay dormant if you wish, but keep your government and nation. Drop in every once in a while, as you seem to love NS...tensions come with everything, but they all pass in time.
By God, you are not leaving without another Uberstock.
If you are going to leave, though, you're going to have to give me your email and AIM, if you've got one. Antonius is too fr34kin awesome to fall out of contact with the master of the zoogies.
Yeah, don't leave. These things go in cycles. When I first started, it was all noobs tearing each other up. As most eventually dropped out, it left the oldest/strongest. Your'e almost a year old, which makes you a powerful nation. If we older nations stick together, then all posts will improve.
The Macabees
17-03-2005, 00:58
Nobody leave. Whatever the experience was it can always be ammended. Remember, everything heals with time. GE, NS picks up most of the time and I'm sure you'll be able to create, or find, a good RP, so please do not leave. We already have enough people leaving, we don't need another good RPer gone.
17-03-2005, 01:10
:( Dont. Ill talk on IM. :(
Yes, please do.
Generic empire
17-03-2005, 01:50
Alright everyone can relax now. I was thinking about it, and talking with Borman and Doom, and I guess I came to my senses. I probably won't leave, and I suppose I didn't intend to from the start. This thread was most likely born out of OOC frustration more than anything else, and I suppose the Macabees and Xeraph are right about NS being in cycles and such. Still, I think everyone involved in the war of the roach should definately talk things over to set things straight, and then hopefully we can put our differences aside.
Borman Empire
17-03-2005, 01:55
Yes, please do.
Did and am.
17-03-2005, 01:57
Did and am.
My man! :D
*Toasts Borman*
The Parthians
17-03-2005, 02:00
I'm glad you won't leave GE. There might be some problems though not all is lost, I do believe there is one RP I was working on with you and that is pretty enjoyable and I'm not going to OOC bicker with you of all people.
Borman Empire
17-03-2005, 02:15
My man! :D
*Toasts Borman*
Yay :D
The Zoogie People
17-03-2005, 02:58
Alright everyone can relax now. I was thinking about it, and talking with Borman and Doom, and I guess I came to my senses. I probably won't leave, and I suppose I didn't intend to from the start. This thread was most likely born out of OOC frustration more than anything else, and I suppose the Macabees and Xeraph are right about NS being in cycles and such. Still, I think everyone involved in the war of the roach should definately talk things over to set things straight, and then hopefully we can put our differences aside.
Hey, you still have to give me your AIM. ;)
Borman Empire
17-03-2005, 03:04
I'll see if I can get it for you.