A New Threat (Warhammer 40K, Wide open)
OOC : This thread introduces an army I have designed rules for. So you know I am not godmoding I will include rules of anything new when it appears. If you do not understand the rules I am sure someone who does (probably me) will explain.
IC : The three Battleships drifted slowly towards the planet. One from each of the tribes. This planet on the edge of the new galaxy seemed uninhabted by sentient life, although their were ruins on the surface. Drop ships carrying everything needed for a landing were launched, their cargo ready for honour. This galaxy would be taken, one world at a time. They would retreat to the main fleet once all the dropships had landed.
On the surface the first dropships were already landing. Troops were falling out. They were prepared for any foe that might appear. Moving round the nearby ruins were the silent stalkers, masters of stealth.
OOC : Silent Stalker 3 4 3 3 1 4 1 8 5+
Silent Leader 3 4 3 3 1 5 1 9 5+
Hunting Rifles X 5 36" Heavy 1 Sniping
2x Hunting Cannon X+2 4 48" Heavy 2 Sniping
Inflitrators, Stealth (+1 Cover Saves)
Relative Liberty
16-03-2005, 19:10
OOC: Then I guess it is OK for me to make up an army too.
It is called the Hive Hunters. They are a second founding chapter derived from the Space Wolves. They specialize in long range weaponry and artillery to counter Tyranids, and as such they field more of the Leman Russ than normal, more heavy weapons, and ordinary Tactical squads may choose a sniper rifle as a heavy weapon. They also have increased chance of hitting when firing weaponry but suffer -1 saving throw in melee, except when fighting Tyranids, where they have an increased chance of hitting.
They have also an increased chance of resisting psycic attacks.
When facing Tyranids, they must charge if the enemy is close, and once in close combat they may not retreat out of firing range.
Every infantry squad (except heavily armoured, like Terminators) may hide in rough terrain (forests for example)
Brother-commander Gabriel looked to the sky as the unidentified dropships entered the atmosphere. He signaled the battlebarge Unyeilding Faith and ordered it to take up a geostational orbit above the base-camp's position and then prepare the rest of the troops for planetfall.
He also sent a ten-man squad to investigate the dropships LZ.
We were sent here to guard the planet from a suspected Tyranid invasion. The invasion has come, but these are clearly not Tyranids. Nontheless, we will fight to the death. he thought.
The battleships picked up the others. Sentient life, a chance for honour. Allthough the space combat was not launced yet, it would have to come. Blood would be spilt.
On the surface the base was growing. More and more troops arrived. Then the message came in. "This is Stalker Squad 3. We have made contact with 10 well armed, amoured and trained warriors. Are weapons cannot penetrate their armour with ease and they have good ranged firepower. Requesting back up."
Some of the Lightning Claws were sent, led by Imyein Corvas, honoured champion of the "Burning Blades" tribe. So, blood now came.
OOC: Lightning Claws are the Ailor fast strike troops. Wearing jet packs, they can strike quickly then retreat.
Lightning Claw 5 3 3 3 1 5 2(3) 8 5+
Lightning Leader 5 3 3 3 1 5 3(4) 9 5+
Close Combat Weapon
Shard Pistol 3 5 12" Pistol
Lightning Leaders can also have Truth Blades (+2 Str) which although two handed, can still give an extra attack with the Blademaster upgrade.
An Ailor Honourd Champion is a master of combat. His whirling blade can outpace the swiftest strike of even the Eldar and his training is great.
Honoured Champion 7 3 3(6) 3(4) 3 7 3(4) 10 3+
Truth Blade +2 Strength
Blademaster: +1 Attack with truth blade
Cyber Armour +1 Str and Toughness
A concept of the Ailor is honour which can lead them to great deeds, but, when lost, can cause reduction in efficiency and even mass routing.
Relative Liberty
16-03-2005, 20:40
Pack leader, this is Michael. I see a group of fast attack warriors approaching. What shall we do?
Roger that, brother. Brother Tanthius, you will approach and hail these xenos. Have your gun ready but do not take a hostile stance. We will hide in the terrain a few hundred yards behind you, if anything goes wrong you can count on our fire support.
OOC: What is the local terrain like (I know there are a couple of ruins nearby, but I'm wondering about mountains, plains and forests)?
The warriors seemed to be friendly. They had weapons but they weren't hostile. The Stalkers stopped firing and the Lightning Claws landed. The warriors wanted to talk to them. They could catch shouts but they did not have enough of the speech uet to translate it. Were these really allies or was it a trap. A message was sent back to the base "We request a translator. The warriors want to talk."
ooc : The terain is pretty much flat around the ruins but about 5 km away is a forest. Can you try to get others to join this thread. They are allowed to make their own armies or adapt existing ones as well.
Relative Liberty
21-03-2005, 19:29
The marines, seeing that there was no cover within range, stood up 200 metres behind brother Tanthius. They hed their weapons low, but were ready to raise and fire them at any moment.
Tanthius, noticing that the xenos didn't understand him, dropped his gun on the ground and showed his empty hands, a universal sign of peace.
OOC: Will do.
24-04-2005, 14:07
Heya guys. I'm gonna use Dark Eldar for this one.
Is it okay if I already occupy this planet? I wont use it as a reason to GM or anything, it just means I can be more involved, and possibly have some allies for once.
24-04-2005, 15:43
Sergeant Durkan spat into the dirt. How the feth did they end up on this Emperor forsaken planet? He stalked on through the forest, his platoon behind him. Trooper Vako was point-man. He was leading them to what had been the intended drop-zone. Unfortunatly the Valkyries had been caught in orbital storms and had come down about 7km from the ruins. Why they were supposed to get to the ruins none of them knew, but what the Commisar said the men did. That was life in the Archronian Dragoons. You drop, you fight, you die. Life in the 'Guard was the same anywhere you went. You did what you were told, or you died. So they were told to march, and onward they marched, the edge of the forest drawing ever closer.....
OOC: I'm using the 301st Archronian Dragoons. They are an Imperial Guard Regiment from the deathworld of Archronia Secunda. The infantry force consists of roughly half Guardsmen, half Storm Troopers and Kasrkin. All the men are drop-troops. All the Storm Troopers and Kasrkin are in carapace armour, the basic men with hellguns, others with various assault and heavy weapons. The Guardsmen are equipped like any basic Guardsman should be, plus small combat axes, trademarks of their homeworld.
They are led by Heroic Senior Officer Alvaro Cortez and Commisar Ivrak Bane.
The Infantry number upwards of 10,000 men, and two Armoured Companies accompany them.
At this point only about 3,000 of the men are on the ground. The rest are in orbit, mounted in Chimeras. Accompanying the men are roughly 100 Sentinels, spread evenly amongst the ground troops. The Armoured Companies are also still in orbit.
25-04-2005, 20:17
Relative Liberty
25-04-2005, 22:40
OOC: Firecrackers lit the sky as the Hive Hunters celebrated.
This thread has not yet seen the end of its service in the armies of Mankind. The Emperor is truly great. the commander thought to himself. Just a few days ago the thread had been WIA and the Brother Medics said that its life could not be saved, not even enought to put it in a Dreadnought. But then the Emperor himself had intervened and saved its life. These times were not so dark after all.
(For those of you who didn't get it: This is just me celebrating the revival of the thread :) )
Neo Earth
26-04-2005, 04:49
OOC: Mind if I jump in? I just finished coming up with some great fluff for a Black Legion lord (summary: while his company is devoted to the Chaos Gods, the lord is just trying to destory the imperium. His lieutinant keeps his company thinking that the lord worships the chaos gods. Onyl the lord, his lieutinant and his chosen know the truth)
26-04-2005, 19:47
OOC: Sounds confusing, but what the hell, you can join. We need more players at this stage. I'm sure you'll fit in just fine......
IC: Trooper Vako stopped and Drago held his hand upward, fist open. The men behind him stopped and crouched. Drago moved up alongside Vako at the edge of the trees. "What do we have Trooper?"
Vako pointed to his long-range scanner. "Two groups, not fighting, about 2 and a half k's into the clearing."
"At the ruins I take it," Drago mused to nobody in particular. "Ok, we move to their location. Double time!" He shouted down the line, before breaking into a jog and exiting the forest. They were in open terrain now, so he ordered the Guardsmen to spread out as best they could. To his left and right he saw 5 other similarly sized groups exit the treeline, breaking into a faster pace, the lumbering Sentinels dotted amongst them. It was an awe-inspiring site. The Archronian Dragoons were moving.
27-04-2005, 19:09
The Dragoons flowed across the plains, so far unchallenged. Drago was beginning to make out the two forces in front of them. Hopefully they wouldn't see the Guard as a threat. Drago then realised the men charging across the plains wouldn't look so good. He bellowed orders along the line for the men to slow to march pace. They were now half a kilometre from the two forces, which looked like Space Marines and a strange alien force. He hoped the others would make the first moves of greeting.
28-04-2005, 21:37
OOC: These are basically bumps to try and get you guys to do something...
IC: Drago halted the column within hailing distance of the two races. His commanding Officer on the ground - Senior Officer Quinteros - stepped forward towards the Marines. "Imperial Space Marines. We represent the Emperor's 301st Archronian Dragoons. We are honoured to share the field of battle with you. Who are these creatures?"