Engulfed in Flame[Earth III, SA] IC
14-03-2005, 00:10
Continued from The Fire Spreads (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?p=7954693#post7954693).
OOC Thread: OOC Thread (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?p=8431156)
14-03-2005, 00:47
Peace or Annihilation[CH.2]
Paraguay - Brazil Border, 500 Hours -
The load rumble of diesel engines and the fumes of the exhaust littered the air. Crackling ground made a distinct noise in the background as every man of the Vanguard Armoured Division 9 loaded into their vehicles for the long drive forward. Units of the air force were ready for take off from Asuncion and many more helicopters of the Heer were littered along the border to recon forward and provide close support.
SAM, slupply, assault, armoured, seige, engineer, and combat units all started moving forward as over a fifty thousand men jolted forward with their vehicles or in trucks. Helicopters were seen rising over the trees. Air planes at the air port in Asuncion taking off as quick as possible. The slow lurch began to accelerate and they would soon cross the border if everything went as planned.
The first of the fighters[Sy-1.GS] were carrying missiles on the tips and bombs and guided missiles on the external compartments. Literally hundreds of them flew at super sonic speed forward scanning for any resistance and t destroy that such resistance. All along the border divisions just like this, armoured units with heavy infantry support divisions, were pounding through, Paraguay, Bolivia and Peru. In Venezuela however the situation was much different - it was "special".
Venezuelan units were to penetrate through the north using small Beta Heer Teams to find and destroy enemy stations they were going on a foot and had started exactly the same time as other units but they had to use dirtbikes, quiet ones, and smaller vehicles to go through the area safetly and unnoticed, they were to approach the enemy units.[Please explain in OOC thread where units are.] Of course they were to clear the way for a massive special forces assault in the north.
Karl Luftwaffe Airbase, Lima , Peru, 530 Hours -
Massive B-52GS[NIU modifications] carried a massive cargo totally maxed out of 12 ALCMs, and over 100 napalm, and other explosive devices. They were flying towards cities near the bored and to enemy positions through-out Brazil, to destroy them before they destroyed us. The ALCMs[Air Launched Cruise Missiles] were to be fired from the closest point to Brazil along their way. There was 250 B-52s. all taking off from the three air bases in Lima. The targets of the ALCMs are Brasilla, Sao Paula and Rio de Janerio. Other cities were to be bombarded from land positions. Land positions of cruise missiles[SS-1CM] were being launched from defensive positions in Peru, and Paraguay. There would be over seven hundred to be launched at the three major cities mentioned earlier.
Cuzco, Peru , 600 Hours -
"Sir, the offensive has started, nothing can happen now but we wait to see what happens. Sir, you made the right choice." said an aid.
"I know what will happen, I am wondering thought if I made the right choice, you do understand..." said Pedro Cason.
"I understand I will immediately order General Furamur to commence the attack until we can attack no more." said the aid.
"Verywell, of course, the Gesut will be angered if we lose more than accpetable amounts of soldiers. I informed him to get ready to send thousand of reinforcements from the Heer Reserve daily." said Pedro.
"You may leave" he finished.
The talk had confirmed that infact the war was going to be final, and at 700 hours the Congress of the New Incan Umpire declared war on Communist Brazil!
Communist Brazil
14-03-2005, 01:47
The nation was quiet. It was so early, but everyone was awake. There was no premature declaration of course. It just happen and struck everything. People listened in their homes as the radio stated simple over the tear wrenched voices what had happened. The world was on fire. It fell.
South in the more arid border with Paraguay, the boots of the imperialists fell firmly upon the soil of native Brasil. The ground itself shook from the anticipation as suddenly, there was no need to follow rules. It was a silent declaration as the mass come forward.
The Paraguayan Column
The mountains provided an uphill battle for the mechanized division. As soon as they crossed the border, the morning sky was lit as artillery fire darted across and scattered across the ground. Across the air shrieks of the artillery monotously pounded as the mountain columns fired repeatedly down on throse pushign across the border. As they were squeezed across, beaten back and back, they were met from the sky the screaming sound of land to air aircraft, quickly detaching from a rigid helium airship carrier that was located only a short distance, it's outline slightly appearing in the dark, occasionally lit sky.
Of course the cloud of the Afrikaan aircraft appeared with short notice, and ascended up to the bombers, decimating the outer wings and were met by anti-air support from the mounts, and explosions racked the sky. The land forces were left at a stalemate as Brasilian reinforcements gathered on the other side of the mountainous terrain, waiting for the orders to push through and meet with coutnerattack. Quickly, it escalated as the artillery kept their place.
Dark Bolivia
The forest was extremely thick. There was no possibility of a true direct attack through the Amazon. They could use the rivers, but placing themselves at such a disadvantage would be near suicide considering the control of the rivers Brasil exercised. In any case, as the air strikes came over the forest, there was nothing truly to see, only stretching forest. There wre pocket clearings, but it seemed lightly foritified, and the lumber yards were completely abandoned. However, ther was soon a sign of civilization, but at close examination, it turned out to be a leper colony and medical facility. A civilian target.
But perhaps they wish to burn down the forest. Little did they know that hidden in the trees was waiting the serpent to strike at the great beast.
Already the order was made and the contingents followed the river and soon dropped off across the border, slowly creeping up. There was little sound made, until they stepped themselves on the Bolivia. And into a new danger.
The Andes Fall
Then to Peru, the cewnter of the umpire, as the forces attempt to cross the Andes. Certainly, the terrain only allowed for a bottleneck of forces to seep into the Brasilian ground. But the tactic ended bloodily as those in the Paraguayan column had left the warning. The lines of men across the Andesian paths were constantly ambushed by the Militias, and struck down by hit and run attacks of fast moving contingents of air and land squadrons. Of all the first operations, this was the greatest disaster.
As the Afrikaan planes pushed back the harassing forces, it was only a matter of time before they came again.
A "Special" Case
It was not so simple as on the Venezualan border the strict defense that had mounted as a defense against Gran Colombia intercepted some of the infiltrators that attempted to find the units stationed. Dotted across the landscape, the small units were taken in the developed area of the Northwestern Amazon by the defensive units. The versatile Rokon units used the river's to their advantage, and the huge obstacle it presented, as well as the tight surveillance, made crossing a chore. The northern Amazon alternated between strips of civilization and then deep forest.
But a few slipped in, a trickle that begun like a crack in a dam.
Fire in the Sky
Napalm was liberally applied to the cities on the border and military positions as the fire rained like brimstone, and the crackling of flesh as it burned filled the sordid night air with a stench. In the villages that held military positions, children and civilians wondered, their skin burned as they stumbled, screaming in pain and for loved ones. The nation itself seemed to wrench in utter despair as it was hurt to the core.
The strikes were met by the airships and anti-air defenses that brough down much of the "bombers," but many targets were all but unprotected. Unfortunately, there were many casualties of collateral damage. It only added up.
Then, the missiles streaked the skies, and in retention air platforms of the helium inflated rigid airships brought them down as they approached. but towards Brasilia, there was no fires shot.
"Marshall, it is for the people. For the many, few must die."
"I will not stand by this, Prime Minister."
"You have no choice, as they are already deactivated."
The city was on fire. The world was on fire. Such a recurring theme. There was no discretion as the missles descended and tore Brasilia apart. It lay half in ruins. There was no excuses. Blamed upon technical difficultires. It was over.
"We live in a world where there are no excuses for the killing of those innocent and untouched by any guilt. We live in a world where there are those who find no discretion to kill those without any thought, those who only fight for sordid ambition.
Brasilia burns, and we petition to the people of Brazil, to stand against this threat. We petition to the world, help us. We are being attacked by a force that does not care for the people. We are forced to defend ourselves from this threat.
This will not stand. We will fight back."
O Presidente Juan Osvaldo Hernadez
14-03-2005, 02:22
The Fire Stalls No More
The Afrikaan column kept moving even after taking heavy losses. Vehicles and units littered the battle field as the reinforcements arrived by the thousands. Three divisions[Vanheer 7-9ths, 150 thousand] were being forced up and over the "hills". Units began to charge forward in mass war cries as they fired back. Tanks drove over what was infront of them, hills, bodies, and other. Missiles flew from the rocket pods and other weapons. Helicopters flew all over the place firing their guns, unloading missiles. The artillery units opened fire as soon as the gunners found the enemy positiions. The artillery [PKWA.1MS] units fired thousands of rounds a minute, there was over five hundred artillery pieces near the border, and nearly five hundred rocket systems. They were all firing as quick as they could at targets with unprecidented accuracy. The units constantly fed new co-ordinates while they advanvced attack in all directions.
Andes March:
The load ring of voices broke the smoke filled air. "Fur der Gesut!" was the only thing anyone could hear, the engine muted by the roar of voices. The column of reinforcement arrived, the VCES units prepared for combat as they moved forward. Helicopters hovered directly over them. A blitzkreig begun as hundred of thousands of artillery shells and tons of napalm landed all over the frozen hills. Another fifty thousand more soldiers were to go threw the entire area and destroy the enemy.
Continued Strike:
The the remaining bombers returned to bases all over the Umpire, just as hundreds more flew out to attack their targets once more. This time they were carrying napalm, ALCMs and more napalm. They had the orders to bomb any certain cities to the grown, especially villages with poorer people. Another unit of bombers based in Asuncion flew to Sao Paulo and Rio de Janerio and other cities. With 500lb pound cluster bombs all over the place into any target, the units had fighter escorts with external fuel stores, a world-war two style bombing was taking place and would keep happening for as long as they needed to.
The first wave of cruise missiles was half way succesful, but military units were reloading and planning to fire over five thousand missiles at Brasilla and military installations in Brazil. All units were ordered to keep advancing until the reserve forces are exhausted. The war is an war of attrition through aggression, the war was going to last as long as reinforcements could come into the ranks as fast as they were lost to combat.
"Years of war will only compell us to surrender, years of peace will only compell us to fight, it is your choice now, surrender OR FIGHT FIGHT FIGTH UNTIL YOU CAN FIGHT NO MORE!!! We will fight until we can fight no more, we wil fight for what IS ours, and what is theirs, we have what they want and they have what we want. We will kill for what we want - our land!"
Pedro Cason, Presidente of the New Incan Power
Communist Brazil
14-03-2005, 03:03
Push the Infidels into the Ground
There was too many of them, and the artillery line had to break as the men abandoned the entrenchment in favor of the buildup on the other side. They waited so the imperialists to make the fatal mistake. And the bastards did as they pushed over the mountains, and descended down into the pit-trap.
The Osorios were quick to respond, and already in their compromised positions, they flanked them from the bases of the mounts and provided back-up cover. As the Afrikaans turned to respond, the mechanized divions truck as once again they were flank from both sides. Soon, almost half of the Paraguayan column was seperated and surrounded, while the other was attempted to supplement to effort on the other side of the mountain. Small units harassed those seperated on the other side, keeping the pretense there was a need to stay and not reinfornce those cornered off on the other side.
Andes Massacre
The hypocrisy of the "Incans" was noted with their German shouts. they claimed that Communism did not belong in South America because it wasn't "native." Coincidentally, the Brasilians didn't remember German being native to South America either.
What was also noted was the bombing of the hills. But the indiscriminate bombing had absolutely no effect, as it was hardly coordinated. It was also seen that the Brasilian infiltrators and guerillas were spread out and elusive, carpet bombing had no effect. Fire and smoke filled the air, but as parts of the units and the columns were forced into bottlenecks, they were isolated and decimated.
Good Luck
As soon as the aircraft come towards Brasilia, Sao Paulo, and Rio de Janeiro and crossed enemy lines, it was realized that the choice was in naught. Quickly, Spartan defense blimps tracked then off from miles, and they were intercepted and all but decimated as they were completely outnumbered. A few strikes got to Brasilia, but there was no chance of them reaching Sao Paulo or Rio.
The cruise missiles were responding to accordingly as well. Brasil had let them come to Brasilia, but Brasil was too massive to send so many missiles. Simply, it was a poor strategic decision.
West Cedarbrook
14-03-2005, 03:35
The Kramden of West Cedarbrook declares neutrality in the South American conflict. All West Cedarbrook flag shipping will be escorted by Naval and/or Naval Air Forces in the Atlantic. In the case of shipping to South America, vessels will be escorted to within three miles of port. Naval and/or Naval Air escort will be made available to requesting ships of the Pact of North American States when requested in vicinity of the war zone.
Per the recent occupation of Bermuda all shipping and overflight within a 40 mile radius of Bermuda is prohibited. Reference:
It is recommended that all shipping to and from Gabon from belligerent states use West Cedarbrook or neutral flag vessels.
Ernest Klein
Secretary of External Affairs
Kramden of West Cedarbrook.
OOC: Pretty good RP. Thought Earth III was dead for the last couple of weeks!
18-03-2005, 21:57
[temporary Pause]
Communist Brazil
18-03-2005, 23:39
[pause acknowledged]
20-03-2005, 08:32
[OOC: Unpaused. ]
Welcome to Hell!
0300 Hours - Special Operation units all over the Peruvian frontlines moved forward in the dark night. The units were using thermal units and night-vision goggles. The mission was simple, these small amounts [under three thousand] were to go in and smoke out the guerillas. The plan to destroy them was to penetrate the enemy defences. the units sneaked into the darkness no to return until the mission was done. Multiple units of the Beta Teams penetrating had gas grenades, high powered anti-armour, smoke grenades and mnay other special items. The units were to find and destroy the enemy with the assistance of helicopters and air planes of recent shipments from Afrika.
0500 Hours - Afrikaan Units in the Paraguayan mountains were surrounded and had to dig in and stay in defensive positions and wait for reinforcements. The reinfrocements would come from the Paraguay SotCom THQ rescue operations, two divisions of soldiers were coming, one hundred and ten thousand soldiers, more were coming to relieve the unit and send the wounded and dead bodies back to the medical treatment centers. Constant air support would be supplied by helicopters, gunships, attack planes, and bombers. Slupplies and medical equipment was being air dropped by air and even flown in by helicopter. This can not sustain the division for long however and that is why the 1st and 2nd division departed into the morning of darkness and the light of the next day. The units were expected to arrive at the battlefield in two days, without stopping.
The Early Day - The Beta Teams of Venezuelan Intropenetration operations were ordered back to their home bases in Venezuela to defend the land if an invasion was to take place, and some units were even flown to Peru as reinforcements fro the oncoming operations, the defence line was set-up and well linked. The Beta Teams had installed mine fields and tank traps. Labour Services constrcuted guns, artillery pieces and rocket emplacements to defend the bunker and tunnel network. Air bases in Venezuela were letting heavy bombers and super-sonic bombers fly towards the port and city of Belem for carpet bombing at high altitudes. The mission entailed three hundred super-sonic, heavy bombers.
Four Days Earlier, 0600 Hours - Afrikaan Bomber planes loaded with napalm, cluster bombed the enitre area for many miles forward to clear the way for a future attack. The attack was to go through the dense forest and jungle to get into the managable land of the interior. The napalm burned for many days, the attack would begin as soon as the flames stopped the at 0600 Hours.
0600 Hours - Afrikaan Divisions Vanheer 2nd-6th departed forwards into the enemy territory with planned air support, the anti-air systems would have to be suffecient until the fighters could arrive. The units drove and walked forward at extreme speeds with scout teams and vehicles clearing the way with explosives and plows. The heavy armour followed with frontal mounted plows to clear away stumps and other remains.
0700 Hours - The Afrikaan Mediterranean Fleet of three hundred ships and over fifty five thousand landing troops departed from their bases all over the Mediterranean. The Mediterranean Fleet was to put pressure on the Brazilians in the East to relieve the battles in the West.
20-03-2005, 08:48
[OOC: Note - This post actually occurs - RP wise - after the CB's next post.]
The International Affairs Department of the New Incan Umpire, would like to host a private conference in Cuzco, Peru to discuss a possible cease fire proposal.
-NJK Kijies, International Affairs - NIU
Communist Brazil
20-03-2005, 22:27
OOC: [paused for 24 hours, because of complications]
Communist Brazil
21-03-2005, 04:07
0800 Hours, North-Eastern Coast
Mobilized across the edges of the Atlantic, in response to intelligence that a Afrikaan fleet was exiting the Mediterranean, was the brunt of a naval defense force that decide that the long-term goal was to block any naval attack on Brazil, either from the Osean states of Truitt or of the Afrikaan fleets. The order was given through the wire, and already ready for such a contingency, the forces massed at the edge. Most of the forces were not in a military fashion, but instead, heavily fortified the coast and created a massive logistics contingency and line across the Eastern Seaboard.
But there was a slight pressure, seemingly coming from all sides. There was a growing tension from within Brasil, it manifested as a subtle influence at first. But then, in the bordellos of the military hierachy, it became obvious that this was not just acts of self defense. This was open war, and there was a profit perhaps to be gained for it. Movements, not of nationalism, but of expansion seemed to pick up steam as people ,grievous of their sudden loss, wanted something more than revenge.
They wanted to reach an ideal that seemed out of reach for so long. When the soldiers went to fight, they weren't fighting for themselves, they were fighting for the future.
1050 Hours, Fortaleza Naval Installation
The winter brought storms, and tonight, the waves chopped off on the storm, originating from the off-shore storm that was slowly beginning to come close the the shore. The naval officer, his khaki and brown uniform rippling in the sharp winds, held down his hat as he walked down the pier, and was soon joined by another man. They both stopped at the end of ther dock, looking out off into the Fortaleza harbor, watching the fleets converge and undock.
"The navy will be divided into three temporary armadas. We intend to strike Venezuala, Colombia, and crossing the Panama canal, Peru. By striking the heart of the Umpire, we will drag it down into the dust and allow for the Venezualan-Colombian contingents to come in, and then back-up the Andesian powers. Perhaps even the Bolivian front. Regardless, the plan is set. You have talked with Almirante?"
"Why Venezuala? Would not the Guiana front push through?"
"We are not storming Venezuala in the same way we are in Peru and Colombia. Venezuala will be blockaded to block any retreat that our attacks from Brasilian soil and the Guianas may give. They may go into Colombia, but the attack only goes after Colombia has been stormed from the South-East. As such, it will press them into isolation as they are surronded, and cut them off from the true prize, Peru, which will be stormed from Bolivia and the Pacific. However, something we worry about is their navy. But we may get some support on that, we will have to outmanuever them."
They both stood and watched the storm, the sun setting upon it, its rains blocked by the walls of rain.
"Its going to be a restless night."
A few years ago after the rise of the New Incan Umpire
The young Peruvian boy once dreamed of what the Incan Empire could have been. He loved the legends his parents and relatives told him, and he showed off to mindless, European tourists with pride. He bought into the nationalism, the dream of the Umpire. His hope made him ignorant to the German speaking soldiers, the military installations, the rapid destruction of the land, the capitalization and persecution of the worker's movements. He bought that democracy, communism, all the alternatives to this authoritarian method was not native to Inca. But.... German language was not native to Inca. Capitalism was not native. Industrialization was not native. Militarisation was not native. Napalm, bombs, and the burning of the mountains and forest was not native. Afrikaan soldiers were not native.
It was a dream, and it flitted so much away at the epitapt. He ran through the Andes and came into the Amazon. His name was Mando Amaru Condorcanqui. And now, he was found by the Liberdade e Justiça Para Tudo. And now, he fought for a new ideal. The freedom of his people from the true Europeans, the German imperialists. The freedom of the workers from capitalist exploitation in the system that kept them subservient. The freedom of the land from the gross industrialisation and rape of his home. He fought, for Liberty and Justice.
Present Day, 0200 Hours, Amazon Forest, Several Miles from Peruvian Border, Brasil
The radio crackled with news from the Corpo Especial and Commandante Bittencourt. Sub-Commandante Condorcanqui would lead the LJPT into Peru while the Worker's Militias would continue guerilla raids with support from the Aerial forces. The distraction would allow the small paramilitary contingent to lock in on the Peruvian village that a Peruvian informat, Victor Raul la Haya, had been emplaced. From there, they would begin the standard procedure for an internal movement, recruiting from the populace. They had little time, but this was the part of Peru innocent to the corruption of capitalism. Like Mando's home village, before the occupation.
They were in one of the Amazon sanctuaries from the cover organization supported by the Brasilian government, it was a simple encanment. Over 20 highly trained individuals, loyal to a revolutionary cause and even more elite than the Brasilian Corpo Especial, they did not serve a military function as much as they did a revolutionary, as they would instigate popular support for Brasilian troops, and thus create logistic lines and sabotage to Afrikaan operations. In the war of the Worker's Militias and of the people, everyone was logistics, and this war of the peasant rule is what would lead to victory.
Mando smiled as he locked in his weapon and stared out into the forest. He waited for the word. He wanted to take back his mother, his land, his nationality. But now, only one thing remained. And he was to seek it out.
0350 Hours, Peruvian-Brasilian Border, the Andes
The guerilla contingents were far spread, and had already caused moderate casualties and suffered some themselves. The Beta Teams were soon detected and the message spread through. Soon enough, the guerillas weakened their attacks, laying low for the next few hours. The Beta Teams, at first seeing great success, now saw little, giving a pretense of surrender.
One of the Afrikaan columns passed through a mountain village, and then, it was obvious, that their enemy was invisible, as they were not just Brasilian, but little difference between them and the native Peruvians, whom, during these operations had been used as a recruiting base, through conscription, press gangs, and other methods, even volunteers, though there was few.
The blatant attack on civilian targets through the use of explosives and napalm did not help. As the tanks rattled on through village after village, there were women screaming, some of the teenage children threw rocks, and the charred carcasses of carpet bombing's after affects could be seen, as well as living collateral damage staring at the soldiers, some crying, others looking with dead, accusing looks.
These images resounded in the heads not only of the Altek, but of the Brasilians as they spread out. What loss... What loss?
As the hours passed, soon, there was a high pitched screech as wings and lances of air-to-ground aircraft flew over the Andes, scanning below, some being picked off by the anti-air measures. But they did not seem as interested in Afrikaan lines, but used their targeting technology to pick of the Beta Teams, until soon the order was given for dispersion as they regrouped and swung by Afrikaan lines, pounding down, avoiding civilian targets.
And as the air rained down, the militias regrouped and began to retaliate against the Beta Teams, supplemented by parachuting Corpo Especial elite units to counter Beta Teams. The radio lines that equipped the militias was used as lightning communication that became a nightmare for the Afrikaan lines.
0550 Hours, Paraguayan-Brasilian Border, Mountain Valley
The orders were to converge. While half of the column was backed up agakinst the mountain being harassed, the other side, surrounded on all sides and increasingly outnumbered after being divided, allowing for a sudden change in plans. Suddenly, all forces shifted forward, suffering major casualties, but poured upon the Afrikaans, who apparently were trying to fortify themselves. But it was almost too late as soon, all sides came on one, and it became direct, personal combat, as each soldier looked into the others eye.
Over the battlefield, what appeared to two huge blimps connected with underthem a platform full of aircraft ready to launch, a new wave of attacks came as the rigid helium airships made a position with their air flotilla, aircraft carriers that themselves were in the sky. They did not attack the ground, but waited for the inevitable. They loomed over the rising light in the sky, staring down.
As soon as new air waves came, they were launched, and air platforms launched fired the Phoenixes and covered the sky with the fire of a thousand hells. It was a war on ground and in the air.
Four Days Earlier, 0590 Hours, Near the Bolivian-Brasilian Border, Amazon
The bearded man sat around the campfire, fashioning his little spear for the fishing the Corpo would need to do. They were waiting for the call from HQ. He smiled at the situation, wondering if the armchari generals of "Afrika" came down like this. The comandante like him was humbled by these, small time activities. He shook his head and continued. The sounds of the forest bothered him, and the thick air was not good for his asthma.
There was a rising scream over the air, and he looked as the shapes in the sky dropped the fire. That moment, he would not forget throughout his life. The searing pain, the fire, it would burn itself into his mind.
Present Day, 0610 Hours
The burning and razing of the forest had new casualties. Biodiversity. So it is.
The forest was still burning, as the napalm continued to spread. The ground was not ash, but embers, to cross it would burn the soles, and the desolate landscape continued to smoke. As of now, it could not be crossed, and it invited wrath within the Umpire, as indigenous groups rose up in arms. Not only this, there was simply no way to cross. They would have to wait perhaps four mroe days before it would be safe and efficient to cross the wasteland.
1900 Hours, Porto Allegre, Spartacist League
The woman, her blonde hair tied neatly in a bun behind her, stood at the pedestal and spoke out into the huge crowd, captivated by her words. Eva Duarte da Silva, something radiant about her. She spoke carefully but firmly.
"People of America, we are faced wit hthe adversity of German imperialists and the rape of our land. Hours ago, an attack was not just made on the indingenous and proud people of America, Inca, or any name it can be called. We are united under a superior ideal of a united America, against the threat of the imperialists, who now beg for peace once they are faced with true opposition, showing their weakness.
They burned down our land, attack women and children ,even their own. No compassion or discretion. Do you want to live in the imperialist's world of fear, when your land is exploited in the simple false path of nationalism? Such fools. But we watch our most sacred resource, the Amazon, burn down much like the old days. These are new days, and we see a window of opportunity. The Spartacist League has determined that in light of the attacking of the economy, we are to instate a policy of War Communism, and furthermore, make sure we exact our toll on the cowardly imperialist threat, who now barter for peace. We will meet them at their summit. But we know the true end. The end, is the liberation of America!
This edict the League passes entails the following measures.
All large factories to be controlled by the government.
Production is to be planned and organized by the government..
Obligatory labor duty is to be imposed onto "non-working classes".
Requisition of agricultural surpluses from peasants in excess of absolute minimum for centralized distribution among the remaining population.
Food and commodities are to be rationed and distributed in a centralized way.
Private enterprise became illegal.
Military-like control of railroads and transportation to be introduced.
And now, on behalf of the bureacrats in the PCPB, I will announce that we will send our Vice-President, Hugo Santo Antonio, to meet at this summit. We will see how it works.
Thank you, and let our actions bless our movement."
24-03-2005, 09:08
If whittier is attacked, whittier will launch a thermonuclear first strike.
26-03-2005, 00:35
If whittier is attacked, whittier will launch a thermonuclear first strike.
OOC: I really want to ignore you right about ... now. Rule of this RP is no NBC weapons.
02-04-2005, 23:56
- Burn -
Mediterranean Fleet -
The entangled Mediterranean Fleet of the Rapid Reaction Force of the New Incan Umpire. The Fleet's missions was cancelled by the admiral after a long thought out plan. The first part of the plan was to send all ships frigate or larger back to ports, where smaller ships will stay out in the ocean and scout for enemy movement. All units of the Fleet were all well equipped and filled with slupplies and other equipment. The units of the Fleet retreated back to their ports in Italy do to massive pressure and stand still in the Mediterranean Sea. Recently the navy was in chaos, orders mixed with thoughts of what to do, the lack of control was incredibly appalling. Afrikaan ships in the Mediterranean Sea were sailing back towards their ports, even while the mission wasn't cancelled. The need for a front on the Eastern side of South America. Orders from the Admiral told ship captains to in an orderly fashion return to base, althought this was an order certain ships stopped and did not continue in either direction. The Admiral then changed his order to allow smaller ships to anchor in the assigned position north of Sicily. Order was finally back in the fleet, but possibly a bit too late for the Admiral to develop an alternate plan to leave the Mediterranean Sea.
Peru -
Beta Heer Teams all morning were calling for reinforcements or relief after heavy fighting all night and morning for alsmot a week. General Gyges, recently flown to Peru from Afrika, to command the Peruvian forces. The Nineveh Gesut-Guard Division[NGD], recently moved from Cuzco to the frontlines, have been equipped for mountain warfare. The fifty-five thousand men strong all from the town od Dialak in Eastern and of Japanese decent all nearly six feet tall. The NGD units were equipped with vehicles and slupplies, they were to drive far into the valley and into the mountinas until the units can link up with units from the Beta Heer. The Beta Heer teams were reporting massive casulties and stiff resistance and other things, helicopters constantly bring casulties out and reinforcements and slupplies to the fighters.
The Afrikaan Luftwaffe was beginning to start bombing known enemy hold-outs. Luftwaffe attack planes, and various other bombers flew in by the swarms. Not only did fighter and attack jets come but hundreds of helicopters, all equipped with rockets and fuel-air bombs. The vehicles of the NGD decended into the valley, with an low speed advance. The NGD was divinding into assualt groups to take certain positions. The assualt groups all had specific coverage from helicopters and fighter jets. Each unit had a specific Beta Heer teams to locate and relieve. The battle would rage for longer than anyone wanted it to, and we planned to win.
Paraguay -
Paraguay's divisions were disorganized, and completely scattered from the overwhelming attack. Recently arriving reinforcements put pressure on all sides of the attack. The Afrikaan frontline soldiers and armour were ordered to stand and fight, anyone cuaght retreating would be sent back to prisons in Afrika, worse than death. Reinforcements were given specific locations behind the front lines to set up secure defensive positions in which to hold to the end. The armoured units were ordered to go to the front lines immediately and fight to the end, although the armoured divisions were numerous they were in disarrange. The armoured divisions were unorganized after such a quick advanced but all units still got the order to attack.
High in the sky, Afrikaan Luftwaffe fighters and bombers along with helicopters flew all over the place. The bomber fleet emptied all 12 of their Spice X missiles into the sky, towards the aeroships. The fighters were dropping small napalm and cluster bombs into the rear lines of the communsit forces. Artilery pieces fired thousands of rounds into the known positions of enemy. Rocket artileery and multiple artillery let loose hundreds of thousands of rounds all filled with cluster splatter divices. Helicopters were used to fly right over the Afrikaan positions firing missiles, rockets, and other guns. The assualt would not allow the communist forces to apply the major blow they wanted to Afrikaan and New Incan Umpire forces.
Bolivia -
Afrikaan units all over the front lines in Bolivia, or actually close to Brasil were ordered to slowly continue forward and stop as little as possible. The relative slow advance towards the planned target was initiated to keep slupplie lines strong. Scouting was done by air and ground with light vehicles. As the first units marched and drove forward on the burnt remains of nothingness, slupply had to be kept to fight in such extreme conditions, just as in Venezuela to the north. In Venezuela defences were being beefed up on all sides along with almost all sides of the Umpire, recently it was accelerated extremely because of fear of penetration on any side. Forces, nearly three divisions were deployed along the Colombia and Panama border, incase of an offensive move from the North.
Cuzco, Peru, Imperial Palace -
"The scum of the earth will not talk to us for a peaceful end to this war, where we leave them our land that we conquered. Casulties are mounting, and you and I and everyone else knows that we will out number the enemy if needed and we will defeat or a peace agreement. The Gesut has even sent his Nineveh Gesut-Guard Division to South America. Why you may ask, well because if we lose this war for him and his people, we will have lost our right to exist. The New Incan Forces all over are already streched to the limit. Current policies have all New Incan Military Units on defence but that soon may change if any more casulties of an unaccpectable ammount are obtained! That means, if we do not reinforce the weakened or destroyed units with our own, we will lose this war. Get your son, or yourself to sign up for the war effort, join the NIU Police or NIU Expeditionary Force today!"
New Incan Umpire Initate, Ashuraddon de Gyges, speaking on the public radio stations, television stations.
Communist Brazil
19-04-2005, 02:05
1410 Hours, Andesian Border, Peruvian Village
Mando looked up from the hut at the sky, which was burned with the scars of war. It lit up with the fire of thousands of lives lost in this burning conflict. The smoke crusted it with a grime that seemed unnatural for the once clear sky of the Andes. It was lost to war, to industrialization. So sad it was, that within the course of years, the New Incan Umpire because the vassal state of a rabid consumerist state.
Poetic. But war wasn't time for prose.
He had met with Victor. The LJFA was to deploy from this village, they were to wait until the Worker's Militias let up and were pushed back from Brasil, leaving Afrikaan troops flanked and infrastructure vulnerable. Or so it would be hoped. The unit of the LJFA was made mosty of Peruvian and Andesian refugees, it would not be hard to blend in. They had changed clothes and integrated into the village, becoming a sleeper cell. There was no way to tell them from the Andesian native people.
They were waiting for their orders.
1553 Hours, Peruvian-Brasilian Border, the Andes
Any spots of concentrated guerillas would have been an almost impossibility with the motions and tactics being used. However, after days, almosts weeks for fighting continued, eventually, attacks began to taper off. The Andes had not yet been crossed, and one very important objective had been achieved. The proposed crossing of the Andes was delayed for nearly a month. This was certainly enough time for counter-attack.
Personnel and logistical casualties were the main focus of the guerilla groups which had disbanded and melded into the surrounding areas. They attempted to work i nefficiency for a single purposes. Whittle down and dismantle logistics lines, delay movements, and cripple the line of attack. They had accomplished the main points of their goals, and now, Brasil moved in for their attack.
It was an offensive move, and first was the defensive Spartan helium airships which overlooked the deployment, keeping tabs on any possible enemy detachments from the air. These airships loomed over in the sky, keeping a close watch like WWI zeppelins. With strong air support, the deployment worked itself quickly, and began to move to the base of the Andesian border. They were going to fight on their own turns, and let the enemy come upon their own turf, weakened to a point.
1556 Hours, Paraguayan-Brasilian Border, Mountain Valley
Even the Afrikaans could see the brutal effectiveness of the Brazilian strategy. Certainly the reinforcements lightened the burder, it allowed for little tactical advantage in the bottleneck scenario, as the Brazilians still surrounded the original unit. The armored reinforcements continued to bombard, but redeployments of the artillery divisions on the mountains faces as the anti-air defense helium airships arrives helped drive back some of the lost tactical effectiveness the reinforcements brought to Brazilian troops.
But the one unexpected factor was the massive air support. Unfortunately for the Afrikaans, the deployment of the rigid helium airships continually attempted to repel the strikes, continually serving as an obstacle, and certainly decreasing the effectiveness that the air support might have given advantage to the surrounded tank column. Certainly, however, it wouldn't immediately be the end for either side. In the distance, the low humming of Brazilian reinforcements could be heard, not heard by the naked ear, but felt by the soldiers, Brazilians elated and Afrikaans left for their own thoughts, be it bloodlust or dread.
The Brazilians took this slight increase in moral to their advantage. Leaving the surrounded forces little chance for drawn out entrenchment, they moved forward, and fell upon with waves, outnumbering the surrounded unit and attempting to block off the new reinforcement unit coming to the aid. They worked quickly, shifting their strategy as they needed.
1594 Hours, Near the Bolivian-Brasilian Border, Amazon
Unfortunately, while they treaded along extremely slowly, the forest continued to burn, and huge columns of smoke circled in the sky, the rain doing nothing to stop the constant inferno, which stopped the forces in their tracks. The Bolivian Amazon was extremely still as the fire crackled and burned. The forest burned with the rage of the Umpire, not realizes its horrible ignorance of the land being destroyed. It would bring a tear to one's eye to see the horrible destruction that simply crossing the border would require. It would invoke the deepest rage of Brazil. The land itself would turn against the Afrikaans.