The Northern Dragon Awakes (Earth II)
12-03-2005, 23:26
The Forbidden City, Beijing
Dianrui Fan bowed his head reverentially to the Dragon-Premier. "I am not worthy of such appreciation, Excellence. I am your humble servant, I need no praise. I simply act as you wish me to; I am your instrument."
Dragon-Premier Chiisu Suun smiled slightly as he presented the ornate sword to the leader of the Howling Devils. "In acknowledgement of your efforts on my behalf, I invest you with the Order of Huangdi. Arise, Dianrui. I now declare that you are Shenlong, the Spiritual Dragon."
Dianrui rose, receiving the applause of the cabinet members. The Order of Huangdi was NeoSuun Zhonghua's version of royal honours, but only a limited number of people would receive the name of a mythological dragon; the rest would receive a species name as a title.
Suun folded his formal robes around himself to sit down, then began the meeting.
"Now that southern matters are resolved, we must look further afield. There is an entire world out there, a world which we should rightfully influence. However, only the Rosians, the Greeks and the Cotlandish have acknowledged us. There are other nations out there who we should be engaging, so I wish for a diplomatic intiative. Rongyi, you will identify these nations; they must be nations worthy of our attention, we are a superior people who cannot be everywhere.
The anniversary of Mao's ascension to the Dragon Throne is fast approaching, so preparations must continue for that as well. Kuan Yin, I have faith that you can commemorate the occasion with suitable pomp."
Armandian Cheese
12-03-2005, 23:28
OOC: I see NeoSuunism is spreading to Earth II...
12-03-2005, 23:35
OOC: I see NeoSuunism is spreading to Earth II...
Been there for some time now, living in northern China.
13-03-2005, 00:39
The cabinet meeting soon turned to a deployment discussion as news of recent instability in Indonesia was received. Defence Minister Wanfa Kong activated the nearby map screen.
"Right, if we are to intervene, then I suggest sending the 2nd Fleet down to establish our presence; Rongyi, you'd better contact the Soviets to let them know that we are merely present to restore order."
The Zhonghua 2nd Fleet received new orders within three hours; they turned away from their scheduled exercises in the Yellow Sea and began heading south...
13-03-2005, 23:55
Southeast Asia
The 2nd Fleet entered the Philippine Sea and received better-defined orders. They were to proceed to North Maluku and establish military control; the rest of the area was to be left for other powers (aka Pyschotika/Mercetonia). The Military Command Council (MCC) had decided that it was time to create a series of strategic facilities in order for NeoSuun Zhonghua to project forces across the globe.
North Pacific Ocean
The 4th Fleet proceeded on course for their objective. Cottish forces were pulling out of the Marshall Islands as a result of high-level negotiations between the two powers; in return for certain concessions, Cotland was leaving the Marshalls for NeoSuun Zhonghua.
The MCC had chosen well; the Marshalls were home to just under 58,000 people, while North Maluku was home to approximately 700,000. The fleets were to occupy the islands and install pro-Zhonghua civilian administrations, who would then sign any treaties put in front of them.
ooc: Good luck taking the Marshalls. I've P.O.ed the population big, so they won't be too happy about more strangers invading....... I took out half their SAM capabilities though...
14-03-2005, 00:02
ooc: Good luck taking the Marshalls. I've P.O.ed the population big, so they won't be too happy about more strangers invading....... I took out half their SAM capabilities though...
OOC: Well, now that it's merely expansion rather than claiming initial territory, I intend to take my sweet time, with insurgents and all.
This might also reveal NeoSuun Zhonghua's 'less-than-civil side'.
OOC: Well, now that it's merely expansion rather than claiming initial territory, I intend to take my sweet time, with insurgents and all.
This might also reveal NeoSuun Zhonghua's 'less-than-civil side'.
ooc: LOL. I tried that one. They didn't listen. Just threw 600 soldiers on my small reccee force. Had to kill'em all.. Anyways, I'll be keeping a close eye on this thread.
BTW OMFG Post #2000 !!!!! WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!! [/spam]
14-03-2005, 23:30
The Marshall Islands
The night seemed fairly uneventful; the 4th Fleet was under radio silence and hopefully hadn't been detected. A single freighter pulled into Majuro docks just before dawn, claiming to be carrying medical supplies and food.
Dawn finally arrived, and with it came an onslaught.
SU-27s from the carriers Ming and Liao began flying sorties, aiming to take out any SAM installations not destroyed by the Cottish; satellite imagery had provided fairly accurate positions, but it didn't take long for the defenders to man their stations and begin firing back.
As the air assault continued, three troop ships began moving into the Ralik Chain to start securing islands.
In Majuro, the cargo of the freighter was revealed to be several squads of marines, who had been ordered to secure the docks to allow use for landings.
The Islanders began to deploy in preparation for landings on the central islands; troops dug themselves in, and the fleet prepared to carry out sneak attacks on enemy vessels as they neared the centre of the island group. The Marshall government attempted to contact Beijing to find out what was going on, but all messages were ignored.
The Seawolf class nuclear attack submarine ICS Lakota (SSN-818) was preforming a calm 5 knot cruise at 160 meters depth, approximately forty thousand meters from Majuro. She had been ordered to stay behind and help the Zhonghuans take the Marshalls. Raising to 30 meters, she raised her periscope and UHF antenna and sent the following message to the friendly (??) fleet.
- Begin message -
To: NeoSuun Zhonghua fleet
From: ICS Lakota SSN-818
The ICS Lakota stands by if you need assistance. We are armed with 32 ADCAPs, 12 'Lance' SSMs and 8 Pole-axe cruise missiles. Give the word and preferably the target coordinates and leave it to us.
- End message -
ooc: Note that writing in red means that it is top secret for all others then the sender and reciever. Thank you.
15-03-2005, 23:55
-Begin message-
TO: ICS Lakota SSN-818
We appreciate the offer of assistance. Although we do not require your help at present, we request that you stay in the area just in case.
- End message -
Admiral Shen observed the operation from the carrier Liao, pleased with the way things were going:
The outlying islands from Ujae to Utirik were the scene of amphibious landings; marines had claimed them for Zhonghua, although twelve marines had lost their lives in the attacks. Enemy losses numbered forty-five.
The air assault was doing an 'acceptable' amount of damage to Marshall SAM positions, although two planes had been lost; the pilots were somewhere in the island chain after ejecting.
In Majuro, the docks were ringing with gunfire. The marines had secured several bays, but had come under heavy fire from enemy positions and were pinned down until reinforcements could be delivered. To this end, one of the fleet's troop transports was en route to Majuro, escorted by three destroyers, five frigates and the carrier Ming.
As the battles continued, the fleet's submarines began hunting the Marshall fleet, having narrowed down their position to the vicinity of Majuro; the small force heading for Majuro docks was warned to report any sighting of enemy ships.
North Maluku
Here the Zhonghuans tried a similar approach. This time, the 2nd Fleet waited until night fell before moving into attack range. Aircraft bombarded identified coastal positions, a move which was followed up by amphibious landings on Tidore, Ternate and Halmahera. The collapse of the previous government had left the island province in disarray, but this did not stop ground forces moving to defend major population centres.
In both situations, the Zhonghuans backed up their offensives with humanitarian missions. When not being shot at or otherwise attacked, Zhonghuan soldiers assisted in distribution of food and medical supplies. Propaganda campaigns were also started over both warzones; the Zhonghuans disrupted local radio and television in order to broadcast messages of friendly liberation, while pamphlets baring similar messages were dropped from the air or handed out by soldiers.
18-03-2005, 17:20
Marshall Islands
SU-30s from the carrier Ming were launched against the Marshall fleet as they were located by the 2nd Fleet's submarines; the enemy navy quickly found itself under submarine and air attack.
The steady occupation of islands continued, with forces being landed on any island where defenders had not surrendered; on all islands, humanitarian aid kept being delivered to civilians while propaganda welcomed the Marshall Islands to the great Zhonghuan Hegemony.
The Majuro beach-head finally received reinforcements, and the forces there began pushing further into the capital. Civilian leaders were contacted and given surrender terms: allow Zhonghua to annex the islands and remain as administrators. Large reconstruction funds were promised, as the Marshalls would become part of the 'greatest nation in the world'.
North Maluku
The highly-trained and well-equipped Zhonghuans blitzkrieged through the Malukun defensive lines, backed up with heavy air support. Malukun leaders were told of Mercitonia's annexation of the rest of the region; they were told that no-one was coming to help them, so it was either allow annexation and live as Zhonghuans or resist and bring the Hegemony's wrath down on their heads.
19-03-2005, 22:45
Marshall Islands
In the face of overwhelming odds, the civilian government sued for peace. The Marshall Islands became the newest province of the great Zhonghuan Hegemony.
Zhonghuan forces moved to take control of key facilities in preparation for the arrival of 'facilitators', who would assess the needs of the local population and fulfil them if possible.
However, the official surrender of the government did not stretch to much of the Marshall armed forces; entire units melted away into populated areas, with resistance already being planned.
North Maluku
The defenders continued to put up resistance, but the situation was deteriorating by the hour. Zhonghuan forces were securing objective after objective, with constant air support and rumours of Zhonghuan reinforcements on the way. Morale was further damaged by reports that the provincial capital of Sofifi on Halmahera had fallen and was now occupied by the Zhonghuans.
Inside the capital, the Zhonghuans quickly established a curfew before beginning the distribution of food and water to the besieged citizens. Zhonghuan soldiers paid for any goods they took, and always acted as model occupiers. The idea was to show that NeoSuun Zhonghua was here to help and guide rather than oppress.
To: Zhonghua
From: Cotland
Subject: Lease
The Empire of Cotland would very much like to lease the atoll of Kwajalein for a time period of 99 years for a total cost of 5 billion Coins (approx. 6 billion USD)(price is negotiable). If allowed, we will construct a moderate size naval base/air station on the island. Thank you.
19-03-2005, 23:36
To: Zhonghua
From: Cotland
Subject: Lease
The Empire of Cotland would very much like to lease the atoll of Kwajalein for a time period of 99 years for a total cost of 5 billion Coins (approx. 6 billion USD)(price is negotiable). If allowed, we will construct a moderate size naval base/air station on the island. Thank you.
To: Cotland
From: NeoSuun Zhonghua
Subject: Kwajalein Lease
The Hegemony of NeoSuun Zhonghua agrees to the lease of Kwajalein by the Empire of Cotland. We feel it necessary to point out that there may be some remnants of resistance, but we are sure that you will be able to handle any eventualities.
The Empire thanks you, and will pay out the money as soon as we have secured the island. Our Marines are itching for a fight...
Imperial Government of Cotland
OOC: Just sending in my troops. It'll only be one or two posts where I basically bomb the living s*** out of Kwajalein.
IC: The 3rd Nimitz Battlegroup recieved their new orders and immediately set sail for Kwajalein. They were met midway there by three assault ships carrying all in all 6800 Marines. A full Marine Regiment, complete with artillery and air defense. Together with the naval support, they would shell the hell out of the enemy.
As the ships approached Kwajalein, the three Arleigh Burke class destroyers fired off a salvo of 30 Pole-axe cruise missiles towards pre-located targets on Kwajalein. After the initial missile attack, the F/A-18D Hornets took off and started their attack, warming the enemy up for the Marines.
3rd Nimitz Battlegroup - Off Kwajalein
Arleigh Burke class Guided Missile Destroyer: 3
Oliver Hazard Perry class Frigates: 6
Los Angeles class Attack Submarines: 2
Nimitz class Aircraft Carrier: 1
Tawara class Assault Ships: 3
Ticonderoga class Guided Missile Cruisers: 3
Kiluea class Ammunition Ship: 1
Supply class Fast Combat Support Ship: 2
3rd Nimitz Air Group
F-22N Raptor: 12
F/A-18D Hornet: 36
E-2C Hawkeye AEW: 4
E-A6B Intruder SEAD/EW: 4
S-3B Viking: 8
ES-3A Viking: 2
HM Merlin Mk1: 6
51st Marine Regiment - Kwajalein
Marines: 6000
M1114 w/ TOW: 300
M1114 w/ XM312 MG: 600
AAAV: 300
M939A2 5-ton truck: 300
AH-1W SeaCobra: 24
AV-8B Super Harrier: 12
CH-53E Sea Stallion: 24
EH101 Merlin Mk1: 24
UH-1Y Huey: 12
M1069 Humvee: 4
M119A2 Howitzer: 9
M939A2 Resupply Truck: 5
22-03-2005, 23:06
Marshall Islands
The Zhonghuans settled into a seemingly quiet deployment. As ordered, the Zhonghuans treated the Islanders with respect now that they were part of the Hegemony. All POWs were released, and reconstruction funding poured in. Hospitals and schools were being rebuilt, and the islands' infrastructure was being improved.
The provincial government was comprised entirely of native Islanders, with Zhonghuan liaisons providing 'advice'; in actual fact, the provincial government was nothing but a rubber-stamp body filled with Zhonghuan puppets. The provincial government quickly agreed to the creation of the proposed military hub, earning the islands even more funding.
North Maluku
The Zhonghuan onslaught finally proved too much as the Malukuns surrendered. As in the Marshalls, the Zhonghuan forces were extremely generous in their actions now that the Malukuns were Hegemony citizens. The new provincial authorities bowed before all Zhonghuan requests, realising that cooperation was much more pleasant than summary execution.
NeoSuun Zhonghua
Back home, the population were jubilant at the news of their expansion. The military were also suitably cheery, as they had won extra funding from the government after their successes. An enormous military parade took place in Tiananmen Square, attended by the Zhonghuan leadership; the parade also featured the awarding of medals to the victorious commanders.
25-04-2005, 20:28
With the Marshall Islands and North Maluku clearly under control, the Zhonghuan leadership looked elsewhere, seeking new acquisitions for the Hegemony.
Recent unrest in the Marianas and Guam led Central Command to identify the islands as an excellent target for expansion. Gaining control of the islands would increase Zhonghua's power projection ability and provide yet another strategic position.
To the north of NeoSuun Zhonghua, Central Command eyed up West Mongolia. East Mongolia was already part of the Hegemony, and the west was crying out for unification under the NeoSuunist banner.
Preparations were laid out for the upcoming campaigns in an efficient and quick manner; the 1st Fleet would be dispatched to take Guam and the Marianas, while the 3rd Northern Battle group would move into West Mongolia. The government declared to the people that a new era was on the horizon....
Duke Barol
26-04-2005, 17:11
tagy tag tag
29-04-2005, 21:15
The 1st Zhonghuan Fleet began its departure from its home facility and set course for the Marianas & Guam. The fleet bore 6000 marines and 300 Type-63A tanks; a small force to be sure, but the Zhonghuan External Security Force already had agents deployed in the islands. With the current anarchy following the collapse of the Granzian government, the islands were believed to be a perfect target. Zhonghuan agents were already spreading propaganda about the greatness of the Hegemony and the benefits of joining.
Inner Mongolia & Eastern Mongolia
The 3rd Northern Battle Group was reaching attack readiness; General Tsao was confident of a quick victory, in fact he had personally promised the Dragon-Premier swift success. The forces under his command included a large number of native Mongolians; it was hoped that they would lend an air of liberation rather than conquest.
Tsao had a formidable force under his command; ten infantry divisions, four armoured divisions, two artillery divisions, four AAA brigades, one communications regiment and three engineer regiments, totalling 185,600 combatant personnel. He could also call upon assistance from the Northern Air Command, allowing him access to heavy bombers, attack fighters, airlifters and other aircraft.
Zhonghuan propaganda broadcasts into Western Mongolia talked of final reunification with the rest of Mongolia within the Zhonghuan Hegemony. Footage of the increasingly good living standards in Zhonghuan Mongolia was shown, and various other advantages of Hegemony membership were discussed in the broadcasts.
30-04-2005, 18:25
We would like to congradulate the Zhonghuan government on their recent gains. We would also like to inform you that we currently have a fleet in Southeast Asia, with five divisions attached to prevent an enemy of ours, the USSR, from reinforcing troops in Arabia. We do not mean to threaten you with their presence, we merely must settle some old matters (Operation Bahraini Freedom)
-Wandu e-Mumman
--High Sultan of Elephantum
01-05-2005, 21:28
The Zhonghuan government was quick to respond to the High Sultan's message, thanking him for his kind congratulations and wishing Elephantum the best of luck in their operations against their enemies.
The Philippine Sea
The 1st Fleet had made its way to the deployment zone under radio silence, but there was no doubt that someone somewhere would have detected them. Admiral Wu was under orders to limit civilian casualties and infrastructure damage; if he ran into any difficulties, then he could contact the 2nd Fleet near North Maluku for reinforcements.
The Zhonghuan/Mongolian Border
The sound of jet aircraft resounded over the border regions as midnight arrived. Two divisions of JH-7 attackers entered Mongolian airspace and began assaulting anti-air positions as H-6X bombers began delivering their payload on Mongolian border positions; in a typically Zhonghuan precise assault, ground forces began pouring across the border from the south and the east.
The armoured divisions had been equipped for desert warfare and trained extensively in the Gobi Desert, so there were relatively few problems with the initial advance; infantry were loaded onto transport trucks for the drive across the desert terrain to avoid exhaustion. Mi-24 Hinds supported the ground advance, flying in escort of the advancing Zhonghuan columns.
In Ulaanbator, the capital of Zhonghuan Mongolia, special forces began to be loaded onto their transports for airdrops into Mongolian cities.
03-05-2005, 21:41
Marianas & Guam
The local administrations received a communique from the Zhonghuan government in Beijing; they were offered the opportunity to remain in power with Zhonghuan military, financial and humanitarian support in return for joining the Hegemony.
Meanwhile, the 1st Fleet continued preparations for strikes on any areas that didn't agree to the Zhonghuans' extremely generous offer.
Western Mongolia
The mobile divisions hit the main roads and began hurtling towards the major towns at full speed; the Zhonghuans had decided on modified blitzkrieg tactics, meaning that attack helicopters supported all ground offensives while jet attackers and bombers pounded enemy positions ahead of the ground forces.
A few days had passed since the offensive had begun; the Zhonghuans had successfully captured the towns of Bayanhongor and Tsetserleg, with forces closing on Hatgal & Moron. The airborne forces were being prepared for assaults on Altay and Tsagaan-Olom.
The Zhonghuan propaganda machine was working overtime, constantly extolling the virtues of Hegemony membership. Soldiers were promised more pay and better conditions if they joined the 'side of prosperity and order', while civilians were promised a better way of life under Zhonghuan rule. Zhonghuan Mongolians were used to show that Mongolians were treated as equals to all other Hegemony citizens, and those Mongolians also told tales of how joining NeoSuun Zhonghua had improved their lives tenfold.
07-05-2005, 20:28
Marianas & Guam
Faced with a menacing Zhonghuan fleet on their doorstep and the promise of further deployment if invasion was necessary, the civilian authorities chose to accept the generous Zhonghuan offer. The authorities would remain in power under the auspices of the Zhonghuan central government in Beijing, with humanitarian and economic assistance as part of the package.
Western Mongolia
The initial advance was beginning to slow as heavier resistance was encountered. Using guerilla tactics and carefully targeted offensives, the Mongolians were holding the Zhonghuans at several points; the Zhonghuan propaganda campaign had won over a few, but many had resolved to resist until all hope was gone.
General Tsao's patience began to wear thin as he read reports of the stalled advance, but the Dragon-Premier's orders were clear. No massacres, no abuses, no fodder for enemy propaganda. The Mongolians would join the Hegemony as equals, not as an oppressed minority.
16-05-2005, 23:18
Western Mongolia
After some harsh fighting, the Zhonghuans finally achieved air superiority over Western Mongolia. Bombers began assaulting enemy control positions and supply depots as the ground forces slowly began advancing again. Zhonghuan communication experts finally managed to jam Mongolian frequencies, hijacking them in order to broadcast propaganda through the Mongolian military network.
The Western Mongolian government was presented with terms; they were requested to lay down arms and accept unification with Eastern and Inner Mongolia as part of the new Mongolian Autonomous Republic.
23-05-2005, 15:48
OOC: Since this thread is running out of steam, I might as well wrap things up.
Western Mongolia
Beijing gloated as the news came in; pro-Zhonghuan insurgents had captured the West Mongolian capital. With the loss of the capital to internal rebellion and the advance of the Zhonghuans from the east and south, the Mongolian government declared their surrender. All of Mongolia now lay within the Hegemony of NeoSuun Zhonghua.
In a diplomatic coup by the Zhonghuans, Cotland transferred control of Singapore over the Hegemony; there were claims of payoffs being made, but all the Singaporeans heard was that they were becoming part of the greatest nation in Asian history. As with all 'acquired' territories, Singapore soon received an influx of Zhonghuan facilitators and military personnel...