NationStates Jolt Archive

Guffingford Factbook

11-03-2005, 18:16
If you want to read all the in-dept information about Guffingford please read my NSwiki entry here: or if you want to see something about my army (numbers and such) click here: This factbook provides you with basic information when you want to RP something.

Game information

Official name: The Social Nationalist Reich of Guffingford
Short: The German Reich, The Reich, Guffingford
Government Category: Social Nationalist
Government Priority: Defence (± 51%)
United Nations Category: Benevolent Dictatorship

Economic Rating: Frightening
A strong economy built on the honest principles of a free market. If the Imperal German economy had a motto it would be: "Let the market decide". Many trade hubs, colonies and a solid banking backbone make up for a most diverse and robust economy. The German economy has always been a well-oiled machine as seen by the revival of the German economy in the thirties and the strength of the Imperial German economy in the 1871-1918 era.

Civil Rights Rating: Superb
The Reich prides itself in the purity of it's citizens. Only true citizens of the German Reich can enjoy a prosperous life without limitations on their civil freedoms. Though, same-sex mariage, adoption and euthenasia are banned. Down-syndrome children are also outlawed (Genetic Purity Act; signed and ratified by Cerfontaine Kaplan, minister of healthcare December 19th, 2004). Civil freedoms have went up significantly after the revolution led by "pro-freedom" activists. Same-sex visitors of other nations who are married may not sleep in the same beds, use the same name unless family ties are geneticly proven. The ban on sexuality and immorality still stands, and the people agree.

Political Freedoms: Rare
National Socialist, Social Nationalist - Guffingford has always knew one party. And Crimmond's motto wraps politics up so well: "If you have efficient government you have dictatorship." Guffingford fully agrees with this idea, politics is not meant for the public. Intelligent individuals with political know-how, know how to run a country, not a streetsweeper or a penpusher in some tax office.

Income Tax Rate: 100%
Major Industry: Arms Manufacturing
National Animal: The Damned
National Currency: Gold Standard
Total Population:± 3,760,000,000 loyal citizens
Motto: One Identity, One Reich
Sports: Knife throwing, archery, soccer, baseball.
Religion: pre-dominant religion is Roman Cathlolicism. All other non-Christian religions are banned from public view.

Where does the German live? Our German Reich is located in the heartlands of Europe and several nations have been incorporated into the empire. We give the best for our people and they deserve no less. Our dominion includes:

German Reich

Germany - The fatherland of the German Reich and the spirit of nationalism. Prussia and a splendid history of crusading knights. A true paradise on earth.
Poland - Our national breadbasket. Without Poland the Reich would have to live without Prussia as a part of the Empire and the food it provides for our hungry people. Something impossible for our people.
Switzerland - The pounding heart of many German banking corporations. Switzerland was conquered after the Royal family thought they would be safe there.
Luxembourg - A very important vein in the frightening German economy. Holds the national gold reserves as well as many other artefacts procured by our agents.
The Netherlands - A trading hub for centuries, The Netherlands are the key to the German infrastructure as well as global docking, shipping & processing harbour
Belgium - Farmland and industry to supply the German warmachine.
Finland - The most North-Eastern part of the German Reich. A popular ski-resort for the working class of the Reich.
Norway - Integral part of the German Reich. The Norse royality is a recognized power in Norway. They have a certain amount of influence in the German political games. Both Norway and Finland have a special status in the Reich; semi-independent.
Faroe Islands - Integral part of the German Reich. Also a major naval base for the Imperial German fleet and a staging area for overseas adventures.


Indonesia - Formerly Dutch, then Independent and now under Imperial German rule. Our main goal is to restructure and rebuild the country the Dutch did; a prosperous place to live and raise your children.
Andaman and Nicobar - A most popular vacation destination for the average German citizen. Because the intercontinental flights from the German mainland are reduced for people below a certain wage, this is a unique oppertunity for the workers to enjoy a holiday only the most wealthy can afford.
Singapore - Once British, now German. Singapore retains it's identity and people and has became a major naval base. Not to mention the incredibly strong economy.
Hong-Kong - Same as Singapore, Hong-Kong is a bastion of free trade and a beautiful melting pot of eastern and western cultures. The only German thing in Hong-Kong is the governor's residence.
Shanghai - Part of a treaty with the British Empire, The German Reich gained dominion over this most important city. A bit like Hong-Kong, but the Chinese roots are clearly visible.

Goals, ideals, ideologies etc.
1) United the European nations under the propserous umbrella of the German Reich.
2) Stands strong against communism, stalinism and leninism.
3) Defends the ideals of a free-market economy.
4) Defends the ideals of nationalism, unity, community and prosperity.
5) A beacon of light for those who have no hopes of getting out of the vicious cycle of communism.
6) Stands for justice, freedom and hope.

Allies, enemies and neutrality
Allies - nations trusted and condoned by the Imperial German government.
British Empire (Bob-Bob)
All current RWC nations
Lavenrunz (supported my ban on sexuality)

Neutral - neutral means we do not quite like your policies, government, actions, treaties, alliance etc. By no means this is a sign we hate you. We are just not very willing to get in touch with any of these.
Independent Hitmen
The Island of Rose

Enemy - Hostilities, war, hate...

Nations not listed do not worry: we are either indifferent or on friendly terms with you.

Alliances, treaties, pacts...
RWC (Right Wing Collective); founding member
BLT-Pact (Berlin-Londen-Teheran Pact); founding member

Wars fought or still fighting (successfully)

1st invasion of The Upper Congo: UNDECIDED.
German troops left the nation to aid The Macabees in the war against Kahta. Though, the Imperial German government had to abandon this mission as well to fight the Soviet Union.

2nd invasion of The Upper Congo: VICTORY
Millions and millions have died due to the extreme use of chemical and biological weaponry after the TUC government attacked my blocking fleet with nuclear arms. Nation has been eradicated with sarin and other chemical and biological weapons.

Pre-emptive strike on Tihland: VICTORY
After Tihland wanted to set up a coalition to counter my plans to modify the AIDS strain to make it an effective biological weapon he did not quite expect the power of the QRF - Quick Reaction Force. 1.2 Billion of his citizens have died after being gassed by sarin inside a protective shell. The Tihlandish administration has surrendered and accepted the German peace treaty. German forces have returned to the Germanic fatherlands, the Tihlandish are free again.

Attack on Glemte Hage: VICTORY
When the German government decided to purge all heathen religions a nation called Glemte Hage stepped in but tripped over his own feet when a large invasion force showed up near his shores. His nation was left in ruins and his only ally, Wolfish swore revenge.

Pre-emptive strike on Godular: VICTORY
Decided it was wise to aid Glemte Hage but ended up nuked to future tech. His modern tech nation is no more. The reasoning behind this attack was to shut him down before he could become a problem. He never plagued me since.

Tocrowkian attack on Guffingford + Guffingfordii counterattack: IN PROGRESS
What can be best described as a sneak attack and several lapses in the state security resulted in an attack from arch-enemy Tocrowkia. His first attacking force was being repelled, and 99% of his attacking and supportive aircraft shot down, this battle was immediately taken to the Tocrowkian homeland. After a 900 missile strike on his coastal fortifications and cities, 1.26 million have died already and counting.

Questions, comments? Feel free to post them or telegram them!
11-03-2005, 18:26
:) not as indepth as mine.
11-03-2005, 18:49
NSwiki is my main factpage, check my sig
12-03-2005, 10:01
up to top!
12-03-2005, 12:43
OoC: Nice factbook Guff. It has that really high calibre "Guffingfordii" feel to it, nice idea about adding the wars as well.
12-03-2005, 12:43
OoC: Nice factbook Guff. It has that really high calibre "Guffingfordii" feel to it, nice idea about adding the wars as well.Took it from AMF, credit goes to him.
12-03-2005, 13:01
OoC: Ahh, well AMF is a master factbook man then.
12-03-2005, 14:40
very impressive Guff, i love the use of colour in your sub-headings unlike mine (see the link).

But again very good.
18-03-2005, 19:13
Bump - updated & improved
18-03-2005, 19:18
Quite good, my friend. Seeing that I was recently admitted to the RWC, I guess that would make us allies. ;)
18-03-2005, 19:32
I like it. My only beef with it is in your war section. You list the outcome of the wars as either "Destroyed, undecided, or defenten". What the hell is defeten? If you mean to say you lost, then i suggest you use the word "defeated", and if you meant the enemy nation was defeated, use the word "victory". same goes for destroyed. If u mean u crush the opposition, use Victory.
18-03-2005, 19:35
I like it. My only beef with it is in your war section. You list the outcome of the wars as either "Destroyed, undecided, or defenten". What the hell is defeten? If you mean to say you lost, then i suggest you use the word "defeated", and if you meant the enemy nation was defeated, use the word "victory". same goes for destroyed. If u mean u crush the opposition, use Victory.Goddamnit! I knew something was wrong with it! Thanks for saying
18-03-2005, 19:38
Goddamnit! I knew something was wrong with it! Thanks for saying

lol, np man
18-03-2005, 19:38
Can you place me somewhere on you list? Close bossom ally sounds about right...
18-03-2005, 19:43
Can you place me somewhere on you list? Close bossom ally sounds about right...Neutral.
29-03-2005, 18:00
updated & improved.
29-03-2005, 19:27
Took it from AMF, credit goes to him.

OOC: I'm flattered. :)
29-03-2005, 19:29
OOC: I'm flattered. :)Yeah I quite like the VICTORY VICTORY VICTORY thing.
19-04-2005, 13:28