Shayde is here!
I the esteemed leader of Shayde would like it be Known our country will enter World politics and such after a long isolationist period....with a new leader (I) comes new policies, and change! We hope we can find help and be of help to any would be allies.
Introduction: We the people of Shayde are mostly Goths, militant goths...though not to be confused with our closest alley The Armed Republic Of Militant Goths. We enjoy technology. we are very very argumentative. We enjoy a psuedo communist-capotolist econemy. We are currently training a fairly large military. Be our alley!
W ARE IN DESPERATE NEEDS OF SUPERIOR ARMS! our outdated AK-47s arent cutting it anymore. We are also interested in a nuclear arms program (psst give us some uranium *wink wink*)
we hope you can help us become a world power!
-Gothic Emperor John
Perhaps we can become good friends, dear Shayde. The nation of Jenrak is currently boasting a potent missile system, both offensive and defensive, and our military forces are quite powerful.
If you are willing, I can share SOME of my technology, in return, let us browse your nation's archives for information on our past. Is that agreeable?
Even more, we can both enforce each other's economic status, therefore increasing economical stability among both nations.
11-03-2005, 04:54
I welcome you to the world with open arms and hope that we can become good friends. I do hope that you will become an ally of Nellisland.
Ab-shalom and greetings,
It is the desire of the Sultanate of Vastiva to open and maintain strong economic relations with all nations desirous of such. We therefore offer a beginning of free trade between our nations.
As a gesture of our goodwill, Vastiva shall be exporting 1,000 of our FN-AS assault rifles and 1,000 FN90P submachine guns, along with 5,000 rounds of our 5.3mm SPI shells for each weapon. We invite you to test them to your satisfaction, perhaps later a greater exportation will be discussed, along with other weaponry.
If this meets with your approval, please communicate by any means.
Go in Peace,
Raahmid Javani
Grand Vizier,
Humble Servant of His Magnificence, the Sultan of Vastiva
11-03-2005, 07:42
tag, I'm just too tired to reply right now
we can all be friends! um but i do ask for one more thing; a steady supply of depression pills for the condition has hit almost 76% of our nation.....
We welcome you with open 10mm rifles!I mean arms!
We welcome you with open 10mm rifles!I mean arms!
sweet :)
We will supply 10,000 'bastard!' 10mm revolvers, for use by officers who have to make troublesome dissidents disappear. When and where would you like them?
umm to the nearest Shaydian embassy in your country....yes we have one.....
We will supply your nation with some of our artillery, I think possibly about 500 of them, which should be sufficient for you to examine and copy their design. The tanks are yours to keep.
you all are so kind! no war wageing against you helpful nations! If anything you are all allies!
12-03-2005, 04:55
Welcome: As a gift to a new neighbor, please accept, with our wishes for a long friendship, 500 of our Ferrets - 100 with 105 mm smoothbores, 200 outfitted as front line medical vehicles, 100 outfitted with Javelin missiles and 100 outfitted with .50 cal. machine guns and a mortar launcher. Detailed specifcations follow in our advertising brochure:
Tanks are outmoded in modern warfare, they are too big & bulky to enable rapid deployment and of limited use in house-to-house urban warfare.
With that in mind, Mauiwowee introduces its new Rapid Deployment Light Armored Vehicles, the Ferret, to the world market. Photos of a Ferret in action are posted below the description. Stats and costs are below the photos.
Description: The Ferret is equipped with full time 4 wheel drive and selective 8 wheel drive. It has a top speed of 72 m.p.h. and has a range of (depending upon driving conditions) up to 375 miles between refuelings. It contains an automated navigation and weapons system that allows the crew to fire at targets from the safety of the vehicle's protective armor and sophisticated counter attack defense systems. Finally, the use of the 105 mm.smoothbore, low profile turrent gun (originally used in the Abrams M1 tank), is optional. The vehicle can also be outfitted with "Stinger" missile launchers (2), Mortar launchers (4), .50 Cal. Machine gun turrents (4), a combination of Mortar Launchers and .50 Cal. Machine gun turrents (2 of each), or modified to act as an armored personal transport vehicle (capacity of 25 w/ crew of 4) or front line mobile medical trauma center (medical crew of 4-8 and injured personnel of up to 8).
Medical Ferret
Ferret with 105 mm smoothbore, low profile turrent in action
Ferret with 105 mm smoothbore at rest
Ferret with .50 Cal. Machine gun & Mortar launchers
Manufacturer: W.M.D., Inc.
Drive: Tandem BMW small core turbine engines w/ 8 speed automatic transmissions
Fuel: Gasoline with optional Diesel capabilities
Horsepower: 1,400 H.P.
Armor plating: 15.25 mm "Samuri folded" tempered steel
Suspension 8 wheel independent w/ steel belted "run flat" tires
Weapons Systems: Varies, see general description
Crew: 2 - 8, depending on configuration used
Weight: 18.6 tons
Defensive Systems: Targeted EMP pulse generator, engine heat disapation system (for defense against heat seaking missiles), anti-radar targeting system paint (optional, add $105,000.00 to purchase price).
Attack Class: $4,645,100.00 each (please state which optional weapon system you desire, 105mm gun, Stinger Missile launchers, Javelin Missile launchers, mortars, .50 cal. machine guns, or machine guns/mortars combination configuration)
Personnel Carrier Model: $3,750,400.00
Medical Trauma Model: $5,950,300.00
Please add $105,000.00 per vehicle for anti-radar targeting system paint if desired.
Please address your inquiries and orders to:
Gen. Jack T. Ripper
W.M.D., Inc.
If placing an order, please do your own math to calculate totals. Note, orders of 1,000 or more will be delivered in lots of 500 at 15 day intervals between shipments.