11-03-2005, 00:16
Round: .45 ACP
Weight: 3.74 kg
Length: 894 mm
Barrel length: 184 mm
Muzzle velocity: 253 m/s
Effective range: 250 m
The De Lisle was a slienced bolt-action carbine used by British Commandos during WWII. This weapon uses 8 round .45 ACP clips. Price:$250
Round: .45 ACP
Weight: 3.74 kg
Length: 894 mm
Barrel length: 184 mm
Muzzle velocity: 253 m/s
Effective range: 250 m
The De Lisle was a slienced bolt-action carbine used by British Commandos during WWII. This weapon uses 8 round .45 ACP clips. Price:$250