A call for international peacekeepers - Page 2
18-03-2005, 22:02
Communique from the Governor of Ollieland to all governments of the continent of Greater Harlack.
As we are now seem to be the main active nation stationed in the DMZ we would like to talk tothe leaders of all nations. It is clear that the positioning of the DMZ no longer acts as a buffer between warring nations. With the agreement of the three main protaganists, East Harlack, South Harlack and the new government of West Harlack, we will withdraw our forces back to Ollieland. In addition, if the government of West Harlack no longer needs help, the zeppelin force over their former capital will also withdraw (the CMC Commandoes operating covertly have withdrawn already as a sign of goodwill).
However, if any of the governments wich us to stay, then we wou8ld be happy to do so.
Please contact us via this forum or TG whether you wish us to go or stay.
East Harlack
18-03-2005, 22:03
People of this continent are always uneasy about foriegn troops on their land but it might be best of some troops remained not in the DMZ, but inside of West Harlack itself, its military took quite a beating.
West Harlack
18-03-2005, 22:06
We would like to ask your forces stay at least within the DMZ for the period of five years. Our forces are almost totaly destroyed, we need help in rebuilding and training new soldiers.
18-03-2005, 22:09
we can send some aid and/or troops to settle the situation if it is still needed
East Harlack
18-03-2005, 22:12
The situation seems to be setteling down, although perhaps you should contact Ollieland about sending their nation money to help maintain their presence in the region.
Harlack Mensa
18-03-2005, 23:23
Before the coast of regon 12, Greater Harlack, aboard the HMS-Svenssen (this ship was all ready in the region, that explains why they are there this fast)
After the authorities in 's Gravenwezel Castle got hold of a map of Greater Harlack, commander Svenssen got his ship as fast as possible towards region 12. The expanding nation of De Vlaamse Leeuw needed new lands, and the territory of region 12 were excellent for this. Commander Svenssen left his ship, together with a few marines and his crazy, but loyal and intelligent lieutenant Rogersen, for the shore.
He planted de Vlaamse Leeuw, which was the flague of the comonwealth.
In the mean time at Antwerp harbour, De Vlaamse Leeuw
The HMS-Thunderbolt, the HMS-Offshore (a submarine) and the HMS-Antverpia left the harbour for full sea. They were to protect the landing vessels for region 12 at all cost. But there were no problems to be expected, as there was a gentlemens agreement with the pirates, and no state of war existed with other nations...
OOC: the Commonwealth of De Vlaamse Leeuw claims region 12 as a colony...*OC* Ok, you realise by landing in region 12 you just declared war on all of Greater Harlack right? Just because a region is listed as "unclaimed" doesn't make it random empty space. Those are actual nations, with actual armies and governments, they just don't have anyone playing them. If you want a country in the region, your free to spawn a totaly independent nation that has nothing to do with your current countries and have it be the nation ruling region 12. Landing in region 12 as you did however, makes you an invading foreigner and invading foreigners are not tolerated in Greater Harlack by any of the nations. People are free to create a country in Greater Harlack but it must:
1. Be totaly free and independent of any other nation you own, no puppet states.
2. It must be a nation that, historically speaking, has been there, as opposed to being a colony.
Also, the site has been updated, I suggest people read it frequently if your going to be involved with the region.The morning was calm and clear as the bells sounded to announce the First Hour of classes at the Great University of Harlack. For 400 years, it had stood inviolate, even through civil war. This morning, that would change.
Region 12, Harlack
Overtaking the locals was not a major task for the Commonwealth's forces. 3 tanks and 3 batallions (that's 1 tank per batallion) overtook most of the resistance, after the coast defence was bombed heavily by the board cannons of the HMS-Thunderbolt and the HMS-Antverpia. In the mean time, the HMS-Offshore took care of the little amount of marine ships of regoin 12s militairy.
But after a hit, the HMS-Offshore returned to Antwerp port for repairs, leaving the HMS-Thunderbolt and HMS-Antverpia to submarine danger. To prevent this, the HMS-Thunderbird was sent to the region. The HMS-Thunderbird had 1 P3-Orion (famous for sonar use on submarines), 5 F16 and 5 F22 raptors on board.The Provost sat quietly in his office, looking rather owlish (as was the custom of the men and women who had occupied his post). He savored his cup of Earl Grey, one of the few delights he allowed himself, and prepared for the Defense he would participate in this morning. The thought that his day would begin with academic work and not administrivia delighted him. It was not often that he had such a pleasure.
*OC* Wow, there was so much god moding in that invasion of Region 12 it isn't even funny. You do not know what their military strength is, nor can you roleplay their military for them. The nation may not have a player, but that doesn't mean you are free to roll in with almost no casualties and just report victory. You want war? fine, you have it.In a sleepy cottage by the coastline, Sam Gonyers tended his sheep. For 250 years his family had been a member of the Coast Watch, the maritime arm of the Border Watch. It paid a nice stipend, gave him access to a nice green strip of windswept hillock overlooking the strand for his sheep, and a tad extra prestige down at the Wobbley Wench, a tavern where students seldom game. Even though Town and Gown got along well in this sleepy land, yet there were times when the Townies would rather not deal with smart-allecky students, and so places like the Wench were well trafficked by the common folk.
He had managed to move his sheep halfway up the hill when a roar came over the strand. Not the roar of the sea - Gonyers knew that roar by heart. No, this was the roar of a jet engine.
Many jet engines.
*The Thunderbird had yet to arrive on site, which was about to turn into a huge problem. Missile strikes were already pouring in from more than five different air forces silmultaniously and with the advanced stealth technology of Federated Harlack itself, this was going to prove difficult to defend against at best. The counter attackers were using everything from guided weapons to large Fuel Air Bombs over the invaded portions of Region 12. Missile strikes came from somewhere out to sea and any sonar the attackers had would be picking up almost twenty submarines heading straight for them and, worse yet, five torpedos heading for their largest ship from a southern heading.
*OC* There is no possible way for that small of a force to defend against 5 different countries, if you godmode your way out of this one...
I told you invading the continent was a bad idea, but apparently you weren't listening, nor did you listen to my rules about setting up a nation in this region.
There is one thing Harlackers hate above all else: Foreign invasion.Sam Gonyers' jaw dropped as he saw the massive jets roll in, with the large landing ships behind them.
Then he remembered what he was supposed to do. He ran.
Not away. Up. Up the hill to the lighthouse, where he searched his pockets in panic for the key. Infernal students with their pranks, always making me lock this tower and now look what's happened! He found in, clutched in, opened the padlock, and ran up the winding stairs.
Outside, explosions. Loud explosions. When he reached the top, he looked out the great sheets of glass at the fighters and bombers twisting through the sky and blasting each other with fire like maddened dragons.
"Mercy!" he cried.
oc: how can you be godmoding a country that doesn't exist? i would think it wouldn't be a big problem to take it down, looking at all other harlack countries? looking at south harlack fighting off pirates? looking at west harlack coming out of a civil war?He didn't need to look at the invasion fleet through the spyglass, the one his father and his grandfather hat taught him to use. He went right past the glass to the great chain and yanked on it.
The Provost looked up sharply. What was that? The alarum bell? Which one? Gonyers' Strand?
That bothered him. Other Coast Watchers sometimes got lazy, or drunk, and students rang their alarum bells as pranks. But the Gonyers family, they had always been careful - proud of how no one had managed to sound that bell in over a century, since Old Ham Gonyers went addlebrained.
He rang the buzzer on his desk. His secretary answered, "Sir!"
"Baker, can you send someone up to the Gonyers place and see what's happened?"
OC: i said we overtook coast defences thanks to our battle ships and the landing troops. I would say 3 batallions are enough to take down that coast line, or is that godmoding in your eyes?
btw if 40 subs isn't godmoding, against 3 battleships? i wonder how much a real submarine costs :-)DONG!
A blow shook the old tower, and then another. Across the strand, puffs of oily smoke boiled up from shell impacts. Sam Gonyers creid out in terror. Then he got a grip on himself.
Sam, being up here in the tower isn't going to do no one any good now. If they haven't heard the bell, they've heard them shells, and so it's time to be gone!
He ran back down the stairs, half stumbling. Emerging into the light, he saw that his sheep had fled. Nothing to do about it. Run!
OOC: anyway i'm gonna recall any force and probably gonna look passively at this thread, looks like there is nothing i can do without getting told that i'm godmoding :)OOC: Now, troops can't just be pulled up and thrown wherever you please...
The large landing barges rolled up on the beach, their gates crashing down. Armed men streamed forth with a "Hurrah!!!" A few waved great banners of black and gold, displaying a rampant lion.
Towards the middle of the strand a larger ship rolled ashore. Its gate crashed down and one by one three tanks belched out, big ugly monsters. They chugged up the strand towards the little road that led past the Wobbley Wench to Weymouth.
Outside, the provost heard loud, crackling booms as 10 jet fighters rocketed overhead. They bore some emblem on their wings - a rampant lion? Explosions rocked the earth and smoke rose over the campus of the University. He was aghast.
For 400 years the lands bequeathed to the University had been left alone, through strife and turmoil. Now, someone was coming to make those lands his own.
18-03-2005, 23:26
Communique from the government of Ollieland to all the governments of Greater Harlack.
If I can clarify positions.
West Harlack wishes us to stay for five years in the DMZ.
East Harlck wishes us to stay, but in west Harlack.
Due to the lack of response from South Harlack, and if none of the party's have any objections, Ollieland will implement the following.
1 - A divisional size force will occupy the DMZ permanently for 5 years. This force will consist of Army mechanized infantry, supporting army units and a small Zeppelin force.
2 - Any other nations wishing to contribute towards a permanent peacekeeping force should contact us about setting up a "Harlack Combined Peacekeeping Command (HCPC)", its parameters to be defined by negotiation amongst the peacekeepers.
3 - This force, or any elements of it, will only enter other territories of Greater Harlack under the express invitation of the government of that territory.
4 - Any troops or air nations from the host nations of Greater Harlack should only enter the DMZ with the express permission of the Ollish peacekeeping commander OR the HCPC (whichever is in operation at the time).
5 - Any missiles fired into the DMZ will be (attempted to be) shot down by our Anti-ICBM zepps, and the source of the missiles may well be taken out by commandoes (Upon approval by the HCPC).
6 - The costs of the Ollish force will be born by the Ollish government, as a gesture of peace and goodwill.
7 - Any civilians wishing to leave the DMZ will be assissted in their journeys by Ollish forces.
If these terms are agreeable to the three governments of Greater Harlack they will be implemented in 2 RL days (ooc I'm currently reorganising my military). If not please contact me via these forums and we will (hopefully) renegotiate these terms.
18-03-2005, 23:34
In addition to our previous statement;
- We would urge the government of DeVlaamsLeeuw to reconsider their actions regarding Harlack Mensa and hastly withdraw their forces (if not already doing so.
- We would also urge the governments of Allemande and Pirates (ooc very rude of me, I forgot your full title, apologies) to contribute a similiar sized troop contingent as us to a DMZ peacekeeping force and participate in our propsed HPFC.
South Harlack
18-03-2005, 23:37
*Gonyers soon heard other sounds, much louder explosions than he had heard before. These sounds seemed to be coming from the direction of the invasion forces, as opposed to the direction of the campus. Overhead he could hear the sounds of bombers rocketing past as massive B-52 bombers unleashed their payload before turning back to re-arm and refuel.*
East Harlack
18-03-2005, 23:44
We have no objections to the proposed plan.
*Even East Harlack had a few bombers involved on the counter offensive and it was likely Gonyers and nearly everyone in the university could see these bombers as they were old beyond belieft, vintage B-29 bombers flying at nearly rooftop level to avoid the advanced radar and anti-aircraft abilities of the more modern invading forces. The planes were flying slow in comparison to the others and because they were so low it was easy to see the flag of East Harlack painted under the wings.*
18-03-2005, 23:51
To East Harlack
Please recall your air forces from Harlack Mensa. Your continent is just settleing into peace, do not escalate the conflict (OOC, I think DeVlaamSleeuw has the hump and probably won't be posting again, so you've got no-one to fight with anyway).
I will not commit my forces to my proposed plan until it is endorsed by South and West Harlack, although we thank you for your approval.
Harlack Mensa
18-03-2005, 23:59
*Gonyers soon heard other sounds, much louder explosions than he had heard before. These sounds seemed to be coming from the direction of the invasion forces, as opposed to the direction of the campus. Overhead he could hear the sounds of bombers rocketing past as massive B-52 bombers unleashed their payload before turning back to re-arm and refuel.*The Provost tried to smooth his straying hair, but one wisp in the middle simply wouldn't budge. No time for vanity, he thought. Not that a man of my age has any place for it.
"In five", said the technician, "four, three, two, one!"
And with that, he pointed at the Provost.
"I thank you for giving me heed in this hour of peril", he began. "I know that you are all very scared. Rest assured that if we keep are heads about us, all will be well". He smiled faintly. I don't believe that, and neither do they. But he continued.
"At this hour", he began, "An invading army has landed on our shores and even now seeking to occupy our country". He pushed back his wire-rimmed spectacles, and then continued. "Other nations have sought to challenge this move, and at this hour the outcome is uncertain. In light of this, I urge you all to lock your doors and stay in your homes. You must do this for your own safety, for in you burns the light of our ancient Institution, and only by keeping yourselves safe can you keep that light alive".
He paused, and then finished, "I will communicate with you again when I know more, if I am able. In the meantime, have faith".
And with that, he ended.
As he emerged from the set within the studio, the Assistant Provost for Discipline approached. "What do we do know? Several students, faculty, and Townsfolk have begun to assemble near the Great Hall with small arms and are offering to form a militia".
His words caught in his throat. "Send them home".
The Assistant Provost's jaw dropped. "Home?!?"
"Yes", said the Provost. "Send them home. Tell them to hide their weapons, and urge their neighbors, and their neighbors' neighbors, to do the same. But either way, they must not fire a shot".
"But ...", said the Assistant Provost, still in shock, "Why?!?"
"Because these are professional soldiers, and we lack the means to resist ... at least for now", said the Provost wearily. "But have the Regents and the other senior Faculty hide, wherever they can. They must not allow themselves to be captured".
And then he had an inspired thought. He said, "Follow me!" and headed for the nearest desk.
It took a moment's search, and then he had it. He siezed two boxes of paper clips in his shaking hands, and said, "These! You must gather as many of these as you can. Millions of them. Hide them where they can't be found".
The Assistant Provost looked at him as though he were mad.
"Jenkins", he said. "Ask Jenkins. He will know what they're for. But only when the time comes..." He shoved the boxes into the Assistant Provost's hands. "Now go!!!"
"But what about you?" asked the Assistant Provost.
"I", said the Provost, "Will wait in my office".
OOC: Unbeknownst to him, De Vlaam Sleeuw has indeed chosen the right place to invade. Harlack Mensa, home of the ancient Great University of Harlack, has neither an army nor police. It is in fact possibly the only country in the whole of Harlack that could be conquered by an army of three battalions and three (yes, count them, three) main battle tanks supported by ten (yes, just ten jet fighters).
South Harlack
19-03-2005, 00:14
*OC* Because the attacking nation has said he is going to pull out, I'm going to start taking care of that.
*The attackers had pushed deep into the undefended country, but counter attacks by sea and air were forcing them back to the beaches again. The attacking submarines pulled back to allow them to gather their forces and leave. One submarine remained however..*
"Captain, one enemy vessel is crippeled but still capable of moving at half speed."
*Captain Anderson Mikhail nodded.* "Maintain position and load all forward tubes, but do not flood, I don't want any surprises."
"Captain, I hardly doubt anyone is going to surprise what is quite possibly the queitest submarine in the world." *His XO reminded him.*
*Captain Anderson Mikhail smiled slightly.* "War is always capable of springing surprises. Besides, I'm sure there are quieter submarines out there...there is always *something* better out there. Go to broadcast depth and listen to anything that comes across the wire."
South Harlack
19-03-2005, 00:17
counter offensive loses:
30 B-17 bombers.
2 Submarines
15 fighter jets of various types.
3 B-29 Bombers
1 B-52
East Harlack
19-03-2005, 00:20
Our bombers have been re-called, the situation seems to be in hand anyway.
South Harlack
19-03-2005, 00:21
We agree to the terms proposed by Ollieland.
19-03-2005, 00:26
Ollielands peacekeeping division is now enroute to Greater Harlack (will post details tommorrow or Sunday). We hope to hear from Pirate Captains and Allemande regarding peacekeeping co-operation.
Harlack Mensa
19-03-2005, 00:27
Harlack Mensa has no army or police. In time of emergency, it can call out the populace to form a loose militia, armed with pistols, rifles, shotguns, clubs, rolling pins, and other weapons of mass destruction.
No one in Harlack Mensa has any military training. There are no advanced infantry weapons (machine guns, rocket propelled grenade launchers, mortars, etc.), no hand grenades, no mines, nothing that is not civilian in design or use.
There is a Town Watch, a Coast Watch, a Border Watch, and there are Student Proctors (to watch and discipline the Students). Beyond sounding the alarum or raising the hue and cry, they can do nothing to repel an attacker.
Right now, the forces of De Vlaam Sleeuw have successfully gained possession of Gonyers' Strand, a strip of beach approximately 7 miles from the Great University. With a push inland, they could be on its campus within an hour. Of course, they're taking losses from the bombing they're recieving from the other nations of Harlack, and they probably don't have a navy left to extract them any more, but they still have the might to take Harlack Mensa's "capitol".
South Harlack
19-03-2005, 00:48
Air strikes continued all over the beach and the front "lines" of Mensa and right now they appeared the only thing keeping the attackers from simply rushing forward. Unfortuantely air strikes by countries in Greater Harlack could only last for so long and that would mean ground forces would need to be put into the theater. Such offers began to pour into the Provost's office from nations all over his border.
East Harlack
19-03-2005, 01:29
News Alert:
East Harlack's elections are now just a few months away. The current President's numbers have dropped rappidly over the past several months because of the near war with West Harlack and the continued call for international peacekeepers to remain on Harlack soil.
Party List and Support:
The Party of God (The President's Party): 25% popular support.
The National Socialist Party: 45% support. The NAZI party has always had large support because of its promotion of East Harlack nationalism and the unification of Greater Harlack under the East Harlack flag and political system.
The Liberal party: 0% support.
The Liberal party is an extreme left wing party made unpopular for its desire to establish a communist state and ban religion from the country.
The Catholic Party: 30% support.
The Catholic Party is popular because it supports both East Harlack nationalism and the expansion of the Catholic faith throughout Greater Harlack.
Pirate Captains
19-03-2005, 04:07
ooc: that makes 112% lol, I would like to run a candidate for the math party j/k
East Harlack
19-03-2005, 04:16
*OC* This is why East Harlack should increase education spending ;).
19-03-2005, 07:44
"Alright, start talking." *THe ambassador said as he started to walk with the woman.*
"I believe I can help you with this growing problem of yours," she said simply. "Even though the people I represent cannot 'offically' get involved, of course," she clarified. "But in the coming months you may need a steady supply of arms and men to meet the growing threat."
East Harlack
19-03-2005, 08:26
"And how much would this cost us?" *THe ambassador asked.*
19-03-2005, 11:01
The Commonwealth had withdrewn all naval forces from the Harlack region, after continous attacks by submarines... THey lost the HMS-Thunderbolt already.
The land forces were on their own , but had suffered more losses the more they went into the land...
they stopped after finding an old militairy fortress, that was more like a fruin but a good spot for resting and easey to defend.
1. Couldn't just abandon my army because you said i was godmoding all the time
2. I said i took little losses in my earlier post, not "no losses"
3. if the fortress is godmoding, then scrab it from the record...
Pirate Captains
19-03-2005, 16:02
To Ollieand:
Me Mateys would be happy to help ye out in this DMZ. Of course, we are no longer recieving the Pieces of Eight needed from our home country. Perhapps, ye generosity and commitment towards the piece process would extend to helping accomidate those of me lads who will help patrol the DMZ with some funds.
-Captain Bart Roberts
To West Harlack:
We has a shipment of gold in the amount told to us by you. It will be delivered to ye upon the signing of a treaty recognizing our legitimate claims to the port cities we are currently defending. We is prepared for an authorised representative of yers to come and sign this here treaty and recieve the gold payment.
-Captain Bart Roberts
To South Harlack:
The familes of the deceased, as well as the poor injured souls seek due reperations for your aggressive bombing raids on their cities. Representatives of the mateys and families have prepared claims and sent these documents there to your government. Twas an attack that was unwarented and uncalled for and killed many an innocent citizen. We be continuing to seek justice. The payments are to be made directly to the citizens.
-Captain Bart Roberts
To Captain Bart Roberts:
What exactly be yer plan here? It makes no logic to me the profit in any of this here planing. Paying gold be no way to take land. Tis be yer money paid, and if it be from yer pocket I care not what ye do with it!!!
-Captain Grey Beard
19-03-2005, 16:59
Captain Roberts
- We can accomadate up to 2,000 of your men to attach to Ollielands military and patrol the DMZ. We are prepared to feed, accomadate and supply them.
- We would require an officer (I would assume a Captain or Bosun?) to sit on the Harlack Combined Peacekeeping Command (HCPC).
- We would require that your men conduct themselves in a fitting manner (no raping or pillaging!) whilst conducting operations in the DMZ.
Can you give me the info (numbers and HCPC rep) through this forum or by TG and we will prepare to recieve your men by Sunday 12noon RT.
West Harlack
19-03-2005, 18:20
West Harlack has sent a representative to sign the papers and recieve payment. We expect you will not make further attempts to gain more land from our nation, for they will be met with force.
South Harlack
19-03-2005, 18:29
South Harlack refuses to pay for fighting initiated by the pirates. Loses are your fault, not ours, had you not invaded in the first place we would have not been forced to take military action in response.
*The airstrikes over Mensa had been halted by all nations involved in order to allow for peacetalks and for neccesary repairs to their airfleets. The nations also had to consider their stock of munitions, new bombs and missiles would need to be produced to replace the ones used in war, and a great deal had been used in a very brief time.*
19-03-2005, 22:00
The HMS-Thunderbird finally got to the region, guarded by the returning HMS-Svenssen and HMS-Offshore.
The HMS-Thunderbird had other planes on the decks. The F-16's were home, and F18-Hornets (reknown for coast patrol) had replaced them.
They were to guard the vessels that were here to possibly return the marines that went inland to the homeland.
However it wasn't looking like easy negotiations...
The HMS-Svenssen brought top diplomate mr. John Verhaegen, so that looked like a good signal from de Vlaamse Leeuw's government.
But they weren't too happy because of the losses they sustained after the counteroffensives. Around 1000 men drowned together with the HMS-Thunderbolt. Inland over the same amount of marines died because of the bombing of the coast cities occupied by De Vlaamse Leeuw.
Although Harlack would probably say that the battle ship and the marines weren't supposed to be there, still De Vlaamse Leeuw wasn't gonna just let this pass. They still had the coast cities, and with the arrival of the HMS-Thunderbird, things looked better for the troops inland.
Because of the threat of the subs, one of the 3 P3-Orions was always in the air, and 1 AWACS radar airplane was somewhere around too. There was NO way the submarines could surprise the marine unit once again.
Despite our claims of neutrality in the past, We, the Rogue Nation of Hilan, see that the past events can not be ignored.
We have but a small military force: A navy consisting of 5 small destroyers, 3 desiel submarines; An infantry of 2500 men. But where we prefer to shine in is our Air Force. We have aquired two sets of 3 AH-64 Apache Helicopters from 'friends' to the far north of mainland Asia, three CH-47A Chinooks and 4 UH-1 Hueys for defence for those Chinooks. A great deal of our military personell are trained in useage of these airiel vechicles. As you can tell, our tactics prefer to be a quick in-and-out type operations, or support for larger militaries.
For the most part, Our nation will be primarily used for defence, but will support where it can. I also suggest that no military action be preformed on any of our many fishing vessals, or war shall, and will, be declared. Please contact us if any more information needs to be accquired. That is all for now.
East Harlack
20-03-2005, 08:39
The outright agression against Mensa is unforgiveable, the troops must be withdrawn immediatly.
East Harlack
20-03-2005, 08:44
To Hilan:
Your vessels are perfectly safe from us, we do not wish to have further armed conflict after the rescent problems with West Harlack and the invasion of Mensa.
20-03-2005, 11:40
The outright agression against Mensa is unforgiveable, the troops must be withdrawn immediatly.
How are we supposed to get them out of there when they are inland?
No, they stay there until a compromise has been reached. And perhaps you shouldn't interfere, this is between mensa and de Vlaamse Leeuw, or else the republic of Gerhardt Küsterholz will be called for help (no puppet so don't even go there)
Pirate Captains
20-03-2005, 15:59
To the Government of South Harlack:
I have been hired to represent the families of the deceased and other victims resulting in your bombings of the Cities on the Coast of West Harlack. These victims were not Pirates, or combatants in any other way. They were however victimized by your government, and require compensation to cover medical and funeral expenses, damage to their homes and businesses, as well as punitive damages. We are prepared to seek legal action over this.
-Alan Gershwitz J.D.
Partner in the law firm of Gershwitz, Gershwitz and Meyer
(OOC: Please not this is independent of the Pirates)
20-03-2005, 20:41
The specially formed "Harlack Peacekeeping Division" is now taking up positions in the DMZ, headed by General Oliver Stewart. Airlifted in by the zeppelins of the Colonial Airforce Transport Wing, it consists of the following;
- 72nd Infantry Regiment
- 74th Infantry Regiment
(42 x Mechanised Infantry Coys, 12 x Light Armoured Coys, 4 x Air Defence Coys, 4 x Engineering Coys, 4 x Logistics Coys, 6 x Artillery Coys, 2 x Command Coys, 2 x Medical Coys, 2 x Recon Coys and 2 x Military police Coys)
- 5th Company, CBW (Chemical and Biol;ogical Warfare) Containment Battalion
- Team 2, Colonial Marine Corps Commandoes (Air Insertion team A)
In total, 8,200 men. For vehicles, weapons and army deatails see www.freewebs.com/colonyofollieland.
In addition, our zeppelin force that was over west harlack will now re-locate to the DMZ.
We await reponses from Pirate Captains and Allemande, and any other nation willing to contribute towards peacekeeping duties.
Harlack Mensa
20-03-2005, 21:48
The Commonwealth had withdrewn all naval forces from the Harlack region, after continous attacks by submarines... THey lost the HMS-Thunderbolt already.
The land forces were on their own , but had suffered more losses the more they went into the land...
they stopped after finding an old militairy fortress, that was more like a fruin but a good spot for resting and easey to defend.
1. Couldn't just abandon my army because you said i was godmoding all the time
2. I said i took little losses in my earlier post, not "no losses"
3. if the fortress is godmoding, then scrab it from the record...OOC: Maybe everyone needs to take a breath or two here.
East, West, South, and Federated Harlack: I think you guys were unrealistically quick to intervene. Unless you had a spy in DeVlaamseLeeuw's navy - or spy satellites - you'd have had about as much chance of stopping their invasion on a dime as the West had of stopping Saddam on his way into Kuwait. More likely, your first indication that a Harlacker nation had been overrun by foreigners would have been from local news reports, by which time their unopposed landing would have taken the capitol. Then you would still have had to pull your fleets together, negotiate overflight rights (only West Harlack would have a clear shot), ship troops by land or sea, etc.
Keep in mind also that Harlack is the size of India. I'm not even sure that some of the older combat aircraft (B-17's, for instance) could make it to Harlack Mensa without staging at intervening bases.
DeVlaamseLeeuw: C'mon, guy. You were told that the "empty" areas of Harlack weren't unoccupied, merely unplayed. If you assume that each unplayed nation has a static population of 5,000,000 (the starting populace), even an unopposed landing would require more than 1,500-2,000 men and three tanks backed by 10 combat aircraft. As a rule of thumb, you'd need 2-4 divisions of 2nd rate troops just to occupy and pacify the victim. Then there's the scale of operations: you're talking about overrunning a country the size of New York State in a single push: that's not realistic. Assuming that your forces could march 50km per day inland (unopposed), it would take 1-2 weeks to occupy the whole country.
Just saying, "I'm here and they're mine" is godmoding, however you cut it.
The rule is "Ask before you invade". I know that sounds weird, but the greater emphasis here is on RP, not campaigns of conquest. Even this last move - the takeover of a "ruined fortress" - is a bit of deux et machina. Harlack Mensa has been a demilitarized "neutral zone" within Greater Harlack for over 400 years (remember me saying that earlier?). You might find an abandoned 16th or 17th Century chateau or castle, and that would really bother us - but mainly because of the risk of damage to an historical treausure - but whatever you find won't be militarily useful.
So here's what I'm going to do, following the "It's my nation and I can cry if I want to" rule: ;)
The invaders have landed and pushed inland. They can decide how much they've lost. There's an old chateau they can hide in if they want, while negotiating with the local government (IOW, the Provost), or they can push onto the campus and try to sieze control. Either way, there's no opposition aside from road signs stolen or turned the wrong way, nails sprinkled in the road, etc.
There's no major port along the shore where De Vlaamse Leeuw landed. There are some minor ports that could support some offloading of supplies, but the invaders are going to have to forage for supplies until they can secure such a port and prepare it for invasion supply, which will likely take a week to ten days.
The bombing has been less intense than the Harlacks claim, and probably less effective. The sea battle started after the landing, and unfolded over the course of a few days and not a matter of hours, and with far less coordination than has been suggested. If De Vlaamse Leeuw wants to say that he pulled back his forces when it became obvious that he was being opposed by the rest of Harlack combined, then he should be considered to have done so, although this leaves the invasion force stranded.
Since it would take days for ground forces to travel to Harlack Mensa, I think we must resolve the matter between De Vlaamse Leeuw's invasion force and the University first. Re: the right to enter Harlack Mensa, I obviously can't stop you. But just remember the history: Region #12 was granted to the Great University almost 500 years ago in perpetuity to provide support for an institution of arts, sciences, theology, and higher education that would serve all of Greater Harlack, not just one country. Many of Harlack's greatest minds and most famous people attended the Great University, and all feel a need to preserve the institution. Any entry onto its territory should be negotiated carefully among all Harlacker nations to ensure the Great University's continuing neutrality. Given the low level of trust among the many Harlacks, this may be more difficult that would at first blush appear the case.
De Vlaamse Leeuw, decide if you want to try to seize power and brave the further wrath of the remaining Harlacks or negotiate a truce. If the latter is true, send a small detachment of emissaries to the Provost's Office at the Great Hall. He's waiting there, with a small (unarmed) guard.
20-03-2005, 22:04
Ollieland urges DeVlaamseLeeuw to negotiate a peace with Mensa Harlack. If requested by both sides we would be happy to act as an intermediary. We would also be happy to help logistically move DeVlaamseLeeuw troops (if he so wishes and if he is having difficulties) using the Colonial Air Force Transport Wing's airship freighters.
20-03-2005, 22:34
It appears as though the issue of the Pirate incursion into West Harlack has been peacefully resolved (for the moment). Consequently, once disaster relief is completed alone East Harlack's coast, the 7th Mechanized Brigade (4,500 men, 60 MBT's, and 50 SP artillery platforms (mixed MRLS and 155mm) will be sent to the DMZ as originally planned.
Are we correct in our understanding that Ollieland will be in charge of the force?
- Secretary of State Edith Mayenne
- The United States of Allemande
20-03-2005, 22:47
Ollieland urges DeVlaamseLeeuw to negotiate a peace with Mensa Harlack. If requested by both sides we would be happy to act as an intermediary. We would also be happy to help logistically move DeVlaamseLeeuw troops (if he so wishes and if he is having difficulties) using the Colonial Air Force Transport Wing's airship freighters.The United States of Allemande expresses its disapproval of DeVlaamseLeeuw's invasion of Harlack Mensa. We stand prepared to provide material support to the nations of Harlack in repelling this invasion.
Note to South Harlack: We've directed the 7th Mechanized Brigade back to the DMZ. We are drawing up plans to dispatch III Corps (75,000 men, including 650 MBT, 500 helicopters, 600 SP artillery and 50 mobile AAA systems, and 200 combat aircraft [mixed fighter, fighter-bomber and ground attack]) to South Harlack to provide offensive support against any common enemy. This deployment will take several weeks, but will only occur at your say-so. If you don't see the need for such a force, let us know.
OOC: III Corps basically consists of 1 armored division, 1 mechanized infantry division, 1 air assault/airmobile division, and 1 tactical air wing, reinforced by significant artillery and anti-air assets. It will also provide thr logistical base to expand our special forces presence in the region to a full battalion.
20-03-2005, 23:49
It appears as though the issue of the Pirate incursion into West Harlack has been peacefully resolved (for the moment). Consequently, once disaster relief is completed alone East Harlack's coast, the 7th Mechanized Brigade (4,500 men, 60 MBT's, and 50 SP artillery platforms (mixed MRLS and 155mm) will be sent to the DMZ as originally planned.
Are we correct in our understanding that Ollieland will be in charge of the force?
- Secretary of State Edith Mayenne
- The United States of Allemande
Dear Secretary of State,
It is our hope that major decisions concerning peacekeeping forces can be taken by a joint command, which we have designated the Harlack Combined Peacekeeping Command (HCPC). We will chair this command, and all nations contributing forces will be entitled to a chair at the table. We will take day-to-day command of all forces in the DMZ (if that is acceptable to you), but any major decisions, such as leaving the DMZ or firing on native troops, will be taken by the HCPC.
(OOC can you please tell us the name of 7th Mechanized Brigade's Commanding Officer so that we can include him in the HCPC).
(OOC still waiting to hear from Pirate Captains).
21-03-2005, 01:40
OOC can you please tell us the name of 7th Mechanized Brigade's Commanding Officer so that we can include him in the HCPC...
Go back a couple pages... ;)
TO: Col. Jackson (on behalf of Col. Smith)
FROM: Brig. Gen. Oliver LaCroix....
South Harlack
21-03-2005, 04:06
We believe negotiations should begin immediately in regards to the situation in Mensa. Having stated that, we will not tolerate anything less than the removal of the invading forces from Greater Harlack soil.
In regards to the lawyer, we will not pay for collateral damage resulting from the invasion of a xenos nation.
Pirate Captains
21-03-2005, 12:50
OOC: Now I'm confused, is the same player who has been playing East, West and South Harlack also playing Harlack Mensa?
South Harlack:
Dear Sirs and Madams, the "invading force" as you put it, was only defending us from the Communist Government, the Rebels, and the aggression of other nations. They never fired on us. Further we find it reprehensible that you would see people suffer rather than help out these poor victims of your miscalculation. You were so quick to send your bombs to "save them", yet so slow to send aid. We seek to file a claim against you with all of the Nations of Harlack.
-The Law offices of Gershwitz, Gershwitz and Meyer.
Pirate Captains
21-03-2005, 12:54
The word tis spread among me mateys. Whichever crews volunteer, up to 2,000 men, to help secure the DMZ twill be sent. Fer now, I heard word of 500 men coming. Prepare for more in the future. As for the raping and pillaging. We are a noble group, and be categorically opposed to rape. Further, I be passin along the word of no pillaging.
-Captain Grey Beard
Leader of the Confederacy of Pirate Captains
21-03-2005, 13:04
We would like to send missionaries to work out of the DMZ out of the invitation to Pirate Captains, we can also send a small military force under the same invitation.
We also request permission from the government of East Harlack to allow our missionaries in to their country to help them any way necessary. Our missionaries have all taken vows of poverty and consist mostly of Franciscans, Dominicans, and other religious orders. There would be some lay ministers accompanying them who have not taken vows, but this would be a small contingent.
-His Excellency, Bishop James IV
Interim head of the Holy Republic's government
OOC: (please note, The Holy Republic of MargarithaDominaArmano is a Theocracy and a vassal state of Pirate Captains, which despises the Pirates and is ever plotting to overthrow them. They were three former nations whose governments had collapsed, and were then conquered by the Pirates. A religious faction fought the pirates and managed to work out a truce which allowed them to run the country as a government which was nonethe less under the dominion of the Pirates, though autonomous in its ability to make laws.)
East Harlack
21-03-2005, 18:28
We would gladly accept missionaries, perhaps our nations could even create a missionary exchange program to better the lives our citizens?
*OC* No, Mensa and the other two nations in Greater Harlack are controlled by other people.
South Harlack
21-03-2005, 19:21
There is no court in the world with authority over South Harlack, your lawsuit will get you no where.
21-03-2005, 19:29
Go back a couple pages... ;)
We thank you for your contribution to the peacekeeping force and welcome Brigadier General Oliver LaCroix to the HCPC.
OOC Fantastic! An Oliver - we can work with this man! In Ollieland, it is tradition that all first born sons are called Oliver after the nations founder, Oliver Allen. As a result nearly 70% of all males in Ollieland are called Oliver. Our troops would be mighitly impressed by a foriegn Oliver and treat him with the utmost respect!
21-03-2005, 19:31
The word tis spread among me mateys. Whichever crews volunteer, up to 2,000 men, to help secure the DMZ twill be sent. Fer now, I heard word of 500 men coming. Prepare for more in the future. As for the raping and pillaging. We are a noble group, and be categorically opposed to rape. Further, I be passin along the word of no pillaging.
-Captain Grey Beard
Leader of the Confederacy of Pirate Captains
We thank you for your contribution to the peacekeeping force. Your men will be attached to Ollish Army units for patrol purposes.
OOC - Can I please have the COs name and rank to include him in the HCPC.
21-03-2005, 19:34
We would like to send missionaries to work out of the DMZ out of the invitation to Pirate Captains, we can also send a small military force under the same invitation.
We also request permission from the government of East Harlack to allow our missionaries in to their country to help them any way necessary. Our missionaries have all taken vows of poverty and consist mostly of Franciscans, Dominicans, and other religious orders. There would be some lay ministers accompanying them who have not taken vows, but this would be a small contingent.
-His Excellency, Bishop James IV
Interim head of the Holy Republic's government
OOC: (please note, The Holy Republic of MargarithaDominaArmano is a Theocracy and a vassal state of Pirate Captains, which despises the Pirates and is ever plotting to overthrow them. They were three former nations whose governments had collapsed, and were then conquered by the Pirates. A religious faction fought the pirates and managed to work out a truce which allowed them to run the country as a government which was nonethe less under the dominion of the Pirates, though autonomous in its ability to make laws.)
Can you please send details of any military detchment (eg, would we need to seperate you from the Pirates?). Rest assured, any missionaries operating in the DMZ would recieve the full protection of the Ollish Army.
21-03-2005, 19:46
The invaders have landed and pushed inland. They can decide how much they've lost. There's an old chateau they can hide in if they want, while negotiating with the local government (IOW, the Provost), or they can push onto the campus and try to sieze control. Either way, there's no opposition aside from road signs stolen or turned the wrong way, nails sprinkled in the road, etc.
There's no major port along the shore where De Vlaamse Leeuw landed. There are some minor ports that could support some offloading of supplies, but the invaders are going to have to forage for supplies until they can secure such a port and prepare it for invasion supply, which will likely take a week to ten days.
The bombing has been less intense than the Harlacks claim, and probably less effective. The sea battle started after the landing, and unfolded over the course of a few days and not a matter of hours, and with far less coordination than has been suggested. If De Vlaamse Leeuw wants to say that he pulled back his forces when it became obvious that he was being opposed by the rest of Harlack combined, then he should be considered to have done so, although this leaves the invasion force stranded.
Since it would take days for ground forces to travel to Harlack Mensa, I think we must resolve the matter between De Vlaamse Leeuw's invasion force and the University first. Re: the right to enter Harlack Mensa, I obviously can't stop you. But just remember the history: Region #12 was granted to the Great University almost 500 years ago in perpetuity to provide support for an institution of arts, sciences, theology, and higher education that would serve all of Greater Harlack, not just one country. Many of Harlack's greatest minds and most famous people attended the Great University, and all feel a need to preserve the institution. Any entry onto its territory should be negotiated carefully among all Harlacker nations to ensure the Great University's continuing neutrality. Given the low level of trust among the many Harlacks, this may be more difficult that would at first blush appear the case.
De Vlaamse Leeuw, decide if you want to try to seize power and brave the further wrath of the remaining Harlacks or negotiate a truce. If the latter is true, send a small detachment of emissaries to the Provost's Office at the Great Hall. He's waiting there, with a small (unarmed) guard.
A helicopter coming from the HMS-Thunderbird brought De Vlaamse Leeuw's diplomate John Verhaegen to the appointed place. The Commonwealth wasn't very eager to keep fighting, looking at the opposition that faced them. If they would continue, help would be asked from the largest militairy in their region, the Republic of Gerhardt Kusterholz.
But first the count wanted to hear what the noble state of Mensa Harlack had to say.
Harlack Mensa
21-03-2005, 22:01
OOC: Now I'm confused, is the same player who has been playing East, West and South Harlack also playing Harlack Mensa?No.
Harlack Mensa
21-03-2005, 22:26
A helicopter coming from the HMS-Thunderbird brought De Vlaamse Leeuw's diplomate John Verhaegen to the appointed place. The Commonwealth wasn't very eager to keep fighting, looking at the opposition that faced them. If they would continue, help would be asked from the largest militairy in their region, the Republic of Gerhardt Kusterholz.
But first the count wanted to hear what the noble state of Mensa Harlack had to say.OOC: This is your encounter to begin, then. RP the landing of your chopper on (or on) the Commons and have your people head for the Great Hall. They will be met by a single old man who is the Chief Custodian; he will usher them into the Office of the Provost, who is waiting for them with a fire in his fireplace and a glass of brandy (he will offer some to his "guests"). Then make your offer of terms, and I will respond to that offer.
The Campus is deserted, and there are no armed guards anywhere.
East Harlack
22-03-2005, 02:42
From: East Harlack
To: Anyone interested.
East Harlack is seeking to expand on its current military now that the new budget has been approved, in accordance with this we would like to purchase a single Aircraft Carrier. The carrier can be Escort or normal and can be outdated, we will make any updates that are needed.
East Harlack
22-03-2005, 04:39
News Alert:
Huge Nazi rally held in the capitol of East Harlack today. The rally was peacefull and failed to spark the typical unrest a rally of Swastica bearing, Hitler worshipping Nazi supporters tends to bring up. Infact, many in the streets joined in the rally outside the Holy President's Office.
South Harlack
22-03-2005, 08:56
*OC* There may be some new nations joining the thread soon, I don't control them, just telling you so we avoid more confusion as to who to TG.
Pirate Captains
22-03-2005, 10:21
Tis be Captain Jim. This not be his real name. But that be somethin he keeps secret. Recommended ye not be asking his real name, or he may kill ye. Captain Jim works fine.
-Captain Grey Beard
Leader of the Confederacy of Pirate Captains
PS: His rank be Captain. Though his odor is also rank. But that be something ye best not be talkin about to em, or he may kill ye.
We thank you for your contribution to the peacekeeping force. Your men will be attached to Ollish Army units for patrol purposes.
OOC - Can I please have the COs name and rank to include him in the HCPC.
East Harlack
22-03-2005, 18:27
Would anyone object to creating a new thread dealing with all politics involving Greater Harlack? This situation is essentially setteled for now, the rest (like the situation with Mensa) could be put into a new thread.
East Harlack
23-03-2005, 05:59
News Alert:
South Harlack's government has announced its intention to begin work on a comprehensive space program. There is no word as to if the space program will be aided by any other nation or even what the ultimate goal of the space program is but many suspect the intention is to develop improved range missiles or establish a spy satelite network.
23-03-2005, 18:31
Any business to do with the DMZ should be posted in the thread titled "Harlack Combined Peacekeeping Command - Fun in the DMZ!"
28-03-2005, 09:08
The Heron lay a mile or so off the old gun platform. In the past week it had taken the place of the Stork, moored near the old bastion, bathed in lights and humming with constant activity. A number of merchant vessels had visiting the Heron in the last few days, bringing gear and crew from the Stork to augment Heron's gear and complement.
The nearby underwater blast had done less damage to the platform than was initially feared. Within the week that damage had been repaired and the platform had been reinforced to the point where it could now boast cranes and hoists of its own. Shortly therafter, a helipad had been constructed, and then a brace of hangars. The platform was also beginning to sprout masts, aerials, and radio dishes of various kinds.
Then, a day or two ago, Heron had moved off to the sight of the rogue sub's demise. The work on the platform could continue on its own, using the platform's new equipment and personnel; Heron, for her part, was interested in probing into other secrets.
Ocean bottom soundings helped locate the wreckage of the diesel electric sub that had launched the nuclear-tipped torpedo, but it would take a dive in a mini-sub to get any real information. That was why Renee Arnaud was back in the water again, heading downward towards the remnants of the sub that had terrified her just two weeks earlier.
"You're getting close to the position, Renee," said Francine, Heron's SO.
"Yes, and I'm beginning to see signs of wreckage. Let me slow it down a bit," Renee replied.
Then she saw it. "Heron," she said, "We have a positive contact."
South Harlack
28-03-2005, 17:49
*The submarine lacked any obvious nation of origion markings, just like every other submarine in the area. The name of the submarine was visable on pieces of the wreckage...but it appeared that it may have been painted over another word...*
28-03-2005, 23:29
*The submarine lacked any obvious nation of origion markings, just like every other submarine in the area. The name of the submarine was visable on pieces of the wreckage...but it appeared that it may have been painted over another word...*Francine looked at the wreckage. "Renee, can you give me a slow camera sweep over the whole field? After that, I think that name plate - if that's what it is - is our best bet for now."
"Gotcha," replied Renee, as she powered up her fans and began to methodically sweep the wreck. The video cameras panned and whirred, and she played lights over the entire scene. Here and there she saw what was surely a half-eaten corpse, crushed under tons of pressure and now - quite literally - food for the fish.
It took ninety minutes, but at last the mini-sub surfaced, the metal plate secured in its robotic claws. Renee pulled herself out of the cockpit, her tank top drenched with sweat. Francine greeted her.
"Nice job. Great pictures. We should be able to reconstruct the entire sequence from what you've got."
Renee looked at the panel. "I'm more interested in that plate."
"After dinner. Stanley is getting ready to give it the best forensic analysis he can. Anything you need in the meantime?"
"A beer. A cold beer." said Renee, shaking the droplets of sweat from her hair, now loose from the headband she'd worn underwater.
Francine smiled. "I knew you'd want that. A guy from South Harlack's navy brought us a pilsner of theirs that he swears is the best in the world."
"That," Renee replied with a smile, "Is a challenge I'm up for..."
OOC: Renee's hometown claims with pride to make the absolute best pilsner in the world, so that is a challenge!
*Studying the submarine took quite a bit of time and when all was said and done they were unable to pin the submarine on anyone specific...although the name was linked to another submarine on the active duty list with Federated Harlack.*
Harlack Mensa
08-04-2005, 16:11
*OC* Start of next week.
Feel free to TG me or post in our region if you want to do things with our nations or explore the islands. I updated the map to give you a small piece of the island you asked for, your welcome to make a colony nation there or just say there is a colony there.OOC: I propose that we end this thread here and start a new one: Greater Harlack Defense Forces (GHDF). GHDF (http://www.nationstates.net/cgi-bin/index.cgi/target=display_nation/nation=GHDF) should start the thread, and then others (like myself) can volunteer forces, interact with each other, we can appoint a force commander, etc.
Harlack Mensa will also organize a small academic expedition under Professor James Merriman (of the History Department) to sail around the islands and determine what is going on there (he's taking a sabbatical for this). Harlack Mensa won't be claiming land, unless we find an island off our shores that is about the size of Okinawa with a good natural harbor. If we can find such a place, we'll try to persuade the locals to join us (better, of course, would be if it were unoccupied).
We'll call that thread "Merriman's Voyage of Discovery". :D