The second great purge: all feminists to be executed!
10-03-2005, 18:08
Zarathushtrapolis, Pahlavistan
"These feminoid creatures are blasphemous cretins," Shah Sassan Pahlavi announced, in front of an assembled mass numbering in the tens of thousands. "The Avestra specifically emphasizes gender equality. And yet, these filthy leftists want special treatment, extra privileges, and men to bow down and kiss their asses. They are no better than we are, and we shall demonstrate that today."
Several SAVAK agents pushed a huge titanium cage over to the Shah. Inside were about 750 feminists.
The Shah smiled. "Let us begin, shall we?"
One of the SAVAK agents pressed a button on a panel, causing the roof of the cage to open up. A massive crane drove over, carrying a large metal tub of hot, boiling tar. The crane tilted the tub over, spilling all of the tar onto the feminists, as they screeched in agony.
The audience laughed and began to applaud. "Hail the Shah! Death to the enemies of Ahura Mazda!" they chanted.
The Shah nodded. "Thank you, my loyal followers. May Ahura Mazda bestow upon you his eternal blessing."
He snapped his fingers, and the crane dumped a second tub over the top of the cage; this tub was filled with feathers.
"They look like chickens now, do they not? I hear wolves and foxes love chickens!"
Dozens of ravenous, snarling, bestial, ferocious wolves and foxes were brought into the cage, and began frantically and viciously tearing apart the feminists, to the delight of the Shah and the amusement of the audience.
10-03-2005, 18:10
To: The leader of Pahlavistan
From: President Nellis
I condemn these actions that your nation has been taking. I am putting my forces on alert and will deply them if needed. I ask you to stop these acts immediatly or you will be dealing will not only me but my allies. and no-one wants that.
If you are going to kill any more feminists, please send them to Kahta for execution. We need them for medical experiments and are willing to compensate you.
Czar Sam Fabus
10-03-2005, 18:16
If you are going to kill any more feminists, please send them to Kahta for execution. We need them for medical experiments and are willing to compensate you.
Czar Sam Fabus
Certainly, my friend. Provided the experiments are cruel, barbarous, and inhumane, I shall send them promptly. Compensation is not necessary.
-Shah Sassan Pahlavi
10-03-2005, 18:18
To: The leader of Pahlavistan
From: President Nellis
I condemn these actions that your nation has been taking. I am putting my forces on alert and will deply them if needed. I ask you to stop these acts immediatly or you will be dealing will not only me but my allies. and no-one wants that.
Are you a communist? You must be. I detest communists, hence, your opinion is of no significance to me. Your nation is incurably tainted, corrupted beyond repair by Angra Mainyu. Ahura Mazda's wrath will one day be upon thee.
-Shah Sassan Pahlavi
10-03-2005, 19:02
10-03-2005, 19:08
This is the last straw. Our Government has been reasonable, we have tried to cope with you. We even said we would let these Communists come to our nation. I am sorry to tell you this, but war is of now inevitable.
-Kaiser Rüdolf
OOC: Note, no war has been declared yet.
10-03-2005, 19:09
Two words for you: national sovereignty.
-Shah Sassan Pahlavi
The Merchant Guilds
10-03-2005, 19:11
We support this action, Feminists indeed learn their place. We would have suggusted re-education camps but your method is just as effective, if rather wastefull.
We use slaves for our Medical, Bio, Genetic and Chem Warfare Experiments, we find them to be more 'co-operative' than Political Dissidents.
-Random Guilder Bureaucrat
Inherent Vengeance
10-03-2005, 19:11
The Rogue Nation stepped back and took no action when you ended 10 thousand human lives. However we can not condone these actions. Slaying people for their beleifs is wrong... if you choose to remove them from your land or press them into Labor Camps/Exile Territory, that is your business. But the needless ending of human life is irreperable. Humans are Humans...doesn't your Ahura Mazda teach a respect for life?
10-03-2005, 19:12
We support this action, Feminists indeed learn their place. We would have suggusted re-education camps but your method is just as effective, if rather wastefull.
We use slaves for our Medical, Bio, Genetic and Chem Warfare Experiments, we find them to be more 'co-operative' than Political Dissidents.
-Random Guilder Bureaucrat
Thank you for your support. Undoubtedly, Ahura Mazda views your magnificent nation most favorably.
-Shah Sassan Pahlavi
10-03-2005, 19:13
Humans are Humans...doesn't your Ahura Mazda teach a respect for life?
These are not humans, nor are they Ahura Mazda's creations. They are demons disguised as humans, sent by Angra Mainyu to communize the world and create a living Hell where Angra Mainyu can enslave us all. As creatures of darkness, they must be destroyed.
-Shah Sassan Pahlavi
Aust understands the need for purges such as these, especcially to destroy those that would destabalise your nation. Though we do not agree that Feminists are nesscarly need to be purged, I know little of your nation and thus I cannot comment on that.
We advise Infinacy to leave Pahlavistan alone, he can do what the wishes inside his own boarders, and you cannot stop him, if you try to do so with force then be sure that the full might of the Austian legions shall rain down upon you.
Emporer Palpatine the 4th
Lord of Aust
10-03-2005, 19:14
Aust understands the need for purges such as these, especcially to destroy those that would destabalise your nation. Though we do not agree that Feminists are nesscarly need to be purged, I know little of your nation and thus I cannot comment on that.
We advise Infinacy to leave Pahlavistan alone, he can do what the wishes inside his own boarders, and you cannot stop him, if you try to do so with force then be sure that the full might of the Austian legions shall rain down upon you.
Emporer Palpatine the 4th
Lord of Aust
Thank you, Emperor Palpatine. May Ahura Mazda bring your nation bountiful prosperity.
-Shah Sassan Pahlavi
10-03-2005, 19:15
Sovereign? That word makes us laugh when we think of your nation. How do you describe your self ' sovereign ' when you run around planting bullets in innocent civilian heads, and burning even more civilians for what? Religious beliefes? That is just, what we call, pyschotic.
-Kaiser Rüdolf
10-03-2005, 19:16
Sovereign? That word makes us laugh when we think of your nation. How do you describe your self ' sovereign ' when you run around planting bullets in innocent civilian heads, and burning even more civilians for what? Religious beliefes? That is just, what we call, pyschotic.
-Kaiser Rüdolf
I would expect such an irrational, immoral, and idiotic statement from a worshipper of Angra Mainyu.
-Shah Sassan Pahlavi
Imperial response
The Empire of Cotland detest this genocide, and hereby officially send the nation of Pahlavistan its strongest protests. If this is not stopped, we may have to take stronger actions.
Imperial Government of Cotland
10-03-2005, 19:18
Imperial response
The Empire of Cotland detest this genocide, and hereby officially send the nation of Pahlavistan its strongest protests. If this is not stopped, we may have to take stronger actions.
Imperial Government of Cotland
We will not renounce our struggle against Angra Mainyu, the diabolical fiend whom your nation apparently worships.
-Shah Sassan Pahlavi
10-03-2005, 19:19
Hah, Shah, you think we worship your Mythology? You ammuse us with your great stupidity.
-Kaiser Rüdolf
10-03-2005, 19:21
Hah, Shah, you think we worship your Mythology? You ammuse us with your great stupidity.
-Kaiser Rüdolf
Hating sin does not make one stupid. Away with you, you demons!
-Shah Sassan Pahlavi
You may call us whatever you wish. However, you do it at your own risk...
Imperial Government of Cotland
10-03-2005, 19:24
Hating sin does not make one stupid. Away with you, you demons!
-Shah Sassan Pahlavi
Sorry, but in our opinions, the only demons are you. You don't see us running around slaying Muslims, or anyone else at all, nor are we running about slaying your own people, nor do we make a ruccus upon your lands. Yet we are the demons? When the true demons are you! You are the one running around gathering minorities you seem not to like, and kill them day by day. That does not make you a demon? You are not a demon for stealing countless innocent lives, but we are for protesting against your actions? This, is truely, a sign of ignorance.
-Kaiser Rüdolf
Sovereign? That word makes us laugh when we think of your nation. How do you describe your self ' sovereign ' when you run around planting bullets in innocent civilian heads, and burning even more civilians for what? Religious beliefes? That is just, what we call, pyschotic.
-Kaiser Rüdolf
You are a fool Kaiser, and not a clever fool at that. It seems that you miss the point of a 'Sovereign nation', a sovrign nation can do as it wishes inside it's boarders, weather you like it or not. do not take my word for it, heres the Dictornary definition:
• noun 1 a king or queen who is the supreme ruler of a country. 2 a former British gold coin worth one pound sterling.
• adjective 1 possessing supreme or ultimate power. 2 (of a nation or its affairs) acting or done independently and without outside interference.
— ORIGIN Old French soverain, from Latin super ‘above’
Look at 2 of the adjectives, that is what Pahlavistan is, and you cannot do anything about it, so leave him and look at your own nation, for there is more evil there than in Pahlavistan.
Emporer Palpatine the 4th
Lord of the Air, Lord of Bonesacke, Lord of Busted, Lord of Elvindom, Protector of Bambinio, Distroyer of Nuevo Kowloon. Holder of Caliares. Protector of the lands of Thrashia. Giver of Death
Sorry, but in our opinions, the only demons are you. You don't see us running around slaying Muslims, or anyone else at all, nor are we running about slaying your own people, nor do we make a ruccus upon your lands. Yet we are the demons? When the true demons are you! You are the one running around gathering minorities you seem not to like, and kill them day by day. That does not make you a demon? You are not a demon for stealing countless innocent lives, but we are for protesting against your actions? This, is truely, a sign of ignorance.
-Kaiser Rüdolf
'Beauty is in the eye of the beholder', and to him what may seem to you like evil is good. It is not your choice what he does, you may protest but he has every right to ignore you in seach of perfection. It is you who are ignoratnt of the ways of the great powers, not he.
Emporer Palpatinthe 4th
Lord of the Air, Lord of Bonesacke, Lord of Busted, Lord of Elvindom, Protector of Bambinio, Distroyer of Nuevo Kowloon. Holder of Caliares. Protector of the lands of Thrashia. Giver of Death
10-03-2005, 19:36
'Beauty is in the eye of the beholder', and to him what may seem to you like evil is good. It is not your choice what he does, you may protest but he has every right to ignore you in seach of perfection. It is you who are ignoratnt of the ways of the great powers, not he.
Emporer Palpatinthe 4th
Lord of the Air, Lord of Bonesacke, Lord of Busted, Lord of Elvindom, Protector of Bambinio, Distroyer of Nuevo Kowloon. Holder of Caliares. Protector of the lands of Thrashia. Giver of Death
OOC: Lol, your emperor's name is based off of Lord Palpetine of Star Wars, right?
We wish that you take back your support of such genocide. You know it as much as the free world does that it is not right to commit mass genocide as this just because you believe it is right. What binds you into supporting him? Because his nation is the underdog? Or is it because you truely believe he is doing the right thing.
10-03-2005, 19:38
You are a fool Kaiser, and not a clever fool at that. It seems that you miss the point of a 'Sovereign nation', a sovrign nation can do as it wishes inside it's boarders, weather you like it or not. do not take my word for it, heres the Dictornary definition:
• noun 1 a king or queen who is the supreme ruler of a country. 2 a former British gold coin worth one pound sterling.
• adjective 1 possessing supreme or ultimate power. 2 (of a nation or its affairs) acting or done independently and without outside interference.
— ORIGIN Old French soverain, from Latin super ‘above’
Look at 2 of the adjectives, that is what Pahlavistan is, and you cannot do anything about it, so leave him and look at your own nation, for there is more evil there than in Pahlavistan.
Emporer Palpatine the 4th
Lord of the Air, Lord of Bonesacke, Lord of Busted, Lord of Elvindom, Protector of Bambinio, Distroyer of Nuevo Kowloon. Holder of Caliares. Protector of the lands of Thrashia. Giver of Death
We know of what Sovereignty is. And you may say we are foolish, but that is truely of your own beliefe, not a factful theory. But to us, this isn't sovereignty. It is more like a biggoted leader who uses his bible to sway people to support him in the mass genocide of innocent people. You are the foolish one to be swayed into believing that this genocide is just.
-Kaiser Rüdolf
OOC: No, I won't take you through the whole Austian History thing, but Palpatine is a form of Palpus, the 14th Emporer of Aust, Austian practice is eather to give a baby a new name or to name him after one of his ancestors, by adding -ine on the end. So you get The Emporer's brother William (Named after Will his Grandfarther) and Mattius (Named after another emporer). See my NS Wiki page for more.
IC: I do not balive the genocide is just, but I am a firm support of national sovregnty and will thus support whatever a nation does inside it's own nation and defend that nation.
Emporer Palpatinthe 4th
Lord of the Air, Lord of Bonesacke, Lord of Busted, Lord of Elvindom, Protector of Bambinio, Distroyer of Nuevo Kowloon. Holder of Caliares. Protector of the lands of Thrashia. Giver of Death
10-03-2005, 19:51
OOC: Cool
Well, we would like to clear that we were confused about you as before. And we do unerstand why you would support the Shah, but there are better solutions, like letting these innocents go into exile or leave for another nation that will care for them.
-Kaiser Rüdolf
OOC: Cool
Well, we would like to clear that we were confused about you as before. And we do unerstand why you would support the Shah, but there are better solutions, like letting these innocents go into exile or leave for another nation that will care for them.
-Kaiser Rüdolf
Indeed, but that is his choice not yours.
Emporer Palpatinthe 4th
Lord of the Air, Lord of Bonesacke, Lord of Busted, Lord of Elvindom, Protector of Bambinio, Distroyer of Nuevo Kowloon. Holder of Caliares. Protector of the lands of Thrashia. Giver of Death
10-03-2005, 19:59
Indeed, but that is his choice not yours.
Emporer Palpatinthe 4th
Lord of the Air, Lord of Bonesacke, Lord of Busted, Lord of Elvindom, Protector of Bambinio, Distroyer of Nuevo Kowloon. Holder of Caliares. Protector of the lands of Thrashia. Giver of Death
But we will not stand and watch 10s of thousands of innocent Civilians die becaue of THERE beliefes. The Shah is nothing but a Biggot flashing around a big bible calling everyone who protests against his actions demons and calling those who support the genocides practically Angels.
-Kaiser Rüdolf
Upper Cet Kola Ytovia
10-03-2005, 20:15
The Dominion of Upper Cet Kola Ytovia officially condemns the actions of the Pahlavistani government as vile. We call upon the rulers of Pahlavistan to seek the good of their people and allow them freedom of conscience.
--from the office of Jacinda Prime
Fule Calere, Ytovia
Tree Hugging Lesbians
10-03-2005, 20:30
The Queendom Officialy condems these actions. We send are blessings to the souls of the innocent women killed. May they rest with the Goddess for Eternity.
-Goverment Official.
10-03-2005, 23:20
The Queendom Officialy condems these actions. We send are blessings to the souls of the innocent women killed. May they rest with the Goddess for Eternity.
-Goverment Official.
They will not 'rest,' they will rot, in the bowels of Hell, along with the rest of Angra Mainyu's followers.
-Shah Sassan Pahlavi
Ah. Another upstart nation fixated on hell. There are so many of them these days. Oh well, I supposed it's our glorious Fate that the Great Gods of Krioval have made us civilized and strong enough that we don't need to imprison or kill large portions of our national population every other day.
Lord Koro Vartek
Director, KDT