The Divine Emperor attempted Suicide!
09-03-2005, 11:31
Divine Emperor Josef Emmerich is reported to be in the hospital after an attempted Suicide early this evening. The man that found him, his personall Butler said this:
"I found the young lad passed out on the kitchen floor, an empty pill bottle and a knife next to him. He had slit his wrists and taken a bottle full of sleeping pills. It's a good thing I found him, who knows what might have happened if I had not."
The Emperor is expected to make a full recovery.
The Merchant Guilds
09-03-2005, 11:36
By Guild law, any attempt at suicide is punishable by death by hanging. We suggust the same is done to the Emperor and he not be buried in sacred ground, for the crime against the Church, he has commited.
We like to help out our citizens.
-Random Guilder Bureaucrat
09-03-2005, 11:40
Well, wouldnt that just be helping him achieve the objective he has set out to achieve? We think a far worse punishment is to let him go on living.
Steward Willhelm I
One would suppose it was the abominable marraige and the weight of title "divine."
Thus we suggest they both be destroyed, the wedded couple burnt and the title abolished.
Thomas Goth
Chancellor for Foriegn Affairs
09-03-2005, 13:52
In Nargopia, we stress rehabilitation over retribution. I suggest you provide some counseling and remove him from the stressful job of Divine Emperor.
09-03-2005, 13:55
"Our great leader, Lord Durthang wishes your 'divine' emperor much pain and sadness in his life. Should he be tired of it, then the doors of our darkest executionchambers will be open to give him a quick death."
Lord Yuri
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Durthangist Reich of Vermin
The Moravian Counties
09-03-2005, 14:00
The Counts and Countesses of the Moravian Counties hereby offer our sincerest sympathy to your nation and your emperor. Any necessary aid shall be given. We strongly suggest that you do not carry out the torture suggested by the other nations and simply execute him. It's cleaner.
Edwin Chadwick. Chancellor of the Moravian Counties
09-03-2005, 14:14
Greetings from the Great Adrianites,
What your "divine Emporer" did is a great disrespectment to your country, in the eyes of our great people suicide is a cowards way out, and then to have failed at it only proves that he is an incompetant coward. Your government should make a public example of him, to discourage this kind of action, both attempting suicide and fail. Neither of which are acceptable.
Live Long and Fight Worthy
Patrick O'Leary
representitive for the
Armed Republic Of Adrianites
The Moravian Counties
09-03-2005, 14:37
This delegation would like to reiterate UN Resolution 26- The Universal Bill of Rights, which clearly states:
Article 5 -- All human beings must not be subjected to torture or to cruel or inhuman treatment or punishment.
Please take this into account, as well as the other articles of this resolution.
Edwin Chadwick. Chancellor of the Moravian Counties
09-03-2005, 15:19
" We hope your Leader comes threw. We do not like the others nations advice of killing or toturing him. There sick and twisted. Even though we are against sucide he should be helped not totured or killed."
From the Archbishops of Zackaroth.
10-03-2005, 02:23
The Emperor shall not be killed, because it would only give him ultimate victory. He is obviously mentally unstable as of late, thus he shall be relieved of his duties for the for-seeable future.
Steward Willhelm I
Children of Valkyrja
28-03-2005, 00:23
*Brusca shuffles through the old reports and reads with increasing interest, until she reaches one final report*
*She flings the papers at one of her 'sisters' and stands!*
*She picks up her fur lined riding cloak and strides out of the longhouse. Whistling for her charger, she mounts and rides off into the sky*
28-03-2005, 00:30
Rommelwood would like to offer help to his Divine King in rehabilitation and so on.
The Inquistion