NationStates Jolt Archive

African War, Final front(Kahta)

09-03-2005, 02:14
He was allot older than he used to be, every time he had to walk up and down the steps to his room he was rudely reminded of that fact. He was thankful for the fact that the base had elevators; he would have died if he had to go down all those steps. Still even with the elevator it took a few minute to get to his floor. CINC Africa Morrel stepped of the elevator and was met by a small security detachment assigned to the section. Realizing who he was they let him pass without checking his ID but the people following him had to wait. Going thru what was a virtual labyrinth of hallways and corners he finally reached his stop, a drab looking plain steel door, not even a label was placed on the door. Morrel stopped for a second to break out the snickers bar he’d been hiding in his pocket and take a chunk out of it before leaning up to the wall and cracking open a keyboard. He punched in the correct numbers, the first time he must have forgotten a number because it started blinking read and shut but the second time he got it right mentally kicking himself for that. He was one of the last ones in, not because he was late he was actually a few minutes early but the men on his staff were quit literally workaholics.

“Hey, rough night Pat?”

“Ya, I swear I should’ve left the kids on Haven with their aunt, either that or I should ban everything that has a trace of sugar in it from the house.” Morrel name didn’t have Patrick or any form of it in it but somehow he got called it at work and it seemed to stick. “Pat” and Jokai had been friends for a long time, their work friendship had sprung into a personal relationship which was one of the reasons Morrel had picked Jokai to be on his staff, that and the fact he was one of the best damned officers in Havens colonial army. Morrels’ 6 year old son didn’t have the same idea when it came to Jokai’s 7 year old daughter but Morrel couldn’t help wondering what his son would be thinking when he was in high school.

Jokai let out a chuckle before replying, ”That bad aye? Ellen was out last night, slept like a rock, coffee, works wonders?” He took a swig at his own mug almost as if to show Morrel he meant it.

“Sure, regular, well we better get moving on things looks like every ones here.”

Sitting along the long table were the men, and women now days, that led Havens rule in Africa. It was a bright array of uniforms; every thing from the navy to intelligence to the secret police had someone here. Cracking open his old laptop Morrel plugged into the network and opened up a window. In front of everyone maps and statistics filled their faces, and they all had one thing in common, they had to do with their neighbors. They all knew what they were going to be talking about that day but still some were surprised; many hadn’t known how soon this was happening till then. A few strips of information highlighted and the maps became more focused zooming in on certain locations.

Standing up now Morrel broke the silence, “As you all know we had mobilized months ago to drive the Mississippians out of Angola in conjunction with our Maccabean brothers but the Fabus government collapsed before we could get moving. Now Angola is in Kahtan hands, a nation that we have been at war with for weeks. Angola has been in our minds for years and now we have a chance to finally seize it for our own once and for all. Kahta and what Mississippian forces fight alongside her will, quit frankly, will be a bitch to fight but it is not out of our reach now how do you people propose we go about doing this?” Sitting down once again the meeting got started in earnest, by the time it was done it was nearly time for dinner. His wife would have a fit when he came home late again but he would live.
The Macabees
09-03-2005, 02:20
Public Message
Because of the Kahtan refusal to sign the treaty of peace presented to her, providing Kahta with hansome terms, including promising Kahta the old Mississipian Empire in its full, we have no other option to render full support to the SafeHaven administration. Indeed, should SafeHaven2 need any weapons we will proudly and dutifully provide said ordnance, as SafeHaven2 and the Macabees go back deep in our nation's history.

Moreover, we assure SafeHaven and the anti-Fabus coalition that this will be just one of a multitude of fronts opened across Kahta, and we assure the world that those who have no consideration for peace will soon pay the price with blood.

Frankly said, there will be no stone unturned, no abode sacked, no city left unconquered.
[signed]Emperor of the Golden Throne Jonach I
09-03-2005, 02:36
09-03-2005, 02:45
(OOC: Which Earth is this?)
09-03-2005, 02:52
OOC: DA/RB whatever its called nowadays.
The Macabees
09-03-2005, 03:45
[OOC: Sorry for jumping the gun. Consider that message sent after your ICly launch that attack.]
09-03-2005, 04:24
Angola-DRC Border

“Pocket aces, haha lets see it”

“You’re a bloody thief, last time I play cards with you, getting hungry anyway where’s Kimble with the food?”

“You’re a damned pig is what you are, always looking thru your belly, pay me my money and we’ll see how long it is before you come back to play again.” PFC Williams wasn’t good at much but he was good at cards, since he was a boy he used to play cards first with his family, then with his friends. His unit, the 23rd “Bears” had been stationed by the Angolan border for nearly four months, in that four months they had been told they were going to cross the border and join the war eight times. Rumors were rampant, some said that now really was the time when the invasion would start but others said it was all off, that the officials back in Haven had decided against the war especially with the recent happenings with Camel Eaters. A war in Angola was personal for Williams though, Williams was born in Zaire, Williams was a black man. In Safehaven blacks and Hispanics held a slight majority over whites so it wasn’t unusual at all to have a black boss or Cuban neighbor but because of his heritage Williams had a certain hatred for Kahta and their new VE subjects. The treatment his people had received at the hands of the Mississippians and the Kahtans twisted his stomach upside down.

Most Havenites, especially those serving in the colonial armies, agreed wholeheartedly with Williams but not all. PFC Dorn was one of those who didn’t agree and coincidently Dorn and Williams didn’t get along. Williams couldn’t help thinking that if the KKK had been a Havenite organization Dorn would have been one of its heads, hell his whole family would have been in it. They usually tried to avoid each other but with the new mobilizations that was becoming difficult. Their alert status was being brought way up further feeding those rumors that said the invasion would begin soon but it also meant Williams had to be around Dorn more than he liked. That all would be out of his mind soon enough, another battery of guns was being brought up and his unit had to move to make way, and their commander thought it a wonderful idea to make them march instead of traveling in their APC’s so they could get some extra exercise.

Atlantic Ocean

The 7th and 3rd fleets moved out of their harbors, from Dar Es Saalam and Haven respectively. They both headed to meet each other in the Atlantic far from Kahtan waters and any shipping routes almost in the middle of the Atlantic. Communications with the outside world except purely military communications were cut and the fleets were brought to full wartime status. They weren’t in danger being in the middle of the ocean but they wouldn’t stay their long and when they moved they would be moving to a war zone. With data having been analyzed from previus wars involving nations they expected to fight the fleets ASW perimeter strength was nearly doubled with more ships added that were totally dedicated to hunting and killing mines. In the fleets nucleus a larger than usual amount of tankers and supply ships sat, were they were going shipping in supplies would be difficult and time consuming so they were bringing along what they needed for a major battle and then some.

Zaire, Command & Defense Center Cheyenne

“Lunda is reporting succesful launches so far for the most part, seems that one of the rockets broke down, crashed into the damned desert.”

“How many was it carring?”

“Not many, it was a smaller version, just two, mod Bravos, were still within our safety zone.”

“What about the ground silos? When’s the next shipment coming in?”

“The next shipment from Haven will be a week, not like they have much to spare their throwing up everything they can at home to. We have managed to get the Nalcmo facility on line, that will speed things up a good bit”

“Good good, damn Kahtans have already nuked us once, don’t wanna get caught with out pants down again. Its not enough, we need more, tell Haven we need more, especially those Icarus’ and see what we can do with getting more rockets up.” It was SDC General Shuller’s job to make sure Havenite African was turned into molten rock and even though the defenses had been nearly doubled it never seemed enough. He was doing everything he could to lay his hands on more Icarus missiles and silos and rockets and everything else but he wasn’t the only one, everyone was screaming for more and everyone had just as good of a case for getting them. The biggest problem was that know one had even expected their would be such a need and the production facilities just hadn’t been their to meet the demand when it came rolling in but that problem was being fixed, whether it would be fixed in time for the show was another story.

OOC: NP Mac, Ill be getting to the actual invasion prob Fri or Sat, bit busy now to write it up just yet. I want a good invasion post so Im waiting till I have time.
10-03-2005, 00:04
Zaire, the opening strike

Dozens of aircraft heated up all over Zaire, their crews getting their gear, fuel being loaded in. There was no rush and everything went smoothly for the most part. Thousands of tons of munitions were loaded on, a bit of everything was added from AA missiles to free fall bombs. The first planes gathered in the late afternoon sky over Zaire and headed out. 288 Rain, 60 EB-9's, 120 AC/V-12, 90 A/V-46, 216 F-133, 110 QF-26 and 5 Airkbirds in all.

The aircraft weren't to be alone in hitting Angola; they would get some friendly help. Silo's opened up in Zaire and 2,000 Hystrike Fasthawk I missiles hit the air. Turning on their sides they to headed to Angola. The Fasthawk I was protected by the Athena system making it more stealthy then America's "Modern" stealth bombers. The Athena system would actively respond to incoming radar waves and send out a return to match the atmospheric conditions making it seem like it was just a patch of air instead of the missile it really was. The missiles hiding behind their stealth kicked it up to mach 3 and headed to their destination in Angola. The missiles were GPS guided so they wouldn't be using any radar that could be used to detect them. While all this meant it would be hard to detect and target them no one was foolish enough to believe they wouldn't be seen but it was hoped and expected that it would make it allot harder for them to be shot down meaning more would land among VE positions and every one that hit made it harder for the Mississippians to target the ones behind it. Their targets were all known Radar and SAM sites in Angola. Sat recon had turned Angola upside down in the past months since Vote Early had been designated a threat and as such with that amount of time almost every inch of Angola and the other VE colonies had been pictured and gone over by Intel. The missiles would make landfall before the aircraft so the air strikes wouldn't exactly be a surprise but the Angolan radar and SAM networks should be sufficiently damaged that they wouldn't be a problem for the air force. 2,000 more missiles, this time Wolverines would come in right behind the FastHawks hitting anywhere from a few seconds later to minutes later. These missiles had a mixture of warheads from Flechette, to sub-munitions, to ONC, some even had a mixture. The Wolverines also were equipped with the PA stealth system that the FastHawks had but they used it differently keeping it off till a VE radar or SAM had a lock on them then flashing it on to break that lock. The missiles were targeted at all airfields and airports in VE Angola, not only to put them out of action but also to destroy as many VE aircraft on the ground as possible. The ONC warheads were to destroy the infrastructure of the fields, taking out the hangers, bunkers, towers and other buildings. The flechette rounds were to tear any exposed vehicles; personnel, aircraft or building that wasn't hardened to shreds. The Sub-munition warheads had the simple task of finishing it all of crater the runways and mining the whole area.

Along with the 4,000 missiles already launched another 350 were launched with them spread out among the two massive volleys, but these ones were special. They were equipped with EMP warheads and they would hit Angola's major cities putting most of Angola in the dark. The EMP warheads wouldn't do much damage to military hardware, as most of it was EMP hardened, that’s if the Mississippians had thought ahead enough to harden them, but they would cause chaos throughout Angola. Communications would be down so although the EMP warheads might not take out military hardware it would severely hamper the Mississippian military's ability to send out orders making it hard for them to know exactly what the hell was going on out their and hopefully stopping them from getting the word out that war was on their shores. The power grid would be out meaning the most likely riots and chaos in urban centers not knowing a war was going on.

Sea War

The fleets that were based in Havenite Africa now thru some of their own weight in. They sat in international waters the two fleets combining their triple ASW and AWAC's perimeters. Above them flights of F-133's and F-121's kept up a heavy CAP protecting the fleet from any VE pilots who got a bit to brave. The heavy Hellfire arsenal ships that dotted the fleets’ nucleus plugged in coordinates from around Angola. 300 of their own FastHawk missiles fired off heading to Angola. They all had heavy ONC warheads and their targets were government buildings and military command centers. Most would hit around Luanda as that was the capital and as such would hold most of the government buildings. Everything from the department of Education to their intelligence services would be targeted, if it were an important government building it was to be hit. Off the decks of the large New Empire carriers fighters and fighter-bombers zipped off. 60 F-133 fighters and another 60 Rain fighter-bombers formed up in the air over the fleet. They were to follow the missiles to Angola. Once there the Rain were to finish what the missiles started destroying anything in Luanda that had anything to do with the Mississippian government or military while the F-133's flew high hunting for any Mississippian aircraft that were still kicking. The fleet itself now turned heading to Angola at full speed, they were to get in range to use their guns and open up a second front for the defenders of Angola.

Below the waves another fleet was reading to strike. The sub fleet was out in front of the main fleet but they weren't their to provide the fleet defense, they had a much more sinister job. The clock ticked down the minutes as they approached their firing time, it had to be exact as this was a TOT attack and their missiles were to strike at the same time as the fleets and the Wolverines from Zaire. Their was just a few more minutes, the Leviathan SSGN's rose up close to the surface, two minutes, the VLS tubes opened up and the last bits of information were transferred to what they held inside. 30 seconds......10...5..The Leviathans shuddered again and again. The VLS tubes fired off their cargoes and in a few minutes 300 FastHawk II's filled the air. They to tipped over facing Angola and fired off their engines. By the time they would land in Angola the subs that fired them would be gone. The missiles were all targeting the Angolan commonwealth fleet hopefully still in port. Coming in at mach 3.5 they were to try to rip the heart out of the Angolan commonwealth fleet before it could become a factor in the upcoming war.

Air War(cont)

The aircraft were now nearing Angola. Every one of them were extremely stealthy, more stealthy than an F-22 on their own but added to their own stealth ness was the Pallas Athena system which was now equipped in every aircraft. The Mississippians would have trouble finding them under normal circumstances but now with their radar and SAM networks already hit by the missiles strikes it should almost be impossible. The massive Arkbirds, still a little ways from Angola opened up their bomb bay doors and one by one let out their deadly cargoes. The unusual thing was, no missiles came out, there weren't any bombs falling into the sea but what did come out was worse than any missile it could have dropped. QF-27 Sabre UCAV's came out, and they came in the dozens. Each one also was stealthier than an F-22 and also had their own Athena systems but they also all carried 10,000 lbs of assorted bombs and missiles.

The Sabres wouldn't be the first planes to hit Angola though, the Rain were ahead of them. In small groups of 4's, 6's and 8's the Rain scoured Northern Angola with only two goals in their mind-1) Finish off any surviving SAM's and radar and totally destroy Kahta’s air defense capabilities and 2) bomb and missile any airfields and military bases in the area. Any remaining SAM or radar sites were hunted down viciously by the Rain, the Rain armed with the Kraven missile had the ability to target and destroy SAM and radar sites from over 150km away making them fairly safe from any return SAM fire.

Now the rest of the aircraft except for the A/V-46 Wasps joined the fight. The Sabre's also broke into smaller groups with size depending on their mission and started bombing a number of targets. They to bombed airfields but they also hit bridges, military bases and any remaining SAM and radar sites. The heavy EB-9 Night Eagle's were in bigger formations than their smaller counterparts. Each EB-9 held 90,000 lbs of missiles and bombs and they were going to use them to their full effect hitting military bases across northern Angola with an assortment of munitions. They also each had a few Kravens in case any radar or SAM sites survived and gave them problems added to a couple AA missiles. The AC/V-12 Pegasus's acted much like the A-10 gunships of old, flying in with their arrays of guns and weapons racks they were to pound the Mississippian army especially targeting tanks, artillery and other armored vehicles. Again if they saw any SAM or radar sites they would automatically receive priority and would be destroyed by the Pegasus's.
The fact that the Mississippians would have a short window to safely launch their own fighters, if any of their airfields were in good enough shape to do so, was not forgotten hence the reason for the QF-26 Sakers and F-133's. They were to stay above the fighting with the sole goal of destroying any VE fighters in the air. They were armed with a variety of missiles that gave them the ability to engage and destroy Italian fighters from up to 150 miles, though they would never shoot at such an extreme range, away so the VE air force wasn't expected to be much of a threat.
After a while the A/V-46 Wasp II's finally reached the area. They were a sort of Helo-Jet hybrid giving it remarkable abilities. The Mississippians would hopefully be surprised and confused in the darkness that helicopters were able to make it over Angola and hopefully would mistake them for their own. It wouldn't really matter, as the Angola air defense network should have by now been destroyed by that time. The Wasp were given a free reign to destroy any targets of opportunity that they could find. They were simply to hunt down and destroy VE's ability to function in this war.
Hiding in all the confusion dozens of smaller aircraft tried to get into Angolan airspace. They had no pilots and they weren't very maneuverable but they were important. The UAV's were trying to spread out over Angola and watch. Their most important weapons were the arrays of detection gear and cameras that were all over them. They also had a few small missiles to shoot up any targets they saw but they were meant to scour Angola with their cameras.

Ground War

"Lets go! Get your damned ass off the road!"
Major Pomeroy lost his patience yelling at some farmer who it seemed hadn't gotten word about Henry Ford and was still driving a wagon. The wagon took up the road and Pomeroy needed to be some were, it was a wonder the farmer was even out this late. Finally the wagon moved and the majors’ driver stepped on it. In minutes the Major was back with his men, the 43rd artillery regiment 18th infantry division. It wasn't just one position but a series of positions spread out and dug into the ground. They were on of the dozens of units facing south towards the Angolan border and the Mississippians it held. They were to start pounding Mississippian army positions as soon as the air force hit, their target list rolled on forever and only expanded as time went by. Military bases and positions located by sat recon, targets called in by pilots, and more spotted by the UAV's prowling Angola's skies, they had no shortage of targets to shoot up. The 43rds heavy KAR-45 250mm rocket launcher and KAG-66 175mm SP guns were ready to join in the fight. The fire control system that linked together the regiments’ guns timed the barrage perfectly. As one the regiments’ guns opened up, dozens of shells and hundreds of rockets rose up from just this regiment in the first barrage. In the distance the flashes from other units could be seen. All in all 2,000 guns and 1,000 rocket artillery systems were now pounding VE positions within 50mls of the border.

"RELOAD! Flechette"

The 175mm guns were able to pour fire into the VE positions but the Kar-45's had to wait 30 seconds before their rocket banks could be fully reloaded and another salvo fired. The bombardment would continue for an hour always switching to new targets as new VE positions and movements were spotted.

The actual army for the most part waited, they wouldn't cross the border till morning but they were ready to move now. The border, especially around the small part of Angola cutoff from the rest of Angola, was sealed. In a few hours the border wouldn't need to be sealed on the Zaire side and Mississippian Angola would be in for the fight of their lives.

OOC: Just thought I’d speed things up since I had the time today and yesterday to write this here’s a basic overview of what I did though you’ll need to read the post to get actual details, just so you don’t get confused. Note: The phases overlap in many cases.

First Strike c7:00A.M.:
2,000 Hystrike Fasthawk I missisles from Angola striking radar, SAM, air defense.
Same time 300 Fast Hawks from the fleets strike government mostly around Luanda.
300 more Fast Hawks from subs strike Commonwealth fleet in harbors.

Second Strike c7:10A.M.:
2,000 Wolverine missiles from Angola strike all airfields and airports
350 missiles mixed in with the first and second strike are EMP equipped to hit Angola’s major cities and bases to “Shut off” Angola.
2,000 guns and 1,000 rocket artillery systems from Angola pound all positions within 50mls of border.

Third Strike c 7:20 A.M.:
Dozens of aircraft strike all over Angola(numbers, kind and targets above.)

I think that everything so let the war begin.
East Lithuania
10-03-2005, 00:22
As Dictator Scharfetter walked into the press room, he cleared his throut and spoke.

"Ladies and Gentelmen of Greece. As you may have heard, Safehaven2 has declared and already raged war on the African Front of Kahta. Now, The Macabees have said that they will support Safehaven 2 on there campeign. Now, the part you all wanted to hear about. Since I have signed the anti-Fabus coalition papers, I feel it is our duty to keep up to my promises that I signed and also help the Savehaven front in Africa. Now, I believe that many of you feel it is unnessecary... however, not only is it a keeping-up treaty move, it is also one step closer to getting rid of those damn Fabuses that may threaten our great nation. The Generals and I have yet to have a meeting about deployment... but when we do figure it out, I will send out the info immediatly. Now, I must go, thank you for your time." Dictator Scharfetter bowed to the people and then walked off as the cameras flashed everywhere.
10-03-2005, 02:47
10-03-2005, 03:02
Message to Safehaven2 from President Kaimoni A. Sutton, Credonia

Credonia has learned of your declaration of war upon Kahta. Credonia currently has stationed in Somalia (a Credonian territory) just under 100,000 troops along with aircraft and ground support weaponry. If needed, Credonia can launch an assault from Somalia upon specific "targets of interest" to assist your nation, our ally. Forces in Somalia have already been mobilized, tho for a different reason, but we can use them for the purpose of attacking Kahta without a problem.


Kaimoni A. Sutton
United States of Credonia
The Macabees
10-03-2005, 03:24
Having received the Credonian message through diplomats in the Havenite capital the Macabees were quick to dispatch a classified message to Credonia:

Encrypted Databurst:
Refrain from making this a joint IADF action until Kahta is cleary uncooperative in the peace process. This need not be the reason for a world wide war as first comes peace, then hostilities. We are not trying to force you to a neutral stand point, however, perhaps a more clandestine effort should be more pertinant, and a much better thought out move. Merely a thought.
10-03-2005, 03:34
Encrypted Reply

Credonia isnt makeing this into a unified IADF effort. This is merely an attempt to support our ally, especially considering the fact that Credonia has forces already mobilized, which could easily provide immediate support to their forces should they need it.
10-03-2005, 18:07
OOC: I'm not going to respond to all of that in one post. I don't do open RPs this way, I do them one thing at a time, so that I can respond to each one in order as they happen. Post each battle seperately, and wait for me to respond until you post the next one, so that I can have time to respond.
10-03-2005, 21:31
OOC: That is all one battle, its the start of the invasion the different "strikes" are all part of one strike, the invasion its just that some missiles are supposed to strike a few minutes after another. And its not an open rp, im not gonna dogpile you with allies.

IC: Reply to Credonan message:

We are joyed at the news that you back us, this only prove we have made a wise choice in an ally. While we aprecciate your offer to help for now we must ask that you stand down but stay prepared. If Kahta brings in help from outside or if they begin to use nuclear weaponry then we will take you up on your offer till then we will handle Angola.
10-03-2005, 22:47
OOC: That is all one battle, its the start of the invasion the different "strikes" are all part of one strike, the invasion its just that some missiles are supposed to strike a few minutes after another. And its not an open rp, im not gonna dogpile you with allies.

I meant open ended, and I meant dogpiling me with attacks, and making it seem like I wouldn't respond to any of them. 1/3 of the Angolan Air Froce is in the sky at all times.
10-03-2005, 23:09
OOC: Thats a bit impractical, the wear and tear would be amazing among other things but hey, if thats how you want to rp then fine, respond like that I just care that you respond and its not a godmod.
10-03-2005, 23:22
Zaire, the opening strike

Dozens of aircraft heated up all over Zaire, their crews getting their gear, fuel being loaded in. There was no rush and everything went smoothly for the most part. Thousands of tons of munitions were loaded on, a bit of everything was added from AA missiles to free fall bombs. The first planes gathered in the late afternoon sky over Zaire and headed out. 288 Rain, 60 EB-9's, 120 AC/V-12, 90 A/V-46, 216 F-133, 110 QF-26 and 5 Airkbirds in all.

The aircraft weren't to be alone in hitting Angola; they would get some friendly help. Silo's opened up in Zaire and 2,000 Hystrike Fasthawk I missiles hit the air. Turning on their sides they to headed to Angola. The Fasthawk I was protected by the Athena system making it more stealthy then America's "Modern" stealth bombers. The Athena system would actively respond to incoming radar waves and send out a return to match the atmospheric conditions making it seem like it was just a patch of air instead of the missile it really was. The missiles hiding behind their stealth kicked it up to mach 3 and headed to their destination in Angola. The missiles were GPS guided so they wouldn't be using any radar that could be used to detect them. While all this meant it would be hard to detect and target them no one was foolish enough to believe they wouldn't be seen but it was hoped and expected that it would make it allot harder for them to be shot down meaning more would land among VE positions and every one that hit made it harder for the Mississippians to target the ones behind it. Their targets were all known Radar and SAM sites in Angola. Sat recon had turned Angola upside down in the past months since Vote Early had been designated a threat and as such with that amount of time almost every inch of Angola and the other VE colonies had been pictured and gone over by Intel. The missiles would make landfall before the aircraft so the air strikes wouldn't exactly be a surprise but the Angolan radar and SAM networks should be sufficiently damaged that they wouldn't be a problem for the air force.

Along with the FastHawks 400 more misiles equipped with EMP warheads were sent mixed in with the first wave to strike major cities and bases in Angola. The EMP warheads wouldn't do much damage to military hardware, as most of it was EMP hardened, that’s if the Mississippians had thought ahead enough to harden them, but they would cause chaos throughout Angola. Communications would be down so although the EMP warheads might not take out military hardware it would severely hamper the Mississippian military's ability to send out orders making it hard for them to know exactly what the hell was going on out their and hopefully stopping them from getting the word out that war was on their shores. The power grid would be out meaning the most likely riots and chaos in urban centers not knowing a war was going on.

Sea War

The fleets that were based in Havenite Africa now thru some of their own weight in. They sat in international waters the two fleets combining their triple ASW and AWAC's perimeters. Above them flights of F-133's and F-121's kept up a heavy CAP protecting the fleet from any VE pilots who got a bit to brave. The heavy Hellfire arsenal ships that dotted the fleets’ nucleus plugged in coordinates from around Angola. 300 of their own FastHawk missiles fired off heading to Angola. They all had heavy ONC warheads and their targets were government buildings and military command centers. Most would hit around Luanda as that was the capital and as such would hold most of the government buildings. Everything from the department of Education to their intelligence services would be targeted, if it were an important government building it was to be hit. Off the decks of the large New Empire carriers fighters and fighter-bombers zipped off. 60 F-133 fighters and another 60 Rain fighter-bombers formed up in the air over the fleet. They were to follow the missiles to Angola. Once there the Rain were to finish what the missiles started destroying anything in Luanda that had anything to do with the Mississippian government or military while the F-133's flew high hunting for any Mississippian aircraft that were still kicking. The fleet itself now turned heading to Angola at full speed, they were to get in range to use their guns and open up a second front for the defenders of Angola.

Below the waves another fleet was reading to strike. The sub fleet was out in front of the main fleet but they weren't their to provide the fleet defense, they had a much more sinister job. The clock ticked down the minutes as they approached their firing time, it had to be exact as this was a TOT attack and their missiles were to strike at the same time as the fleets and the Wolverines from Zaire. Their was just a few more minutes, the Leviathan SSGN's rose up close to the surface, two minutes, the VLS tubes opened up and the last bits of information were transferred to what they held inside. 30 seconds......10...5..The Leviathans shuddered again and again. The VLS tubes fired off their cargoes and in a few minutes 300 FastHawk II's filled the air. They to tipped over facing Angola and fired off their engines. By the time they would land in Angola the subs that fired them would be gone. The missiles were all targeting the Angolan commonwealth fleet hopefully still in port. Coming in at mach 3.5 they were to try to rip the heart out of the Angolan commonwealth fleet before it could become a factor in the upcoming war.

OOC: Ok, Kahta says he doesn't respond to "Big" posts like the one I had so I had to cut it down to make him respond, sorry if its a bit rough.
New Empire
11-03-2005, 01:40
OOC: Unless this is closed, tag. I can also answer any tech questions as Safehaven is using my weaponry.
11-03-2005, 02:15
Very well. Credonian forces will standby until needed by your government. additional Credonian military forces will be moved into Somalia so as to assume the responsibility that the current forces would have had prior to this conflict.
11-03-2005, 02:41
Zaire, the opening strike

288 Rain, 60 EB-9's, 120 AC/V-12, 90 A/V-46, 216 F-133, 110 QF-26 and 5 Airkbirds in all.

The aircraft weren't to be alone in hitting Angola; they would get some friendly help. Silo's opened up in Zaire and 2,000 Hystrike Fasthawk I missiles hit the air.

Along with the FastHawks 400 more misiles equipped with EMP warheads were sent mixed in with the first wave to strike major cities and bases in Angola. The EMP warheads wouldn't do much damage to military hardware, as most of it was EMP hardened, that’s if the Mississippians had thought ahead enough to harden them, but they would cause chaos throughout Angola. Communications would be down so although the EMP warheads might not take out military hardware it would severely hamper the Mississippian military's ability to send out orders making it hard for them to know exactly what the hell was going on out their and hopefully stopping them from getting the word out that war was on their shores. The power grid would be out meaning the most likely riots and chaos in urban centers not knowing a war was going on.

Sea War

300 of their own FastHawk missiles fired off heading to Angola. They all had heavy ONC warheads and their targets were government buildings and military command centers. Most would hit around Luanda as that was the capital and as such would hold most of the government buildings. Everything from the department of Education to their intelligence services would be targeted, if it were an important government building it was to be hit. Off the decks of the large New Empire carriers fighters and fighter-bombers zipped off. 60 F-133 fighters and another 60 Rain fighter-bombers formed up in the air over the fleet. They were to follow the missiles to Angola. Once there the Rain were to finish what the missiles started destroying anything in Luanda that had anything to do with the Mississippian government or military while the F-133's flew high hunting for any Mississippian aircraft that were still kicking.

The VLS tubes fired off their cargoes and in a few minutes 300 FastHawk II's filled the air. They to tipped over facing Angola and fired off their engines. By the time they would land in Angola the subs that fired them would be gone. The missiles were all targeting the Angolan commonwealth fleet hopefully still in port. Coming in at mach 3.5 they were to try to rip the heart out of the Angolan commonwealth fleet before it could become a factor in the upcoming war.

OOC: Once again, your technology is not modern, but futuristic or infeasible, but again, I'll try to work around that.

As soon as the missiles were seen launching via sattelite, the order was quickly sent out to Angolan Commonwealth forces that Safehaven2 was attacking. Just seconds later, messages were flashed to Commonwealth forces. 90 seconds after the missiles were launched, virtually the entire airforce of the Commonwealth was launched or preparing to be launched.

In response to the incoming missiles, the Angolan SAM and radar defenses defenses began opening fire at the missiles that were detected. Over 3,000 SAMs were fired at the incoming missiles. Mobile radar stations were quickly moved, within 1 minutefiring of the SAMs, their onboard guidance systems would do the rest.

Quickly, the fighters raced to engage the incoming fighters, ignoring the known surface assets assembled off the coast. The navy would take care of them. The missiles coming into the naval base were detected, and defenses opened fire, AAA, and SAM's were fired from the ground and the ships. Fortunetly, the aircraft carriers and their escorts were out of port at the time, hit and destroyed, were 6 Stalin Class Frigates, and 6 Hitler Class destroyers, damaged were 12 supply ships and 1 Baron class battleship. None of the submarines were damaged.

The EMP warheads did absolutely nothing to the country, as everything was hardened against them. They were just a waste of money.

The Commonwealth army quickly got into gear, and prepared for battle, preparing to strike the enemy. Commanders prepared their weaponry, in the unlikley event that they would have to use nuclear weapons to defend the Empire.
11-03-2005, 03:16
OOC: My tech is no more infeasible than you being able to launch 820 aircraft in less than five minutes but ill go with it. A few notes though first, may I know damage to air defense, SAMs and Radars? Second you forget the missiles aimed at your government and finally I understand military being EMP shielded but to shield every single appliance, every light, every socket, every electronic device in the hands of the tens of millions of civilians is impossible.

IC: The next wave of missiles was already across the border and would hit meer minutes after the first. 2,000 more missiles, this time Wolverines would come in right behind the FastHawks hitting anywhere from a few seconds later to minutes later. With the Kahtan Sam having fired off their compliments at the FastHawks they should be helpless to stopping the new missiles. These missiles had a mixture of warheads from Flechette, to sub-munitions, to ONC, some even had a mixture. The Wolverines also were equipped with the PA stealth system that the FastHawks had but they used it differently keeping it off till a VE radar or SAM had a lock on them then flashing it on to break that lock. The missiles were targeted at all airfields and airports in Kahtan Angola, not only to put them out of action but also to destroy as many Kahtan aircraft on the ground as possible. The ONC warheads were to destroy the infrastructure of the fields, taking out the hangers, bunkers, towers and other buildings. The flechette rounds were to tear any exposed vehicles; personnel, aircraft or building that wasn't hardened to shreds. The Sub-munition warheads had the simple task of finishing it all of crater the runways and mining the whole area. Especially with Kahtan fighters scrambling off the runways the missiles should have a field day destroying them as they exposed themselves trying to take off.

The airforce hadn’t crossed the border and weren’t supposed to till after the Wolverine missiles struck so by coming after them the Kahtans were crossing over into Havenite airspace. With the Kahtans being spread out(realistically your airfields are all over Angola meaning it would take a while for all your planes to get together, more than just a few minutes) the Havenite fighters would be able to engage them piecemeal. Staying on the Zaire side of the border like they were supposed to they targeted any Kahtan fighters that had strayed within 80miles of the border with their Artemis missiles. Any such fighter would receive 3 Artemis missiles from a range of 80-90 miles.

Ground War

"Lets go! Get your damned ass off the road!"
Major Pomeroy lost his patience yelling at some farmer who it seemed hadn't gotten word about Henry Ford and was still driving a wagon. The wagon took up the road and Pomeroy needed to be some were, it was a wonder the farmer was even out this late. Finally the wagon moved and the majors’ driver stepped on it. In minutes the Major was back with his men, the 43rd artillery regiment 18th infantry division. It wasn't just one position but a series of positions spread out and dug into the ground. They were on of the dozens of units facing south towards the Angolan border and the Mississippians it held. They were to start pounding Mississippian army positions as soon as the air force hit, their target list rolled on forever and only expanded as time went by. Military bases and positions located by sat recon, targets called in by pilots, and more spotted by the UAV's prowling Angola's skies, they had no shortage of targets to shoot up. The 43rds heavy KAR-45 250mm rocket launcher and KAG-66 175mm SP guns were ready to join in the fight. The fire control system that linked together the regiments’ guns timed the barrage perfectly. As one the regiments’ guns opened up, dozens of shells and hundreds of rockets rose up from just this regiment in the first barrage. In the distance the flashes from other units could be seen. All in all 2,000 guns and 1,000 rocket artillery systems were now pounding VE positions within 50mls of the border.

"RELOAD! Flechette"

The 175mm guns were able to pour fire into the Kahtan positions but the Kar-45's had to wait 30 seconds before their rocket banks could be fully reloaded and another salvo fired. The bombardment would continue hours always switching to new targets as new kahtan positions and movements were spotted.

The actual army for the most part waited, they wouldn't cross the border till morning but they were ready to move now. The border, especially around the small part of Angola cutoff from the rest of Angola, was sealed. In a few hours the border wouldn't need to be sealed on the Zaire side and Kahtan Angola would be in for the fight of their lives.

Sea War

The two combined fleets headed closer to Angola slowly always watching out for a Kahtan counter strike. A sub force was sent south to make a screen between them and any possible reinforcements that might come up. When reports came in of the damage inflicted on the Kahtan Commonwealth fleet another and most likely final wave of missiles was fired. This one two held 300 FastHawk II missiles all aimed at the remainder of the fleet.

The strike force from the fleets carriers continued on to Luanda, for some reason the Kahtans hadn’t taken notice of them, that would be their mistake. They received new targets, instead of hitting the Kahtan government they would hit the air force and navy. The F-133’s almost like an aerial flanking maneuver were to sweep in and hit the Kahtan fighters that were heading north from the west the same time as they were being attacked from the north. All sixty of the F-133’s hunted the Kahtan air force with their own Artemis missiles.

Flying below them the Rain fighter-bombers headed to coast. They hadn’t been equipped specifically to hunt ships but they had some anti-shipping weaponry including Exocet missiles. The destruction of the commonwealth fleet was a very important objective and as such the Rain turned its way and once they got within 35 miles they each let loose two Exocets for a total of 120 Exocet missiles heading at the Kahtan fleet.
11-03-2005, 03:30
OOC: I will respond tommorow, I'm going to go to sleep. Also, I will have plenty of time this weekend to do things, because I'm expecting a large snowstorm.
New Empire
11-03-2005, 14:40
OOC: If you have any tech issues... TG ME! We can discuss it, and if necessarily I'll water it down/remove it. I'm generally flexible in terms of technology.

[Approaching Safehavenite Battlegroup]

It was the largest overseas deployment in memory for many of the sailors and soldiers. Three Carrier Battlefleets (Numbers on request, each is about three CBGs+marine warfare groups) were arrayed in a triple triangle, with outer perimeters laced with ASW vessels.

But they would not be the focus now.

12 Orca class SSNs slipped beneath the waves on waterjet propulsors, likely the quietest vessels in the water. They communicated via FSO a bit, outlining their targets before splitting up to go hunting. In advance were 12 Seasprite vessels, smaller, noisier, but important nonetheless. They were the advance guard, using long fiberoptic cables to relay information back to their parent subs. Like bloodhounds on a leash, the seasprites sought out enemy subs.

And in the United City States Ship Pantera, Arch Fleet Strategos Van Walsen sat in the CIC, the dimly lit room now becoming illuminated with the chaotic yet graceful ebb and flow of battle, acted out by the innumerable little symbols representing everything from ships to missiles.

However, there other matters to attend to. The captain went over to a section that had a monitor with two screens: one a live feed of the weapons room, and the other a list of the munitions in it. He sighed and called over one of his subordinates. They punched in the codes and turned the keys. A signal was sent across the fleets: Quick Arm-Special Weapons procedures were now in effect, with parameters to authorize use if a nuclear detonation was detected or if an order was given by the AFS. UCSNE ships had always carried tactical nuclear weapons: During the Markovian wars everything from AAMs to Torpedoes were equipped with variable yield warheads. There were still some on storage, and it was likely they would need them.
12-03-2005, 01:57
OOC: Where did you come from?
12-03-2005, 02:40
IC: The next wave of missiles was already across the border and would hit meer minutes after the first. 2,000 more missiles, this time Wolverines would come in right behind the FastHawks hitting anywhere from a few seconds later to minutes later.These missiles had a mixture of warheads from Flechette, to sub-munitions, to ONC, some even had a mixture. The missiles were targeted at all airfields and airports in Kahtan Angola, not only to put them out of action but also to destroy as many Kahtan aircraft on the ground as possible. The ONC warheads were to destroy the infrastructure of the fields, taking out the hangers, bunkers, towers and other buildings. The flechette rounds were to tear any exposed vehicles; personnel, aircraft or building that wasn't hardened to shreds. The Sub-munition warheads had the simple task of finishing it all of crater the runways and mining the whole area. Especially with Kahtan fighters scrambling off the runways the missiles should have a field day destroying them as they exposed themselves trying to take off.

The airforce hadn’t crossed the border and weren’t supposed to till after the Wolverine missiles struck so by coming after them the Kahtans were crossing over into Havenite airspace. Staying on the Zaire side of the border like they were supposed to they targeted any Kahtan fighters that had strayed within 80miles of the border with their Artemis missiles. Any such fighter would receive 3 Artemis missiles from a range of 80-90 miles.

Ground War

"Lets go! Get your damned ass off the road!"
Major Pomeroy lost his patience yelling at some farmer who it seemed hadn't gotten word about Henry Ford and was still driving a wagon. The wagon took up the road and Pomeroy needed to be some were, it was a wonder the farmer was even out this late. Finally the wagon moved and the majors’ driver stepped on it. In minutes the Major was back with his men, the 43rd artillery regiment 18th infantry division. It wasn't just one position but a series of positions spread out and dug into the ground. They were on of the dozens of units facing south towards the Angolan border and the Mississippians it held. They were to start pounding Mississippian army positions as soon as the air force hit, their target list rolled on forever and only expanded as time went by. Military bases and positions located by sat recon, targets called in by pilots, and more spotted by the UAV's prowling Angola's skies, they had no shortage of targets to shoot up. The 43rds heavy KAR-45 250mm rocket launcher and KAG-66 175mm SP guns were ready to join in the fight. The fire control system that linked together the regiments’ guns timed the barrage perfectly. As one the regiments’ guns opened up, dozens of shells and hundreds of rockets rose up from just this regiment in the first barrage. In the distance the flashes from other units could be seen. All in all 2,000 guns and 1,000 rocket artillery systems were now pounding VE positions within 50mls of the border.

"RELOAD! Flechette"

The 175mm guns were able to pour fire into the Kahtan positions but the Kar-45's had to wait 30 seconds before their rocket banks could be fully reloaded and another salvo fired.

The actual army for the most part waited, they wouldn't cross the border till morning but they were ready to move now. The border, especially around the small part of Angola cutoff from the rest of Angola, was sealed. In a few hours the border wouldn't need to be sealed on the Zaire side and Kahtan Angola would be in for the fight of their lives.

Sea War

The two combined fleets headed closer to Angola slowly always watching out for a Kahtan counter strike.
They received new targets, instead of hitting the Kahtan government they would hit the air force and navy. The F-133’s almost like an aerial flanking maneuver were to sweep in and hit the Kahtan fighters that were heading north from the west the same time as they were being attacked from the north. All sixty of the F-133’s hunted the Kahtan air force with their own Artemis missiles.

Flying below them the Rain fighter-bombers headed to coast. They hadn’t been equipped specifically to hunt ships but they had some anti-shipping weaponry including Exocet missiles. The destruction of the commonwealth fleet was a very important objective and as such the Rain turned its way and once they got within 35 miles they each let loose two Exocets for a total of 120 Exocet missiles heading at the Kahtan fleet.

All the aircraft that were serviceable had already taken off. The SAM batteries opened fire again, this time over 3,000 missiles were fired at the incoming missiles from the north. The aircraft raced towards the border, locking targets and engaging their jammers. The aircraft launched a total of 1,600 missiles at the incoming fighters. Then the fighters turned towards the coast, and fired most of the remaining missiles, complementing the 2,500 SAM's launched from coastal batteries.

Across the border, rocket guided nuclear munitions had been ordered by the commanding general of the Northern Angolan Army. Fired off towards the enemy, were 200 evenly spaced 20kt nuclear warheads, to target the enemy's army. There would be massive casualties, he was sure of it.

The rest of the Angolan Navy was over 1,500 miles away, conducting a joint training excersize with 15 Kahtan CVNBG's.

Losses: 2,500 soldiers
34 tanks
56 atrillery pieces
14 aircraft

naval losses have been posted previously
New Empire
12-03-2005, 15:54
OOC: Where did you come from?
OOC: Great question, I admit it's confusing. I'm coming back to NS after a long hiatus, and decided I'd like to do an RP where I know at least some of the people, and one that isn't saturated with godmodding. So far I'd say this one is working.

I can also answer tech questions as I designed pretty much everything Safehaven is using.

If you'd like me to delete my post because this is closed, I will.
12-03-2005, 16:16
OOC: Great question, I admit it's confusing. I'm coming back to NS after a long hiatus, and decided I'd like to do an RP where I know at least some of the people, and one that isn't saturated with godmodding. So far I'd say this one is working.

I can also answer tech questions as I designed pretty much everything Safehaven is using.

If you'd like me to delete my post because this is closed, I will.

Yeah, this is a closed RP, sorry.
12-03-2005, 16:53
17-03-2005, 02:06
Bump for Kahta
18-03-2005, 00:09
Air War

The Kahtan aircraft barreling towards the border showed up brightly on the radar screens across Zaire. If they wanted to kill some Havenite fighters thought they would have to do so before they got near the border. As the hundreds of Kahtan fighters rolled towards the border the crossed the firing line, an imaginary line 80mls from the border into Angola, a line that would mark the deaths of dozens of young men and women. Once they crossed that line the gave every aircraft the order, weapons free. The over 300 grouped fighters jockeyed for targets and their were plenty to pass around. The way things went each Kahtan fighter was targeted more than once, while some very few by luck of thee draw got passed over accidentally, lost in the masses heading north. From the bellies of the Havenite fighters a massive wave flew out far outpacing anything else in the air. From each formation dozens of missiles dropped, free falling before their engines kicked in, almost like an explosion a ball of flame appeared behind them and they shot off at speeds no living creature could match. A total of 2,400 missiles flew at the Kahtan fighters, they would strike them before the Kahtans broke the 45mile mark unless the Kahtan hit it up to afterburner but in that case they were signing their death warrant as they wouldn’t be able to maneuver and simple counter measures like chaff and flares were of no use against modern missile technology. As soon as their missiles broke free the fighters turned around in mid air and hit their after burners speeding inland before the Kahtans could get in range to fire back at them. The bomber formation to turned around and started landing except for the Rain, it would be to hot for them to pay any major role today.

The fighters got help in dealing with the new Kahtan threat. Below them their cousins on the ground weren’t going to be left out of the fun. Batteries of Praetorian IV’s and Phoenix Bow SAMs depreciated their tubes aiming at an enemy that couldn’t be seen by the human eye. It was a target rich environment with hundreds of Kahtan fighters clogging the air heading north; it would be hard not to find something to shoot at. The batteries ended up firing after the fighters above had unleashed their cargoes but they were no less deadly. Waves of fire shot out of the batteries enshrouding them in smoke as thousands of SAMs rose to finish off whatever Kahtans survived the fighters barrage. Because they fired after the fighters the 2,500 SAMs would hit after the fighters missiles to finish off whatever had survived the first wave. With so many thousands of missiles and Sams filling up the Kahtan side of the border the Kahtan fighters should find themselves hard pressed even to make out which missiles were cruise missiles heading for ground targets and what was coming at them, and then once they did that to find room to maneuver in such a crowded airspace.

From the coast the last element to be thrown at the Kahtan air wing came in. The sixty fighters threw their own weight in, even though they could only target half of the Kahtan force as the rest were to far inland by firing from the Kahtan flank they would prove to be the most valuable asset in the air duel that was rapidly unfolding. 720 of their own Artemis missiles shot off to strike the Kahtan fighters in the flank, meaning the Kahtans could either turn to face the missiles coming from the west and get smacked from the north or continue north and try to ignore the missiles coming from the west, either way they were going to get hit hard. The naval fighters got theirs though when the Kahtan SAM’s came in, with so many SAMs targeting them they were doomed. Almost the entire force was shot down with nearly every other fighter wounded, only 12 would make it home to tell their story. The Rain that had been coming in behind them were saved because of the fact that the fighters had so gracefully sucked up the brunt of the Kahtan volley for them. Making good the moment they let loose all 120 of their Exocet missiles and then another 120 Kraven missiles into Luanda. The Exocets would target the remaining Kahtan ships in harbor and the naval installations around it while the Kravens would target SAM and radar systems in and around the city. The Rain then made good their second chance and fled heading back to their carriers.

Up north the Rain coming from Zaire ducked down low were they were safe from the Kahtan SAMs. To bad for the Kahtans it didn’t go the other way around to, the Kahtans had packed 15,000 SAM systems, 10,000 of which were immobile fixed installations, into Angola and that number had to be trimmed down. These systems had made themselves known by going active and engaging the missiles that had crossed the border earlier and they now would pay the price for that. The Kraven missile was a small relatively cheap missiles but it was damn good at what it did and what it did was kill air defense systems and now it just got a chance to fulfill its job. From the Rains bellies and wings 2,880 Kraven missiles crossed the border, further adding to the confusion of the Kahtan side, targeting Kahtan Sam and radar sites in northern Angola. Even if the Kahtans turned their sites off the Kravens had them burned into their GPS memories and would still hit them, and being so small and with so much confusion all around the large Patriot missiles would have a tough time shooting them down.

Ground War
Command & Defense Center Cheyenne

“Sir, were getting report, its seems the Kahtans are starting things early”

“Goddamn, very early in fact, now we just gotta see if our preparations were worth anything.” He felt almost hopeless, months in preparation for just this kind of Kahtan response but now when it came there was nothing he could do, he had to place all his hopes in the hands of his men and the work that had busied him for the past few months. There was one thing he could still do, grinning he looked up, ”Screw orders, bring up our own tacnukes, if they wanna play like that I’ll damned well hit them back.”

His job had been keeping Zaire safe from the nuclear retaliation that would inevitably come. The Kahtans had the habit of turning to nukes to do their dirty work when they weren’t up to the task, they had done it once already firing nukes at a Havenite fleet off of Jamaica. This time though haven had come prepared, the one reason they had waited so long to actually invade Angola was to finalize their preparations for just such an occurrence and all that hard work and money would finally pay dividends.

One of the many defenses that had been put up was a laser system. For years the many of the worlds leading arms and technology developing nations had been designing a laser defense system that could eliminate the threat that artillery presented. The Israeli’s were designing with the Americans to protect themselves from the rockets Muslim extremists regularly thru into Israel. The Americans were making one to defend S Korea and especially Seoul. The Chinese and Russians had also been designing their own systems. All these nations had tested their systems successfully, and while the Chinese and Russian claims can’t be confirmed the Israeli and American tests have been well documented having success against live artillery and mortar rounds and rockets among other things. Havenite arms companies had taken this idea and designed their own systems but the idea never achieved success with the Havenite military as it wasn’t mobile enough and it would require large numbers to really protect a force from a large barrage. But the idea was given another look when the question of how to defend Haven from Kahtan artillery fired nukes raised. Now hundreds of the systems were arrayed on the border with Kahta, while it wasn’t near enough to stop a full-scale barrage it was more than enough to engage a few nuke laden arty shells.

The systems began zapping the Kahtan nukes out of the sky, most before they even crossed the border. The few that did cross the border were detonated in the air but still casualties were caused. More than 8,000 men were killed outright, and radiation would be a problem for a while. Field hospitals were set up to deal with the wounded who would soon be coming back with radiation poisoning. The army was spread out even more now in case a nuke did break thru next time and impact on Zaire.

Now it was Kahta’s turn to feel the pain of what they had wrought. Haven was against WMDs and it was the official policy that Haven would never be the nation to start a WMD fight in a war but once Kahta opened up that can Havens commanders on the field were given enough reason to fire back. 200 tactical nukes were fired from artillery guns, each one targeting the place were one of the Kahtan nukes had been fired from to wipe out the Kahtans who had fired. With the thousands of shells crossing into Angola the Kahtans would have no way of knowing that nuclear shells were incoming as they would blend in with the others, but the Kahtas would die for trying to pull such a dirty and low move like they did.

The two thousand arty guns and one thousand rocket artillery systems firing into Angola now turned their attention to Kahtan artillery emplacements and Kahtan Sam sites. Satellites were ordered to hunt down any artillery guns in Angola so they could be destroyed by Havenite arty before they could play a role. The 10,000 immobile Kahtan Sam that had made their position known by firing at Havenite missiles and planes would also be hit. Since they couldn’t move they were dead meat, and were defenseless against the artillery and rockets that would pound them. The Kahtan Sam sites would be pounded till they were destroyed then the offensive would start.
20-03-2005, 03:37
bump for Kahta