Results of the Qassam Incident
In Response to this
Skim through that atleast if you want to get involved with this.
Imperator Valteen entered a massive room filled with media from all around the world. Pictures flashed non stop as he approached the small podium with a Nycton flag being the background. The camera focused in as he sat his paper down, took a deep breathe and began his short speech.
"The people of Nycton, brothers in arms, foreign citizens, imperial fighting men and woman, and all governments of the world, a tradegy has struck our great nation today. At exactly 8:03 am, a unknown number, presumably between 3 and 9 heavily armed and expertly trained men raided a mid sized police station in downtown Azuus. The Civil Police at the precinct resisted but many were wounded or killed. They sent a distress signal, and other Civil Police units, the Imperial Security Agency or the ISA, and the Imperial Nycton military arrived to help. After hours of deliberation, the building was raided and the building had been wired and was exploded. Hundreds were wiped out instanty from the blast that leveled almost four square blocks. We have a total of
Civilians: 273 Killed, 405 Wounded
Civil Police: 123 Killed, 40 Wounded
ISA: 13 Killed, 27 Wounded
Military: 68 Killed, 108 Wounded.
In this day and age, Nycton is unprepared to battle terrorism. We need a unified political system to unfiy this great nation! Those who inspire, organize, and carry out terrorist acts are striving to disintegrate this country, and that cannoy happen. I am sure that unity of the country is the main prereuisite for victory over terror. I am announcing a reform in government systems. All state elections for Senator's of the Imperial Senate, will be on national party slates, instead of a local district races accross the country, and only after my nomination. Laws will be enacted so that our nation's media will not fortell our military secrets to our enemy. Regional leaders will now be decided by Senator's instead of the popular vote.
There will also be a new security clearence in check. All citizens will have their ID recorded in a microship the size of a ball, in a ball point pen. It will contain name, Pshycal features, date of birth, criminal record, address, phone number, criminal records, past education, past job experiences, and picture. They will be implented in the lower palm of your right hand. They can be checked by any Civil Police officer, ISA, and military at any security check point. Tourist will be be made a ID upon arrival in Nycton that they will wear around their necks.
Finally, Qassam. Qassam has shown us that they are not worthy of our peace and sympothy. They provoked these attacks on us and they shall be our dead shall be avenged. Under my command, the entire Imperial Nycton military has been actived and currently inroute with a massive invasion force. I will give Qassam one chance though. Let us come peacefully, dissolve your corrupt government, create and peace loving and democratic government like ours, and fight terrorism together. Your other option is be invaded, your country run down to nothing but waste. Fires and homeless will run rampant through your streets. Your people will fear the marching of my men. Resistance is utterly futile. On this day we fight united, defenders of the Nycton dream. Now is our time. Strength, Honor, and glory to the Nycton people."
He exited slowly.
09-03-2005, 10:14
No_State_At_All hereby offers what assistance can be spared for cleanup and will assist in any ways possible against these evil terrorists.
09-03-2005, 10:36
The Virutanian Security Council (VSC) have with great succes tested a new virus-like microchip, for keeping track of unruly citizens. Due to breakthruoghs in nanotech, we have succeeded in manufacturing a foolproof way to to make a biometric tag on human resouces.
About 25.000 nanobots are injected in the subject, when they have bonded with an individual they can be encoded with all relevant data, but only once, any attempts to re-program the nanobots will trigger a kill-response that terminates the subject in 2.85 seconds.
Due to the high security surrounding an invention of this magnitude, we will not be able to hand the technology over, but on request (and a modest fee) we are willing to send a team to make the implants on your population.
With highest regards
The High Plutark of Virutania
09-03-2005, 15:29
No_State_At_All Officially condems Virutania for civil rights abuses and demands that they discontinue their use of nano technology for the suppression of their citizens.
09-03-2005, 17:02
The use of nanotech as a measure of internal security is supported by 100% of the citizens, they are ALL asked if they want the injections right after the procedure is performed, and none has expressed dismay.
The use of nanotech as a measure of internal security is supported by 100% of the citizens, they are ALL asked if they want the injections right after the procedure is performed, and none has expressed dismay.
OOC: Anytime someone says 100% of a populace agree to anything, they're lying. 4% of any populace is always undecided, and 10% of any populace will always oppose whatever you suggest, half because they don't agree and half just for the sake of disagreement. :)
09-03-2005, 18:52
The safest way to make polls, is to ask people AFTER the brainwash. Then you get no nasty surprises, this procedure is so efficient, that citizens turn themselves in BEFORE they make a crime.
Virutania wish to repeat its offer to ALL nations of injecting the populations, we even supply the software.
Head of VSC (Virutania Security Council)
B. Brother
The Virutanian Security Council (VSC) have with great succes tested a new virus-like microchip, for keeping track of unruly citizens. Due to breakthruoghs in nanotech, we have succeeded in manufacturing a foolproof way to to make a biometric tag on human resouces.
About 25.000 nanobots are injected in the subject, when they have bonded with an individual they can be encoded with all relevant data, but only once, any attempts to re-program the nanobots will trigger a kill-response that terminates the subject in 2.85 seconds.
Due to the high security surrounding an invention of this magnitude, we will not be able to hand the technology over, but on request (and a modest fee) we are willing to send a team to make the implants on your population.
With highest regards
The High Plutark of Virutania
No, it's a choice that they get it or not. They basically cannot go to any shopping center, work, or anything. There are quite a bit of security checkpoints in my country. Basically without these tiny chips, they are giving up their own freedom of travel.
Statement from GAF Central Command:
We are apalled by the threats directed against our sovereign nation from the likes of Nycton. For one, we cannot be held responsible for the acts of rogue terrorists. We explicitly condemn the use of terrorism to achieve political aims. Furthermore, we must point out that it was Nycton that first attacked our nation, killed our civillians and threatened our allies who we had invited to our shores. We feel that Nycton is in no position to lecture us on freedom or democracy. Our government upholds the will of the people, who fought a long and bloody struggle against colonial rule, eventually winning our war for autonomy and liberation. We will not be subjugated again. Do not attempt to invade our nation, you will be destroyed. We will fight to the last person alive before submitting again to foreign rule. Allahu akbar!
Br. Mazzen Agha and the other officers of the GAF command sat holed up in a bunker somewhere in the vast desert outside the capitol. The attack had been more devastating than they had expected, but he wasn't really concerned. At the moment, all that mattered was preparing the country for another invasion. The ports and beaches had already been filled with mines, and throughout Qassam's cities, rifles were freely distribute, people of all ages, professions and sexes erected barricades and bunkers in the narrow streets and alleyways and those unable to help in that process made molotov cocktails and other small explosives. Large trenches were dug, and filled with gasoline. On the rooftops, a variety of anti-air weapons were deployed. As night fell, an eerie silence hung over the country.
10-03-2005, 11:56
No_State_At_All hereby outlaws any and all trade between citizens or organizations of said country and any citizens or organizations of Qassam, including both governments in this ban.
Secret IC:
NSAA redeploys two orbital observation sattelites (spysats) above Quassam.
Free Nycton News Reports Summaries:
Imperial Senator's have exploded over the proposal to control a civilians way of life. Today the bill was denied to a 20-280 vote. This is the 1st Bill ever influenced by Imperator Valteen the I that have been vetoed by the Imperial Senate. Citizens were relieved of the news that no chips were being implented.
The National Senator Bill eliminating local elections is coming up in the next day for vote in the Imperial Senate. It is much divided among the Senate. If passed, it would grant the Federal Government of Nycton unlimited power, and give Imperator Valteen I virtually autocratic power over the country.
The 1st Grant Fleet is now sitting just inside the national waters of Qassam. No specifications on how many ships or manpower is readying for the invasion, but many military analyst have hypthesized a 860,000 to 1,450,000 men in a massive blitzkrieg sea invasion. According from what information of the last war, Qassam will not be able a resistance of a invasion, but will focus on terror tactics and ambushes after the country is occupied. Medical gear is already stockpiling in mass amounts preparing for thousands of causolties.
Under cover of darkness, a tiny wooden rowboat floated silently across the ocean waters towards the large cruisers anchored within Qassam's waters. It was manned by two Qassamian women, no older than 19, and full of explosives. They'd be slowly paddling the boat towards the cruisers for what felt like hours when they finally reached the side of one. Using a rope, they tied their boat as best they could to the edge of the cruiser.
"Are you sure about this?" one whispered to the other. She nodded.
"They've already moved into our waters. The GAF knows they're going to invade, we don't have much of a choice. We might as well cause some damage now, and at least plant some seeds of doubt in their mind about our ability to defend ourselves."
"All right. Let's do it."
The first woman grabbed a soviet-era RPG from bottom of the boat and with a shout of "Allahu akbar!" fired a rocket towards a ship docked nearby. The second woman followed suite, muttering "la ilaha illa 'llah" to herself. They were protected from those on the deck of the ship they were attached to because of its design, and their position behind a mound of explosives would make shooting them difficult. After firing off 3 more rockets each, the women took deep breaths, screamed the shahada and detonated the explosives.
On shore, many heard and saw the explosion, and large cheers erupted amongst the many groups of armed civillians ducking down behind barricades.
The GAF central command issued a final proclamation on the eve of the invasion:
People of Nycton, we issue a final warning. Your soldiers, the sons, daughters, fathers and mothers of many in your nations, will find nothing but death in our land. We will take no prisoners, and show no mercy to those who invade our land. We are will fortified for a defensive war, and have vast deserts and tall mountains to hide in. We know this land, and we know we can defeat you in this land. This is our final offering of peace. Remove yourselves from our waters, and we will surrender a number of individuals we believe to be responsible for planning the attack on your nation. If you refuse this offer, then I suggest making peace with whatever you believe in, you will be meeting it soon. Allahu akbar!
Commodore Exvess was on the Super Dreadnought Julii when the Olympia-Class Cruiser, Zamyatin had a large explosion which rocked it violently.
He quickly pressed a button to his right and spoke into a mic, transmitting to all his crew and all the ships in the mighty fleet.
"This is Commodore Exvess, commanding officer of the 1st Grand Fleet of Nycton. Brothers and sisters of the great nation of Nycton, prepare for war. The enemy shall be retribution for who they have killed! To battle stations, red alert!"
The guns on every battleship turned slowly to face the shore of Qassam. Hundreds upon hundreds of Cruise missiles were fired 1 after the other on every ship able. Most of them were targeted on enemy tanks, enemy government buildings, Police stations, military targets, oil reserves, ammunition dumps, the presidental palace, and other special government buildings of importance. The SB-03 Nightbat Stealth Bombers flying above, which most of them had just got done with inflight refuelings, began battle patterns in the sky and using smart bombs, began to strike major powerplants knocking out most of the power through the country. Many other smart bombs hit run ways rendering them useless, planes parked on the ground, anti-air missile defense batteries, and radar centers all around the country. A total of 210 of the 240 SB-03 Nightbat Stealth Bombers were used in the operation. Many of the shells fired from the battle ships hit all along fortified defensive positions on the coast. Thousands are estimated dead in the first strike known as "Operation Declawed Kitty."
OOC: I'll post a response within the next few days, I'm pretty sick right now, so i don't really have the mental power to wage war.
Are we going to continue with this RP or not?