Xenizen Inauguration Ceremony and Party
Upper Xen
07-03-2005, 02:32
The new President Elect of Upper Xen, Yuri Iwata, announces a Inauguartion Ceremony and Ball to celebrate this joyous occasion.
The schedule will consist of an inauguartion to be held from 10:00AM-12:00AM Hong Kong time, then lunch until 1:00PM, then a party and dinner from 6:00PM until 1:00AM.
Dinner will be the famous Manchu-Han-Borderworld Banquet, featuring delicacies like roast pig, chow fun, fried Antlion, and Headcrab sushi, plus sumptuous desserts and vegetable dishes of all kinds.
Protection will be provided, unless specified.
List of Applicants:
1. MassPwnage-Maia (daughter of Great Leader Li)
2. Ottoman Khaif- Minister Leonid Andropov of the Socialist Progressive Party
3. Tree Hugging Lesbians- Jennifer Zao, Gov't Rep.
4. Nargopia- Grand Patriarch Romeo Dimitri Vladimir Sicklecow
5. Risban- Emperor Robinson Antares Scorpius and Lady Chancellor Countess Nora Courtney of the Imperial Parliament
Upper Xen
07-03-2005, 02:39
07-03-2005, 02:42
"I should send my daughter Maia there..."-The Great Leader Li.
Upper Xen
07-03-2005, 02:45
"I should send my daughter Maia there..."-The Great Leader Li.
Great...be good.
Yuri Iwata
Pop. Rep. of Upper Xen
Ottoman Khaif
07-03-2005, 03:04
The Ottoman Government would like to send Minister Leonid Andropov (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v504/Ottoman01/Andropov.jpg) of the Socialist Progressive Party to this grand ceremony.
Upper Xen
07-03-2005, 03:05
The Ottoman Government would like to send Minister Leonid Andropov (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v504/Ottoman01/Andropov.jpg) of the Socialist Progressive Party to this grand ceremony.
Send him in to Chek Lap Kok Airport....we'll be waiting.
Yuri Iwata
Pop. Rep. of Upper Xen
Tree Hugging Lesbians
07-03-2005, 03:10
We'd be willing to send one of our goverment representives, Jennifer Zao (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v251/Aryek/rp003.jpg) to the party.
Upper Xen
07-03-2005, 21:00
We'd be willing to send one of our goverment representives, Jennifer Zao (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v251/Aryek/rp003.jpg) to the party.
Sure. Come on in....
Yuri Iwata
Pop. Rep. of Upper Xen
Upper Xen
07-03-2005, 22:46
Upper Xen
08-03-2005, 02:25
08-03-2005, 02:29
The Grand Patriarch, Romeo Dimitri Vladimir Sicklecow himself, would love to attend, provided he is allowed to bring along a security detail of five GPs (Guardians of the Patriarch).
Upper Xen
08-03-2005, 02:44
The Grand Patriarch, Romeo Dimitri Vladimir Sicklecow himself, would love to attend, provided he is allowed to bring along a security detail of five GPs (Guardians of the Patriarch).
Very well, you may do so. Proceed to Chek Lap Kok Airport; we'll have a limo waiting.
Yuri Iwata
Pop. Rep. of Upper Xen
Imperial Palace
"Do I have to?"
"Yes, Emperor Scorpius," sighed Perkins. "Just because Lew is out doesn't mean that they are no longer our allies."
The young emperor groaned, waving a hand. "Fine... I'm going with Nora..."
Message to Upper Xen
Emperor Robinson Antares Scorpius and Lady Chancellor Countess Nora Courtney of the Imperial Parliament shall attend the ceremony in representation of the Grand Imperium of Risban. Four of the Emperor's High Guards will accompany them.
-Alexander Perkins, Imperial High Minister of Foreign Affairs
Upper Xen
08-03-2005, 03:19
Imperial Palace
"Do I have to?"
"Yes, Emperor Scorpius," sighed Perkins. "Just because Lew is out doesn't mean that they are no longer our allies."
The young emperor groaned, waving a hand. "Fine... I'm going with Nora..."
Message to Upper Xen
Emperor Robinson Antares Scorpius and Lady Chancellor Countess Nora Courtney of the Imperial Parliament shall attend the ceremony in representation of the Grand Imperium of Risban. Four of the Emperor's High Guards will accompany them.
-Alexander Perkins, Imperial High Minister of Foreign Affairs
Thanks, Your Highness. We will welcome you, you may bring your guests.
Yuri Iwata
Pop. Rep. of Upper Xen
Upper Xen
08-03-2005, 04:10
Tree Hugging Lesbians
08-03-2005, 04:27
We've sent Ms.Zao to the Airport.
Upper Xen
08-03-2005, 19:42
We've sent Ms.Zao to the Airport.
OOC: Just waiting until about ten or so guest get there, then, I'll get started.
Upper Xen
08-03-2005, 23:01
Yafor 2 would like to send Major General Paulo Dogrod in honor of you.
Guillermo Vicente
Chief Minister of Yafor 2.
Upper Xen
09-03-2005, 23:13
Yafor 2 would like to send Major General Paulo Dogrod in honor of you.
Guillermo Vicente
Chief Minister of Yafor 2.
Yuri Iwata
Pop. Rep. of Upper Xen
I think I'll begin the Inauguration soon.......skip ahead a few.