06-03-2005, 00:33
A new problem was on the horizon. Infinacy was shrouded by its dream of a united Europe still, and Infinacy needed a way to connect Hungary to the rest of the other Infinacian provinces. The best solution was one country, Slovakia. Slovakia was in a heavy unrest and daily overthrows happened, soon after all the terror in the streets and clashes between anarchist groups, the country just fell into depression. The fighting stopped some time ago, and the Slovakians were just trying to set up a government. They seemed to have no luck since the governments they would set up would either be money or land greedy. Soon the nation just relied on self governed rule, which didn't seem to last long since it lead to too much death and violence. Infinacy saw that this would be a perfect way to help another European country, and a big possibility to connecting Hungary to her sister provinces. Several planes were flying over Slovakia, no one had a clue what was going on. They thought they were going to be bombed, or just all slaughtered like sheep. They were wrong, most of the Slovakians ran following these planes, and it lead thousands to the outskirts of the capital, where foreign troops were seen deployed everywhere, dozens of trucks with food and medical supplies. Soon after the arrival of the unknown people, Slovakia had started her way to becomming healthy again. The Slovakians soon found out who these foreigners were, yet most didn't trust them yet, there was still quite a lot willing to trust them. The Infinacians had sat up speaches and they were sat up to inform the Slovakians what is to happen. Lots of Patriotic Slovakians were some what angered when they heard that these people were hear to annex them. Almost 3/4 of the population willingly converted to being Infinacians, and the rest started to rebel. This created some problems. Terrorism was reintroduced into Slovakia, for months it was blaimed on Infinacy ( Of course ), and soon after the terrorism started, the full might of the Infinacian Special Forces were put upon these rebels. Hundreds died in the first days of the fighting, which was named the 3 Month War. During the fighting, thousands of rebels and soldiers fell, as Slovakian Rebel blood entwined with the Special Forces of Infinacys' blood. After the 3 months of fighting, the rebels thought of it useless, and peace talks were arranged. The rebels realized it would be best for there native land and fellow people if they just accepted being Infinacians. The Government decided to go easy on rebel leaders, of course they were imprisoned, but no executions or torturing. With in time, Slovakia turned from war torn, to a territory, to a province of Infinacy. United Europe was with in reach of the Infinacians' eyes, or so they thought.
OOC: HAH THIS POSTS SUCKS!!! I don't really make Annexation RP posts, so I am never really good at them, hope its decent, yes it sucks, but you get the point. It is written kind of in past tence, which is kind of a bad idea. But this is the only time it'll be written up like this, next time if I ever do this I am hopping to get someone to play the opposing forces.
OOC: HAH THIS POSTS SUCKS!!! I don't really make Annexation RP posts, so I am never really good at them, hope its decent, yes it sucks, but you get the point. It is written kind of in past tence, which is kind of a bad idea. But this is the only time it'll be written up like this, next time if I ever do this I am hopping to get someone to play the opposing forces.