Breaking News! The Czar Becomes The Premier! Communism Reigns Supreme!
Fascist Confederacy
06-03-2005, 00:17
United News Network Special Report!
The following is a recording of the actual speech made by Herr Hayden: "Hello Comrades. Today is a day of ultimate shift. Today is the day capitalism in all senses falls in The Armed Union. Today is the day I turn from your Czar, to your Premier. I know, as of late, racism has been falling to a lower degree in The Armed Union. I have noticed that many of you believe that inter-racial marriage is still a sin, as it is, but being friendly with Koreans, Russians, and the Vietnamese and other nationalities and races is alright. I also notice that while we are all still adimately anti-Semetic, tolerance has elevated somewhat. Many of you heard that without Albert Einstein, nations wouldn't have one of their major defensive systems. Thus, as of today, I announce to you all the creation of The Communist Party of The Armed Union (CPAU). The General Secretary shall be Premier Charles Hayden. I also announce that The Political Bureau will have somewhat more control. I invision this as a progressive step in the power of The Armed Union.
Also, I would like to add, that I'am constructing what Comrade Kruschev allowed to fall so many years ago: The Moscau Pact. Any Communist, Social Libertarian, or generally left nation may apply. Any organization may also apply. I'am also officially dismantling the White Knights of The Union. I'am also abolishing the state denomination. Christianity will continue to be the state religion, considering one hundred precent of my People are Christian. That is all my Comrades. God bless!"
This speech came as a shock to many people in The Armed Union, but not as big of a shock as people would believe. It amasingly had been happening for atleast the past several months. Comrade Hayden encourages the international community to contact him for information on The Moscau Pact.
The Island of Rose
06-03-2005, 00:19
Official Reply:
Department of Foreign Affairs
Fascist Confederacy
06-03-2005, 00:21
I understand your shock. But we are not going to change our philosophy, imperial. -- Comrade Commissar Jackson Kilpatrick, Foreign Relations Directorate
06-03-2005, 00:21
The Oligarch of Kriegorgrad, a stunned Comrade Leader Nikolai Fedorenkov
We would like sign a treaty with the new Communist government of FC.
06-03-2005, 00:25
The USSCT would like to congratulate Fascist Confederacy on their newly formed government and would like to further diplomatic and trade ties with the new government of Premier Charles Hayden.
Red Tide2
06-03-2005, 00:27
IC:Official Statement From the Red Tide Goverment
"We are dissapointed that another nation has fallen to the evils of Communism."
End Statement
Official Statement From Tech-Com Corporation
End Statement
OOC:A bit of irony... eh?
Fascist Confederacy
06-03-2005, 00:27
Ah, hello Comrade Fedorenkov. I would have figured you would have been the first to sign up for The Moscau Pact, or are you too shocked to have remembered it?
Premier Charles Hayden
Fascist Confederacy
06-03-2005, 00:32
OOC: Please stop calling me FC. Call me The Armed Union, or UAD (Union Of Armed Dominions). I officially changed my IC nation name a week or so ago.
IC: The applications into The Moscau Pact from Brydog and The Island Of Rose have been accepted and made known in local newspapers and media. We also would like to announce the dissappoint we have in Red Tide that they do not see the errors in many Right-Wing idealogies.
Upper Xen
06-03-2005, 00:35
Well, Mr. Hayden.......I'm kinda surprised......then again, the shift to National Communism was probably a sign.
We recognize the Government of the Armed Union, in its new state. Wanna exchange embassies?
Gordon Lew
Demopublic of Upper Xen
Fascist Confederacy
06-03-2005, 00:39
I would love to exchange embassies with a Far Eastern state. Upper Xen, this new political stance will open our channels for friendship. That, comrade, is a wonderful thing.
Premier Charles Hayden
Red Tide2
06-03-2005, 00:42
OOC:Noted... and edited.
IC:Official Statement From Red Tide
"eeeeehhh... we retract our earlier statement. We cant do much about the Tech-Coms Corporations T-Shirts though."
End Statement
Ottoman Khaif
06-03-2005, 00:45
The Ottoman Government support the Premier Government, long live the The Armed Union! The Ottomans wish to join the The Moscau Pact.
Upper Xen
06-03-2005, 00:45
I would love to exchange embassies with a Far Eastern state. Upper Xen, this new political stance will open our channels for friendship. That, comrade, is a wonderful thing.
Premier Charles Hayden
Cool. We'll send an Ambassador to the Armed Union, Mikey Hu, soon, to Moscau.
Wanna visit sometime? We'd be happy to have you over.
Gordon Lew
Demopublic of Upper Xen
OOC: Is "Moscau" an alternative spelling of "Moscow?" And if so, from what language?
06-03-2005, 00:46
ooc: In German it's "Moskau", i guess he got it off that.
Fascist Confederacy
06-03-2005, 00:48
Application from the allied Islamic state of Ottoman Khai accepted. Welcome Comrade. Also, the ambassador will be accepted into Moscau International Airport. Thank you for forming ties with The Armed Union.
OOC: Moscau is a spin off of the German word Moskau, which means Moscow.
06-03-2005, 00:51
The USSCT would also like to join the Moscau Pact Please.
06-03-2005, 00:51
Thank you for your offer Premier Hayden, I presume it was an offer - if it was not, excuse me. Kriegorgrad would gladly sign the Moscau pact but could we query about the Moscau pact, we know little of this potentially grand pact and would like to know more about it. For now though, put us down for we know it must be a pact to uphold the power of the left.
Thank you for your time, I'm sorry for my short message, and congratulations on your change in government!
The Oligarch of Kriegorgrad, Comrade Leader Nikolai Fedorenkov
Fascist Confederacy
06-03-2005, 00:56
The nation of CommunistTurkeys is accepted into The Moscau Pact.
* * *
The Moscau Pact was created to mirror that of The Warsaw Pact which was created by Comrade Premier Kruschev during the era of The Soviet Union. We are created to combat the evils of capitalism, fascism, nazism, and the like. We join together as a defensive--and offensive--alliance of leftist nations. For without cooperation, we are doomed.
Premier Charles Hayden
06-03-2005, 01:05
So far, this seems perfectly acceptable, we express great interest in joining the Moscau pact but one thing is yet to be answered. Do we have to attack a fascist nation if the Moscau pact wants it. Kriegorgrad isn't a nation that likes to be chained by foreign ropes.
The Oligarch of Kriegorgrad, Comrade Leader Nikolai Fedorenkov
Fascist Confederacy
06-03-2005, 01:10
No, Comrade, you do not have to. The Moscau Pact will usually only take offensive actions against a fascist or capitalist nation if it has done some vile act against us, our allies, or the furtherment of Communism or the Left. But that allow, I would think, cause you to be disgusted and take action yourself, without action from The Moscau Pact. We hope our Comrade in Kriegorgrad will apply for membership.
Premier Charles Hayden
06-03-2005, 01:15
Kriegorgrad has evaluated the conditions layed out and will gladly join the Moscau pact, we will struggle to uphold the power of the left and to defend the downtrodden proletariat wherever they may be oppressed! Seeing as Kriegorgrad is to join the Moscau pact, what would the Union say to an embassy exchange?
Thanks for your time.
The Oligarch of Kriegorgrad, Comrade Leader Nikolai Fedorenkov
Fascist Confederacy
06-03-2005, 01:18
Wonderful. We will all struggle to uphold the rights up the proletariat! It is our sacred duty to resist! And yes, and embassy exchange would be gladly accepted. -- The Politburo
06-03-2005, 01:23
Excellent, you are officially a Kriegos ally, we hope we are seen in the same light in your own eyes. We bid you a good day as sleep beckons me away from my duties of Comrade Leader. I wish you a good night, may your reign be long and prosperous.
The Oligarch of Kriegorgrad, Comrade Leader Nikolai Fedorenkov
Fascist Confederacy
06-03-2005, 01:26
Likewise in all senses Comrade. -- Offical Response From The Politburo And Premier
Fascist Confederacy
06-03-2005, 01:43
OOC: Bump for international interest.
Tree Hugging Lesbians
06-03-2005, 01:47
Official Reply:
Better Communist then Nazi.
Fascist Confederacy
06-03-2005, 01:51
The Politburo, Premier, and Communist Party of The Armed Union have no official response to Tree Hugging Lesbians.
06-03-2005, 01:53
We are thoroughly glad you have changed your country for the better. We will gladly sign the Moscau pact with the Armed Union. We wish to send a representative of our nation, Comrade Mikhael Dorsal, my son, to visit your nation to affirm a blood alliance with the Soviet Union and the Armed Union.
Remember, Socialism is Unity. Unity is Power. Power is Victory. Stay well, Comrade.
Comrade Josef Dorsal, Autocrat of the Soviet Socialist Union (
Dulce Et Decorum Est, Pro Patria Mori!
Fascist Confederacy
06-03-2005, 02:00
I would be glad to accept Comrade Dorsal's son here on a diplomat excursion. I eagerly await his arrival.
Premier Charles Hayden
Upper Xen
06-03-2005, 02:06
Thanks for allowing our man to come through.....he'll be in Moscau International Airport shortly.
Gordon Lew
Demopublic of Upper Xen
OOC: my election thread is up.
We would like to join this pact.
OOC: Liberal Communism is a democratic mixed economy government
Dostanuot Loj
06-03-2005, 02:22
While I must say, Premier Hayden, my nation and I are surprised. We applaud your progression. I hope the people of The Armed Union recieve your proclomations as their Premier as they did as Czar.
High Diplomat of External Relations,
Brigadier Josef Rommel
Premier Hayden, this decision definitely came as a suprise to us, a suprise which was met with a certain amount of... mixed feelings from several members of the Upper Party to say the least.
Nevertheless, it is our sincere hope that this sudden as well as major turn of events will not mar the relations between our nations in any way. The Party has full faith in your, and your associates, abilities to govern your nation with the most profound skill and with the best interests for your people and the world at large in mind.
The Federation of FCD officially wishes The Armed Union the best of luck in your future endeavors.
Leon Vladimirovich Covski,
Partyleader of the Party of FCD
Fascist Confederacy
06-03-2005, 03:11
OOC: Brydog, you were already accepted.
We thank the nations of Dostanuot Loj and FCD for their applaud. But we do encourage FCD to follow us in our path to glory. -- Representative Of The Communist Party Of The Armed Union
Fascist Confederacy
06-03-2005, 04:09
OOC: Moscau Pact members, sign up here:
The Parthians
06-03-2005, 04:21
Tis a shame, monarchy is more respecable than premiership by a long shot.
-Shah Khosru III
Fascist Confederacy
06-03-2005, 04:26
Dictatorship by the proletariat. -- Unnamed Member Of The Communist Party Of The Armed Union
I'm sorry, my dear Premier, but our political structure and, we believe, our entire nation at large is most likely much less suited to making a sudden ideological about-face than The Armed Union turned out to be. In fact, our political analysts are wondering how well your citizens are adjusting to such a sudden change of political vision.
With all the problems the so called "communist resistance" has been causing in the Federation, we know for a fact that the Party turning red wouldn't exactly be extraordinarily well recieved by the people. And, ironic as it may sound, sources indicate that the "resistance" itself would be far from likely to cease thier unjust attacks on our people even if we would turn to a similar ideology, seeing as they are no more than a collection of traitors wishing to overthrow the Party and the state for their own oppressive goals. They are indeed an offense to true communists as yourself, and serve to tarnish your reputation in the world. Rest assured, even though we are unable to turn leftist we will continue our efforts to help your cause by rooting out these terrorists claiming to be "communists".
The Party is confident that your shift in ideology will not be a hinderance to our cooperation in the future.
Leon Vladimirovich Covski,
Partyleader of the Party of FCD
Ok, wow...umm...Do you want to exchange embassies?
Guillermo Vicente
Chief Minister of Yafor 2.
06-03-2005, 15:33
Official Imperial Response
We are truley sorry to here of this corrupting influence that has stricken the government of the Armed Union. We will be interested to see just how long such a pathetic ideaology can last....
06-03-2005, 15:46
This is truly a momentous occassion! At last the decadent and corrupting shackles of hate, prejudice and tyranny have been tested in the Fascist Confederacy, and never in our wildest dreams did we believe that Socialism would take root there. But it has. And yet, it is not enough...
It is merely a facade. The same people are in power. The workers have done nothing to achieve this new Government. And without emancipation from below, this is merely a dictatorship from the top. A new oligarchy to control all. This is not enough for the people of the Fascist Confederacy, they deserve better and they will soon see to that.
Prime Minister Alexander Miroslav, former General Secretary of the CPSU
Federal Republic of Hrstrovokia
06-03-2005, 15:51
official reply
your not commie
Fascist Confederacy
06-03-2005, 21:29
This is truly a momentous occassion! At last the decadent and corrupting shackles of hate, prejudice and tyranny have been tested in the Fascist Confederacy, and never in our wildest dreams did we believe that Socialism would take root there. But it has. And yet, it is not enough...
It is merely a facade. The same people are in power. The workers have done nothing to achieve this new Government. And without emancipation from below, this is merely a dictatorship from the top. A new oligarchy to control all. This is not enough for the people of the Fascist Confederacy, they deserve better and they will soon see to that.
Prime Minister Alexander Miroslav, former General Secretary of the CPSU
Federal Republic of Hrstrovokia
OOC: Please refrain from calling me Fascist Confederacy. Please call us The Union of Armed Dominions (UAD) or simply The Armed Union.
Deserve better? Our Premier has just signed the Freedom Act allows religious freedom, rights for women, and rights for every race. How is that not enough? How is it that when the men and women cheer in the streets and wave our flag and shout for the Premier that they aren't happy? The workers elect the ruling power. Surely, the Premier is a so-called 'President-For-Life', but far from a dictator. He can resign when he pleases and a new Premier will be elected. He is truely a Comrade.
He has stopped the unjust hate and predujidce in The Union. He has abolished sanctioned hatred. How can you not call us free? That goes out to both Hrstrovokia and Kroblexskij. It is you, calling Comrades unworthy, that can cause instability in the fabric of egalitarianship and Communism. -- Iosif Olyako, Member Of The Jessup Raion Labour Union And Communist Party Of The Armed Union