Land Up For Grabs Space Tech 3000 A.d.
Go here for info.
History, weaponry, info is there.
We currently have 4 kingdoms of land available. Descriptions below.
Gaian Ascendancy
05-03-2005, 19:43
((OC- Welcome to the FT crowd good sir (or madam as the case may be..) and to NS.. for your concept, ya might want to give more detail, since calling a laser the most powerful, doesn't mean much when everyone and their eternal goddess granmother has superlasers, galaxy destroyers, and subatomic powered fly swatters. =^^= ))
We have a defense fleet of 500 battle cruisers, 1000 Fighter Planes, 350 landing craft, 400 tanks, and 90,000 infantry. We are still small, because we are only one country, and we need others to join and make us stronger.
Kingdon 1:
Loacation: Planet Tarsonis.
This was the first of the 5 planets we decalred war on. We have managed to make 50,000 spare miles of it liveable, and it is now open to the first person who wants to buy it. This land is rich in precious metals, such as Uranium, Gold, Platinum, Plutonium, and nitrate 5. You are free to harvest these as much as you want. This region is also in a good location, because the majority of it has wide, open space all around. There is a moon about 20,000 kilometers away, and that creates a small gap which is easily defended. For having the wide open space, anti matter missile systems are located throughout the kingdom. You will have to supply your own troops and pilates, we will supply you with 200 tanks, 200 star fighters, and 50 battlecruisers. All of these are fitted with the GEIL lazer.
Kingdom 2:
Location: Tarsonis
This piece of land is much smaller, and is easier to defend. While small, it is noted for its abudant resources of food, plant life, and water. This section can maily be used as a tourist area. Security forces given to you will be 3000 men, with GEIL lazers, as well as 50 fighters, 25 battle cruisers, and 25 tanks. This area spans about 200 kilometers, and is incredibly easy to defend do to hidden caves in the surrounding mountains, and thick forests.
Kingdom 3:
Location: Planet Rebel
This is the same planet that The Holy Kingdom of Lumens is located on, and is the home planet of the system. This heavily defended planet has an incredible number of factories, which produce weapons, and vehicles. This land requires a strong leader who focuses mainly on military strength. The people of this country need to be indoustrious laborers, to increase the fleet of ships that the Plantetary System has. This land covers an entire continent and stretches 40,000 square kilometers. Given to you will be 300 fighters, 250 battle cruisers, 20,000 ground assult troops, and 100 tanks. There are also a wide range of Ground to Air missiles, capable of destroying any flying object in a couple hits. The palace of this kingdom is remarkable for its security, with 500 guardsmen located inside of it.
Kingdom 4:
Location: Planet Kalhedrion (Cal-Hee-dron)
This kingdom is not yet for sale, after detecting the presence of a deadly chemical contamitating the area. It will be open for taking as soon as possible.