NationStates Jolt Archive

Claim of Uruguay, Earth DA

04-03-2005, 19:15
Claim of Uruguay

Relevant threads plus cultural and historical reference: History of Alexia Trade Thread Cultural Reference Cultural Reference Cultural/Historical Reference Embassies

(Alexia, in this game, it will be a large Island in the south Atlantic, in between Brazil and Africa.)

Sherrier stood at the end of the table. Today was a wonderfull day. As he fidled with the slide projector, he hummed a cheerfull tune to himself. Once finished, he took his seat near the other side and waited patiently, with the clicker thing in hand. As the Council of Ministers, along with a large number of military commanders and other members of the government brass filed into the room.

“Hello, friends! Hello countrymen! It is indeed a glorious, beautifull day, is it not!” he piped cheerily. “Hit the lights for me, will you, Gordan? Alright, let us begin, shall we?”

After the presentation, the room was left in silence.

“Well?” said Sherrier smiling. “Isn’t is wonderfull?”

General al-Fadil looked upon the landing scene with a stone faced glare. These young and inexperienced soldiers were practically useless, to his mind. But it was all they’d give him, and so this is what he would have to use.

Thousands of soldiers scurried around frantically on the shore, setting up tents, digging trenches, unloading crates and vehicles.

The amphibious assault teams had already landed and were searching the surroundings wilderness, capturing local farms, and heading to the local villages, followed by the second group of soldiers who had been deployed and immediately dispatched after securing the landing ground.

Uruguay was without hope, thought the general. This shall be a short conflict.

Alarms rang throughout the base, waking Euseus with a start. “What the hell’s going on?” he asked to his friend, who was running outside.

“Bombs! Dropping bombs!” he yelled, and then ran.
Euseus grabbed his rifle and ran outside. The adjacent barracks was already in flames, and the jeep yard was now nothing more than a sea of shrapnel filled craters.

The staff sergeant was yelling orders, but most of the soldiers seemed to be ignoring him, opting to run into the forest instead.

Euseus decided to follow suit as the second half of the barracks exploded beside him.

After running for almost an hour, he came upon a small camp of soldiers who had fled the base.

A feeling of relief washed over him, only to be flushed away when he realized, that in his rush to leave the base, he forgot his pack. He only had one ration packet on him, and only a few littres of water. He cursed himself, and then sat down on a rock, watching the exhausted, scared and confused soldiers sit around and do nothing.

Explosions shook the harbour of La Palamo, sinking boats and destroying docks. This had come after a night of bombing, which had sent the city in a panick.

Today, the explosions were coming from the shells of strange ships, that could be seen several kilometers out to see. In not much time, the ships, along with others behind, were heading for the harbour, as the people of the city ran the other way, out into the countryside.

In addition to this, the radio reports from the government were confused and disorganized.

It did not take a genius to see that something was terribly wrong.

Anthony looked out from his apartement on his beloved city of Montevideo, which was now pocked with buildings that had collapsed or been badly damaged by the bombs. What the hell was going on? The government did not seem to know either, from what he heard on the radio. He did not dare leave his apartment, but from his balcony, he could see the streets were mostly empty, and that no newspaper had been printed today.

What was to become of his beloved country, now, with it’s capital under attack by these mysterious and alien* invaders? Anthony could not know, and so he stayed inside his apartment, trying to stay calm, and save food.

(*I mean alien as in unknown, not as in men from space, just to clarify.)

(This assuming existence of Shalista in earth DA)

Radio Message from the Alexian Empire to the Government of Shalista:

The Emperial Government of the Alexian Empire, in accordance with our rights to the territory and people of the illgitamite nation of Uruguay, and using military force to bring these longtime rebels back into line, and re-establish order. We hope that this will not cause any problems with your people and government, and ask for your co-operation in helping us take help our poor people in Uruguay.

We ask that we be able to dock our boats in your harbors and station troops in your cities (temporarily) to help us overcome the logistical difficulties of our military operations in Uruguay.

All the food and basic supplies would be purchased locally, pumping money into your economy. We hope we can reach an agreement.

“People of Alexia, people of the world.” The emperor’s speech began. “For to long, the rebels in the province of Uruguay have maintained a hold over the Alexian citizens therin, ruthlessly oppressing them and constantly making ridiculous claims of being an ‘independent republic’ .” the emperor said, contemptuously. “This shall not be allowed to continue any longer. Our people in Uruguay shall be freed. Even now, our brave soldiers are fighting the reactionary rebel forces, valiantly struggling to free there fellow countrymen. We ask the governments of the world to recongnize our rightfull claim to our province of Uruguay.”

“Today is indeed a great day for the empire, and may devine fortune guide us.”

(Uruguays army is actually not very good, and I don’t think it is unfair that mine would crush them through superior co-ordination, equipement, and overwhelming numbers.

However, I invite anyone and everyone to come and play resistance forces.

Please do, it is so much more fun than doing it by oneself.)
05-03-2005, 01:06
No one? No one at all?