NationStates Jolt Archive

A New Home

03-03-2005, 15:01
Joshua stood in front of the event horizon, its bluish surface made it look like water… “this is going to suck” Joshua said softly to himself… when he stepped thru it if felt as thought he was back in college running thru the campus naked in winter. It only took about 30 seconds for the trip to end and when it did his cold body was blasted by heat… the New world Dubbed by the Grand Ruler as Rune, the advanced parties had said that Rune was a smaller planet than earth but it was about the same as earth. Joshua was greeted by a young scientist by the name of Norman Dennis “Sir come this way look at this”… "I think this place is going to be interesting" Joshua thought before he followed Norman to what ever the beady eyed man wanted to show him
03-03-2005, 15:07
Through is spelled like this.

Sounds interesting though.
Kougher Cari
03-03-2005, 15:17
It seemed at first sight to be a small rock, but on closer inspection it proved to have an impossibly regular form. The material it was made off was translucent and the object glowed a little. It was not radioactive though.

This is why we called you Sir. This seems to be some kind of communications device. And it has been active ever since it was found, twelve earth days ago near Jocking Ridge. We feel it might be some kind of Sentinel device, and we wanted your expert opinion on it.
05-03-2005, 20:09
Joshua looked at it, "Have you touched it? also i want this thing under 24 hour guard by Van guard...It may have a nasty little surprise for us but untill we can be sure i wont take any cances, but the science team can investigate it further"