Kelvin Majestatus' call goes out (Again)(OPEN FT)
Continuation of the First Thread, so look here first:
The call went out, much like before, with Shadowy figures showing up in strange places and putting up posters throughout the length and breadth of the galaxy and even a few places beyond, this time.
Only this time, they didn't focus only on local watering holes. Town squares, Government offices, Bus stops, Star ports, even slow-moving baby carriages fell victim to a blob of shadows plastering a poster with a smiley-face on it. One child was rather surprised to find one in his e-mail.
The message was the same. A giggling taunt directed at any and all malevolent entities of the universe. Sith, Dark Magic wielders, Demons, Psychotic robots made out of razor blades, lawyers, the works!
My name is Kelvin Majestatus. Jedi. You may have heard of me, or you may not. All that you need to know is this:
Find me. Fight me. Prove me wrong. Outsmart me in a game of checkers, if it suits your fancy! I do not care!
Kelvin stood up, shakily. The exertion of putting out so many messages over so wide an area had drained him over the several hours he spent ferociously concentrating. He turned to Daniel Masaki, who waited patiently nearby.
"It is done. I suggest we prepare to move."
02-03-2005, 01:16
Tatooine, Obi-Wan Kenobi's former lair.
"Yeah, that lit you up like a beacon here." I smiled, rubbing my temples at the amount of Force energy that was poured out like a mental nuclear device. I helped the boy to the landspeeder and we sped back to Mos Eisley, and my private shuttle.
After giving the rented speeder back to the rental shop and boarding the shuttle, I asked him. "Where to next?"
OOC: Should I start posting on this thread, or keep to the first one?
02-03-2005, 01:18
OOC: Here, from now on. The last one can be used as an OOC thread.
A double star... how convenient.
Steel fingers danced across a control console, and an energy absorption shield went up around Stardust. This provided the craft with enough power to swiftly replenish its stores, and had the convenient side effect of making it look like nothing more than a shadow.
As this target was far more likely to be important than most, Gorteth went in more carefully than he had at the first planet. He scattered 40 observation drones to monitor the area, then crept gradually closer to Tatooine. He was taking care to minimize the chance that his craft would be noticed, and Gorteth Mallorak could be very good at avoiding notice when he chose.
Kelvin Majestatus has been charge with placing posters without a permit, civil disturbance and harrasment of private citizens. He has been tried and convicted in absenti. We are sending a Master of Death Chess to kill him.
That is All.
The Dominion of Theao
OOC: Yar, the other thread suffered from the fact that I forgot to put in "Open" on the title, and Jolt won't allow me to edit the title after posting. :( Beyond that though, the time should be coming close for yer guy and ours to bonk into each other.
Kelvin shrugged weakly, still somewhat dazed by his latest effort. "I do not know. Normally, I would simply teleport myself to a nearby system in a random direction. I suppose one could say 'Take a pick.' Try to stay within a hundred light-years, if you can."
Kelvin crossed his legs in his seat and his arms over his chest. "Now if you will excuse me, I... am going to take a nap."
He sat back in his seat and closed his eyes. Then he started to sparkle as energy slowly flooded back into him.
"Kalvin Majestatus? Who is he?" the call went out. Jordan Al'Kamor grinned as he looked at the transmission that had been sent from Ajer.
"Jedi. From Godular. King or summat. Should I go after him?"
"No. Your too good for this job. We want contacts, not enemies. Send Semiran."
"Semiran? Jacob Semiran? Are you serious? He shows potential, but.."
"Your the one who recommanded him to me. So..."
"Yes, oh great Chief Minister."
"Shut up, Jordan." The privateer grinned as he told Jacob Semiran of his new duty.
JAcob Semiran skimmed along on his bike-pod, an invention of Jordan Al'Kamor for desert travel. He felt free, free, alone in a land, on his own mission. He carriend a letter for Kelvin, and a challenge. Kelvin had been traced back to Tatooine, so here he was.
Stopping off in Mos Espa, he asked for directions. No one had seen Kelvin. This wasn't good luck, the 21-year-old reflected, as he carried himself along. Armed with a V-13 laser pistol, a laserblade (so he could fight with Kelvin and his ligthsaber), and a JKM-567 double lightning laser, he was prepared.
The young man grinned. Time to fight and, at the same time, bring Godular a new ally. Yafor 2.
02-03-2005, 02:16
"All right." As we headed out of the gravity well, I calculated another destination. This time, we're heading to...Naboo! I pulled back the lever, and jumped into hyperspace, not noticing an observation drone who was taking a look at the shuttle...
Unified Sith
02-03-2005, 02:18
Throughout the depths of space, greater than stars, and stronger than life itself, a great call sounded. A call out of hate and malice, a call for freedom and revenge.
"You are brave child, brave beyond words. Come to me, follow me to my prison. Here you shall meet your match and your doom."
OOC: For the Record, Yafor 2... NOBODY knows anything about Kelvin save Corneliu and Coreworlds, beyond that which he has placed on the fliers he posted and what the various news services have managed to glean about the various posers popping up in response. Kelvin is doing this independent of Godular's control.
Kelvin felt the voice surge from the void and into his mind. Whoever sent this message was a whopper, that was for sure. He sent back a message, retaining enough control to do so even as he dozed lightly.
I hear your call, as you have mine. It is, as they say, on.
Kelvin snapped out of his reverie and turned to Masaki.
"Change of plans. I know exactly where to go next. We must drop to realspace so I can find my bearings."
02-03-2005, 03:59
"All right." I said, dropping to realspace billions of miles from any nearby system. "What's up?"
Space is dark, and only the lights of distant stars fill the sky.
Kelvin looked out the cockpit, and eventually pointed to a certain spot in the empty blackness.
"There... A challenge has been issued from there. Icy and dark... I believe Hoth is the name of our destination."
This new batch of messages, of course, generated an even bigger flurry than the first ones. Assorted news carriers throughout the galaxy were a-buzz with the story. And just as Gorteth was getting word of all this, one of his observation drones reported a shuttle leaving the planet.
Something told Gorteth that this was the biggest lead he would get. There was nothing left on Tatooine worth investigating. The odds were against the timing of his search working out so conveniently, but he had seen enough to know that sometimes, the unlikely occurs.
A series of portals worked its way through space, following the trail of the shuttle. This meant shorter jumps, with frequent pauses to scan for the target, but Gorteth didn't want to risk losing it. Once his objecive was in sight, time was a minor concern for the rogue MX-38.
02-03-2005, 04:18
Kelvin looked out the cockpit, and eventually pointed to a certain spot in the empty blackness.
"There... A challenge has been issued from there. Icy and dark... I believe Hoth is the name of our destination."
"Hoth? Are you sure?" I asked, calculating the coordinates. "Last I heard, there was nothing but an abandoned base there."
"All right." I said, dropping to realspace billions of miles from any nearby system. "What's up?"
Space is dark, and only the lights of distant stars fill the sky.
Jump. Scan. Jump. Scan. Jump. Scan.
Far ahead, a ship came suddenly into view... the shuttle!
The light reflected off its hull wouldn't reach this point for quite a while, but Stardust had sensors that didn't depend on light. Gorteth watched the target closely, and readied the ship to form a portal to its location.
"Yes, I am sure," Kelvin replied. "He is strong... very strong... and alone."
02-03-2005, 04:49
"Yes, I am sure," Kelvin replied. "He is strong... very strong... and alone."
"Hmm. Sounds like a challenge indeed. Well, to Hoth we shall go. There's fur cloaks in the closet." I said, jumping to hyperspace again.
Jangle Jangle Ridge
02-03-2005, 05:37
Scratching... scratching... sparks of energy arc from the machinery, casting odd shadows. More scratching... machinery purrs to life...
Light! An undulating disc of it, slowly pulsing and twisting between the contacts. As soon as it appears, a bulk blocks the stream of light, sinking into the Issuss Stargate. With a snap, the gate closes and locks the Ridgean ship into the other galaxy to be bombarded with messages of the superiority of this "Kelvin".
Ah... a challenge...
Certainly, the source detectable, but faint... ever so faint...
Yes, the planet... there first... Tantooine...
Then the ship vanished - but Stardust had gotten a new vector reading on it as it departed.
The pilot either had a change of plans, or is trying to evade pursuers. It seems likely that I am on the right track.
A portal opened less than a light minute from where the shuttle had just been, and Gorteth continued the chase.
Jangle Jangle Ridge
02-03-2005, 06:04
It was clearer now, so much clearer... the eddies of space and time began to tell a tale...
A ship had made a sudden jump... not long ago... There, the first movement... a second... and yet, it continues past that... where?
The emptiness of space rolled over itself, and the ship was gone...
OOC: If this doesn't sense, I've tracked the jump to Naboo, no farther. I'll jump him back to following you after this guy attacks you if you want, Godular and CW...
Kelvin went into the back and retrieved a single Fur Coat from the storage compartment, brought it back to the cockpit and laid it next to Masaki.
"I will not need a coat. I have... alternative methods of keeping myself warm."
He returned to his seat and resumed his reverie, noting the many eyes following his ship from afar. Hoth is about to get very crowded, he thought to himself as he finished replenishing his reserves and began to simply sleep.
It had been awhile since he slept.
02-03-2005, 17:13
Soon after I, too, doze off, the computer chimed in. "Reversion in five minutes!"
Interrupting a dream about Palpatine getting his just desserts in front of the Supreme Court, I pushed the lever forward, and the stars turned from streaks of light, to pinpoints of light. Soon enough, light from a feeble yellow star turned up a globe of almost complete white, like a jewel snowball.
"Hoth, the only place where hell could be frozen over in a second." I said, pulling up information on the navicomputer for Kelvin. "Native lifeforms: Lichen plants, Tauntaun steeds, and Wampa Ice Creatures that are like predatory Yetis. Watch out for those guys. Known to have an abandoned Rebel Alliance base called Echo Base in glacial plains on the northern hemisphere. If anyone could live on this frozen iceball, it's there."
Information about Echo Base here (
I sped for the planet, taking the time to deploy Rocky and the X-wing silently in space like space junk in case something happens, though I wondered how I could squeeze the two of us in a one-man fighter.
Kelvin stared at the planet as the shuttle drew closer.
"It appears starkly beautiful if you take the time to notice it. The same as Tatooine, with deserts of ice and snow."
He pointed to a spot on the globe. "There. I see the signature like a beacon."
02-03-2005, 20:33
"Huh, that's odd. It's right near the old base." I said, descending into the atmosphere.
Jangle Jangle Ridge
02-03-2005, 22:36
Ah... this next jump... it led straight into space... no matter, it is what it is...
Still, a quick stop... yet it may contain some significance...
Another jump was made, bringing the ship one step closer to Hoth, the frozen planet now only one jump away...
Stardust entered the system near the edge, just in time to se the shuttle descending onto Hoth. Gorteth sent out 40 observation drones, as he had before, and drifted toward the planet. There was one significant difference this time, though: this star did not put out enough power for the full strength absorption shield to be worthwhile. The craft did not put out a great deal of energy, but it would be clearly visible to anyone watching...
OOC: JJR- Gorteth is moving in fairly slowly. Your character would probably have plenty of time to catch up before he found Kelvin if you want.
Jangle Jangle Ridge
02-03-2005, 22:47
OOC: Actually, I'm planning on waiting until after the battle with US to come in. I certainly will at least catch up, but I'm not going to attack Kelvin when he's already facing a dangerous opponent. However, I'll likely attempt to stop all interferance with the battle. My character isn't evil at all, you see. Just a neutral who accidently stumbled on this galaxy, and decided to take up this challenge.
OOC: Gorteth isn't likely to interfere either. He's more curious about this mysterious being who has challenged all evil in the galaxy than angry about the insult/challenge. Most of all, he's hoping to learn something usefull...
If he saw an opportunity to act without being noticed he might toss a stun grenade in, trying to capture them both, but he'll probably just watch.
Lucky Kelvin - looks like he'll have a few spectators for this fight.
02-03-2005, 23:19
OOC: Actually, I'd like Gorteth to challenge Daniel. Be cool to see how they go.
OOC: Sure. That'll be fun. Maybe you could notice him coming, and act to keep him from interfering. Or perhaps he could find you while Kelvin is off fighting; after all, he still doesn't have any idea who Kelvin is...
OOC: Yar... it would be hard to imagine that the little kid in the Bolo Hat is the one with the big gunz. The confusion would only be exacerbated by the fact that Masaki is himself a very powerful specimen.
Unified Sith
03-03-2005, 00:44
The grand rumble of a ship slowly dwarfed the calm atmosphere of Hoth. As the vapour trail streaked the blue sky, the silver hull turned a golden yellow from the setting sun. As the vessel moved towards the buried landing platforms the desolate tundra hid the secrets of Hoth from the airborne eyes. Standing high above the flat Eastern plains Lord Sirus smiled as the craft extended its landing supports in preparation for touchdown.
Setting down his curved lightsabre on the icy surface Sirus opened an ancient black case, former property of the fledgling Rebel Alliance. Flipping the buckles in quick succession the case opened with a small creek, giving testimony to its age. Lifting a small barrel onto his soldier Sirus carefully flipped the targeting mask to "On." As the plasma cell came to life; after years of inactivity, the lock began to establish.
Kelvin, look behind you, HAHAHA.
As Sirus sent out his message the purple streak of a C-3 missile screamed into the air, within a few seconds the Jedi's ship had black streams of smoke and fire pouring from its engine. Watching from the heights of the ruined Ion Cannon, the Sith Lord watched the dilemma as it unfolded.
03-03-2005, 00:50
"What the hell?!" A missile suddenly struck the shields, and damaged the engines. "Hang on, Kelvin!"
I used the Force to make the ship land, making sure that I landed fairly safely. *Crunch*
The ship won't fly again for a while. I sighed, and put on the fur cloak. "Well, someone is definitely here, Kelvin."
Gorteth was watching the shuttle land when the missile struck; the attack came as something of a shock. He might be less than a day away from finding Kelvin Majestatus, someone was attacking his information source, and all he could do was watch!
This was not acceptable. He set the main drive to full power. Energy and high-speed particles flaring behind it, Stardust shot towards Hoth.
Unified Sith
03-03-2005, 01:23
So Masaki is here as well.... Perhaps it is time I put an end to his suffering.
Descending the sloping surface of the Ion cannon Sirus made his way into
his home of seven years. The survivors would be forced to seek shelter in the icy tomb, or die a slow and very cold Death.
Kelvin stepped out of the shuttle and onto a pile of snow built up around the Shuttle's portside wing. It was very much a frigid day, as typical for Hoth, but Kelvin stood in the biting cold in his simple desert camos and bolo cap, completely unaffected by the cold. To him, it was just as cozy as the Mos Eisley cantina on Tatooine.
He looked back behind the shuttle and pointed.
"Short range anti-aircraft projectile. Smoke trail leads in that direction, I suggest that is where we start looking. I am having a hard time tracking him for some reason..."
03-03-2005, 01:38
In my cloak and using the Force to warm the air around me a bit, I was able to keep warm. "Yeah. I can feel a dark disturbance in the Force from that direction, too. Feels very strong, like Sith Lord strong, too. Looks like our challenger is someone we'll definitely have our work cut out for."
Jangle Jangle Ridge
03-03-2005, 01:42
Another close examination... farther on again... yes... the final jump... the destination...
The final jump... such a still planet... except for the explosions...
The ship changed shape, into that of a stereotypical monolith, before jetting into the atmosphere and smashing into the ground with a massive explosion. More slithering, and the ship opened itself, and a twisted finger walked out.
Interesting... There were at least two people aboard, clearly. They don't look injured, or concerned about an injured companion. Good.
Stardust had almost halved the distance between it and its destination, and Gorteth begain slowing the craft.
03-03-2005, 01:48
Something in my mind started buzzing as the Stardust descended. I reached out into the Force, and used the ions in the air to tell me what it was. Another ship, but what's this? No life form? Hmm. I reached deeper, and sensed a lot of electrical power, like that from a droid.
"Kelvin, I think we have some more company." I said.
Kelvin nodded. Then began to run in the general direction of the smoke trail, holding his arms out and making airplane noises as he swerved around in random directions.
Another shock! Gorteth brought the image of this new explosion up on a second screen, and saw the figure emerging from its strange craft.
So, then... it seems I am not the only one who has been tracking this shuttle.
I reached deeper, and sensed a lot of electrical power, like that from a droid.
OOC: Kendaryn technology uses something similar, but not identical, to electricity; this difference should be noticeable, especially in an X class robot. It would feel a bit more life-like than an ordinary droid, though still quite different from a biological life form.
03-03-2005, 02:03
OOC: Ok.
I chuckled at the kid, thinking about 'scolding' Kelvin to behave. Still a kid, though a powerful one. We aimed for the base, wary of any tricks.
Stardust reached Hoth, and plunged into the atmosphere. A shield, designed for this exact purpose, eliminated most of the friction of entry and drained off the heat caused by the rest; because of this, the craft was far less noticeable than most until it approached the surface.
An array of repulsion beams sent jets of air rushing below the craft, slowing its descent.
Until they passed its tip, Kelvin kept to the short-ish crash wake left in the snow, running down one side and up the other. The crash had left an almost perfectly hemispherical trench for about five hundred yards.
He went down one side, up the other, and kept going upwards, completing the circle by touching down on the other side, and making airplane sounds the entire time.
He came to a rather rough landing when the trench ended, smacking into the snow with a hearty poof. Standing up immediately, he shook off the snow and continued to buzz along happily. It would be a few hours before they reached their destination.
03-03-2005, 04:12
I sighed, and headed onwards to the abandoned Echo base. The sun disappeared below the horizon, immediately cooling the surface of Hoth even more. Not to mention that there's a blizzard heading this way. No way even the both of us could survive something that cold...
Kelvin noted the rapidly dropping temperature, and turned to Masaki.
"Do you know what a good insulator is?"
He brought out a short, yet very wide blade and started messing around with the ground. It soon became evident that he was digging a burrow.
"Ice! I can just start up one of my light-blades for warmth every now and then, and the ice should keep the blizzards at bay. When day comes along, I can burrow back out and we are, as they say, golden."
03-03-2005, 04:35
"An igloo, eh? That's interesting." I smirked, and helped him with my own lightsaber and some judicious application of lightning. My brother Taylor could do this alot better than I could, though, being a pyro- and cryokinetic.
Kelvin eventually had a small yet cozy burrow dug in the snow, packing in the interior to almost concrete strength with judicious application of telekinetic force and delicately applied lightsaber heat to finish the job.
It was actually quite large for the speed in which it was crafted. Being enough to seat four people comfortably.
It even had a pair of packed-snow stools in the middle.
Kelvin crawled in and settled down.
"I hope you have some sort of emergency supplies in that big fur coat of yours. An air heater for one, while unneccessary, would be so much more convenient. I would hate to have to wake up every hour or two to bring the temperature back up."
03-03-2005, 04:58
"I never leave anywhere without MREs and water." I said, dropping my bag of goodies on the ice floor (that I always have with me whereever I go).
"OO! Curry chicken," Kelvin squeaked as one of the MREs hit the floor.
Gorteth brought his ship down just within sight of the shuttle, well out of sight of the two he was chasing. Six legs shimmered into place below Stardust as the repulsion beams gradually faded, and the craft settled gently into the snow. Gorteth shifted into human appearance and left, the door vanishing behind him.
He had detected the approach of the blizzard while landing, of course, but it did not concern him. The storm might interfere with Stardust's sensors, which would be a nuisance, but the cold wouldn't affect him in the slightest.
With one 'eye' set to infrared wavelengths, Gorteth could clearly see the residual heat from the crash. If he hurried, the trail of the two he followed would be plainly visible. The robot set off at a run, easily forging a path through the snow.
03-03-2005, 09:47
"Hot dog!" I said, chewing my MRE, which does taste like hot dogs. We ate a few MREs, then slept through the night and the blizzard.
Gorteth was still a ways from the shelter when the blizzard made the trail indistinguishable. He sat down and let the snow hide him, waiting for any sign of activity.
OOC: For the Record, Yafor 2... NOBODY knows anything about Kelvin save Corneliu and Coreworlds, beyond that which he has placed on the fliers he posted and what the various news services have managed to glean about the various posers popping up in response. Kelvin is doing this independent of Godular's control.
OOC:Ooops...sorry. *cries*
Jacob Semiran cursed under his breath. For hours, now, he had been searching Tatooine for the, it seemed, very elusive Kelvin Majestus. For hours he had gone up and down, through deserts and across mountains, through sandstorms and across dry streambeds, looking for the Jedi. Now where was he?
"Semiran, is that you?" Jordan A'Kamor's voice came floating across the network.
"Yes, Sir Al'Kamor. replied the man.
"Where are you?"
"On Tatooine, like you said. I can't find head nor tail of h-" He was interrupted.
"Fool, we caught a hair of him on HOTH!! Ge there now!"
Jacob Semiran packed up and was sson in space, flying towards Hoth.
OOC:Have someone sense him or something,
03-03-2005, 19:40
Morning came, and the blizzard blew it's way out of the area. It's now safe to travel again. I woke up, and spotted Kelvin sleeping as well and shook him, waking him up. "Hey, it's time to go."
OOC: Sorry about the... tenacity of my response, Yafor. I should have made it clear that he was essentially an unknown in all respects in the beginning.
Kelvin snorted loudly and curled up tighter.
"Just five more minutes, papa... I don' wanna move a mountain again..."
Kelvin then sat bolt upright and looked around. "Odd dream."
He got up and began burrowing his way out of the hole, shoving aside the large amounts of fallen snow as he headed towards the surface.
"Very odd dream..."
OOC: Sorry about the... tenacity of my response, Yafor. I should have made it clear that he was essentially an unknown in all respects in the beginning.
OOC:No, it was my fault, I should have realized that an important or known figure wouldn't try such a rash thing. I meant the "*cries*" as a joke, BTW.
Jacob Semiran landed on Hoth, and pulled out his bike-pod...only to find that the invention didn't work at all on snow. He cursed, sticking the top in the snow and trying to work out a way to modify it. He had been trained to do such things, and had all the spare parts. Now all he needed to do was to actually work...
Later, a few hours, actually, he was done. What he had, in fact, done was add a pair of skis to the bike-pod, skis that could come downa dn go up at the press of a button. He was very proud of himself, in fact, for modifying such a machine, though Jordan Al'Kamor had probably done that a while ago.
A few hours later, Jacob Semiran was busy speeding along the snowy landscape of Hoth. Then, as he passed over some ice, the right ski broke. Bending dwon to fix it, he had no idea he was actually right outside the place where Daniel and Kelvin were. Now, if they sensed him with the force, all they needed to do was to sneak behind him....
03-03-2005, 21:46
"Hold on, someone's out there." I said, stretching out with my feelings. "Human. Lemme deal with him. I don't think he'd be ready for a nine-year-old kicking his ass. An 18 year old would be better."
I burrowed out of the igloo, and took a look around. There seemed to be a guy working on his bike right outside us. Either he's real good, or real lucky. Either way, he's our first challenger. I walked behind the guy, sneaking up behind him like an ice wolf after prey...
Until I stepped in a hole I didn't see, and stumbled, a yelp escaping me. "Shit."
"What the -" Jacob Semiran yelped as he turned around to see an 18-year-old man tripping in an ice hole.
"Are you ok?" he asked, catching the man's arm.
03-03-2005, 22:08
"Yeah, thanks." I said, recovering. "Say, what are you doing on this frozen hell?"
"Looking for a certain Kelvin Majestatus. I hear he has issued a challenge and the I am delivering a letter from the Yaforite government about the challenge, not to mention the fact that I woul like to challenge him myself." Jacob Semiran replied.
03-03-2005, 22:30
Well, well, well. My suspicions were correct. I smirked. He's after Kelvin.
"Very interesting. Very interesting." I smiled. "For you have come to the right place...and the right person."
Jangle Jangle Ridge
03-03-2005, 22:40
OOC: And now, for something completely different.
First person, not Monty Python :P. Though, when the battle comes, I'll go third again. Because that's what I do.
IC: Perfect. Everything was confusing around here. The largest sign of heat was the crashed ship, but nothing was inside the damn thing. Besides that, there were at least four more heat signatures. A quick EM scan made things, if anything, worse. Besides the wreck, there were two large metallic signatures, and one tiny one (OOC: Just the supplies in the igloo for the small one, and Sidius and Gorgeth for the large ones). With a shrug, I idly continued towards the small metallic signature and the three heat signatures. Hopefully I'd found a trading post of some kind....
Sound, motion... not far away.
Gorteth poked his head cautiously above the snow, turning to watch Jacob working on the bike. He zoomed in, watching the discussion between Jacob and Daniel as easily as if he had been standing with them, and hearing every word they said.
This should be most informative...
A Narvok heavy blaster shimmered into place in his right hand, just in case it looked like the challenger was going to win. Gorteth was quite certain he didn't want this quest to end with the target killed by another before his eyes, and he wasn't sure exactly what Jacob's motives were.
Kelvin decided that Daniel would likely have things well in hand for the latest challenger. He sent out a small part of his consciousness into the barren wastes and zoomed towards the run-down Echo Base. Taking stock of his precognitive position, he initiated a quick teleport and pretty much landed within what used to be the outer defensive perimeter of the former rebel base.
He closed his eyes and scanned the general area. He saw Darth Sirus' force aura, black and crackling, somewhere within the base.
I am here. Knock Knock.
Well, well, well. My suspicions were correct. I smirked. He's after Kelvin.
"Very interesting. Very interesting." I smiled. "For you have come to the right place...and the right person."
"So you are Kelvin?" he asked, puzzled. "Here, then take this letter."
04-03-2005, 03:42
"So you are Kelvin?" he asked, puzzled. "Here, then take this letter."
"Thank you." I said, taking the letter. I opened it to read it...
The Letter:
Dear Kelvin Majestatus,
We recently have had an outbreak of signs proclaiming how powerful you are. If yuo ever need refuge, you are welcome in Yafor 2. We are lacking in Jedi and those of that type, and thus would enjoy if you came. Also, we would like to open relations with your country, whatever it is.
Aemon Chaliny
Foreign Minister and High Governor of All Yaforite Provinces and Galactic Colonies.
04-03-2005, 03:55
Very nice. Not only that, there would be not one, but two nations to open relations with this one soon. I folded it up and pocketed it. "Thank you. So you came here to challenge me as well, eh? Well, I have but one thing to say..."
I disappeared and reappeared behind him. "Go home, now. You're in over your head. If you still wish to engage, I won't be responsible for anything that happens."
Jangle Jangle Ridge
04-03-2005, 04:01
I heard the shuffling of the snow in front of me, and slowly scanned again to find the metallic signature. I nearly jumped as I saw the largest of the metallic signatures, mere feet away from the signature, near the grouping of heat signatures. Perhaps I could take a quick detour... I changed directions slightly, and heated for the signature.
OOC: Ok, FYI, I'm advancing on Gorteth.
OOC: Are you close enough and making enough noise that he would hear you coming? His auditory sensors are pretty effective.
Kelvin walked through the enormous landing bay doors of the abandoned Echo Base, keeping an eye on his surroundings but making it seem like he was just hopping from debris pile to debris pile, singing a light-hearted Marching tune.
He came upon a circle of scuffed snow, surrounded by bits of once-melted metal and ice. Footprints all around, too. Somebody had been practicing... for a long time.
He decided to step into the little circle and see if he could match the pattern of footprints scuffed into the ice, to see if he could figure out what type of weapon his adversary would prefer to use. It wasn't long until he himself was blazing away at the frigid air with his conjured prismatic light rapiers, claymore, and even his light-staff...
Very nice. Not only that, there would be not one, but two nations to open relations with this one soon. I folded it up and pocketed it. "Thank you. So you came here to challenge me as well, eh? Well, I have but one thing to say..."
I disappeared and reappeared behind him. "Go home, now. You're in over your head. If you still wish to engage, I won't be responsible for anything that happens."
Jacob nodded. "I only wanted a practice fight, if you know what I mean." he said unsurely.
04-03-2005, 20:49
Jacob nodded. "I only wanted a practice fight, if you know what I mean." he said unsurely.
I smirked. "Very well. We shall begin anytime you wish."
Jacob was young, new, and innocent. But he was good with a sword, or laserblade, as the Yaforite version of lightsaber was called. It was a lightsaber, in the shape of the ancient sword of the samuri of Japan.
"Ok, let's start now. And none of those fancy mind tricks, ok?" he said, drawing his laserblade.
04-03-2005, 20:55
Jacob was young, new, and innocent. But he was good with a sword, or laserblade, as the Yaforite version of lightsaber was called. It was a lightsaber, in the shape of the ancient sword of the samuri of Japan.
"Ok, let's start now. And none of those fancy mind tricks, ok?" he said, drawing his laserblade.
"Agreed." I won't need it, as I drew my blue lightsaber. "A light-katana, eh? Not bad."
"It works," Jacob said.
Then, jumping in, he slashed at Daniel's left side, then jumped out.
04-03-2005, 21:12
"It works," Jacob said.
Then, jumping in, he slashed at Daniel's left side, then jumped out.
I parried the blow, and then went for his right leg.
Jacob jumped backwards, barely avoiding the blow. Leaping to the side, he thrusted at Daniel's chest with part of his wieght, still wary for attacks.
04-03-2005, 21:30
Jacob jumped backwards, barely avoiding the blow. Leaping to the side, he thrusted at Daniel's chest with part of his wieght, still wary for attacks.
I parried the second blow, and grinning, turned it into a series of fencing thrusts and strikes.
On account of his having not put all his weight into his earlier attack, JAcob was able to parry and block all of the moves shown by his opponent. Now he hung back, waiting for another attack.
04-03-2005, 21:38
Smart. I thought, and moved into a high guard, circling my foe like a vulture before feinting at the neck, and striking for the right ribs.
Jacob fell for the fake immediatly. The opponent's lightsaber slashed down at his ribs, not breaking them, only grazing.
Stepping back, he breathed deeply and nodded, before raising his laserblade once more in anticipation of an attack. "You're good, Kelvin." he said, for he still thought Daniel was Kelvin.
04-03-2005, 21:48
I just nodded, and then I launched a figure-8 to force him back, thinking a move ahead of him as I used the figure-8 to lock blades with him.
One thing Jacob Semiran had always heard was how strong he was. Locking blades with his opponent in the figure-8, he realized what Daniel was doing. To combat this, he shoved. Very few people could witstand a shove of Jacob Semiran, he was that strong.
04-03-2005, 22:03
One thing Jacob Semiran had always heard was how strong he was. Locking blades with his opponent in the figure-8, he realized what Daniel was doing. To combat this, he shoved. Very few people could witstand a shove of Jacob Semiran, he was that strong.
The shove caught me off-guard for a second, and I lost my chance for my trademark finisher. This is no amateur swordsman...time to get serious.
Building up Force energy, I increased speed and launched a series of feints and blows at Jacob, increasing to about half of what would be in a Jedi/Sith duel.
Jacob gritted his teeth and cursed inside his head as the technique of the opponent drastically increased. He could hold on, however, and began to block rapidly.
04-03-2005, 22:21
Jacob gritted his teeth and cursed inside his head as the technique of the opponent drastically increased. He could hold on, however, and began to block rapidly.
The tempo was up now, and I smiled as I continued to rain blows...until I teleported again.
Jacob continued to block, until, all of a sudden, his opponent disappeared.
"What the hell? Kelvin? Where are you?" Anger was plain on his face. Then he sighed and put his laserblade where he had found it. "I guess that means the fight is over."
04-03-2005, 22:32
"Hello." I said, instantly reappearing behind him, and swung my lightsaber blade into his back. At the last second, I powered it down enough so that it won't kill him, but feel more like getting a live wire on his back.
"AAaaaaa!!" Jacob screamed, then turned around. "Hey, that wasn't fair. Anyway, the fight's over."
04-03-2005, 22:37
"AAaaaaa!!" Jacob screamed, then turned around. "Hey, that wasn't fair. Anyway, the fight's over."
"Yup." I smirked, extinguishing my blade. Not bad, but he's no Jedi.
"Thanks." Jacob's face was annoyed as he sat down and began to continue to work to fix his bike-pod.
04-03-2005, 22:45
"Well, need any help?" I asked. If not, I'll head to Echo Base to find Kelvin.
Your turn, Kendari!
Kelvin is fast - but not fast enough, and I would be very surprised if he's encountered a Tolmadren blast-blade before... That teleportation could be a problem, though. It'd break any lock I can put on him. Let's see...
Opening long-term storage directory 'Outlands Magic'
Opening sub directory 'Seekers'
Opening file 'Damothi Hunter III'
Gorteth stood, rising easily through the snow. One 'eye' shifted rapidly through a number of settings, checking for anything unusual. At this distance, the change would probably not be visible. The gun had vanished from his hand.
"Greetings, Kelvin Majestatus."
He strode swiftly toward the two.
"That was an interesting duel I just saw, though you don't seem to have had too much trouble..."
04-03-2005, 23:20
OOC: What's a Damothi Hunter?
"Well, I just didn't wanna kill him." I shrugged. Must be my next opponent. Feels like a droid, so may be vulnerable to lightning, but I won't bet too much on that.
"That always makes things harder, true. If you don't mind my asking, why the challenge?"
OOC: A low-level magical construct. Given a target, it accelerates toward that target until it reaches it, then does something. Type III induces sleep - Gorteth isn't trying to kill you. It can be blocked, but teleporting won't break the target-lock. That last factor is why he looked it up.
04-03-2005, 23:29
"Well, like I said all over the galaxy, I wanted to prove myself. To see how others stack up against my powers." I said. Unsaid: True enough, since I'm pretty high-level myself. It's just that the real Kelvin would cream each and every one of you thus far. Plus, he's meeting Darth Sirius, so I'm interference for now.
Sleep probably won't work well on a Jedi of either Dan or Kelvin's level. Resilence is a bitch, ain't it? :p
"Well, I can certainly understand that... It's much the same reason I came. So... no fatal blows, then?"
The hilts of two Tolmadren energy swords shimmered into his hands; for the moment, he left them turned off.
OOC: Yes, but Gorteth doesn't know that... The effect of repeated impacts adds up, so if he hits you with enough of them it should do something, but a lightsaber should block them easily enough.
I won't be able to post for a while, but I'll be back... *evil grin*
04-03-2005, 23:46
"Not unless you're going for it." I grinned slightly, going for my lightsaber again. Then I drew in some Force again, to get my speed back up to 50%. With droids, better start off fast...
Daniel usually carries two hilts, one out for everyone to see, and one concealed in a pocket on his left leg. He won't reveal it, or his ninja gear (right leg holster and utility belt pouch) unless he needs to.
Unified Sith
05-03-2005, 02:35
During the Night
Trudging through the soft white snow Sirus moved in a veil of darkness. The great hostile blizzard of the ice world blasted around him while his grand black cloak bellowed in the great gusts and gales. Moving towards the crashed ship, with a small data card in hand; it was all the Sith Lord needed to obtain his freedom. Sirus passed the unawares Jedi, sound asleep in their makeshift shelter.
Snorting, while the harsh conditions of the storm were kept at bay by an invisible force barrier, Sirus stared at the block building in amazement. "Are they truly Jedi? If they are, they are weak, surely they know that all one requires is the force to survive. Perhaps this Kelvin and Masaki are not as strong as once thought."
Passing the sleeping Knights Sirus continued onwards until he reached the Jedi's snow covered ship. With a gentle blast of lightning the snow melted and trickled down to his feet. With a loud screech the gentle hum a red lightsabre could just be seen amongst the raging storm.
Cutting his way through the silver hull Sirus moved towards an access hatch. SUBSPACE ARRAY was clearly labelled in large yellow and black striped writing. Removing the primary control board Sirus replaced it with his own, custom made replacement. Staying as long as necessary the Sith Lord proceeded to disable and destroy the engines of the transport.
Moving back to his lair Sirus would lie in wait for the Jedi to come to him, he now knew Echo base like his own lightsabre hilt. They would be lost in the maze of collapsed tunnels and wreckage before long, soon he would escape this cursed Ice world, soon he would be free.
The Next Day
Deep in meditation in the depths of Echo a small voice sounded in the distance of his mind. It was calling to him, not yet strong enough to signify true power, but it had merit, it had potential.
"I am here. Knock Knock.
Smiling as the faint voice gave away the boys position Sirus took to his feet. " As am I child, you will find me here...
Kelvin stopped dead cold in his retracing of Sirus' footprints in the practice circle. As a matter of fact, he had been in the middle of a leaping swipe, and somehow managed to hold his position in the air.
You bet I will.
Kelvin touched down onto the ground and began walking purposefully in the direction of Sirus' force signature. He made his way through the warren of dead ends and cave-ins with confidence, seemingly having the fastest path to his quarry etched into his mind.
And this labyrinth will not stop me. Do not get TOO comfortable.
"Well, need any help?" I asked. If not, I'll head to Echo Base to find Kelvin.
Your turn, Kendari!
"Not really, y'know."
Jacob wanted to stay, but it would have been rude to say it.
05-03-2005, 19:02
"All right, then." I said to Jacob, watching the human-replica droid (to me, of course) carefully.
Jacob nodded. He just finished repairing his bike-pod. "It seems a waste to come here and only stay for an hour or so. Never been here, y'"
05-03-2005, 19:14
"Not much to tour on this frozen iceball." I replied. "Except for Echo Base just to the north."
"Really? You wanna go there?" Jacob said.
05-03-2005, 20:02
"Really? You wanna go there?" Jacob said.
"Yeah, someone's there that I must meet. But first, I must deal with this guy." I said.
"Ohh, well, I can wait. Go ahead." said Jacob, whistling.
Unified Sith
05-03-2005, 21:00
The former command room of echo base had been cleared by Sirus upon his arrival to the Ice world. Though the old Empire had already done an excellent job, there was still some material that had to be removed. It took him the better part of a week to finish the clearing and formation of his meditation room, but when finished Sirus could infuse himself with the force. For seven years the dark Lord spent refining his powers, growing in hatred for the blue monstrosity that is Grand Admiral Thrawn. Over the years the darkside aura left by Lord Vader hung in the air, everything that lived slowly died, and the once clear ice walls in the command room had turned to an ominous black.
Meditating on a cylindrical dias Sirus watched as the shadow of an intruder crept into the room. He was young, about twelve years of age. Graced by youth it was obvious that this child was strong, but his powers still unrefined, he is weak.
"welcome to Hoth Kelvin."
Kelvin ambled into the strangely corrupted command room of Echo base, and immediately noticed the figure meditating in the middle of the room. The force aura was surprisingly intense, though nowhere near as strong as Obsidian's.
This one might actually prove to be a challenge.
I am here. Shall we get started?
Kelvin's face broke out into his familiar irritatingly enthusiastic grin.
Unified Sith
05-03-2005, 22:06
"Start what child? You have already served your purpose, leave now, or you will die." Sirus laughed and continued to meditate.
No, No, I do not think I will leave. Nor will I die, as a matter of fact.
Unified Sith
05-03-2005, 22:14
Sirus looked up, the dim light in the room retreating into shadow. The air growing colder, the ice growing darker. Rising to his feet, Sirus was twice as tall as Kelvin and almost nine times the age. "I give you one last chance to leave, if not you and your companions on the surface shall die. I do not kill children, willingly, but if I must, so be it."
You give yourself too much credit. I know you have something... "planned". I also do not care. I am here, to challenge. What you do before or after, I care not. All that you will know beyond this day is that I. Am. Better. Than. You.
Unified Sith
06-03-2005, 01:52
Sirus laughed once more. "So be it child, you shall have your duel." Igniting his sabre Sirus locked eye contact, "I shall let you make the first move, BOY
Kelvin's enthusiastic grin grew even wider as he brought his hands forth. Twisting his arms around, two rings of prismatic light emerged into existence, thrumming softly.
You say 'boy' as though it is a bad thing.
He launched the Light-Chakrams at Sirus, sending them slicing through the air as though they were cutting into the universe itself.
Unified Sith
06-03-2005, 02:48
As Kelvin made his opening attack Sirus took to his dais. Sitting in concentration the child's attack seemed to take an age to occur. The energy manifesting itself, the will of the boy directing it, and the mighty presence of the force shaping the area around him. Finally the crackling energy came forth and impacted upon the visible force wall between Sirus and Kelvin. Lifting his own hands the Dark Lord returned the favour of lightning. As Sirus made his attack the Dark Lords sabre flew from his hand. Flying through the air in an expert fashion Kelvin would find himself duelling only a sword.....
But then, Sirus wasn't the only one who saw things move at tectonic speed. The Chakrams bounced off the force field and ricocheted off of walls, always slamming back into the shield, testing for the first sign of weakness.
He also understood the lightsaber and lightning approaching him. Kelvin's whipped his hands forward, almost fast enough to cause a sonic boom, and his Light Shield came up, siphoning energy from the electric bolt.
As for the lightsaber, one of the chakrams bounded from Sirus' force shield, slamming into the blade of the flying sword, but perilously close to the hilt. The other chakram soon leapt into the dance, alternating between slamming into the flying lightsaber and Sirus' shield with increasing alacrity. With each passing second the chakrams got faster and faster, stronger and stronger...
And then, Kelvin assaulted the lightsaber with his own will, working to wrest control from its original owner.
A force shield... I believe I understand... thank you.
This one would teach him much before the fight was through...
Unified Sith
07-03-2005, 03:49
As Kelvin began to struggle the Dark Lord slowly began to exert some effort. The attacks upon the force wall made no headway as Sirus quickly tightened his grip upon the force. Slowly as Kelvin concentrated on the Sabre, the Sith began to form a box around the child, invisible, impenetrable walls of energy quickly compressing in.
07-03-2005, 06:21
Narthaus had put a long range Klingtonian BattleNET tracking system in Daniels Dragon Scale robe. Narthaus was a smart guy, and could connect two and two in realizing that Daniel was with the Kelvin boy. He walked down the hall of the Infinite, and found his genetic "brother" Auron. Auron was a Dragon Knight, and didn't wear pure Klingtonian armor. He wore a light battle suit that was visible underneath his robe and an opened helm with two dragon horns sticking out of the cheek plates on it. He wore a huge sword in his belt.
Narthaus walked up to Auron and said, "I need you to go to Echo Base, watch over Daniel for me, Ill upload the coordinates to your suit." He said as he uploaded the Coords onto Aurons battlesuit.
"I will be off." Auron replied.
Auron arrived on Echo Base and began to walk out of his small shuttle. It was cold. Amazingly cold. He hit a few buttons on his battle suit bracer, as his helmet began to close and a viewscreen descended over his eyes. The rest of his suit began to power up and began auto-heating his body in this cold enviorment. He set out to Daniel, his "blip" on the radar screen...
07-03-2005, 06:40
Watching Gorteth's movements, I sensed someone else on this planet.
"Not unless you're going for it." I grinned slightly, going for my lightsaber again. Then I drew in some Force again, to get my speed back up to 50%. With droids, better start off fast...
"Of course not. If I killed you, I wouldn't get the fun of watching any more of your fights."
He waited for a moment while Daniel and Jacob talked, then...
"Yeah, someone's there that I must meet. But first, I must deal with this guy."
"Well, I wouldn't want to keep you waiting."
A wave of shimmering, accompanied by a series of soft clicks, ran from his head to his feet; where it past, psuedoskin and cloth were replaced by battle-steel marked with an intricate tracing of other metals. Exactly as the shift reached his hads, he switched on the energy swords. Pure white beams extended, the left about two feet, and the right three; the blades had an unusual look to them, almost a flickering quality.
"Let us begin." he added, his voice sounding distinctly artificial.
Stepping forward, he slashed at Daniel's side with his right-hand sword; he kept the left blade close, in a defensive position. He moved a bit more slowly than the fastest he had seen in the earlier duel.
OOC: The energy swords, on their current setting, cause a small explosion on impact. The most significant effect of this is that, when one hits another energy sword (including a lightsaber, of course), both weapons tend to bounce back. It's still possible to lock blades with him, but it's a lot harder.
On the off chance that he ever manages to get a blade past your guard, he'll turn it off or stop before it hits you.
Sorry about the delay, by the way.
Kelvin felt the force barriers slowly coming into being around him, and realized that the lightsaber was, as one of his tutors in the Special Forces had called it: "A freakin' FEINT!"
The Chakrams poofed out of existence, and Kelvin brought new power into his effort to bring Sirus' lightsaber under his control... or crush it, whichever was easier.
At the same time, he sent another fragment of his will grasping at Sirus, commencing one of his favored poltergeist moves. It had dropped Kenobi's jaw when he was only six years old, who knew what he could do with it now.
Soon enough, hands of ghostly... weird stuff began grasping at Sirus, pulling in all directions, pushing, pulling, yanking and even punching... all Kelvin needed was a good hold...
07-03-2005, 07:13
"Of course not. If I killed you, I wouldn't get the fun of watching any more of your fights."
He waited for a moment while Daniel and Jacob talked, then...
"Yeah, someone's there that I must meet. But first, I must deal with this guy."
"Well, I wouldn't want to keep you waiting."
A wave of shimmering, accompanied by a series of soft clicks, ran from his head to his feet; where it past, psuedoskin and cloth were replaced by battle-steel marked with an intricate tracing of other metals. Exactly as the shift reached his hads, he switched on the energy swords. Pure white beams extended, the left about two feet, and the right three; the blades had an unusual look to them, almost a flickering quality.
"Let us begin." he added, his voice sounding distinctly artificial.
Stepping forward, he slashed at Daniel's side with his right-hand sword; he kept the left blade close, in a defensive position. He moved a bit more slowly than the fastest he had seen in the earlier duel.
I blocked it, then struck out for the lower legs. Faster than last time, my blade was more of a blur than when I dealt with Jacob.
OOC: The energy swords, on their current setting, cause a small explosion on impact. The most significant effect of this is that, when one hits another energy sword (including a lightsaber, of course), both weapons tend to bounce back. It's still possible to lock blades with him, but it's a lot harder.
On the off chance that he ever manages to get a blade past your guard, he'll turn it off or stop before it hits you.
Sorry about the delay, by the way.
OOC: No problem.
The right blade rebounded from Daniel's block; Gorteth whirled back over his head to strike from the upper left. His left-hand sword flipped downwards and extended to block his opponent's blow.
Skimming rapidly across all mental communication varieties he knew, Gorteth directed the same message toward Daniel:
-Do you hear this?-
07-03-2005, 07:33
The right blade rebounded from Daniel's block; Gorteth whirled back over his head to strike from the upper left. His left-hand sword flipped downwards and extended to block his opponent's blow.
I ducked under the first swing, bouncing my saber on the second swing, and then went into my Form II fencing attacks, thrusting and striking efficiently for openings.
Skimming rapidly across all mental communication varieties he knew, Gorteth directed the same message toward Daniel:
-Do you hear this?-
Momentarily surprised at the advanced technology this 'droid' possesses, I replied. Yeah, I do.
-Excellent... Let's give him a proper show, shall we?-
Gorteth's blades wove a complex pattern, with one striking while the other blocked.
07-03-2005, 07:52
-Excellent... Let's give him a proper show, shall we?-
Gorteth's blades wove a complex pattern, with one striking while the other blocked.
Who? I asked, but flicked my wrist for each block and strike. Form II was pretty effective here, as I flicked my saber up or down, side to side as the battle dictated. At this speed, we seemed pretty even.
"Ohh, well, I can wait. Go ahead." said Jacob, whistling.
-Jacob. He's still watching.-
Flashes of light filled the air about the duelists as sword crashed against sword.
OOC: Alas, I know virtually nothing about fencing...
07-03-2005, 08:15
-Jacob. He's still watching.-
Flashes of light filled the air about the duelists as sword crashed against sword.
OOC: Alas, I know virtually nothing about fencing...
OOC: Just watch Count Dooku in Attack of the Clones, he uses Form II. Daniel does something like that, though less experienced, of course. The kid also uses IV (4, Qui-Gon, Yoda, two blades) which is basically a speedblitzer's form. He pulls out a bit of III (Obi-Wan) and V (5, Anakin) for gun weaponry and defensive stances.
I smirked, Time to up the ante!
From Form II, I switched stances to the Form IV style as I increased my speed. Now, I was weaving nothing but a blur of blue light, as I dueled the fast Gorteth.
Had Gorteth's steel face been capable of changing expression, he would have been grinning. Even with two swords against his oppeent's one, he had to move almost as fast as he could to keep up with this; the crash of the Tolmadren blast-blades striking blended into a constant roar.
He switched to a more defensive style, striking at Daniel only when the clash left him with a free blade.
-This is the first real challenge I've faced in years. I doubt there's another in my territory who could last for a dozen blows against you...-
07-03-2005, 08:34
Had Gorteth's steel face been capable of changing expression, he would have been grinning. Even with two swords against his oppeent's one, he had to move almost as fast as he could to keep up with this; the crash of the Tolmadren blast-blades striking blended into a constant roar.
He switched to a more defensive style, striking at Daniel only when the clash left him with a free blade.
-This is the first real challenge I've faced in years. I doubt there's another in my territory who could last for a dozen blows against you...-
Why, thank you for the compliment!
Pressing the advantage, I began to use disarming techniques, seeking to finish this battle once and for all as I hooked blades with mine and sought to pull them out of his steel hands. The interesting thing was, I didn't even have to use any of my offensive Force powers yet for any of the foes so far!
-I give credit where credit is due. Besides, this is fun.-
Gorteth's grip could be very strong when he chose... but it was not tested yet. As soon as one of his blades was hooked, it shortened for a fraction of a second to dagger length, just long enough to break the lock. In an abrupt switch of style, the robot brought both blades sweeping in from opposite sides...
OOC: The library's closing; I must depart. Not for nearly as long, this time, at least.
07-03-2005, 08:54
-I give credit where credit is due. Besides, this is fun.-
Gorteth's grip could be very strong when he chose... but it was not tested yet. As soon as one of his blades was hooked, it shortened for a fraction of a second to dagger length, just long enough to break the lock. In an abrupt switch of style, the robot brought both blades sweeping in from opposite sides...
OOC: The library's closing; I must depart. Not for nearly as long, this time, at least.
OOC: Ok.
The dagger-style caught me up, and the moment both blades sweeped in from each side, I jumped clear over them. Up and over his head, I landed behind him, dropped low and made for a sweep-kick to knock down Gorteth.
Unified Sith
07-03-2005, 21:44
A slow and growing pressure began to constrict Sirus's airways, the grasp seemingly there for a moment, was repeatedly lost and regained as Kelvin fought for survival.
The created Force wall now shrunk to an increasingly threatening size removing the room for the sabre to manouvere it fell to the floor, the red crystal inside shattered by the Dark Lords will.
The grip increasing in power squeezed the Sith's airways, standing up unalarmed Sirus stretched forth his left hand and began to repay the favour.
With a croaking voice Sirus managed a laugh. "The air should be getting quite thin in there Kelvin, but we must end this quickly, I have a ride to catch!."
07-03-2005, 22:39
I stopped combat for a moment, sensing that Kelvin may be in trouble. "Excuse me, I'll be back in a moment."
I teleported away, and reappeared at Echo base and ran in to find the Dark Lord. It didn't take long since I could sense the energies the two contestants were using. Hold on...Darth Sirus is here?! Crap. I entered the actual arena, and then I saw the Dark Lord himself. Yup, that's him! "Well, if it isn't the Dark Lord of the Sith on Ice!"
Kelvin no longer had to worry about the lightsaber, which was good. He immediately turned his full attention on directing a series of concentrated force pulses centered on Sirus, while keeping up the power on the Poltergeist effect. Even now figments of his will were tearing at all possible parts of Sirus. Tugging his hair, pushing, shoving, punching, trying to yank his feet out from under him, pulling his arms every which way, even working to constrict his eyesight by gripping at his face.
If Kelvin could break Sirus' concentration, he would have the upper hand, but he began his contingency just in case...
A light hissing sound began to emanate from his eyes, and a black mist issued forth from his tear ducts...
We have a saying where I come from: Nothing can keep us down. Not even DEATH can keep us down. I think you will find I am harder to... dispose of than you expect.
When Masaki entered the room, surprising him momentarily, Kelvin managed to nod his head towards his companion.
"Do. Not. Interfere. I. Still. Have. A. Surprise..."
08-03-2005, 00:23
I nodded and leaned on an ice wall, watching the events unfold.
Unified Sith
08-03-2005, 01:16
"You are too proud, child of Godular, only towards the end of your life shall you understand the power you are facing, only at the end shall I dignify you, by gutting you upon my blade. Yes, you are all too proud, the Jedi are an arrogant order, they do not learn from their mistakes, no, they never learn. hahahahahahaha." The established force wall now flew forward towards the child in an attempt to ruin his concentration. Waving his hand Sirus drew the vast amounts of darkforce energy from around him. The Black ice of the cave turned a clear, crystal blue, while the Sith became a void of which not even light could escape.
As the great drawing began to climax Sirus let out a laugh that seemed to shatter the planet. Ice exploded, Glaciers suddenly melted, and the frozen tundra of Hoth began to liquefy into Ocean. Water poured from the cave walls, while large cracks of ice fell from the roof, all of it revolving around the Dark Lord. In an explosion unseen by any before, for the resulting release in energy made no display of light or sound, Sirus disappeared into a void.
In Orbit ISD Tormentor
"Welcome Darth Sirus, has have you completed your task?
"Yes master, he is informed."
The sly Star Destroyer, that had arrived in orbit turned in a grand arc, and began to head towards Coruscant.
08-03-2005, 01:47
I produced a Force-shield over myself to protect from the worst of the shockwave, but bracing myself against ice that shattered into water wasn't easy. "Well, Kelvin, looks like he escaped us this time..."
The dagger-style caught me up, and the moment both blades sweeped in from each side, I jumped clear over them. Up and over his head, I landed behind him, dropped low and made for a sweep-kick to knock down Gorteth.
The jump came as no surprise to Gorteth; he would have reacted the same way. He wasn't prepared for the kick, however, and it caught him while he was still turning. He went down with a crash, the blades winking out as he toppled.
Gorteth managed to turn the fall into a roll, and came up a short distance away, facing Daniel.
"Clever." he said, switching the swords back on.
Then 'Kelvin' vanished, saying only that he would return shortly. Gorteth turned off his weapons again and turned to Jacob.
"So, how do you think I'm doing so far?"
The Void surprised Kelvin, but he also understood it.
He shattered the Force wall easily enough, redirecting all of his energy into smashing it... like a sledgehammer.
It was relatively easy to generate a force field of his own, now that he knew how to do it, so the debris was simple enough to deflect. He floated over to Masaki and extended his shielding over his compatriot's. At the same time, his eyes focused on Sirus' force aura as it receded into the stellar expanse.
Never learn, do I? I learn faster than many. Faster than you. I must thank you for teaching me how to generate that void, along with a couple other new weapons for my arsenal. It will assist me in developing a countermove. Remember, fool, I. Am. Better. Than. You. This is not a boast. This is a fact. And no amount of running away will hold off the realization of that fact.
And if, by some miracle of chance or happenstance you manage to kill me, keep in mind that with my death passes the only defense against the Carnivore.
He turned to Masaki. "I am going to teleport outside and meet these... others."
08-03-2005, 06:33
I nodded. It was time to reveal who the real Kelvin is. "Race ya."
I teleported away with a nice resounding CRACK!
Kelvin materialized outside the crater formerly known as Echo Base and looked at the sunken mountainside.
Huh... I could have done that.
"Well, I guess that removes from existence another interstellar tourist attraction. Oh well."
He looked around and Saw Masaki nearby, as well as some other fellow who had evidently been lucky enough to avoid being caught in the collapse. Whoever this newcomer was, he practically radiated "New Moves".
08-03-2005, 07:00
I cracked back into existence as well, meeting up with all the others. "Well, I'm back. Now, I shall reveal the truth. You see that kid over there? That's Kelvin. My Daniel Masaki!" I grinned.
08-03-2005, 07:18
A shuttle dropped out of hyperspace and spotted my fighter. It took the fighter in it's hangar bay, then headed down to the surface, right near our position.
A ramp disembarked, and a pair of twins came out, one of them heating the air around himself as a cold-barrier. "Hey, bro!"
"Hey guys!" I grinned and waved.
"So what brings you back to this frozen place?" Taylor asked.
"Oh, just a little wintry rumble-and-tumble." I said.
"Cool!" Jacob said. "So all these guys..."
"Yup. I'm still fighting the robotic-dude Gorteth over there." I said. "I already creamed Jacob here. And uh, there's that weird thing over there (JJR), and of course, Kelvin."
"You have, of course, met me," He said to the two MORE newcomers. He turned back to Masaki... uh... version 1?
"I suspect it would be prudent to move again. Doubtless Sirus believes us stranded, despite the fact that a veritable armada has arrived in orbit to check out the upstart who says he 'pwns' all. I would like very much to return to warmer climes. This time, I honestly do not care where."
He brought his pinky finger up and looked at it intently. After a second's concentration, a small black dot poofed into existence and caused something of a breeze as it sucked in the surrounding air like a microscopic singularity. Kelvin poofed it back out of existence as quickly as he conjured it, then giggled. Yup... he understood the voids, alright...
"I learned much today."
08-03-2005, 07:40
"Cute, a singularity bomb." I smiled. "Well, I guess it is time to get back to warmer pastures. In the shuttle you go. I'll be right there."
Gorteth froze for a moment, processing the new information. A lot had occurred in a very short length of time...
Then he turned to Kelvin.
"So, then, you are Kelvin Majestatus? Your friend was impersonating you..."
It's very easy to keep a straight face when one is incapable of changing expression.
"Yep!" Kelvin replied, then pointed at Masaki. "It was his idea, really. It was a measure intended to draw off the ones not determined or powerful enough."
He materialized directly behind Gorteth, leaving a momentary illusion of his position remaining in his wake, and continued.
"You are not like the sapients we have on Godulan Earth. Something different in your working processes... I have only seen these energies from our Arcanists working to protect Godulan Vessels from the Otherness and the Carnivore. Magical, yes? I believe I know some wards and augments to boost you... One does not read through an entire library of forbidden texts without retaining a little information."
08-03-2005, 08:16
"Arcanists? Is that like an alchemist?" Jacob wondered.
"Nope. Arcanists focus primarily on runes and words of power. Evocations, Augments, and Wards, mostly. Only a select few on Godular know how to work them with any proficiency, and they are too busy boosting Godulan vessels of war. Our DawnRunners can take quite a beating because of arcanist wards and augments."
He turned to Gorteth again. "Pray that you do not have to witness a Solaton Surge. Pray that you do not have to experience it, either."
"Yes, there is a great deal of magic in my workings. I would be delighted to learn anything new that could be useful."
Gorteth turned to fave Kelvin again.
"What is this 'Otherness' you speak of? Perhaps I can find a way to help against it..."
08-03-2005, 08:24
"Oh, that's different, then." Jacob said.
"The Otherness..." I said. "Didn't you say a bit about it, Kelvin?"
"It is one of many warring factions of... things... roaming Protospace. As of yet, Godulans are the only ones capable of reaching such a place, but it is essentially the place from which the universe began.
"The Otherness is simply the name we gave to the most powerful of these factions. It is truly a horror of sight and mind... when we first encountered the Otherness, all who looked upon it either screamed with terror so intense that their hearts exploded, or they went utterly insane and laughed until they suffocated. Only through the fact that Godulan commanders are essentially brains in a box did they have the strength of will to avoid falling to either fate.
"We are uncertain as to its general motives, but we are reasonably sure that it feels that the creation of the universe was something of a grave mistake, and is even now, and has always been plotting towards the eventual remedying of that mistake... in the most painfully satisfying manner possible.
"My brother... Obsidian, The Carnivore, is under its power... I can feel it, just looking up into the sky. He has not yet moved, but when he does, rest assured that many will die as he works to finish what the Otherness believes should never have started."
Kelvin somehow managed to explain the entire thing without losing his happy grin. Although careful observation would have shown that a worried tinge had developed behind it.
"As for the augments and such, before I do so, may I know how the fight between you and Masaki turned out? The strength of the energy within you seems to point to a stalemate."
"The matter was still unclear when he left."
08-03-2005, 08:45
"Sheesh, that's scary." Taylor said.
"Well, I think it was edging in favor of me before I went to check on you and Mr. Sirus." I said. "But he's not bad either. But I think we should continue..."
"Ah... we could always continue the fight... later... in a warmer place. It would also give me time to explain further about the, shall we say, atrocities of Protospace."
"Let me get my ship, then. I shall return shortly..."
Gorteth took off at a run, forgin easily through the snow.
OOC: The library's closing; I must depart, for now.
08-03-2005, 23:26
After Auron had been sitting around observing Daniel and Kelvin silently, he stood up to full height and said "Let's move. There's no time to waste."
He then took his big sword off his shoulder and slid it into a belt and grabbed a small jug of A.D. off of the other side of his belt and took a swig.
I cracked back into existence as well, meeting up with all the others. "Well, I'm back. Now, I shall reveal the truth. You see that kid over there? That's Kelvin. My Daniel Masaki!" I grinned.
Jacob looked stunned. "But my letter?" he stammered.
08-03-2005, 23:32
Jacob looked stunned. "But my letter?" he stammered.
"oh, right." I said. "Kelvin! Letter for you from him!"
I sailed the letter to his hands.
"Now you have two nations rather than one to open relations with." I smirked.
A short time later, Stardust came drifting up, hovering above the snow on a great many small jets of air.
09-03-2005, 00:05
"Nice ship." I commented, as the twins waved the ship over.
The craft settled gently into the snow, an armored door slid open, and Gorteth jumped down.
"Thanks. It certainly should be, for what it cost me to have it built."
09-03-2005, 00:11
"Indeed. So, we're all together now?" I asked. (Your cue, JJR!)
Jangle Jangle Ridge
09-03-2005, 00:13
OOC: Ok, yeah, I missed a lot... it was a long walk? Also, I had a change of plans for the character, I filled CW in, talk to him, Godular.
Cresting a small snow dune, the figure stared idly at the two Jedi, merely fifteen feet away. "Well, it seems like you've dealt with just about everyone, and rather well, I might add. I quite enjoyed whole switch you two did. I could spout a couple of cliques right now, but I'd rather just challenge you. So, Kelvin, I challenge you" A hand raised and pulled back the hood, revealing the neon green hair. "I challenge you as Tarenteor, Leader... and Exile... of Jangle Jangle Ridge."
09-03-2005, 00:16
I was not surprised by the hair, considering that a lot of girls in our nation have pink, purple, even blue hair.
"Well, I'm not finished yet...
But there was some mention of moving to a warmer location?"
09-03-2005, 00:59
"Yeah, I was thinking either Naboo or maybe someplace a bit more...challenging." I smirked, then listed some places I know. "Caligula is an eternally stormy double-planet with a black hole and a dying yellow star as it's companion. Issus is known for it's dangerous jungles chock-full of numerous dinosaur species, some of them being sentient enough to open relations with us and the Core Dragons. Then there are desert lands like Geonosis, Arrakis, and Gunsmoke (Meet Vash from Trigun!). Then there are the urban planets like Coruscant, Nar Shaddar in Hutt Space, and more. it's a dangerous galaxy out there, and a hell of a lot of places suitable for Kelvin and I to help deal with anyone who comes to look for him."
"I'd be delighted to head somewhere exciting."
A knife shimmered into Gorteth's hand, and he twirled it idly.
09-03-2005, 01:51
Hmm. "Let's try Caligula. It's warm there, but hold on to your hats!"
"Sounds fun. What kind of storms should I be expecting... lightning? sand? monsoon? All of the above?"
09-03-2005, 02:56
"Dust storms." Jacob said, pulling a breeze around him. "There's always high winds there because of the black hole pulling at the atmosphere every so often."
"And lots of lightning." I added. "Not a lot of rain, because it's pretty dry, but since it's a double planet, it's companion has numerous hurricanes every few weeks. Not a fun place, that."
09-03-2005, 02:57
"Sounds fun. What kind of storms should I be expecting... lightning? sand? monsoon? All of the above?"
"You'll see." Said Auron.
09-03-2005, 02:58
"Dust storms." Jacob said, pulling a breeze around him. "There's always high winds there because of the black hole pulling at the atmosphere every so often."
"And lots of lightning." I added. "Not a lot of rain, because it's pretty dry, but since it's a double planet, it's companion has numerous hurricanes every few weeks. Not a fun place, that."
"The jungle place seemed like a better pick to me, 'Core Dragons' sound pretty interesting. Besides, I need some new breeds to fill the stable." Auron said referring to his stable of Dragons, after all, he was a dragon knight.
09-03-2005, 03:17
"The jungle place seemed like a better pick to me, 'Core Dragons' sound pretty interesting. Besides, I need some new breeds to fill the stable." Auron said referring to his stable of Dragons, after all, he was a dragon knight.
"You'll need to talk to King Sarinoth first about that." I pointed out. "You're kinda old for an imprinting, though."
OOC: Sorry 'bout the delay...
Kelvin took the letter from Masaki and read through it. "Huh. Unfortunately, I do not exactly... 'represent' Godular. I am acting against their wishes for the most part.
"You see, if the Archons had their way, I would likely be laying siege to the Server family of Corneliu. I believe I disappointed them when I broke into laughter and teleported out of the room when they ordered me to carry out the hit.
"I suppose you could say I am presently acting independent of their control."
He turned to the... odd fellow who had challenged him.
"Could it wait? That fight that caused this crater has left me somewhat tired and hungry. Not that I would not be willing to punch off a quick melee, but I would likely be more rough in an effort to end the fight quickly."
Jangle Jangle Ridge
09-03-2005, 21:33
Taren smirked slightly, "I don't really mind. I'm in not rush to challenge you, I'm just stuck in this universe, because if I leave, I'm going to die a horrible death at the hands of a sentient planet with too much technology at its disposal. Oh, and that Naboo place looked nice. I mean, it would certainly be a nice swimming spot... And seeing as how it looks like there's going to be a delay, I was wondering if you could look at a few of my friends... we noticed that they had some strange brain patterns, and I was escorting them to a JJR facility when we got cut off by some Ven Ker'seahn ships and were forced to go into the stargate thing. After talking to some people on the planet you stopped by, I noticed they seemed a lot like something you people call Force Sensitives... have a look." From behind the ridge, a small group of about ten figures stepped up, some human-looking, some semi-human, and two of them abborations in the truest sense of the word. "We think you might be able to teach them something, another weapon against Ven Ker'seahn, perhaps."
09-03-2005, 21:46
I raised an eyebrow in interest. "Yavin IV's a good place to go if you guys are Force-sensitive. Ask for Master Elendil and tell him I sent you."
I pulled out one of many coordinate cards to the jungle moon circling the gas giant. Never leave home without a bunch! "Here are the coordinates. If accepted, you'll be training as Jedi and of course, it won't be easy. Who knows, you might even discover that you're a specialist in some aspect of the Force, like me in lightning. Harness that specialist power, and you can use it to great effect as a Jedi. Usual training time is two years, shorter if you already know some basics. You guys up to it?"
Jangle Jangle Ridge
09-03-2005, 22:24
One of the carapaced humanoid creatures shrugged slightly, "Yes? But... what are these... Sith? Are they some more powerful Jedi, or somesuch? I'm confused on why they are refered to as if they're seperate..."
09-03-2005, 22:43
"The Sith? Our evil counterparts. They use the Force for their own gain, rather than to help others, as we do." I said. "Their motive is power, always power, and they'll do anything to get it."
Jangle Jangle Ridge
09-03-2005, 23:35
One of the other figures snorted slightly, "In our universe, we call that politics. Anyone who keeps the balance? I'm not one to take sides."
09-03-2005, 23:46
"Well, we Masakis tend to balance the light and dark together, being Shadow Jedi. It's why I can use more offensive attacks than some Jedi like without problems." I shrugged and smirked. "We're pretty controversial among more conservative Masters. We're the Qui-Gons of the Order, or so they say. It's just up to you how you defend the innocent, but mind that there are still repercussions if you just go all Rambo on the underworld."
Jangle Jangle Ridge
10-03-2005, 00:15
The figure's hood was flipped back, revealing the face of a woman with auburn hair and a questioning expression, "That's good and all, but aren't you still a Jedi? We've be in this universe to short a time to start making enemies now. If there is none you know of, I know the I myself will at least try to establish something of my own... though that still leaves the problem of training."
Kelvin giggled momentarily. "So some terran culture HAS filtered through!"
He turned to the others. "As for me, I suppose one could say I adhere to the purity of the force, and in its usage as such. I can see force auras, like little stars in the sky, and force powers seem as so much ripples in a pond to me. The force is in all things, and I seem to have been... born... to manipulate the ebb and flow of the force. It is as much a part of me as I am of it.
"To me, the usage of powers such as lightning, pyrokinesis, healing, and such are simply derivations of the purity. When one understands the purity, it matters not who the person is that uses it, but what that person does with it.
"A Jedi capable of massive feats of Healing could just as easily take over the galaxy as a 'dark' Jedi who launches bolts of death and destruction at his enemies. It is simply a matter of what the person does with the powers he or she has mastered.
"And me, I prefer to learn. More and more. As much as I can possibly assimilate."
Jangle Jangle Ridge
10-03-2005, 00:23
If the woman seemed inquisitive before, it became evident now, an eyebrow arching high, "That's much that outlook that I am trying to achieve. However, the limitations that each of the orders put on your are less of a worry than the assocations that it forces on you. If you are a member of one, your are the enemy of the other, are you not?"
10-03-2005, 00:31
If the woman seemed inquisitive before, it became evident now, an eyebrow arching high, "That's much that outlook that I am trying to achieve. However, the limitations that each of the orders put on your are less of a worry than the assocations that it forces on you. If you are a member of one, your are the enemy of the other, are you not?"
"Well, more like rivals in the grand scheme of things." I shrugged. "Some Sith and dark Jedi aren't as bad as they're always portrayed, but well, there are a lot more that hate us enough to wish us dead. But yeah, generally speaking, if you're a Jedi, you're a Sith's target. If you're a Sith looking for trouble, you're attacked by the Jedi."
Jangle Jangle Ridge
10-03-2005, 00:36
"Well then, do we really want to be a member of either? Wouldn't it be safer to try and create an organization based on the balance and 'purity' of the force?"
10-03-2005, 00:40
"I dunno, really." I shrugged. "There are other factions of Force-users in the galaxy, but I don't get to see them much."
10-03-2005, 04:34
"Well then, do we really want to be a member of either? Wouldn't it be safer to try and create an organization based on the balance and 'purity' of the force?"
"No. No one would teach you, unless your self-reliant enough to control the force by yourself, but this would be difficult. Its your fate, our console means nothing. Choose." Stated Auron with an emotionless air.
"I could make an attempt to teach others the things I seem to know by heart, but it would be very difficult. I am not even certain if anybody other than my brother have the capacity to do the things that I can do.
"The true difficulty would be in teaching others to see the force as I do. I have known how to do that for as long as I can remember."
10-03-2005, 05:55
"All right. I guess it's time we went off." I said. "Anyone with a ship, come with us. Kelvin, so where do you want to go? Caligula or Naboo?"
"Naboo... it has been a while since I have seen... trees."
10-03-2005, 05:59
"Naboo... it has been a while since I have seen... trees."
"Naboo it is." I nodded, ushering the twins back to the shuttle. "If you guys want to continue our duels, head to Naboo."
"Since you all are going to Naboo, I'll go too." Jacob said, still smarting over the fact Daniel had pretended to be Kelvin.
11-03-2005, 01:11
I headed into the warm shuttle and awaited Kelvin and anyone else who needs a ride.
Kelvin plodded into the shuttle, quite happily, found a comfortable spot, and curled up for another nap, much needed after his fight with Sirus.
The day had been very informative for him...
11-03-2005, 15:12
Kelvin plodded into the shuttle, quite happily, found a comfortable spot, and curled up for another nap, much needed after his fight with Sirus.
The day had been very informative for him...
Auron walked into the vehical at a Truscott Trot.
11-03-2005, 21:19
OOC: Assuming that everyone has gone to their respective vehicles or into my shuttle (enough room for the bike next to the X-wing in the cargo bay, Yafor).
Our small fleet of shuttles and personal ships lifted off from the cold planet of Hoth, and I hoped that I won't see the barren-ice landscape for a while. As soon as I gave coordinates to Naboo to those who need it, I made the jump to hyperspace, and settled down for a nice long nap for the 3-hour trip.
Kelvin stood upon a blasted landscape, blanketed by a sky unlike anything he had been able to find in all of his wanderings through the universe, and even other universes. There was not a single blade of grass, nor even the slightest hint of any vegetation, or life, at all.
A single figure stood before him, large and foreboding. The man stood some seven and a half feet tall, with a great mane of flowing black hair and a strange beard that seemed as if his chin were encrusted with shards of the deepest and sharpest blades of blackened steel.
He wore a large one-piece jacket that seemed made of the same blackened steel, and stretched all the way from his neck to his ankles, hiding the large plated and spiked black boots. One his right side, a strange pattern of gold and ruby briars was etched into the coat, twining its way until it ended in a dragon's head over his shoulder.
His eyes were pure black, save for twin points of light that bored holes into all that they looked upon. He wore a stern, yet patient and thoughtful expression, as though he knew what he had to do, knew what he needed to do it, and it didn't matter how long it took.
His body flickered oddly once in a while, distorting in shape and even displacing himself a few inches once or twice a minute.
Kelvin knew that this last part was because of the man working in so many different areas. So many different incarnations.
"Hello father," Kelvin said, "May I ask what we are doing this time?"
"YOU HAVE CHALLENGED THE DARK ONES." Kelvin's father stated, his voice causing the very ground beneath them to shake. If one were to listen more closely, they would have noticed a strange tune beneath the voice, made up of thousands of separate voices. Were they to listen more closely, they would have noted that they were listening only to the language they best understood, and that the underlay was all the other possible languages of the universe rolled into one.
"Yes father," Kelvin replied, "I told you I would."
"Sirus fled before I could use any more of my tricks, but yes. His precision and skill surprised me. But I did learn from him."
"Thank you, father."
"Yes father."
A strange wall of glittering force materialized before Kelvin's father. The man took a look at the wall and then focused an intense gaze upon the barrier. Kelvin suddenly found himself hard pressed to maintain the barrier in its present position.
"If I can control my own shield, I can control the enemy's as well."
"Yes, fa--" Kelvin wasn't able to finish his sentence, as he suddenly found himself pouring whatever power he could into combatting his father's sudden and overwhelming power as it worked its way into bending the barrier to his will...
Kelvin woke up in his corner, bracing himself against the corner in such a manner as it would seem he was trying to push the walls back. As he took his arms from the wall, he noticed that his hands had left small dents in the metal, and the corner had flexed slightly due to the stress of Kelvin's back pressing into it so hard.
He was surprised his father had worked him so hard this time.
He considered his father's parting words as the dream ended. And was surprised by the realization that despite the amount of exertion he had pumped into the dream and into the bulkhead, he felt completely and utterly rested.
As always.
He wandered up to the cockpit and looked out the main viewport. All he could see were the shifting lines of hyperspace, but he knew by instinct alone that Naboo was only an hour away. He had only been asleep for two hours, yet the dream had felt like a day and a half of nothing but playing a strange version of tug-of-war with the effective equivalent of a bulldozer.
He wandered off to meditate on his father's words. These dream sequences always proved to be more than just the simple lesson they seemed to be, and he made it a point to figure out how many different ways his father's words actually had meaning.
12-03-2005, 20:09
"So, that's his dad." I was a spectator in the dreamscape, and saw the training Kelvin gained with his own father. "Powerful man he is, powerful man."
As I headed elsewhere, a hint of sadness hit me, as I realized just how much I missed my own father, the former Emperor Andrew Masaki. Kelvin could see his dad every night. I couldn't. I sat down on the ground, remembering all the good times we had together, and tears gathered in my eyes. Damn it, I'm acting like a little kid again!
I wiped them away, then felt a familiar presence. "You know, son, despair is considered the quickest way to darkness."
"Wha--" I spun around, meeting face-to-face with my own father. "Hey, Father's Day didn't come early, did it?"
Dad laughed. "No, but it might as well. That guy's Sojun, God of Time. Charming man, and fun to talk with. His 'Access denied' speeches are always good for a laugh."
"Oh, right. So what brings you here?" I asked.
"Well, it's so cliche these days, but I'll tell you anyway." Dad said, and thunder rumbled as he spoke next. "The time shall soon come, when you will have to make a stand against the Dark Lords of the Sith and the Galactic Empire. You are of age, my boy. You know what that means."
It hasn't come up in a while, but always in the back of my mind. Now it comes to the fore. "Yes, Dad, I know."
"Yeah, tall order I know. You are the Heir to the Throne, and that means that you'll need to retake it. While the President's doing fine, no Emperor means that the people are increasingly having something missing that they can't seem to find. Besides, wandering the galaxy -while good for picking up experience- isn't going to be your life, is it? You need to settle down sometime. Also, you still haven't picked up a nice, smart young lady to date with and possibly marry. What's up with that?"
I blushed till I was as red as an apple. "Dad!"
"Well, it's true!" Dad is thoroughly enjoying my discomfort. "Anyway, we're talking destiny and all that stuff, so basically, your job now is to take control of the top spot, preferably soon. Opportunities will soon arise, but it's up to you to take the initiative. Gather allies too, you'll need them."
"Right." I nodded.
Dad checked his watch. "Oooh, look at the time. I've got a demon-human convention to attend to, and those things are always riots. Well, I'll talk to you later. Bye!"
Dad tossed me out with a wave of his hand, and I found myself back in my bunk. The clock read 0510, meaning that it's just less than an hour to go before we revert. I headed into the refresher, relieved myself, washed the hands, and then headed to the cockpit of the Royal Saber, noticing a dent in one of the corners. "Hey, Kelvin!"
"Yes?" Kelvin said, materializing behind Masaki as though he had always been there.
12-03-2005, 20:31
"Yes?" Kelvin said, materializing behind Masaki as though he had always been there.
"Did you sleep good?" I asked.
Jacob couldn't sleep. After a while of tossing and turning, he got up, in time to hear the last words of Daniel.
"Sleep WELL." he corrected, looking smug as he came up from behind Daniel.
12-03-2005, 20:44
"Right." I waved off the grammar correction. "Well, we're about 45 minutes till we get to Naboo if you want to know."
"Cool." Jacob replied. "I've never been there either. What's it like?"
12-03-2005, 20:54
"Right." I waved off the grammar correction. "Well, we're about 45 minutes till we get to Naboo if you want to know."
"Don't use time counting time, prepare." Auron said as he walked into the back of the shuttle and hit a button his bracer. The top of the bracer popped open like a laptop and revealed quite a many buttons, he hit a few of them sending a message to Narthaus and told him where they were going. Narthaus was nearby and heading towards Naboo.
OOC: Last post afore heading off to the theatre
Kelvin looked at the small Child-shaped indentation in the corner bulkhead and grinned. "Surprisingly well. I suppose you could say I just had an interesting dream."
Father saw you. He said that maybe next time you should speak up a bit. He is always willing to teach newcomers. After all, time is always on his side.
12-03-2005, 21:10
"Cool." Jacob replied. "I've never been there either. What's it like?"
"It's amazing. Rolling plains, waterfalls everywhere, and the buildings are beautiful." I said.
Kelvin looked at the small Child-shaped indentation in the corner bulkhead and grinned. "Surprisingly well. I suppose you could say I just had an interesting dream."
Father saw you. He said that maybe next time you should speak up a bit. He is always willing to teach newcomers. After all, time is always on his side.
"Yeah, I had a pretty interesting dream too." I said. I'll keep that in mind next time I see him. By the way, my dad paid a visit to me, too.
"Sounds it." Jacob grinned ruefully. "I haven't been many places, studying under Jordan Al'Kamor. Don't get me wrong, he's and amazing teacher, but..."
12-03-2005, 21:22
"Yeah, I see." I said, and heard the toaster pop. "Pop-tarts?"
12-03-2005, 21:34
I took a blueberry one, and started eating. Pop-tarts make good MREs, after all.
Kelvin swiped a brown sugar and cinnamon poptart and wolfed it down in only four bites. He began nibbling his second poptart, but bristled and hunkered protectively over his 'kill' whenever anybody got too close.
Father told me that some king-ish fellow had been hanging around him for a while. Something about feeling satisfied that justice WAS being done in the end. It would never have occured to me that it was your own father. Although it would explain how you were able to 'eavesdrop' on my training.
13-03-2005, 01:37
Father told me that some king-ish fellow had been hanging around him for a while. Something about feeling satisfied that justice WAS being done in the end. It would never have occured to me that it was your own father. Although it would explain how you were able to 'eavesdrop' on my training.
Yeah, that sounds like Dad. You know what he told me back there? I asked, grabbing a chocolate chip flavored pop-tart. Two basic things: Retake the throne and get a girl. Guess the harder one.
I wonder how Jacob will take it when telepathy flies around him and he can't hear it? :D
I wonder how Jacob will take it when telepathy flies around him and he can't hear it? :D
OOC:He'd be annoyed that you were communicating without him and throw a fit, be angry that it may have hit and trhow a fit, then remember that Jordan Al'Kamor told him to keep control of his emotions and end his fit. :p
13-03-2005, 01:56
"Damn, talk about destiny." I sighed, grabbing a juice-in-a-can. "Take the Core Throne, and get a girl. How am I supposed to do both?"
13-03-2005, 02:55
"Damn, talk about destiny." I sighed, grabbing a juice-in-a-can. "Take the Core Throne, and get a girl. How am I supposed to do both?"
Auron walked back into the room and said, "If you want to do both find a girl who wants to be queen and than take the throne. Of course, since when has the easy way been the right way?"
"Now give me that smore flavored one!" ordered Auron.
13-03-2005, 03:14
Auron walked back into the room and said, "If you want to do both find a girl who wants to be queen and than take the throne. Of course, since when has the easy way been the right way?"
"Now give me that smore flavored one!" ordered Auron.
"Yeah, you're right." I said, floating a smore-flavored poptart to his hand. "What I'd like is someone with brown or black hair though red will do, who's smart and funny as well as cute, and can kick ass when things get tough. That's my kind of girl, but she's out there, somewhere, and I don't know where to even start."
13-03-2005, 03:17
"Yeah, you're right." I said, floating a smore-flavored poptart to his hand. "What I'd like is someone with brown or black hair though red will do, who's smart and funny as well as cute, and can kick ass when things get tough. That's my kind of girl, but she's out there, somewhere, and I don't know where to even start."
"Ahhahahahaahaha! Picky!" Stated Auron.
13-03-2005, 03:22
"Ahhahahahaahaha! Picky!" Stated Auron.
"She has to be right for me, and strong enough to deal with shit when it goes flying." I replied. "So yeah I'm picky."
Kelvin chuckled for a moment after giving Auron a peremptory hunker/snarl as he passed his brown sugar/cinnamon pop tart.
"Godulan children are encouraged to forge such bonds at a much earlier age. It is intended to make certain that if any long-lasting relationships develop that the two have similar tastes and skills. The Archons said it was something about keeping the 'small town' atmosphere.
"I... uh... heh heh... have somebody."
13-03-2005, 03:37
"You? At nine?" I chuckled. "Starting early, eh? Who's she?"
The Twins came in, and chose strawberry poptarts, then the computer chimed in. "Reversion to realspace in ten minutes!"
"Her name is Horizon, she is one year older than me, very good at chemistry, and she also taught me a good deal of fencing moves. We are just good friends at the moment, but until we are both adults that is all we shall remain."
13-03-2005, 04:00
"Cute name." I said, and headed to the front to revert to realspace and descend to Naboo. Once we reverted, I decided that it was time. I called Grandpa, Admirals Rommel and Pellaeon and General Kingsley (Commander in Chief of the Army and Marines), President Sandler, Naruto (to represent Tsunade at Konoha), King Sarinoth, the other members of the Jedi Council, the other governors and anyone else in Coreworlds I could think of that would support me in my bid for the throne for a grand audience on lush Naboo. I checked my family's holdings to see if there's anything we own on the planet, and was satisfied to see a nice rented mansion in Lake Country where we could do the audience. Then I headed down to the planet itself, checking in a docking bay at the capital, Theed, and soon, we were able to disembark.
13-03-2005, 04:30
"Her name is Horizon, she is one year older than me, very good at chemistry, and she also taught me a good deal of fencing moves. We are just good friends at the moment, but until we are both adults that is all we shall remain."
Auron smiled as his mind ran across all of the "Horizontal" jokes.
13-03-2005, 05:02
As they stepped off the ship, they began to linger around and wait upon Daniel to make his decsion on what to do next. As they sat and pondered a man in a Dragon scale cloak walked past them onto his destination, he bumped into Daniel and turned around his shoulder, he pulled out a knife and began to place it around his neck....
Let Daniel handle this please, you'll see.
13-03-2005, 18:56
As they stepped off the ship, they began to linger around and wait upon Daniel to make his decsion on what to do next. As they sat and pondered a man in a Dragon scale cloak walked past them onto his destination, he bumped into Daniel and turned around his shoulder, he pulled out a knife and began to place it around his neck....
Let Daniel handle this please, you'll see.
"Well, let's see, we need a taxi--" I stopped when I sensed danger, and went inside the swing to block the arm that held the knife, kick his inside leg (attack the hamstrings), punch him hard in the face, and then tossed the man over my shoulder onto the ground (hard), where I proceeded to press my knee on his solar plexus, and ready his knife to strike his throat (a real judo move I've learned from my Sensei Bento; I know a few more, :) ). In less than a second, it was all over. Then I smirked. "Hello, Master."
"Fast." Taylor commented.
"Very fast." Jacob agreed.
13-03-2005, 19:05
"Well, let's see, we need a taxi--" I stopped when I sensed danger, and went inside the swing to block the arm that held the knife, kick his inside leg (attack the hamstrings), punch him hard in the face, and then tossed the man over my shoulder onto the ground (hard), where I proceeded to press my knee on his solar plexus, and ready his knife to strike his throat (a real judo move I've learned from my Sensei Bento; I know a few more, :) ). In less than a second, it was all over. Then I smirked. "Hello, Master."
"Fast." Taylor commented.
"Very fast." Jacob agreed.
"Good, that reminds me of Kenpo technique." With that he projected the force from directly out of his chest and pushed Daniel off him in the direction of the ground. He got up and looked at Kelvin.
"Got something of your fathers, catch." He said as he through a nice dragon hide bag at Kelvin. "Oh, I almost forgot, we haven't met yet Kelvin, Im Narthaus."
He looked back at Kelvin with his, "stare."
I trust your father already explained The Fayth Stone to you?
13-03-2005, 19:08
Rolling backwards, I got back up, whistling for a couple of taxi. "A Fayth Stone?"
13-03-2005, 19:40
Rolling backwards, I got back up, whistling for a couple of taxi. "A Fayth Stone?"
Narthaus gave Daniel the keep-it-quiet-please look. "You always where a weird lad, I have no idea what your talking about." Said Narthaus to settle the others suspiscions.
Keep it quiet please Daniel. I'll tell ya the story kid...
Ok, a long time ago. The God of Battles was worried about losing the skills and abillites of the greatest warriors in the universe. He didn't want to lose them with there deaths. So he met with the one who could make them immortal and live around time, The God of Time himself. They discussed and talked out a plan, until they met a compromise, the God of Time would not let them live forever, but he could let there memories, abilities, and skills live on. And so they made 5 fayth stones, and used fate to push it into the hands of the greatest warriors, whenever they died there souls would be imprinted into the stone.
The force lives within all of us, many cultures call the entire force in a human, his soul. It is what holds the molecules (in some cultures they say humans are dirt with a soul) together. As they die, the force they have returns to the universe, and they return to the dust. The fayth stone captures the force in its form as the warrior dies, and places it within itself.
The one Im wearing right now has Patton in it and hundreds others.
Narthaus turned back to Kelvin and looked at him, When you wear the The Fayth Stone hundreds of voices will pop up in your head, giving you suggestions, ideas, advice. I suggest that you put it on tonight when we get a place to stay, and meditate with it for a few hours, you need to learn to listen to the voices.... and control them. I took the liberty of making you a chain maille necklace so you could wear the stone, anyways, enough talking for now, let's go!
13-03-2005, 20:11
That's pretty cool. I replied. So Kelvin has one, and you have the other, then where are the other 3?
13-03-2005, 20:24
That's pretty cool. I replied. So Kelvin has one, and you have the other, then where are the other 3?
Im not sure, but I bet you Darth Dumbass(Sidius) has some answers in that pea brain of his. Unfortuantly, the only way to take them would be If I could absorb him.
Kelvin opened the odd-leathered bag and pulled out the strange gem pendant.
My Father refers to them mostly as Soulstones, but yes, I am proficient in their usage. After all, one cannot be the son of the final judge without some instinctual grasp of soul magic.
He placed the gem back into the bag and pocketed it.
You have my thanks. I have heard of these things, but I never thought I would see or even have the chance to wear one.
13-03-2005, 22:33
A taxispeeder came up and the Gungan driver opened the door for us.
"Here we go!" I said, and went into the taxi. "Masaki summer residence, Lake Country, please."
"Okey-day." The Gungan replied, and waited for the others to enter the taxi.
At around this time, Stardust emerged from a portal near Naboo. Gorteth brought the craft swiftly toward the planet, scanning all frequencies in case he was challenged.
14-03-2005, 01:57
OOC: Just head down, there's a docking bay open next to ours.
15-03-2005, 00:10
The Masakis were not unwatched in their dealings, far from it, a force observed them, and all others who had once been, or were, Jedi, with as much intensity as though they had been enemies of the Imperium. The Sith Warriors of Chronos, and the Imperium, moved silently through the shadows, stalking their prey with a deserved ernest. They knew the tales of old, of the Sith Wars and how Chronos himself had fought with Jedi amongst the stars. And now, like daemons, they pursued, relentless and hidden. And they would know the face of the hidden taunting enemy, and they would some day reap a fell harvest of the Force Users, and make their mark upon this peaceful world..
15-03-2005, 00:59
The Masakis were not unwatched in their dealings, far from it, a force observed them, and all others who had once been, or were, Jedi, with as much intensity as though they had been enemies of the Imperium. The Sith Warriors of Chronos, and the Imperium, moved silently through the shadows, stalking their prey with a deserved ernest. They knew the tales of old, of the Sith Wars and how Chronos himself had fought with Jedi amongst the stars. And now, like daemons, they pursued, relentless and hidden. And they would know the face of the hidden taunting enemy, and they would some day reap a fell harvest of the Force Users, and make their mark upon this peaceful world..
En route to Naboo, aboard the ISB Duel of the Fates...
Patriarch Alex Masaki meditated in the Force with Council head Armas Elendil.
"A darkness approaches the Jedi Knights. Chaos has begun to make its move." Alex said, 'watching' the Sith Warriors from afar.
"Indeed. With his coming plan to retake the Throne, Daniel will need many allies along the way. Those others with him are just the beginning." Elendil said.
"Yes. They are all powerful in the Force, and yet, there needs to be more to aid them." Alex replied.
"True. Very true. We shall call for more, then. Reach out with me."
The two old friends continued to meditate, seeking advice of the rich power that is the Force.
As we arrived at the mansion, I felt something dark approach. "Guys, our next challenge seems to be coming. Be ready."
Jacob's face was full of fear and anger at the words of Daniel. "What is it? Chaos? My master wanred me of this." And, surprise, surprise, he drew out a walkie-talkie like thing.
"What is it?"
"Good job, you've got Chronos after you. This is good. Wait....processing...I'll be right over, in about and hour, with a fleet."
15-03-2005, 01:25
"I don't know." I said, continuing to feel the darkness. "Perhaps."
"Chaos?" Taylor and Jacob asked together.
"Evil buggers who use demonic creatures to do their bidding. Should be some info in the datapads in your backpacks." I explained, and the twins went and uploaded the relevant information.
Jacob whistled after reading some good tidbits like the Battle of Armageddon. "They're nasty."
"Yeah. We'll have our work cut out for us, that's for sure." Taylor replied.
"Don't worry." JAcob Semiran said, "Jordan's coming...or I hope."
15-03-2005, 01:34
Far from them, upon the dark world of Drummond Kaas, surrounded by is followers, sat Chronos, as though deep in meditation, his mind delving through eternity, seeking those like him, those who felt the pull of the Force. His fell essence passed like a chill wind across planet and void, ever hungry. And his disciples fuelled him, fed his rampant hunger, fed his tyrannous will. He touched minds and hearts and then moved onward, seeking worthy opponents, before he sensed the bloodline....The Masaki's.
He chuckled lightly, and told his spies to watch closely, to tighten the grip. He would move soon to see them himself. Yes, he would see them...