Neo Zeta
28-02-2005, 09:47
Emperor Jace recived a transmission from Karasu his chief of Black Ops. It was confirmed that the Pope of Neo Zeta was the leader of a Rebel force and had ordered the attack on the Skeith. Jace Ordered Yomi to take 120 Droids, 20 Destroyer Droids,300 Human troops and 2 ATT Tanks and surrond the Popes strounghold.
Hearing News of the troop movement 1,621 Christians poored into the Popes strounghold. The Wemon,Children and Old Men gathered in the court yard while the men joined the Rebels and prepared a defence.
The troops arived at 12:21 am and surrounded the strounghold. Yomi addressed the people inside the strounghold. " Attention This is the Army Of Neo Zeta. By order of the Emperor you are to surrender now. We will give you tell 2:00 am if you do not give up by then we will use force." Yomi then ordered speakers to play the sound of a ticking clock. They got no answer.
At 1:50 am the Pope came on to a platform and addressed the people in the court yard. " My people the time is upon us to show our faith. We are on the side of god and gold will save us. We must have hope and pray in this moment of darkness. Better times are comeing for us. God Bless you all"
The Pope walked back inside his strounghold. The time was now 1:59 am
Destroy droids could be heard rolling into postion. The Women and Children in the court yard cried knowing they were going to die.
The clock struck 2:00 am Yomi ordered the troops in.
Destroyer Droids broke threw the front door followed by Human troops and opened fire on armed rebels.
Meanwhile one ATT Tank knocked down the wall to the courtyard and came into it. It held its fire seeing as the people were unarmed. Five wemon however fired Anti Tank RPGS at the tank. The old wepions didnt destroy the tanks and it was forced to open fire. Wemon and Children screamed as they were killed. " STOP FIREING STOP FIREING THEY ARE NO THREAT" Yelled Yomi but by the time the tank heard his order 562 Wemon and Children had died.
At the same time the destroyer droids and human troops and cleared all of the building save the Popes throne room. Five Destroyer droids busted threw the door. The Pope fired a beam gun destroying one. The other four fired upon him killing him.
Emperor Jace fell to his knees when he heard of the lose of life. He blamed himself and fell into a deep deppression.
Rebel loses 987
Wemon And Children loses 562
Neo Zeta Army loses 21
Hearing News of the troop movement 1,621 Christians poored into the Popes strounghold. The Wemon,Children and Old Men gathered in the court yard while the men joined the Rebels and prepared a defence.
The troops arived at 12:21 am and surrounded the strounghold. Yomi addressed the people inside the strounghold. " Attention This is the Army Of Neo Zeta. By order of the Emperor you are to surrender now. We will give you tell 2:00 am if you do not give up by then we will use force." Yomi then ordered speakers to play the sound of a ticking clock. They got no answer.
At 1:50 am the Pope came on to a platform and addressed the people in the court yard. " My people the time is upon us to show our faith. We are on the side of god and gold will save us. We must have hope and pray in this moment of darkness. Better times are comeing for us. God Bless you all"
The Pope walked back inside his strounghold. The time was now 1:59 am
Destroy droids could be heard rolling into postion. The Women and Children in the court yard cried knowing they were going to die.
The clock struck 2:00 am Yomi ordered the troops in.
Destroyer Droids broke threw the front door followed by Human troops and opened fire on armed rebels.
Meanwhile one ATT Tank knocked down the wall to the courtyard and came into it. It held its fire seeing as the people were unarmed. Five wemon however fired Anti Tank RPGS at the tank. The old wepions didnt destroy the tanks and it was forced to open fire. Wemon and Children screamed as they were killed. " STOP FIREING STOP FIREING THEY ARE NO THREAT" Yelled Yomi but by the time the tank heard his order 562 Wemon and Children had died.
At the same time the destroyer droids and human troops and cleared all of the building save the Popes throne room. Five Destroyer droids busted threw the door. The Pope fired a beam gun destroying one. The other four fired upon him killing him.
Emperor Jace fell to his knees when he heard of the lose of life. He blamed himself and fell into a deep deppression.
Rebel loses 987
Wemon And Children loses 562
Neo Zeta Army loses 21