The Empire Looking for Allies and Trade Partners. ((OPEN FT))
27-02-2005, 03:29
The Space Station Gaia Prime, able to house two million people plus the crew orbited the outskirts of the System with the speed of any planet. The Thing Rostated on its axis while doing this, and its spheretric shape led it to look like a small hunk of rock then a Space station. Around it hovered two Basestars, their raider Compliments flying on shifts. On board Human modle cylons went about their buissness, and the Droid Style crew moved around with a unknown grace. Here and there Battle Driods stood, much like a police officer would, ready to answer any threat to public safety. ANd deep within the center of this a Cylon woman of increadble beauty stood, her eyes closed as she recived her message.
"Very well" She said in a mellow voice. "I shall send the message."
+-+Open Transsmission+-+
To other nations of the Galaxy, the revealing is apon us. We of Gaia Prime wish the galaxy no harm, quite the opposite. We have recently run low on reasorses, and need those who can supply them to send them to the origen of this message. What we need is:
Forms of Carbon
Strong Metals ((Like Titanum, steel Ect.))
Forms of Power
We will also might take other offers if they intrest us. Forms of payment will be in Credits if availbe to give other forms of payment if requested.
From Cyradis, Govoner of Gaia Prime.
27-02-2005, 04:05
ONI Concordiat
27-02-2005, 04:25
<Communications Interrupt>
<Process Complete; Response Formed>
The ONI Concordiat extends a willing hand to form a trade agreement. Being machines, we have access to all of the materials you require. Please respond.
<Response Complete; Engaging Sequencer>
<Standard Process Resumed>
27-02-2005, 04:38
OOC LOL, the first person wanting to trade with my nation of AIs is another nation of AIs.
IC +-+Open Transmission+-+
We accept your proposle. We will set up a sector for your goods to be sold from. We awaite your ships which we hope will arrive soon.
From Cyradis, Govoner of Gaia Prime
Nanotech Army
27-02-2005, 04:41
The Protectorate would be more than happy to sell you as much Gold as you require. Respond with a payment offer if interested.
OOC: gold is worthless to me lol
27-02-2005, 04:50
We accept, we shall price the gold at ((What ever gold cost now)) THank you.
Nanotech Army
27-02-2005, 04:59
Very well, send ships to <insert neutral coordinates here> to pick up the first shipment of 50 tons of gold (OOC this was added). You may send a small defense fleet with these ships if you wish, but a large fleet will be seen as hostile.
The Emporer authorizes several parts of the Protectorate to begin trading gold with Gaia Prime, and soon they have melted down much gold into bars which are loaded onto long dormant merchant ships. They begin plotting a course to the rendevouz with Gaian forces and activate their ancient versions of the negative energy drive. Along with them, for protection, is Protectorate Vessel B-2.
27-02-2005, 05:28
Thus it was that from the main planet, extreamly far away, the Basestar initiated its FTL drives and arrived at the starion before once again heading towards the Nanotech rendavue point. Immidietly it stoped and immobilised itself using a number of gravitational units. On board Cylon Piolets stood, with a Human Cylon in place as commander.
+-+Open transmission+-+
We are here, we await thee
27-02-2005, 05:28
Thus it was that from the main planet, extreamly far away, the Basestar initiated its FTL drives and arrived at the starion before once again heading towards the Nanotech rendavue point. Immidietly it stoped and immobilised itself using a number of gravitational units. On board Cylon Piolets stood, with a Human Cylon in place as commander.
+-+Open transmission+-+
We are here, we await thee
Cyradis, Governor of Gaia Prime
On behalf of the Legitimate Traders' Guild, I would like to make you an offer. We currently have a large inflow of Hyranium Cold Fusion Reactors and Hyranium fuel. We would be willing to sell you these for a very reasonable price, certainly far lower than you would generally find.
If accepted the first cargo can be delivered within five days. More will then arrive on a regular basis.
We would like to be paid in money rather than goods.
We will also require a detailed map of the area around your planet, as we are unfamiliar with the system.
Anton Koth, Leader of the Legitimate Traders' Guild
Nanotech Army
27-02-2005, 15:35
The cargo fleet approaches the coordinates and powers down their negative energy drives. The merchant vessels prepare to transfer their cargo to the Gaius ships
Cargo is ready for transfer at your convenience
OOC: this assumes that we have received payment
Green Sun
27-02-2005, 17:39
Green Sun will create an alliance with you. To seal this deal, we ask you to disclose your information on your very advanced AI's and we will allow you to create military bases on one of our planets' moons. However, if we ever go to war with one another, before you strike you must retreat your forces from the base, but since we'll be forming an alliance somethign like that will never happen.
Greetings from Xeraph!
The Emperor of the Empire of Xeraph wishes to form a trade alliance with Naggeroth. We have recently discovered a vast cache of silica, both flake and gel, in the southern sector of the 4th quadrant, planet SS4Q-CaX, Typhon Expanse, Andromeda, and wish to provide Naggeroth with all it needs in exchange for AI units.
Xeraph already has 110,000 MEK-Arachnid units, and is looking for approx 400,000 more AI-Battle/Protect Units.
Please also know that we would like to exchange embassies with Naggeroth.
Ricala, King of Auralinia, Lord Director of the Xeraphian Space Program, in the Name of the King.
The Fedral Union
27-02-2005, 22:43
Message from terran prime new union city :
The federal union wishes to open trade negations with you , and we would also like to become your allies it would be mutely beneficial to both our nations to do so .
Central Facehuggeria
27-02-2005, 23:16
Location: Independent Tradeship Amistad IV, currently en route to trade station Middle Passage.
"Cap'n. We've got a problem. We don't have the supplies to make it to the Middle Passage. Our cargo will go bad first." The first officer's words were exactly the last thing that Captain Lewis needed to hear at that moment. Between the problems with the FTL drive, the weapons tracking systems, and this new complication with the 'passengers,' Lewis was up to his neck in frustration.
"Err...Cap'n? We're receiving a wide beam transmission. Some station called 'Gaia Prime.' They say they're looking for resources. Carbon, heavy metals, stuff like that. They say they're willing to pay pretty decently, from what I've been able to gather." The Comms officer chimed in, piercing the pall that hung over Captain Lewis with a tiny crack of light, of opportunity.
"Excellent! Looks like our fortunes are looking up! Navs, set course for this 'Gaia Prime!' Let us see if we can turn this unprofitable trip around. This will be most equitable, I can feel it!" Lewis' voice betrayed excitement, elation even.
After a little coaxing and an hour of time, the Amistad IV emerged from quasi-space at the edge of the indicated system.
Turning its communications dishes towards the origin of the transmission, the Amistad IV sent a transmission of its own.
Greetings to the people of Gaia Prime! I am Captain Fredrick Lewis of the independent trade ship Amistad IV, we have received your message and would like to discuss trading options with you. Please respond.
28-02-2005, 06:50
((OOC Can't be stuffed to do Italics stuff, just read.))
TO Taldaan
We accept, however, the maps are of the area around our station, which we may send without threatening our security.
TO Nanotech Army
The Basestar came up next to the smaller ships, opening a small compartment which would draw in the cargo.
+-+Please eject cargo at this location+-+ Came a mechanical voice.
TO Green Sun
Accepted, we are afraid however you must wait while we work out how to give you this infomation without making our units supsecptable to systems virus, ships will be arriving in a few hours.
TO Xeraph
We will accept embassies, and our Station has set aside a space for you. As for the silica, we will accept that as well, but we need time to reconfigue our units so they are not able to loose power to virus.
TO The Fedral Union
We shall wait for your embassy here, or shall you wish us to come to you, we will.
TO Fredrick Lewis
Please dock at unit four, section seven, a riader escort will take you.
28-02-2005, 11:33
Exscuse my frech but LE BUMPA
Central Facehuggeria
28-02-2005, 12:25
Lewis smilied. It looked like he may just turn a profit on this trip.
"Take us in, commence docking proceedures!"
The bloated form of the Amistad IV moved slowly through the system towards Gaia Prime. After nearly twenty minutes, the superfreighter reached the station and extended its umbilical to unit four, section seven.
"Alright, let's go boys."
Three men left the ship, Lewis, Adams, his first officer, and Tarsus, the cargo monitor.
"Uh...Hello? We're hear to discuss trading proposals with one of your representatives?"
OOC: Sorry for the short post, but I don't have much time this morning.
Nanotech Army
28-02-2005, 15:42
The cargo ships complied and ejected the gold at the designated coordinates.
Transaction Complete
Initial transaction is complete. If you require more simply contact us and wait at the coordinates transmitted. These coordinates will change slightly for security purposes.
The cargo fleet and thier escort then set a course back to Protectorate space and activated their Negative Energy Drives.