NationStates Jolt Archive

The history of FT Soviet leaders

Soviet leaders
26-02-2005, 21:25
12,001 G.E Soviet leaders econ is crushed by the move into space

12,002 G.E Soviet leaders goverment is gone

12,003 G.E Soviet leaders goverment reforms with the help of Hari Seldon he tells us that the galaxy next to us had a empire that has fallen he has sent up a group to help rebuild the empire and that we will have to help them in the year 12,999 G.E. and Hari Seldon trained 20 people to be in his science of psyghohistory

12,999 G.E Soviet leaders goverment finds the Foundation and helps them take over the rest of the goverment

13,000 G.E A peaceful time that last tell 20,000 G.E

20,000 G.E The research in weapones begins and the Foundation move 20% of its pop to are Empire. 3 planets rebel aginst the foundation but give up within the first year

29,000 G.E The Romakov's take power of the Soviet Leaders Government

30,000 G.E is not known to do the fact that this is common time.