invasion of panama [PA earth]
Beautiful Yalaluxurios
21-02-2005, 05:44
OOC: Hi gi-oshi (pronounced hi-geoshy) is the king of tampa
IC: Life in Tampa was good. There was enough food, the anarch was quelled, order restored, and the kingdom was growing. But this was not enough for Hi gi-oshi. The Ambitious young king wanted more. He wanted more but Tampas army was small. So he had one option:to the north was the fabeled kingdom of Atlanta, to the far south was the mystical islands of Havvana, both had larger armies (or at least it was rumered), but there was one place they could invade: the rich trading state of panama, just to the west. This option would raise funds and morale. So after a few months of planning Hi gi-oshi decided to strike at panama with his army. he would attack panama with the bulk of his slave force, not risking the warriors, and some of his navy. This would be an easy victory it seemed.
A Week later the invasion force set out. The ships left port and the slaves marched out of the city.
OOC: the Tampese forces consist of:
3000 front line soldiers [slaves, use swords and spears]
10 warships [wood, 100 ft long aprx., 40 rowers 20 soldiers]
100 slave riders [see front line soldiers]
OOC: the full defending forces consist of
300 warriors [100 have swords 100 have spears 100 have bows]
300 slave warriors [all have various bludgoning weapons]
5 armed merchant ships [wood, various sizes, 20-30 rowers, 10-15 warriors]
200 malitia [all have mish-mash of diferent weapons anwhere from large sticks to bows]
21-02-2005, 06:37
I dont believe the Natives had catapults.
Beautiful Yalaluxurios
21-02-2005, 17:06
changed it.
Beautiful Yalaluxurios
21-02-2005, 17:56
OOC: Ghlans are floridan currency
IC:The Soldiers marched on. They were not hard pressed for time so they would sit and rest when they got tierd (in Tampa Slave were treated kinda well). By sunrise on the fourth day they were enclosing on panamanian land. So far the panamanians had no idea that Tampa was invading. The soldiers presence was not know until the army came across the smal colony of Panan. The stay outside of the village hiding in the tress for a while. Then on a word from the general they charged. The little village was soon brought down. When the dust cleared they found only 6 soldiers dead. But in the chaos some panamanian rang the town bell thrice signaling war. The Army's presence was known. They spent the remainder of the day looting the small village. They only found 100 or so ghlans and some gold. The next few days they waited at the village...
21-02-2005, 21:43
OOC: First how do you plan to march from Florida to Panama. Also i cant Rp as Panama because its part of the empire im Making. I plan to get South America all the way to the far ends of the Aztec Empire.
Beautiful Yalaluxurios
22-02-2005, 03:01
OOC: :) this panama is in florida, not central america: see the map on the original tread, its only a short way from tampa
Beautiful Yalaluxurios
22-02-2005, 03:54
IC: When the soldires were rested and ready to go they continued on their way to panama city. In a day they were within a mile of the city. They had a few scouts go and observe the city from the edge of the forest; Their orders were to attack when the navy was almost upon the city of panama. In a few hours after their arrival a scout came back to the camp telling of ship's arrival and that the garrison was larger than usuall due to the fact that the panamanians knew the army was somewhere in the forest. The General made the order to march, within 15 the army was outside of panama. They were only a few hundred yards off of the city, at the edge of the treeline. They were within view of the panamanians, but not within shooting range. The Army formed ranks and assembled waiting for the fleet to start engaging the enemy fleet. FRor a few minutes the army waited, ready to charge. Then, a scout who was in a tall tree yelled "the spirit of kangor* just ramed a merchat blockade vessel, your orders General?" "CHARGE!" yelled the general. The Army ran full speed towards the low wall around Panama, all they had to do was get at least half of their army past a four foot tall barrier and some archers, and then the tough slave soldiers could make mincemeat out of the defenders. The defenders lauched arrows at the soldiers killing a few as the tampese horse-archers simultaniously let a volley fly at the panamanians. the volley had some sucsess, killing a score of the archers. They came closer to the city, now only 100 feet to go,still being pelted with arrows, 75, 50, 35, 20, 10, and then the army was at the wall...
OOC: *the spirit of kangor was the flagship of the assault on panama
Beautiful Yalaluxurios
25-02-2005, 02:07 actualy take the city they would have to climb the wall, kill the wall defenders, take the streets, kill the malitia, kill the remaning warriors, take the heavily defended palce, kill the heavily guarded king, take the docks, and kill or take the rest of the population prisoner. All that not including the navy that had to take out the panamanian defence blockade and the armed fishing boats. Not an easy task, but a posible one
TAG for a later post (sorry for the delay, go ahead and post where your forces are exactly at what amount and I will work from there).
Beautiful Yalaluxurios
25-02-2005, 03:31
OOC: k, my army is charging the low wall surrounding panam, they have taken an abandoned village outside panama as an HQ. My navy is trying to get past the smal blockade of ships guarding your harbor here are the force charts:
the Tampese forces consist of:
3000 front line soldiers [slaves, use swords and spears]
10 warships [wood, 100 ft long aprx., 40 rowers 20 soldiers]
100 slave riders [see front line soldiers]
the full defending forces consist of
300 warriors [100 have swords 100 have spears 100 have bows]
300 slave warriors [all have various bludgoning weapons]
5 armed merchant ships [wood, various sizes, 20-30 rowers, 10-15 warriors]
200 malitia [all have mish-mash of diferent weapons anwhere from large sticks to bows]
*there are a few less on each side due to small fights
Beautiful Yalaluxurios
25-02-2005, 03:35
OOC: you are at a slight disadvantage right now... :)
OOC: 3,600 total men in the army of Panama.
The walls were now being assualted heavily by tens to hundreds of men, all around. The only port was currently blockaded by Tampanese ships and the only escape would be death.
Thousands armed up with hunting bows and battle spears and they began to defend their very city.
Tampanese forces slowly started to climb over the walls of the weakly-gaurded section, west end, and were actually making progress. Some actually touched the ground before being stabbed or shot.
The other walls, however, served as a massicure to the incomming Tampanese forces as wall posts and guard-ins gave archers a safe haven.
The siege was in the favor of Tampa, mainly paid due to their navy which had slain their seven-ship merchant fleet. Spears and arrows from the bay flew in and killed more civilians than warriors.
Already, half of the Panama population had ether evacuated to the far western forests or had died from naval fire. Militarymen also took large sums of damage as they attempt to climb their very walls to take an offencive, and were slaughtered.
Beautiful Yalaluxurios
28-02-2005, 03:40
IC: the Tampanese hore archers wield around for another volley, hitting and killing a score of defenders. In the West wall section the army climbed over the wall. some went to burn the city while the others went down the wall section to give their comrades a hand. Sadly, in attempting to cross the wall, the rengad* ogisha was struck down. his body was carried out to the general by a lone soldier. in the center wall section the men were now spilling over into the defenders. In the blood bath that followed the tampanese managed to take down the remaining center defenders only losing a few score. they chased of the other defenders to the palace. Now with all the remaining panamanian soldiers in the palace half of the men pillaged and burned the city, killed the men and took the women and children as slaves, All of the old and sick were let go, knowing they would die a could not be of use. The remaining men waited outside the palace, they could wait half a year and still grow fat with the food they had from panama. So they waited. All that was left of the panamanians were the king, the few elite guard, and the fifty or so defenders that escaped. The harbor was taken, although strew with wrecage. If they took panama (wich seemed very likely)it would be quite a clean-up job.
OOC: *rengad = "battelfield commander" a rengad commands a section of the army (in this case the west) from close up. They relay the general and lutenet's orders to the army (Tampanese generals never fight)
The king of Panama, with his guards and few soldiers, ran away durring the siege into the forests that surrounded the walls in hopes to pass off as a sick group.
The Panama King put mud all over him and ragged down into begger clothing. The guards watched as the Tampanese men looked him over, and not knowing him as the King, released him as a common begger into the forest with the rest. They retreated north, in hopes to gain refuge in Atlanta or an other northern state or tribe.
Beautiful Yalaluxurios
01-03-2005, 01:35
IC: It was a custom in tampa to treat slaves well, and especially after a battle. some who were especaily good in battle were made true warriors and gained freedom. They had taken a major city and still the invasion corps was only at minimum, the usuall after a large battle was that the invasion corps would be all but broken. So For two days they celebrated and on the third they mourned their dead and the dead of their enemies. In Tamapanese custom the warriors that died no matter what side they were on were prayed for, th Tampanese belived that anyone willing to stand up for their beliefs/customs/rights/city deserved hounor.